DipBlue: A Diplomacy Agent with Strategic and Trust Reasoning
e Ferreira
, Henrique Lopes Cardoso
and Lu
ıs Paulo Reis
DEI/FEUP, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
LIACC – Laboratrio de Intelig
encia Artificial e Ci
encia de Computadores, Porto, Portugal
DSI/EEUM – Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
Diplomacy, Strategy, Negotiation, Trust.
Diplomacy is a multi-player strategic and zero-sum board game, free of random factors, and allowing negotia-
tion among players. The majority of existing artificial players (bots) for Diplomacy do not exploit the strategic
opportunities enabled by negotiation, instead trying to decide their moves through solution search and the use
of complex heuristics. We present DipBlue, an approach to the development of an artificial player that uses
negotiation in order to gain advantage over its opponents, through the use of peace treaties, formation of al-
liances and suggestion of actions to allies. A simple trust assessment approach is used as a means to detect and
react to potential betrayals by allied players. DipBlue was built to work with DipGame, a multi-agent systems
testbed for Diplomacy, and has been tested with other players of the same platform and variations of itself.
Experimental results show that the use of negotiation increases the performance of bots involved in alliances,
when full trust is assumed. In the presence of betrayals, being able to perform trust reasoning is an effective
approach to reduce their impact.
Since the beginning of Artificial Intelligence as a re-
search field, game playing has been a fertile envi-
ronment for the development of novel approaches to
build intelligent machines. Most approaches to game
playing, however, have been based mainly on (adver-
sarial) search techniques and sophisticated domain-
specific heuristics. Complex adversarial multi-player
games pose new challenges to multi-agent systems
(MAS) research: multi-player games with search
spaces big enough to render ineffective any approach
based solely on search.
Diplomacy is a military strategy multi-player si-
multaneous move board game, created by Allan B.
Calhamer (Calhamer, 2000) and distributed by Has-
bro since 1954. Its most interesting attributes include,
according to (Hall and Loeb, 1995), the enormous
size of its search tree, the difficulty of determining
the true strength of a position, and negotiation, whose
support brings a competitive advantage to develop so-
phisticated players.
The fact that adversaries may negotiate through-
out the game makes Diplomacy a very appealing
sandbox for multi-agent research: while players are
competing against each other, they must also cooper-
ate to win the game. To do so, players may need to
build trust, maintain relationships and negotiate deals
through argumentation.
This work proposes an approach to the creation of
an artificial player that takes advantage of negotiation
and trust in order to increase its performance. The
main goal is to develop a bot capable of surpassing its
opponents by the use of negotiation and trust reason-
ing. Our bot, DipBlue, works with the MAS testbed
DipGame (Fabregues and Sierra, 2009) and has been
tested with another player of the same platform and
with variations of itself.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 briefly describes the rules of Diplomacy and
highlights the properties of the game that make it ap-
pealing for MAS research. Section 3 reviews related
work on Diplomacy platforms and bots. In Section 4
we describe DipBlue’s architecture and archetypes.
Section 5 presents an experimental evaluation of Dip-
Blue, and puts forward a set of Diplomacy-related hy-
potheses on the expected results. Section 6 presents
and discusses the obtained results. In Section 7 we
draw conclusions of the work done, and we point out
directions for future work.
Ferreira A., Lopes Cardoso H. and Reis L..
DipBlue: A Diplomacy Agent with Strategic and Trust Reasoning.
DOI: 10.5220/0005205400540065
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 54-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-073-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Standard Diplomacy map of Europe
Diplomacy takes place in the turn of the 20th century
in the years before World War I. Each player repre-
sents one of the following countries or world powers:
England, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, Turkey and
Russia. The main goal of the game is to conquer Eu-
rope, which is achieved by acquiring a minimum of 18
from a total of 34 supply centers throughout the map
(see Figure 1). During the game, each player com-
mands its units in the map by giving them orders to
hold, move to adjacent regions (also termed attack), or
support other units’ actions (holds or moves of units
from either the same or other players). Move actions
to occupied regions originate conflicts (standoffs); the
strongest unit (attacker or defender) wins the standoff,
where strength is increased by backing up units with
supports from other neighboring units. Some moves
may invalidate other moves or cut supports. It is the
conjunction of all orders that determines what actu-
ally happens in each round of the game
Before each round of orders, the players are able
to communicate willingly with each other, enduring
only the restrictions they set among and for them-
selves. In the negotiation phase of the game players
can communicate with each other both publicly and
privately. Although these conversations and arrange-
ments are a huge part of the game-play, they hold ab-
solutely no real power in the game itself: a player can
commit to execute an action in exchange of informa-
tion and, after acquiring it, decide not to fulfill its part
of the agreement.
Diplomacy is characterized by having no random
factors (besides the initial assignment of world pow-
ers to players) and being a zero-sum game. How-
ever, the size of the game’s search tree is enormous
and impossible to search systematically even at low
Detailed rules of the game can be found in (Calhamer,
depths. To address this problem, in most games the
tree is pruned using heuristics that assess the state of
the game in a given time and compare it with future
game states. However, this technique cannot be di-
rectly applied to Diplomacy, given the fact that the
game is played in a multi-agent partially observable
environment (Russell et al., 1995), and thus not fully-
deterministic from an agent’s point of view – the cho-
sen orders of a player are not necessarily effective,
given its lack of knowledge about other agents’ ac-
In common solution search problems, the perfect
or optimal solution is given in a certain depth of the
tree and the algorithm proceeds to making the deci-
sions that lead to the optimal solution found. How-
ever, when applied to adversary games the solution
tree is built with alternate layers of decisions made
by the player and decisions made by the opponents.
Therefore, the player does not have full control of the
course of the game. To deal with the search of the so-
lution space several algorithms were developed over
the years, such as Branch and Bound and A*. Since
adversary games have a particular kind of search tree,
specific algorithms were created to deal with the lay-
ered tree, one of the most well-known being Mini-
max. However, one of the most important aspects
of search algorithms is the heuristics used to assess
game states. According to some attempts at creating
heuristics for Diplomacy, a player can be overlooked
as a weak opponent when considering only the num-
ber and placement of its armies; and yet, when having
strong alliances, a player can win the game or anni-
hilate another player in a few turns. This makes the
creation of an effective heuristic a difficult challenge.
This rich environment provided by Diplomacy
promotes the development of bots capable of domi-
nating their opponents through negotiation, which in-
creases the need for trust reasoning capabilities to al-
low players to protect themselves.
A short description of testbeds for Diplomacy and
bots developed specifically for this game is provided
here. We also review some of the main strategies used
in the game, both in terms of evaluation heuristics and
3.1 Diplomacy Testbeds
Although there are several different testbeds for MAS
in general, there are a few specific for Diplomacy. The
two most influential are briefly described here.
The Diplomacy Artificial Intelligence Develop-
ment Environment (DAIDE
) (DAIDE, 2013) assists
the development of Diplomacy bots by taking care
of all the logic concerning moves validation and the
generation of the new game states. It also provides a
communication server that allows players to exchange
messages between them during certain phases of the
game. This communication server provides several
layers of supported syntax in a way to allow for sim-
pler or more complex negotiator bots. The communi-
cation layers are referred to as Press levels and there
are 15 distinct ones, ranging from most basic (no
communication at all) to the more complex level, able
to negotiate in free text. Both server and bots are writ-
ten in C/C++.
(Fabregues and Sierra, 2009) is a
testbed created at IIIA-CSIC that uses the DAIDE
server to handle moves resolution and generation of
new game states. Although DAIDE already supports
a communication server and its own syntax, DipGame
introduces its own server and creates a new commu-
nication syntax known as L Language (see Figure 2).
DipGame and its bots are implemented in Java. Ad-
ditionally, DipGame provides an improved logging
system and a web interface where anyone can play
against some DipGame bots.
Figure 2: Layers of the L Language of DipGame (adapted
from (Fabregues and Sierra, 2009)).
3.2 Diplomacy Bots
Some popular and pertinent bots developed for Diplo-
macy are analyzed here. These bots have different
approaches, and some of them have been used as an
inspiration during the creation of DipBlue.
Israeli Diplomat (Sarit Kraus, 1987) was devel-
oped in 1988 by Kraus et al. to work with a propri-
etary testbed. It uses an architecture that distributes
responsibilities according to the nature of the tasks.
This architecture has served as an inspiration for other
bots, such as the Bordeaux Diplomat. The bot has
several well designed strategies to deal with so-
lution search and negotiation with opponents.
The Bordeaux Diplomat (Hall and Loeb, 1995)
was created by Loeb and has a partitioned structure
like the Israeli Diplomat, separating negotiation from
solution search. The latter ignores the world power
that owns each region and does an impartial evalua-
tion of sets of actions by using a best first algorithm.
The bot keeps a social relations matrix to determine
the opponents that are more likely to betray.
DumbBot (Norman, 2013) is probably the most
popular and common bot available for DAIDE. Even
though it is not optimized and performs only a small
tactical analysis, DumbBot performs relatively well,
beating some attempts to create complicated heuris-
tics and tactics. It does not perform negotiation of
any sort the only actions made are game-related
orders. The bot has been the target of many stud-
ies and has been used as a benchmark for testing
other bots. A replica of DumbBot was developed for
DipGame (Jonge, 2010), different only on the lack of
support for a move called Convoy, which is not avail-
able in DipGame.
The Albert (van Hal, 2013) bot was developed by
Jason van Hal and is, up until now, the best bot for
DAIDE by far. It is the only Press Level 30 bot avail-
able. Because of its efficiency and high performance,
it has been used as a benchmark by many researchers
who try to out-perform it.
BlabBot was created by John Newbury (Webb
et al., 2008) and builds on DumbBot by implementing
negotiation on top of it. BlabBot follows a “peace-to-
all” strategy by sending peace offers to all players,
decreasing the value of regions owned by players ac-
cepting those peace offers.
DarkBlade (Ribeiro et al., 2009) is a no-press bot
built by Jo
ao Ribeiro, which tries to combine the best
tactics and strategies used by other Diplomacy agents.
DarkBlade follows a modular architecture similar to
Israeli Diplomat (see below), and is modeled as an
internal MAS, using so-called sub-agents.
HaAI (Johansson and H
a rd, 2005) was devel-
oped by H
ard and Johansson. It uses a MAS struc-
ture inside the bot itself, in which each unit owned by
the player is represented as an individual sub-agent.
Each sub-agent tries to choose its own action accord-
ing to what it considers to be the best option, while
at the same time interacting as a team with the other
sub-agents of the same player.
SillyNegoBot (Polberg et al., 2011) is a DipGame
bot developed by Polberg et al. and is an exten-
sion to the SillyBot, a bot similar to DumbBot (with-
out communication capabilities). SillyNegoBot adds
L Language Level 1 communication and includes a
BDI architecture. The bot has proven to be success-
ful when matched with DumbBot but too naive when
confronted with betrays. It uses the concept of per-
sonality with ratios for aggression/caution.
A few other works worth mentioning include an
approach to optimize a Diplomacy bot using genetic
algorithms (Jonge, 2010), and a bot that takes advan-
tage of a moves database, based on abstract state tem-
plates, providing the best set of actions for a given
map and units with the goal of acquiring certain re-
gions (Deyllot, 2010).
3.3 Strategies for Diplomacy
Evaluating board positions is crucial for effective
Diplomacy playing. However, as explained before,
board evaluation is particularly complex in Diplo-
macy, both because of the partially observable envi-
ronment a player is facing and the potential use of
negotiation to establish temporary alliances between
The province destination value is used by Dumb-
Bot to assign a value to each region (Jonge, 2010).
This metric takes into account the player that owns
the region, and the amount of allied and enemy units
in surrounding regions. The blurred destination value
is a variation of the previous metric that spreads the
value of a certain node to its neighbors. This way,
the surrounding regions reflect that either the region
itself is valuable or is near a valuable region. Values
assigned to near regions can be obtained in a number
of ways, e.g. by applying a Gaussian or linear blur.
Negotiation strategies often used in Diplomacy
try to limit the search space by establishing coop-
eration agreements among players. However, when
time comes such agreements may be simply ignored,
and betrays come into play. This is why the estab-
lishment of an alliance does not per se comprise a
real enhanced power to the players: the competitive
advantage obtained by negotiating an agreement is
based on the assumption of compliance, and thus any
agreement is on shaky ground in a zero-sum game like
Some of the main negotiation tactics that have
been proposed in Diplomacy literature are briefly
mentioned here. Many of these tactics are used by
human players in real board games. However, they
typically use concepts that are simple for humans but
complicated for computers, like small hints gathered
just by looking at the opponents and the confidence
the player has on other players.
The peace-to-all strategy is used in BlabBot, and
tries to provide a certain level of security by quickly
establishing alliances (Webb et al., 2008). Players
outside this set of alliances have a high chance of
being eliminated, and the bot will progressively be-
tray the player that is considered the most convenient
to leave the allied group, usually the stronger player
Back-stab is a tactic used by BlabBot for deciding
when to betray alliances or for guessing when these
will be betrayed by adversaries (Webb et al., 2008).
This tactic consists of keeping a threat matrix between
the player and the opponents (and vice-versa): the
higher the value, the more likely the player is to betray
an alliance.
The power-cluster strategy is an approach to de-
termine what world powers the player should ask for
alliances and which ones to keep the longest. The
strategy has evolved using clustering techniques over
several games in order to identify which groups of
powers have higher probability of succeeding, when
4 DipBlue
is an artificial player for Diplomacy built
with the purpose of assessing and exploring the im-
pact of negotiation in a game that natively relies on
communication. Since the main difficulty when cre-
ating a Diplomacy bot is the size of the search tree for
the game, a different approach was adopted to ten-
tatively implement an effective Diplomacy bot: Dip-
Blue uses negotiation as its main tool to gain advan-
tage over its competitors, and applies trust reasoning
to understand and react when betrayed.
4.1 Architecture
The architecture developed to implement DipBlue has
the purpose of being flexible and easily extendible
through the use of a highly modular approach, which
evaluates and determines the set of orders in each turn
from different perspectives. Figure 3 shows a class di-
agram comprising an overview of DipBlue’s architec-
ture, including two main components: Negotiator and
Adviser (further explained in Section 4.3). Different
advisers may be added as needed to the bot, enabling
its extensibility. This modular implementation also
allows an easy customization of the bot, resulting in a
vast array of possible configurations of bots that differ
in their capabilities and behaviors. In Section 4.4 we
discuss some of such configurations.
Figure 3 also shows the relation between one of
the advisers and DumbBot, the bot it is based on. In
DipBlue is named in honor of the supercomputer Deep-
Blue, and of the platform, DipGame, it is built to play on.
Figure 3: DipBlue architecture.
other terms, DubmBot could, in principle, be thought
of DipBlue configured with a single adviser: MapTac-
tician (see also Section 4.3.
The negotiation capability of DipBlue is mate-
rialized in the Negotiator component, responsible
for handling received messages and for determining
which messages are to be sent. Negotiation tactics
are included in this component. The actual orders to
be executed by each of the player’s units, however, are
dictated by Advisers. Any negotiated agreements that
are to have an effect in further DipBlue actions need
thus to be taken into account by some advisers (e.g.
AgreementExecutor and WordKeeper in Figure 3).
4.2 Negotiation and Trust
DipBlue is a negotiating bot with the ability to com-
municate in L Language level 1 (see Figure 2), whose
format is explained in (Fabregues and Sierra, 2009).
This layer of the language allows for three types of
requests: peace, alliance and order requests.
Peace requests reflect the intention for truce to oc-
cur among players and it can be understood as a re-
quest for cease-fire or simply to achieve neutrality. In
an attempt to reduce the probability of conflict with
the most players possible, peace messages are sent to
all negotiating players in the beginning of the game.
DipBlue then opts to break truce with the player con-
sidered to be the least beneficial, taking into account
the number of supply centers held by the other powers
and the proximity between the power under analysis
and DipBlue in the map.
Alliance requests are handled by using two clus-
ters of powers – allies and enemies – with the purpose
of joining the efforts of the allied powers in order to
defeat the enemies. DipBlue sends alliance requests
to all players with whom it is in a state of peace, tar-
geting the strongest non-ally power as an enemy. This
results in a joint effort to eliminate the biggest threat
at each phase of the game. Once the previously tar-
geted enemy is weakened enough, the new strongest
non-ally power is targeted, and so on. DipBlue ac-
cepts requests from other players if they are in a state
of peace and if the targeted enemy is not an ally itself.
An order request contains an order regarding a
unit of the player to whom the request is sent. It has
the purpose of suggesting the other player orders for
its units. DipBlue uses these messages as a way to
request for additional support to moves adjacent to al-
lied units. Since the L Language supports messages
with negative connotation, players can ask their allies
not to perform actions that interfere with their own.
DipBlue accepts order requests if the sender is an ally
and if the requested order has a value higher than the
action DipBlue had selected for the envisaged unit.
Orthogonal to the use of this negotiation strategy
is the maintenance of a trust ratio reflecting the rela-
tionship between the player and each opponent. Ini-
tially all players are neutral, meaning they have a trust
ratio of 1. This ratio is converted into a friction ratio
Friction = 1/Trust, used by the bot to decide on mak-
ing alliances or to adjust the odds on the fulfillment
of deals. It also determines when certain deals are ac-
cepted or rejected. The value of orders requested by
other players is scaled with the trust ratio of the sender
– players with a higher trust ratio have a higher prob-
ability of having their requests accepted.
Trust (or friction) ratios are updated during the
course of the game. Events that decrease trust (and
thus increase friction) include attacks and betrayals.
Likewise, the lack of attacks by players in close dis-
tance or the fulfillment of agreements bring an in-
crease on trust (and thus a decrease on friction). The
magnitude of the impact of these events on trust de-
pends on the current trust held by the player: trust in
currently untrustworthy players is less affected; on the
other hand, trustworthy players get a higher impact
on their assigned trust value. This choice is meant
to emphasize the role of betrayals during the game,
since this way an attack made by an ally (a currently
trustworthy opponent) has a higher increase of fric-
tion than the same attack made by a current enemy.
Given the nature of alliances in Diplomacy, which are
not on solid ground and may suddenly be broken, with
this approach we try to quickly capture such changes
in the game.
Along with the trust ratio, a state is associated
with each opponent that also reflects the current re-
lationship. This state is originally neutral and may
change to war or peace according to the trust ratio
and the outcome of negotiations (namely peace and
alliance requests). This state is used to enhance the
impact of the trust ratio, by increasing its effect when
assessing actions related to a given opponent. When
a new alliance is started, all enemy player states are
changed to war, thus reducing their trust ratio and in-
creasing aggressiveness towards them.
4.3 Advisers
Advisers are the components of DipBlue that assess
possible orders and determine what to do. Each of
them is individual and can be used without the others,
providing modularity and extensibility to the archi-
tecture. In the process of determining which actions
to perform, the opinions of all advisers are taken into
A ranking of possible orders for each unit is cre-
ated. The method used to calculate the value assigned
to each action is a weighted accumulation similar to
a voting system, considering the numerical evaluation
each adviser provides (see Eq. 1, where n is the num-
ber of advisers, w
is the weight of Adviser i and v
is the value Adviser i assigns to Order).
While accumulating values, these can actually be
either summed or multiplied, as for some advisers the
assigned value has no meaning by itself (e.g. the prob-
ability of an order being successful), and should be
interpreted as a scaling factor the adviser is simply
increasing or decreasing the importance of the order.
This also means that the order of execution of advisers
is important.
Finally, the best order for each unit is selected, en-
suring they do not collide with each other. This verifi-
cation is important because, for instance, if two units
happen to attack the same region, a conflict arises
and neither unit is successful, nulling out each other
Initially, advisers have equal weights, which can
then be adjusted in order to fine-tune the bot. Along
with these weights, advisers themselves have intrinsic
parameters that can be adjusted for obtaining differ-
ent behavior variations. The adjustment of these pa-
rameters allows the creation of behavioral archetypes
and personality, such as aggressive, naive, friendly or
vengeful players. An optimization approach may be
used to find out the optimal performance, following
the approach in (Jonge, 2010).
We now provide short descriptions of the advisers
illustrated in Figure 3.
MapTactician is the base adviser, serving as a
starting point for all the following advisers to work
upon. It is based on the behavior of DumbBot (see
Section 3.2). This adviser performs an assessment of
the map in terms of raw power, amount of enemy units
and their positions, following a province destination
value heuristic (see Section 3.3).
FortuneTeller takes into account the basic rules
for resolving actions in Diplomacy to predict if an
action will succeed, giving a probabilistic view of
the evaluated move actions. Since Diplomacy has a
complex set of rules with many exceptions and prece-
dences between them, determining if one action in a
given set is going to be successful is not a trivial task.
Given the size of the search tree, it can also be quite
time consuming. In order to alleviate this problem,
FortuneTeller disregards the possibility of chain ac-
tions that may nullify each other, thus often obtaining
optimistic probabilities of success.
The role of TeamBuilder is to promote support
actions. Supports related with move actions that are
highly ranked have their value increased, as a way to
increase the probability of success of the move. Fur-
ther in the process of choosing the actions for each
unit, with this adviser a unit may forfeit its highest
ranked action to support some neighbor with a high
need for support, particularly when the move of such
neighbor has a value higher than the original action
of the supporting unit. Changing the weight of this
adviser results in a higher cooperation in attacking
moves, thus enhancing team play.
AgreementExecutor takes into account the deals
made by DipBlue and decides how they should be per-
formed. The value of each deal is assessed by taking
into account the trust ratio with the deal counterpart.
Given the dynamics of the game, a deal may be pro-
posed or accepted when the powers are in a friendly
state but then be poorly rated because of the decrease
of trust between both parties.
WordKeeper is the adviser in charge of reflect-
ing the influence of trust/friction regarding each op-
ponent. WordKeeper scales the value of the actions
according to the trust ratio of the player the action is
directed to. This way, the value associated with an at-
tack to an ally is reduced, while the value associated
with an attack to an enemy is increased.
4.4 Archetypes
Throughout the development of the DipBlue bot some
distinct aspects were created, such as the ability to
negotiate, propose deals and perform trust reasoning.
In order to test some of these aspects individually,
some different bots were created according to generic
archetypes. Each archetype is defined by the set of ad-
visers it uses and by the way the bot reacts to certain
events, such as peace and action requests. Archetypes
can be seen as different configurations of DipBlue,
and were defined to overcome the lack of DipGame
bots available for testing purposes. With the excep-
tion of NoPress, every other archetype described be-
low uses all the advisers presented in Section 4.3.
NoPress is the most basic version of DipBlue. It
does not perform negotiation of any kind and is un-
able to perform trust reasoning. It is very similar to
DumbBot in terms of capabilities. Advisers: Map-
Tactician, FortuneTeller, TeamBuilder.
Slave has the ability to communicate although it
does not take the initiative to start negotiations. Slave
makes the same evaluation of actions as NoPress, au-
tomatically accepts every requests and follows them
blindly (as long as they are executable). All agree-
ments have higher priority as compared to the actions
determined by the bot itself. This is the best bot to
have as an ally.
Naive is endowed with the ability to propose deals
of any supported kind to other players. When re-
ceiving incoming requests it has the ability to rea-
son whether it should accept them based on a sim-
ple evaluation of both the request and the requesting
player. Deals proposed by allies or players with very
high trust ratio are inflated, while requests made by
players the bot is in war with are almost always re-
jected. However, Naive lacks the ability to perceive
when agreements are not fulfilled, and thus cannot be
said to perform trust reasoning.
DipBlue is the more complete bot: it has the same
setting as Naive with the addition of being able to per-
form trust reasoning. This allows DipBlue to detect
hostile actions from other players and to assess how
they fulfill agreements. Due to the trust ratios and us-
ing the AgreementExecutor and WordKeeper advis-
ers, DipBlue is also capable of betraying other play-
In Algorithm 1 a high-level specification of Dip-
Blue’s operation is listed. As mentioned in Sec-
tion 4.2, the bot starts by proposing peace agreements
to all adversaries (lines 1-3), and according to re-
ceived responses updates the set P of opponents that
are in peace.
When playing Diplomacy, in each season the play-
ers go through different phases, in the following
sequence: spring, summer, fall, autumn and win-
ter. Spring and fall are the so-called diplomatic
phases, where players are able to negotiate cooper-
ation (lines 6-11). DipBlue starts by revising peace
agreements (line 7), taking into account what has hap-
pened in the previous phases. Friction ratios are up-
dated and peace is broken for those opponents with a
ration above a given threshold. DipBlue will then se-
lect the highest power (line 8) as a target, proposing
to all opponents currently in P an alliance to defeat it
(line 9). Sets P and W are updated according to the
Algorithm 1: DipBlue’s high-level algorithm.
Require: gameState {current state of the game}
A {advisers to use}
X {list of opponents}
P {list of opponents in peace and their friction ratios}
W {list of opponents in war and their friction ratios}
1: for all op X do
2: negotiatePeaceAgreement(op,P )
3: end for
4: while alive do
5: switch (phase(gameState))
6: case Spring, Fall:
7: updatePeaceAgreements(P )
8: hp highestPower(gameState)
9: negotiateAlliance(hp,P ,W )
10: O selectMoveOrders(gameState,A)
11: requestSupports(O,P )
12: case Summer, Autumn:
13: O selectRetreatOrders(gameState,A)
14: case Winter:
15: O selectBuildOrRemoveOrders(gameState,A)
16: end switch
17: executeOrders(gameState,O)
18: for all op X do
19: for all o executedOrders(gameState, op) do
20: if isMoveTo(o) and target(o) = me then
21: updateRatio(op,P ,W )
22: end if
23: end for
24: end for
25: end while
responses received. Advisers in A are then used to
evaluate and select move orders to be executed for
each of the bot’s units (line 10). Finally, for the se-
lected orders support actions are requested from any
opponent in P having a neighboring region.
Summer and autumn are phases where orders are
executed (lines 12-13), and in case of standoffs losing
units need to retreat to an empty neighboring region
or removed from the game. DipBlue uses its advisers
in A to decide which retreat orders to execute for each
dislodged unit (line 13).
Finally, winter is the phase where players earn ad-
ditional units or lose exceeding ones according to the
number of supply centers they occupy (lines 14-15).
Again, DipBlue uses its advisers to decide where to
place its newly acquired units or which units to re-
move (line 15).
After submitting its orders to the game for execu-
tion (line 17), DipBlue will analyze every executed
order from its opponents (lines 18-24), and update ra-
tios (line 21) for those players that have decided to
attack it, i.e., that have executed move actions to one
of its controlled supply centers (line 20).
It is important to emphasize that, for the sake of
clarity, we have left outside this algorithm DipBlue’s
behavior in terms of responses to incoming peace, al-
Table 1: Testing scenarios.
Scenario Configuration Purpose
1 1x NoPress
6x DumbBot
Test the baseline version of DipBlue, which is theoretically equivalent to Dumb-
2 1x DipBlue
6x DumbBot
Test the performance of DipBlue when facing DumbBots, without players to
negotiate with
3 1x Slave
1x Naive
5x DumbBot
Test the performance of the Naive archetype in the presence of a Slave
4 1x Slave
1x DipBlue
5x DumbBot
Test the performance of DipBlue in the presence of a Slave, an agent that accepts
and follows any proposed and feasible deal
5 1x Naive
1x DipBlue
5x DumbBot
Test the performance of DipBlue in the presence of a Naive, a deliberative team-
6 2x DipBlue
5x DumbBot
Test the performance of DipBlue when paired with an equal player, which is
also able to detect betrayals
7 7x NoPress Test the baseline version of DipBlue without DumbBots’ influence
8 7x DipBlue Test DipBlue without DumbBots’ influence
9 2x DipBlue
5x NoPress
Test the performance of DipBlue when paired with an equal player, without
DubmBots’ influence
liance or order requests. This behavior is informally
described in Section 4.2.
To test the performance of DipBlue archetypes, a
number of scenarios have been created, as listed in Ta-
ble 1. In each scenario 70 games were made with the
same specifications, and average data has been com-
puted. Following Diplomacy’s rules, in each game 7
players are in play, which are randomly assigned to 7
different world powers.
In addition to these scenarios, and in order to bet-
ter understand the strategic advantage of DipBlue, a
number of hypotheses have been formulated, namely:
H1: Close distance allies bring a better perfor-
mance than long distance ones, as adjacent
allies provide lesser contact with enemies
and are able to support each other actions.
H2: Being in war with farther opponents is
better than with closer ones, as the bigger
the distance the less opportunities there
are for attacks.
H3: Negotiation is a competitive advantage in
Diplomacy, as it endows the player with
the ability to temporarily team up with
other players.
H4: Trust reasoning increases the perfor-
mance of the player, as it is able to de-
termine betrayals or aggressive attitudes
from its opponents.
H5: Being caught betraying is worst than not
being caught, as previous allies may retal-
After collecting results from several games in each of
the scenarios, we have analyzed the results in order to
extract useful information.
6.1 Overall Performance
The most relevant result is the position in which the
bot ends the game, since it provides a direct insight to
the bot’s performance. In games made with 7 Dumb-
Bots, the average position is the 4th place since all
players have equal performance, there is an even dis-
tribution of wins.
By analyzing the average position obtained by No-
Press in Scenario 1, which, as shown in Figure 4, is
4.3, it is possible to conclude that the performance
of the bot is lower than the performance of Dumb-
Bot. Because of this handicap and since NoPress is
the foundation for all other bots and has no negoti-
ation capabilities, the best way to measure the im-
provements of the remaining bots is to compare them
with NoPress, rather than DumbBot. From this point
forward, all references to gain or loss in performance
are relative to the values achieved by NoPress.
In Scenario 2, DipBlue faces 6 DumbBots, being
therefore unable to take advantage of negotiation, and
uses the same heuristics as NoPress plus trust reason-
ing based on the opponents actions. DipBlue was ex-
Figure 4: Average and standard deviation of the final position of the bot in each scenario.
pected to perform better than NoPress, given that it
has more capabilities. However, it actually performs
worst than NoPress, decreasing the average position
to 4.63. Since the only difference between both bots,
in this particular scenario, is the addition of trust rea-
soning, a possible reason is that changing trust ratios
based on attacks of nearby opponents may not be an
optimal strategy since it will increase aggressiveness
towards those opponents. In fact, as analyzed in Sec-
tion 6.2, the player performs better the farthest its en-
emies are.
Scenarios 3 and 4 are used to assess how Naive
and DipBlue act when in the presence of a Slave. A
Slave may behave like a support player when allied to
a player with the proper negotiation capabilities; the
Slave can be seen as a lever to other players and not as
the subject of study itself. When paired with Naive,
Slave loses performance; however, the Naive bot has
a slight increase in performance, which demonstrates
the ability to make use of another player for personal
benefit, through the use of negotiation. Furthermore,
when paired with DipBlue, Slave gains performance
and DipBlue displays an advantage over both NoPress
and Naive. This indicates that both Naive and Dip-
Blue are able to perform better when in the presence
of a Slave and it also shows that DipBlue is capable
of a better performance than Naive, due to its trust
In Scenarios 5 and 6, DipBlue is paired with a
Naive and another DipBlue, respectively, to measure
the impact of betrayals and the way DipBlue detects
and reacts to them. In Scenario 5, Naive has worst
performance than NoPress, than Naive in Scenario 3
and even than Slave when it was also paired with
DipBlue in Scenario 4. On the other hand, in Sce-
nario 5 DipBlue achieves the highest score from all
tested scenarios, due to its ability to betray the Naive
bot and the inability of the latter to detect or react to
the betrayal. The results of Scenario 5 are ideal to
demonstrate the need for trust reasoning when in the
presence of possible betrayals, while it also illustrates
the advantages of a player being able to betray its al-
For Scenario 6, Figure 4 shows the average po-
sition of both DipBlues. When paired with another
instance of itself, DipBlue is able to detect betrayals
and is vulnerable to be detected betraying. Therefore,
when two instances of this bot are matched there is
a high probability of conflict between two former al-
lies. The results highlighted by this scenario display
an increase of performance when compared to Naive
in Scenario 3 and NoPress in Scenario 1; however,
there is a decrease when compared to the performance
of DipBlue in Scenario 5. While in that scenario Dip-
Blue was able to betray alliances without repercus-
sions, in Scenario 6 betrayals can be detected, which
leads to a decrease of performance of both bots.
To evaluate how the bots behave when matched
against each other without the interference of Dumb-
Bots, Scenarios 7 and 8 have been created. Since
in both scenarios the performance of every bot was
being tracked and all bots were equal to each other,
the average position is 4, similarly to when 7 Dumb-
Bots are matched. Further analysis of these scenarios
revealed that when 7 instances of the same bot are
matched against each other, the outcome is the same
in all games and the performance of a single instance
is determined by the world power the bot is assigned
to. The reason why this happens with NoPress and
DipBlue but not with DumbBot is because DumbBot
has some randomness in the process of choosing the
actions, while NoPress and DipBlue have not. There-
fore, in each game the player associated with a spe-
cific world power will have the same behavior as any
equal player that has occupied that world power in a
previous game.
Scenario 9 is similar to Scenario 6 in the sense
that it matches 2 DipBlues with 5 non-negotiating
bots, with the difference of using NoPress as the non-
negotiation bot instead of using DumbBot. As ex-
pected, DipBlue performs better than NoPress and
better than DipBlue in Scenario 6. Since all bots in
this scenario lack random factors, the outcome is also
dependent on the world powers both DipBlues repre-
sent, similar to what happens in Scenarios 7 and 8.
6.2 Correlation of Variables
In order to deepen the analysis of the obtained results,
an inspection of dependencies between variables is
needed. In order to better understand this depen-
dency a correlation coefficient between variables has
been calculated. All correlation coefficients regard
the player position, which represents the ranking of
the player. Therefore, negative coefficients mean the
bigger the value of the variable the better the player’s
Figure 5 displays the inverse correlation coeffi-
cients using aggregated data from all scenarios. Vari-
ables represent: number of years the game takes to
end, distance to allies and enemies, percentage of
moves cut (i.e. moves invalidated by other player
moves), and the number of holds, moves and sup-
ports. Given that correlation coefficients proved to
be mostly negative, all values were inverted for better
understanding and display purposes.
Figure 5: Inverse correlation with final position of the bot.
The correlation of the final position with the years
the game takes to end is very reduced, meaning there
is not a significant dependency between the length of
the game and the performance of the bot. The same
applies to the percentage of moves that have been cut.
The correlation of the distance to allies has a low
positive value, which indicates that a slight tendency
of a gain in performance is obtained with the increase
of the distance. However, it is not significant. Re-
garding the distance to enemies, Figure 5 shows a sig-
nificant correlation, which indicates that the farther
the enemies are from the player, the better its perfor-
Regarding the number of holds, moves and sup-
ports, these values display a high correlation with the
final position, explained by the fact that when a player
owns several units, these units will in turn perform
several actions. Additionally, having several units is
correlated with having a higher number of supply cen-
ters, which means the player is likely to win the game.
Therefore, the number of actions has a direct impact
on the position of the player.
6.3 Impact of World Power
In games played by humans there is a slight dif-
ference in performance depending on the power the
players are assigned to. One study made by Eric
Hunter (Hunter, 2014) shows a discrepancy between
the powers in tournament games played by humans,
which is illustrated in Figure 6. The results show an
advantage of nearly double win percentage between
France and Italy.
Figure 6: Average position of the bot for each power.
To better understand how the bots behave, the
same analysis was made and its results are presented
in Figure 6 in comparison with the values obtained by
Eric Hunter. Bots display a higher disparity of values
as compared to the human tournament results. While
the human tournament win percentage ranges from
7.23% to 15.8%, bots win percentages ranged from
0.36% to 44.5%, which indicates that the bots have an
accentuated difference in performance depending on
the world power they are assigned to. Although the
difference between the powers is much larger than in
human games, the most successful world powers are
the same.
6.4 Revision of Hypotheses
We turn our attention to the hypotheses laid out in
Section 5. Hypothesis 1, suggesting an alignment be-
tween proximity to allies and performance, was re-
jected by the results shown in Section 6.2.
Similarly, Hypothesis 2 suggested an alignment
between distance to enemies and performance. Ac-
cording to Figure 5, the distance to enemies does have
a positive impact on the performance of the player,
thus validating this hypothesis.
Hypothesis 3, stating that a bot with negotiation
capabilities performs better than a bot without them,
can be verified by comparing the results of NoPress
with the results of bots that are not being used as a
support player, such as DipBlue, as discussed in Sec-
tion 6.1.
Hypothesis 4 pointed out trust reasoning as an as-
set. Since trust reasoning was implemented with two
distinct elements – based on the actions performed by
the opponents and based on the messages sent and re-
ceived both variations are analyzed. Following the
results discussed in Section 6.1, games played against
6 DumbBots point to the rejection of the hypothe-
sis for action-based trust reasoning, given that No-
Press has a better performance than DipBlue. As for
negotiation-based trust reasoning, DipBlue achieves
a better performance when matched with Naive than
when matched with another DipBlue, also capable of
betraying and detecting betrayals. This result also val-
idates Hypothesis 5, which states that a bot loses per-
formance if its betrayals are detected.
Addressing multi-player games with cooperative
strategies is a challenging domain for multi-agent sys-
tems. In this paper we have put forward an initial ap-
proach to develop negotiation-based agents for play-
ing Diplomacy. The proposed modular architecture
for DipBlue allowed us to test our bot using several
different archetypes. The test scenarios had the pur-
pose of highlighting certain aspects of the bots or their
combination, producing results that allow to verify the
validity of the proposed approach.
As a summary, we conclude that the proposed ap-
proach, DipBlue, successfully takes advantage of ne-
gotiation, as an alternative (or complement) to tra-
ditional solution search approaches. The lack of
DipGame bots that are able to enter into negotiations
has prevented us from a deeper analysis of our bots
virtues. Nevertheless, we may say that negotiation
is proven to be a very powerful approach in games
where (temporary) cooperation between the players
can take place. Furthermore, trust reasoning is a
promising direction to address the breaking of agree-
In the near future we would like to build, using
DipBlue’s architecture, different deliberative strate-
gies for the game, better exploring negotiation fea-
tures. This will also allow us to enrich our experi-
ments by populating them with different negotiation-
able bots for DipGame. Consequently, it will also en-
able us to make a deeper evaluation of the competitive
advantages of each strategy as compared to the others.
Some promising improvements to DipBlue are
planed, along the following lines.
Performance of World Powers. Bots performance
varies greatly according to the world power they are
assigned to. Reducing this effect would be beneficial
to achieve a more stable and robust player, capable
of having a good performance regardless of the world
power assigned to it.
Communication Capabilities. Negotiation strate-
gies rely on communication. One of the most valuable
improvements to be made is to increase the commu-
nication capabilities of the bot towards higher levels
of the L Language.
Trust Reasoning. DipBlue performs a very simplistic
trust reasoning. Being able to combine the previous
actions of players with the current state of the game
should enable a better assessment of the odds related
with establishing or breaking agreements.
Optimization. Following the approach described
in (Jonge, 2010), which applies genetic algorithms to
optimize DumbBot (Norman, 2013), it should be pos-
sible to determine the best configuration of DipBlue,
in order to achieve an optimal bot.
Learning. Using machine learning techniques, the
bot can be endowed with the ability to learn from
its previous experiences and opponents after a fair
amount of games. This could be used to learn when to
play each available action during the game or to im-
prove negotiation tactics. Learning could also be used
to predict the next opponent moves.
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