Assessing Information Security Risks of AMI
What Makes it so Difficult?
Inger Anne Tøndel, Maria B. Line and Gorm Johansen
SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, Norway
Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Information Security, Risk Assessment.
A rich selection of methods for information security risk assessments exist, but few studies evaluate how such
methods are used, their perceived ease-of-use, and whether additional support is needed. Distribution system
operators (DSOs) find it difficult to perform information security risk assessments of Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI). We have performed a case study in order to identify these difficulties and the reasons for
them. Our findings indicate that the risk assessment method in itself is not the main challenge. The difficulties
regard competence; more specifically, insight in possible information security threats and vulnerabilities, being
able to foresee consequences, and making educated guesses about probability. Improved guidelines can be a
valuable aid, but including information security experts as participants in the process is even more important.
Risk assessments are an essential part of the overall
work on information security
in organisations. Dur-
ing a risk assessment process an organisation’s key as-
sets are identified, potential threats and vulnerabilities
are evaluated, and the probability and consequences
that the assets are harmed in potential incidents are
estimated. Knowledge of which assets that need to be
protected and the level of threat experienced is essen-
tial in order to achieve cost-efficient security.
Several research papers propose new and im-
proved information security risk assessment methods,
but few provide systematic evaluations of such meth-
ods or compare methods based on empirical studies
(Sulaman et al., 2013). Limited information is avail-
able on how organisations perform risk assessments
and their key challenges. This paper contributes to
improved understanding of the challenges faced for
one specific type of system: Advanced Metering In-
frastructure (AMI)
For Distribution System Operators (DSOs), the in-
troduction of AMI represents a shift in technology to-
wards increased use and dependence on Information
and Communication Technology (ICT). This shift
provides us the opportunity to study challenges that
DSOs face when introducing new information secu-
Information security concerns preservation of confi-
dentiality, integrity, and availability (ISO/IEC, 2005).
AMI is also commonly referred to as smart meters.
rity and privacy risks in their risk assessments. Regu-
lations (NVE, 2013) require DSOs to secure their sys-
tems, including communication infrastructures, from
unauthorized access. Each DSO is advised to perform
a risk assessment of AMI (Skapalen and Jonassen,
2013). Even though the DSOs are used to perform
risk assessments in several areas, we experience that
they ask for assistance and aid in performing risk as-
sessments of AMI. Several of these DSOs are small
organizations with limited resources to perform these
sorts of activities.
As part of the national research project DeVID
we have developed a guideline for information secu-
rity risk assessments of AMI that describes the high-
level process and provides support material (Line
et al., 2013). This guideline builds on existing na-
tional and international risk assessment guidelines
and standards, and in particular a general risk assess-
ment guideline provided by NVE (NVE, 2010). Main
additions to this national guideline include:
Emphasising information security and privacy as
a topic worthy of special attention, possibly in a
separate risk assessment.
Recommending that assets are identified prior to
the identification of unwanted incidents.
Providing support material in form of checklists
DeVID is partly funded by the Research Coun-
cil of Norway, grant no 217528, http://www.sintef
Tøndel I., Line M. and Johansen G..
Assessing Information Security Risks of AMI - What Makes it so Difficult?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005228900560063
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 56-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that provide an overview of relevant assets, inci-
dents and countermeasures when it comes to in-
formation security and privacy in AMI.
To evaluate our guideline, we have studied risk as-
sessments performed by Norwegian DSOs. Our study
was motivated by the following research questions:
RQ 1: Why do DSOs state that assessing risks in
AMI is difficult, i.e. what makes AMI so different
from other objects that DSOs are already assess-
ing the risks of?
RQ 2: How well does our guideline support the
DSOs when assessing the risks of AMI?
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents related work on methods for risk assess-
ment. The research method for our study is de-
scribed in Section 3, and findings from the documen-
tation study, interviews, and participant-observations
are summarised in Sections 4, 5, and 6, respectively.
Section 7 discusses the results, and Section 8 provides
concluding remarks.
A large number of standards, guidelines and research
papers suggest different methods for risk assessments.
Though they have their differences, the methods tend
to include similar steps: characterisation of the sys-
tem, threat and vulnerability assessment, risk deter-
mination, control identification, and evaluation and
implementation of controls (Fenz and Ekelhart, 2011;
ISO/IEC, 2011a). There is however limited empir-
ical evidence regarding how the available standards
and guidelines are used and what kind of support is
considered most important. In a study by Jourdan et
al. (Jourdan et al., 2010) 25% of information secu-
rity professionals stated that risk analyses were actu-
ally never, or at best rarely, performed. Shedden et al.
(Shedden et al., 2010) concluded that the risk assess-
ment standards are not easy to use, and that they are
actually difficult to comprehend and understand.
In 1999, the United States General Accounting
Office (GAO) performed a study of information se-
curity risk assessment methods in four organisations
(GAO, 1999). These organisations had organisation-
wide information security risk procedures that were
considered practical and useful, and they had used
these procedures for at least one year. The study iden-
tified critical success factors for efficient and effective
implementation of information security risk assess-
ment programs:
Obtain senior management support and involve-
Designate focal points
Define procedures
Involve business and technical experts
Hold business units responsible
Limit scope of individual assessments
Document and maintain results
The main challenges identified were related to es-
timation of likelihood and cost of information secu-
rity risks. It was claimed that it is more challeng-
ing to reliably assess information security risks than
other types of risks. This has to do with limited data
available, as well as constantly changing risk factors.
This challenge has also been put forward by other re-
searchers (Fenz and Ekelhart, 2011; Cybenko, 2006;
Gerber and von Solms, 2005; Rhee et al., 2012), who
added that information is an intangible asset where
it is “extremely difficult if not impossible to deter-
mine precise value” (Gerber and von Solms, 2005),
and that the current situation is that “many losses
are never discovered and others are never reported”
(Rhee et al., 2012). Although this lack of informa-
tion was considered a challenge, the organisations in
the GAO study did not believe this to preclude under-
standing and ranking of information security risks.
To address the research questions, we performed
a case study (Yin, 2009), where information was
collected through documentation, interviews and
participant-observation. This choice of research
method was guided by our goal to improve under-
standing of why information security risk assessments
are considered difficult (RQ1). We aimed at opin-
ions and experiences that can improve future im-
provements in guidelines and other support initiatives
(RQ2), rather than statistically significant results. We
compared the results from two different types of risk
A. Risk assessments of AMI performed by the DSOs
before our study started without the support of our
guideline (assessments A1-A3). Process leaders
were interviewed.
B. Risk assessments where we took part as process
leaders and brought expertise to the assessments
by extensive use of our guideline (assessments
Table 1: An overview of the risk assessments.
Case DSO Status of as-
Role of interviewee Other participants in the
A1 1 In progress Internal Documented
risk matrices
Proj.mgr AMI/ pro-
cess leader
Communications, IT, IT
manager, AMI, consultants
A2 2 Completed Consultant Final report and
risk matrices
Proj.mgr AMI Technical, specialists, com-
mercial; AMI and IT
A3 3 Completed Internal Final report and
risk matrices
Grid analyses/ pro-
cess leader and in-
fosec officer
B1 4 Completed We (na) (na) IT, IT security, automation
systems, AMI
B2 3 Completed We (na) (na) IT security, AMI owner,
AMI responsible, technical
3.1 Development of Guideline
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Di-
rectorate (NVE) have provided recommendations on
general risk assessments for the Norwegian energy
domain (NVE, 2010). They have organised the
risk assessment activities in three phases: The plan-
ning phase (system characterisation, determining the
scope, the likelihood scale, and consequence dimen-
sions; organising the risk assessment phase, preparing
checklists), the risk assessment phase (threat and vul-
nerability assessments and risk determination, control
identification activities; presentation of results in a
risk matrix), and the risk treatment phase (selecting
controls and following up on implementation).
As these recommendations are already well-
established in the energy domain, we aimed at ex-
tending these rather than developing some brand new
and completely different methods. Therefore, our
guideline (Line et al., 2013) follows the same struc-
ture as this existing guideline from NVE, with one
important addition: We recommend to start the risk
assessment phase by identifying information assets.
This is motivated by recommendations in recognised
risk management guidelines in the information secu-
rity field, such as OCTAVE Allegro (Caralli et al.,
2007). Furthermore, we provide explanations to sev-
eral of the activities recommended by NVE, specifi-
cally tailored to information security needs. Check-
lists present possible system characterizations (for
AMI), information assets, incident categories (based
on ISO/IEC 27035 (ISO/IEC, 2011b)) and specific
incidents, stakeholders, vulnerabilities (based on NI-
STIR 7628 (Group, 2010)), and countermeasures
(based on ISO/IEC 27001 (ISO/IEC, 2005)). Our
guideline introduces methods for information security
threat modelling as well, but these were not evaluated
in the case study.
Our guideline has been developed with the aim of
supporting a lightweight risk assessment process that
does not require an extensive amount of resources in
time or personnel, as several Norwegian DSOs are
small and have limited resources available for this
type of activities.
3.2 Case Study Context
An overview of the different cases studied is shown in
Table 1. The four participating DSOs were recruited
from the DeVID project consortium
. The scope of
the risk assessments A1-A3 were the overall project
of implementing AMI. This includes financial, opera-
tional, and customer aspects, in addition to informa-
tion security and privacy aspects, which then consti-
tutes just a minor part of the complete analysis. As-
sessments B1-B2 considered information security and
privacy risks in the AMI.
Note that assessment A1 was in progress. They
had identified several incidents, but the identification
of incidents were not completed, and further assess-
ments of the risk associated with the incidents were
in some cases missing. Though assessment A2 was
considered to be finished, the accompanying docu-
ments specifically stated that further work included
assessing likelihood and consequences of incidents,
suggesting that the provided risk values are initial val-
ues only.
For assessments B1 and B2, expertise within IT,
IT security, automation systems, and AMI, partici-
pated from each DSO (3, 4, c.f. Table 1). After agree-
ing on the scope of the assessment and ensuring a
common understanding of the system, the participants
engaged in brainstorming sessions to identify assets,
One DSO contributed to two different assessments; A3
and B2. They had already performed one risk assessment
without the use of our guideline, and we were used as pro-
cess leaders in a second risk assessment with a different
scope than the first one.
stakeholders and incidents. The group then assessed
the risks of the identified incidents and discussed rel-
evant controls for some of the high-risk incidents. For
B1, some relevant controls were added by the partici-
pating researchers after the risk assessment session.
Around-the-table evaluations concluded each work-
shop, where each participant reported his opinion on
what was successful, what was difficult and/or did not
succeed during the day. Two researchers participated
in both assessments
, and results of the assessments
as well as participant evaluations were documented
by the researchers.
In this section we provide an overview of the risks
assessments A1-A3 with respect to incident types, as-
sets covered, estimated risk and the controls identi-
fied. Note that in the tables that provide an overview
of the incident types and controls, the results from the
assessments B1-B2 are also included to enable com-
4.1 Types of Incidents Covered and
Level of Detail
Table 2 provides an overview of the incidents iden-
tified in all assessments, categorised according to
ISO/IEC 27035. In general, risks from a broad range
of incident categories are included. However, the risk
categories ”Technical failure”, ”Technical attack” and
”Compromise of information” receive the most atten-
tion. Note that several of the incidents have been
placed in more than one category, as for example an
information compromise can have a technical cause
due to failure or an active attack.
Some of the incidents represent lack of routines,
or weaknesses in routines, that do not necessarily lead
to information security breaches in the short term,
as Lack of overview of AMI components and Lack
of control of collected meter values are examples of.
The DSOs are worried that the complexity of systems
might lead to a lack of competence and overview that
can lead to incidents on a long term.
Most analyses (A1-A3, B2) are performed at the
strategic stage of the AMI, hence the DSOs do not
know yet what the system will look like. The threats
are in general at a high level (e.g. someone will hack
One researcher leading the process (assessment B1:
MBL; assessment B2: IAT) and one documenting the re-
sults (GJ).
something, or someone gets access to communica-
4.2 Types of Assets Covered
In general, assets are not documented, although in
some cases specific assets are mentioned in descrip-
tions of incidents:
Meter values providing information about power
consumption, and used as a basis for invoice (C,
I, A
The meter itself (I, A)
The communication network (A)
The HES and other systems at the DSO (I, A)
Breaker commands (I, A)
Meter updates (A)
Incidents can however impact other assets than
those that are specifically mentioned. As an exam-
ple, inability to communicate with meters impacts the
availability of meter values, but it also impacts the
ability to send commands, collect status information
and to perform software updates. In several cases, the
incident is not related to any specific asset in particu-
lar, e.g. New technology - a lot of startup problems.
4.3 Estimated Risk
In A3, consequences of incidents are assessed due to
their impact on reliability of supply, privacy, economy
and reputation. Probabilities are also assessed due to
predefined criteria. In A1 and A2 however, it is not
clear which criteria are used in the assessment of con-
sequences and probabilities.
In A2, few incidents related to information secu-
rity and privacy are assessed to be of high risk. These
have to do with insufficient quality in the equipment
delivered by vendors. In A3 several incidents are con-
sidered high risk when it comes to economy and repu-
tation impacts. These have to do with lack of commu-
nication, meter errors, immature metering technology,
lack of control with collected meter values, privacy
breaches, IT system failure, and loss of control over
control systems. In A1, some of the incidents are as-
signed a consequence and probability rating, but none
of the incidents are categorised as low, medium, or
high risk or put into any form of risk matrix.
4.4 Controls Identified
There are large differences in which controls are in-
cluded and how they are presented in the different
C: confidentiality, I: integrity, A: availability
Table 2: Types of incidents identified in the risk assessments.
Category A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 Examples of incidents covered
1 1 0 0 0 Equipment damage due to extreme weather conditions
Social un-
1 0 0 0 0 Equipment destroyed due to war activities
2 2 1 1 1 Substation break-in; Customer destroys meter by accident; Customer
vandalises meter
5 2 2 3 0 Instability in communication (e.g. in the GPRS network); Lack of com-
munication between smart meter and HES; Power stability problems
2 0 0 0 0 Power instability problems; EMP
7 3 9 2 2 Existing system cannot handle increased data load; Encryption reduces
performance of solution; Software updates corrupted; Meter failure; Me-
ter lifetime shorter than expected
Malware 1 1 0 1 0 Customer infects the AMI system with malware, e.g. to manipulate own
energy consumption values
7 4 3 3 2 Software updates corrupted; HES is compromised; Meter is compro-
mised; Competitor attack on product/system/data; Erroneous deactiva-
tion of power (breaker command) for several customers
Breach of
1 1 0 2 2 Insiders get access to systems; Insiders manipulate own energy con-
sumption values
of func-
2 2 4 2 3 Insiders get access to the system; Vendor misuses access rights to ma-
nipulate energy consumption or increase their competitive advantage;
Criminals pretend to be meter installers
of infor-
6 3 2 8 3 Manipulation of information during communication; Eavesdropping;
Customers manipulate own meter values; Wrong price information to
customer; Documentation, maps, passwords, keys astray
0 0 0 0 1 Reactivation of power (breaker command) causes equipment failure or
fire at customer
Other 0 2 0 2 1 Lack of info on suppliers’ security and privacy practices; Customer does
not accept collected meter values
risk assessments. A1 seem to have a balance between
procedural (organisation and personnel) and techni-
cal (physical measures and infrastructure) controls. In
A2, controls are identified for all critical incidents, al-
though few technical measures are identified and they
were not precise (e.g. Addressed by the IT depart-
ment). We did not have access to A3’s list of controls,
only the figures in their summary, which shows that
procedural controls are given priority.
Table 3 shows the number of procedural and tech-
nical controls identified in the ve risk assessments
respectively. Due to different presentations of the
controls in the different assessments, the numbers
are not comparable. However, the relation between
procedural and technical controls are comparable for
each assessment.
Table 3: Types of controls identified.
Category A1 A2 A3 B1 B2
Procedures 32 58 4 8 21
Technical 58 8 1 12 18
5.1 Sources of Information
The guideline from NVE (NVE, 2010) was men-
tioned by A1 and A2 as being used during the risk as-
sessment process as a support, inspiration, and knowl-
edge base. Further, two different publicly available
risk assessments was considered in A1 to be useful
support on on how to systemise the process. A2 re-
ferred to a seminar on information security in AMI.
All three respondents (A1, A2, A3) reported having
used a general risk assessment for the introduction of
AMI from Energi Norge AS (EnergiNorgeAS, 2012)
as a basis.
A1 reported that there is a lack of information on
actual experiences with information security incidents
related to AMI. They hired an external consultant to-
wards the end to get help with identifying risks within
the area of IT and IT security.
The external consultants leading the process in A2
used an extensive checklist to make sure they included
all necessary aspects. This checklist was perceived as
comprehensive and sufficient. A2 stated that several
guidelines and related reports were published in the
industry during their process. This was perceived as
confusing, as the recommendations were vague and
A3 successfully relied on the knowledge of the
well-experienced personnel participating in the pro-
cess. External information sources were not used.
However, they are familiar with recent risk assess-
ment reports made publicly available and the guide-
line from the authorities.
5.2 Challenges Regarding Information
Security and Privacy
A2 described the area of information security and
privacy as extremely technological and difficult to
fully grasp. Specialists are needed, who understand
the technical aspects and all possibilities regarding
vulnerabilities, attacks, and potential consequences.
Identifying incidents are not too difficult; e.g. Some-
one hacks into the system, Breach of confidentiality,
but finding appropriate countermeasures is difficult
without having competent specialists in the team.
A1 responded that identifying all possible inci-
dents felt like a challenge, partly due to the fact that
AMI is new and there might be aspects that are diffi-
cult to foresee. They see that cooperating with other
DSOs in exchanging experiences on incidents could
be useful. Also, A1 found it challenging to esti-
mate probabilities and possible consequences of inci-
dents. The worst consequences might have extremely
low probability for occurring, which makes it hard to
know whether they should be included or not. Statis-
tics from previous incidents are not available, and es-
timating what are the real and realistic risks is per-
ceived as quite hard. The possibilities seem infinite.
5.3 Needs for Support
A1 would like to have a kind of recipe which guides
them through the whole risk assessment process.
They also wish for information on realistic probabil-
ities and possible consequences, not only unwanted
incidents. Knowledge and understanding of appro-
priate countermeasures are needed; as the DSO speci-
fies system requirements for the suppliers and leave to
the suppliers to describe how they address the require-
ments, the DSO is left with the challenge of consider-
ing the appropriateness of the suppliers’ solutions.
A2, on the other side, did not feel the need for any
other support than what is already available. They
have an internal risk assessment method and they feel
satisfied with the work they did, as they have specified
all requirements regarding information security and
privacy. The most important thing is to include the
right people in the process, those who have the right
competence and knowledge in order to identify where
the risks are and which countermeasures should be
A3 asked for necessary and basic templates for
risk assessments. Bullet lists suggesting countermea-
sures would be useful in that the DSOs could make
selections based on their own needs.
In the risk assessments, several of the incidents iden-
tified (see Table 2) were considered to be of high risk.
When it comes to reliability of supply, B1 consid-
ered virus infection, unauthorised access to breaker
functionality and external control over network func-
tions to be main risks. In addition to unauthorised
control of breakers and other main systems, B2 con-
sidered firmware errors in breakers and damage (e.g.
due to fire) to main systems to be of high risk. B1 as-
sessed privacy consequences of incidents, and identi-
fied virus infections, as well as access to meter values
for individuals to be of high risk in this respect. B2
assessed consequences regarding economy and rep-
utation, and identified considered incidents regarding
leakage of personal information, and also meter hack-
ing and meter value manipulation to be important in
this respect, in addition to the incidents that were es-
timated as high risk when it comes to reliability of
In both B1 and B2 a large set of information assets
were identified, but the cases did make similar pri-
orities regarding the importance of the assets; meter
value (meter ID and corresponding customer), power
switch (possibility to affect power supply), and en-
cryption keys (encryption keys and passwords) were
given highest priority.
In the risk assessment process, we encountered
challenges regarding system documentation. There
was a need for assumptions as it was almost impos-
sible to be sure of all details in the system. For B2,
this was particularly a challenge, as the risk assess-
ment considered a future implementation of AMI. In
general, it is not a problem to make assumptions as
long as all assumptions are well documented and ac-
tions are agreed upon in order to investigate further
details after the workshop.
Initially, we planned to spend one day on each risk
assessment process. However, B1 showed that two
half days could be more appropriate. It was found
to be difficult to identify all system properties in ad-
vance. The discussions in the meeting revealed as-
pects that should have been better investigated or doc-
umented. Further, the five hours assigned for the as-
sessment was found not to be enough. Most people
would find it easier to spend two half work-days than
one whole day due to other pressing tasks. Also, hav-
ing two half days would give room for processing
some of the information before completing the work.
The checklists were used towards the end of each
brainstorming session to make sure that we included
all relevant issues. We did not present them to the par-
ticipants before the brainstormings; this could have
reduced the number and variety of issues identified
during the creative process. The use of checklists did
result in some additions to the lists of both assets and
In B2, risks per consequence dimension were dis-
cussed in smaller groups before risks were agreed on
in a plenary discussion. This was considered valu-
able for the results as differing opinions became vis-
ible; the participants had made different assessments
of the threats and thus the discussion could focus on
these differences.
The feedback in the end of the workshops were
in general positive. However, several participants in-
dicated that the method should have been presented
more clearly. Although we explained it at the begin-
ning of the workshop to make all participants famil-
iar with the intended work flow, we should have put
more effort into explaining each step as the workshop
evolved. They found it somewhat confusing to follow
the steps during the process, although they considered
the process leader as key to what they perceived as a
successful session. The participants reported that as-
sessing a future system, where the technical details
are yet unknown, was challenging. Furthermore, both
analyses considered AMI and adjacent ICT systems,
which was perceived to be a too wide focus for experts
familiar with parts of the system only. At the same
time, participants considered this multidisciplinarity
to be a strength.
We started out with the aim to investigate why risk
assessments of AMI related to information security
was considered difficult (RQ1) and to study whether
the guideline we had developed would provide sup-
port to DSOs in this respect (RQ2). The interviews
performed regarding the assessments A1-A3 point to
lack of experiences, statistics and examples as a main
challenge. As a consequence, estimation of probabil-
ities is difficult. Information security is also consid-
ered extremely technological and different to grasp
for non-experts. The fact that AMI is currently not
implemented in many of these DSOs is also a chal-
lenge in the assessments.
It is not possible to overcome all these challenges
with a guideline. As AMI is currently not widespread,
limited statistics are available. However, a guide-
line may be able to aid with examples and also in-
crease understanding of information security. The
provided checklists on assets, incidents, vulnerabili-
ties and controls could contribute to this. When com-
paring the results of the assessments performed with
and without the use of our guideline, it is however not
possible to state that the quality has improved with
use of the guideline. There is no indication that use of
our guideline led to coverage of more incident types.
There are high variations in what risks are considered
to be most important, but this is the case also with the
support of the guideline. Feedback received from the
participants in the assessments B1-B2 were in gen-
eral positive. A focus on assets was considered useful.
Further, the use of checklists did result in additional
incidents and assets being identified in the meetings.
However, the positive feedback may also be due to
having an external facilitator rather than the content
of the guideline.
7.1 Systematic Approach and need for
A1-A3 show that the DSOs have tried to identify main
privacy and information security issues, but they seem
to lack systematic ways to approach this area, e.g. in
the form of asset identification or the use of threat
categories. In A2 they used external documents and
a risk map to make sure all things are covered, and
felt confident as this support was provided by experi-
enced consultants. For the others, a more systematic
approach could potentially increase confidence that
the most important threats have been covered. We re-
ceived positive feedback on our suggested focus on
Personnel who know the technical details of the
systems, and possible threats and their corresponding
potential consequences, are invaluable to an organi-
sation‘s risk assessment process. For non-experts it
is almost impossible to make realistic assumptions on
likelihood and consequences.
7.2 Limitations
Our study of A1-A3 comprised a documentation
study and interviews, but we still do not know de-
tails about the discussions and the priorities made. We
might do the assessments injustice by making state-
ments about whether or not the important risks have
been identified and assessed.
Participant observation poses the risk of bias due
to the researcher’s active role in the process. As au-
thors of the guideline that was used as support, we
might use it differently than an independent process
leader, and we might be too supportive of our own
This case study shows that the DSOs need support for
their information security risk assessments, as they
experience challenges related to competence and un-
derstanding of information security issues. Check-
lists and a focus on assets may help in this respect.
However, more studies are needed in order to iden-
tify what type of support will significantly ease the
performing of risk assessments by DSOs. We do not
have a sufficient base for claiming that the use of our
guideline will increase the quality of risk assessments.
Feedback from the participants indicated that they ap-
preciated the process of identifying assets before con-
sidering threats and vulnerabilities, and they felt that
our checklists added value to the process as well. We
would like to stress that our guideline does not present
a new method, but the Norwegian energy industry
does not have traditions for including asset identifica-
tion as part of their risk assessments, and this may be a
valuable approach when information security and pri-
vacy constitute the main focus for these assessments.
Irrespective of availability of guidelines or other
types of support material, it is still important that each
organisation perform their own assessments based on
their specific systems and priorities. Thus the compe-
tence of the participants in an assessment is likely to
be more important than any guideline support.
The authors would like to thank the DSOs that partic-
ipated in our study.
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