GPU Ray-traced Collision Detection
Fine Pipeline Reorganization
Franc¸ois Lehericey, Val
erie Gouranton and Bruno Arnaldi
INSA de Rennes, IRISA, Inria, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France
Collision Detection, Narrow-phase, GPU Computing.
Ray-tracing algorithms can be used to render a virtual scene and to detect collisions between objects. Numer-
ous ray-tracing algorithms have been proposed which use data structures optimized for specific cases (rigid
objects, deformable objects, etc.). Some solutions try to optimize performance by combining several algo-
rithms to use the most efficient algorithm for each ray. This paper presents a ray-traced collision detection
pipeline that improves the performance on a graphicd processing unit (GPU) when several ray-tracing algo-
rithms are used. When combining several ray-tracing algorithms on a GPU, a well-known drawback is thread
divergence among work-groups that can cause loss of performance by causing idle threads. In this paper we
avoid branch divergence by dividing the ray tracing into three steps with append buffers in between. We also
show that prediction can be used to avoid unnecessary synchronizations between the CPU and GPU. Applied
to a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm, results show an improvement of performance up to 2.7 times.
Collision detection (CD) is an important task in vir-
tual reality (VR). From a set of objects, we need to
know those which collide. Nowadays collision is one
of the main bottlenecks in VR applications due to the
complexity of environments we want to simulate and
the real-time constraint required by VR. We need to
simulate large environments that can count millions
of objects. And we want to include complex objects
that can be deformable, undergo topology changes or
be fluids.
To handle such a work load, collision is generally
divided into two phases: broad-phase and narrow-
phase. The broad-phase takes the whole set of objects
from the environment and provides a set of pairs of
objects that might collide. The narrow-phase takes
these pairs and outputs the ones that actually col-
lide. This paper focuses on the narrow-phase which
is nowadays the most time-consuming phase.
Recent approaches use GPGPU (general-purpose
computing on graphics processing units) to take ad-
vantage of the high computational power of recent
GPUs. Parallel implementation of the broad-phase
sweep and prune algorithm on GPUs improve per-
formance by orders of magnitude (Liu et al., 2010).
The narrow-phase can also be implemented on a GPU
(Pabst et al., 2010).
In the literature four categories of narrow-phase
algorithms are studied, including image-based algo-
rithms that uses rendering techniques to detect colli-
sions. As GPUs are designed especially for render-
ing, image-based methods are well suited for GPGPU
implementations. In particular ray-tracing algorithms
can be used and several ones can be combined
to improve performance (Lehericey et al., 2013a).
When implementing several ray-tracing algorithms
on GPUs, high branch divergence in the execution
can lead to underuse of the GPU and reduced perfor-
Main Contributions: we present a new pipeline or-
ganization of the narrow-phase for ray-traced colli-
sion detection. The goal of our pipeline is to minimize
thread divergence on GPUs to improve performance.
Our pipeline is designed to be able to integrate sev-
eral ray-tracing algorithms without causing overhead.
We then present a prediction method to avoid CPU-
GPU synchronization between steps of the pipeline to
further improve performance.
This paper is arranged as follows. The follow-
ing section provides a reviex of the relevant literature.
Section 3 presents our ray-traced collision pipeline.
Section 4 shows how prediction can be used to avoid
unnecessary synchronization between the CPU and
GPU. Implementation and results are discussed in
Section 5. Section 6 concludes this paper.
Lehericey F., Gouranton V. and Arnaldi B..
GPU Ray-traced Collision Detection - Fine Pipeline Reorganization.
DOI: 10.5220/0005299603170324
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2015), pages 317-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-087-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This section focuses on the literature on CD which is
most pertinent to our work, in particular image-based
algorithms for the narrow-phase. For an exhaustive
overview on CD, readers should refer to surveys such
as (Teschner et al., 2005; Kockara et al., 2007).
2.1 Image-based Collision Detection
Image-based algorithms use rendering techniques to
detect collisions. These methods are often adapted for
GPUs, which are processors designed for rendering.
Image-based methods can be used to perform colli-
sion detection on rigid and deformable bodies. These
techniques usually do not require any pre-processing
steps which makes them suitable for dynamically de-
forming objects. Image-based algorithms can either
use rasterization or ray-tracing techniques.
Rasterization can be used to compute a layered
depth image (LDI) which can be post-processed to
detect collisions (Allard et al., 2010). The CInDeR
algorithm (Knott, 2003) uses rasterization to implic-
itly cast rays from the edges of an object and counts
how many object faces the ray passes through. If the
result is odd then there is collision; otherwise there is
no collision. (Heidelberger et al., 2003; Heidelberger
et al., 2004) take three-dimensional closed objects and
output the intersection volume without the needs of
any data structures making it suitable for deformable
objects. The main drawback of these techniques is the
discretization of the space through rendering that in-
duces approximations and may lead to the omission
of small objects.
Ray-tracing algorithms can be used to overcome
these approximations. (Wang et al., 2012) show that
ray tracing can be used to compute a LDI with a
higher resolution around small objects by increasing
the density or rays locally to increase the precision.
(Hermann et al., 2008) detect collisions by casting
rays from each vertex of the objects. Rays are cast
in the inward direction; the ones that hit another ob-
ject before leaving the source object detect a collision.
Before casting a ray, the ones that are outside the in-
tersection of the bonding volumes are dropped since
they cannot collide.
Based on Hermann et al.s algorithm, (Lehericey
et al., 2013a; Lehericey et al., 2013b) introduced
an iterative ray-traced collision detection algorithm
(IRTCD). This method combines two different ray-
tracing algorithms; a full and an iterative algorithm
that are respectively used for high and small displace-
ments between objects. The full algorithm can be
any existing ray-tracing algorithm. The iterative al-
gorithm is a fast ray-tracing algorithm that exploits
spatial and temporal coherency by updating the previ-
ous time-step. These algorithms can be used on GPUs
for improved performance.
2.2 GPU Computing
Several methods consider the GPU as a streaming
processor. As GPUs are massively parallel proces-
sors, computations should be arranged to be made
parallel (Nickolls and Dally, 2010).
When code runs on a GPU, the same function
(called kernel) is called by multiple threads (called
work-item) on different data. Work-items do not run
independently but in a group (called work-group); in
a work-group, work-items run in a single instruction,
multiple data way. On a conditional branch, if the
work-items diverge among a work-group, each branch
runs serially. This phenomena is called thread diver-
gence and reduces performance (Zhang et al., 2010).
One case of thread divergence is having a sparse
input, in which case some work-items have nothing to
do and are idle in a work-group while the other work-
items finish. Collision-streams (Tang et al., 2011)
use stream compaction to avoid kernel execution on
sparse inputs. Collision detection is divided into sev-
eral steps and streaming compaction is used between
steps to ensure dense input for each kernel.
2.3 Synthesis
Ray-traced collision detection can be used on GPUs
to achieve high performance on complex scenes. In
a simple scenario only one ray-tracing algorithm can
be used to resolve collisions. But in complex scenes
with objects of different nature we can employ sev-
eral ray-tracing algorithms to optimize each nature of
object. With rigid objects we can use algorithms with
complex data structures. With deformable objects we
need data structures that can be updated at each time-
step. In the case of topology changes we need to re-
construct the ray-tracing data structures occasionally.
Iterative ray-tracing can be used to accelerate all of
these algorithms.
In complex scenes where all these properties
are represented, combining several ray-tracing algo-
rithms improves performance. In such situations, the
need of a narrow-phase that can easily manage di-
verse ray-tracing algorithms without losing perfor-
mance emerges.
To perform our ray-traced CD method there are sev-
eral ray-tracing algorithms available in the literature.
We selected three algorithms. We qualify the two first
ones as ‘full’ ray-tracing algorithms; these algorithms
can be used at any time. The third algorithm, called
iterative, requires specific conditions.
The first full algorithm is a stackless bounding
volume hierarchy (BVH) traversal. This algorithm
uses an accelerative structure and can be used for
rigid objects. The second full algorithm is basic ray-
tracing. This algorithm does not use any additional
accelerative structures and can be used for deformable
objects. If we used the stack-less BVH traversal algo-
rithm or deformable objects, we would need to update
the accelerative structure at each time-step.
The third ray-tracing algorithm which we do not
qualify as ‘full’ is the iterative ray-tracing algorithm.
This algorithm is incremental and updates the previ-
ous time-step. This algorithm cannot be used at any
time because it needs an extra input to work; this extra
input is the reference of the last hit triangle in the pre-
vious time-step (called temporal data in the remainder
of this document). The iterative algorithm needs a full
ray-tracing algorithm to first create temporal data and
then it can be used to replace the full algorithm in the
following steps. We can use the iterative algorithm
as long as relative displacement between the ray and
target of the ray remain small. When temporal data is
available, the iterative algorithm is faster than the two
previous ones and should be preferred.
Before executing the ray-tracing we can perform
simple culling tests to reduce the total number of rays
to cast. If the origin of the ray is outside the bounding
volume of the target, we can remove that ray because
it cannot be inside the target. For rays using the iter-
ative algorithm, we test if temporal data is available
from the last step. If no temporal data is available we
can drop the vertex because the iterative algorithm re-
quires temporal data. The absence of temporal data
indicates that at the previous time-step no collision
was detected for this vertex and no prediction indi-
cated a possible future collision.
When combining several ray-tracing algorithms
on GPUs, the naive implementation consists of exe-
cuting one large kernel that implements all the ray-
tracing algorithms with a switch to select which algo-
rithm to use for each vertex. This naive implemen-
tation will cause thread divergence for two reasons.
First, all the ray-tracing algorithms are executed by
the same kernel; this adds a branch divergence on the
execution of each ray trace. Each work-group that ex-
ecutes more than one algorithm will execute them se-
quentially. Second, in a context where we can safely
cull some vertices to reduce the amount of compu-
tation, this naive implementation will initiate work-
items that finish immediately. These work-items will
then be idle while the other work-items of the work-
group finish.
This section presents our pipeline distribution of
tasks to improve the performance of ray-traced col-
lision detection on GPUs. Subsection 3.1 gives an
overview of the pipeline and the three steps. Subsec-
tion 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 detail the three steps: per-pair,
per-vertex and per-ray steps.
3.1 Pipeline Organization
To achieve collision detection our narrow-phase
pipeline must perform several tasks: Apply a mea-
surement of displacement on the pair of objects to
decide if we use a full or the iterative ray-tracing algo-
rithm. Cull vertices with simple criteria to avoid un-
necessary ray-tracing. Execute the ray-tracing from
the remaining vertices; the algorithm depends on the
nature of the object or if we decided to use the itera-
tive algorithm.
The displacement measurement can be applied
globally on a pair of rigid objects and needs to be ap-
plied per vertex when a deformable object is present
to take into account internal deformations. Pairs (or
vertices) classified with small displacement will use
the iterative ray-tracing algorithm.
Vertex culling uses a drop criterion to remove ver-
tices that do not need to be tested with ray-tracing be-
cause a simple test can discard collision. For the ver-
tices classified as evidencing displacement, we check
if the vertex is inside the intersection of the bounding
volumes of the two objects of the pair. For the ver-
tices classified as showing small displacement we test
the presence of temporal data.
Ray-tracing is executed for each of the remain-
ing vertices. We use the iterative algorithm when se-
lected; otherwise, we use an algorithm that depends
on the nature of the target of the ray-tracing.
These tasks show that the narrow-phase must pro-
cess data at three different levels of granularity: per-
pair, per-vertex and per-ray granularity. The goal of
this decomposition is to avoid branch divergence and
ensures a dense input at each step. Figure 1 gives an
overview of the pipeline organization.
Append buffers are used between each step to
store data. The kernel preceding the append buffer
fills it. Each entry of the buffer generates threads in
the following kernel. The main purpose is to guar-
antee a dense input to the following kernel and avoid
idle threads.
Broad Phase
Pair List
only rigid?
Pair List
Delayed Test
Pair List
Pair List
inside BV
data available?
Ray List
Ray List
Ray List
is ?
One thread
per pair
One thread
per vertex
One thread
per ray
Buer Kernel
Figure 1: Pipeline organization of the narrow-phase. The narrow-phase starts from the list of pairs of objects detected by
the broad-phase. The first step is applied on the pair and we separate them into three categories: rigid pairs with small
displacement, rigid pairs with high displacement and deformable pairs. The second step is applied on the vertices of the
objects of the pairs; we select which ray-tracing algorithm to use depending on the nature of the objects and the result of the
displacement measurement. The last step is applied on the rays and is the execution of the ray-tracing algorithms.
In the following subsections (3.2, 3.3 and 3.4) we
detail the content of the three steps.
3.2 Per-pair Step
The per-pair step starts from the list of pairs of objects
provided by the broad phase. In this step one thread
corresponds to one pair.
First we split the pairs into two categories: those
which contain only rigid objects and those which con-
tain deformable objects. This separation is applied
because the criterion to decide if we use a full or the
iterative algorithm is different.
For the pairs with only rigid objects we apply at
this stage a displacement criterion to separate those
with high displacement that will use a full ray-tracing
algorithm and the ones with small displacement that
will use the iterative algorithm. We cannot apply
a displacement criterion on the pairs that contain at
least one deformable object in this stage. In such
cases displacement needs to be measured locally to
take into account internal deformations.
3.3 Per-vertex Step
The per-vertex step starts from each list of pairs con-
structed in the per-vertex step. In this step one thread
is executed for each vertex of each object of each pair.
For the pair containing deformable objects, we can
now apply a displacement measurement on the ver-
tices to separate the ones with small displacement that
will use the iterative algorithm and the others that will
use a full algorithm.
Then we apply a drop criterion on the vertices to
cull the ones that can be safely discarded. The crite-
rion is different for vertices using a full algorithm and
vertices using the iterative algorithm. For the vertices
that use a full algorithm, we check if the vertex is in-
side the intersection of the bounding volumes of the
two object of the pair. If not, we can drop this ver-
tex as it cannot collide. For the vertices that use the
iterative algorithm, we test if temporal data is avail-
able from the preceding step. If no temporal data is
available we can drop the vertex.
After applying the drop criterion, each remaining
vertex generates a ray that will be cast on the other
object of the pair; the parameters needed to cast these
rays are stored in three buffers. Vertices using the it-
erative algorithm fill the list of rays for the iterative
ray-tracing algorithm. Rays generated from vertices
using a full algorithm need to be separated into two
categories: rays cast to a rigid object use a stackless
BVH ray-tracing algorithm; rays cast to a deformable
object use the basic ray-tracing algorithm.
3.4 Per-ray Step
The per-ray step starts from each list of rays and exe-
cutes the ray-tracing. Each thread casts one ray.
The BVH ray list uses the stackless BVH traversal
algorithm. This algorithm uses a BVH as an accel-
erative ray-tracing structure (Wald et al., 2007) with
a stackless traversal adapted for GPUs (Popov et al.,
2007). The basic ray list uses the basic ray-tracing
algorithm. This algorithm does not use any acceler-
ative structure; for each ray we iterate through each
triangle. This method has high complexity but does
not necessitate any accelerative structures that would
need to be updated after each deformation. The iter-
ative ray list uses the iterative ray-tracing algorithm
(Lehericey et al., 2013a). This algorithm can be used
on both rigid and deformable objects.
Each ray-tracing algorithm is implemented and
executed in a separate kernel to avoid branch diver-
gence in the GPU. The ray-tracing algorithms output
contact points for the physics response.
task A task B
task B
task A task B
task B
task A
task B
task B
extra work-items
exact workload
workload prediction
task A
task B
task B
read completion
Figure 2: Comparison of the timeline of events between “exact workload” and “workload prediction”. In this example a task,
A, fills an append buffer and two tasks, B
and B
, use it. On the top part we execute the B
and B
tasks with the optimal
work size but the GPU spends time in idle mode due to a synchronization. On the bottom part we use a prediction of the
completion to schedule the tasks at the cost of some empty work-items.
Along the narrow-phase we need to know the number
of elements contained in each append buffer (which
we will refer to as completion in the rest of this sec-
tion). For each append buffer we need to know a priori
the completion to allocate sufficient space and a pos-
teriori to know how many threads must be launched
in the following kernels. But these completion values
are unavailable a priori and stored in the GPU mem-
ory a posteriori. To avoid extra computations or syn-
chronizations that would lower the performance, we
can rely on predictions.
In this section we will first explain, in subsec-
tion 4.1, our general prediction scheme and then we
will apply this prediction scheme to the append buffer
sizes and on the workload in subsection 4.2 and 4.3.
4.1 Generic Prediction
Let N
be the number of elements contained in an ap-
pend buffer at the current time-step, and N
at the
previous time-step. p(N
) is the predicted value at the
time-step t.
We have access to N
, i.e. the exact count that
should have been used in the previous time-step. This
value can be retrieved asynchronously with no ex-
tra cost. To predict the evolution of the value, we
rely on the evolution of the number of pairs issued
by the broad-phase which gives an indication on the
evolution of the global workload. Let nbPairs
) be the number of pairs detected by the
broad-phase at the time-step t (and t 1).
Equation 1 gives a prediction value p(N
). We
take as input the real value at the previous time-step,
. We weight the value with the evolution of the
number of pairs that give us an indication of the evo-
lution of the workload. And we multiply the result
with a confidence level of at least 1 to take into ac-
count variability.
) = N
× con f idence (1)
At the end of the time-step we can asynchronously
retrieve the real value N
and compare it with the
prediction p(N
) to check if the prediction was high
enough. If the prediction was too low we have two
strategies. The simplest one is to ignore the error and
continue the simulation. This solution will cause er-
rors in the simulation but will be suitable for real-time
applications. The second solution is to backtrack the
simulation and use the real values. This will achieve
a correct simulation and will be preferred for offline
4.2 Buffer Size Prediction
Before we launch a kernel that will fill an append
buffer we need to know a priori the number of ele-
ments that will be inserted to allocate sufficient space.
To get this number we could execute the kernel twice:
once to get the number of outputs and once to fill the
append buffer.
We can use prediction to avoid the first execution.
We apply the prediction equation to evaluate the size
of the append buffer. We can use a large value of con-
fidence in these predictions as it does not affect com-
putation size but does affect buffer size.
4.3 Workload Prediction
To be able to schedule a kernel that takes as input
an append buffer we need to know the completion of
the buffer to know how many threads to launch. This
completion value is in the GPU memory and the ker-
nel execution is scheduled by the CPU. We have two
solutions to manage this data dependency:
The first solution, called exact workload, consists
of reading back the completion from the GPU to the
CPU. Then we can schedule the next kernels with the
exact number of threads. The upper part of Figure
2 shows the timeline of the events on the CPU and
GPU. The major drawback of this method is the syn-
chronization between the CPU and GPU; the GPU is
idle while waiting for the next kernel’s execution.
The second solution, called workload prediction,
does not to rely on the exact completion, but predicts
it. To predict the completion we can apply the pre-
diction equation with a large value of confidence to
minimize the risk of missing some rays. If we run too
many threads, they will immediately exit after check-
ing if their index exceed the completion value stored
in the GPU. The drawback of this method is that large
prediction will lead to empty threads in the GPU, but
these empty work-items will be all grouped in the last
work-groups and thus will not provoke branch diver-
gence. The advantage of this solution is that it does
not trigger any synchronization between the CPU and
GPU as shown in the bottom part of Figure 2.
This section presents our experimental environment
and our performance results. First, in 5.1 we present
our experimental setup. Then in subsection 5.2 we
show the performance improvement when using our
ray-traced pipeline method. In subsection 5.3 we
show the performance gain obtained by using predic-
tion. Finally in 5.4 we measure the quantity of errors
introduced by the predictions.
5.1 Experimental Setup
To measure the performance improvements of our
ray-traced narrow-phase we measured the GPU com-
putation time of 10 second simulations executed at 60
Figure 3: The four rigid objects used in the simulation re-
spectively composed of 902, 2,130, 3,264 and 3,458 trian-
Hz on two different experimental scenes: ‘rigid ob-
jects’ and ‘rigid and deformable objects’.
In the scene ‘rigid objects’ (see Figure 4) 1,000
rigid non-convex objects fall on an irregular ground.
Four different objects presented in Figure 3 are used
in equal quantities. Up to 10,000 pairs of objects are
tested in the narrow-phase.
Figure 4: ‘Rigid object’ scene: 1,000 concave objects fall
on an irregular ground.
In the scene ‘rigid and deformable objects’ (see
Figure 5) 216 rigid non-convex objects fall on an ir-
regular ground and 36 deformable sheets fall on the
top of them. The rigid objects are the same as in the
first scene. The deformable sheets are square shaped
and composed of 8,192 triangles. Up to 860 pairs of
rigid objects and 600 pairs of rigid/deformable objects
are tested in the narrow-phase.
Figure 5: ‘Rigid and deformable object’ scene: 216 concave
objects fall on an irregular ground and 36 deformable sheets
fall over them.
Our experimental scenes were developed with bul-
let physics 3.x
using a GPU. Our narrow phase were
implemented for GPU with OpenCL. All scenes were
executed using an AMD HD 7990.
5.2 Pipeline Performance
To measure the speedup obtained with our narrow-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Narrow-phase computation time (ms)
Time in simulation (s)
without pipeline / without iterative
with pipeline / without iterative
without pipeline / with iterative
with pipeline / with iterative
Figure 6: Performance comparison of GPU collision de-
tection with and without our pipeline reorganization in the
scene ‘rigid objects’. With only a full ray-tracing algo-
rithm our method gives an average speedup of 1.31 times
and with the combination of a full and iterative ray-tracing
algorithms our methods gives an average speedup of 2.73
phase pipeline, we compared the GPU computation
time of the narrow-phase while using our pipeline re-
organization and without it.
In the scene ‘rigid objects’ we measured the per-
formance of our pipeline reorganization when using
only the full ray-tracing algorithm (BVH ray traver-
sal) and when using both full and iterative ray-tracing
algorithms. Result are shown in Figure 6.
The first result is the speedup obtained when using
our pipeline method with only the full ray-tracing al-
gorithm. We get an average speedup of 1.31 times
when using our pipeline ray-tracing method. This
speedup can be explained by the per-vertex step that
guarantees that the ray-tracing step is executed on
dense data even if the input of the per-vertex step is
The second result is the speedup when using our
pipeline method with the combination of full and it-
erative ray-tracing algorithms. The average speedup
when using our pipeline ray-tracing method is 2.73
times. The extra speedup compared to the previous
case come from the execution of each ray-tracing al-
gorithm in a different kernel in the per-ray step which
reduces branch divergence in the GPU.
In the scene ‘rigid and deformable objects’ we
measured the performance of our pipeline reorganiza-
tion when three ray-tracing algorithms are used. Re-
sult are shown in Figure 7. In this scene we get an av-
erage speedup of 1.84 times when using our pipeline
ray-tracing method.
5.3 Workload Prediction
To show the performance improvement when using
our workload prediction strategy, we compared the
GPU computation time of simulation using the work-
load prediction and the exact workload strategies.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Narrow-phase computation time (ms)
Time in simulation (s)
without pipeline
with pipeline
Figure 7: Performance comparison of GPU collision de-
tection with and without our pipeline reorganization in the
scene ‘rigid and deformable objects’. Our method gives an
average speedup of 1.84 times.
Table 1: Average GPU performance gain between the exact
and prediction strategies for the workload. The workload
prediction strategy is up to 2.84 ms faster per time-step than
the exact workload strategy.
Scenario Average gain
‘Rigid objects’
2.84 ms
Only full ray-tracing
‘Rigid objects’
1.97 ms
Full and iterative ray-tracing
‘Rigid and deformable objects’
2.05 ms
Full and iterative ray-tracing
Table 1 gives the average gain when using the
workload prediction against the exact workload strat-
egy. We measured the gain on both ‘rigid object’
and ‘rigid and deformable objects’ scenes. For the
‘rigid object’ scene we measured the gain when us-
ing only the full ray-tracing algorithm and when using
both full and iterative ray-tracing algorithms. The re-
sults show that the workload prediction strategy is be-
tween 2.0 and 2.8 ms faster per time-step than the ex-
act workload strategy in both cases. This gain comes
from elimination of CPU/GPU synchronizations be-
tween steps that eliminate the fixed cost (the cost of
a CPU/GPU synchronization does not depend on the
quantity of work). This reduction is not negligible in
a real-time context where we only have a few ms to
compute collisions.
5.4 Prediction Error Evaluation
To evaluate the efficiency of our generic prediction
equation (Eq. 1), we measured the percentage of
missed rays caused by underestimation of the predic-
tions. We compared this percentage of missed rays
with a simple prediction equation (Eq. 2) that does not
take into account the evolution of the number of pairs
detected by the broad phase. In both cases we used a
2% variability confidence (con f idence = 1.02).
Table 2: Measurement of the reduction of the number of
missed rays. Taking into account the evolution of the num-
ber of pairs detected by the broad-phase reduces the number
of missed rays by up to 79%.
Scenario Error reduction
‘Rigid objects’
Full and iterative ray-tracing
‘Rigid and deformable objects’
Full and iterative ray-tracing
bu f f er
= bu f f er
× con f idence (2)
Table 2 shows the reduction of the errors when us-
ing our prediction method against the simple one. We
did not include the scene ‘rigid objects’ with only the
full ray-tracing algorithm because with only one algo-
rithm the percentage of error is too small to be signif-
icant (less than 0.1%). Results show that taking into
account the evolution of the number of pairs reduce
the percentage of errors by 28 and 79%.
We have presented a pipeline reorganization to im-
prove the performance of ray-traced collision detec-
tion using a GPU. Our method enables the integra-
tion of different ray-tracing algorithms in our narrow-
phase to efficiently handle objects of different na-
ture. By dividing the narrow-phase into three steps,
we were able to maintain a dense input throughout
the whole pipeline to maximize the GPU cores usage.
Our implementation shows an average speedup up to
2.73 times.
In future work we want to extend our narrow-
phase pipeline to objects of other nature such as topol-
ogy changes and fluids. We also want to improve per-
formance by generalizing our pipeline to multi-GPU
and hybrid CPU/GPU architectures.
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