Mean BoF per Quadrant
Simple and Effective Way to Embed Spatial Information in Bag of Features
Joan Sosa-Garc
ıa and Francesca Odone
Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi,
a degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy
Content-based Image Retrieval, Image Description, Embedding Space Information.
This paper proposes a new approach for embedding spatial information into a Bag of Features image descrip-
tor, primarily meant for image retrieval. The method is conceptually related to Spatial Pyramids but instead of
requiring fixed and arbitrary sub-regions where to compute region-based BoF, it relies on an adaptive proce-
dure based on multiple partitioning of the image in four quadrants (the NE, NW, SE, SW regions of the image).
To obtain a compact and efficient description, all BoF related to the same quadrant are averaged, obtaining
four descriptors which capture the dominant structures of the main areas of the image, and then concatenated.
The computational cost of the method is the same as BoF and the size of the descriptor comparable to BoF,
but the amount of spatial information retained is considerable, as shown in the experimental analysis carried
out on benchmarks.
In recent years, Content-Based Image Retrieval
(CBIR) has been a very active research area (Liu et al.,
2007; Rui et al., 1999). Besides its natural applica-
tion to image datasets browsing, CBIR has been ex-
ploited in diverse domains, including location recog-
nition (Crandall et al., 2009), image compression (Wu
et al., 2014; Dai et al., 2012), Structure from Motion
(Gherardi et al., 2011; Agarwal et al., 2009). Com-
mon to all these application domains is the need to
represent, store, and access a huge number of im-
ages. Besides that, different applications pose differ-
ent challenges and provide different insights.
Therefore, when designing image descriptors for
CBIR engines, one must be aware about the pecu-
liarities of the target application. For instance, in
partial-duplicate image search the goal is to identify
images containing the same scene captured from dif-
ferent point of views or variants of the query image
altered in scale, contrast, containing occlusions or de-
rived by cropping. In this case very accurate image
descriptors are required, possibly robust to geomet-
ric transformations, noise, and appearance changes.
Instances of this problem may be found in a variety
of applications, ranging from copyright violation de-
tection to place localization. Typically, this problem
has been addressed by using local feature matching,
which is not appropriate for large-scale datasets. In-
stead, pure semantic-search grounds on the idea that
query and target images share the same concept more
than content. Usually it addresses the problem of find-
ing images containing objects of the same category to
the query or somehow semantically related. In this
setting the image descriptor should be able to capture
the essence of the content, ideally discarding the in-
fluence of the specific instance.
Today most CBIR state-of-the-art methods rely on
the Bag-of-Features (BoF) representations (Sivic and
Zisserman, 2003; Nister and Stewenius, 2006; Csurka
et al., 2004) or its derivatives (Perronnin et al., 2010;
Lazebnik et al., 2006; Boureau et al., 2011). This ap-
proach has established a general framework of image
retrieval. The n dataset images are scanned for rep-
resentative elements and a descriptor is computed for
each element (feature extraction). These descriptors
are then clustered into a vocabulary of visual words
(visual dictionary), and each descriptor is mapped to
the closest visual word (vector quantization). An im-
age is then represented as a bag of visual words (im-
age representation), and these image descriptors will
be used later for retrieval (search) through an appro-
priate similarity measure. The main idea of using the
BoF model is to mimic text retrieval systems, and in
particular to exploit the inverted file indexing struc-
ture (Zobel et al., 1998), which is efficient to compute
Minkowski distance (Nister and Stewenius, 2006) be-
tween high dimensional sparse vectors.
The main drawback of the BoF model is that it
disregards all information about the spatial distribu-
Sosa-Garcia J. and Odone F..
Mean BoF per Quadrant - Simple and Effective Way to Embed Spatial Information in Bag of Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0005281002970304
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 297-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Image representation based on MBoFQ approach. A dense grid of local features is considered (left). Then different
image partitioning in 4 quadrants are considered (right): each quadrant is associated with a different color and a label (NW
- north west; NE - north east; SW - south west; SE - south east). A BoF descriptor is computed at each quadrant for all
possible partitioning. An average of all BoF derived from each quadrant is obtained. Finally, a global vector concatenates the
4 quadrant descriptors.
tion of the visual words, which greatly reduces the de-
scriptive power of the image representation and thus
leads to inaccurate search results. Many approaches
have been proposed to improve different stages of the
classical pipeline based on BoF. To increase the quan-
tization efficiency, hierarchical quantization (Nister
and Stewenius, 2006), soft assignment (Philbin et al.,
2008) and Hamming embedding (J
egou et al., 2010a)
have been proposed. Alternative one may resort to
quantization techniques producing very compact rep-
resentations (e.g. 20 bytes), such as Fisher Kernel
(Jaakkola and Haussler, 1999) or Vector of locally
Aggregated Descriptors VLAD (J
egou et al., 2010b),
followed by dimensionality reduction and appropriate
indexing (Jegou et al., 2011). These recent methods
provide excellent search accuracy with a reasonable
vector dimensionality. However, these methods can-
not work well in partial-duplicate image search where
the object of interest only takes a small image region
with cluttered background.
Some other schemes, particularly effective for
partial-duplicate image search, improve the image
search performance in the post-processing stage.
RANSAC and neighboring-feature geometric consis-
tency verification have been proposed to re-rank the
results returned from BoF model and demonstrated
that the spatial constraints consistently improve the
search quality (Jegou et al., 2008; Philbin et al.,
2007). This step is computationally expensive, since
it is applied on a large number of local features, and
is therefore non suitable for large scale image re-
trieval. Besides the above spatial verification tech-
niques, query expansion is another important post-
processing strategy. It reissues the initial highly
ranked results to generate new queries so as to im-
prove the recall performance (Chum et al., 2007; Kuo
et al., 2009).
Incorporating spatial information a priori into the
image descriptor is another relevant solution to im-
prove the retrieval accuracy. There exist several pa-
pers in the literature for integrating spatial informa-
tion into the image content descriptor (J
egou et al.,
2010a; Zhou et al., 2010), which will be described in
some details in the next section, where we also high-
light the benefits of our contribution.
In this paper we propose a new approach to embed
spatial information into the final image descriptors
for image retrieval tasks. The method we propose,
the Mean Bag-of-Features per Quadrant (henceforth
MBoFQ) is inspired by the reasoning behind Spatial
Pyramid Matching (SPM)(Lazebnik et al., 2006) but,
instead of considering fixed hand crafted image par-
titioning, it considers multiple partitioning of the im-
age in a four-cell grid and then it averages contribu-
tions obtained by the different partitioning. MBoFQ
is more accurate than the BoF model, but still appro-
priate for semantic search. We adopt multiple parti-
tioning of the image in four quadrants north east
(NE), north west (NW), south east (SE), south west
(SW) — obtained by varying the origin of the consid-
ered reference system across the position of all possi-
ble image features (see Figure 1 for a visual impres-
sion of the concept). This multiple partitioning allows
us to discover the different structures spread on the
image, encode their relationships without the need to
choose a fixed hand crafted partitioning before hand
(as it is common practice in Spatial Pyramid models
(Lazebnik et al., 2006)). All these partitioning pro-
duce a set of intermediate descriptors which are then
averaged in a single low dimensional vector. The pro-
posed approach can easily be used in conjunction with
inverted file structure and its performances can be fur-
ther boosted by adopting appropriate similarity mea-
sures (J
egou and Chum, 2012).
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews state-of-the-art on encoding
spatial information into image descriptors. Section 3
describes the proposed method. Section 4 reports an
exhaustive experimental analysis on benchmark im-
age retrieval datasets, while Section 5 provides a final
Integrating information about the spatial distribution
of visual words into the image descriptor is a chal-
lenging task because of the combinatorial number of
local features involved. However, several methods
have been proposed in the last few years: the authors
of (Wang et al., 2008) first cluster the salient regions
into groups of neighbours, providing a set of visual
constellations and second by representing each con-
stellation with a BoF model. In (Sivic et al., 2005),
the authors extend the BoF vocabulary to include dou-
blets, i.e. pairs of visual words which co-occur within
a local spatial neighborhood. Similarly, correlograms
(Savarese et al., 2006) describe pairwise features in
increasing neighborhoods or by appending the fea-
ture coordinates to their descriptors before building
the dictionary (Mbanya et al., 2011). In (Yang et al.,
2007), a descriptor is proposed to model the spatial re-
lationship of visual words, by computing the average
of the spatial distribution of a cluster center (called
keyton) relative to all the key points of another cluster
center. In (Yuan et al., 2007) the authors propose a
higher-level lexicon, i.e.visual phrase lexicon, where
a visual phrase is a set of spatially co-occurring visual
words that form a pattern. This higher-level lexicon
is less ambiguous than the lower-level one. Instead,
-TSR (Ho
ang et al., 2010), describes triangular spa-
tial relationships among visual entities with the aim
of being invariant to image translation, rotation, scale
and flipping. Many of these methods produce high-
dimensional descriptors. Also, some approaches are
very specific and appropriate for partial-duplicate im-
age search (J
egou et al., 2010a; Zhou et al., 2010),
therefore their use for semantic-search application is
not straightforward.
Other important approaches describe the spatial
layout into a hierarchy of local features. Bouchard et
al. (Bouchard and Triggs, 2005) propose a generative
model that encodes the geometry and appearance of
generic visual object categories as a hierarchy of parts
(the lowest level are local features), with probabilistic
spatial relations linking parts to subparts. The Spa-
tial Pyramid (SP) (Lazebnik et al., 2006) partitions
the image into increasingly finer spatial subregions
and computes a BoF vector from each sub-region. Al-
though different image sub-divisions have been con-
sidered, typically, 2
× 2
subregions, l = 0, 1,2 are
used. All the BoF vectors are weighted according to
their level on the pyramid and concatenated to build
the final image descriptor. The SPM model is a com-
putationally efficient extension of the orderless BoF
model, and has shown very promising performance
on many image classification and retrieval tasks. The
main drawback of SP is related to the dimension of the
image descriptor (21K for a 2 level pyramid, being K
the vocabulary size), and for this reason SP is usually
not applied to retrieval problems. Also, a hand crafted
image partitioning is not always appropriate unless
we know in advance the data we are considering suf-
fer from some spatial bias. It is worth mentioning the
fact that SP has instead proved very effective for im-
age classification. In this domain various extensions
to the scheme have been proposed (Boureau et al.,
2011; Yang et al., 2009; Feng et al., 2011; Fanello
et al., 2014).
The method we propose is related to the original
Spatial Pyramid, as we use the same manner of parti-
tioning the image into quadrants and obtain a descrip-
tor for each quadrant. In our method, we only divide
the image in four cells (equivalent to the first level of
the pyramid), but this four-cell grid is moved among
all local descriptors of the dense grid providing mul-
tiple 4-cell partitioning which capture the dominant
structure of the image content and are not influenced
by small changes in the scene. The size of the final
descriptor is much smaller than a SP (4K instead than
21K), but the amount of spatial information retained
is very meaningful.
In this section, we present the main principles of our
approach for incorporating spatial information into a
BoF image descriptor. We first start by summarizing
the general pipeline we refer to, then we describe our
image descriptor, also discussing implementation and
computational complexity issues.
3.1 The BoF Pipeline
We first review the stages of the standard BoF pipeline
for what concerns data representation.
Local Features. In general image retrieval methods
start by considering a feature detection step which se-
lects meaningful local elements. As an alternative one
could consider a dense grid over the image, where
each cell may be seen as a local feature. Regardless
its origin, each local feature is normally associated
with a local feature descriptor such as SIFT. Dense
sampling usually inserts more information and more
noise within the descriptor, thus is usually adopted
primarily in image categorization (in this case noise
may be filtered out by learning a discriminating func-
tion from many examples). Its main benefit is that
it does not require a feature detection step and, also,
it is equally applicable to different types of images,
including the ones depicting poorly textured objects.
In what follows we simply consider we have a set of
N local features each one described by a local fea-
ture vector x
, i = 1, ...,N. In this work we ex-
tract 128-dimensional SIFT descriptors densely over
the image (Lazebnik et al., 2006).
Quantization. In this phase we assume we have a
dictionary of visual words, which is a matrix D of size
K ×d, where K is the size of the dictionary (number of
atoms or visual words) and d is the dimensionality of
the local descriptor. This dictionary is in general pre-
computed on an appropriate training set of images, for
instance by clustering local features computed over
the training data. The dictionary visual words are in
this case the clusters centroids. At run time, each lo-
cal feature is assigned to one visual word, via approx-
imate nearest neighbor search (Csurka et al., 2004;
Sivic and Zisserman, 2003). In this work we consider
a hard assignment, where one local feature is associ-
ated with one visual word only. This choice produces
a considerable sparseness, and introduces some level
of arbitrarity.
3.2 Mean BoFs per Quadrant
In this section we describe the MBoFQ method for
representing the image content developed with the
purpose of retaining information on the spatial dis-
tribution of local features, and at the same time pro-
ducing a relatively compact feature vector.
Figure 1 provides a pictorial description of the
procedure, for each local feature x
extracted in the
image, we set its position p
on the image plane as
the origin of a 2D reference system. For each p
we partition the image according to such a refer-
ence system obtaining a partitioning in 4 quadrants
= {NE
}. We then compute a BoF
representation for each quadrant, producing a BoF
vector which embeds information on the different im-
age structures belonging to the quadrant:
q {NE,NW,SE, SW}, i = 1 . . . ,N.
To obtain a compact descriptor, we average all BoF
vectors related to each quadrant, as follows
. (1)
The final image global feature vector MBoFQ R
is defined as follows
MBoFQ = [avg
The proposed description captures adaptively the
dominant structure of image content on the four main
regions of the image. This represents an improvement
with respect to SPM because we are not considering a
single fixed partition of an individual image on a fixed
point, instead, we consider multiple possible parti-
tioning. The immediate benefit for this is the reduced
risk of arbitrarily dividing elements belonging to the
same object; also our description is more robust to
small view point changes, while it gives more weight
to persistent structures.
Descriptor normalization. In each step of the al-
gorithm we treat each quadrant of the image partition
as a subimage. In order to avoid the negative effect
of combining vectors coming from subimages with
different sizes, after computation each BoF vector b
is normalized with respect to the area of the current
quadrant or subimage. The area of a quadrant is the
number of local features inside a quadrant. The ob-
tained normalized vector
is used to compute the
average description of quadrant q (as in Eq. (2)).
Implementation details. Instead of computing the
mean BoF vectors after all partitions have been pro-
duced, we simply update cumulative averages as a
new BoF vector becomes available. Let us assume we
visit the local features row-wise, At iteration i + 1 of
the algorithm, while we are considering the position
of the i +1-th feature as a reference system center, the
accumulated BoF vector of the quadrant q (avg
) it
is updated with the new BoF vector of the quadrant
), as follows:
+ i · avg
i + 1
, (2)
where the final descriptor avg
= avg
. For effi-
ciency, at iteration i+1 the new vectors b
are com-
puted from the previous ones (b
) by adjusting the
contributions of the current column. b
and b
vectors are updated by adding the appropriate local
features, b
and b
are updated by subtracting the
same features.
Computational complexity. The time complexity
of the proposed approach is O(N), recalling N is the
number local features. The traditional BoF model has
also a time complexity O(N). The total number of
densely located patches N, is defined by two parame-
ters: distance between each patch center and the size
of the patches (see section 4 for details). The order
of the algorithm (O (N)) is due to the fact that in the
first step of the algorithm all local features need to be
used to obtain a BoF vector for each quadrant. Subse-
quently, when a new origin is selected, only one col-
umn at a time is considered.
In this section, we evaluate the performance of
MBoFQ with respect to the image descriptors pre-
viously introduced in the image retrieval literature.
As we focus on the intrinsic quality of our proposed
approach, we do not apply the post-processing stage
which is usually performed on a shortlist to filter out
geometrically inconsistent results. We start by re-
viewing the properties of the benchmark datasets we
4.1 Datasets
INRIA Holidays (Jegou et al., 2008) is a dataset
mainly containing high resolution holidays photos.
The images were taken on purpose to test the ro-
bustness to various attacks: image rotation, view-
point and illumination changes, blurring, etc. The
dataset includes a very large variety of scene types:
natural, man-made, water and fire effects, etc. This
dataset contains 1491 holiday images of 500 objects
and scenes manually annotated to provide a ground
truth. In the experimental protocol suggested in (Je-
gou et al., 2008) one image per object/scene is used as
a query to search within the remaining 1490 images.
The retrieval performance is measured in terms of
mean average precision (mAP) over the 500 queries.
This dataset is targeted at large scale content-based
image retrieval rather than object retrieval, due to
limited changes in viewpoint and scale of each ob-
ject/scene. Queries are defined only in terms of com-
plete images and not specific image regions (objects).
Note that the query image is ignored in retrieval re-
sults, unlike for Oxford 5k and Paris 6k datasets
where it is counted as a positive.
Oxford 5k (Philbin et al., 2007) consists of 5062 high-
resolution images collected from Flickr using queries
such as ”Oxford Christ Church”, ”Oxford Radcliffe
Camera” and ”Oxford”. The collection has been man-
ually annotated to generate a comprehensive ground
truth for 11 different landmarks, each represented by
5 possible queries. This gives a set of 55 queries
over which an object retrieval system can be evalu-
ated. Each of the 55 queries is defined by a rectan-
gular region delimiting a building on an image. The
relevant results for a query are images of this building.
The accuracy is measured by mAP. This dataset was
originally built for object retrieval and it is quite chal-
lenging due to substantial variations in scale, view-
point, occlusions, distorsion and lighting conditions
for a single object.
Datasets for the Learning Stages. Following a com-
mon practice in the literature, we use an independent
dataset for building the vocabulary and for the other
learning stages when evaluating on Holidays dataset.
This independent dataset consists of 12502 images
(Flickr 12k) selected from Flickr100K (Philbin et al.,
2007). Instead we use Paris 6k to learn the meta-data
associated with the evaluation on Oxford 5k. Anal-
ogously to Oxford 5k, the Paris 6k dataset (Philbin
et al., 2008) consists of 6412 images collected from
Flickr by searching for particular Paris landmarks. As
it contains images of Paris it is considered to be an
independent dataset from Oxford 5k and thus com-
monly used to test effects of computing a visual vo-
cabulary from it while evaluating performance on Ox-
ford 5k.
4.2 Experimental Protocol
Features. We extract 128-dimensional SIFT descrip-
tors densely over the images similarly to (Lazebnik
et al., 2006). Each image is first resized proportion-
ally, to a maximum value of width and height of 600
pixels. The SIFT features are extracted from densely
located patches centered at every 8 pixels on the im-
age and the size of the patches is fixed as 16 × 16
pixels. The number of samples used to build the dic-
tionary is 1M, selected randomly from all local fea-
tures of the current independent dataset (Flickr 12k
or Paris 6k). Each SIFT descriptor is encoded into a
K-dimensional code vector, based on the learnt dic-
tionary, by hard vector quantization.
Improving Image Retrieval Quality. Simple tech-
niques may help improving the quality of BoF and
VLAD representations (J
egou and Chum, 2012).
These heuristics include (i) a transformation of the
original vector representation v = v α ·
v which al-
lows a similarity measure such as the cosine transform
to appreciate the co-occurrence of missing words in
two different feature vectors; (ii) a whitening the vec-
tor space jointly with the dimensionality reduction
(PCA). The benefit of these heuristics will be assessed
in the reminder of the section.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
mAP on Holidays
MBoFQ-learnt on Flickr 12k (K=4k)
BoW-learnt on Flickr 12k (K=16k)
SPM-learnt on Flickr 12k (K=768)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
mAP on Oxford
MBoFQ-learnt on Flickr 12k (K=4k)
MBoFQ-learnt on Paris 6k (K=4k)
BoW-learnt on Paris 6k (K=16k)
SPM-learnt on Paris 6k (K=768)
Figure 2: Different descriptors for Holidays and Oxford 5k datasets and the effect of co-missing words (see text).
4.3 Co-missing Visual Words Effect
As a first experiment we evaluate the appropriateness
of our descriptor on the benchmark retrieval tasks pre-
viously described and, contextually, analyze the bene-
fits of applying the vector normalization heuristic de-
scribed above followed by cosine similarity (J
et al., 2012). To this purpose, we mimic the exper-
imental setup of (J
egou and Chum, 2012), but using
dense extraction instead of interest-point detector. We
learn the vocabulary D and estimate the mean vector
( ¯v) on Paris 6k and Flickr 12k for the Oxford 5k tests
and on Flickr 12k for the Holidays tests. We also re-
port the performance of SPM and BoW descriptors.
The vector size is 16k for all descriptors compared in
Figure 2. Notice the value α = 0 corresponds to the
case of non-transformation and thereby are using the
original image descriptors. Figure 2 illustrates the im-
pact of the novel cosine similarity as a function of α.
It can be observed that the proposed update of the de-
scriptors produces significant improvements: for Ox-
ford 5k dataset there is an increase in performance
of about 2.5% with respect to the original formula-
tion (corresponding to α = 0) for the best increase
(MBoFQ-learnt on Paris 6k) with α = 0.8, while for
Holidays it is almost 1% (MBoFQ-learnt on Flickr
12k) with α = 0.3. The results reported on the next
sections are those corresponding to the best value of
α for each configuration.
4.4 Comparative Analysis
We now perform a comparative analysis with other
descriptors from the literature.
Full Size Feature Vectors. We first report, in Table
Table 1: Full size image descriptors. Comparison of im-
age descriptors of medium-dimensionality (20k-D to 32k-
D). Reference results are obtained from J
egou et al. (J
et al., 2012). For fair comparison, we also include our im-
plementation of VLAD, SPM and BoW using dense fea-
tures (denoted by: Dense: Method).
Method size Holidays Oxford
BoW 200k-D 200k 0.540 0.364
BoW 20k-D 20k 0.452 0.354
Improved Fisher 20 32k 0.626 0.418
VLAD 20 32k 0.526 -
VLAD+SSR 20 32k 0.598 0.378
Dense : V LAD 16k 0.547 0.266
Dense : SPM 16k 0.605 0.367
Dense : BoW 16k 0.390 0.117
8192 0.583 0.286
16384 0.627 0.357
1, the performance of image representation based on
our approach against the current state-of-the-art for
descriptors of medium dimensionality (20k-D to 30k-
D). It is worth emphasizing that our approach only
uses dense features and the reported results employ
sparse features. Therefore, for fair comparison we
also include our implementation of VLAD, SPM and
BoW using dense features and with vector sizes com-
parable to our descriptors. The retrieval accuracy of
the full size vectors of our approach is evaluated at
different vocabulary sizes. For the Holidays dataset,
the proposed approach is in line with the best per-
forming method (Improved Fisher), while it outper-
forms the rest of the state-of-the-art. It is worth noting
that the vector size of our descriptors is much lower
than the others. Instead, the results achieved by our
method on the Oxford 5k dataset are not as encourag-
ing. The reason is the fact our descriptor is primarily
Table 2: Low dimensional image descriptors. Compar-
ison of image descriptors of low dimensionality (128-D).
Most reference results are obtained from the paper of J
et al. (J
egou et al., 2012). Multiple vocabulary (Multi-
voc) methods are from (J
egou and Chum, 2012). For fair
comparison, we also include our implementation of VLAD,
SPM and BoW using dense features (denoted by: Dense:
Method Holidays Oxford 5k
GIST 0.365 -
BoW 0.452 0.194
Improved Fisher 0.565 0.301
VLAD 0.510 -
VLAD+SSR 0.557 0.287
Multivoc-BoW 0.567 0.413
Multivoc-VLAD 0.614 -
Dense : V LAD 0.553 0.266
Dense : SPM 0.620 0.322
Dense : BoW 0.388 0.122
0.641 0.296
0.665 0.325
meant for image retrieval and not for object retrieval,
and indeed it tends to favor the overall image struc-
ture including the background information, which is
not beneficial for object retrieval.
Low Dimensional Feature Vectors. Today, in im-
age retrieval, is common practice to include a dimen-
sionality reduction step over the final feature vector.
This process helps reducing the size of the descrip-
tor, improving retrieval performances, but as an addi-
tional benefit controls data redundancy. Table 2 com-
pares our descriptor with others in the literature, af-
ter a PCA and whitening procedure (see (J
egou and
Chum, 2012)). The image vectors are produced in-
dependently, using the method described in Section
3.2 and then l
normalized. The different descriptors
are reduced into vectors of 128 components by us-
ing PCA and whitening. We mimic the experimental
setup of (J
egou and Chum, 2012) (but using dense
features), and learn the vocabulary and PCA on Paris
6k for the Oxford 5k tests. For the Holidays tests it
is used Flickr 12k for learning the PCA and vocab-
ulary. Table 2 also reports the results of our imple-
mentation of VLAD, SPM and BoW with dense fea-
tures. Here, for the Holidays dataset we outperform
the best method proposed so far (Multivoc-VLAD) by
5%. It should also be noticed that Multivoc-VLAD
uses multiple vocabularies to obtain multiple VLAD
descriptions of one image; instead we use only one
vocabulary prior dimensionality reduction with a ben-
efit on a reduced computation to obtained the descrip-
tor. Also, it can be observed how, in this case, di-
mensionality reduction greatly improves the accuracy
we obtained with the original descriptor. All these
elements strongly speak in favor of the appropriate-
ness of our descriptor for an image retrieval prob-
lem. Instead, here again, on the Oxford 5k our per-
formances are lower than the best performing method
(Multivoc-BoF which uses again multiple vocabular-
ies). It should be noticed, though, how the perfor-
mances of our descriptor are stable to the reduction
of dimensionality, while most of the other methods
experience a remarkable decrease of performances.
In this paper we presented a new approach for in-
corporating spatial information into BoF image de-
scriptors. The image was partitioned adaptively by
using different four-quadrant partitioning and BoFs
were computed within each quadrant. Then all BoF
relative to a given quadrant were averaged to obtain
a robust overall description of an image region. The
main advantage of the proposed approach is that it re-
lies on simplicity to embed spatial information within
the widely spread BoF.
Experimental analysis on two different bench-
marks highlighted how the proposed method is very
appropriate for image retrieval and quasi-duplicate
search. This opens the possibility to apply the method
to view-based localization and way-finding, which are
our reference applications. As expected, the method
is not as effective when object retrieval is needed, as
it provides a structured global picture of the image
content. Further evaluations need to be performed in
the case of large-scale image retrieval (up to 10 mil-
lion images), to asses our representation in this sce-
nario. An analysis of the possible benefits of detect-
ing sparse features is necessary and will be carried out
in future works. Also, the proposed approach only
takes into consideration the quantized local features
(hard assignment) within a quadrant in the image par-
tition and build a BoF vector from this information.
The representation can be easily extended for the case
of soft assignment. Also, more effective aggregation
procedures, e.g. pooling operations, may also be ap-
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