Multi-Algorithmic Approaches to Gene Expression Binarization
Jaime Seguel
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Keywords: Gene Expression, Expression Threshold, Algorithm, Binarization, Aggregation.
Abstract: A basic problem in the construction of network representations of gene interactions is deciding whether a
gene is or is not expressed at a time instant. This problem, referred here as the gene expression decision
problem, has been approached with statistical and numerical algorithms. Numerical methods are based on
different intuitions on what signals a gene expression threshold and as a consequence, they often return
different answers. Consequently, the choice of a particular gene expression decision algorithm influences
the gene interaction model. This article proposes an aggregation methodology for numerical gene
expression decision algorithms that is based on voting. The result is thus, the expression decision made by
the majority of the algorithms, provided that that decision is consistent with an underlying logical law
referred as the doctrine. The proposed method is compared with some non-voting aggregation algorithms.
Most of the physical and biochemical traits of a
living being can be traced back to its genetic make-
up through mRNA counts. An mRNA concentration
is the result of intricate cascades of stochastic
cellular processes that start with the transcription of
information stored in the genes. For this reason,
mRNA counts are referred as gene expressions.
Although posttranscriptional events may alter the
correlation between mRNA and their related
proteins (Greenbaum et al., 2003) gene expression
data still provide valuable insights on the
transcriptional process in the cell. Transcription
networks models such as Boolean and Probabilistic
Boolean networks, are usually derived from, and
validated with time series of gene expressions
(Bornholdt, 2008); (Kim et al., 2013); (Shmulevich
et al., 2010).
Gene expression data is normally obtained with
DNA microarrays (Tarca et al., 2006), quantitative
polymerase chain reactions (qPCR) (Derveaux et al.,
2010), or next generation sequencing experiments
(Matsumura et al., 2005); (Yamamoto et al., 2001).
DNA microarray methods are based on
hybridization of dyed mRNA samples to probes, and
the measurements of the intensities of a fluorescent
signal. The intensities are, in turn, correlated with
the amount of mRNA in the sample through a
complex protocol that involves a number of ad-hoc
decisions on data analysis methods, background
noise eliminations, and other error pruning
considerations. Just as microarrays, qPCR methods
are based on hybridizations and intensity
measurements of fluorescent signals. But unlike
microarrays, qPCR detection is made in real-time,
with each cycle of amplification. Quantitative PCR
is, in general, faster and more sensitive than
microarrays, and requires lower amounts of material.
Both, microarray and qPCR methods quantify only a
selected number of transcripts. Next generation
sequencing is capable of quantifying all the mRNA
in a cell sample. The expression levels returned by
these methods are basically free of correlation errors
and background noise elimination, as they do not
involve the transformation of signal intensities into
estimations on the number of transcripts.
Gene expression changes with time and
biological context. Thus, capturing meaningful
information requires a sequence of experiments
whose results are reported in a gene expression
array (GEA). A GEA with N experiments on a set of
M genes is a M × N array G = [G(k, j)]. Each row
corresponds to a gene, and each column to a
different experiment or condition. The k-th row in G
is called expression profile of gene k.
The gene expression decision problem (GEDP) is
stated as follows: “For each entry G(k, j) in a GEA,
decide whether gene k is or is not expressed at
condition j”.
It is worth remarking that GEDP is much harder
to solve than the problem of detecting over
Seguel J..
Multi-Algorithmic Approaches to Gene Expression Binarization.
DOI: 10.5220/0005203701090115
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2015), pages 109-115
ISBN: 978-989-758-070-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
expressed genes that commonly arises in the search
for disease biomarkers. GEDP answers are
presented, in turn, as a M × N array B = [B(k, j)],
where B(k, j) = 1 if the k-th gene is expressed at
condition j and B(k, j) = 0, otherwise. Because of the
currently limited knowledge of the cell inner
mechanisms and the stochastic nature of the events
that lead to gene expressions, matrix B is more a
hypothesis on the states and transitions of the gene
expressions than a deterministic fact. Nonetheless,
these hypotheses are often formulated with the help
of deterministic data analysis algorithms that mine
each expression profile in G for signals of an
expression threshold t. Once a threshold t is
determined for the expression profile of gene k, the
k-th row of B is produced by assigning 1 to the j-th
entry if G(k, j) > t, and 0, otherwise.
Several algorithms based on different data
mining methodologies and conjectures on the
features in the data that signal an expression
threshold, have been designed. Their results are
often significantly different (Seguel et al., 2013).
In this article, I propose a wisdom-of-crowds
methodology for aggregating these algorithmic
decisions. The methodology is based on a
mathematical structure that I call multi-algorithm
aggregation scheme (MAS). MAS is inspired in the
logic underlying collective decision-making by
voting. MAS is a true alternative to average, median,
and other common aggregation formulas, as it
provides flexibility to select the voting method and a
decision-making rule, referred as doctrine. This
flexibility turns the method into an analytical tool;
capable of testing the data with different decision-
making parameters. As a mathematical structure,
MAS can be used in applications other than gene
expression decisions.
The rest of this article is organized as follows:
Section 2 is a brief description of the algorithms
selected for the proposed multi-algorithmic scheme,
together with some basic time and space complexity
analysis. Section 3 is a mathematical description of
MAS and its implementation for solving the gene
expression decision problem. Section 4 reports the
results of experiments and comparisons between
MAS and other aggregation rules, and Section 5
summarizes some conclusions of this work.
The gene expression decision algorithms that are the
basis of the proposed multi-algorithm method can be
classified in three main groups. The first group,
referred as jump-based methods, consists of four
algorithms that determine the threshold on the basis
of a jump in the values of the gene expression
profile. Methods in this group are labelled J1, J2, J3
and J4. The second group consists of three
algorithms that determine a threshold on the basis of
approximations to the gene expression profile by
one-step functions. These algorithms are denoted S1,
S2 and S3 and are called one-step methods. The
threshold returned by one-step methods is the
midpoint of the steps in the one-step approximation
mapping whose values are further apart.
The third group consists of two data clustering
methods, both based on Lloyd’s algorithm. These
methods are labelled C1 and C2. Next are high-level
descriptions of each of these methods.
2.1 Jump-based Methods
Algorithm J1 sorts the input expression profile in
increasing order, and sets as threshold the midpoint
between the smallest and the highest jump in the
data. Algorithm J2 is introduced in (Shmulevich et
al., 2002) The method sorts the expression profile in
increasing order and computes the average of all
data jumps. Then, it sets as threshold the first value
that exceeds the average. Algorithm J3 is a variant
of Algorithm J2 that replaces the first value that
exceeds the average data jump with the mean of all
the values that exceed the average of the data jumps.
The main advantages of algorithms J1, J2 and J3
are conceptual and computational simplicity. In fact,
they all return the M thresholds of a M × N array G
in O(MN) time, using O(N) space. Algorithm J4 is
more complex. This method is an implementation of
the Binarization Across Multiple Scales (BASC)
algorithm (Hopfensitz et al., 2011). BASC
approximates the input expression profile sorted in
increasing order with a sequence of step functions,
each with a different number of steps. It starts with
the step function that fits exactly the input data.
Then, it produces a sequence of step functions, each
with one less step than the previous one. Dynamic
programming is used to ensure that each new step
function minimizes the Euclidian distance to the
sorted expression profile. For each step function in
the sequence, the ratio between the highest step
jump and the Euclidean distance of the step function
to the input data is computed. A high ratio is
declared to be a strong discontinuity and its index is
saved in a vector v. Then, the method computes the
median m of the indices in v and defines the
threshold as the average of the data point indexed by
m and m + 1.
Algorithm J4 returns the M thresholds of a M ×
N input array G in O(MN
) time, using O(MN
2.2 One-Step Approximations
The first method in this group, called Algorithm S1
is inspired on StepMiner (Sahoo et al., 2007).
StepMiner adjust a one-step or a two-step function
to the data using linear regression with (3, N – 1)
degrees of freedom. The least square errors of the
approximations provide a set of F-statistics, whose
P-value is used for deciding whether the error is
significant. StepMiner is not intended to solve
GEDP. Algorithm S1 adjusts a one-step function to
the expression profile sorted in increasing order,
using StepMiner’s methodology, and a preset
significance of .05. If the subset of one-step
mappings satisfying this constraint is empty, the
method returns Not a Number (NaN). Otherwise, the
method selects the step function whose steps are
further apart, and sets the midpoint between the
function’s steps as the threshold.
Algorithm S2 sorts the input vector in increasing
order. Then, for each j from 1 to N – 1, computes the
median of the data points from 1 to j and that the
data points from j + 1 to N. Then, it finds the index
m where the difference of the medians is maximal,
and sets the threshold as the midpoint between the
data points indexed by m and m + 1. Finally,
Algorithm S3 does the same as algorithm S2 but
using the mean instead of the median. All step
methods return the M thresholds of a M × N input
array G in O(MN
) time, using O(MN) space.
2.3 Clustering Methods
Two methods are in this group. The first classifies a
expression profile in two clusters using Lloyd’s
algorithm, also known k-means clustering. The
algorithmic threshold is implicit, in the sense that the
method splits the expression profile in two clusters,
each centred around a different centroid; without
computing a threshold. Algorithm C1 sets as
threshold the mid-point between the cluster’s
Algorithm C2 implements the iterative clustering
variant of Lloyd’s algorithm proposed in
(Berestovsky et al., 2013) as a way to smooth data
oscillations. C2 starts with an application of the 2
means cluster algorithm to the input data. Here d is a
user-defined parameter, whose sole restriction is that
cannot be greater than the length of the expression
profile. After computing the initial 2
clusters, the
algorithm replaces each element in a cluster with the
cluster’s mean, and applies the 2
–means cluster
algorithm to the resulting data. This process is
repeated until d = 1.
As in Algorithm C1, the threshold returned by
Algorithm C2 is the mid-point between the centroids
of the two clusters at the end of the iterations.
2.4 Threshold Correlations
In order to assess similarities and differences in the
threshold values returned by the above algorithms,
the thresholds of one thousand random 16-point
vectors were computed for each algorithm. It was
observed that the histograms for the threshold values
presented significantly different shapes, and that the
correlations among observed threshold values were
very weak except in the cases of S1 and S3, and C1
and C2 (Seguel et al., 2014). Scatter plots produced
with this data confirmed that the threshold values
returned by the rest of the algorithms do not have
large correlations.
2.5 Threshold Displacements
In time-course data, it is natural to think of the
expression profile as an N-point sample of a
continuous gene expression function that takes
values in a time interval. The size N of the sample
may alter significantly the value of the expression
threshold. This dependence of the threshold on N
can be incorporated in a GEDP method through a
statistical estimation of the threshold displacement
as a function of N.
Table 1: Expected threshold displacements.
J1 0.4609 0.0187
J2 0.7602 0.0516
J3 0.6709 0.0358
J4 0.2474 0.0069
S1 0.1034 0.0122
S2 0.3004 0.0359
S3 0.2777 0.0393
C1 0.1250 0.0001
C2 0.1552 0.0023
I call threshold displacement the maximum
distance between the threshold computed with a
sample of size N = 2
+ 1, n > 2; and the set of all
the thresholds obtained by successively filtering
each other data point until n = 1. The expected value
of the threshold displacement for each of the nine
algorithms was computed with four hundred random
+ 1)-point random vectors, with n = 12 for all
methods except for J4. Because of space and time
limitations, the threshold displacement for algorithm
J4 was computed with (2
+ 1)-point random
vectors, with n = 8. Table 1 reports the results.
Each expected displacement defines a threshold
uncertainty interval. A point in this interval is
declared to be not decidable. More precisely, if d is
the expected displacement of an algorithm, and t is
the threshold returned by the same algorithm on
input V, then a point G(k, j) in V is not decidable if
d G(k, j )
t d.
Algorithms with lower expected threshold
displacement will eventually decide a larger number
of points in the expression profile.
The core concepts in this section are borrowed from
theories developed in the context of economics,
jurisprudence and sociology (List, 2012). I define a
multi algorithmic scheme (MAS) as a quadruple (S,
A, R, D), where S is a finite set of decision
algorithms, A is a finite set of logic statements called
agenda, R is an aggregation rule, and D is a logical
equivalence describing the fact to be determined in
terms of the statements in the agenda. D is referred
as the doctrine. Each algorithm in S decides whether
each of the statements in A is true or false. The set of
these decisions is called algorithmic judgment.
An aggregation rule is a method for determining
a collective judgment from the set of all algorithmic
judgments. Some common aggregation rules are
majority, supermajority, unanimity and dictatorship.
Under majority rule, the truth-value in the collective
judgment is the truth-value of at least one half plus
one of the algorithmic judgments. Under
supermajority, the collective judgment is the truth-
value of a preset number of algorithmic judgments
that is greater than half plus one of the algorithms,
and under unanimity, the truth-value of the
collective judgment is to be shared by all
algorithmic judgments. Dictatorship, in turn,
imposes in the collective judgment the truth-value of
a fixed, preselected algorithm. Thus, dictatorship is a
degenerate or trivial aggregation rule.
A central concept in aggregation theory is
consistency. In its simplest form, consistency refers
to the preservation of the rules of logic when a
doctrine is valuated with the truth-values of the
collective judgments. The theory of aggregation
devotes a significant effort to the search for
conditions in the agenda under which non-trivial
aggregation rules produce consistent judgments. In
this work, however, no consistency requirement is
imposed on the agenda. Instead, MAS interprets
inconsistent collective judgments as instances of the
GEDP that are collectively not decidable.
Not decidable and collectively not decidable
points add a third option in the binary vector B that
is denoted NaN (not a number). From the
perspective of an answer to a GEDP, NaN entries in
B are normally considered to be noisy data points
and as such, are usually filtered out in subsequent
applications of the GEDP solution.
3.1 A MAS for the GEDP
Let S be a subset of {J
, J
, J
, J
, S
, S
, S
, C
, C
the set of gene expression decision algorithms. The
previous discussion partitions the solution space of
the GEDP into decidable and not decidable data
points. Decidable points are further divided into
points that indicate an expressed gene state and
points that indicate that the gene is in unexpressed
state. Let A = {U, N}, where
Clearly U is true if and only if G(k, j) signals an
unexpressed gene, and N is true if G(k, j) is not
decidable. The doctrine D is set to be
Thus, E is true if and only if G(k, j) corresponds to
an expressed gene. Finally, R may be majority, a
super majority or the unanimity rule.
Table 2 illustrates a collective judgement that is
inconsistent with doctrine D.
Table 2: Example of inconsistent collective judgment.
Algorithm N U E
A 1 0 0
B 0 0 1
C 0 1 0
Majority 0 0 0
The algorithmic judgments of {N, U} are shown
in rows A, B and C, together with the valuations of
E. The forth row is the simple majority of votes on
each predicate. According with the majority, both
~N and ~U are true while E is false. This is
inconsistent with the doctrine as a true conjunction
is true. a semantic rule of Consequently, the data
point whose algorithmic and collective judgments
are shown in Table 2 is not decidable.
:"G(k, j ) t
| t
G(k, j )| d"
: "|t
G(k, j )| d".
This section compares the resolution capabilities of
MAS against non-voting aggregation formulas. The
resolution is measured with a resolution score (RS),
defined as
RS(V, X) 1
where Z is the number of points in an N-point
expression profile V that are not decided by method
X. The closer RS is to 1, the better the resolution of
X. All algorithms were implemented in Matlab
4.1 MAS-GEDP Pseudo Code
Next is a high-level description of MAS-GEDP.
On input V (an expression profile)
1. For each algorithm in S
Compute the threshold
2. For each data point in V
For each algorithm in S
i. Evaluate N, U and E
ii. Apply majority rule R
iii. Check consistency with D
iv. If inconsistent or N = 1, write NaN
in B
v. Else if E = 1, write 1 in B
vi. Else write 0 in B.
3. Output B
4.2 Non-voting Aggregation Formulas
I consider three non-voting aggregation formulas.
The first two use the average (AVG), and the
median (MED) of the thresholds, respectively. These
formulas decide all points. The third aggregation
formula decides that a point that is below the lowest
threshold returned by the algorithms in S is
unexpressed; a point that is above the highest
threshold of all algorithms in S is expressed, and a
point in between the lowest and highest thresholds is
not decidable. I refer to this method as below
minimum and above maximum (BMAM). Clearly,
0 RS(V, X) 1 whenever X is a MAS-GEDP or
Although BMAM is not a traditional aggregation
rule, it is a natural and simple way to aggregate the
algorithmic decisions.
4.3 Results
In this subsection I report the results returned by
, and MAS
, I = 1 or 2. Here
the label 1 indicates that the subset of algorithms is
{ 4, 1, 3, 1, 2}SJSSCC
These are algorithms whose expected threshold
displacement is less than 0.3. Methods labelled 2 use
the nine gene expression threshold algorithms.
uses simple majority while MAS
uses a
supermajority of four or more votes. Similarly,
uses simple majority while MAS
uses a
supermajority of six or more votes.
Table 3: Synthetic expression profile 1.
V 0.080 0.029 0.160 0.960 0.858 0.808
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 NaN 1 NaN NaN
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
Table 4: Synthetic expression profile 2.
V 0.452 0.402 0.502 0.622 0.770 0.809
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 NaN NaN 1
NaN 0 NaN NaN 1 1
NaN 0 NaN NaN NaN 1
Table 5: Synthetic expression profile 3.
V 0.143 0.279 0.459 0.654 0.813 0.906
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 NaN NaN 1 1
0 0 NaN NaN 1 1
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1
The synthetic expression profile 1 approximates
a one-step function with rather distant steps;
synthetic expression profile 2 also approximates a
one-step function but with closer steps. Finally,
synthetic expression profile 3 approximates a
straight line with slope 1.
4.4 Some Statistics
The expected value of the resolution score of
BMAM and MAS methods were computed with 400
randomly generated 16-point expression profiles.
The expected resolution scores (5) and their variance
are shown in Table 6.
Table 6: Expected resolution scores.
Expected RS Variance
0.7104 0.0335
0.4935 0.0345
0.7112 0.0160
0.5334 0.0188
0.4792 0.0226
0.2924 0.0204
The percentage of coincident decisions in the
outputs of BMAM
and MAS
, and those of
and MAS
were measured in the same
experiment. The results are shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Percentage of coincidences BMAM
(1) MAS
(0) MAS
(1) 32.02
(0) 32.70
(NaN) 20.90
Table 8: Percentage of coincidences BMAM
(1) MAS
(0) MAS
(1) 23.34
(0) 15.25
(NaN) 40.44
According to the tables, BMAM
and MAS
coincide about 86% of times in their decisions, while
and MAS
coincide only about 79% of
Because of the stochastic nature of gene expression,
formulating a hypothesis on the state of a gene at a
particular time instant is not a deterministic problem.
Nonetheless, deterministic algorithms based on
intuitive models and different data mining
methodologies provide insights on the gene
expression state. Aggregating their solutions is a
way around determinism. In this article I introduce
MAS, an aggregation method that regards each
deterministic answer as a vote and makes a decision
on the basis of a majority rule. Points whose
aggregated decision contradicts the doctrine, and
points that fall within a threshold uncertainty
interval, are declared to be not decidable and
discarded as noisy data.
There is not a significant agreement between
and MAS
in the identification of noisy
points. In general, as shown in Table 6, methods
and MAS
, i = 1, 2; have comparable scores
of resolution when simple majority is used.
This research was supported in part by grant NIH-
MARC 5T36GM095335-02I.
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