Self Recommendation in Peer to Peer Systems
Agostino Forestiero
Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking, ICAR-CNR,
Via Pietro Bucci, 41C, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Recommendation systems, Peer to Peer.
Recommendation system aims to produce a set of significant and useful suggestions that can be meaningful
for a particular user. This paper introduces a self-organizing algorithm that by exploiting of a decentralized
strategy builds a distributed recommendation system. The available resources are represented by a string of
bits namely describer. The describers are obtained by exploiting of a locality preserving hash function that
maps similar resources into similar strings of bits. Each pear works independently with the aim to locate the
similar describer in neighbor peers. The peer decisions are based on the application of ad-hoc probability
functions. The outcome will be a fast recommendation service thanks to the emergent sorted overlay-network.
Preliminaries experimental results show as the logical reorganization can improve the recommendation oper-
The task of recommendation systems is to create a list
of interesting items for the users when it has to make
a choose in a given contest. In other words, it use the
past opinions e/o the behaviors of whole community
to help the users of the same community to more ef-
ficiently make a new choice. These systems can be
built for movies, books, communities, news, articles
etc. Recommendation systems have become an im-
portant research topic and much work have been pro-
posed both in the industry and academia on develop-
ing new approaches in this field. The companies col-
lect a large amount of transactional data that allows a
careful analysis of how an user interacts with the set
of available choices. This can be a way to automa-
tize the generation of recommendations based on data
analysis. The way used to analyze the data and de-
velop the concepts of affinity between users and items
distinguishes the recommendation systems.
The usefulness of an item or product is generally
represented by a rating, which indicates how a given
user liked a particular item. The items or products
having an high value of rate are presented as recom-
mendations for the user. The recommendation sys-
tems can be categorized as (Balabanovi´c and Shoham,
1997): (i) Collaborative Filtering (CF) where an item
or product is recommended to the user according to
the past ratings of all users, i.e. systems are based
on historical interactions; (ii) Content-based recom-
mending where the item or product is recommended if
it is similar in content to items or products the user has
chosen in the past, or matched with given attributes
of the user; (iii) Hybrid approaches in which collab-
orative and content-based approaches are combined.
In collaborative filtering approach – the term was in-
troduced in first commercial recommendation system
known as Tapestry (Goldberg et al., 1992) the util-
ity of the item i for the user u is estimated based on
the utilities assigned to item i by those users v who
are “similar” to user u. Practically, this kind of sys-
tem try to predict the utility of items for a given user
based on the items previously rated by other similar
users. For example, in a music recommendation sys-
tem, to recommend music to user u, the collaborative
system finds the “similar” of user u, i.e., other users
that have similar tastes in music. Then, the music that
are liked by the similar of user u would be recom-
mended. To compute the similarity between two users
have been used various approaches, where, often, the
similarity is based on their ratings of items that both
users have rated. The most popular are correlation and
cosine similarity. In the correlation-based approach,
the Pearson correlation coefficient is used to compute
the similarity (Resnick et al., 1994), (Shardanand and
Maes, 1995):
simlarity(u, v) =
where I is the set of all items rated by both users u
Forestiero A..
Self Recommendation in Peer to Peer Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005157603320336
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2014), pages 332-336
ISBN: 978-989-758-052-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and v. The value of the rating r for user u and item i is
computed as an aggregate of the ratings of some other
users for the same item i. The cosine-based approach
(Breese et al., 1998), (Sarwar et al., 2001), uses two
vectors in n-dimensional space to represent the users
u and v, and n will be |I|. The cosine of the angle
between two vectors can be computing to measure the
similarity between them:
similarity(u, v) = cos(
u ,
v ) =
u ·
u |
× |
v |
u ·
v indicates the dot-product between
the vectors
u and
v .
Content-based recommenders provide recommen-
dations by comparing representations of content that
interests the user to representations of content de-
scribing an item. Recommended items have associ-
ated textual content, such as books, web pages, and
movies. The web pages should be associated to con-
tents like descriptions and user reviews. Information
retrieval (IR) technics address this problem, where the
content associated can be handled as a query, and the
unrated documents marked with a similarity value to
this query (Balabanovi´c and Shoham, 1997). Other-
wise, the documents can be converted into word vec-
tors, and then averaged to obtain a prototype vector of
each category for a user, as showed in (Lang, 1995).
Collaborative and content-based approaches use
the same cosine measure from information retrieval.
But, in content-based recommendation systems mea-
sures the similarity between vectors of weights,
whereas, in collaborative systems measures the sim-
ilarity between vectors of the actual ratings specified
of the users. Other approaches to the recommendation
consist in handling of the problem as a classification
task. Each pattern represents the content of an item,
and a user’s past ratings are used as labels for these
patterns. For example, text from fields such as title,
author, synopses, reviews, and subject terms are used
by (Mooney and Roy, 2000) to recommend books.
Several classification algorithms have been used to
content-based recommend: decision trees, k-nearest
neighbor, and neural networks (Pazzani and Billsus,
In this paper, a self organizingalgorithm for build-
ing a peer to peer recommendation system, is pro-
posed. The algorithm is able to distribute and cleverly
organize the “descriptor of resources” in order to im-
prove discovery operations. In peer to peer systems,
bit vectors or keys, are often exploited to describe the
resources and with different meanings. The presence
or absence of a given topic can be represented thor-
ough a bit (Crespo and Garcia-Molina, 2002)(Platzer
and Dustdar, 2005). With resource like documents,
it is particularly appropriate, because it is possible
to recognize the topics. An hash function was em-
ployed to map the resources with strings of bits in
(Cai et al., 2004) (Oppenheimer et al., 2005). With an
hash function locality preserving, similar describers
are assigned to similar resources and then placed in
the same region of the network. Thus, it is very prob-
able find similar and appreciated describers close to
the target describer (recommendations). In the rest
of the paper a preliminary version of the algorithm
is introduced in section 2 and an initial experimental
analysis is showed in section 3.
In this section a distributed self-organizing algorithm
for building a recommendation system, is introduced.
The aim of the algorithm is to logically reorganize
the describers that describe the available and recom-
mendable resources to allow recommendation opera-
tions faster. The algorithm cleverly disseminates the
describers on the network with the aim of spatially
sort them. Thanks to this spatial reorganization, sim-
ilar describers, representing similar resources, will be
placed in neighbor hosts. A set of similar describers
representing similar resources can be detected in the
neighborhood of the target resource and suggested to
the user. The sorting process is progressivelyand con-
tinuously realized by each peer achieving simple and
local operations. Probability functions steer the op-
erations of sending and depositing of the describers.
These simple operations are performed in local and a
sort of global intelligence emerges from work of un-
aware peers. Two probability functions, P
to eval-
uate the probability to send the describers, and P
to evaluate the probability to deposit the describers,
are employed. The probability functions derive from
the formulas exploited by biological systems for self-
organizing their behavior (Lumer and Faieta, 1994).
In this systems, unaware entities independently and
locally work in order to produce a global intelligent
Each peer evaluates the probability function P
for each stored describer, so as to decide whether or
not to gather describers and send them to a neighbor
peer; the probability function P
is evaluated by a
peer when a set of describers arrives from a neighbor
peer. Peer’ decisions, i.e. probability functions, are
based on a similarity function that measures the aver-
age similarity of a describer des with all the describers
located in the local region. All the hosts reachable
from the current host with a given number of hops
represent the local region. Here, the similarity func-
tion S for the describer
des in local Region is reported
in formula(1):
S =
1 cos(des,
where, N is the overall number of describers in the
Region, N
is the number of describers maintained in
each host, while cos(des,
des) is the cosine distance
between des and
des. The parameter α is the sim-
ilarity scale and here it is set to 2. The value of S
assumes values ranging between -1 and 1, but nega-
tive values are fixed to 0. The bulk of describers is
propagated across the network until all describers are
dropped. Each peer that receives the set of describers
from a neighbour evaluates the P
function for
each describer and in case take it. The probability to
send a describer must be inversely proportional to the
similarity of this describer with those located in the
visibility region, so that dissimilar describer are sent
away of the region. When similar describer being to
be accumulated the initial equilibrium is broken and
a reorganization of describers is increasingly driven.
The probability function to gather for sending a de-
scriber is defined in formula(2):
k1+ S
the parameter k1, whose value is comprised be-
tween 0 and 1, can be tuned to modulate the de-
gree of similarity. Here k1 is set to 0.1 (Bonabeau
et al., 1999). The local region accumulates similar de-
scribers because the dissimilar describers will be sent
Whenever a bulk of describers gets to a new host,
the probability function P
,is evaluated. It is di-
rectly proportional to the similarity function S , i.e.,
to the average similarity of this describer with the de-
scribers maintained in the current visibility region.
k2+ S
the parameter k2 is set to 0.5 (Bonabeau et al.,
An algorithm for exploiting the logical reorgani-
zation and then obtain a set of describers representing
resource that can be suggested, is very simple and im-
mediate. A query will be issued by an host (user) to
search a target describer representing the wished re-
source and it will be forwarded through the peer to
peer network to collect as many target describers as
possible. Thanks to the logical reorganization a, the
queries can be forwarded towards the host with the
maximum value of similarity between representative
describer and the target describer. The representative
describer is a virtual describer, for each host, built by
averaging of the values of all describers located in a
current host. When a query is issued by an host for a
target resource, a virtual target describer is created.
The query will be forwarded towards the neighbor
peer with the maximum value of similarity, based on
formula 1, between the virtual target describer of the
query and the representativedescriber of the host. The
same operation will be done by each host that received
a query and has to forward it to one of its neighbors.
When the query gets to an host with a representative
describer equal to the virtual target describer, or the
maximum number of query hops admissible is fin-
ished, the query will be directly forwarded to the host
that has issued the request. The query going across
the network collects a set of describers similar to the
virtual target describer, which can be exploited to pro-
duce a list of suggestion/recommendation to the user.
The discovery algorithm is very simple and needs
very little computing and memory resources, it is very
efficient as it exploits the continuous work of the al-
gorithm that organize the describers.
An event-based simulator was implemented to evalu-
ate the performance of the algorithm. A P2P network
with number of hosts equal to 2,500 was considered
where each peer is linked to 4 hosts on average. The
number of resources published by each host is equal
to 15 on average and indexed with a prefixed string of
bits obtained using a locality preserving hash function
to guarantee that describer give similar keys. Exploit-
ing the algorithm of Albert and Barabasi (Barab´asi
and Albert, 1999)a scale free topology network was
built. In this way, the characteristics of real networks
are careful considered. A graphical description of the
logical reorganization is reported in Figure 1. Here,
each describer is associated to a color. A part of the
network is photographed: (a) at Time = 0 sec, when
the process is starting and the describers are randomly
distributed and (b) at Time = 50,000 time units when
the process is in a steady situation. Notice that similar
describers are located in the same region and between
near region the color change gradually, which proves
the spatial sorting on the network.
The traffic generated by the process of reorgani-
zation, that is the average number of bulks per sec-
ond that are processed by an host, does not depend
neither on the network size nor on the churn rate. It
Figure 1: Snapshots of a part of the network when the pro-
cess is starting (a), and when the process is in a steady situ-
ation (b).
only depends on the number of forwarding and their
frequency across the network. In simulated scenario,
each server processes about one send/deposit opera-
tion every 20 time units, which can be considered an
acceptable load for the host. The traffic, that is the
number of operations that a host elaborates per time
units, was calculated and shown in Figure 2. We can
see as the value of the traffic changes according to the
value of maximum number of hops done within a sin-
gle sending. In this figure the distance of the neighbor
target peer, i.e. the number of hops achieved by bulks
before the host evaluates the probability function, was
varied. It was noted that the reorganization process
is accelerated if distance of jump are longer, because
they can scan the network more quickly. The max-
imum number of hops is a compromise between the
traffic load tolerable and the rapidity and efficiency of
the reorganization. It was possible to note during the
simulations that the processing load does not depend
on system parameters such as the average number of
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
Time units
jump.length = 1
jump.length = 3
jump.length = 5
jump.length = 7
Figure 2: The traffic generated by the algorithm when the
number of hops of each sending ranges from 1 to 7.
resources handled by a host or the number of hosts,
which is a confirmation of the scalability properties
of the algorithm.
A spatial index of Similarity rate was defined to
evaluate the goodness of the algorithm. For each peer,
the similarity among all the local describer within the
local region, by averaging the cosine of the angle be-
tween every couple of describers, was calculated. The
values of the Similarity rate has been averaged for all
the hosts of the network. Our aim is to increase the
Similarity rate value as more as possible. It would
mean that similar describers are located into neigh-
bor hosts and an effective sorting of describer is be-
coming. In Figure 3 the Similarity rate of the whole
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
Similarity rate
Time units
describer.length = 3
describer.length = 4
describer.length = 5
describer.length = 6
Figure 3: Similarity rate of the whole network when the
length of bit strings ranges from 3 to 6.
network when the length of describer bit strings that
represent the resources, is varied. It is possible to
note how the logical reorganization is achieved inde-
pendently of the length of bit strings. The scalability
of the algorithm is confirmed analyzing its behavior
when the network size is varied. Figure 4 reports the
values of Similarity rate when the network size ranges
from 1,000 to 16,000 hosts. Notice that the number of
the involvedhosts in the logical reorganization,has no
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000
Similarity rate
Time units
net.size = 1,000
net.size = 2,000
net.size = 4,000
net.size = 8,000
net.size = 16,000
Figure 4: Similarity rate of the whole network when the
network size ranges from 1,000 to 16,000 hosts.
detectable effect on the Similarity rate value.
A self-organizing algorithm to build a distributed rec-
ommendation system, was introduced. The available
and recommendable resources in a network are de-
scribed by means describer and logically reorganized.
The describer are arranged as bit strings obtained by
the application of a locality preserving hash func-
tion that allows to map similar resources into similar
strings. Hosts autonomously send/deposit describer
exploiting probability functions. Preliminary exper-
imental results showed as the algorithm achieves an
effective reorganization of descriptors. The emerging
logical overlay allows to improve discovery and rec-
ommendation operations.
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