Re-Designing Knowledge Management Systems
Towards User-Centred Design Methods Integrating Information Architecture
Carine Edith Toure
, Christine Michel
and Jean-Charles Marty
Université de Lyon, CNRS, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Université de Savoie, LIRIS, UMR5205, Chambéry, France
Keywords: Knowledge Management Systems, User Experience, Acceptance, Human-Machine Interactions,
Information Architecture, Enterprise Social Networks.
Abstract: The work presented in this paper focuses on the improvement of corporate knowledge management systems.
For the implementation of such systems, companies deploy can important means for small gains. Indeed,
management services often notice very limited use compared to what they actually expect. We present a
five-step re-designing approach which takes into account different factors to increase the use of these
systems. We use as an example the knowledge sharing platform implemented for the employees of Société
du Canal de Provence (SCP). This system was taken into production but very occasionally used. We
describe the reasons for this limited use and we propose a design methodology adapted to the context.
Promoting the effective use of the system, our approach has been experimented and evaluated with a panel
of users working at SCP.
Knowledge books refers to a class of knowledge
management systems (KMS) that are built according
to the MASK method (Aries, 2014). They use
models of the activity field and are widely used
within companies because they promote easy search,
understanding and use of information. They also
help structuring information and documents with
hypertext links. Nevertheless, these KMS are
efficient only under some terms like effective
reading and updating of documents. (Prax, 2003)
introduces in his book several reasons of knowledge
management (KM) process failures in companies.
We can find functional problems (e.g. the system is
too complex, the system does not address users’
needs, there is poor organization of information),
management problems (e.g. there are inadequate or
non-existent change management strategies), and
even human problems (e.g. the KMS type is
inadequate to the cultural context of the company).
Some other issues are directly related to methods
used to design KMS. Indeed, KM designers first
strive to properly structure and define core concepts
and contents in order to describe them. It is only in a
second step that they focus and with less expertise,
on interfaces design and terms of interactions. Thus,
aspects like ergonomics, content organization and
indexing, KMS integration with other information
systems are much less considered. This work
proposes a design methodology to develop KMS that
meet more effectively the needs of demanding users
in businesses. We take into account the fact that the
corporate knowledge is already formalized in
models to produce knowledge books, our proposal
thus focuses on re-designing an existing KMS. Our
method integrates, in particular, user-centred design
processes and information architecture. We tested
our methodology in a real context of use so we can
fetch elements of evaluation and feedbacks.
Société du Canal de Provence (SCP) is a hydraulics
services company located in the Provence Alpes
Côte d’Azur French region. This company agreed to
participate to our study; since 1996, SCP has
massively invested in a knowledge book named
ALEX (Aide à l’EXploitation). For more than ten
years of production, the management services of the
company observed a weak use of ALEX, despite the
fact that the collaborators are really aware of the
usefulness of such a system. A preliminary study
was carried out to identify ergonomics-related
issues, difficulties in updating information and
Edith Toure C., Michel C. and Marty J..
Re-Designing Knowledge Management Systems - Towards User-Centred Design Methods Integrating Information Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0005137502980305
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 298-305
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
access processes. This context was particularly
representative of design problems that one can
encounter when designing KMS. The general issue
we are trying to solve in this paper is how to re-
design KMS to promote their use. We propose
studying how to combine knowledge engineering
design methods, human-machine interaction design
methods and architecture of information. This article
is organized as follows: in the next section, we
introduce a number of methods that can be used for
designing; then we propose our methodology. In
section four, we describe the implementation and
how ALEX has evolved in SCP. We measured the
effectiveness of the method by conducting a user
survey. Section five draws a conclusion and
identifies areas for future research.
Research work in knowledge engineering has
enabled the development of several methods to
enhance and capitalize workers’ expertise in the
company. A more suited way to implement these
systems in an industrial context would be to consider
methodologies and techniques taking into account
the needs and expectations of employees in terms of
collaboration and communication. The fields of
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information
Architecture (IA) document the literature on these
2.1 KMS Design using Pioneering
Design methods in knowledge management aim to
formalize a set of procedures, skills, life skills, etc..,
which structure the activity in a way to make them
re-usable. The KOD method proposed by Vogel in
1988 (Ermine, 2008), focuses on modelling expert
knowledge from his free speech on his activity. It
consists of at least three steps: position of the
subject, interview and analysis. The MEREX
method (Prax, 2003) developed at Renault offers to
produce experience feedback in the form of sheets.
This sheet database is the KMS. An animation
procedure including three actors is then
implemented to keep the records up to date. The
editor, not necessarily an expert, produces sheets,
while the validator that checks the correctness of the
contents must be a domain expert; the manager
supervises the system. Methods of knowledge
engineering provide tools for the formalization and
capitalization of knowledge. They mainly involve
professionals in the field, essentially focused on the
formalization of knowledge and do not consider the
user who is supposed to interact with the system.
This positioning may hinder the effective use of
knowledge, as illustrated in the introductory section.
2.2 The Active Participation of Users in
the Design Process
The HCI field aims to study, plan and design the
modalities of interaction between the user and the
computer. The challenge is not only to produce
useful, usable and acceptable interactions but also to
improve the user experience according to its value
system, its business context and objectives. In fact,
the user experience is defined as the set of a user’s
perceptions in a situation of interaction with a
product (Garrett, 2011). These perceptions
determine the success or failure of a product. In
(Nielsen, 1993), the author defines the User-Centred
Design (UCD) as a philosophy and a design
approach where the needs, expectations and
characteristics of end users are taken into account at
every development stage of the product process.
This task can be complex since users do not
generally know what they want. (Mathis, 2011)
presents some approaches to better understand the
expectations of users and implement them in a more
effective way. The methods of Twinning (also called
Job Shadowing) and Contextual interviews are
examples of these approaches. The UCD refines the
understanding of the needs, possibilities and
limitations of the user in his/her activity and
regarding a technological proposal. It allows
designing more responsive systems for human and
organizational contexts where they are used.
2.3 Information Architecture Methods
As KMS can be considered as a class of information
systems, we sought what methods could be used to
define the way people access to information in such
systems. IA is a discipline that seeks to define how
to present information in the most appropriate
manner, depending on the future user and on the
context of use. The goal of IA is to define the form
of presentation that will make the most usable
information in terms of understandable and usable.
Thus, a good information architecture must be
searchable (the user is not confused), coherent
(semiotics adapted to the context of use), adaptable,
simple (just enough information presented), able to
make information recommendations (Resmini &
Rosati, 2011). Different methods are proposed to
achieve these objectives. (Resmini & Rosati, 2011)
indicate taxonomic methods (identification of
hierarchical relationships and semantic similarity
between concepts), methods of Sorting Cards that
are used to identify and organize super categories
and intermediate categories, representing the major
classes of users’ needs. (Garrett, 2011) proposes a
more comprehensive conceptual framework for
structuring the design, especially suited for Web
applications. Its main feature is to separate and
coordinate the design features of the product and the
information it must take into account. This method is
based on five steps: strategy, scope, structure,
skeleton and surface. These steps describe how to
shift from abstract elements of the product design to
more concrete elements. In order to structure
information, Garrett proposes to use either a top-
down approach (based on the needs and objectives
of the system for organizing information) or a
bottom-up approach (use categories and
subcategories to organize the information).
2.4 Summary
Conventional knowledge management methods
prove less effectiveness because they often lead to
KMS that do not fit user’s expectations. We observe
companies adopting new Web 2.0 technologies such
as social networks. This is explained by the fact that
these new modes of exchange and communication
are becoming more and more casual in users lives
and they provide socialization platforms to support
business initiatives for knowledge seeking and
sharing. Moreover, the techniques of participatory
design and structuring of information provide the
means for designers to stay close to target users. We
propose in the next section, a methodology to re-
design a classical KMS, from a knowledge book to
an enterprise social network.
Companies are already aware of the importance of
formalizing the corporate knowledge and building
KMS. Most of them have already invested in these
strategies but could get neither a really usable
system nor a system accepted by the collaborators.
This is why we propose a re-designing approach
based on an existing knowledge capitalization. Our
approach is inspired by the conceptual framework of
(Garrett, 2011) and consists of five phases operating
tools and methods from the KM, the user-centred
design and information architecture. The steps are
cyclic and may overlap if needed. At the end of a
cycle, an evaluation of the resulting prototype is
carried out and can lead to a redefinition of the
previous choices.
3.1 Needs Analysis
In this step, we propose to analyse the initial
situation of the KMS, the users’ needs and the
system objectives. This information gathering allows
us to work on capitalized knowledge, the business
context and the expectations of the users and of the
company. The objective is to observe difficulties of
the users in front of the existing KMS and find
appropriate solutions. For a knowledge book, it is
interesting to observe users’ reaction in front models
of organization, media or forms of navigation.
Concerning the other aspects, an immersion in the
industrial environment is required; matching
methods and contextual interviews are appropriate
means to understand the environment of use and the
needs (Mathis, 2011). In addition, the method of
mind-mapping (Prax, 2003) can help to better
understand the business vocabulary through games
characterization. These studies are useful to classify
the important business concepts into categories and
super categories that will help us to structure the
information in step 3.
3.2 Definition of the New KMS
This step is used to define the features for managing
knowledge (information sharing, information
seeking, collaboration, learning) which meet the
needs. The case of SCP led us to consider the target
KMS as an enterprise social network (ESN).
Companies are increasingly interested in easy
sharing and exchanging of information via ESN
(Stocker & Müller, 2013) and look for ways to
exploit them. (Zammit & Woodman, 2013) justify
the effectiveness of ESN in knowledge management
by carrying out an analysis based on the SECI model
of Nonaka and Takeuchi. However, there is no
heuristic describing the best way to operate an ESN
as a KMS. In this stage of our method and to refine
the design choices, we recommend working in
parallel on the definition of roles and features
because these elements are essential in ESN. The
definition of roles can be done using the MEREX
method (Prax, 2003). Then one must specify, by
methods such as focus groups, the usefulness and the
format of features like members directory, news,
statistics, newsletter, photo album, dialogue groups,
events, polls, discussion forums.
3.3 Design of the Information
This step addresses the specification of interaction
formats adapted to the features and information
architecture of the system. This phase is closely
related to the results of the analysis in Phase 1. It
consists in designing patterns of interaction and
models to structure information that are familiar to
users. As the forms of interaction of the target CMS
are already pervasive in users’ habits, we
recommend keeping them. Structuring the content
on the other hand, should be investigated. Among
the two approaches proposed by Garett and
presented above, we prefer the bottom-up approach.
Indeed, a method of sorting card identifies the key
concepts as well as their different facets but also
different forms of information to be exploited.
3.4 Design of the Skeleton
This step is used to design the main functional areas
and how they are interconnected. The user-centred
method that we recommend in this step is the
definition of personas (Boucher, 2007). Personas are
virtual characters that correspond to the end users,
they allow designers to really get into the skin of end
users and make proposals that best fit them. They
are important to specify the navigation schema
connecting the different functionalities.
3.5 Visual Design
The general graphical appearance and textual fonts
will be determined in this phase. We recommend
setting the visual design in accordance with the
Charter of communication and graphical design of
the company to maintain familiarities with
interfaces. Moreover, improvements in usability can
be made if necessary. One possibility is to stage the
main use cases, and discuss with the users on
proposed models. We therefore recommend a
prototyping approach which allows the improvement
of the visual design.
The last two steps of our methodology, design of the
skeleton of the platform and visual design, are
highly sensory and will impact the user experience.
The designer will have to be particularly careful
when developing the platform in terms of
ergonomics; He will also be able to develop
motivators, all in accordance with user’s
expectations. This may require recycling regularly
through these steps.
SCP offers an application context for the
implementation and evaluation of our methodology.
It is specialized in services related to the treatment
and distribution of water for companies, farmers and
communities. It employs a significant number of
persons, operators responsible for the maintenance
of hydraulic structures also called infrastructures
(e.g. canals, pumping stations, water purification
stations). Operators work in a territory which is
divided into ten geographical areas called operation
centres. SCP has developed a KMS, ALEX which
has the same features as a knowledge book. It
contains information on the activities of agents of
the SCP and makes this information accessible
through experience sheets in html format. Faced
with the problem of limited use of ALEX by the
operators, we proposed to SCP to redesign their
system using our methodology. The re-design was
done with a working group of twelve people that are
representative in terms of function and competence
of all future users of the system. It lasted five
months and six meetings allowed to monitor the
4.1 Deployment of the Methodology
4.1.1 Needs Analysis
The study of the initial system showed that the
information filled in on business procedures was
generally of good quality, which is fine since we
haven’t had to rework on the formalization of the
knowledge itself. By cons, this phase allowed us to
detect that the original system did not meet the basic
employees’ needs, what explained the limited use of
the system. Interactions with the panel during this
phase allowed the users to express their wish to have
an accessible platform both in the office and outside,
that is easy to learn, but effective, which reduces the
time for entering information, which facilitates data
search and allows exchanges between employees. In
addition, our intervention focused on the type of the
KMS, we went about designing a website for ESN.
4.1.2 Specification of the ESN
During focus groups, the following roles have been
defined: the administrator, the validator, the
contributor and the commentator. Employees,
depending on the role they have in the system, are
more or less involved in the animation of the
platform and content validation. These roles helped
develop access features for system security levels
and promote empowerment of actors. We proposed
to collaborators to integrate in the ESN, features
such as the submission and publication of pre-
formatted forms, submitting comments on the
experience sheets, news from the operation centres,
photo albums, discussion forums, features to
moderate submissions based on roles. After
discussion, it was decided that the submission is
made by the contributor under moderation of the
validator or the administrator. It is done using forms
with large areas of open writing because the activity
is too complex to be defined by a structure;
employees without any role distinction communicate
by commentaries left on the sheets. These comments
serve to convey the appreciation of the reader
regarding the record, as its content is a good idea to
generalize or if there is a need for additional
information; research content is natural language or
keywords; photos of the album will be indexed
according to the operating structures and equipment
in order to facilitate research centres.
4.1.3 Design of the Information Structure
In this stage, we identified informational patterns
related to business concepts: operations done by the
collaborators on infrastructures are described in
experience sheets, descriptions of equipment,
operating instructions, interventions of process type,
alarms, etc. This has resulted in the definition of
eleven types of sheets: presentation, equipment, set
operating instructions, hydraulic diagram,
spreadsheet, process, operation, alarm, contract /
contact and detail. Each item is described by a
presentation sheet that can be associated with one or
more sheets of the other types.
Figure 1: View of two types of sheets. Form 1 is an
equipment sheet and the 2
, a worksheet; all the fields
differ depending on the type.
Each sheet is presented as a form formatted
according to its type-specific metadata (type of
equipment for equipment sheets or instruction name
for operating instruction sheets), by cons, the content
of fields is open written.
4.1.4 Skeleton Design
This phase was animated by discussions on the basis
of a proposal of a skeleton made with a content
management system (CMS) named Drupal. The use
of a CMS allowed us to accelerate the development
and modifications of the prototype according to the
users’ feedback. In the light of the opinions that
have been collected, we made the proposal to
reorganize the new system in different functional
areas gathering the main features of ALEX that are
information, submission, navigation and
communication. The content is classified in
accordance with the operational centres of the users
and the types of sheets.
4.1.5 Visual Design
On the visual aspects of the site, we started with a
proposal of "theming" and, according to different
users’ feedback, we adapted the different choices. In
this phase, we had to get into the skin of each user
type and depending on the use case, to make choices
that facilitate the use of the tool. As examples, we
can cite the search area that has been enlarged and
positioned prominently at the top right corner, the
default font for the fill of sheets that has been
standardized to Arial, size 12, or the area for data
entry that has been enlarged.
4.1.6 Alex+
Figure 2: View of the ALEX+ front page. Zones 1 present
the different types of navigation by tabs at the top or a
menu block on the right. Zone 2 shows the search form
and in zone 3 we positioned the block content submission.
The regions 4 and 5 show a slideshow of the comments on
sheets and the photos posted.
This methodology has enabled the delivery of a new
version of ALEX named ALEX +. Features have
been proposed in order to improve the user
experience in terms of complexity and duration,
during the activity of corporate knowledge. An
assessment has been made and is detailed in the next
4.2 Evaluation
The ergonomic cognitive psychology assumes three
dimensions for systems evaluation: systems that are
usefulness (does the system meet the user’s needs?),
usability (how does he respond to the user’s needs?)
and acceptability (is it acceptable?). To validate our
approach, we defined criteria to measure the level of
utility, usability and acceptability of our prototype.
4.2.1 Evaluation Criteria
We used the quality of the system and information,
utility, usability and satisfaction. They were chosen
because are they are emblematic of the success of
the technology acceptance according to different
models. TAM (Davis, 1993) and the UTAUT
models (Venkatesh et al., 2003), consider the
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as
basics of attitudes and behaviours of users. The
ISSM model (Delone, 2003) considers the quality of
the functionalities, the information and services
provided by the system as determinant for intention
and effective use of the system. ISO 9241-11 model
assumes that usability (effectiveness, efficiency and
satisfaction) is a necessary condition for use
(Février, 2011). According to these reference
models, we constituted a summary model that
describes how the process of acceptance should
occur. The following figure presents this summary
model with the evaluation criteria we used to form
the questionnaire and evaluate our methodology.
Figure 3: Summary model for acceptance of systems.
4.2.2 Data Gathering
The evaluation was conducted on the entire user
panel, namely the 12 members of the working group.
This was about completing a questionnaire
organized into nine sections describing the nine
factors listed in the previous model: System Quality
(QS), Quality of information (QI), perceived Ease of
use (FUP), Attitude toward the use of the application
(ATT), Intention to use (IC), Service Quality (How
is the system proposed by the SCP?), professional
perceived Usefulness related to the use of the
application (UPR), Personal perceived Usefulness
related to the use of the application (UPE) and
Satisfaction (SA). Each section contains a series of 4
to 6 questions (Touré, 2013).
4.2.3 Results
The results (cf. Table 1) show a majority of positive
answers to the questions concerning the quality of
the system and information, the perceived
usefulness, acceptability and satisfaction. Users are
generally satisfied and feel comfortable with the idea
of using a social network as a platform for
collaboration and sharing. This helps us assume that
we will notice an increase of the system use when it
will be put in production in the company. One can
therefore note that a proportion of users do not
perceive the professional and personal usefulness of
the system. It can be explained by the fact that they
are experts in their field and that the use of the tool
does not necessarily provide them with an
improvement of their skills. Users with this profile
will tend to submit naturally but in long term they
can find less or no motivation to use the system.
Initial acceptance of KMS does not guarantee
continuous and sustainable use (He & Wei, 2009).
This issue will be part of the study in future works.
Table 1: Results. PA: Positive answers; NA: Negative
answers; A: Abstentions.
QS and QI UP
ATT and IC
PA(%) 96,3 83,3 64,4 66,7 88,9 85,2 71,1 86,1
A(%) 0 2,8 26,7 22,2 0 0 17,8 0
A(%) 3,7 13,9 8,9 11,1 11,1 14,8 11,1 13,9
Conventional methods of KM are mainly based on
the content and the formalization of knowledge.
Considering these limitations, we proposed a user-
centred approach to redesign KMS. Our
methodology combines HCI methods and IA.
Indeed, KM engineering methods are used to
identify and formalize corporate knowledge. They
are limited because they generally pay less attention
to users’ point of view regarding the exploitation of
the knowledge produced. HMI methods are mainly
used to ensure that systems are useful, usable and
acceptable. The information architecture is used to
ensure that knowledge presented in KMS follows
structures that make the most sense for users and
their organizational context.
We implemented our approach in SCP and as a
result we obtained a prototype, ALEX +. ALEX +
was evaluated by a panel of users. It shows that
collaborators are generally satisfied with the
proposals that were made in the final system and
will tend more to use it. We can however identify a
couple of limitations in our approach. Firstly, the
limited number of participants in the workgroup
allows us to only have the viewpoints of a small part
of the actual user population; an assessment of a
larger amount of people in SCP and also in other
companies would help us have a better insight of the
impact of our methodology on the KMS use in the
company. Secondly, an ideal experimental approach
would be to do a comparative evaluation of our
methodology with others proposed by literature in
the domain of design of corporate KMS. These
points are planned for future work.
More generally, with our approach, we can just have
an overview of the users’ intentions but not of the
effective use. Our method is not robust enough to
ensure effective use; it focuses on initial acceptance
of the system but not on his continuous use. A KMS
is really useful if users effectively consult or add
new content, discuss or comment updates, which
happens when they master the system. This form of
capitalization, which we call sustainable, requires
implementation of other features in the system. This
stage corresponds to the sensory design stage which
we did not particularly emphasize in our approach.
We believe that metacognitive assistance features
like indicators of awareness may be useful (Marty &
Carron, 2011). Indeed, by proposing activity
indicators, we can promote a reflexive dynamic of
learning by user self-regulation processes (George,
Michel, & Ollagnier-Beldame, 2013). For example,
users by visualizing the impact of their contribution
on other actors in the company may be more
motivated to use the system. Conversely, by
identifying the comments that were made on
experience sheets related to their professional field,
they may become aware of new procedures or
changes in business practices and thus increase the
credit given to the developed tool. As such,
comments could be seen as a recommendation to
consult. We plan to implement these new features by
analysing traces of activity (Karray, Chebel-Morello,
& Zerhouni, 2014). These traces provide much more
diagnostic of use by sector and functionality. Our
future work will therefore seek to identify, still with
an incremental approach, which indicators and
interaction modalities may be most suitable. Phases
4 and 5 of our method are mainly concerned; the
design that affects the sensory and user experiences.
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