Contextual Representations for Enterprise Model Application
Nikolaus Wintrich and Malte Meißner
Corporate Management, Fraunhofer IPK, Pascalstr. 8-9, Berlin 10587, Germany
Keywords: Contextual Perspectives, Enterprise Models, Business Process Models, Users, Complexity, IEM, Process
Abstract: Enterprise models help to make enterprise processes and services more transparent while also improving
stockholders’ abilities to analyze, optimize and control them. These models include every relevant element
as well as enterprise processes, including their relationships with one another. the growing complexity of
these models reduces their usability as well as user friendliness. the different stakeholders have different
expectations towards the visualization and the relevant information being displayed to them. Therefore
contextual representations of enterprise models allow the provision of the relevant information in a user
oriented perspective by applying different visualization methods. This helps to manage the complexity and
facilitates a sustainable application of enterprise models for various enterprise aspects such as quality
management, strategic planning, reporting and operational control.
Enterprise modelling can be defined as the
systematical description of all the elements, business
processes and the relationships amongst one another,
which are relevant to a certain investigation
objective (Schwermer, 1998). An enterprise model
includes the structure, behavior and organization of
the enterprise in order to provide a general
understanding (Vernadat, 2002).
The application of enterprise models has
increased dramatically over the recent years and
their role is to support several business activities like
business process management, quality management,
production planning, strategic planning and resource
management. This results in an exponentially
increased size of such models to fulfill the
requirements of describing the whole enterprise,
including its processes, order information, products
and resources like human resources, documents, IT
systems, machines as well as equipment.
Another driver for the increased size is the
overall approach to integrate information from
different domains into one information backbone
(e.g. product information - typically contained in a
PLM system with processes – typically contained in
an enterprise or business process model) or at least
to interlink these information elements so that
dependencies can be identified and described.
The increased size of enterprise models along
with the approach of higher information integration
results into an increased model complexity. On the
one hand, this makes it more difficult for the
modeler to maintain and update the model. On the
other hand all stakeholders which are applying these
models are facing the problem of fast and easy
information retrieval. They are especially interested
in extracting concrete information. In terms of
enterprise models they are specifically interested in
some elements like concrete production processes,
quality related documents or they are looking for
detailed information about the involvement of a
single role within the whole enterprise. to put this
into numbers: current versions of our customers
enterprise models have more than 15.000 elements
and consist of more than 220 partial processes (up to
6 levels). These already huge numbers are going to
increase rapidly within the future. We’re expecting
to have enterprise models consisting of up to 50.000
elements and 500 partial processes within the next
two years.
to meet the demands from our customers to offer
methods and possibilities as well as tools to manage
and apply such huge enterprise models in the future
we present a framework for contextual model
representations, which allow us to compile a suitable
Wintrich N. and Meißner M..
Contextual Representations for Enterprise Model Application (C.R.E.M.A.).
DOI: 10.5220/0005243804830489
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2015), pages 483-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-083-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and applicable representation of the necessary model
elements for the individual tasks of the stakeholders.
Since the information types within an enterprise
model are very heterogeneous we believe that a
sustainable and practical usage can only be achieved
by offering a wide set of representations and
utilizing different visualization techniques for the
respective information types. The rest of the paper is
organized, so that in section 2, we will establish
stakeholder needs and demands by looking into
several studies. Section 3 will see us using these
criteria to evaluate related research. In section 4 we
will introduce our framework for contextual
enterprise model representations. This will include
an application of said framework. The conclusion
will be stated in section 5.
In order to satisfy stakeholder demands, it is
important to identify these demands. Several studies
have dealt with Business Process Management
(BPM) and their results help us to identify the main
requirements for BPM-systems. These requirements
can be directly translated to enterprise models since
they are ever increasing in importance. The
following studies deal with certain aspects and
criteria for BPM models, as well as enterprise
models. At the end of this section, we will have
identified five core requirements through the
analysis of these studies.
The first study deals with the criteria themselves,
in particular, how study participants define
understandability. The study „Understanding
Understandability of Conceptual Models – What Are
We Actually Talking about?“ (Houy et al., 2012)
shows a diverse collection of criteria and argues for
a more unified approach to measuring
understandability for which it offers some
guidelines. The scope of this study does not allow
for an in-depth analysis of the different criteria, but
it is important to notice that different studies employ
different criteria and degrees of understandability
when they look at business- and process-models.
This study thus serves as a cautious reminder that
understandability can be an ambiguous term.
Bobrik has defined three foundational principles
which can improve the understandability of process-
visualizations (Bobrik, 2008). These principles can
easily be projected onto business process models.
the first principle is the “Notation“ of symbols:
different shapes and colors can enhance user
understandability. Secondly, the “Layout”, the
organization and structure of elements within the
model is identified as essential. The last principle is
“Reduktion“(reduction) which deals with the
aggregation of model elements. These principles
can all be found in one way or another in each of
these studies, as well as subsequent sections.
The next study focusses on understandability as
well as how participants rate their own capabilities
of understanding a process-model (Mendling et al.,
2007). The study, conducted among 73 students of
the field process management and several experts,
offers two important results: personal characteristics
as well as the size of the model (its complexity), are
the two main factors for model understandability.
Both results are equally apparent for students and
experts of process models. Since this study is from
2007, we can assume that the process models that
were used then, would be even larger now, making
the size even more important. the size and
complexity of models is a reoccurring challenge in
every study and most research papers that deal with
enterprise models and process management. It is
thus a core stakeholder demand. Also, the individual
preferences as an understandability criterion is
important, as this will be addressed later in section 4.
The growing complexity of business and process
models is also identified as the major issue by a
study by Bearing Point (BARC, 2013). along with
the growing complexity of the employees’
responsibilities, this study reveals that most
companies use several process-models for different
processes. a coherent, diverse, context sensitive
business model would connect these different
processes as well as save resources, thus we can
again identify complexity reduction as a major
requirement for a contextual representation of an
enterprise model. Other aspects that are mentioned
in this study are forecasting, making budget
decisions and planning ahead. These aspects are
reoccurring and will be collected under the umbrella
term transparency as a requirement.
the last two studies offer two essential set of
results, with the first one focusing on companies and
the second one on individuals. the former
(BearingPoint 2012) shows that the general
importance and usefulness of sustainable BPM is
accepted, yet there are still obstacles for companies
to integrate process management. besides reluctance
from management, the study identifies model
complexity and the missing holistic nature of many
BPM models as the main challenges. It can be
assumed that, if the two aspects mentioned will be
improved, management would tend to be more
supportive. The majority of companies stated that
efficiency and standardization are their top demands
for their BPM systems. These are also requirements
we can apply to an enterprise model representation.
in the last study (Harmon and Wolf, 2014),
which is also the largest we look at, we see that an
increase in efficiency is the number one priority for
most BPM user. Even more importantly though is
the lack of innovation in the BPM world. The needs
and demands have largely remained the same over
the past 8 years. The study shows that the market is
growing “slow and steadily”, yet it is important to
note, that many issues largely remain the same. So,
the requirement we draw out of this study is the need
for a more efficient process management, along with
a unified, holistic enterprise model for the entirety of
an enterprise. Furthermore, this study shows that the
market is ready for, and in need of, innovation. a
dynamic contextual representation for enterprise
model applications could fill this void and improve
enterprise modelling substantially.
The demand for a business process visualization
that simplifies and individualizes process models is
large, so is the potential for further research in this
field. Contextual representations of
enterprise/process models could be a feasible and
practical way of dealing with the demands of all
stakeholders. The texts introduced here represent the
challenges and expectations researchers face today.
out of them, we can deduct these five core
requirements for our contextual representation for
enterprise model applications (CREMA):
Holistic scope
Complexity reduction
after reviewing stakeholder demands and needs, we
can identify the increase of effectivity,
standardization, transparency, and the holistic nature
of an enterprise model as main demands, together
with a reduction of complexity. We will now
examine attempts to deal with these demands, while
focusing particularly on context-based approaches.
in “Enabling a User-Friendly Visualization of
Business Process Models” (Hipp et al., 2014),
researchers are trying to find useful forms of
enterprise model visualizations. the different types
introduced in the paper do not differ significantly
from more traditional process model visualizations,
hence their use is limited concerning reducing
complexity. Furthermore, the presented
visualizations seem to be designed for smaller
models; this further reduces their potential to tackle
complexity. The paper also includes a study. This
study is too small in scope and the participants are
too homogenous to make a useful contribution.
Different representations are needed when an entire
enterprise model needs to be visualized, yet they
have to offer real potential benefits.
“ISEAsy“ (Santorum et al., 2014) combines
video games and social media in order to use
visualized processes and business-structures in a
dynamic and accessible way. Though it attempts to
present a holistic view of an enterprise, the actual
visualization doesn’t reduce the complexity as
desired. The introduction of an internal social
network will more than likely also reduce efficiency
within a company. “ISEAsy” does allow for
individual perspectives and has potential to provide
contextual information, yet its visualization would
have to be significantly updated, as it is quite
conservative at this point in time.
Figure 1: ISEAsy Interface (Santorum et al., 2014).
The „PAIs“-Method (Kolb and Reichert, 2013)
tries to solve the problem of complex process
models by utilizing different, personalized views.
The different perspectives are conceptualized as
different levels of aggregation. These aggregations
of process-elements are essential because of the
aforementioned growing complexity of current
business models. The automatic updates which
Reichert and Kolb designed in their paper offer a
large potential for business process modelling. This
aggregation, and its automatization, could
significantly reduce complexity while also helping
to standardize processes, yet it would not necessarily
provide a more holistic representation of the
Reichert proposes a different tool in another
paper, where he uses Google Earth as a template to
create three-dimensional, contextual and user-
friendly business process visualizations (Hipp et al.,
2012). The implementation of the third dimension
into enterprise models is still in its infancy and there
is a lot of potential for further research. The Google
earth approach is a first step in this direction. This
approach looks at the same process with a varying
degree of details, yet the perspective essentially
remains the same. The method of zooming as well as
panning seems like a natural fit for a comprehensive
enterprise model, yet to estimate the actual
applicability, a practical application of the concept
would be useful.
Figure 2: Google-Earth as business-model Visualization
(Hipp et al., 2012).
The fast delivery of appropriate information to
knowledge workers is an endeavour similar to the
struggle to tackle the growing complexities of
enterprise models: context-awareness is the key to
both. the niPRO framework attempts to deliver
timely information through a context analysis (Hipp
et al., 2013). the approach itself seems to be feasible
for mid-sized models at best though, since it
demands a lot of parameter setting, which would be
unpractical in a larger, more complex model.
The study of the semantics of enterprise and
process models lays down another foundation for
our own work, since it deals with the “language“
aspect of enterprise and process visualization in
depth (La Rosa et al., 2011). the diversity of
possibilities when it comes to visualizations is
important since a different context can call for a
different form of visualization. These different
visualizations can be linked within one model,
which is essential for a holistic view on an
enterprise. Mendling has worked on more studies
which look into other aspects of business and
process models. His work on the careful definition
of process categories (Malinova et al., 2014), as well
as the importance of hierarchical, modular models
(Reijer and Mendling, 2008), are essential for our
own research. The first one calls for particular
attention in the crafting of categories and contexts,
whereas the second emphasizes the need for
abstraction within visualizations.
In “Business Process Modeling: a Multi-
perspective Approach Integrating Variability” five
process views are connected with a process
contextualization (Saidani and Nurcan, 2014). the
five perspectives (intentional, organizational,
functional, non-organizational, non-functional) offer
an incentive to think about the definition of
perspectives within a process-model framework,
since the universal applicability of these
perspectives can be doubted. the inclusion of those
perspectives within a contextualized framework is
important for our own research, as different
stakeholders demand different perspectives.
Additionally, different perspectives that stakeholders
can choose from, would allow for more
Under the umbrella of the IsyProM-project
(Jochem et al., 2012), the goal was established to
find a way to display context sensitive abstractions
and perspectives which are based on one core model.
This core model can be individually configured
depending on role, assignment, phase or aspect
towards a user. These contexts can be recognized
automatically and applied to the user’s interface.
Munkhbadarch-Dietrich developed a context
sensitive client for MO
GO which allows for
individual configuration of contexts
(Munkhbadarch-Dietrich, 2012). This client changes
the elements that are visible, but it does not go
further in establishing real individual, context-based
Figure 3: Process visualization without and with activated
action-context (Munkhbadarch-Dietrich, 2012).
Parallel to Munkhbadarch-Dietrich, Gering
(Gering 2012) developed a contextual view on the
Process Assistant. It enables the creation of
individualized perspectives of the Process Assistant,
giving the user a more limited, more understandable
perspective. This is limited to the strictly textual
framework of the process assistant though. Gering
himself criticizes the missing link between the
Process Assistant and MO
GO. Both approaches,
Munkhbadarch-Dietrich’s and Gering’s, exist
independently from one another.
As this selection of texts has shown, there is still
a need for an approach that allows a representation
of an enterprise model, which addresses the most
important stakeholder demands equally.
Current methods have seen success in creating
perspectives which use certain filter criteria to
simplify visualizations by aggregating them or by
removing or adding certain elements, yet they
almost entirely remain in the same visualization
style which is graph based. The number of elements
and the complexity of contemporary models demand
other forms of representation. These forms need to
cater to the individual needs and challenges of
stakeholders and have to provide optimal support
while also delivering information in a usable way.
Our Approach is to derive several contextual
representations for the specific stakeholders to
facilitate their specific tasks in the best way.
Therefore we developed a framework for contextual
model representation.
4.1 Framework for Contextual
Enterprise Model Representations
Figure 4: Framework for contextual enterprise model
The framework for contextual enterprise model
representations comprises of three main elements
(see Figure 4).
The first element is the Context Engine which
identifies all relevant model elements (information
objects). to identify all relevant elements the context
engine uses either a stakeholder (for instance a role)
and/or a given task as input parameters. Based on
this information, the existing enterprise model is
analyzed and all relevant model objects were
identified. This results in a partial model, where not
all single objects need to have a relationship. a
schematic example for that is given in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Schematic example for contextual filtering.
For the identification of relevant model objects
we use different methodologies. One is the tagging
of model elements with a common set of keywords.
Another one is mapping algorithm which connects
typical tasks with their related enterprise model
object types. for instance if a stakeholder is looking
for a specific quality related document the algorithm
automatically maps that task to the documents class,
which includes all quality documents. Furthermore
we are using semantic networks to identify further
related information (model objects) which will be
included in the representation.
The second element is the Template Database.
This database currently includes 8 different
visualization templates for representing enterprise
Process Graphic (currently IEM notation)
Organization chart
Graphical (without a specific notation)
Network diagram
Gant chart
Swim lanes
The appropriate representation is preselected by
the context engine based on its input parameters.
The last element within the framework is the
Transformation Engine. Its uses the set of relevant
model objects which is delivered by the context
engine and builds the contextual representations.
The context engine already preselected possible
suitable visualizations according to the given
stakeholder and/or task, but the final decision is
made by the transformation engine. This is due to
the aspect that only the transformation engine can
validate and verify if a visualization template can be
applied for the given set of relevant model objects.
4.2 Application
A first application of this framework is implemented
in the Process Assistant (PA), a web-based system
for representation and analysis of enterprise models
build with the Integrated Enterprise Modelling
(IEM) methodology. Currently the PA supports
already some of these visualization templates like
the textual, tree-based and organization chart and
process graphic (IEM notation).
Figure 6: Application of the Framework for Contextual
Representations within the Process Assistant (example
shows graphical, process graphic, tree-based and textual
The continuously increasing size and the resulting
complexity of enterprise models require new
methods and technologies for the management and
application of said models.
This paper presents a framework for contextual
enterprise model representations in order to provide
different visualizations of the model content. These
representations are derived from the enterprise
model to meet the requirements of different
stakeholders and their specific tasks. Therefore we
use different visualization methods and techniques
to provide all relevant information in the most an
optimal and practical way. This fosters the wide
application of large and complex enterprise models
for different business activities.
For future work we are currently researching
which visualization methods and techniques work
best regarding usability, information content and
mobile applications. Therefore we need to analyze
further input factors which are influencing the
choice of representations and/or the identification of
model elements. Possible new input factors could be
the user’s device, his skills/abilities and personal
characteristics. By allowing the user to select his or
her own emphasis on certain aspects (for example:
certain materials in the overall production or
focusing on cost-intensive areas), we can satisfy the
stakeholders need more individually. We also plan
to implement a mechanism which helps to easily
change the level of detail (e.g. as is possible with
Google Maps). Furthermore we like to include an
easy mechanism to allow the user to create his own
personalized representations.
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