Towards Integrity in Diversity-aware Small Set Selection
and Visualisation Tasks
Marcin Sydow
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Polish-Japanese Institute of IT, Warsaw, Poland
Diversity, Integrity, Summarisation, Semantic Graphs, Visualisation.
In this short paper, we introduce a novel notion of integrity in diversity-aware selection and visualisation
tasks, present motivation for studying this notion and illustrate it on a case study concerning the visualisation
of semantic entity summaries. In particular, we propose a novel visual integrity measure for this case study
and illustrate it in a preliminary experiment.
Diversity is a desired property of results returned to
the user in many applications concerning selecting a
small set of information pieces. It is especially true
in cases when the actual user information need is un-
known or ambiguous and the limit on the amount of
presented information is low. This concerns numer-
ous important practical tasks ranging from result di-
versification in Web search (Agrawal et al., 2009),
database querying (Vee et al., 2008), recommender
systems to diversity-aware text summarisation (Car-
bonell and Goldstein, 1998) and recently entity sum-
marisation (Xu et al., 2014) and more specifically se-
mantic entity summarisation (Xu et al., 2014; Sydow
et al., 2013), to mention some examples. The main
idea in such diversity-aware approaches is to select
and present to the user pieces of information that
are not only potentially maximally relevant to the
user’s information need but also maximally diversi-
fied. This is achieved by various techniques. For ex-
ample, some of them introduce a pair-wise dissimi-
larity measure between the presented items and ap-
proach it as an adaptation of the Maximum Facility
Dispersion Problem (Gollapudi and Sharma, 2009).
Other view the problem as the maximum coverage
(Clarke et al., 2008) or as minimising the probabil-
ity of query abandonment (Chen and Karger, 2006).
The rationale behind such approaches is to avoid re-
dundancy in presented information and the optimal
use of the given low limit on the amount of presented
information i.e. to cover maximally many different
possible aspects/interpretations of the presented infor-
mation to satisfy at least partially an unkown actual
user’s information need.
1.1 The Issue of Information Integrity
The information selection tasks mentioned above can
be roughly divided into two cases.
First Case: Independent Items. In the first group,
each separate returned item from the result set repre-
sents rather an independent piece or portion of useful
information to the user itself. This concerns: each re-
turned link to a web document in web search result
set, each returned record in database query result set
or each separate recommended item in the result set
returned by a recommender system.
In such cases, increasing the diversity of re-
sults, without loosing relevance generally improves
the quality of results.
Second Case: Inter-Dependent Items. There is a
second group of tasks, however, that should be treated
in a different way. Here, the returned items can be
more inter-dependent. This concerns especially all
summarisation-like tasks. For example, in extractive
text summarisation, the task is to select a small set of
sentences out of the input text that summarise it. No-
tice that a single piece of useful information can be
spread among two or more sentences that refer to each
other, in such case a single sentence does not neces-
sarily represent a full sense to the user, alone. Similar
situation concerns the entity summarisation task (Xu
et al., 2014; Sydow et al., 2013), where given an input
entity, the output result is expected to be a representa-
tive set of facts or features selected from an underly-
Sydow M..
Towards Integrity in Diversity-aware Small Set Selection and Visualisation Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005159904800484
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 480-484
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing knowledge base and presented to the user. In such
case some facts or features concerning the entity make
more sense to the user only when presented together
in the context of the summarised entity. For exam-
ple, the properties such as “longitude” and “latitude”
in the context of an entity that has some geographi-
cal location (e.g. a city) make a full sense to the user
only when presented together. We will hence refer
to the issue described in such case as to “information
1.2 Motivation and Contributions
It is important to observe that in most of the diversity-
aware approaches known from literature such a in-
formation link between two or more inter-dependent
items will be ignored (in optimistic scenario) while it
should not as it may lead to separating the pieces of
information. Furthermore, in the diversification tech-
niques that are based on redundancy-avoiding such
items will be very likely to be identified as “similar”
and consequently separated to avoid redundance in
the result. For example, when item “latitude” is se-
lected to be presented in the entity summary, the item
“longitude” will be dropped as being “similar”. As
the result the user would not obtain complete infor-
The main motivation of this paper is to introduce
the notion of “information integrity” to the research
concerning diversity-aware approaches and to pro-
pose some fundamental observations and concepts in
order to start the discussion on this issue.
1.3 Integrity-awareness in Three Phases
In particular, we identify three basic phases of
a diversity-aware information interaction process,
where the information integrity issue should be prop-
erly addressed:
1. pre-selection phase: automatic detection of the
“information integrity” issue (e.g. computing
some statistics to identify pairs or sets of pieces of
information that should be treated as “integral”)
2. selection phase: enriching the diversity-aware re-
sult selection phase with integrity-awareness (e.g.
to avoid separation of ensembles of items that
have been identified as “integral” and presented
3. presentation phase: enriching the presentation of
the results with integrity-awareness (e.g. to em-
phasise in the presented results the integrity of
some subsets of presented items)
We realise that each of the above points de-
serves for a separate study and concrete solutions can
strongly depend on the particular application.
We hope that the proposed ideas are to some
extent adaptable in other applications, in particular
in other information visualisation tasks (for example
Google Knowledge Graph or Semantic Knowledge
Graph browsers (e.g. Yago Browser
In this section we illustrate integrity-awareness prob-
lem on an example. The example is a specific sum-
marisation problem called DIVERSUM, presented
quite recently in (Sydow et al., 2013). The full name
of the DIVERSUM problem is: diversity-aware en-
tity summarisation on semantic knowlege graphs. The
specification of the problem will be given in Sec-
tion 2.2. More precisely, to illustrate the integrity-
awareness issues we focus on the visualisation phase
of the DIVERSUM problem.
2.1 Data: Semantic Knowledge Graph
In this problem, there is given an underlying seman-
tic knowledge graph KG. In short, it consists of a
large collection of so-called subject-predicate-object
triples, where subject and object are some nodes in
KG. The nodes can represent entities in such case
the predicate represents a “fact” concerning two enti-
ties (e.g. (Woody Allen, acted in, Zelig). One or both
nodes can also represent classes, e.g. (Woody Allen,
has type, Actor) or (Actor, is subclass of, Person), etc.
2.2 DIVERSUM: Problem Specification
The problem has the following specification:
1. KG – the underlying knowledge base
2. q – a node of KG (entity to be summarised)
3. k N an upper limit on the number of facts
(triples) to be presented in the entity summary
OUTPUT: S: summary of entity q a connected sub-
graph of D containing q and at most k arcs that to-
gether represent a collection of facts being a summary
For a fuller discussion of the DIVERSUM problem we
refer the reader to (Sydow et al., 2013)
Figure 1: Example graphical entity summary of John
Wayne computed on imdb knowledge graph by DIVER-
SUM algorithm with k=7.
of information concerning the entity in the semantic
knowledge graph. In the DIVERSUM problem we
additionally pay attention to make the summary di-
An example concerning imdb movie semantic
of the resulting summary in the DIVER-
SUM problem is presented on Figure 1. The enti-
ties in this dataset represent movies, actors, prizes,
etc. We will call each particular triple as “fact” (e.g.
“John Wayne, acted in, True Grit”) and each arc label
as “predicate” (e.g. “acted in”). Using the general ter-
minology as in Section 1 the items to be returned are
the facts concerning the input entity.
In the DIVERSUM problem the result is graph-
ical. Thus, the problem does not consist only in
selecting the items to be shown in the entity sum-
mary(selection phase mentioned in Section 1.3) but
also in a subsequent visualisation of the results (pre-
sentation phase mentioned in Section 1.3). In the re-
maining part of this paper we will illustrate how the
integrity-awareness issue can be naturally observed in
the visualisation phase of the DIVERSUM problem.
2.3 Integrity in Visualisation Phase of
When the set of facts to be presented is selected the
remaining task is to decide the layout of the summary.
We will simplify the problem and focus only on the
order of the facts to be presented. Notice that in the
DIVERSUM problem, the presented facts concerning
the summarised entity form a ring of k facts (Fig. 1).
2.4 Integrity-aware Visualisation as an
Optimisation Problem
We propose that in the visualisation phase the goal of
the integrity-aware approach can be simply expressed
as follows: similar elements should be shown close to
each other.
We propose to specify this problem as an optimi-
sation one. More precisely, it can be done by defining
integrity measure of a given layout and select the lay-
out that maximises the integrity measure.
2.5 Proposed Visual Integrity Measure
A visual integrity measure should promote layouts in
which similar elements are close to each other. Let
assume that S is the kset of selected items to be
presented in the summary. Let’s also assume that
there is defined a pair-wise semantic similarity mea-
sure sim : S
Q+. We assume that sim is symmetric
(i.e. sim(a, b) = sim(b, a)). The higher the value, the
more similar are the items.
We propose to consider the following visual in-
tegrity measure vim to be maximised based on sim:
vim(L) =
sim(s, next
where L denotes particular layout of the selected
items and next
(s) denotes the element s
S that is
shown next (say, clockwise)
to s in the layout L. The
interpretation of vim is simple: it sums up similarity
measures of neighbouring elements in the layout. By
maximising vim we force the layout to show similar
elements next to each other, in a way.
2.6 Experimental Example
To illustrate the discussed ideas we will use the imdb
movie dataset converted to the format of a semantic
knowledge graph.
In this example, for illustration, we define the un-
derlying pair-wise similarity sim measure in a sim-
ple way, based on co-occurrence statistics in the imdb
dataset. More precisely, for two facts a, b, the simi-
larity measure value sim(a, b) is defined as the num-
ber of entities in the dataset D in which the predicate
names in a, b co-occur divided by the number of en-
tities in D in which at least one predicate name from
a, b occurs. In other ways it is an adaptation of the
Jaccard co-efficient. To explain: assume that there
are 200 entities incident with predicates a =“actedIn”
This choice is arbitrary, counter-clockwise would result
in the same value in this case
Table 1: Jaccard-based, Pair-wise similarity measure for
predicates concerning John Wayne on the imdb dataset.
actedIn directed 0.100
actedIn hasWebsite 0.101
bornOnDate actedIn 0.147
bornOnDate directed 0.055
bornOnDate hasChild 0.026
bornOnDate hasWebsite 0.095
bornOnDate hasWonPrize 0.086
bornOnDate isMarriedTo 0.133
directed hasWebsite 0.025
hasChild actedIn 0.008
hasChild directed 0.005
hasChild hasWebsite 0.013
hasChild hasWonPrize 0.063
hasWonPrize actedIn 0.028
hasWonPrize directed 0.027
hasWonPrize hasWebsite 0.027
isMarriedTo actedIn 0.036
isMarriedTo directed 0.016
isMarriedTo hasChild 0.083
isMarriedTo hasWebsite 0.033
isMarriedTo hasWonPrize 0.135
and b =“directed” (i.e. entities that are both actors
and directors) and that there are 1000 entities in the
dataset that are incident with “actedIn” or “directed”
predicate (actors or directors). The similarity measure
in such case would have value of: sim(a, b) = 0.2.
Table 1 presents the values of similarity measure
computed in this way on the imdb dataset for all pairs
of predicates incident with the entity JohnWayne. For
this example, the optimal layout computed by max-
imising the vim measure and using the sim measure
as described is presented on Figure 2. This example
is given only as an illustration of the discussed con-
cepts and definitely leaves a lot of room for improve-
ments. For example, we observed that the proposed
simple sim similarity measure gives un-intuitive val-
ues for some pairs (e.g. “isMarriedTo”, “hasWon-
Prize”), however is generally very promising, consid-
ering its simplicity. Also the proposed variant of the
vim visual integrity measure should be treated only as
a basis for further improvements.
We introduced a novel notion of integrity in the con-
text of diversity-aware information selection and vi-
sualisation tasks and illustrated it on an example of
semantic entity summarisation problem. As diversity-
awareness has proved to be an important approach in
many applications we argue that integrity-awareness
is a necessary next step to improve this approaches.
Figure 2: Optimal layout of graphical entity summary of
John Wayne computed on imdb knowledge graph with k=7.
Integrity measure for this layout L: V IM(L) = 0.62.
The work is supported by Polish National Science
Centre 2012/07/B/ST6/01239 ”DISQUSS” grant.
Thanks are due to M.Andruch
ow for computing the
example in Table 1 and Figure 2.
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