Interactive 3D Modeling
A Survey-based Perspective on Interactive 3D Reconstruction
Julius Sch¨oning and Gunther Heidemann
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabr¨uck, Osnabr¨uck, Germany
Image-based Modelling, 3D Reconstruction, Interactive, User Centered, CAD-ready, Survey.
3D reconstruction and modeling techniques based on computer vision show a significant improvement in
recent decades. Despite the great variety, a majority of these techniques depend on specific photographic
collections or video footage. For example, most are designed for large data collections, overlapping photos,
captures from turntables or photos with lots of detectable features such as edges. If the input, however, does not
fit the particular specification, most techniques can no longer create reasonable 3D reconstructions. We review
the work in the research area of 3D reconstruction and 3D modeling with a focus on the specific capabilities of
these methods and possible drawbacks. Within this literature review, the practical usability with the focus on
the input data — the collections of photographs or videos — and on the resulting models are discussed. Upon
this basis, we introduce our position of interactive 3D reconstruction and modeling as a possible opportunity of
lifting current restrictions from these techniques, which leads to the possibility of creating CAD-ready models
in the future.
A multitude of computer vision based techniques re-
construct and model 3D objects or scenes from pho-
tographs or video footage captured in 2D (monocu-
lar) or 3D (stereo). Many of these techniques and ap-
proaches reconstruct objects or scenes with automatic
algorithms from image sequences (Tanskanen et al.,
2013; Pan et al., 2009; Pollefeys et al., 2008; Polle-
feys et al., 2004; Zollh¨ofer et al., 2014; Snavely et al.,
2006). Alongside to these academical approaches
a growing number of commercial software products
have been presented in the last years (Agisoft, 2014;
Autodesk, Inc., 2014; Microsoft Corporation, 2014;
Trimble Navigation Limited, 2014). But would an
architect or an engineer call the resulting 3D recon-
struction a CAD-model? Is a non-expert user able
to apply these tools? Can the user apply the method
without special hardware like a rotating plate, laser,
stereo camera or even a main frame computer? Are
users able to reconstruct models of real world objects
in such a way that they will be able to translate them
back to real world replicas? The answer to these ques-
tions is mostly No but why? Therefore, we provide
a literature review of automatic and interactive 3D re-
construction and modeling techniques, compare them
and analyse weaknesses of existing methods. Under
these perspectives, we provide a discussion of how
an interactive computer vision application could be
employed to overcome existing weaknesses. Further,
we develop an idea for an application for the interac-
tive creation of non-monolithic, functioning 3D mod-
els models that architects or engineers would call
a model, and CAD-ready models that can be applied
for simulation tasks, reverse engineering, replication
and many more purposes.
For 3D reconstruction techniques various research ar-
eas can be identified. In order to provide a simple
taxonomy, the input data type is used as the identify-
ing header. Monocular and stereo inputs are not sep-
arate, because the stereo advantage is not as signifi-
cant as commonly expected due to the limited stereo
distance of typically less than 5m, the noisy depth
estimation and field of view of 60
(Henry et al.,
2014). The 3D reconstruction techniques and appli-
cations discussed in the following do not necessarily
focus on reconstructing scenes or objects for model-
ing purposes only. Instead, other applications like,
e.g., robot navigation, might be considered. We do
not claim that the list is complete but we argue that
Schöning J. and Heidemann G..
Interactive 3D Modeling - A Survey-based Perspective on Interactive 3D Reconstruction.
DOI: 10.5220/0005259402890294
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 289-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-077-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
it contains the relevant work which should be consid-
ered in this context.
2.1 Collections of Photographs
A well known technique that uses a collection
of photographs as input data is Photo tourism by
Snavely et al. (Snavely et al., 2006). This tool uses
an unstructured collection of photographs of a scene,
e.g., acquired from the internet, and converts them to
a sparse 3D model of the scene. Thus the user can
browse, explore and organize large photo collections
in a 3D model of the scene. Camera resections, the
reconstruction of viewpoints from where the photos
are taken, are also possible. Photo tourism recon-
structs the model by computing correspondence fea-
tures of each image using SIFT and RANSAC, which
are based on descriptors that are robust with respect
to variations in pose, scale, and lighting. An opti-
mization algorithm is used to recover the camera pa-
rameters and the 3D position of the feature points. A
robust structure from motion algorithm for 3D struc-
ture estimation is the backbone of Photo tourism.
Some weaknesses of this system are that it works only
with huge collections. Also, textureless or repeating
structures cannot be reconstructed, only continuous
scenes. Also, the resulting model is quite sparse.
Inspired by Photo tourism, the software Microsoft
Photosynth (Microsoft Corporation, 2014) is a tool
for capturing, viewing and sharing photos in 3D. It
works in the same way as Photo tourism and au-
tomatically reconstructs a collection of overlapping
photographs into a 3D model. A scene of 200 pho-
tographs is computed in five to ten minutes on an av-
erage laptop. To overcome the drawbacks of Photo
tourism, a photography guide is provided which helps
the user with how to take photos such that Photosynth
can be used to best advantage. The guide provides
hints such as to not shoot repetitions, complex occlu-
sions, or shiny objects. For well made collections, ac-
ceptable models can be obtained. Moving or dynamic
objects cannot handled by Photosynth.
The main purpose of the first two techniques is
browsing, exploring and organizing photographic col-
lections in a 3D model. The purpose of Agisoft Pho-
toScan (Agisoft, 2014) is the automatic creation of
textured 3D models from photographs. For a success-
ful and complete reconstruction, photographs shown
in a 360
view of the object are required. It depends
on the viewpoints whether the software works auto-
matically or interactively, because the user is required
to outline the object of interest manually in the re-
construction process. By this means, irrelevant el-
ements such as the background or the turntable are
excluded. Further processing steps like aligning pho-
tographs, building a dense point cloud, meshing point
clouds and creating textured surfaces work automati-
cally in PhotoScan. Like Photosynth, Agisoft Photo-
Scan comes with a guideline, also, its drawbacks are
Like PhotoScan, Autodesk 123D Catch (Au-
todesk, Inc., 2014) creates 3D models from a col-
lection of photographs and like PhotoScan it builds
a monolithic 3D model. But in 123D Catch, the user
can manipulate the model in a post-processing phase.
To increase speed, the overall process is outsourced to
cloud computing. Like the other systems, 123D Catch
can not handle moving objects, reflections, under- or
overexposure, blurred photographs, occlusions etc.
Kowdle et al. (Kowdle et al., 2014) addressed
these issues of automatic reconstruction for object
creation by a semi-automatic approach. In this ap-
proach, the user is in the loop of computational re-
construction, which allows the user to intuitively in-
teract with the algorithm. The user guides the pro-
cess of image-based modeling to find a model of the
object of interest by interacting with the nodes of
the graph. Thus, the 3D reconstruction achieves a
much higher quality in an acceptable time span, espe-
cially for scenes with textureless surfaces and struc-
tural cues. This semi-automatic approach works with
multiple images of a scene, captured from differ-
ent viewpoints. In the pre-processing steps a struc-
ture from motion algorithm creates a dense 3D point
cloud. This cloud is used for growing 3D superpix-
els. With user interaction the superpixels are labeled
to segments and finally to the object of interest. Using
this knowledge, a RANSAC based plan-fitting on the
labeled 3D points estimates the 3D Model.
2.2 Single Photograph
Photo collections acquired according to guidelines for
3D reconstruction are rare. Single photos or very
small collections of photos are more common. De-
bevec et al. (Debevec et al., 1996) presented an early
approach to hybrid modeling, that can model and ren-
der existing architectural scenes from a sparse set of
still photographs. But to extract a model from a small
collection requires addition information. The Fac¸ade
software combines an interactive image-guided geo-
metric modeling tool with model-based stereo match-
ing and a view-dependent texture mapping. In the
interactive modeling phase the user selects block el-
ements and aligns their edges with visible edges in
the input images. The system then automatically
computes the dimensions and locations of the blocks
along with the camera resection. Based on the as-
sumption that man-made architecture relies on geo-
metric elements, this approach reconstructs more re-
liable models from geometric primitives.
Upon this principle the plug-in Match Photo for
the Trimble Navigation Limited tool SketchUp pro-
vides a manual method for creating a 3D model from
one photograph or match an existing CAD-model into
a photograph. After calibrating the photo to the coor-
dination system of the SketchUp workspace, the user
draws the edges of the object over the photograph.
When all visual and occluded edges are drawn, the 3D
model is built and can be texturized (Trimble Naviga-
tion Limited, 2014).
Another approach we want to mention is the re-
construction of building interiors by Furukawa and
Szeliski (Furukawa et al., 2009) because it is able to
handle textureless planar surfaces such as uniformly-
2.3 Video Footage
An automatic 3D reconstruction method from video
footage described by Pollefeys et al. (Pollefeys et al.,
2008) produces a dense, geo-registered 3D model of
an urban scene in real-time. The video footage is cap-
tured by a multi-camera system in conjunction with
INS (Inertial Navigation System) and GPS measure-
ments. To achieve real-time they decouple the prob-
lem into the reconstruction of depth maps from sets of
images followed by the fusion of these depth maps, a
simple and fast algorithm that can be implemented on
GPUs. It yields a compact and geometrically consis-
tent representation of the 3D scene.
ProFORMA (Probabilistic Feature-based Online
Rapid Model Acquisition) (Pan et al., 2009) recon-
structs freely rotated objects in front of a fixed-
position video camera in near real-time. Due to the
fact that the system guides the user with respect to
the manipulation, i.e., the rotation of the object, this
method might not be called an entirely automatic
method. The user rotates the textured object in front
of the camera. The final model is produced by Delau-
nay tetrahedralization of a point cloud obtained from
online structure from motion estimation, followed by
a probabilistic tetrahedron carving step to obtain a
textured surface mesh of the object. A key-frame for
the reconstruction is taken when a sufficiently large
rotation is detected. During the initialization phase a
photo of the background is captured for background
VideoTrace (van den Hengel et al., 2007) is a sys-
tem for interactive generation of realistic 3D mod-
els of objects from video. These models can be in-
serted into a simulation environment or another appli-
cation. The user interacts with VideoTrace by tracing
the shape of the object over one or more frames of
the video. Immediate feedback mechanisms allow the
user to rapidly model those parts of the scene which
are of interest, up to the required level of detail. The
combination of automated and manual reconstruction
allows VideoTrace to model parts of the scene which
are not visible, and to succeed in cases where purely
automated approaches would fail. Before any interac-
tive modeling takes place, structure and motion anal-
ysis is carried out on the video sequence to recon-
struct a sparse set of 3D scene points. The resulting
3D point cloud is “drawn” over the frames of the in-
put sequence. The interaction is done by modeling
primitives. By default, these primitives (e.g., traced
lines or curves) are automatically refined in 2D by fit-
ting to local strong superpixel boundaries, so a user
neither needs artistic abilities, nor is “pixel perfect”
tracing required. The interaction process occurs in
real time. This allows the user to switch between im-
ages from the original sequence naturally, selecting
the most appropriate view of the scene at each stage.
The model can be rendered using texture maps ob-
tained from frames of the video.
Generating dense 3D maps of indoor environ-
ments using a RGB-D camera has been proposed by
Henry et al. (Henry et al., 2014), despite the lim-
ited depth precision and field of view such cameras
can provide. This technique effectively combines the
visual and shape information of a RGB-D camera.
Aligning the current frame to the previous frame with
an enhanced iterative closest point algorithm com-
bines the RGB and the D information. The resulting
feature point cloud in 3D is visualized in surfels (sur-
face patches).
Further reconstruction methods to be considered
are automated reconstruction of buildings using a
hand held video camera (Fulton and Fraser, 2009),
live metric 3D reconstruction on mobile phones (Tan-
skanen et al., 2013), in situ image-based modeling
(van den Hengel et al., 2009) and visual modeling
with a hand-held camera (Pollefeys et al., 2004), but
can not be described in this short paper.
By comparing all techniques mentioned in Section 2
yield, Table 1. It shows a comparison of most signif-
icant techniques (top half) and commercial software
products (lower half).
The first finding of the comparison is that there is
a very strong correlation between the input and the
execution mode of techniques. For a huge collec-
Table 1: Direct comparison of significant techniques and commercial software products for 3D reconstruction and modeling.
Main purpose Input Output
Handling of texture
-less, shiny etc. objects
Modelling architecture
(Debevec et al., 1996)
model acquisition for
man-made objects and
single photograph or
collection of pho-
monolithic 3D model of
the object or scene
i monocular
possible but should be
Photo tourism (Snavely
et al., 2006)
browsing, exploring and
organizing photo collec-
tions in a sparse 3D the
huge collection of pho-
tographs (> 100 photos)
sparse 3D model of the
a monocular
camera with
or without
GPS device
hard photographs
should not have re-
peating or textureless
VideoTrace (van den
Hengel et al., 2007)
model acquisition for
video sequence monolithic 3D model of
the scene or part of the
i monocular
not mention in the article n
ProFORMA (Pan et al.,
reconstruction of objects uncut video sequence
with static background
monolithic model of a
a monocular
video cam-
era on
tripod and
a rotatable
hard object must be
sufficiently textured
Real-time urban 3D re-
construction (Pollefeys
et al., 2008)
reconstruction of urban
uncut video sequence
with a fix orientation
dense 3D model of the
a monocular
not mention in the article r
User in the Loop for
Image-Based Modeling
(Kowdle et al., 2014)
model acquisition for
single photograph or
collection of photograph
monolithic 3D model of
the object
i monocular
handled by the user n
RGB-D modeling of
indoor environments
(Henry et al., 2014)
3D indoor mapping uncut video sequence in
3D map of the scene for,
e.g. robot navigation
a active stereo
handled by the D-
channel of the active
123D CATCH (Au-
todesk, Inc., 2014)
model acquisition for
collection of pho-
tographs (> 20 photos
and < 70 photos)
monolithic 3D model of
the object
a monocular
hard photographs
should not have oc-
clusion, repetition,
shininess etc.
Agisoft PhotoScan (Ag-
isoft, 2014)
model acquisition for
collection of pho-
tographs (> 10 photos
and < 70 photos)
monolithic 3D model of
the object
a monocular
hard photographs
should not have oc-
clusion, repetition,
shininess etc.
Photosynth (Microsoft
Corporation, 2014)
browsing, exploring and
organizing photo collec-
tions in a sparse 3D
collection of pho-
tographs (> 10 photos)
sparse 3D model of the
a monocular
hard photographs
should not have oc-
clusion, repetition,
shininess etc.
SketchUp Match Photo
(Trimble Navigation
Limited, 2014)
model acquisition for
single photograph or
collection of photograph
3D model of the object m monocular
handled by the user r
execution mode: automatic, interactive, manual;
Initialization: required, not required; *depends on the RGB-D camera
tion of photographs or video footage without many
outliers, available automatic reconstruction seems to
work quite well. In all other cases, interactive or man-
ual methods perform better.
Almost all techniques require specific collections.
The collections must be well planned photographs
or videos that show the object of interest in a 360
view. Many other required properties, like an overlap
by 50% of corresponding photographs, are described
in the guidelines of each method. According to the
guidelines, all automatic and almost all other tech-
niques have problems with, reflection, occlusion and
repeating structures. The output of all techniques is a
monolithic model without any declaration of subparts.
In most cases, the monolithic model is no more than
a meshed dense point cloud. Such a model cannot be
used in CAD applications, e.g., for simulation tasks,
reverse engineering or creation of functioning repli-
cas. Further information, e.g., if a technique needs
special hardware equipment, can be found in Table 1.
After the direct comparison, drawbacks and missing
elements of existing 3D modeling techniques can be
spotted. It becomes obvious, that due to missing in-
formation like occlusions, automatic 3D reconstruc-
tion can only achieve acceptable results if enough
photographs of the scene or knowledge of the under-
lying model are available. As pointed out in (Kow-
dle et al., 2014; van den Hengel et al., 2007; De-
bevec et al., 1996) interactive methods include real
world model knowledge of the user into the recon-
struction process. This enables a reconstruction from
a few or even from a single photograph. Currently,
the necessary real world knowledge cannot be ex-
plicitly integrated into existing algorithms, due to the
sheer complexity it would create. Interactive model-
ing techniques, however, are the only way to reliably
reconstruct 3D models from any collection of pho-
tographs or video footage. 3D reconstruction from
arbitrary and unplanned collections will broaden the
range of applications, examples are reverse engineer-
ing of mechanical parts, animal reconstruction for bi-
ology (e.g., for arachnology) and historical urban re-
Figure 1 outlines our ideas for an interactive 3D
reconstruction architecture. It consists of three main
parts: i) the input data in the form of monocular or
stereo photographs / video footage, as well as addi-
tional data like physical interrelationships, ii) the in-
teractivereconstruction process and iii) the user as do-
main expert of the real world. The interactive recon-
knowledge of
real world
reconstruction process
3D model
Figure 1: Interactive reconstruction architecture.
struction process should join the computational power
of today’s computers with the conceptual knowledge
of the user to solve issues that are computationally
unfeasible up to now. In contrast to most interactive
3D reconstruction methods, the computer remains the
“work horse” of the process, while supervised and ac-
tive learning algorithms shift the load from the user to
the computer.
An application based on this architecture should
be able to reconstruct from any collections of pho-
tographs and video footage or archive photos because
missing information will be added by user knowledge.
To achieve a better understanding of already exist-
ing techniques, algorithms, methods and processing
pipelines, we describe a possible application based on
the interactive architecture. Based on a photograph,
a collection of photographs, a video or a collection
of video, the user starts the interactive reconstruction
process. In the first step, a monolithic model of the
object or scene of interest should be created. There-
fore, the user has to identify the object of interest with
a marker. It should not be necessary to mark or out-
line the objects in every frame as it is common prac-
tice to date (e.g. (Agisoft, 2014)). The setting of a
marker triggers the automatic calculation of a point
cloud model in real-time. If the user recognizes prob-
lems in the point cloud, the user can exclude problem-
atic items, such as reflections, with another marker
from the automatic process, or directly modify the
point cloud or the meshed point cloud. This direct
modification allows the user to add occluded infor-
mation to the 3D model or to delete projection errors
in the 3D model. Once a monolithic 3D model is
reconstructed with a desired level of detail, the next
step is to break down the model to its components or
subparts until every subpart itself is monolithic. For
breaking the monolithic 3D model into its subparts,
the user roughly scribbles each subpart on the input
data or uses common 3D breaking down techniques
like cut-planes directly on the model. If all subparts
have been identified, the user has to model the con-
nections between all parts. In addition to pre-defined
types of connections like glueing or screwing, this
step has to account for moveable connections, such as
a ball joint, where the user adds specific information
like rotation axes, maximum angles etc. In the next
step, the user assigns a material to each subpart, and
an automatic consistency check should be included to
ensure the compatibility of connection types and ma-
terials. The last step is the export of this model to
common CAD format like *.dxf.
Such an application enables full CAD from recon-
structed 3D models. This kind of CAD-ready 3D re-
construction can be used for simulation, reverse engi-
neering, modeling, inverse modeling, testing, labeling
and analysis tasks. The ultimate goal is that architects
and engineers will accept and call the models out of
3D reconstruction — a model.
The literature review of 3D reconstruction, compari-
son and the discussion of a possible application have
shown that interactive 3D reconstruction is able to
create CAD-ready model not just dense or sparse
models. We agree with (Kowdle et al., 2014; van den
Hengel et al., 2007; Debevec et al., 1996) that a fully
automatic reconstruction for high quality object cre-
ation is currently not feasible. To show the ability of
interactive 3D reconstruction we started to implement
the propsed methods. We expect the identification
of even more weaknesses of current 3D reconstruc-
tion and computer vision methods in the course of re-
search conducted in the proposed directions. Finally,
we are optimistic that an interactive3D reconstruction
tool could create models of real world objects which
can be “translated” back to the real world with 3D
printers and CNC-machines or can be used for many
CAD tasks.
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