Knowledge Spring Process
Towards Discovering and Reusing Knowledge within Linked Open Data
Roberto Espinosa
, Larisa Garriga
, Jose Jacobo Zubcoff
and Jose-Norberto Maz´on
WaKe Research, Universidad de Matanzas “Camilo Cienfuegos”, Matanzas, Cuba
WaKe Research, Dept. de Ciencias del Mar y Biolog´ıa Aplicada, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
WaKe Research, Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Inform´aticos, Instituto Universitario de Investigaci´on Inform´atica,
Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Linked Open Data, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Metamodeling, Model Driven Development.
Data is everywhere, and non-expert users must be able to exploit it in order to extract knowledge, get insights
and make well-informed decisions. The value of the discovered knowledge could be of greater value if it
is available for later consumption and reusing. In this paper, we present the first version of the Knowledge
Spring Process, an infrastructure that allows non-expert users to (i) apply user-friendly data mining techniques
on open data sources, and (ii) share results as Linked Open Data (LOD). The main contribution of this paper
is the concept of reusing the knowledge gained from data mining processes after being semantically annotated
as LOD, then obtaining Linked Open Knowledge. Our Knowledge Spring Process is based on a model-driven
viewpoint in order to easier deal with the wide diversity of open data formats.
Nowadays, governments are worldwide generating
open data for the sake of transparency. Besides, open
data philosophy encourages the value of reusing data
through participation and collaboration among cit-
izens, public institutions and private organizations.
The promise of open data is to improve citizens’ life
through (i) development of applications (Web, smart-
phones, etc.) that reuse and add value to existing
open data, and (ii) data analysis to get new insights
and acquire knowledge that support daily decision
making process. However, new discovered knowl-
edge from open data is not incorporated to open data
sources again and it hampers its reuse. In order to
overcome this situation, metadata on how the knowl-
edge is discovered from data sources must be incor-
porated as new data sources. This metadata could be
simple when a simple data analysis is performed, al-
though some advanced analysis such as data mining
requires specific techniques for dealing with meta-
data. Specifically, two problems need to be addressed
when data mining is used: (i) regular citizens do not
know how to extract insights from available open data
(ii) once someone has done an analysis to discover
some knowledge from data, it can not be reused and
incorporated to the body of Linked Open Data (LOD)
as new knowledge to be further reused. We addressed
the first point in our previous work (Espinosa et al.,
2013) and now, in this position paper, we start focus-
ing on the second point by considering required meta-
data. Our hypothesis is that open data is increasingly
available and reused by applying RDF schemas and
getting LOD, so RDF can be also used to maximize
reusing discovered knowledge from data mining re-
sults, since knowledge is included again in the LOD
sets as a new resource.
We found many heterogeneous formats when ex-
amined open data sources in the Web, (CSV, JSON or
RDF, etc.). Lately, RDF is proposed as the most ade-
quate format for reusing data through LOD concepts.
Therefore, when data is processed, metadata and re-
sults must be also converted into RDF to take part in
the LOD sets, thus empowering their reuse. To do so,
a model-driven development approach is proposed in
this paper. This approach allows us to obtain homoge-
neous models from any kind of data source format. A
knowledge discovery process is then applied and re-
sults are labeled with RDFs and incorporated as LOD.
Due to the iterative nature of this process we call it the
Knowledge Spring Process.
Next, we exemplify a possible scenario in which
Espinosa R., Garriga L., Jacobo Zubcoff J. and Mazon J..
Knowledge Spring Process - Towards Discovering and Reusing Knowledge within Linked Open Data Foundations.
DOI: 10.5220/0005111102910296
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2014), pages 291-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-035-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
our approach could be useful within the data jour-
nalism domain. A journalist requires applying min-
ing techniques to know some patterns in the expenses
done by candidates of several political parties in some
election campaigns. Knowledge provided by this
study is useful as it can be accessed and reused by
other actors in combination with other existing open
data, for example watchdog organizations.
Nowadays, the increasingly use of ICT allows us to
quickly access huge amount of information and sup-
port our daily decision making process. For exam-
ple, someone using a Web search engine always ex-
pects the best answer in the shortest time in order to
make some decisions on travelling, shopping or any
other daily-life task. However, discovering advanced
knowledge from available data (for example, patterns)
requires that an expert take part in the process. Impor-
tantly, the process of knowledge discovery has his-
torically linked up only to experts in data mining.
Due to the fact that it is an intrinsically complex pro-
cess (Nisbet et al., 2009; Vanschoren and Blockeel,
2009) and a great variety of techniques and algo-
rithms of data mining exist. Unfortunately, sweeping
changes are needed, in order to create mechanisms
that allow non-expert users to consume the available
information and discover useful knowledge. User-
friendly data mining(Kriegel et al., 2007) is a step
forward in this direction, since it fosters knowledge
discovery without mastering concepts and data min-
ing techniques. To realize user-friendly data mining,
in our previous paper(Espinosa et al., 2013) a method-
ology that enables “masses” to apply data mining was
Now, in this paper, we present a framework for
supporting reusing discovered knowledge within an
open data scenario. To this aim, several challenges
are tackled (see Fig.1):
1. Overcoming non-expert difficulties when they try
to use the diversity of existing open data formats.
2. Proposing a mechanism that allows non-expert
users to identify their “knowledge discovery” re-
3. Facilitating knowledge discovery from Open Data
sources by using data mining techniques without
an expert.
4. Creating a mechanism that allows reusing the
previously discovered knowledge by non-expert
Figure 1: Our proposal for reusing knowledge.
Points 2 and 3 was considered in(Espinosa et al.,
2013) and they are out of the scope of this paper;
while it addresses points 1 and 4.
Our Knowledge Spring Process begins when an user
wishes to analyze some open data sources with the
main objective of knowledge discovery (i.e., getting
insights from data and making a right decision). Open
data sources are available in many formats: RDF,
JSON or CSV, etc. Each of those format structure
information differently. Understanding each of them
is quite difficult for non-expert users that try to ac-
quire the right knowledge in order to make decisions.
Fortunately, we also found common elements in the
diversity of open data formats, in such a way that we
can propose a homogeneous model to represent data
independently of its format. To this aim, a model-
driven development approach is proposed in order to
obtain the extracted information from the open data
files in a standard way. To this end, the Data Meta-
model designed is shown in the Fig.2.
Figure 2: Metamodel for representing data sources.
3.1 Description of Data Metamodel
After examining the way in which the open data is
structured, a metamodel is defined in order to repre-
sent data concepts and their relationships in a gen-
eral manner. The goal is that this metamodel could be
simple enough for defining any data representation by
using models conformingthis metamodel without los-
ing schema semantics. Generally speaking, any data
source can be always become into this kind of models.
Next, we will explain in details the included concepts
in our metamodel:
Model: This is the main container class
in the metamodel, it has associated
These elements could be accessed from the
StructuralContainer: Store the types of data
, that are elements of type
. It can
contain other
attribute is the key of the container.
ValueContainer: This class contains elements of
, through of the
They can contain other
ments. The
attribute is the key of the con-
Item: Store the types of data in the
tribute. An
element can contain some val-
ues through the
relation. An
have links to other elements of type
, through
Value: contain the values in the
These values belong to a type
and they can
be accesed as from the property
3.2 Obtaining the Data Model
In this section we point out how an input open data
source is transformed towards the data model accord-
ing to the metamodel previously presented. Taking
into account the possible schemes of the files that
appear in the open portals (RDF, JSON or CSV),
we have implemented the correspondent grammars.
Grammars were implemented using the XText frame-
of the Eclipse platform
. Once the grammar
was defined we can obtain the correspondent models.
Finally, for the sake of simplicity, we only focus on
RDF files examples. The RDF metamodel is obtained
from the implemented grammar, and is shown in the
When a file is introduced in the system, it is vali-
dated by the corresponding grammar in order to en-
sure a correct structure. For each one of the pos-
sible input schemas files, ATL transformations (At-
las Transformation Language) (Jouault and Kurtev,
2005) were implemented to obtain the correspondent
model in accordancewith the Data Model metamodel.
Through this process the uniformity of data in the
mining process is guaranteed. The formal defini-
tion of a transformation is implemented through ATL
rules. The segment of code shows the rule that trans-
forms the element rdfSequence of the source model
into the Item element in the target model.
Figure 3: The RDF metamodel.
rule rdfseq2item{
from rsq: RDF!RDFsequence(not(rsq.aID=OclUndefined))
to di:DM!Item(name <- rsq.aID,
hasValues <- rsq.GetSeqValue())
After obtaining the data model, the process con-
tinues applying the user-friendly data mining ap-
proach in order to discover knowledge (Espinosa
et al., 2013). This approach is based on the construc-
tion of a knowledge base that contains information
of previous data mining experiments in order to pro-
vide guidance to non-expert users to apply data min-
ing techniques. To generate our knowledge base, a
model-driven approach is defined, based on a Taverna
In the next section, we will discuss what treat-
ment we give to the generated information after ap-
plying the aforementioned user-friendly data mining
The main advantage of our proposal consists of the
potential for reusing the acquired knowledge in the
data mining process. The contribution of our proposal
is given by two fundamentals results to the user. The
first one is the solution to the initial problem presented
by the non-expert user, after being applied the corre-
sponding model to input data according the sugges-
tion of a recommender and their requirements. The
other one is the generation of a RDF file semantically
annotated with all the knowledge obtained in the data
mining process. This output is very innovative be-
cause, in this way, useful information is shared and
used by another user. See Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Generation of Linked Data Knowledge.
Users can reuse the LOD files published on the
Web. While semantically annotated these may be as-
sociated with other LOD files. When these are an-
alyzed by our proposal, they become Linked Open
Knowledge files. The Linked Open Knowledge files
can also be associated to other Linked Open Data files
or Linked Open Knowledge files.
4.1 Description of the RDF Model
All the information that is generated in the applied
data mining process (Espinosa et al., 2013) is stored
in a model that conforms to the metamodel of Fig. 5.
The question to solve is how a semantically annotated
RDF file can be obtained that contains the informa-
tion included in the returned model. To address this
problem we present a metamodel according to RDF
files, in order to apply ATL transformations between
the DMKB metamodel and the proposed RDF meta-
Figure 5: Our DMKB metamodel.
The RDF data model has been obtained from a
corresponding grammar
. Also, it defines a simple
model to describe relationships among resources in
terms of designated properties and values. The ba-
sic RDF data model defined consists of three types of
Resources: All things described by RDF expres-
sions are called resources. Resources are always
denoted by URIs plus optional identifiers.
Properties: A property is a specific aspect, char-
acteristic, attribute, or relation used to describe a
Sentences: A specific resource together with a
named property plus the value of that property for
that resource is an RDF statement. These three
individual parts of a sentence are known in the lit-
erature as a subject, predicate and object, respec-
tively. The object of a sentence (ie, the value of
the property) can be another resource or could be
a literal; i.e., a resource (specified by a URI) or a
simple string or other primitive data types defined
by XML.
The main benefit of using a metamodel that rep-
resents RDF files is to generate the result that is in a
DMKB model in a RDF file to included like linked
open knowledge.
4.2 Mapping DMKB Model to RDF
We described the current prototype implementation
which relies on model to model transformations.
Transformations are the nucleus of the model-driven
development. In this section, we describe the map-
ping between an input DMKB model to a RDF model.
The transformation was specified by using the ATL
plugin from the Eclipse platform
. We only present
here some simple features of our transformations. In
the Fig.6 an abstract of the informal definition was
presented. Each DMKBModel model class is mapped
to an RDF model class identified as being semanti-
cally convenient. In each class mapping, the prop-
erties of the DMKB class are mapped to equivalent
properties in the RDF model. Transformation is auto-
matically generated from a high-order transformation
according to semantic links established in the map-
ping model (Hillairet et al., 2008a). The segment of
code shows two examples of rules that allowsto trans-
form the Algorithm elements into their corresponding
RDFinlineItem and, the DataSet element into the RD-
Fcontainer in the destination model.
Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Figure 6: Mapping DMKBModel2RDF.
rule dataSet2container{
from dmkb:dmkb!DataSet
to rdf:rdf!RDFcontainer( name <- ’DMKB:Dataset’,
value <-,
inline <- dmkb.GetInlineItemsMetadata())}
rule algorithm2rdfinlineitem{
from dmkb:dmkb!Algorithm
to rdf:rdf!RDFinlineItem(names<- ’DMKB:Algorithm_’ +
value <-}
The execution of this transformation returns a
RDF model which can be serialized in a RDF doc-
ument containing the description of the EMF objects.
Next, we get the following RDF document excerpt:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:RDFcontainer name="DMKB:Dataset" value="audiology"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Metadata_Instances" value="226.0"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Metadata_Attributes" value="70.0"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Metadata_Percentage of Numeric
Attributes" value="0.0"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Metadata_Percentage of Nominal
Attributes" value="100.0"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Metadata_Number of classes"
<rdf:RDFcontainer name="DMKB:DataMiningResult_Correctos"
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Algorithm_1" value="AdaBoostM1"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Technique_1" value="Classification"
<rdf:RDFcontainer name="DMKB:DataMiningResult_Correctos" value="172.0">
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Algorithm_2" value="END"/>
<rdf:RDFinlineItem names="DMKB:Technique_2" value="Classification"
<rdf:RDFpropertyElement aID="DMKB:DataSetDataQualityCriteria"
otherID="Null Values" anID="Percentage of null values" value="2.0"
oID="DMKB:DataSetDataQualityCriteria" ot="Null Values"/>
<rdf:RDFpropertyElement aID="DMKB:DataSetDataQualityCriteria"
otherID="UnbalanceColumns" anID="Percentage of unbalance columns"
value="71.43" oID="DMKB:DataSetDataQualityCriteria"
<rdf:RDFpropertyElement aID="DMKB:DataSetDataQualityCriteria"
otherID="Average Entropy" anID="Average Entropy" value="0.1428"
oID="DMKB:DataSetDataQualityCriteria" ot="Average Entropy"/>
The obtained knowledge is part of open data phi-
losophy, being published and ready to be reused. The
obtained knowledge forms a new layer on the same
data for future analyses. The cycle is closed since this
information can be examined and enriched insofar as
the data is analyzed by our proposal. Knowledge will
be enriched every time our proposal is used. Since
this is an iterative process, more knowledge is gener-
ated each time, acting like a “Spring”, so our proposal
is named the Knowledge Spring Process
The search for mechanisms to implement the com-
plex process of knowledge extraction in data sources
automatically is an issue raised by several authors for
several years. Due to the complexity of this process
has been addressed from several angles. In (Getoor
and Diehl, 2005) Link mining is presented, focused
on finding patterns in data by exploiting and explic-
itly modeling the links among the data instances.
The authors tackling the problem of mining richly
structured heterogeneous datasets. On the other side
there are proposals related to OLAP tools to en-
able better decision-making process, mainly for in-
tegrating heterogeneous data sources. This is the
case of (K¨ampgen and Harth, 2011) where authors
provided a mapping from statistical Linked Data
into the Multidimensional Model used in data ware-
houses. They presented a mapping between statisti-
cal Linked Data that conforms to the RDF Data Cube
to a common Multidimensional Model.
In (Niinim¨aki and Niemi, 2009) mapping between the
source data and its OLAP form is done by convert-
ing the data first to RDF using ontology maps. Then
the data are extracted from its RDF form by queries
that are generated using the ontology of the OLAP
schema. They combine these two powerful technolo-
gies, Semantic Web and OLAP, resulting in a method
of creating a fully functional tool for analysis. Alter-
natives that support the analysis of open data have ap-
peared to publicize the importance of its use in mak-
ing common decisions. In (Bizer et al., 2009) au-
thors presented the concept and technical principles
of Linked Data, and situate these within the broader
context of related technological developments. Em-
phasis is done in this paper in all of the edges related
with Open Data’s use like road for progression and
the development of the branches linked to the anal-
ysis of data with an eye to obtain knowledge. Lo-
cal and national governments are turning to open data
through out initiatives to disclosure and using data.
In (Hoffmann, 2012) some of the encouraging expe-
The “Spring” term has a double sense, because it is like
the knowledge bloom.
RDF Data Cube vocabulary
riences are shown. We finally opted to use Model
Driven Development in order to control the diversity
of available data. Well defined languages can be de-
signed by means of metamodeling (B´ezivin, 2005),
which provides the foundation for creating models in
a meaningful, precise and consistent manner. Several
solutions that use these technologies exist but no one
focused on the analysis of heterogeneousdata in order
to apply mining techniques. In (Hillairet et al., 2008b)
autors addressed the question of enabling the use of
RDF resources as EMF objects, and presented a solu-
tion based on the EMF framework and the ATL model
transformation language. This solution provides a
prototype that offers a small Java library for the in-
stantiation and serialization of EMF objects from, and
to RDF resources.
As you can see there are some proposals to be fo-
cused in the data processing, in order to extracting
knowledge. Most of them are partials solutions in or-
der to resolve specifics problems, but we don’t find a
solution for non-expert user in order to discover and
reuse knowledge within Linked Open Data founda-
tions using data mining techniques.
Nowadays, it is essential that non-expert users can ex-
ploit the vast amount of information available in order
to extract knowledge and make well-informed deci-
sions. The value of the discovered knowledge could
be of greater value if it is available for later consump-
tion. In this paper, we present the first version of the
Knowledge Spring Process, an infrastructure that al-
lows non-expert users apply user-friendly data mining
techniques in Open Data files. The main contribu-
tion of this paper is the concept of reusing the knowl-
edge gained from data mining processes after been
semantically annotated in the RDF file(Linked Open
Knowledge). A model driven approach is used in or-
der to maintain a standard structure having in account
the diversity of the data formats. As future work, we
plan to improvethe process of obtaining Open Linked
This work is funded by IN.MIND project from Uni-
versity of Alicante and by the University Institute for
Computing Research (IUII,
B´ezivin, J. (2005). On the unification power of models.
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