Implementation and Analysis of Dutch-style Sealed-bid Auctions
Computational vs Unconditional Security
Sriram Krishnamachari
, Mehrdad Nojoumian
and Kemal Akkaya
Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, U.S.A.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Florida, U.S.A.
Privacy-preserving Auction, Sealed-bid Auction, Unconditional Security, Computational Security.
Designing a sealed-bid auction protocol is a challenging problem in the field of applied cryptography. In the
last couple of decades, numerous protocols have been proposed in the literature where each one has its own
property in terms of the security model, communication and computation complexities. To the best of our
knowledge, there has been no study to implement and compare a similar class of sealed-bid auction protocols.
This paper therefore implements and evaluates five different Dutch-style sealed-bid auction protocols, of which
three protocols are computationally secure and two protocols are unconditionally secure. It mainly focuses on
the computational cost of the initialization and verification phases of these privacy-preserving protocols.
Due to privacy concerns, utilizing sealed-bid auction
protocols has been in the center of attention by soft-
ware engineers, however, the main issue is the effi-
ciency of these protocols in a real-world setting. Gen-
erally speaking, an auction is a mechanism in which
a group of bidders (buyers) compete to buy a prod-
uct. Then, the auctioneer (seller) sells the item to the
bidder who has proposed the highest bid. There exist
different types of auction mechanisms in the litera-
ture. We briefly review some of them.
An English auction is the most common auction.
In this type of auction, the bidders continuously bid
for a higher price and the auction ends once a single
offer is proposed as the final highest price. On the
other hand, in a Dutch-style auction, the auctioneer
continuously reduces the price of the item until a bid-
der agrees to buy the item for that specific price. Two
other popular mechanisms are first-price and second-
price auctions. In the former case, the bidder who
proposes the highest price wins and pays the amount
that he has offered. In the latter case, the bidder who
proposes the highest price wins, however, he pays the
amount of the second-highest price.
In a sealed-bid auction of any type, the bidders
seal their bids by using closed envelopes, that is, a
cryptographic technique, and then they submit these
envelopes to the auctioneer. At the end of the auction,
only the auction outcomes (the winner and the selling
price) are revealed and all the losing bids are kept pri-
vate. The main motivation for constructing sealed-bid
auction protocol is to protect the losing bids since they
can be used by the auctioneer (seller) to maximize his
revenue in the future auctions for similar items.
From a computational perspective, there are two
types of schemes: computationally secure protocols
and unconditionally secure protocols. In the former
case, the adversary has limited computational capa-
bility, i.e., he cannot solve well-known mathemati-
cal problems such as factoring two large integers or
discrete logarithm. In the latter case, the adversary
has unlimited computational power. Furthermore, the
adversary might be passive or active. In the former
case, the participants follow the protocol, however,
they may attempt to learn the secret, e.g., the losing
bids. In the latter case, the participants not only try to
learn the secret but also deviate from the protocol.
1.1 Motivation and Contribution
As we stated, various sealed-bid auction protocols
have been constructed under different assumptions
and with various properties. However, there exists no
study to demonstrate the implementation complexity
and performance analysis of a similar class of secure
auction protocols. Our paper therefore aims at evalu-
ation of five different Dutch-style sealed-bid auction
protocols. Note that this type of auction was selected
for our experiment since it is widely used by sellers.
Krishnamachari S., Nojoumian M. and Akkaya K..
Implementation and Analysis of Dutch-style Sealed-bid Auctions - Computational vs Unconditional Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0005258501060113
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 106-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Our major goal is to compare the selected proto-
cols in terms of the computational complexity, i.e.,
initialization and verification times. We demonstrate
how these measurement parameters vary once the
assumption, security or adversarial model change.
To perform a reasonable and fair comparison, the
schemes are chosen from the same class of secure
auction protocols. Furthermore, to have comparison
across different settings, three computationally se-
cure protocols (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999; Sako,
2000; Suzuki et al., 2000) and two unconditionally
secure constructions (Nojoumian and Stinson, 2010;
Nojoumian, 2012) are selected. Among these candi-
dates, (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999) uses an undeni-
able signature scheme, (Sako, 2000) applies a public
key encryption scheme, (Suzuki et al., 2000) employs
a collision intractable hash function, and (Nojoumian
and Stinson, 2010) utilizes a multicomponent com-
mitment scheme. Note that if multiple protocols have
been proposed in a paper, the most efficient method
has been chosen for our evaluation.
Each candidate is evaluated with various price
ranges, modulus sizes, and number of bidders and
auctioneers. The evaluation shows that the initializa-
tion and verification times of unconditionally secure
protocols are significantly larger than that of the com-
putationally secure schemes. The analysis demon-
strates how our measurement parameters vary across
protocols when we modify the price range, the modu-
lus size, and the number of bidders and auctioneers.
(K.Franklin and K.Reiter, 2006) proposes the first
sealed-bid auction protocol. This paper utilizes ver-
ifiable secret sharing and verifiable signature sharing
schemes in a distributed setting to construct a compu-
tationally secure protocol. In the opening phase, all
the bids are opened to determine the winner, i.e., the
bids are only kept private while the auction is running.
(Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999) provides a compu-
tationally secure Dutch-style sealed-bid auction pro-
tocol by using an undeniable signature scheme. Later,
(Sako, 2000) proposes a much faster Dutch-style
sealed-bid auction protocol by using a public-key en-
cryption scheme. This protocol is computationally
secure and it does not require the existence of the
bidders during the opening phase. The next compu-
tationally secure protocol for Dutch-style sealed-bid
auctions is proposed in (Suzuki et al., 2000). This
construction utilizes a hash chain scheme.
On the other hand, (Nojoumian and Stinson, 2010)
and (Nojoumian, 2012) provide three unconditionally
secure Dutch-style sealed-bid auction protocols
. The
authors utilize a multicomponent commitment scheme
where multiple committers and verifiers are involved
in the scheme. These protocols are executed only by
the bidders without the existence of any auctioneers.
There exist other types of first-price secure auc-
tion protocols. Brandt (Brandt, 2006) presents a com-
putationally secure first-price auction protocol where
the bidders use zero knowledge proofs to verify the
auction outcomes. This protocol preserves privacy
as long as one bidder is honest. (Michael Harkavy,
1998) also proposes a computationally secure first-
price auction protocol that requires multiple auction
servers in a distributed setting. This construction is
later improved in (Kun Peng and Viswanathan, 2002)
for its shortcomings in terms of the verifiability. The
improved version uses a commonly accessible bul-
letin board such that all the parties can verify the auc-
tion outcomes. (Zheng et al., 2007) provides a secure
auction protocol based on public key cryptography
and one-way collision-free hash functions. (Kun Peng
and Dawson, 2005) constructs a protocol that prevents
attacks to the existing secret sharing-based protocols
by using a homomorphic secret sharing scheme.
For other kinds of auctions, we can refer to the
following schemes: (Kikuchi, 2002) proposes a verifi-
able (M + 1)
-price auction protocol using verifiable
secret sharing; (David C. Parkes and Thorpe, 2009)
provides a cryptographic combinatorial clock-proxy
auction protocol. In this scheme, the bidders bid in
two phases for a bundle of items such that no one can
decrypt any values until all bids are submitted; (Hel-
ger Lipmaa and Niemi, 2002) presents a protocol for a
sealed-bid Vickery auction that is computationally se-
cure. They use a homomorphic auction scheme which
requires the seller to participate in the auction along
with the auctioneer; finally, (Suzuki and Yokoo, 2002)
provides a computationally secure combinatorial auc-
tion protocol in which multiple items with interdepen-
dent values are sold simultaneously. In this scheme,
the bidders can bid on any combination of the items.
In an open auction, the bids are not kept private. As
a result, auctioneers or a group of bidders may col-
lude or use the past losing bids to maximize the auc-
tion revenue. Consider the following example as an
open auction for a land. The auctioneer sets the start-
ing price of the land as $35,000. Assume that the
For other type of unconditionally secure auction proto-
cols, see (Nojoumian and Stinson, 2014).
actual value of the land is $80,000. While the auc-
tion is running, a group of bidders may collude with
the auctioneer such that they repeatedly bid a price
slightly higher than the current highest price to maxi-
mize the auction revenue, e.g., they may stop bidding
at $90, 000 to sell the land $10, 000 higher than its
actual value. Furthermore, the auctioneer or a group
of bidders may record the losing bids in order to use
them in the future auctions for similar items. For in-
stance, in the land example, suppose that the auction-
eer observes that the average of the losing bids had
been $42, 000 in the previous auction. Since the auc-
tioneer learns the average of the evaluations, he can
set the starting price to $42,000 or a higher price in
the future auctions for a similar land. This way the
auctioneer would be able to maximize his revenue.
On the other hand, in a sealed-bid auction, the bid-
ders seal their bids by a cryptographic method and
then submit their evaluations to the auctioneer. Dur-
ing the opening phase, the winner is identified and the
selling price is determined without revealing the los-
ing bids. This process neither allows the auctioneers
and/or bidders to collude nor it reveals any informa-
tion about the bidding trend. Note that the sealed-bid
technique can be utilized for any type of auctions. To
construct a sealed-bid auction of any kind, the follow-
ing essential properties must be achieved:
Correctness: the auction process must provide
correct outcomes, i.e., winner and selling price.
Privacy: the losing bids must not be revealed to
the auctioneer and the other participating bidders.
Verifiability: all parties who may exchange money
must be able to verify the auction outcomes.
Fairness: bidders should not modify/deny the bids
that they have submitted, a.k.a, non-repudiation.
For instance, if a second-price secure auction is not
verifiable, the auctioneer may ask the winner to pay
a price that is slightly higher than the second-highest
bid. Since the bids are sealed, the winner cannot ver-
ify the actual value of the second-highest bid.
In a Dutch-style sealed-bid auction, the auctioneer
initiates the auction with some parameters. In the bid-
ding phase, the bidders choose their evaluations from
the price set and submit their sealed-bids only once.
The bidding phase ends after a predefined time so that
the bidders can no longer bid or modify the submit-
ted bids. In the opening phase, the selling price starts
from the maximum price and it is decreased step by
step until a bidder claims as the winner. At this stage,
the winner’s bid is opened for verification. Moreover,
the losers must prove that their bids have been less
than the winning price without opening their bids.
The Dutch-style auction keeps the losing bids se-
cret on its own, however, its sealed-bid version pro-
vides additional property. That is, the bidders decide
ahead of time and propose their valuations indepen-
dent of whatever information they may gain during
the auction. This property prevents any kind of col-
lusion since the bidders cannot learn any informa-
tion about the other bids while the auction is running.
Next, we briefly review our selected protocols.
3.1 Undeniable Signature Scheme
(Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999) proposes the first
Dutch-style sealed-bid auction protocol. They use a
public bulletin board to implement the auction. All
the auction results are published on the bulletin board
so that each bidder can verify every step of the auc-
tion. This protocol utilizes an undeniable signature
scheme, proposed by (Michels and Stadler, 1997). In
an undeniable signature scheme, a prover has to con-
vince the verifier for the equality or inequality of two
discrete logarithms. In fact, the undeniable signature
scheme is used to comply with the required auction
properties, as we discussed earlier. This protocol also
employs a registration authority to certify the bidder’s
public key. Note that in this construction p and q must
be two large prime numbers.
3.2 Public-key Encryption Scheme
(Sako, 2000) proposes a Dutch-style sealed-bid auc-
tion protocol based on ElGamal public key cryptosys-
tem (ElGamal, 1985). In this protocol, each bidder is
required to post his bid in the form of an encrypted
message and then the auctioneer processes these mes-
sages to define the auction outcomes. The protocol
utilizes a probabilistic encryption of a bid in such a
way that the bid is not decrypted unless it is the win-
ning bid. The proposed scheme can be run either by
a single or multiple auctioneers. For the sake of sim-
plicity, we implemented the single auctioneer model.
The scheme considers a set of L possible bid values,
i.e., V = {v
,··· ,v
}. It also employs a set of en-
cryption functions {E
} and a set of decryption func-
tions {D
} for v V . The cipher text is an encryption
) where M
is a predefined message.
3.3 Hash Chain Scheme
The protocol proposed in (Sako, 2000) overcomes the
computational complexity problem of (Sakurai and
Miyazaki, 1999), however, it has a shortcoming. In
its multiple-auctioneer model, a malicious auctioneer
can reveal the losing bids. (Suzuki et al., 2000) pro-
vides a Dutch-style sealed-bid auction protocol that
overcomes this issue. In this protocol, a distributed
decryption method is used in a multiple-auctioneer
setting. The protocol employs hash functions to cre-
ate hash chains for encryption and decryption.
3.4 Multicomponent Commitment
(Nojoumian and Stinson, 2010; Nojoumian, 2012)
proposes a couple of unconditionally secure Dutch-
style sealed-bid auction protocols. These construc-
tions do not require any auctioneer to participate in
the bidding and opening phases. A trusted initial-
izer first initiates the auction and then he leaves the
scheme. During the initialization phase, each bidder
receives some information from the initial-
izer. In the opening phase, bidders determine the auc-
tion outcomes on their own. In this setting, η and
κ denote the minimum and maximum prices respec-
tively, i.e., θ = κη+1 denotes the number of prices.
Bidders are connected through point-to-point secure
channels. During the bidding phase, each bidder B
commits to his bid β
[η, κ]. In the opening phase,
the winner reveals his bid and the losers prove that
their bids had been less than the wining price. All the
computations are performed in Z
. The prime q must
be large enough such that n
/q be very small.
The implementation of the selected Dutch-style
sealed-bid auction protocols was performed using Mi-
crosoft Visual Studio and also the Crypto++ library.
For the sake of simplicity, we used a common graph-
ical user interface for auctioneers and bidders. The
bulletin board in (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999) was
implemented as a table with bidders’ identifications
in rows and auction parameters in columns.
We selected all the cryptographic modules from
Crypto++ except for the construction of the poly-
nomials in protocols (Nojoumian and Stinson, 2010;
Nojoumian, 2012); for each polynomial g(x) = a
+··· + a
of degree n 1, we simply gen-
erated n random numbers a
,··· ,a
in the fi-
nite field Z
and then we submitted the array to the
related bidder. Moreover, the Diffie-Hellman library
in Crypto++ was used to generate large prime num-
bers for the protocols in (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999;
Sako, 2000). This library also provides generator α of
subgroup Z
(of order q) that is used in (Nojoumian
and Stinson, 2010; Nojoumian, 2012).
Note that initialization and verification times not
only consider the computational cost but also cap-
ture the communication overhead of the protocols. To
evaluate the auction protocols for various rounds, the
bidders were allowed to bid from the least element
in the price set to 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of the
price set. For instance, in a price set of 100 elements,
a bidder could bid from P
to P
, P
, P
or P
spectively. We will call this as price range hereafter.
We faced some challenges when we implemented
(Nojoumian and Stinson, 2010; Nojoumian, 2012).
For instance, the point-to-point channels among bid-
ders required n 1 ports for every single bidder, i.e.,
n(n 1) ports for n bidders on a single computer.
Furthermore, since the bidders conducted the auction
on their own, the opening phase had to be synchro-
nized. Therefore, a notify-and-receive technique was
implemented to resolve this issue (i.e., each bidder
announces his completion of one round and then he
waits until all the bidders accomplish this phase). The
same notify-and-receive method was adopted for the
opening phase of (Suzuki et al., 2000).
Note that the notify-and-receive technique led to
an increased verification time. However, even with
this extra delay, we could relatively estimate the veri-
fication time. This means that evaluating the test cases
in an auction system with ideal synchronized chan-
nels would certainly give more accurate verification
time for these protocols but the real implementation
of synchronized channels had been a big challenge
and still under debate among software engineers.
Generally speaking, the model of synchronous
channels might be (a) the sender sends a message and
all the receivers are guaranteed to get the message
within a period p, where the length of p is a con-
stant known to everyone from the start of the proto-
col, or even a stronger model in which (b) the sender
sends a message and all the receivers get the message
at exactly time t so that each receiver cannot rush and
change its behavior in the sending slot after seeing
the incoming messages. Neither is, of course, a very
realistic channel, which is why it is better to make
protocols that work in asynchronous network models.
Our evaluations were conducted on a computer
with an Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.4GHz processor and
16GB RAM. The protocols were tested with common
price set P consisting of 41 elements. They were also
evaluated with three combinations of bidders (i.e., 25,
50 and 75) and various modulus sizes (i.e., 128, 256,
512 and 1024). However, unconditionally secure pro-
tocols were only tested with 25 and 50 bidders since
they were computationally intensive. Finally, the pro-
tocol in (Suzuki et al., 2000) was verified with differ-
ent number of auctioneers (i.e., 5, 10, 15 and 20).
4.1 Computational Protocols
In this section, evaluation and analysis of the com-
putationally secure protocols (Sakurai and Miyazaki,
1999; Sako, 2000; Suzuki et al., 2000) are shown. As
we mentioned earlier, the initialization and verifica-
tion times are our measurement metrics.
The result shows an amplification in initialization
time when the modulus size is increased in (Saku-
rai and Miyazaki, 1999). The initialization time is
significantly amplified when we switch to 1024 bits.
This was expected as generating large primes for
larger modulus is more time-consuming. We executed
the initialization procedure a thousand times for each
modulus size and then we calculated the average of
the timing for each modulus size, shown in Figure 1.
Note that the number of bidders as well as the price
range have no impact on the initialization time.
128 256 512 1024
Initialization time
Modulus Size
Figure 1: Initialization Time: (Sakurai and Miyazaki,
1999) .
As shown in Figure 2, the verification time is mea-
sured for two modulus sizes,128 bits (top) and 512
bits (bottom). This time varies when the price range,
modulus size and number of bidders are changed. It
is minimized (almost 203 ms) when these parameters
are 100%, 128 bits and 25 respectively. On the other
hand, it is maximized (63 secs) when these parameters
are 25%, 1024 bits and 75. The longer verification
time is mainly attributed to the presence of bidders in
the opening phase as the auctioneer and bidders ex-
change many messages to define the outcomes.
While the evaluation result of (Sakurai and
Miyazaki, 1999) shows a significant change in the
verification time for various price ranges, modulus
sizes and number of bidders, (Sako, 2000) does not
exhibit a significant variation in the verification time
for similar changes in the auction parameters. This
variation can be justified by the presence of bidders
during the opening phase. In (Sako, 2000), the com-
putation load is fully on the auctioneer and the bid-
ders do not participate in the opening phase whereas
in (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999) the bidders partic-
25 50 75
Verification time − 128 & 512 bit Modulus
100% 75% 50% 25%
25 50 75
100% 75% 50% 25%
Figure 2: Verification Time: (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999).
ipate in the opening phase with multiple rounds of
message handshake. The initialization time is very
much similar to that of (Sakurai and Miyazaki, 1999)
as the parameters are the same, shown in Figure 3.
128 256 512 1024
Initialization time
Modulus Size
Figure 3: Initialization Time: (Sako, 2000).
The verification time is plotted in Figure 4: 128
bits (top) and 512 bits (bottom). It is minimized (al-
most 2 ms) when the parameters are 100%, 128 bits
and 25 respectively and it is maximized (3 secs) when
these parameters are 25%, 1024 bits and 75.
25 50 75
Verification time − 128 & 512 bit Modulus
100% 75% 50% 25%
25 50 75
100% 75% 50% 25%
Figure 4: Verification Time: (Sako, 2000).
The proposed protocol in (Suzuki et al., 2000) em-
ploys multiple auctioneers to define the outcomes. As
a result, the number of auctioneers has an impact on
the verification time, however, the initialization time
is not affected by this number. Furthermore, since the
generation of the encryption and decryption functions
as well as predefined messages directly correlate to
the price set, the initialization time varies with the size
of this set in addition to the modulus size.
The measurement of the initialization time for two
price sets of 41 and 200 elements illustrates only a dif-
ference of 30 ms. This means that the variation in the
number of elements in the price set does not drasti-
cally affect the initialization time. For this reason, we
plotted the initialization time in the same way as of
the previous protocols, as shown in Figure 5.
128 256 512 1024
Initialization time
Modulus Size
Figure 5: Initialization Time: (Suzuki et al., 2000)
The verification time varies with the number of
auctioneers as well as the price range, modulus size
and the number of bidders; similar to the other two
protocols. For the sake of simplicity, we fixed the
modulus size to 128 bits and changed the other pa-
rameters, as shown in Figure 6: 5 auctioneers (top)
and 20 auctioneers (bottom). The verification time is
minimized (almost 80 ms) when we consider 100%
of the price range, 5 auctioneers and 25 bidders. On
the other hand, it is maximized (7 secs) when these
parameters are 25%, 20 and 75 respectively.
4.2 Unconditional Protocols
In this section, evaluation and analysis of the un-
conditionally secure protocols (Nojoumian and Stin-
son, 2010; Nojoumian, 2012) are demonstrated. In
these constructions, the initialization cost is measured
based on the interactions between the initializer and
the bidders. Furthermore, since these protocols do
not require the existence of an auctioneer during the
opening phase, the verification cost is measured based
on the interactions among the bidders. As we stated
earlier, part of the complexity cost is due to the im-
plementation of the notify-and-receive technique.
25 50 75
Verification time − 128 bit Modulus, 5 & 20 Auctioneers
100% 75% 50% 25%
25 50 75
100% 75% 50% 25%
Figure 6: Verification Time: (Suzuki et al., 2000).
In the first protocol, named VNR, the initialization
time is directly proportional to the size of the price set,
modulus size and the number of bidders. To be con-
sistent with the previous diagrams, we fixed the price
set to 41 elements and the number of bidders to 25.
Figure 7 compares the initialization time for various
modulus sizes. As shown, with the fixed parameters,
this time varies from 6 to 36 secs for various modulus
sizes. Similarly, for each modulus size, we executed
the initialization procedure for a thousand times and
then calculated the average of the timing. In our ex-
periments with 1024 bits modulus, 100 bidders and a
price set of 100 elements, the initialization time was
in the order of a few minutes.
128 256 512 1024
Initialization time
Modulus Size
Figure 7: Initialization Time: VNR.
Although the verification time varies with the
price range, modulus size and the number of bidders,
we restricted our test cases to 128 bit modulus and
25 and 50 bidders due to a high computational cost
of these protocols, as shown in Figure 8. In this set-
ting, the verification time is minimized to 6 secs with
100% price range, 128 bits modulus and 25 bidders.
On the other hand, it is maximized to 3 mins when
these parameters are 25%, 128 and 50 respectively.
In the second protocol, named EVNR, the initial-
ization time is also proportional to the size of the price
25 50
Verification time − 128 bit Modulus
100% 75% 50% 25%
Figure 8: Verification Time: VNR.
set, modulus size and the number of bidders, however,
the number of commitments is optimized by a loga-
rithmic factor, i.e., λ =
where λ denotes the
required number of commitments and θ denotes the
number of prices. As such, the number of polynomi-
als (to be generated for each bidder) is reduced dras-
tically. This improves the initialization time as well
as the verification time. With a similar approach as of
the previous protocol, Figure 9 compares the initial-
ization time for various modulus sizes with 41 prices
and 25 bidders. As shown, this time varies from 1 to 6
secs for various modulus sizes, which is a significant
improvement compared to the VNR protocol.
128 256 512 1024
Initialization time
Modulus Size
Figure 9: Initialization Time: EVNR.
Similarly, we restricted our test cases to 128 bit
modulus and 25 and 50 bidders due to a high compu-
tational cost, shown in Figure 10. In this setting, the
verification time is minimized to 3 secs with 100%
price range, 128 bits modulus and 25 bidders. On the
other hand, it is maximized to 48 secs when these pa-
rameters are 25%, 128 and 50 respectively. This is a
major improvement compared to the VNR protocol.
4.3 Computational vs Unconditional
Figures 11 and 12 show the initialization and verifica-
tion times of all protocols. To make the result visible
on a single plot, we use a logarithmic scale of ms.
25 50
Verification Time − 128 bit Modulus
100% 75% 50% 25%
Figure 10: Verification Time: EVNR.
Among the computationally secure protocols, the
initialization time of PES is higher than the other
two protocols, however, its verification time is much
lower. Within the unconditionally secure protocols,
EVNR is executed much faster. Overall, the uncon-
ditionally secure protocols take more time in both
phases, however, they can be run without any auc-
tioneers and they provide a higher level of security.
Figure 11: Initialization Times of the Five Protocols.
25 50
Verification time − 128 bit or 5 Auctioneers, 50% Price Range
10 log
Figure 12: Verification Times of the Five Protocols.
Table 1 summarizes a sample of our test cases.
It also demonstrates the initialization time for 1024
bits modulus and the verification time for 50% price
range, 128 bits modulus and 50 bidders.
Table 1: Summary of the Test Cases (times are presented in milliseconds).
Scheme Security Initializer Auctioneers Bidders Prices Initialization Verification
USS computational 1 1 25, 50, 75 41 2066 2489
PES computational - 1 25, 50, 75 41 4416 33
HCS computational - 5, 20 25, 50, 75 41 3124 1260
VNR unconditional 1 - 25, 50 41 36034 130734
EVNR unconditional 1 - 25, 50 41 6174 37411
Our motivation to analyze the complexity of sealed-
bid auction protocols led us to the implementation of
various computationally and unconditionally secure
constructions. As we stated earlier, the uncondition-
ally secure protocols are more expensive, however,
they provide a higher level of security. On the other
hand, the computationally secure protocols are faster
but they rely on computational assumptions. There-
fore, selecting an appropriate sealed-bid auction pro-
tocol is a trade off between the level of security and
the time complexity.
It is also worth mentioning that we selected the
Dutch-style auction for our experiments since it is
widely used in real-world settings. As our future
work, we intend to perform a similar analysis for
second-price and combinatorial auctions.
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