Evaluation of the Anonymous I2P Network’s Design Choices Against
Performance and Security
Juan Pablo Timpanaro, Thibault Cholez, Isabelle Chrisment and Olivier Festor
TELECOM Nancy, Universit´e de Lorraine, INRIA/LORIA UMR 7503, Vandœuvre-l`es-Nancy, F-54602, France
Attack Detection, Eclipse Attack, I2P, Anonymous systems, netDB.
Anonymous communications are growing extremely fast because more and more Internet users employ anony-
mous systems, such as the I2P or Tor networks, as a way to hide their online activity. Therefore, these networks
have been more and more studied, mainly from a security point of view. Different studies have shown impor-
tant design flaws in these systems that could break users’ anonymity and how these issues can be overcome,
but the resilience of the underlying information systems has not been much investigated so far. Indeed, these
anonymous systems rely entirely on directories, either centralised or decentralised, to store vital network in-
formation. In this paper, we consider the I2P anonymous system and its decentralised directory, known as the
netDB, where our contributions are twofold. On the one hand, we conduct arguably the first churn study of
the I2P network, showing that I2P users are more stable than non-anonymous peer-to-peer users. On the other
hand, we analyse the design of the netDB and compare it against the popular KAD design, demonstrating
that the former is more vulnerable to different attacks, specially to Eclipse attacks, which can be mitigated by
applying design choices of the latter. We lately show the positive impact on performances of including KAD’s
DHT configuration into the netDB in terms of bandwidth, storage and messages overhead.
NONYMOUS communications are quickly grow-
ing: the Tor network has tripled its user-base
in the last six months, while the I2P anonymous net-
work has doubled its user-basein the last ten months
These systems allow users to access different ser-
vices while preserving their online anonymity, where
a user’s real identity is decoupled from its assigned
system’s identity. As with the increased use of these
systems, different attacks have been designed and de-
ployed. Regarding the Tor network (Dingledine et al.,
2004), different studies have been carried out, where
the network itself has been attacked (Biryukov et al.,
2013; News, ), or it has been monitored (Mccoy et al.,
2008). The I2P network has been attacked as well, at
an application level (Crenshaw, 2011) and at a net-
work level (Herrmann and Grothoff, 2011).
These systems use a directory to store network
metadata, i.e. the metadata necessary to maintain
the operation of the network, such as the information
of participants or applications and services deployed
within the network. Tor uses a central directory to co-
Statistics from http://metrics.torproject.org and
http://stats.i2p.in/, respectively. Last visited on 09/2014.
ordinate its Tor routers, while the I2P network uses a
distributed directory to coordinate and store all sys-
tem metadata.
Our motivation lies in the fact that if these directo-
ries are attacked and fail, the entire system will not be
able to properly operate and deliver its main service:
anonymous communications. In this paper, we focus
on the security aspects of the anonymous I2P network
and its distributed directory, called the netDB.
Our contributions are:
We evaluate the security and design of the netDB.
We carry out the first churn study of the netDB.
We improve netDB’s design based on lessons
learned from the KAD distributed hash table.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sec-
tion 2.4 introduces the I2P anonymous network. Sec-
tion 3 introduces the related work and arguably the
only practical attack against the I2P network. Sec-
tion IV introduces our recommendations to improve
netDB, from a security and performance point of
view. Section V introduces the performance eval-
uation of our proposed mechanisms: extending its
replica set size and extending its user-base. Section
6 considers further options when dealing with Sybil
Timpanaro J., Cholez T., Chrisment I. and Festor O..
Evaluation of the Anonymous I2P Network’s Design Choices Against Performance and Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0005226600460055
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 46-55
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
attacks within distributed hash tables. Finally, Sec-
tion 7 concludes our work and presents further work
The I2P network is designed as an anonymous net-
work layer enablingusers to deploy their own applica-
tions on top of the network, and it is mainly designed
for anonymous file-sharing and anonymousweb host-
ing. On the contrary to the Tor network, where users’
traffic enters the network, gets re-routed and exits to
the normal Internet, in the I2P network the traffic
stays within the network. Thus, the I2P network is
a closed network, on the opposite to the Tor network,
that can be seen as an Internet proxy.
2.1 I2P Architecture
Every node, or I2P user, within the system deploys
an I2P router, thus forming the I2P network overlay.
I2P routers connect among themselves forming tun-
nels: a multi-hop path among different I2P routers,
as depicted in Figure 1. The
I2P router A
messages through a one-hop tunnel employing
router B
(endpoint) and receives messages employ-
ing as well a one-hop tunnel using
I2P router F
I2P router D
uses as well one-hop tun-
nels, where it sends data through the
I2P router
(endpoint), whilst receives data through the
router C
(gateway). The number of hops in a I2P
tunnel varies between 0 and 7, where more hops in
a tunnel increases the anonymity but reduces perfor-
mance, being that data needs to traverse more inter-
mediate nodes.
Users deploy I2P applications on top of their I2P
routers, where these applications are able to commu-
nicate to other remote I2P applications in an anony-
mous manner. Figure 1 presents a typical scenario,
where applications
App A
App B
among themselves by means of these I2P tunnels,
avoiding any direct communication among their I2P
App A
uses the tunnel with
I2P router F
as gateway to receive data, while
App B
uses the tun-
nel with
I2P router C
as gateway to receive data.
App A
uses the tunnel with
I2P router B
as endpoint to send data, while
App B
uses the tunnel
I2P router E
to send data.
Tunnel-based communications is the core of I2P
anonymity, where the identity of an I2P user (repre-
sented by an I2P router, for example I2P
router A
is decoupled from the identity of an I2P application
(for instance,
App A
Figure 1: Architecture of the I2P network.
2.2 I2P Anonymity
The information regarding an I2P router is gathered
in a structure known as routerinfo. That data struc-
ture holds all the contact information for that particu-
lar I2P router.
An I2P application is not identified through the
normal <IP address, port number> tuple, but via a
location-independent identifier, known as I2P desti-
nation. That I2P destination along with a set of en-
cryption keys (to send encrypted data to the applica-
tion), a signing key and the list ofthe gatewaysused to
receive data is gathered in a structure known as leas-
eset. Considering the scenario in Figure 1, the leas-
eset of
App A
I2P router F
as the single
gateway, whilst the leaseset for
App B
router C
as the single gateway.
Therefore, an I2P router is identified by a router-
info, whilst an I2P application is identified by a leas-
eset. Routerinfos and leasesets are the I2P’s network
metadata required for a normal network operation.
I2P uses a distributed directory to store all I2P meta-
data and make it accessible to the entire network.
2.3 Distributed Directory
I2P uses a distributed directory to store its network
metadata that is composed of leasesets and router-
infos. The database is known as the netDB and
is a Kademlia-based (Maymounkov and Mazi`eres,
2002) distributed hash table, composed of floodfill
nodes. Floodfill nodes are normal I2P routers with
high bandwidth rates. This means that the netDB is
not formed by the entire network, as in KAD, but only
by a subset of all I2P routers.
The netDB works as any Kademlia-based dis-
tributed hash table when storing and retrieving data.
Figure 2 presents a simplification of this procedure,
where a node
stores data with a particular
The first step is to retrieve those nodes close to the
key value, known as replica set, in this case nodes
(considering a replica set of four nodes, as
Figure 2: Kademlia storing/retrieving process.
an example). The second and last step is to send the
store message (in the case of searching for data, this
will be a search message) to those nodes, thus storing
the value.
The netDB works in a similar manner, where ev-
ery floodfill node stores a portion of all network meta-
data, either leasesets or routerinfos.
2.4 Keyspace Shifting
As every Kademlia-based DHT, I2P’s netDB uses the
XOR metric to determine in which nodes a value
should be published in or retrieved from by com-
paring a nodes identifier and a value’s identifier. A
node’s identifier is determined during the first execu-
tion and normally remains unchanged throughout the
entire life of the node.
Nevertheless, the netDB uses a temporary iden-
tifier instead of a fix identifier to compute the XOR
distance. This temporary identifier, called a routing
identifier as opposed to the node identifier, is obtained
by appending the node identifier with the current date
and hashingthe result, as shown in Equation1. There-
fore, the identifier used in the netDB is the routing
identifier, which changes every day, while the node
identifier remains fix.
id = SHA256(node id||yyyyMMdd) (1)
At midnight, every previously published value
needs to be republished in another DHT location,
since the routing identifier changes. I2P uses this ap-
proach to increase the cost of a localised Sybil attack
(Douceur, 2002). During a Sybil attack, an attacker
creates several fake identities in order to place them
around the DHT. In a localised Sybil attack, all these
fake identities are place close to a particular target, as
to gain control of a particular portion of the DHT.
The Tor and I2P networks are arguably the most
widely deployed low-latency anonymous systems.
Figure 3: Egger et al. Eclipse attack on the netDB.
Different attacks have been deployed within the
Tor network, aiming at disrupting the network or de-
grading the anonymity of the system (Hopper et al.,
2010; News, ). Monitoring the system has as well
been studied (Loesing et al., 2010; Mccoy et al.,
2008), were different insights about Tor users have
been obtained.
Regarding the I2P network, Herrmann et al.
(Herrmann and Grothoff, 2011) conducted an at-
tack against I2P’s peer selection mechanism (zzz and
Schimmer, 2009), de-anonymising I2P anonymous
web sites, known as eepsites. Crenshaw (Crenshaw,
2011), on the other hand, exploited I2P’s application
layer to link together eepsites and the I2P users run-
ning those eepsites, thus de-anonymising I2P users.
On the contrary to the Tor network, monitoring the
I2P network has not been widely studied.
Despite these previous studies, none of them con-
sidered the network directory. The central directoryof
the Tor network has been, however, questioned about
its centralised nature in (Exchange, ), where a decen-
tralised hash table has been considered as an alter-
native solution. Regarding the I2P network, Egger
et al. (Egger et al., 2013) conducted arguably the
solely practical attack against the I2P network. The
authors deployed an attack against the netDB, aiming
at eclipsing a particular leaseset within the netDB. As
mention in Section 2.4, a leaseset identifies a particu-
lar application, such as a file-sharing client. The goal
of Egger et al. attack is to render completely inacces-
sible to the rest of the network the leaseset identify-
ing an application. The most similar scenario in the
normal Internet will be to erase the DNS entry of a
particular website.
Figure 3 illustrates Egger et al.s attack. The goal
is to place malicious peers around a particular target
key, such as
, closer than any other legit-
imate peer, such as
. Thus, these malicious peers
will store that target key and eventually they will stop
answering request, eclipsing the key from the rest of
the network.
In order to deploy this attack, Egger et al. need to
brute-force the position of these malicious peers, due
to the key shifting mechanism used by the netDB. The
number of generated malicious peers or fake keys is
proportional to the size of the replica set used within
the netDB, as later detailed in Section 4.3: a larger
replica set requires a larger set of fake keys to be gen-
erated and inserted. We will consider the attack by
Egger et al. in our study and analyse how the cost
of this attack can be increased, where we additionally
consider a mechanism to detect whether a leaseset is
under attack.
I2P’s reduced replica set has a negative impact from
two points of view: From a reliability point of view, a
low replica set along with a considerable churn value
in the network can produce data loss (Stutzbach and
Rejaie, 2006). From a security point of view, an at-
tacker will need to generate fewer fake routing keys
so as to conduct an attack, specially localised Sybil
attacks, which are the basic attack to deploy further
complex attacks, such as Eclipse attacks. A lower
replica set means that an attacker will have less com-
petition with regular peers, which is translated to a
lower attack cost. So as to increase competition we
Increase the replica set size.
Increase the number of nodes supporting netDB.
This section first introduces the KAD network.
Later, it introduces two significant improvements for
the netDB: extension of its replica set and extension
of its user-base, following KAD’s design.
4.1 The netDB and the KAD Network
The KAD network is a Kademlia-based distributed
hash table used by two file-sharing clients, aMule and
eMule. It has a double-indexation level, where the
first level indexes content, whilst the second indexes
available sources, serving as a fully decentralised
search engine and tracker. The netDB, on the con-
trary, has a single-indexation level, where peers and
application metadata are indexed, similar to KAD’s
second level of indexation.
In both networks, routing is iterative, i.e. a peer
iteratively searches for peers close to a particular key,
before sending a service message, such as a
message. The difference, however, is the
size of the replica set. When a peer needs to store
a value within KAD or the netDB, he needs first to
locate the closest peers to the key, before issuing the
service message. This set of closest peers is called the
replica set for that particular key. In a network with
no churn, the replica set has ideally a single peer on
it. However, being that churn in an intrinsic property
of P2P networks, both KAD and the netDB have mul-
tiple peers in the replica set. KAD, on the one hand,
uses a replica set of ten peers and therefore every time
a peer needs to store a value, it is replicated in the ten
closest peers. The netDB, on the other hand, onlyuses
the three closest peers to replicate a particular value.
It is important to mention that the replica set size
of the netDB has been decreased, from eight to ve
to finally three nodes, due to our previous monitor-
ing study (Timpanaro et al., 2012), where we mon-
itored the network based on a distributed architec-
ture to characterise users and anonymous applica-
tions. We considered the distribution of our monitor
nodes, reaching the conclusion that we needed N
/ X monitor nodes to gather all network metadata
simultaneously, being
the size of the netDB (total
number of floodfill nodes) and
the size of the replica
set. For example, considering
=1000 and
=8 nodes
we needed 1000 / 8 = 125 monitor nodes to have a
complete view of the netDB. However, considering a
lower replica set of three nodes, we needed 1000 / 3
= 334 monitor nodes. I2P’s designers considered our
study and decided to reduce the replica set
to tamper
our monitoring efforts.
However, this was clearly a poor design choice for
two reasons. On the one hand, as opposed to the KAD
network where requests are directly addressed and
unencrypted, there is no privacy issues when moni-
toring the I2P network. Requests to the netDB are
tunnelled employing the same tunnels as for anony-
mous communications, as explained in Section 2.1,
and therefore an attacker can not link together an ap-
plication (defined by a leaseset) and the final user re-
questing this application. On the other hand, reducing
the replicaset makes the I2P network more vulnerable
to Sybil attacks, and therefore to massive DoS, while
not improving its privacy nor its security.
4.2 Increasing the replica set
We aim at increasing the effort to deploy a Sybil at-
tack, that is to be able to position malicious peers next
to a particular key, closer than any other legitimate
peer. The current netDB design considers a replica set
of three peers, therefore an attacker needs to compute
three fake routing keys closer than any other peer to
achieve a successful attack. The netDB’s design does
not allow to choose a peer’s position within the netDB
space and therefore an attacker needs to compute fake
routing identifiers in a brute-force manner to place its
malicious peers.
Considering a netDB with
floodfill nodes and a
random routerinfo (or leaseset) with key
, the aver-
age number of shared bits between the key
and the
closest floodfill
is nb bits = log
N. That is, if we
http://zzz.i2p/topics/1281. Last visited on 09/2014.
3 5 8 10 15 20
Cost of Attack (Generated Keys)
Replica set size
Generated keys
Figure 4: Cost of Attack/Replica Set size ratio.
consider the current size of the netDB ( 4000 nodes)
and a random routerinfo, or leaseset, we will find that
the closest floodfill share 12 bits in common with the
associated to that routerinfo or leaseset.
Now, considering the previous relation between
the number of users in the netDB and the number of
shared bits, Equation 2 depicts the number of fake
routing keys an attacker will need to generate based
on the size
of the replica set. Considering netDB’s
current configuration with
= 3 and
= 4000 , an
attacker will need to generate in average more than
12K fake routing keys before finding the number of
appropriate ones to perform the attack.
fake routing keys = K x
We additionally conducted an experiment consid-
ering the real netDB, so as to complement our ana-
lytic results. In order to correctly measure the effort
to compute these fake routing keys, we conducted the
following experiment, simulating an attack:
Step 1: we published close to 200 keys in the
netDB and stored the replica set for each publi-
Step 2: for each publication we computed the
closest peer, within the replica set, to the pub-
lished key.
Step 3: finally we computed, in a brute-force man-
ner,routing keys untilobtainingthree routing keys
closer than the closest legitimate peer computedin
step two. We repeated this step several times (over
a hundred times).
Thus, we can measure how many fake routing
identifiers an attacker need to generate before being
able to fully eclipse a particular key in the netDB. In
other words, which is the cost of the attack, mea-
sured in generated fake routing keys. This behaviour
can be observed in Figure 4, where for a replica
set value of three, we need to generate, in average,
13000 fake routing identifiers, where with moderate
resources, can be computed in a few minutes. We ob-
tained these values within the netDB containing ap-
proximately 4000 nodes.
We performed the same experiment with different
configurations of replica set, as observed in Figure 4,
for values 3, 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 nodes. By increas-
ing the replica set of the netDB, we linearly increase
the effort of the attack. Considering the replica set of
KAD for instance, an attacker will need to generate
up to 60000 fake routing identifiers before obtaining
a valid set of malicious peers.
Increasing the replica set within the netDB has
two effects. On the one hand, we are hardening lo-
calised Sybil attacks on the network, a major problem
in I2P’s threat model
. On the other hand, increas-
ing the replica set increases network resilience against
churn, since the probability of all peers in the replica
set going offline in a particular period of time expo-
nentially decreases when the size of the replica set
increases, as detailed in Section 5.3.
4.3 Increasing netDB’s User-base
The netDB design states that only certain qualified
peers can join the network, mainly filtering out peers
regarding their bandwidth limits and their uptime in
the system. I2P’s designers states that, in this way,
the netDB is formed by fast and stable peers, the
floodfill nodes. Although a valid approach, we ar-
gue that these limitations need to be removed from
the netDB design, evolving to a more open design,
such as KAD. In KAD, every reachable peer supports
the DHT, without any restriction, leading to a network
size of several millions peers (Cholez et al., 2012).
KAD deals with less stable peers and churn by in-
creasing its replica set and adjusting its republication
window accordingly.
Increasing the number of peers within the netDB
implies that an attacker will need to generate further
fake routing keys, since the netDB space will be more
dense. Table 1 presents our results of the cost of an
Eclipse attack based on a given replica set and netDB
size. With the current values of replica set (three
nodes) and the netDB size ( 4000nodes), an attacker
needs to generate approximately 13000 fake routing
keys to achieve a full Eclipse attack, which matched
our previous analytic results. However, if we allow
every node in the I2P network ( 55000 nodes) to join
de netDB and maintain the current replica set of three
nodes, the cost of the attack grows almost by a factor
of ten, where an attacker will need to generate over
123000 fake routing keys.
We computed the current number of floodfill
nodes and the estimated number of users in the I2P
https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/threat-model. Last vis-
ited on 09/2014.
network based on our distributed architecture (Tim-
panaro et al., 2012).
Table 1: Number of attack keys to generate, based on the
Replica Set and netDB size.
Replica Set NetDB Size
1X ( 4K) 2X 4X All ( 55K)
Size= 3 13K 27K 52K 123K
Size= 5 23K 65K 110K 224K
Size= 10 60K 125K 250K 730K
We consider the DHT configuration of KAD for
two reasons. On the one hand, the KAD network has
been widely study and improved (Steiner et al., 2007;
Wang et al., 2008; Steiner et al., 2007; Cholez et al.,
2009; Cholez et al., 2012) over the years, yielding
to a mature and robust design. On the other hand, it
has been in use for more than ten years, serving as
the backbone of the widely known eMule and aMule
file-sharing clients, proving to be an excellent dis-
tributed directory to support a large-scale file-sharing
Increasing the replica set to ten peers to match
KAD’s DHT configuration and letting every I2P node
to become part of the netDB will increase the cost
of an Eclipse attack by a factor of fifty (from 13K
to 730K), where an attacker will now need to gen-
erate almost a quarter of a million fake routing keys
to achieve the same attack. The cost of the attack
now will remain proportional to the size of the net-
work, which is still constantly growing. Extrapolat-
ing our results from Table 1, we can estimate that an
attacker will need to generate over 15 million fake
routing keys considering a network with one million
users. If we consider that the non-anonymous KAD
network has approximately three million concurrent
online users (Cholez et al., 2012) and the anonymous
Tor network has an user base of over two million users
, we can think in a one-million users I2P network as
a possible scenario.
Increasing the size of the netDB consists in al-
lowing every peer to automatically form part of the
system, as in KAD. The current analysis of band-
width and uptime should be removed from the cur-
rent client, since the load of maintaining the netDB in
terms of bandwidth is negligible when compared with
the bandwidth assigned to I2P routers, as we will see
in Section 5.2. Moreover, the uptime of nodes is no
longer an issue, since a replica set of ten peers reduces
the probability of loosing all nodes in the replica set
to almost zero, as shown in Section 5.1.
Statistics from https://metrics.torproject.org/users.html.
Last visited on 09/14.
This section first introduces a churn analysis of the
I2P network, which will assist us in our performance
evaluation later in this section. We conduct a perfor-
mance evaluation from two points of view: the cost of
increasing netDB’s user base and the cost of increas-
ing netDB’s replica set.
5.1 Churn in the I2P Network
The I2P network is a peer-to-peer network where I2P
users interconnect among themselves to create multi-
hop paths or tunnels, creating an overlay on top of the
normal Internet. As with every widely-deployed pub-
lic peer-to-peer network, it suffers from variation on
the number of stable users in the system, also known
as churn or dynamics of peer participation as de-
fined by Stutzbach and Rejaie (Stutzbach and Rejaie,
2006), among others.
Stutzbach and Rejaie conducted a comprehensive
study on network churn in P2P systems, yielding to
conclude that most P2P systems, including the KAD
network, can be characterised through a log-normal
distribution function, as shown in Figure 5. Accord-
ing to Stutzbach and Rejaie, the probability of a node
going offline, let’s call it
, after half an hour oscil-
lates around
= 10.59 = 0.41, meaning that with
a replica set of three peers and the currentI2P republi-
cation windows of thirty minutes, we might have, fol-
lowing Stutzbach and Rejaie results, a probability of
= 0.41
= 0.068 that the entire replica set goes of-
fline and therefore the value previously stored within
those peers becomes inaccessible.
However, we consider that churn within the I2P
network might not be fully characterised by non-
anonymous peer-to-peer networks. Even if the I2P
network is mainly used for anonymous file-sharing
and anonymous web-hosting, we cannot generalise
the dynamics of peer participation of anonymous net-
works based on the dynamics of simple file-sharing
networks, such as KAD or BitTorrent. Therefore, we
conduct arguably the first churn study in anonymous
networks, in our case the I2P network.
We placed a set of eight floodfill nodes, which
gathered routerinfos and leasesets as part of the nor-
mal netDB procedure. We ran our floodfill nodes for
ve days, where we collected, in average, 1424 dis-
tinct routerinfos every 24 hours. As mentioned in
Section 2.3, the netDB’s keyspace switches at mid-
night, meaning that a floodfill will not necessary al-
ways store the same routerinfos. Our floodfill nodes
stored a total of 49563 different routerinfos during the
ve-days test period. We computed the session length
1m 2m 5m 12m 30m 1h 2h 5h 12h 1d
Session length
Churn I2P Network
Stutzbach and Rejaie
Figure 5: Measured churn in the I2P network.
of every seen I2P user, represented by a single router-
info. Figure 5 depicts our results as well as Stutzbach
and Rejaie past results.
We can observe that
is considerable higher,
meaning that I2P users are more stable than in a nor-
mal non-anonymous peer-to-peer network up to ap-
proximately twelve hours, where both curves cross
each other. Afterwards, we detect a considerable low
number of I2P users with session length superior to
twelve hours, as opposed to normal peer-to-peer net-
works, where more users might rest connected for
long periods of a day or more.
In this case we have that the probability
of a
node going offline after half an hour oscillates around
= 1 0.85= 0.15, approximately three times less
than in a normal peer-to-peer network. Moreover,
of the entire replica set is now
= 0.15
= 0.0033.
Considering our motivation to extend I2P’s replica set
size to ten peers, we will have
= 0.15
= 0.
Our results bring forward an important difference
between anonymous users and non-anonymous ones.
Anonymous users, in this case I2P users, are more
stable in the short run, where the probability of the
length of the session exponentially decreases when
we pass the two-hour barrier. On the contrary, non-
anonymous users present, as depicted by Stutzbach
and Rejaie, a log-normal distribution function, where
it is not uncommon to observe users connected for
long periods, well beyond over 24-hours.
5.2 Cost of Increasing netDB’s
The current design of the I2P network states that in
order for a node to become a floodfill peer, i.e. be-
come part of the netDB, it needs to have a certain
bandwidth available and a certain uptime. Currently,
a node needs to have more than 128 KBps of avail-
able bandwidth and a minimum uptime of 200 min-
utes in order to become a floodfill node. It becomes
logical that a node needs more than three hours of up-
time since the size of the replica set is formed by only
three nodes and considering unstable nodes will lead
to data loss.
We argue that this analysis has become irrelevant
for two reasons: nowadays available bandwidth and
the minimal memory consumptiona node needs when
having a floodfill status are negligible.
Bandwidth Analysis
On the one hand, according to I2P’s designers
bandwidth a floodfill node needs (F
BW) to maintain
its floodfill status and to answer remote queries can
be computed as shown in Equation 3, where
is the
average number of users in the I2P network,
is the
average number of client destinations (leasesets),
the tunnel failure percentage,
is the tunnel rebuild
is the average netDB entry size (either a
leaseset or a routerinfo) and
is the tunnel lifetime.
Although these values are proposed by the designers,
they are suitable for an roughly estimate on the re-
quired bandwidth.
F BW= N * (1+
) * (1+
) * (1+
) * S/T
According to I2P’s designers,
has value of 3,
has a value of 0.05,
has a value of 0.02.
has an
average value of 1 KB and finally
, the lifetime of a
tunnel, is 10 minutes. Considering the current size of
the I2P network, which is approximately 55000 users,
we can determinate that a floodfill node will need ap-
proximately an extra of 0.38 MBps, according to our
estimations. This floodfill bandwidth will be taken
out from the overall I2P user bandwidth.
According to our previous monitoring study on
the I2P network (Timpanaro et al., 2012), The United
States, Russia, France and Germany are the top four
I2P detected countries, adding up to almost the 60%
of all I2P users. Considering the worldwide band-
width study carried out by Ookla
, these four coun-
tries have an average bandwidth, or line speed, of
3.45 MBps.
I2P guidelines
suggest to set the overall I2P user
bandwidth slightly under the current line speed of the
user. Considering an 80% of the line speed seems
reasonable, resulting in approximately 3.45 MBps *
80% = 2.76 MBps for the I2P user overall bandwidth.
Thus, a floodfill node will barely require 0.38 MBps *
100 / 2.76 MBps = 14% of the overall available band-
width, which is completely affordable.
https://geti2p.net/en/docs/discussions/netdb. Last vis-
ited on 09/14.
http://www.netindex.com/. Last visited on 09/14.
http://echelon.i2p.us/I2Pguide/bandwidth.html. Last
visited on 09/14.
Memory Consumption Analysis
The extra memory consumption a floodfill node needs
to maintain netDB’s data is also very small. We moni-
tored ourlocal floodfill node to determine the required
storage based on the number of routerinfos and leas-
esets kept. After 48 hours, where the floodfill is well
integrated into the netDB, it keeps a total average of
35 leasesets and 1966 routerinfos. We computed an
average leaseset size of 1068 bytes and an average
routerinfosize of 849 bytes, where give us a total con-
sumption of 35 * 1068 bytes + 1966 * 849 bytes =
1.62 MB. We consider that this cost is completely af-
fordable as well.
Therefore, a floodfill node will need approxi-
mately an extra 0.38 MBps of bandwidth and 1.62
MB of memory, which is, for nowadays computer
configurations, almost negligible.
5.3 Cost of Increasing Replica Set Size
Increasing the replica set involves replicating a value
to be stored in morenodesand therefore sendingmore
messages. The number of required messages can be
considered as
= rm+ sm, where the former cor-
respond to routing messages, while the later to service
messages. Routing messages do not depend on the
size of the replica set on Kademlia-based networks,
while service messages are directly proportional to
the size of the replica set. If we consider the republi-
cation time window in the netDB, we can determine
the number of messages to be sent to store a value in
the netDB.
Currently there is a thirty-minutes time window
for the republication of values, which means that ev-
ery half an hour a node needs to send out rm + sm
messages to get a value store in the netDB. If we
consider a replica set of ten peers, that is 10/3 times
bigger than the current replica set, where the same
node will need to send 10/3 (rm + sm) messages.
Considering that routing messages are not affected by
the size of the replica set, we actually have a total of
= rm + (10/3 sm) messages sent every thirty
minutes to have a value store in the netDB when em-
ploying a replica set of ten nodes.
However, since a larger replica set decreases the
overall probability of the entire replica set going of-
fline, a node can afford to extend its republication
time window. Figure ?? depicts the probability of the
entire replica set going offline after a defined amount
of time, for a replica set of three and ten peers. These
results were obtained following our previous results,
as presented in Section 5.1.
As observed in the figure, for a replica set of three
nodes, the probability of the entire replica set go-
1m 30m 1h 2h 5h 12h
Failure of Replica Set(%)
Republication window
Replica Set = 3
Replica Set=10
Figure 6.
ing offline after half an hour is
= (1 0.85)
= 0.0033. Considering our new replica set of
ten peers and aiming at maintaining the same
probability, i.e. the same service quality, we have
the same probability in a ve hours period, as in
= (1 0.43)
= 0.57
= 0.0036. Therefore,
we can extend the republication of values within the
netDB to every five hours, reducing by a factor of
three the amount of messages a node needs to send
to maintain a value stored.
By extending the republication window to ve
hours, we maintain the same service quality of the
current netDB. Additionally, we reduce by a factor
of three the number of messages a node needs to send
to maintain a value stored within the netDB, since the
node will now need to send 10 messages in a ve-
hours period (2 messages per hour) instead of 3 mes-
sages in a thirty-minute period (6 messages per hour
Finally, we do not consider here the overhead
of the routing table management induced by the in-
creased user’s base. In fact, structured P2P network
have for long been proven very efficient at this regard
and perform routing in log(N) hops.
Extendingthe size of netDB’s replica set as well as in-
creasing the overall user-base of the netDB certainly
tamper and attacker’s effort to deploy a Sybil attack.
However, these mechanisms are only a partial solu-
tion to this widely know problem. Urdaneta et al.
(Urdaneta et al., 2011) presented a comprehensive
study on mechanisms to deal with Sybil attacks, clas-
sifying them into different groups: centralised certi-
fication entities, distributed mechanisms, identifica-
tion schemes based on physical network characteris-
tics, social-based approaches, computational puzzles
and game-theory approaches. Game theory-based ap-
proaches (Gatti et al., 2004; Margolin and Levine,
2007) pretend to impose a utility model, which of-
ten needs to use a sort of a currency in the system.
Since the utilisation of a money currency within a
distributed environment is highly complex, these ap-
proaches have remained theoretical and have not been
deployed in any large distributed system.
Computational puzzles, also introduced as Re-
source testing by Levine et al. (Levine et al.,
2006), aim at proving network nodes ID with highly-
demanding computational puzzles, assuming that an
attacker has not enough computational resources to
maintain an artificially high number of Sybil nodes,
since several logical identities are dependent on the
same physical entity. However, the computational
puzzles work best if all identities are proven in a
simultaneous way as stated by Douceur (Douceur,
2002), and it requires that honest nodes continue to
compute these puzzles in a regular basis in order to
remain on the system and avoid the collection of iden-
tities with time. Given the very high amount of IDs
that must be generated to perform a successful eclipse
attack when considering the netDB parameter we rec-
ommend, relying on crypto-puzzle clearly offers the
best collaboration with our work in order to further
improve I2P security against eclipse attacks.
A bullet-proof solution against Sybil attacks can
only be achieved by means of a centralised approach,
as early stated by Douceur (Douceur, 2002), while
non-centralised approaches can partially deal with
this attack. Of course, a distributed approach seems
to better fit a DHT than a central authority but, due to
the lack of mutual trust in a distributed environment
and to the reduced view of the network, as stated by
Urdaneta et al., these defence mechanisms are unable
to fully prevent a Sybil attack, but only mitigate its
effects. Our analysis and recommendations regarding
the I2P’s netDB brings the network a step closer to a
robust system, while maintaining backward compati-
In this paper, we evaluated I2P’s distributed direc-
tory, known as the netDB, from a security and de-
sign points of view. From a security point of view,
we particularly considered the Sybil attack, which en-
ables further complex attacks, such as a full Eclipse
attack, and propose different mechanisms to harden
the netDB based on the design of the KAD network.
An attacker will now need to compute 50 times more
fake identifiers than before to deploy the same attack,
considering a replica set of ten peers and the current
I2P network size. However, a resourceful attacker can
still deploy a full Eclipse attack on the netDB. There-
fore, our solution would gain to be associated with
a more resource-consuming way to generate routing
ID, by involving crypto-puzzles in the process rather
than simple hash functions.
We additionally conducted the first churn study
the I2P anonymous network, where we detect a
slightly different behaviour of anonymoususers when
compared to normal file-sharing networks. I2P
anonymous users keep connected longer hours, up to
nine hours, where we found that the session length
curve dramatically drops.
Our solution is favourable in every sense: we have
a more robust network, which as well reduces mes-
sage overhead thus improving network overall per-
formances. Even more, our solution can be locally
implemented allowing a fully backward compatible
I2P client and letting the I2P network to progressively
evolve to a safer state.
Our future work consists in a flexible and itera-
tive approach to overcome this resourceful attacker.
The owner of a leaseset, for instance, will period-
ically search for his published leasesets and if not
found, he will republished it using a bigger replica
set, thus avoiding malicious peers and reaching out
for legitimate peers. This approach enables to auto-
detect an ongoing attack and adjust the publication
procedure accordingly. Another direction that could
directly benefit from our present contribution and bet-
ter mitigate Sybil attacks would be to change the way
DHT’s identifiers are computed in order to need more
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