A Group Contextual Model for Activity Recognition in Crowded Scenes
Khai N. Tran, Xu Yan, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris and Shishir K. Shah
University of Houston, Department of Computer Science, 4800 Calhoun Rd, TX 77204, U.S.A.
Group Context Activity, Activity Recognition, Social Interaction.
This paper presents an efficient framework for activity recognition based on analyzing group context in
crowded scenes. We use graph based clustering algorithm to discover interacting groups using top-down
mechanism. Using discovered interacting groups, we propose a new group context activity descriptor captur-
ing not only the focal person’s activity but also behaviors of its neighbors. For a high-level of understanding
of human activities, we propose a random field model to encode activity relationships between people in the
scene. We evaluate our approach on two public benchmark datasets. The results of both the steps show that our
method achieves recognition rates comparable to state-of-the-art methods for activity recognition in crowded
Typically, in crowded scenes, people are engaged
in multiple activities resulting from inter and intra-
group interactions. This poses a rather challenging
problem in activity recognition due to variations in
the number of people involved, and more specifically
the different human actions and social interactions
exhibited within people and groups (Ryoo and
Aggarwal, 2011; Tran, 2013). Understanding groups
and their activities is not limited to only analyzing
movements of individuals in group. The environment
in which these groups exist provides important
contextual information that can be invaluable in rec-
ognizing activities in crowded scenes. Perspectives
from sociology, psychology and computer vision
suggest that human activities can be understood
by investigating a subject in the context of social
signaling constraints (Smith et al., 2008; Helbing and
ar, 1995; Cristani et al., 2011). Exploring the
spatial and directional relationships between people
can facilitate the detection of social interactions in
a group. Thus, activity analysis in crowded scenes
can often be considered a multi-step process, one
that involves individual person activity, individuals
forming meaningful groups, interaction between
individuals and interactions between groups. In
general, the approaches to group activity analysis
can be classified into two categories: bottom-up
and top-down. The bottom-up approaches rely on
recognizing activity of each individual in a group.
Vice versa, top-down approaches recognize group
activity by analyzing at the group level rather than
at the individual level. Bottom-up approaches show
the understanding of activities at the individual level,
however they are limited in recognizing activities
at group level. Top-down approaches show better
contextual understanding of activities in groups but
they are not robust enough to recognize activities at
the individual level.
In this paper, we develop a social context frame-
work for recognizing human activities in crowded
scenes by taking advantage of both top-down and
bottom-up approaches. Our hybrid framework local-
izes groups through social interaction analysis using
a top-down approach and analyzes individual activity
based on social context within the group using a
bottom-up mechanism. We propose a novel group
context activity descriptor capturing characteristics of
individual activity with respect to the behavior of its
neighbors along with an efficient conditional random
field model to learn and classify human activities in
crowded scenes.
The main contributions of our work are:
1. A Group Context Activity Descriptor. We use
a top-down approach to dynamically localize in-
teracting groups capturing behaviors of individu-
als. We form a group context activity descriptor
that is a combination of individual activity and its
neighbor’s behavior, represented using the Bag-
of-Words (BoW) representation.
2. An Efficient Conditional Random Field Frame-
work to Learn and Classify Human Activities in
Tran K., Yan X., Kakadiaris I. and Shah S..
A Group Contextual Model for Activity Recognition in Crowded Scenes.
DOI: 10.5220/0005258600050012
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
context. We present a recognition framework that
jointly captures the individual activity and its ac-
tivity relationships with its neighbors.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We
review related work on activity analysis in crowded
scenes in section 2. Section 3 describes the human ac-
tivity descriptor in group context along with the con-
ditional random field model used to address the activ-
ity recognition task. Experimental results and evalu-
ations are presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper.
In this section, we review related work on human ac-
tivity analysis in crowded scenes that use a top-down
or bottom-up approach. In bottom-up approaches,
group context is used to differentiate ambiguous ac-
tivities e.g. standing and talking, which are normally
represented by the same local descriptors. Most ap-
proaches integrate contextual information by propos-
ing a new feature descriptor extracted from an in-
dividual and its surrounding area. Lan et al. (Lan
et al., 2012b) propose an Action Context (AC) de-
scriptor capturing the activity of the focal person and
the behavior of other people nearby. AC descriptor is
computed by concatenating the focal person’s action
probability vector (computed using Bag-of-Words ap-
proach with SVM classifier), and the context action
probability vectors capturing the activities of other
neighborhood people. However, this AC descriptor
only can capture spatial proximity information by us-
ing ‘near by’ context. Considering a more sophisti-
cated contextual descriptor, Choi et al. (Choi et al.,
2009) propose Spatio-Temporal Volume (STV) de-
scriptor, which captures spatial distribution of pose
and motion of individuals in a scene to analyze group
activity. STV descriptor centered on a person of in-
terest or an anchor is used for classification of the
group activity. The descriptor is a histogram of peo-
ple and their poses in different spatial bins around the
anchor. These histograms are concatenated over the
video to capture the temporal nature of the activities.
SVM using pyramid kernels is used for classification.
The same descriptor is leveraged in (Choi et al., 2011)
but Random Forest classification is used for group ac-
tivity analysis. In addition, random forest structure
is used to randomly sample the spatio-temporal re-
gions to pick most discriminative features. Recently,
Amer et al. (Amer and Todorovic, 2011) introduced
Bags-of-Right-Detections (BORD) seeking to remove
noisy people detection in groups. BORD is a his-
togram of human poses detected in a spatio-temporal
neighborhood centered at a point in the video volume.
The BORD is not computed from all neighborhood
people, but only from those detections that are consid-
ered to take part in the target activity. A two-tier MAP
inference algorithm is proposed for the final recogni-
tion step.
In contrast to bottom-up approaches, top-down
methods model the entire group as a whole rather than
each individual separately. Khan and Shah (Khan and
Shah, 2005) use rigidity formulation to represent pa-
rade activities. They modeled group shape as a 3D
polygon with each corner representing a participating
person. The tracks from person in group are treated
as tracks of feature points in a 3D polygon. Using
rank of track matrix, activities are classified as pa-
rade or just random crowds. Vaswani et al. (Vaswani
et al., 2003) model an activity using a polygon and
its deformation over time. Each person in the group
is treated as a point on the polygon. The model is
applied to abnormality detection in a crowded scene.
Multi-camera multi-target tracks are used to generate
dissimilarity measure between people, which in turn
are used to cluster them into groups in (Chang et al.,
2010). Group activities are recognized by treating the
group as an entity and analyzing the behavior of the
group over time. Mehran et al. (Mehran et al., 2009)
built a ‘Bag-of-Forces’ model of the movements of
people using social force model in a video frame to
detect abnormal crowd behavior. Close to top-down
approach, Ryoo et al. (Ryoo and Aggarwal, 2011)
present an approach that splits group activity into sub-
events like person activity and person to person in-
teractions. Each portion is represented using context
free grammar and the probability of their occurrence
given a group activity or time periods. A hierarchical
recognition algorithm based on Markov Chain Monte
Carlo density sampling technique is developed. The
technique identifies the groups and group activity si-
Recently, several approaches that leverage social
signaling cues for analyzing crowded scenes have
been proposed. Group activities can be better inferred
from valuable social interactions cues between peo-
ple present in the scene. Several approaches are pro-
posed to identify meaningful group from the videos
using spatial and orientational arrangement of peo-
ple in the scene as a cue based on social signaling
principles (Farenzena et al., 2009b; Farenzena et al.,
2009a; Tran et al., 2014). Lan et al. (Lan et al., 2012a)
present a bottom-up approach integrating social role
analysis to understand activities in crowd scene. Dif-
ferent from above approaches, our approach takes
advantage of both bottom-up and top-down mecha-
nisms by designing a group context activity descrip-
Figure 1: Illustration of group discovery. Human interactions in a group is represented as an undirected edge-weighted graph.
Dominant set based clustering algorithm is used to localize interacting groups. There are four discovered groups from the
scene: {5,6,7,8}, {1,2}, {3} and {4}.
tor capturing individual activity and behavior of its
neighbors within its groups. Once meaningful groups
are identified from the videos by using top-down ap-
proach, group context activity descriptor is built for
each individual in discovered group. Using this de-
scriptor a random field model is built to recognize in-
dividual activities using a bottom-up approach.
In this paper, we mainly focus on recognizing human
activities in crowded scenes. Thus, we assume that
people in a crowded scene have been detected and the
trajectories of people in 3D space and the head poses
are available or methods such as (Choi et al., 2009;
Hoiem et al., 2006) can be used to obtain the same.
3.1 Group Discovery in Crowded Scene
In general, the analysis of complex activity in
crowded scene is a challenging task, due to noisy ob-
servations and unobserved communication between
people. In order to understand which people in the
scene form meaningful groups, we employ a top-
down approach proposed in (Tran et al., 2014) to dis-
cover socially interacting groups in the scene. This
top-down approach basically represents all detected
people as a graph where each vertex represents one
person and weighted edges describe the social in-
teraction between any two people in a group. The
dominant set based clustering algorithm is used to
discover the interacting groups (Pavan and Pelillo,
2007). Fig.1 depicts the overview of group discovery
in the crowded scene.
3.2 Model Formulation
Given a set N = {1, ..., n} of all the people detected
in the scene, let x = {x
, x
, ..., x
} be the set of peo-
ple activity descriptors; a = {a
, a
, ..., a
} be the set
of individual activity labels, where x
is feature vec-
tor and a
A is activity label associated with person
i N (A is set of all possible activity labels). As a re-
sult of clustering people in the scene to different inter-
acting groups, let us define G = {G
, G
, ..., G
} as
the set of discovered groups where G
is set of people
clustered in group c and
= N. We introduce
a standard conditional random field model to learn
the strength of the interactions between activities in
discovered groups. The activity interaction is condi-
tioned on image evidence, so that the model not only
takes into account which activity each person is en-
gaged in, but also higher-order dependencies between
activities. Our model is represented as:
Ψ(a, x) =
, x
) +
(i, j)G
, a
) (1)
where φ(a
, x
) is a singleton factor that models the
probability of person is activity label a
A given
its feature vector x
. φ(a
, a
) is the pairwise factor
that models the probability between pair of individ-
ual activities a
and a
, where (i, j) belong to the same
group G
discovered by using top-down approach de-
scribed in section 3.1. A graphical illustration of our
model discovering meaningful groups and formula-
Figure 2: Illustration of our conditional random field model
for each discovered interacting group. The activity-to-
activity relationships in each group are represented by
dashed lines.
tion of conditional random field model is shown in
The model described in Eq.1 only captures high-
level activity-to-activity relationships of people in dis-
covered groups. This limit us from analyzing the de-
tailed interaction of individual activity and the behav-
ior of its neighbors within a group. Thus we introduce
a low-level group context activity descriptor that en-
codes detailed individual activity interactions within
a group.
3.3 Group Context Activity Descriptor
An ideal context activity descriptor can efficiently
incorporate the focal person’s activity in spatio-
temporal relationship with activities in its spatial
proximity. Lan et al. (Lan et al., 2012b) propose an
Action Context (AC) descriptor capturing the activity
of the focal person and the behavior of other people
nearby. AC descriptor uses spatial proximity as an
indicator of context. They do not consider whether
the people near-by are engaged in meaningful inter-
actions or not, effectively leading to a semantically
noisy descriptor. Moreover, we argue that AC is rep-
resented by concatenating a set of probability vectors
computed using Bag-of-Words approach with SVM
classifier that adds to ambiguity already existent in
the representation (BoW) for each person. Choi et
al. (Choi et al., 2009) employs well-known shape con-
text idea (Belongie et al., 2002) to propose Spatio-
Temporal Volume (STV) descriptor, which captures
spatial distribution of pose and motion of individuals
in a scene. The descriptor centered on a person of
interest or an anchor is represented as histograms of
people and their poses in different spatial bins around
the anchor. STV descriptor can effectively capture
higher-level spatial relationship of individual interac-
tions. Nonetheless, it is too coarse to capture finer se-
mantically driven contextual relationship of individ-
ual activities in detail.
We develop a novel group context activity (GCA)
descriptor that exploits strategies from above ap-
proaches. Our descriptor is centered on a person (the
focal person), and describes the behaviors of focal
person and its semantic neighbors represented by ar-
ranging individual activity descriptors in polar view.
Let f = { f
, f
, ..., f
} be the set of local activity de-
scriptors formed using Bag-of-Words representation
for all people in the scene, where f
is K-dimensional
vector representing person is activity (K is number of
visual codewords). Dense trajectory based descriptors
have shown to be efficient for representing actions in
video, thus we employ approach proposed in (Wang
et al., 2011) to extract motion boundary histogram
(MBH) as local activity descriptors. Given the i-th
person in discovered group G
as the focal person, we
divide its context region into P sub-polar context re-
gions characterized by number of orientation bins and
radial bins (Belongie et al., 2002). Using spatial rela-
tionship between people in discovered group G
, we
extract descriptors in each sub-polar context region
around the focal person. As a result, the group con-
text activity descriptor x
for person i is represented
as a (P + 1) × K dimensional vector including focal
activity descriptor computed as follows:
= [ f
, ...,
] (2)
where S
(i) is set of people in the p-th sub-polar con-
text region of person i. Fig.3 shows the extraction of
group context activity descriptor for a selected person
in a discovered group.
3.4 Inference and Learning
Our model is a standard Conditional Random Field
(CRF) with no hidden variables. We train a multi-
class SVM classifier based on GCA descriptors and
their associated labels to learn and compute singleton
factor φ(a
, x
). Given an observation x
, we use SVM
parameters to compute probabilities for all possible
activity labels. From training data, we use top-down
approach to discover interacting groups in the scene.
All pairs of activity labels in discovered groups are
counted to compute pairwise factor φ(a
, a
Given a new testing scene, our inference task is
to find best activity label assignments for all people
detected in the scene. The prediction assignment a
computed by running MAP inference on the network
= argmax
Ψ(a, x) (3)
where Ψ(a, x) is specified in Eq.1.
Figure 3: Depiction of Group Context Activity (GCA) descriptor extraction. From left to right, people are localized in different
groups using a top-down approach from (Tran et al., 2014); local descriptors are extracted from dense trajectories (Wang et al.,
2011); local BoW is computed for each person’s activity; GCA descriptor is extracted for a selected person in a discovered
group by computing descriptor for each sub-polar context bin.
In this section, we describe the experiments designed
to evaluate the performance of the proposed group
context activity (GCA) descriptor and framework for
human activity recognition in crowded scenes.
4.1 Datasets
In this work, we choose to use two challenging bench-
mark datasets to evalute our proposed approach in
recognizing human activities in a crowded scene.
The first benchmark dataset is Collective Activity
dataset (Choi et al., 2009). The old version of
dataset contains 5 activities in group (Crossing, Wait-
ing, Queuing, Walking and Talking) and recently, the
authors presented a new version of dataset includ-
ing two additional activities (Dancing and Jogging).
HOG based human detection and head pose estima-
tion along with a probabilistic model is used to esti-
mate camera parameters (Choi et al., 2009). Extended
Kalman filtering is employed to extract 3D trajecto-
ries of people in the scene. These automatically ex-
tracted 3D trajectories and head pose estimates are
provided as a part of the dataset. Thus, the dataset
represents real world, noisy observations with occlu-
sions and automatic person detection and trajectory
The second benchmark dataset is UCLA Court-
yard dataset recently introduced by Amer et. al (Amer
et al., 2012). This dataset contains 106 minutes of
high resolution videos at 30 fps from a bird-eye view
of a courtyard at the UCLA campus. The annotations
in term of bounding boxes, poses, and activity labels
are provided for each frames in video. The dataset
contains 10 primitive human activities which are Rid-
ing Skateboard, Riding Bike, Riding Scooter, Driving
Car, Walking, Talking, Waiting, Reading, Eating, and
4.2 Model Parameters
In using the group discovery algorithm (Tran et al.,
2014), we set parameters that maintain the ratio pro-
posed in (Was et al., 2006) and the social distance
function is modeled as the power function F
(r) =
(1 r)
, n > 1. We define 56 activity labels (8
head poses × 7 activity labels) for new version of
Collective Activity dataset and 40 activity labels (8
head poses × 5 activity labels) for UCLA Court-
yard dataset by combining the head poses and ac-
tivity labels. We train a multi-class SVM classifier
which is used to compute singleton factors by utiliz-
ing the libSVM library (Chang and Lin, 2011) with
linear kernel on GCA descriptor. Using discovered
groups from top-down approach, respectively, matri-
ces of size 56 × 56 and 40 × 40 are used to learn and
look up pairwise factors for Collective Activity and
UCLA Courtyard datasets. For recognition, we use
libDAI (Mooij, 2010) to perform inference in our con-
ditional random field model.
To compute the MBH descriptors, we set the
neighborhood size N = 32 pixels, the spatial cell
= 2, the temporal cells n
= 3, trajectory length
L = 10, and dense sampling step size W = 5 for dense
tracking. This setting claims to empirically give good
results for a wide range of datasets (see (Wang et al.,
2011) for parameter details). In designing GCA de-
scriptor, we select codebook size of K = 200 by clus-
tering a subset of 100, 000 randomly selected training
features using k-means. In addition, we evaluate our
proposed model in different settings of P, which is
Table 1: Recognition rates of various proposed methods on Collective Activity dataset (Choi et al., 2009).
Accuracy (%)
Approach Year Walk Cross Queue Wait Talk Jog Dance Avg
Choi (Choi et al., 2009) 2009 57.9 55.4 63.3 64.6 83.6 N/A N/A 65.9
Choi (Choi et al., 2011) 2011 N/A 76.5 78.5 78.5 84.1 94.1 80.5 82.0
Amer (Amer and Todorovic, 2011) 2011 72.2 69.9 96.8 74.1 99.8 87.6 70.2 81.5
Amer (Amer et al., 2012) 2012 74.7 77.2 95.4 78.3 98.4 89.4 72.3 83.6
Lan (Lan et al., 2012b) 2012 68.0 65.0 96.0 68.0 99.0 N/A N/A 79.1
Our Method 60.4 60.6 89.1 80.9 93.1 93.4 95.4 82.9
Table 2: Recognition rates of proposed methods on UCLA Courtyard dataset (Amer et al., 2012).
Accuracy (%)
Approach Walk Wait Talk Drive Car Ride S-board Ride Scooter Ride Bike Read Eat Sit Avg
Amer (Amer et al., 2012) 69.1 67.7 69.6 70.2 71.3 68.4 61.4 67.3 71.3 64.2 68.1
Our Method 74.3 69.9 70.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 72.8 N/A 70.8 71.4
number of sub-polar context regions around a focal
person. Basically P = R × O where R is number of
radial bins and O is number of orientation bins. How-
ever, given a focal person within his discovered group,
context activity descriptor differs from others by dis-
criminating in orientation distribution rather than ra-
dial distribution. Thus in our case, R is set to 1 and our
GCA descriptor is controlled by P = O number of ori-
entation bins. For the special case when P = 0, GCA
descriptor amounts to the focal person local activity
descriptor without using context (x
= f
). This is the
same for a non-group person in the scene who does
not belong to any discovered groups. Experiments
show that P = 4 and P = 16 achieves the best perfor-
mances in Collective Activity and UCLA Courtyard
datasets, respectively.
4.3 Human Activity Recognition
We summarize the recognition results obtained using
our method and other approaches in Table 1 for Col-
lective Activity dataset using standard 4-folds cross-
validation scheme. As we can see, our proposed ap-
proach achieves recognition rates comparable to state-
of-the-art methods in the new version of Collective
Activity dataset. Fig. 4(Top) shows the confusion ma-
trices obtained on Collective Activity dataset. It lists
the recognition accuracy for each activity individu-
ally. The low values of the non-diagonal elements
imply that the descriptor is highly discriminative with
very low decision ambiguity between different activi-
ties. The confusion matrix also shows the most confu-
sion between Walking and Crossing activities in Col-
lective Activity dataset, which can be explained be-
cause both are essentially Walking activity but with
Figure 4: Confusion matrices for Collective Activity dataset
(Top) and UCLA Courtyard dataset (Bottom).
different scene semantic. Since most of Waiting ac-
tivities are in social interaction with Walking activities
in both datasets, so there is a relatively high confusion
between Waiting and Walking. Overall, the confusion
matrix shows very high accuracy rates in recognizing
Figure 5: Depiction of computed dense tracks in UCLA Courtyard dataset. Due to low resolution, there are few tracked
trajectories extracted for people in shadow regions. Thus, there are very few local activity descriptors extracted for people in
those regions.
Queue, Talk, Dance and Jog activities. This can be
explained because our group context activity descrip-
tor efficiently encodes activities in different contexts.
For UCLA Courtyard dataset, Table 2 shows our
recognition rate in comparison with other proposed
methods, and Fig. 4(Bottom) shows the recognition
confusion matrix. As we can see, our proposed ap-
proach achieves recognition rates that outperform the
state-of-the-art methods in recognizing selected activ-
ities in UCLA Courtyard dataset. However, there is a
limitation in using our framework to UCLA Court-
yard dataset. The dense track algorithm proposed
in (Wang et al., 2011) does not perform well across all
observations in the UCLA Courtyard videos. There
are very small number of dense trajectories extracted
from people in shadow regions in comparison to other
regions (see Fig. 5). Thus, there are not enough ex-
tracted descriptors to build GCA descriptor for those
people in shadow regions. Using alternate feature de-
tectors could alleviate this problem and hence the lim-
itation towards computing the local activity descrip-
tor for UCLA Courtyard videos. Due to this limita-
tion, not all activities are included in our evaluation.
Some activities such as Riding Skateboard, Riding
Bike, Riding Scooter, Driving Car, and Eating are
limited and hence do not provide sufficient exemplars
for learning.
In this paper, we have proposed an efficient frame-
work for recognizing human activities in crowded
scenes. We have introduced a novel group context
activity descriptor efficiently capturing focal person’s
activity and its neighbor’s behavior. Along with group
context activity descriptor, we also proposed a high-
level recognition framework jointly captures the in-
dividual activity and its activity relationships with its
neighbors. We evaluated our approach in two public
benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that our
approach obtains results comparable to state-of-the-
art in recognizing human activities in crowded scenes.
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