On Line Video Watermarking
A New Robust Approach of Video Watermarking based on Dynamic Multi-sprites
Ines Bayoudh, Saoussen Ben Jabra and Ezzeddine Zagrouba
Research Team on Intelligent Systems in Image and Artificial Vision (SIIVA), RIADI laboratory, ISI,
University Tunis El Manar, Abou Raihane Bayrouni 2080, Ariana, Tunisia
Digital Video Watermarking, Multiples Sprites, LSB, Collusion, Invisibility, Robustness.
With the development of the emerging applications, watermarking methods require a new type of constraints.
In fact, robustness to malicious attacks and processing time reduction have became two important constraints
which must verify a watermarking approach. In this paper, a new scheme of digital watermarking for video
security is proposed. This scheme is based on dynamic multiple-sprites. These last ones allow obtaining
robustness in front of collusion which presents a dangerous attack for marked video. First, original video is
divided into groups of images, and then a sprite will be generated from each group. Finally, the signature
will be inserted in the low bits of the obtained sprite and marked frames will be generated from the marked
sprites. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is robust against several attacks such as collu-
sion, compression, frame suppression and transposition, and geometric attacks. In more, processing time of
watermarking is reduced.
The variety of digital technologies have been engen-
dered the risk of media insecurity. In fact, digital
document manipulation and transfer became easier
than before and traditional methods of security like
cryptography and steganography have become insuf-
ficient. Digital watermarking was appeared as a solu-
tion to protect multimedia contents from illegal ma-
nipulations. It consists to embedding an impercep-
tible signature into a numeric text, image, audio or
video sequence, and then to try to detect the signature
after an eventual distortion done on the marked data.
Watermarking must verify several constraints such as
invisibility of embedding, high capacity of insertion
and robustness against almost of attacks. Nowadays,
a new challenge appeared by emerging applications
development such as broadcasting, pay TV and video
conference. This challenge is the reduction of pro-
cessing time.
Different techniques of video watermarking have
been proposed but each of them is developped for
a praticular application (Gopika and Chiddarwar,
2013), (Hood and Janwe, 2013). In fact, there are
methods which care to guarantee a better robustness
against almost of attacks, others try to maximize in-
visibilty or aim to reduce time processing. This de-
pends on where and how the signature will be in-
serted. In fact, it exists mainly two insertion domains:
spatial domain where signature will be embedded by
modifyingdirectly original data or frequential domain
which is based on DCT, TFD or Wavelet transforma-
tion of original data to embed signature. Every in-
sertion domain presents its own advanatges and in-
convenients. In fact, spatial domain presents the best
imperceptibility but it is not robust to malicious at-
tacks. However, frequential domain allows robust-
ness in front of many attacks but it reduces invisibilty.
There is a second critera which can be used to classify
watermarking methods : it is insertion mode which
can be additive or substitive mode. The signature ca-
pacity depends on the insertion mode. This capacity
increased when the mode is substitive and it is low in
the second case.
In this paper, the proposed approach aims to max-
imize the compromise invisibilty, robustness against
collusion with a reduction of processing time. It’s
why we focused on existing watermarking techniques
proposed for real time applications. So, we proposed
to classify them into two classes: techniques designed
for real time applications and techniques robust to col-
Bayoudh I., Ben Jabra S. and Zagrouba E..
On Line Video Watermarking - A New Robust Approach of Video Watermarking based on Dynamic Multi-sprites Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005316801580165
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 158-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-091-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
For the first class, processing time depends on
frames emission rates per second which can be 25f/s
or 30f/s depending on the standard system used in
each country. Considering this rate equal to 30f/s,
30 frames can be transmitted in one second it means
0.033seconds (33 milliseconds) is allocated for every
frame. Thus, a real time scheme must treat a frame no
more than 33 milliseconds.
In (Lee and Seo, 2013) a real time watermark-
ing based on temporal modulation was proposed. It
operates in spatial domain with an error correcting
code to ameliorate robustness. Other methods are
proposed in transformed domain (Maity and Kundu,
2009), (Wang et al., 2009), (Bhaisare et al., 2013)
as in (Lee and Im, 2012) where authors propose to
embeed signature into compressed domain to mini-
mize the proceeding time. In fact, the video is par-
tially compressed to generate DCT coefficients where
the signature is inserted using the Quantization In-
dex Modulation QIM. This last one consists to select
the nearest byte in the coefficient from the mark to
guarantee a good insertion quality. The proposed per-
ceptual watermarking by (P.Mohanty and Kougianos,
2011) aims to develop an architectural idea which im-
prove the treatment time using the parallel implemen-
Concerning the collusion attack, it became a ma-
jor threat for video security. In fact, the attacker tries
to predict the original document exploiting the tempo-
ral redundancyin the sequence video. There were two
types of collusion. The first one estimates the embed-
ded mark then eliminates it from the document. This
method is possible when the hacker has a lot of differ-
ent marked images using same signature. For the sec-
ond type of collusion, the attacker must have a large
combination of similar images which are marked dif-
ferently and he averages them to destroy the signa-
ture and obtain the unmarked video. To resolve col-
lusion problem, movement and redundancy must be
reduced (Dorr and Dugelay, 2005). So, the better idea
to obtain robustness against this attack consists to em-
bedding signature into mosaic image generated from
the video. In fact, the mosaic presents an accumula-
tion of dispersed information into the sequence where
the same point repeated along the video will be repre-
sented by a single reference in the panoramic image.
Therefore, all similar pixels are marked with the same
way. Koubaa et al (Koubaa et al., 2012) proposed
to insert the signature with a wavelet watermarking
into the feature regions selected from the mosaic im-
age. Bayoudh et al (Bayoudh et al., 2013) also used
the mosaic image generated from the original video
to embed the signature. The insertion is done using
frequential domain and the Krawtchouk moments to
improve robustness and invisibility of the signature.
Kerbiche et al (Kerbiche et al., 2012) proposed an-
other watermarking based on mosaic image. They se-
lected feature regions where the objects move. First,
the wavelet transform is applied on the selected re-
gion. Then, obtained frequencies are marked using
two different approaches to verify the best compro-
mise invisibility/robustness. These techniques present
a good robustness but they require an important pro-
cessing time allocated to generate the mosaic. So,
they can’t be applied for real time applications.
In this paper, a new video watermarking scheme
is proposed. It aims to resist to almost of attacks
with a higher capacity, imperceptibility and time pro-
cessing reduction. In fact, the new approach is based
on dynamic multisprites generation to guarentee a ro-
bustness against collusion attacks with a processing
time minimization. In more, the signature embedding
is based on spatial domain which allows obtainning
high invisbility and an independency from standard
of compression. Finally, the proposed algorithm is
blind. This last criterion permits to reduce processing
time at detection step. The remaining sections of this
paper are organized as follows. The proposed water-
marking is described in section 2 and the experimen-
tal results are provided in section 3. Finally, section 4
summaries the proposed work and presents the future
The main idea of the proposed scheme is to embed
signature into mosaic image generated from origi-
nal video to guarantee the robustness against collu-
sion attacks. Different recent techniques are based
on panoramic video image to resist collusion (Koubaa
et al., 2012), (Kerbiche et al., 2012), (Bayoudh et al.,
2013). For all these techniques, the first step consists
to generate mosaic from different images of original
video sequence. Then, the obtained mosaic will be
marked using a spatial or frequential embedding. Ev-
ery technique try to improve robustness against differ-
ent attacks with a high invisibility but the mainly lim-
itation of these techniques is processing time which
is important. In fact, the generation of a panoramic
image from the whole video sequence requires an im-
portant processing time with an eventual distortion of
the reconstructed video sequence. To resolve these
two problems, multi-sprites are proposed in this pa-
per. The use of multi-sprites will offer a reduction of
processing time of mosaic generation and will reduce
the distortion effect due to the video reconstruction
from the mosaic image.
2.1 Multi-sprites Generation
Multi-sprites generation from a video sequence can
be static (standard) or dynamic.
2.1.1 Standard Multiples Sprites Generation
For a single sprite, a single image is generated from
the whole sequence. Obtained image presents a large
size with a hard distortion. In Figure 1 we show an ex-
ample of a single sprite generated from the sequence
”Stefan” which contains 300 images. The generation
Figure 1: Single sprite generated from ”Stefan” sequence.
of a single mosaic consists to choosing the reference
image, and then, each image will be transformed by
this reference and warped in the same space to con-
struct the mosaic.
For multi-sprites case, multiple mosaics are gen-
erated from the original video sequence. In fact, the
video will be subdivided into parts depending on the
camera parameters (Krutz and Glantz, 2008). Figure
2 presents the different sprites obtained from ”Stefan”
sequence using the estimation proposed in (Krutz and
Glantz, 2008) with parameters variation. We can con-
clude that sprites number depends on the parameters
used to subdivide the sequence. So, multi-sprites gen-
eration scheme is based on selecting the segmentation
classifier then from every segment the standard gen-
erator of single mosaic will be adopted.
As the goal of the proposed approach is to mini-
mize the processing time, we propose to replace the
step of choosing segmentation classifier by a standard
fragmentation without treatment. We propose to se-
lect an independent part from video each second, and
from every part a sprite will be generated. However,
the time to build the mosaic is also significant. This is
caused by the algorithm of mosaic generation. In fact,
to generate a mosaic we should save all images, then
for every new image the reference can be changed so,
all the mosaic will be generated using the whole set of
images. To resolve these problems, a new sprite gen-
eration scheme is proposed in this paper. This scheme
will be adapted to the watermarking constraints.
2.1.2 Dynamic Multiple-sprites Generation
The contribution of this proposed approach is to use
dynamic multi-sprites to embed signature. This al-
lows reducing processing time. This allows reducing
Figure 2: Multiple sprites generated from ”Stefan” se-
processing time. In more, to verify robustness against
collusion, dynamic aspect will be proposed at mosaic
generation step.
For a static mosaic we need all the sequence to
generate the panoramic image. It means that we can’t
produce the mosaic while the whole set of frames is
not obtained. The mosaic will be created by manipu-
lating all the images relatively to the reference.
However the generation of a dynamic mosaic de-
pends only on the received images and not all the se-
quence. So, every current image will be treated in
function of previous received images d didn’t need
the achievement of the sequence. Dynamic mosaic
or mosaics on line are proposed in literature (chafik
Bakkay et al., 2011), (Kuo and Chen, 2009).
2.1.3 Proposed Multiples Sprites Generation
The proposed multi-sprites generation scheme can be
composed to the following steps:
1. Giving an original video sequence, it will be di-
vided in n seconds
2. Each i seconds, the first received frame will be
considered as the reference image of the i
3. The first frame of each second is considered as the
current mosaic
4. Every new received frame is transformed based on
the reference image
5. The mosaic will be updated based on the current
mosaic and the current received image
6. Steps 4 and 5 will be repeated every second.
In more, the proposed approach improves mosaic
updating step to increase robustness and to reduce
processing time. In fact, when a new image is re-
ceived, Sift parameters are calculated to determine
Figure 3: Updating step (a): the current generated mosaic
(b): the new mosaic generated based on the current image.
the applied transformation between this image and the
reference image. Therefore, the image is transformed
at the same space of the latest generated mosaic. Fi-
nally, to obtain the new mosaic, only the transformed
image and the current mosaic will be used. Figure 3
shows the updating step of the current mosaic based
on the current image.
Besides the advantage of processing time reduc-
tion, the proposed algorithm allows a memory space
reduction by minimizing the used parameters for the
mosaic generation. In fact, contrary to standard mo-
saic updating which depends on the whole set of im-
ages, in the proposed generation only the latest mo-
saic and the current image are needed for updating.
2.1.4 Static and Dynamic Multi-sprites
Generation Comparison
Figures 4 and 5 show respectively sprites generated
from test original videos using static generation, and
the results of dynamic multiple- sprites generation.
Due to the averaging way used to generate static mo-
saic, the moved objects are eliminated whereas they
exist for dynamic mosaic.
Table 1 shows average time allowed to generate a
sprite. This last one is progressively reduced in case
of dynamic mosaic.
Table 1: Average time oh the generation of a sprite in sec-
Approach Stefan Soccer Granguardia
Static 25.07 s 119.91 s 82.49 s
Dynamic 16.85 s 70.67 s 49.2 s
2.2 Proposed Embedding Scheme
The proposed scheme aims to obtain a new water-
marking scheme for real time application with a high
Figure 4: Examples of Static multiple-sprites generated
from (a) ”Granguardia” (b)”Soccer” sequence.
Figure 5: Examples of dynamic multiple-sprites generated
from (a) ”Granguardia” (b)”Soccer” sequence.
invisibility and robustness against almost attacks es-
pecially collusion attacks. Based on dynamic multi-
ples sprites generation, the proposed approach guar-
antees robustness against collusion although a reduc-
tion of treatment time. The proposed watermarking
scheme is presented in Figure 6 and it will be repeated
each second for the continuous set of images. It can
be decomposed in different steps:
1. Dynamic sprites are generated from the received
frames every second
2. Embedding scheme is applied to the final sprite
3. Marked images set will be reconstructed from the
marked sprite
4. All steps will be repeated until sequence emission
Figure 6: Proposed watermarking scheme.
2.2.1 Sprite Generation
The first step of the proposed approach consists to
generate the on-line sprite every second. To optimize
the sprite generation time, we proposed to improve
the way of mosaic update. In fact, instead of us-
ing averaging of the different frames calculation to
construct the mosaic, we propose to maximize the
latest version of mosaic with the most new received
frame. This allows reducing memory space, updat-
ing time as well as robustness. Figure 7 presents the
mark to insert and Figure 8 shows mark detection re-
sults using dynamic mosaic update by averaging (a)
and detection results using proposed mosaic updating
(b). These results show that the detection is more per-
formed in the second case.
Figure 7: Original mark.
2.2.2 Sprite Conversion to YUV Space
After sprite generation, it will be converted to the
YUV space. This space is described by its three com-
ponents: Y which presents the luminance in image
and U, V which present image chrominance (blue and
red colors).
The Y component is selected to be marked be-
cause it represents the more important information
on the image. In more, almost of compression tech-
niques modify chrominance components so the lumi-
Figure 8: Mark extraction, (a) using dynamic generation
with averaging, (b) using proposed dynamic generation.
nance will not be modified and then the embedded
signature will resist to compression manipulation.
2.2.3 Spatial Embedding Scheme
The signature embedding scheme contains two steps
as shown in Figure 9. First, signature spreading is
applied based on sprite size. Then, LSB (Low Signif-
icant Bit) algorithm is applied to insert the mark. The
low bit of every pixel in the luminance component is
substitute with the corresponding bit from the spread
mark to obtain the marked image. Finally, the marked
sprite is reconverted to the RGB space and marked
frames will be reconstructed. The LSB scheme is ap-
Figure 9: Insertion scheme.
plied thanks to its high invisibility. In addition, the
use of a substitution mode of insertion allows obtain-
ing blind detection and increases the mark capacity.
2.3 Detection Stage
To detect the signature from the watermarked video,
different steps are applied where the three first steps
are similar to those of insertion scheme. In fact,
different sprites are generated from the continuous
frames received each second. Then, every final gen-
erated sprite is converted to the YUV space and the
luminance component is selected to extract the signa-
ture from the last significant bit. Finally, the spread
mark is extracted and divided into a set of signatures
where the one which presents the best correlation is
To evaluate the proposed approach it was applied on
three test videos. These videos are ”Stefan”, ”Soccer”
and ”Granguardia” (Figure 10). Each video presents
different criteria such as scene frame number, move-
ment frequency and background texture (Table 2).
Figure 10: Sequences tests, (a) ”Stefan”, (b) ”Soccer”, and
(c) ”Granguardia”.
Table 2: Test videos characteristics.
Criteria Stefan Soccer Granguardia
Number 300 150 50
Movement Fast Variable Slow
Texture High Mixed Unifom
Size 176x144 352x288 324x276
Figure 11: Watermarked frame of sequences tests, (a) ”Ste-
fan”, (b) ”Soccer”, (c) ”Granguardia”.
Proposed approach evaluation is tested based on
three criteria: invisibility, robustness and time of pro-
3.1 Invisibility
Figure 11 shows that there is no difference between
original and marked frames. To prove this invisibility,
PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Rapport) and the RMSE
(Root Mean Square Error) between the original and
the marked video frames are measured (Table 3). The
lowest mean value of PSNR is 70.613db and the high-
est is under 82.797db and RMSE are 0.018 and 0.076.
The best values of invisibility are obtained for ”Gran-
guardia” sequence and the wrothest are obtained for
”Stefan” sequence. In fact, this is due to the frames
texture which is uniform in case of ”Granguardia”.
Table 3: The Average Value of PSNR (db) and RMSE.
Criteria Stefan Soccer Granguardia
PSNR 82.797 79.888 70.613
RMSE 0.018 0.028 0.076
3.2 Robustness
To evaluate the robustness of the proposed approach,
various attacks are applied to the mark video and then
the correlation is calculated between the extracted and
the original signatures.
Two types of attacks are tested: the usual attacks
such as geometric attacks, filtering, noises, compres-
sion and temporal attacks such as frame suppression,
insertion and transposition and finally, collusion at-
tacks which aim to estimate the signature and remove
it from the marked sequence. Two binary signatures
are used in evaluation tests. These two signatures are
shown in Figure 12 where (a) presents the copyright
signature with a low density and a small size of 12x9
and (b) refers to the second signature characterized by
a high density with a large size of 63x24.
Figure 12: used signatures (a) low capacity signature, (b)
high capacity signature.
Obtained results are described in Table 4 where
the extracted marks with the correlation value are pre-
sented. The proposed watermarking is robust against
several usual and temporal attacks and even collusion
First, geometric attacks are tested as translation,
scaling, and rotation with various angles. In addition,
we have applied different filters and noises such as
means filter, high and low pass filter, also Gaussian
and salt and pepper noise. The proposed approach
succeeds to detect signature after all these attacks.
This is obtained thanks to the invariance of the points
used to embed signature in front of these attacks.
The proposed watermarking is robust against
mpeg compression until 500kb/s. This can be ex-
plained by choosing the luminance components to
embed signature. For temporal attacks frames trans-
Table 4: Robustness results.
Attacks Correlation Parameters
O attack 1 -
Collusion 1 -
Compression 1 500kb/s
Cropping 1 3 windows
Frame changes 1 20f/s,30f/s
Rotation 1 180,90,45
Gaussian noise 0.399 0.01,0.001
Salt pepper 1 0.1,0.01
Gaussian filter 1 3x3,5x5/0.5,0.9
Medium filter 0.441 3x3,5x5
High pass filter 0.596 -
pose and drop, insertion of unmarked frames and of a
frame that don’t make part of the considered sequence
are tested. After application of all these attacks, the
proposed watermarking can detect signature. In addi-
tion, the mark is detected after modifying the frames
rate between 20f/s to 30f/s. This is obtained thanks to
the use of sprite where same points in different images
are marked similarly.
Furthermore, detection succeeds after a cropping
attack thanks to multi-sprite use. In fact, in case of
cutting a part of video, if the signature is not detected
from the first sprite, it can be extracted from other
3.3 Processing Time Comparison
The proposed approach aims to improve the com-
promise between invisibility, robustness against usual
and temporal attacks, and processing time reduction.
To achieve this goal, we proposed to adopt sprite gen-
eration to real time watermarking. In fact, the best
solution proposed in literature to resist collusion is to
insert the signature into the mosaic image generated
from the video sequence. Instead static mosaic gen-
eration cannot be applied at real time applications for
many raisons. In fact, static generation depends on
the whole sequence, and then the standard generation
can take a long time. As a solution, multiple-sprites
are proposed to reduce the time of waiting to complete
the all sequence. Besides the amelioration proposed
using the online generation decreases also the time of
generation of a sprite as described in Table 1.
In Table 5, the proposed approach is compared
with two existing approaches. The first one is based
on static mosaic to embed signature (Koubaa,2012)
and the second is developed for real time application
(Lee, 2013). Obtained results show that the proposed
approach allows obtaining the best compromise invis-
ibility, robustness and processing time reduction.
Table 5: Comparative study.
Approach PSNR Robustness Time
Proposed 65-88 Geometric, Reduced
noises and
Mosaic 45 Rotation, High
based collusion
Real time 48 Geometric Real
based attacks time
This paper presents a new video watermarking ap-
proach based on on-line multiple-sprites. These last
ones allow obtaining robustness to collusion with an
important reduction of processing time. In fact, orig-
inal video is divided into groups of images, and then
a sprite will be generated from each group. Finally,
the signature will be inserted in the low bits of the
obtained sprite and marked frames will be generated
from the marked sprites. In sprite generation step, the
mosaic updating stage is improved to minimize pro-
cessing time. In addition, signature is embedded in
the luminance components of YUV space to enhance
the robustness against compression. The insertion is
done with substitutive mode which allows reducing
detection time. In more, extraction is blind and this
permits to decrease the memory needed to save origi-
nal video. Experimental results show a high invisibil-
ity with robustness against the most important attacks
including collusion attacks. Also, we have reduced
the time of treatment comparing with others existing
methods. In future work we will try to improve the
proposed approach by proposing a faster sprite gener-
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