On Detection of Bitcoin Mining Redirection Attacks
Nicolas T. Courtois
, Pinar Emirdag
and Zhouyixing Wang
Computer Science, University College London, London, U.K.
Independent Market Structure Professional, London, U.K.
e-Payment, Crypto Currencies, Bitcoin, Double-spending attacks, Hash Functions, Man-In-the-Middle
Attacks, Stratum Protocol.
In this paper we study the question of centralisation in bitcoin digital currency. In theory bitcoin has been
designed to be a totally decentralized distributed system. Satoshi Nakamoto has very clearly postulated that
each node should be collecting recent transactions and trying to create new blocks (Satoshi08). In bitcoin
transactions are aggregated in block in order to authenticate them and form an official ledger and history of
bitcoin transactions. In practice as soon as expensive ASIC bitcoin miners have replaced general-purpose
hardware, production of bitcoins and the validation of transactions has concentrated in the hands of a smaller
group of people. Then at some moment in early 2012 an important decision was taken: the Stratum protocol
was designed (Palatinus12) which took a deliberate decision to move the power of selecting which transactions
are included in blocks from miners to pool managers. The growing difficulty of mining and large standard
deviation in this process (Rosenfeld13; CourtoisBahack14) made that majority of miners naturally shifted to
pooled mining. At this moment bitcoin ceased being a decentralized democratic system. In this paper we
survey the question of a 51% attacks and show that there is a large variety of plausible attack scenarios. In
particular we study one particularly subversive attack scenario which depends on non-trivial internal details
of the bitcoin hashing process. How does it compare with the current mining practices? We have study the
Stratum protocol in four popular real-life mining configurations. Our analysis shows that pools could very
easily cheat the majority of people. However the most subversive versions of the attack are NOT facilitated
and could potentially be detected.
Bitcoin is a collaborative virtual currency and pay-
ment system. It was launched in 2009 (Satoshi08).
Bitcoin implements a certain type of peer-to-peer fi-
nancial cooperative without trusted entities such as
traditional financial institutions. Even though it has
been in operation for nearly 6 years since early 2009
(Satoshi08) it remains an experimental rather than a
mature electronic currency system. The security of
bitcoin is based on the idea that bitcoin participants
verify the correctness of all bitcoin transactions and
include them in ’blocks’ of data, which cryptographi-
cally authenticate them using a hash function. Net-
work participants which specialize in this task are
called miners because they are paid in freshly created
bitcoins for this work of cryptographic hashing. How-
ever they are only paid if their work is later accepted
by the majority of other miners and other participants,
which creates strong incentives to be honest.
Many hundreds of millions of dollars have been
invested in bitcoin mining in the recent 18 months.
In contrast bitcoin adoption has not been such a great
success recently. The number of bitcoin peer-to-peer
network nodes has been in steady decline and has
reached critically low levels, less than 6,000 which
is actually also much less than the number of bitcoin
miners(!), cf. (Cawrey14; Courtois14). The usage of
bitcoin as a currency for ordinary commercial trans-
actions has NOT increased either,
cf. Section 2.5 of (Courtois14).
1.1 Incredible Hash Rate Increase
The combined power of bitcoin mining machines has
nearly doubled each month and overall it has been
multiplied by an incredible 1000 factor in the last 12
months prior to April 2014, cf. (Courtois14) and in
the recent months it was still increasing by at least 50
% month after month, incredibly fast.
A 1000-fold increase in hash power, and further
steady increase each month is a very disturbing fact.
This is unheard of in new technology business, and
clearly much faster than the Moore’s law. How-
ever this growth is NOT a pure technology improve-
ment curve. This tremendous increase was due to a
T. Courtois N., Emirdag P. and Wang Z..
On Detection of Bitcoin Mining Redirection Attacks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005245600980105
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 98-105
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
combination of both technology factors and invest-
ment/market factors. On the technical side there was a
10,000 times improvement in energy efficiency of bit-
coin mining technology cf. (CourGrajNaik14a). On
the market size there was an increased interest in bit-
coin and a dramatic 10 times or more increase in bit-
coin market price at the end of 2013, cf. (Courtois14).
1.2 Hash Power and Security
The following citation seems to reflect a dominant
opinion in the bitcoin community. In (Sams14) we
”The amount of capital collectively burned
hashing fixes the capital outlay required of an
attacker to obtain enough hashing power to
have a meaningful chance of orchestrating a
successful double-spend attack on the system
This is basically correct, however. It is NOT true
that one needs to match the total effort spend on hash-
ing by the whole planet in order to execute a double-
spend attack. One only needs to acquire substantial
hash power for a short time (say less than 1 hour)
which is easier, and rather through hash power dis-
placement than by permanently acquiring some very
substantial computing capability.
In general we point out that the security of the bit-
coin network does not increase as the combined hash
power in bitcoin grows. However high is the hash
rate, the cost to compute the next block for the next
10 minutes is approximately 25 bitcoins. We basi-
cally expect that miners operate near a financial equi-
librium point and the cost is nearly the same as the re-
ward which is 25 bitcoins per block. Now the money
at risk in this single block is nowadays typically at
least 1,000 bitcoins in each block. Roughly 40 times
more. This ratio is likely to grow with time because
of the bitcoin monetary policy cf. (CourGrajNaik14a;
Courtois14) which will in the future pay miners 12.5
bitcoins, and later even less, while the money at risk
can only increase with time if bitcoin is adopted by
more people and is more widely used. We see that in
bitcoin the risk is likely to increase with time, and the
ratio between money at risk and cost of mining does
NOT depend on the hash rate. Increased hash rate
does NOT increase the security.
1.2.1 Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Clones
However a smaller hash rate means less security for
an alt-coin. Smaller crypto currencies are more fragile
and some have known a rapid erosion of their security
due to a decline in their hash power cf. (Courtois14).
1.2.2 Concentration of Hash Power
There is yet another problem. The hash power can be
acquired in a subversive way, by Man-In-The-Middle
(MITM) attacks. At this moment we have some 10
large mining pools which control some 75 % of all
hash power in bitcoin. These pools also concentrate
the discretionary “decision powers” regarding indi-
vidual bitcoin transactions, cf. Section 5.1 below.
Overall we discover that in current bitcoin the
large hash power provides a yet weak and highly
unsatisfactory protection against double spending at-
tacks. In this paper we analyse some specific attack
scenarios which allow double spending and later anal-
yse if they could really occur with the currently used
Stratum protocol.
According to the initial design by Satoshi Nakamoto
(Satoshi08) the initial bitcoin system is truly decen-
tralized. It could work in a totally asynchronous way
in very poor network propagation conditions. The
key underlying principle which allows to achieve this
objective is the Longest Chain Rule due to Satoshi
Nakamoto (Satoshi08):
1. At any moment of the history of bitcoin, miners
are trying to extend one existing block, and some-
times two solutions will be found.
We call this (rare) situation a fork.
2. Different nodes in the network have received one
of the versions first and different miners are trying
to extend one or the other branch. Both branches
are legitimate and the winning branch will be de-
cided later by consensus.
3. The Longest Chain Ruleof (Satoshi08) says that
if at any later moment in history one chain be-
comes longer, all participants should switch to it
Bitcoin is quite stable in practice. Forks are rela-
tively rare, and wasted branches of depth greater than
one are even much less frequent, see Table 1 in (Cour-
toisBahack14). However forks could become more
frequent in poor network conditions or due to attacks,
cf. (CourtoisBahack14). It is remarkable that in bit-
coin literature this rule is taken for granted without
any criticism. The first observation is that this consen-
sus mechanism in bitcoin has two distinct purposes:
1. It is needed in order to decide which blocks ob-
tain a monetary reward and resolve potentially ar-
bitrarily complex fork situations in a simple ele-
gant and convincing way.
2. It is also used to decide which transactions are
accepted and are part of official history, while
some other transactions are rejected (and will not
even be recorded, some attacks could go on with-
out being noticed, cf. (DeckerWatten14)).
In principle there is NO REASON why the same
mechanism should be used to solve both problems.
On the contrary. This violates one of the most
fundamental principles of security engineering: the
principle of Least Common Mechanism [Saltzer and
Schroeder 1975]. One single solution rarely serves
well two distinct problems equally well without any
We need to observe that the transactions are gen-
erated at every second. Blocks are generated every
10 minutes. In bitcoin the receiver of money is kept
in the state of incertitude for far too long and this
for no apparent reason. It is a source of instability
which makes people wait for their transactions to be
approved for far too long time, especially for larger
We are now going to show a simple attack which al-
lows double spending. The attack is not very compli-
cated and we do not claim it is entirely new.
Figure 1: A simple method to commit double spending. The
attacker tries to produce the second chain of blocks in order
to modify the recipient of some large transaction(s) he has
generated himself. Arguably under the right conditions, this
is easy to achieve and clearly profitable. The only problem
is the timing: to produce these blocks on time requires one
to temporarily acquire very substantial computing power
such as more than 51 % at the expense of other miners or
other crypto currencies.
The attacker produces a fork in order to cancel
some transaction[s] by producing a longer chain in a
fixed interval of time, see Fig. 1. The attack clearly
can be profitable. In contrast the question of actual
feasibility of this attack is a complex one, it depends
on many factors and these questions are further stud-
ied in (Courtois14) and this paper.
Important Remark: The attack does NOT limit
to defraud people who would accept a single large
payment in exchange of goods or another quantity of
a virtual currency (mixing services, exchanges, some
sorts of shares). The attacker can in the same way is-
sue a large number of small transactions and cancel
all of them simultaneously in the same way.
3.1 Discussion
Our attack could be called a 51 % attack. This name
however is very highly misleading. There are many
very different things which can be done with 51 %
of computing power, for example running a mining
cartel attack (CourtoisBahack14) or undoing any sub-
set of past transactions. Very frequently we hear that
a 51 % attack require some very powerful entity to
”own” 51 % of bitcoin hash power and therefore it is
rather infeasible. In reality there is a much broader
range of attacks which are actually feasible in prac-
tice. The attacker does not need to own a lot of com-
puting power, he can rent it for a very short time. He
could also present himself as a mining pool and cheat
a large number of miners to participate in his attack.
Calling something a 51 % attack is also misleading
because a ratio between the hash rates at two differ-
ent moments does NOT have to be between 0 and 100
%. Crypto currencies need nowadays to compete with
other crypto currencies and hash power can instantly
be moved from one crypto currency to another and a
500 % attack is perfectly possible, cf. (Courtois14).
In the following sections we are going to analyse
the risks which result from this and similar attacks.
3.2 Feasibility
The most shocking discovery is that anyone can com-
mit such fraud and steal money. The attacker does
NOT even need to implement a Man-In-The-Middle
(MITM) attack. The redirection of the hash power can
be achieved also in another way which does would
at all look suspicious. They just need to rent some
hashing power from a cloud hashing provider. Bitcoin
software does not know a notion of a double spending
attack and if it occurs possibly nobody would notice:
only transactions in the official dominating branch of
the blockchain are recorded in the current bitcoin net-
work, cf. (DeckerWatten14). In a competitive market
they do not need to pay a lot for this. Not much more
than 25 BTC per block (this is because miners do not
mine at a loss, the inherent cost of mining per block
should be less than 25 BTC). The attacker just needs
to temporarily displace the hashing power from other
users or other crypto currencies for a very short pe-
riod of time. This can be easy to achieve by paying
a small premium over the market price. The spare
hash power could also be obtained from older miner
devices which have been switched off because they
are no longer profitable. except for criminals able to
generate an additional income from attacks.
3.3 Cross-currency Attacks
There is yet another way to execute such attacks: to
offer a large number of miners a small incentive (as
a premium over the market price) to go mine for an-
other crypto currency, before the attack begins. This
can lead to massive displacement of hash power be-
fore the attack starts. Then at the moment when block
X+1 is mined following the notations of Fig. 1, the
double spending attack costs less. Thus we could have
something like a 500 % attack, much stronger than the
usual 51 % attack, cf. (Courtois14). Further advanced
attacks scenarios with malicious pool managers and
which can easily be combined with this preliminary
displacement of hash power are proposed and studied
in Section 4.1.
We examine the process of double hashing which
is used in bitcoin mining according to (CourGraj-
Naik14a; CourGrajNaik14b).
Figure 2: Bitcoin mining internals following (CourGraj-
Naik14a; CourGrajNaik14b).
One thing jumps to our attention. For every H0,
the miner needs to check many possible nonces. The
miners do NOT need to know the value of hashPre-
vBlock. They only need to know the value H0 which
changes very slowly and which could be computed
for them by the pool manager. Miners could be easily
made to mine without any precise knowledge about
which block they are mining on. Only an excessively
small number of miners, will actually manage to find
a winning block. Only these miners might be able
to know on which block they have mined as they
will see their block appear in the blockchain. How-
ever in practice they can see it ONLY if they have
also recorded all hundreds of thousands of shares pro-
duced by their miner and sent to the pool manager
over the weeks and months. We see that pool man-
agers CAN implement arbitrary subversive strategies,
for example accept certain transactions only to over-
throw them within less than one hour and accept an-
other transaction with another recipient. Nobody will
notice: miners will never know that they have been in-
volved in some major attacks against bitcoin such as
producing two different versions of the blockchain in
order to double spend some large amount of money.
Moreover even those miners who have produced win-
ning blocks and therefore will be made aware of the
previous block on which they have been mining, still
cannot claim they have participated in some sort of
attack. Fork events do happen in the bitcoin network.
4.1 Further Variants
The same attack works across digital currencies.
Miners may think that they mine bitcoin, while in fact
they are made to mine Unobtanium, and vice versa.
All this is the discretionary power of the pool man-
ager, this is due to the fact that one can mine only
knowing H0 and most of the time no other informa-
tion is disclosed to miners. In rare cases miners could
discover that they found a block for another crypto
currency which they have never mined. In practice
miners do NOT store vast quantities of H0 values with
which they have mined. Miner devices do NOT have
enough memory to store them.
4.2 Further Manipulation with
Deflected Responsibility
Our attack can also be made to work in the scenario
in which it is not possible for the attacker to corrupt
pool managers. It can be run in a different way in
which pool managers are going to corrupt themselves
and there will be no reason to accuse them of acting
with any sort of malicious or criminal intention. Ba-
sically it is possible for an attacker to manipulate the
price of a small crypto currency such as Unobtanium
to be 10 % MORE profitable
than bitcoin mining.
Then we can hope that the pool managers themselves
are going to implement code to switch to this crypto
currency for a short time (real-time switching mech-
anism mining for the most profitable currency at the
moment). Pool manager can now re-direct 100 % of
the hashing power they command to another entity.
They are NOT going to tell this to miners and simply
pocket the difference, and they will still pay miners in
bitcoins. Again, in principle miners will probably not
4.3 The Unthinkable Double Spending
as a Service
In the bitcoin community there is already a service
bitundo.com which is trying to convince miners to
help to cancel other people’s bitcoin transactions on
demand. This is done by including a transaction
which is a genuine double spend transaction (sending
the same money to a different address). It incentivizes
miners to help to undo bitcoin transactions for a cer-
tain fee which can improve their mining income.
4.4 Can We Fix It?
The general question of potential abuse/redirection of
hash power and for-profit blockchain manipulation,
which we have explained above, is the central ques-
tion in this paper. The question whether this could and
also whether actually this should be fixed has been
discussed in bitcoin forums after our earlier paper on
this topic (Courtois14) was first made public:
[...] making sure miners know what
block they’re building on would make certain
classes of attack (diverting pool miners to an-
other coin, using pool miners to build an un-
published blockchain, etc) which are currently
easy to make undetectably, leave incontrovert-
ible evidence.
That is a good idea and we should do it.
Source: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=600436.ms
4.5 Solutions
The next question is how this problem can be fixed.
There are two sorts of solutions to this problem known
Typically such currencies are in a sort of equilibrium
situation in which the profitability is similar as for bitcoin
cf. (Courtois14).
to us: one method is to make sure that the attacks can-
not be executed: strict enforcement of standard pro-
tocols and detection of the attack (this paper) or the
hash process in bitcoin has to be modified in order to
proceed in a different way than on Fig. 2. This leads
to the notion of plaintext aware hashing, cf. Section
8.8. in (Courtois14). Plaintext aware hashing is an
attempt to find a purely cryptographic solution to this
problem: a method in which it would be impossible to
abuse miners and for miners it will be impossible to
claim that they could not know that they have partici-
pated in a large scale attack. The key idea is to make
final stages of hashing (as opposed to initial stages of
hashing only, cf. Fig. 2) on the hash of the previous
block in such a complex inextricable way (this is what
cryptography is good at) that we can be confident that
in order to compute a valid H2 the miner must know
The Stratum algorithm was developed after Decem-
ber 2011 in order to specify a layer above the cur-
rent bitcoin network, (Palatinus12). The intention be-
hind this protocol was to distribute metadata which
are NOT recorded in the blockchain: for example:
signed messages about transactions (a potential pro-
tection against 51% attacks, wallets which rely on
queries from trusted nodes by ”light nodes”, etc. In
practice it primarily used for pooled mining as pools
and miners are now distinct entities on the network.
Messages are formatted in plain text JSON-RPC (Re-
mote Procedure Call) format. It is a line-based pro-
tocol using plain TCP sockets. This protocol became
necessary because previous solutions simply did not
scale up to allow to mine at higher speeds as implied
by ASIC mining cf. (Palatinus12). In absence of al-
ternatives it seems that all the miners worldwide has
adopted it.
5.1 The Control Shift
With Stratum miners cannot choose Bitcoin transac-
tions on their own. This according to the designer
himself, (Palatinus12). The author explained that in
his view ”99% of real miners dont care about trans-
action selection anyway”. and the miners only care
about the reward. This was a key point in history
where bitcoin became more centralized AND miners
lost control of what they mine.
We should note that the author has also thought
about alternatives, and he wrote:
”I already have some ideas for Stratum min-
ing protocol extension, where miners will be
able to suggest their own merkle branch (I call
it internally ”democratic mining”), which will
solve such issues as centralized selection of
transactions. For now I decided to focus on
such a solution, which will fit to majority of
miners and do some extensions later.
This ”democratic” version was never developed
by the author, however Stratum is not the only bitcoin
mining protocol.
5.2 The GBT Protocol
At the same time as Stratum protocol was developed,
a more decentralized solution GBT (GetBlockTem-
plate) or BIP022/23 was developed and standardized.
However Stratum was backed by a major mining pool
and GBT adoption suffered.
5.3 The Question of Entropy
In current bitcoin the probability that a random block
header is valid is approximately 2
. However the
nonce in Satoshi code has only 32 bits, cf. Fig. 2.
Therefore miners must vary other fields in the mined
block in order to obtain sufficient entropy. In the-
ory miners could tamper with the ’ntime’ timestamp
which is another 32 bits, however this is not suffi-
cient (32+32 bits is less than 66) and it is NOT rec-
ommended at all, as this might very seriously confuse
the bitcoin self-adjustment mechanism, which makes
that the bitcoin clock functions at the right speed and
that bitcoins are mined every 10 minutes.
In practice miners vary the so called coinbase
transaction, which does not have a well defined role
in bitcoin. It can be seen as a way to publish a certain
long string of bytes which pertains to each 25 bitcoins
mined with the current block. It could be for example
used in digital notary services.
5.4 Initial Subscription
In this process a work will be authorized to mine and
will receive a unique value of ExtraNonce1 which
characterizes this worker and will appear in every
coinbase transaction processed by that worker. As-
suming that the pool manager is not able to somewhat
cheat and attribute the same ExtraNonce1 to several
workers, this mechanism allows to know which min-
ers have really mined a particular block. At this stage
the size of ExtraNonce2 is also fixed by the pool man-
ager server. It is typically 4 bytes. Together with
nonce on 32 bits cf. Fig. 2, this is sufficient in order
to span 2
different hashes. Knowing that the times-
tamp changes every second, unless a miner can do 2
hashes in one second, which would be faster than the
whole bitcoin network, this is sufficient for virtually
unlimited time (not shorter than until the Unix times-
tamp overflows).
5.5 Distribution of Work
Work is not directly sent to ASIC but to controllers
which typically are tiny PCs of type Rapsberry Pi.
Several ASICs can be connected to one controller.
This is done on the principle of pushing work from
time to time, and getting shares at a constant adjusted
rate of one approximate every 3 or more seconds (as
observed in real-life situations). We proceed as fol-
1. Work is sent to miner controllers. A prototype
block contains all the block data. This prototype
contains also a number of Merkle branches which
will be hashed together to from a Merkle root.
2. The controller just need to append his Extra-
Nonce1 (always the same) and a consecutive Ex-
traNonce2 on 4 bytes.
3. Then the controller can carry on mining for a very
long time, without contacting the server.
4. The controller generates the block header and
sends it to miners. Each miner tries 2
with all possible values for nonce as in Fig. 2.
5. Typically shares has some 32 zeros only. Depend-
ing on the difficulty level for this mining job, for
example 512 (a realistic value observed) one share
in 512 will have about 41 zeros, as 41 = 32+ 9 and
512 = 2
6. Such shares with about 41 zeros are transmitted to
the pool.
7. The difficulty is actually variable and can change
for example after 300 seconds. It is adjusted in
such a way that one controller sends less than
1 share every few seconds. This minimizes the
server load and yet allows to know the amount of
work contributed with sufficient precision, so that
miners are paid for their work. Miners may lose
at most a few seconds of work.
8. At any moment the current work suddenly be-
comes obsolete. This happens when a new block
was mined by anybody in the whole bitcoin net-
work worldwide. The server notifies immediately
and sends new work.
When a share is found the miner sends to the pool
manager the following data:
1. its identity,
2. the job id
3. the timestamp
4. ExtraNonce2
5. nonce
From this the pool manager needs to recompute
the whole block header (all the other data were previ-
ously provided by him) and check that it has for ex-
ample at least 41 leading zeros.
5.6 Attack Feasibility Analysis
In this protocol the exact block used by the miner
is entirely determined by the pool manager and the
miners can change only a bit more than 8 bytes: Ex-
traNonce2, nonce, and potentially he could also gen-
erate an inaccurate timestamp (not recommended as
the pool manager could simply have a policy to reject
such shares).
Importantly, this prototype contains also a num-
ber of Merkle branches and it appears that all of them
must be used and the miner has no choice (at least this
was claimed by BTCGuild pool). We have checked 4
prominent pools: Eligius, Bitminter, Ghash and Dis-
cusFish, we have recorded the data exchaned with the
remote server when mining with these 4 pools. In all
the 4 cases we observed that the miner is given typi-
cally up to 11 hashes to form a Merkle tree. Individual
hundreds of hashes which form the whole Merkle tree
are NOT provided.
However another important element is provided.
In all the cases the previous hash is sent in cleartext.
If only instead H0 value was sent to the controller, as
suggested in Section 4, the possibilities for manipu-
lation would be very substantial. Given the previous
hash the miner can detect if there is an attack. He
needs to record incoming packets with method be-
ing ”mining.notify” and check if the second param-
eter after ”params” is the hash of the last block in the
blockchain. However the detection is not easy: Un-
happily most miners will not do these checks. This
typically requires specialized hardware (a Network
Tap) and software (e.g. Wireshark) to sniff network
packets. Therefore in practice miners could can still
be abused at any moment and maybe the attack, which
would be rather of short duration (a small multiple of
10 minutes) would not be detected.
We conclude that there isn’t currently a possibil-
ity for fraud such as 51 % attacks which would be im-
possible to detect without deviating substantially from
the widely used Stratum protocol.
In this paper we have looked at the question of miner
attacks with temporary displacement of hash power
in bitcoin digital currency. In early 2012 the Stratum
protocol has taken a deliberate decision to shift the
power of selecting which transactions are included
in blocks from miners to pool managers. This deci-
sion has stripped miners from the ability to decide on
which block they mine. In addition in Section 4 we
show that due to the technicalities in the exact hash-
ing mechanism in bitcoin, it is possible to design a
malicious mining protocol such that the attack cannot
be detected, not even in theory. However our attack
remains theoretical. Could the attack work with the
exact Stratum protocol as it is used in practice? In
this paper we have studied this protocol in details in
order to see if this type of attack could or not be im-
plemented in practice. We have analysed data sniffed
in the operation of 4 prominent bitcoin mining pools.
We have found that Stratum operates in such a way
that the attack COULD be detected if only miners do
the effort. They would need to permanently monitor
the packets exchanged over the network and check if
the hash of the previous block is correct.
This does NOT mean that the attack will be de-
tected, as most miners just mine and do not inspect
the data exchanged in the network. However the most
subversive man-in-the middle attacks such as our at-
tack of Section 4 are NOT facilitated with the cur-
rent protocol. We recommend that miners should be
very careful when mining with proprietary protocols
other than Stratum or in non-standard mining config-
urations as potentially they could be a part of a large
scale attack.
In this research we have discovered two quite sur-
prising things. First of all, the security of bitcoin
against double-spending attacks is now beyond the
scope of the strict open-source system and code cre-
ated by Satoshi, it depends on additional protocols
specified later. When Stratum was specified, it took
a critical decision to shift the decision of which trans-
actions are mined to the pools. This is precisely
what has led to the current excessive centralization
of bitcoin. Consequently bitcoin is no longer ex-
actly a decentralized open-source system. Crucial de-
cisions about the content of the bitcoin blockchain
now depend on a number of powerful stake holders
with vested interests Bitcoin is no longer a transpar-
ent open source system either. The software used by
pool managers is not open source, and for example
highly subversive forms of a 51 % attack (cf. Section
4) could be executed if some closed-source ASIC con-
trollers would have hidden commands which would
allow them to hash with the value of H0 and with-
out knowing the previous block hash. This would
facilitate the attacks and it would be impossible for
a majority of miners to detect if they are part of an
attack. Miners would not even be able to determine
which pools are operating honestly, on which crypto
currency they are mining, and how their hash power
is used.
Daniel Cawrey: What Are Bitcoin Nodes and Why Do We
Need Them?, 9 May 2014, http://www.coindesk.
Nicolas Courtois, Marek Grajek, Rahul Naik: The Un-
reasonable Fundamental Incertitudes Behind Bitcoin
Mining, at http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.7935,
31 Oct 2013.
Nicolas Courtois, Marek Grajek, Rahul Naik: Optimizing
SHA256 in Bitcoin Mining, in proceedings of CSS
2014, Springer.
Nicolas T. Courtois, Lear Bahack: On Subversive Miner
Strategies and Block Withholding Attack in Bitcoin
Digital Currency, at http://arxiv.org/abs/
1402.1718, 28 January 2014.
Nicolas T. Courtois: On The Longest Chain Rule and Pro-
grammed Self-Destruction of Crypto Currencies, 20
May 2014, http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0534.
Christian Decker, Roger Wattenhofer: Information propa-
gation in the bitcoin network, 13-th IEEE Conf. on
Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2013.
Christian Decker, Roger Wattenhofer: Bit-
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Luke-Jr: getblocktemplate protocol, BIP
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Satoshi Nakamoto: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic
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Robert Sams: The Marginal Cost of Cryp-
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Marek (slush) Palatinus, Stratum mining protocol, the
official documentation of lightweight bitcoin min-
ing protocol, https://mining.bitcoin.cz/
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pact thrid-party description can also be found at
Meni Rosenfeld: Mining Pools Reward Methods, Pre-
sentation at Bitcoin 2013 Conference. http://www.
Technical specification of the bitcoin protocol, 2009-
2014, https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_