Dynamic OWL Ontology Design Using UML and BPMN
J. I. Olszewska
, R. Simpson
and T. L. McCluskey
School of Computing and Technology, University of Gloucestershire, The Park, Cheltenham, GL50 2RH, U.K.
School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, U.K.
Ontology, OWL, Dynamic Design, Knowledge Engineering, Software Engineering, UML, BPMN.
Ontology design is a crucial task for the Semantic Web. In the literature, methodologies have been proposed to
develop ontologies, however the phase between knowledge gathering and knowledge coding remains challeng-
ing. In this paper, we propose a dynamic ontology design based on dynamic design notations for a systematic
identification of the relations between domain concepts. For this purpose, we propose the use of the Unified
Modeling Language (UML) and the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), and the mapping of the
related dynamic notations to the ontology domain. Our approach has been successfully validated in a study
case of an ontology with a publication repository domain.
Ontologies are considered to be one of the pillars of
the Semantic Web. More specifically, an ontology is
a notion defined by Gruber as an explicit specifica-
tion of a conceptualization (Gruber, 1995). The term
(from the Greek, ontos: of being and logia: study)
is borrowed from Philosophy and it refers to the sub-
ject of existence. In Artificial Intelligence (AI), an
ontology is constituted by a specific vocabulary used
to describe a certain reality, plus a set of explicit as-
sumptions regarding the intended meaning of the vo-
cabulary (Green and Rosemann, 2005). Thus, the on-
tology describes a formal specification of a certain do-
main, i.e. a shared understanding of a domain of in-
terest as well as a formal and machine understandable
model of this domain. Ontologies have been widely
used for capturing, sharing, and representing knowl-
edge (Fensel, 2001; Auer et al., 2006; Aljandal et al.,
2009; Corsar et al., 2009; Olszewska, 2011).
Despite many methodologies proposed to de-
velop ontologies (Fern
opez, 1999; Corcho
et al., 2003; G
erez et al., 2004; Seremeti and
Kameas, 2009), design of large-scale, interoperable
ontologies is still a challenge (Jimenez-Ruiz et al.,
Interoperability is the challenge of getting pro-
cesses to share and exchange information effectively.
Service orientation relates to creating self-contained,
self-describing, accessible, and open, computer ser-
Both these challenges relate to the representation
of the data being exchanged/manipulated. In our ap-
plication of research data management, there are var-
ious existing sources of research information in a
University, for example, its publications repository
‘ePrints’ (ePrints, 2014). Research information is
complex, structured data, and the future requirements
of it are only partially known. If we commit to one
encoding, or even one representation language, later
it may turn out to be inadequate or obsolete. Current
work (Jain and Pareek, 2010) on these issues points to
representing the data in an ontology.
In the e-Business context (Gessa et al., 2006), a
mechanism to improve system usability, maintenance,
efficiency, and interoperability could reside in the
formal description of the semantic of the document-
based framework for business collaborations. The
formal descriptions could be provided through the
definition of an ontology that represents the implicit
concepts and the relationships that underlie the busi-
ness vocabulary.
Hence, in this work, we propose to develop a
large-scale, interoperable ontology for research infor-
mation systems such as ePrints. For this purpose,
we have introduced dynamic design notations to sys-
tematically construct concept relations in addition to
capture the ontology scope with static design nota-
tions. Indeed, Unified Modeling Language (UML)
has been extensively applied in Software Engineer-
ing for requirements analysis and software design
(Marshall, 2000; Lunn, 2003). However, UML use
Olszewska J., Simpson R. and McCluskey T..
Dynamic OWL Ontology Design Using UML and BPMN.
DOI: 10.5220/0005159204360444
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2014), pages 436-444
ISBN: 978-989-758-049-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in Knowledge Engineering (Baclwaski et al., 2001;
Kogut et al., 2002; Hermida et al., 2009) has been
limited to static design (De Nicola et al., 2009) for
class identification.
Our dynamic ontology design involves Unified
Modeling Language (UML) and Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN) to capture the knowledge
and uses OWL-DL language to codify the ontology.
Thus, our approach allows not only the identification
of the concepts, but also a systematic representation
of their relations.
The contributions of this work are:
to combine BPMN with UML to dynamically cap-
ture the scope of the ontology;
to propose an ontology development scheme ap-
propriate for interoperable research information
system such as ePrints;
to develop representations of knowledge for re-
search information in an ontological form.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section
2, we briefly introduce the state-of-the-art method-
ologies to build an ontology, while in Section 3,
we present our approach to design an ontology from
scratch, in particular using dynamic design notations
in the phase of ontology domain capture. The pro-
posed method has been successfully tested to develop
representations of knowledge for research informa-
tion system in an ontological form as reported and
discussed in Section 4. Conclusions are drawn up in
Section 5.
The creation of an ontology requires specialized skills
and involves various stakeholders. The ontology de-
velopment process depends on a variety of factors
like the choice of the software tool used to build and
edit the ontology, the language in which the ontology
is implemented, the methodology which will be fol-
lowed to develop it, the applications in which it will
be used, the type of the ontology under construction,
the available formal and informal existing knowledge
resources, such as lexicons, existing ontologies, etc,
and may include a large number of necessary activi-
There is no established and unique procedure
to develop ontologies despite several methodologies
that have been proposed over time such as Cyc
Methodology (Lenat and Guha, 1990), Enterprise
Ontology (EO) Methodology (Uschold and King,
1995), Toronto Virtual Enterprise (TOVE) Modelling
Methodology (Gruninger and Fox, 1995), KAC-
TUS Methodology (Bernaras et al., 1996), Skele-
tal Methodology (Uschold and Gruninger, 1996),
opez et al., 1997),
SENSUS Methodology (Swartout et al., 1997), En-
hanced Methodology (Ohgren and Sandkuhl, 2005),
or Integrated Ontology Development Methodology
(Chaware and Rao, 2010).
However, four general tasks to build ontologies
have been identified:
selection (includes selection of the available re-
sources such as related literature, existing ontolo-
gies, group of experts in the domain under de-
scription, selection of the appropriate tool and lan-
analysis (includes analysis of selected resources,
of the classes and the properties of the selected
definition (includes definition of what is important
for the description of a specific domain through
the competency questions, definition of the pur-
pose and the domain of the ontology, the defini-
tion of the classes, the class hierarchy, the proper-
ties and the instances of the ontology);
evaluation (includes evaluation of the selected re-
sources, evaluation of the technical quality of the
ontology and evaluation of the overall quality of
the obtained results).
These tasks are distributed into different phases,
as follows:
the specification phase (answers why the ontology
is being built, what its intended uses are, who the
end-users are);
the conceptualization phase (conceptualizes the
domain knowledge);
the implementation phase (transforms the concep-
tual model into a formal computable model);
the evaluation phase (assesses the resulting ontol-
These phases correspond roughly to the main
steps of software engineering methodologies like pre-
sented in the IEEE Standard 1074-1995 for Develop-
ing Software Life Cycle Processes (Fern
Moreover, the ontology development methodolo-
gies could be classified into two categories:
methodologies focused on building a single ontol-
ogy for a specific ontology for a specific domain
of interest;
methodologies focused on the construction of on-
tology networks.
Figure 1: UML Use Case Diagram describing the action of encoding an Item into our ontology.
The single ontologies could be further distin-
guished among those aiming at building ontologies:
from scratch;
by reusing pre-existing ontologies;
by using non-ontological resources.
These single ontologies are also divided in collab-
orative and non-collaborative, according to the degree
of participation of the involved ontology engineers,
users, knowledge engineers and domain experts in the
ontology engineering process.
They are also described as application dependent,
semi-application dependent and application indepen-
dent, according to the degree of dependency of the
developed ontology on its final application.
The single-ontology capture approach could vary
according to the adopted strategy for identifying con-
cepts, and could be bottom-up (from the most con-
crete to the most abstract), top-down (from the most
abstract to the most concrete), or middle-out (from the
most relevant to the most abstract and most concrete).
We can further distinguish manual, semi-
automatic and automatic ontology construction,
according to the degree of human involvement in the
building process (Seremeti and Kameas, 2009).
However, the above mentioned criteria are not
standards. Furthermore, none of the methodologies
proposed in the literature (Fern
opez, 1999)
are fully mature and they need then to be adapted to
the project needs. Hence, we have followed our origi-
nal methodology based on the criteria previously enu-
merated, while developing the new ontology, and we
have carried out the actions as described below.
As noted above, we decided to investigate the ap-
plication of ontology using the publications reposi-
tory. Capturing this information within a standard
ontology language would make it universally acces-
sible throughout the Web, and allow it to be analysed,
queried and compared using powerful, open tools.
In the first stage, we interviewed the Head of
Computing Library Services of the University of
Huddersfield, UK, to understand the mechanism of
ePrints publication repository in order to capture
ePrints knowledge to build system interoperability
services. We thus identified the actors interacting
with the ePrints system as well as the procedures by
which the actors interact with this system. The result-
ing UseCase diagram (Fig.1) uses the standard Uni-
fied Modeling Language (UML) (Ambler, 2005) and
shows the functionality of the system as well as its
dependencies at a high level viewpoint.
Next, we have modelled the business pro-
cess using Business Process Modeling Language
(BPML) (Dietz and Mallens, 2001) and generated
the flowchart shown in Fig.2. The UseCase diagram
as well as the Business Process Modeling Notation
(BPMN) (Allweyer, 2005) have been designed with
Modelio Free Edition v1.2 (Modelio, 2014), mainly
because this software supports both UML and busi-
ness modelling while being a user-friendly and free
These steps have helped us not only in answering
to the competency questions to determine the domain
and the scope (“what we do with it”) of the ontology,
but also to systematically define the relations between
the ontology concepts.
In our approach, we have thus designed an on-
Figure 2: BPMN Diagram describing the action of adding an Item in ePrints.
Table 1: Comparison between UML, BPMN, and OWL.
Modeling Categories UML UseCase BPMN OWL Ontology
Actor Actor Pool, Lane Class
Behaviour Use Case Process/Sub-process, Task Property, Sub-property
Decision Gateway (DL) Query
Event Event (start, intermediate, end) Open/Run/Close Ontology
Transition Relationship Sequence flow Characteristic
Coaction Message Event Annotation
Object Data Object Individual
tology resulting from multi-dimensional information
combining data and processes. For this purpose, we
have proposed the translation of UML and BPMN
into OWL, and we have introduced the mapping as
shown in Table 1.
For a pilot implementation, we developed the on-
tology whose covered domain is ePrints (Univerity of
Huddersfield ePrints, 2014) and its scope is to enable
interoperability/sharing knowledge, efficient mainte-
nance, and also question queries. Moreover, our on-
tology is application independent, that means that it is
the same ontology, e.g. for maintenance as well as for
the query purpose.
Then, in order to build the domain ontology, we
have selected and analyzed the ePrints vocabulary.
The key related words have been identified when log-
ging into ePrints system and doing the task of adding
an Item to the repository.
To capture the ontology, we have chosen Prot
v4.3 (Prot
e, 2014), running on a Windows plat-
form. This choice is motivated by the fact that this
tool (Horridge, 2009) facilities the interoperability
with other knowledge-representation systems and has
a user-friendly, configurable interface.
The adopted language to express the ontology is
the Web Ontology Language (OWL) (Suwanmanee
et al., 2005), according to the World Wide Web Con-
sortium (W3C) recommendation (Bechhofer et al.,
2014). In particular, we have adopted OWL-DL
specie because, on one hand, it is more expressive
than OWL-Lite which is an OWL sub-language only
adapted for simple situations. On the other hand,
OWL-DL is based on Description Logics (DL) such
as in (Grimm et al., 2004). Thus, it is possible to per-
form automated reasoning on OWL-DL-based ontol-
ogy like in (Peim et al., 2002). Hence, OWL-DL en-
ables the use of a reasoner to compute the inferred on-
tology class hierarchy and to perform the consistency
check. Moreover, OWL-DLs reasoners are tractable,
i.e. work in polynomial time, whereas in the case of
OWL-Full, which is the union of OWL syntax and
Resource Description Framework (RDF)s data repre-
sentation, automated reasoning is not tractable.
Table 2: Definition equivalence between Prot
e and OWL.
Instances Individuals
Slots Properties
Classes Classes
A Prot
e ontology consists of classes, slots,
facets, and axioms as mentioned in Table 2.
Classes are concepts in the domain of discourse
and constitute a taxonomic hierarchy. Slots de-
scribe properties or attributes of classes and instances.
Facets describe properties of slots. Axioms specify
additional constraints. A Prot
e knowledge base
includes the ontology and individual instances of
classes with specific values for slots.
OWL ontology has similar components to
e-based one. However, the terminology used
to describe these components is slightly different (see
Table 2).
To develop our ontology, we have identified spe-
cific basic concepts used as cornerstones for the on-
tology design.
Next, we have mapped these concepts to a set of
OWL main classes, which represent the roots of a set
of corresponding subclasses together with their rela-
tionships with other classes. Each of these identified
concepts represents also a starting point for the brows-
ing of the ontology.
As expressed in Table 1, actors of UseCase dia-
grams (Fig. 1) could be modeled through pool and
lanes in BPMN (De Nicola et al., 2007) as presented
in Fig. 2, and could be mapped into class concepts of
the ontology as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Example of Class (Contributor) implemented into
our ontology.
An example of our ontology class is presented in
Fig. 3. The displayed class is called Contributor and
contains four subclasses, namely Contribution, Con-
tributor Email, Contributor Family Name, Contribu-
tor Given Name/ Initials).
OWL classes are interpreted as sets that contain
individuals. Individuals represent objects in the do-
main that we are interested in. Instances can be re-
ferred to as being “instances of classes”. In our exam-
ple, the subclass ItemID has individuals as partially
shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Example of Individuals of the subclass ItemID of
the class Item implemented into our ontology.
Properties are binary relations on individuals, i.e.
properties that link two individuals together. They can
have inverses. Properties can be limited to having a
single value, i.e. to being functional. They can also
be either transitive or symmetric.
Properties are also used to create restrictions in
OWL. The latter ones could be of three categories,
namely, quantifier restrictions, cardinality restric-
tions, and hasValue restrictions.
These quantifier restrictions are composed of a
quantifier, a property, and a filler. The two quantifiers
that may be used are the existential quantifier, read
as at least or some in OWL speak, and the universal
quantifier, read as only in OWL speak.
For a set of individuals, an existential restriction
() specifies the existence of a (i.e. at least one) rela-
tionship along a given property to an individual that
is a member of a specific class. For example, has-
Contributor Contributor describes all of the individ-
uals that have at least one (some) relationship along
the hasContributor property to an individual that is
member of the class Contributor as in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Example resulting from Check Item Details activ-
In fact, processes and sub-processes identified
in BPMN diagrams could be mapped into concepts
properties, as per our Table 1.
As an example, the activity group Add an Item in
the BPMN diagram (Fig. 2) could be mapped into the
data property hasAddedItem (Fig. 6), while the re-
lated BPMN tasks could be translated into OWL sub-
Figure 6: Example of relations resulting from Add an Item
On the other hand, according to our Table 1, gate-
ways present in BPMN diagrams result in ontology
queries such as shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 7: Example of DL query resulting from “is Creator”
BPMN gateway.
For example, Fig. 7 illustrates ‘isCreator’ BPMN
gateway (Fig. 2) transformed into a isCreator data
property resulting in a DL query.
The ontology for ePrints Information Management
we called ePrOnto could be characterized with re-
gards to the classification presented in the methodol-
ogy section (Section 2).
Hence, our ontology, developed with Prot
OWL, could be considered as a semi-automatic sin-
gle ontology with multiple layers (different levels of
Figure 8: Example of DL query about data relation.
hierarchy). Some of the layers could be seen in left
part of Fig. 9 as well as the automatically generated
OWL code. An overview of the whole of our ontol-
ogy structure is demonstrated in the right part of Fig.
Moreover, our ontology was designed in a one-
step collaborative way from scratch and is application
independent. The adopted approach for the knowl-
edge capture is a middle-out strategy (Olszewska
et al., 2010).
As none of the ontology development methodolo-
gies described in the literature (Gruber, 1995; Dahlem
et al., 2009) were directly suitable, our ontology was
developed according to a unique scheme involving
dynamic design notations (see Section 3).
Some of the Items (publications) from ePrints
(Univerity of Huddersfield ePrints, 2014) have been
encoded into our ePrOnto ontology to validate the in-
teroperable services of our designed and implemented
ontology. Hence, the proposed ontology is a first on-
tology developed for ePrints repository management,
and which could be compatible with query process
such as illustrated in Figs. 5,7,8.
Recent works such as (Wei et al., 2010) have pro-
posed to automatically extract topics from text cor-
pus. Following this direction, our future work will
be the development of an innovative method to auto-
matically update the developed ontology in order to
provide a fully automatic, interoperable service.
Figure 9: Illustration of our ePronto ontology.
This paper is focused on the dynamic design of on-
tologies which could be of a large scale. Dynamic
design notations such as UML and BPMN have been
translated into OWL in order to systematically model
ontological concepts and their relations. The pro-
posed approach has led to the modelling and the
efficient management of the University publication
repository (ePrints) system in an interoperable way.
Hence, the related complex data and information have
been transformed into structured knowledge through
the use of the ontological approach and dynamic de-
sign notations.
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