An Adaptive, Structural and Content Gamification Concept for
Regulated Daily Routines
Martin Franke, Bianca Zimmer and Thomas Schlegel
Technische Universit
at Dresden, N
ohnitzer Str. 46, D-01187 Dresden, Germany
Assisted Living, Anomaly Detection, Context Awareness, Quality of Life, Gamification.
In this work, we introduce our concept for regulating daily routines in assisted living environments by the
use of gamification elements. Nowadays mobile devices and sensors are ubiquitous, so they are suitable
for assisting users on reaching their personal goals. One of the most pressing challenges in this regard is
the preservation of long-term user motivation. In this paper we propose a gamification concept for a mobile
application that support the achievement of regulated daily routines. With our assistive knowledge- and model-
based approach SeMiWa, the system detects irregularities and their potential cause. These obtained insights
are used to adapt the content of the application in a gamified way. A prototypical implementation substantiates
our approach and introduces our forthcoming user study.
Regular daily routines not only increase the over-
all well-being, but also affect peoples’ health and
the perceived stress level (Minors and Waterhouse,
2013). Large discrepancies in these rhythms may
result in sleep disorder up to chronic depressions
(Spork, 2011). Nowadays, daily routines can only be
manually supervised by experts in order to avoid these
negative consequences. The intention of our system is
to offer automated and preventive assistance for this
complex process. As one solution, Ambient Assisted
Living (AAL) systems have been proposed (Klein-
berger et al., 2007). These systems aim to assist users
in their domestic environment to improve overall life
One type of such systems - coming of the do-
main of elderly care - features domestic living envi-
ronments with activity recognition. These systems
monitor surrounding environments and user activi-
ties in order to ensure elderly are living safely in
their own homes while staying independent in their
life style. By utilising activity recognition algorithms
such systems are able to detect a range of activities,
e.g., walking, sleeping, and eating (Chernbumroong
et al., 2013; Fleury et al., 2010). For this purpose,
supervised machine learning algorithms are used to
build training sets. However, beside the classifica-
tion of uncorrelated activities, it becomes more and
more necessary to combine these activities to daily
routines. Since a permanent interruption of routines
could lead to diseases, ranging from sleeping troubles
up to chronical depression. Studies have shown that
people, who live in regular daily rhythms, are less af-
fected by these diseases (Spork, 2011).
We developed a concept that detects deviations in
daily routines and tries to fix potential provenances
with the help of gamification.
Moreover, in the initial and sometimes during
runtime – the application depends on manual user in-
put, we motivate the user preliminarily also with the
use of gamification elements.
In the following sections we detect common
used game elements of mobile applications for self-
improvement in terms of their motivational effect.
Section 3 presents an overview of our model-based
approach SeMiWa that analyses sensor events as well
as performs the recognition of activities and daily rou-
tines. Section 4 outlines our gamification concept de-
veloped for reaching personal goals and the first pro-
totypical application. Section 5 concludes this pa-
per with a discussion and shows directions for future
We identified approaches related to our work that can
be classified into research of chronobiology as well
Franke M., Zimmer B. and Schlegel T..
An Adaptive, Structural and Content Gamification Concept for Regulated Daily Routines.
DOI: 10.5220/0005317802330240
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (SmartMedDev-2015), pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-071-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
as approaches for gamification. As we discussed pro-
foundly the state of the art in assisted living envi-
ronments (Franke et al., 2013b; Franke et al., 2014b;
Franke et al., 2014d), we omit these field in this work.
2.1 Regulated Daily Routines
Daily routines not only depend on personal mat-
ters, but also on exogenous and endogenous factors.
In general cases, these routines evolve on natural
rhythms of one person. For instance, measures from
light exposure sensors are showing evidence in the
sleep-awake rhythm.
Also the change of temperature that affect the
overall activity of people. Changes in the atmospheric
pressure can lead to headaches in some people and
rainy conditions can reduce motivation to go outside.
In contrast, spring time can lead to an extreme raise of
activities until night time (Hildebrandt et al., 2013).
The field of chronobiology (Hildebrandt et al.,
2013; Zulley and Knab, 2013) examines these im-
pacts to our biological clock, such as typical sleeping
cycle or times of high physical fitness. A distinction is
made between circadian, ultradianen, and infradian
The circadian rhythms last for nearly one day with
exactly one peak and one low in this duration. Typical
examples are the sleep-waking rhythm, overall physi-
cal and mental capacities or the hormone production.
The ultradian rhythms remains for a few hours. Char-
acteristic examples are eating and drinking or the raise
and lower of blood pressure. The infradian rhythms
continues beyond the day limit. These rhythms can be
as long as the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that
lasts for several months or the women’s menstruation
cycle with a peak once a month.
All these rhythms have in common that they di-
rectly effect humans’ behaviour. For instance, in the
SAD it is likely to eat more food or being less at-
tracted to go outside. We formalised rules out of
these facts, firstly for the activity recogniser and sec-
ondly for giving healthy advices, such as eight hours
of sleep or performing a “good” amount of sport ac-
2.2 Gamification
The field of Gamification describes the application
of game design elements in non-game contexts (De-
terding et al., 2011). The success of existing learn-
ing and self-tracking apps (e.g. the language trainer
, the running app Nike+
or Withings
App) confirms that gamification can be an effec-
tive tool to motivate user activity and long-term use.
Gamified apps can support users to consistently pur-
sue personal projects and goals. User motivation is
generated by various game elements used in self-
improvement apps. These elements can be defined
as specific characteristics of games that can be ap-
plied in gamification (Deterding et al., 2011; Werbach
and Hunter, 2012). In the literature, game elements
are often introduced on different levels of abstraction.
The game component points for example is a numer-
ical representation of the games progression and can
therefore be considered as a more- specific form of
the element progression (Werbach and Hunter, 2012).
Kapp et al. (Kapp, 2013) distinguish between two
general types of gamification: structural and content
gamification. Structural gamification on the one hand
means that the structure around the content becomes
game-like to motivate users to go through the content.
Exemplary elements of structural gamification can be
points, badges or leaderboards. On the other hand
content gamification alters the content, e.g. by means
of avatars and challenges, to make it more game-like.
According to Kapp et al. (Kapp, 2013) the combina-
tion of both, structural and content gamification, is the
most effective way to increase the users motivation.
In a literature review Hamari et al. (Hamari et al.,
2014) gathered different game elements as motiva-
tional affordances tested in empirical studies, iden-
tifying points, leaderboards and badges as the most
commonly found elements. However, the question
rises, which elements have a particularly motivating
effect on users.
There are already a few approaches to gamify as-
sisted living systems (Burmeister et al., 2013), but to
the best of our knowledge, a usage of a combination in
structural and content gamification is not used within
such systems so far.
To unify and process heterogeneous sensors in as-
sisted living environments, we use our approach
called Semantic Middleware (SeMiWa) (Franke et al.,
2013a). This model-based, event-driven middleware
acts as an intelligent discovery and routing service for
events. The middleware is parted into a semantic stor-
Figure 1: SeMiWa Overview (Franke et al., 2014a).
age (MDRO), a semantic processing unit (Annotation
Component) and a network transparent interface for
data transmission (Perception), illustrated in Figure
3.1 Architecture Overview
The SeMiWa’s Knowledge Base provides a central se-
mantic storage for all semantic data within the system,
such as sensor models, activity patterns, routine mod-
els, publish-subscribe (PubSub) registration and life-
cycle information about all registered Nodes (Franke
et al., 2014b).
The Annotation component annotates all trans-
ferred data (i.e. register messages, sensor values and
PubSub patterns) according to our models situated in
the knowledge base. This detection, respectively clas-
sification, is done by using meta-information about
the sensor in the register messages (Tan et al., 2012).
These register messages consist of identity informa-
tion (unique sensor id), the classification information
(sensor type, model and unit) and a timestamp for life-
cycle purposes. As we work on predefined sensor
models, only one exact match is found and no ma-
chine learning approaches has to be applied for this
semantic enrichment. Furthermore, all sensor values
are used to enhance them to user’s activities (Franke
et al., 2013b; Franke et al., 2014a).
The Perception component opens a uniquely iden-
tified, bidirectional, network transparent channel for
Node registration and events. By means of the knowl-
edge, coming from the Knowledge Base, it routes
events to subscribers (PubSub) and service calls from
invoking Nodes to selected ones (RPC). RPC calls
are services on the selected sensors, such as config-
ure the location of the weather sensor or changing its
Our main concept is to handle and describe all
possible elements, such as applications, sensors or ac-
tuators, uniformly as Nodes.
3.2 Modular Daily Routine Ontology
The base of our activity recognition approach is a for-
malised Modular Daily Routine Ontology (MDRO)
(Fig. 2) (Franke et al., 2014b). It provides a RDF-
S/OWL vocabulary for annotating data sources, such
as sensor values, factual knowledge from Chronobi-
ology, recognised activities and routines. The four
MDRO modules (sensor, activity, routine and user)
represent different facets of the activity recognition
domain. They refer to each other and to other existing
ontologies as needed. In the following sections, we
describe the essential parts of the ontology, which are
used for recognising current activities and determin-
ing daily routines.
3.2.1 Sensor Module
The sensor module provides a semantic description
for all sensors, provided by an ontology derived from
the StarFL sensor ontology (Malewski et al., 2012),
extended by a combination with QUDT
and OWL-
. Therefore, it is possible to semantically unify sen-
sor values and data types within the overall system.
Instead of broadcasting raw integer or double values,
all transmitted sensor data is annotated with seman-
tic information, such as Temperature data in degC
or “Humidity in %” thus providing knowledge for the
system how the raw sensor values can be interpreted.
A full list of properties can be found in (Franke
et al., 2014b). The most important feature regarding
this work is the healthyInterval. These intervals are
formalised from the field of chronobiology. For in-
stance, we abstracted a light exposure interval, a step
count interval of more than 10000 steps or a body
mass index between 18.5 and 25. These properties
are used later for the adaptive content gamification
(cf. Sect. 4).
3.2.2 Activity Module
The activity module holds information about recog-
nisable Activities of daily living (ADL). As initial, but
extendable set, we used the caring descriptions, also
mentioned as basic ADLs (Fleury et al., 2010) and
transferred them in a hierarchical semantic model.
Furthermore, this module stores the semantic
training set. Every classified activity is linked to one
or more sensors from the sensor module and with the
corresponding sensor values. This is necessary to jus-
tify the classified activity to the user, since we do not
use all sensors at anytime for classification (Franke
et al., 2014b).
Regarding this work, we extend the classifiable
activities by the properties healthyDuration, tooLow-
Duration and tooHighDuration. These durations are
stored in generic classes, such as SportsActivity, to
sum up all derived sub classes (Walking, Hiking,
Swimming), in case no different duration is given.
Some examples of these durations are Sleep (per day)
between 6.5h & 9.5h and an optimum at 8h and Sport
(per week) between 2h & 7h and an optimum at 5h.
3.2.3 Routine Module
The routine module saves a directed chain of ADLs
with corresponding transition probabilities. Every
part of a routine is a unique instance of the activity
module, combined with the daytime. The probabili-
ties are calculated during the user’s history. For exam-
ple, four days with transitions from Sleep to Breakfast
and one with a transition to Work will result in transi-
tions of 80% and 20%.
As a common vocabulary we utilised the Per-
sonal Information Model Ontology (PIMO) (Sauer-
mann et al., 2007), as it is the quasi standard for se-
mantically describing daytime sequences. With this
ontology, we can describe duration, start and end of
one activity (hasActivity). This combination keeps a
chain through our activity module and works in con-
junction with other calendar-based applications due to
the usage of the PIMO standard.
Based on these semantically saved routines, we
can perform the deviation and cause detection, as our
ontology keeps the chain to our activity module and
moreover to the sensor module (cf. Sect. 3.5).
3.3 Activity Recognition Algorithm
The activity recognition algorithm creates an ordered
list of possible detected activities for the current sen-
sor snapshot. The algorithm ranks the possibility of
one activity according to the current time. This sort-
ing is assigned by factual knowledge; classified sen-
Figure 2: Modular Daily Routine Ontology (Franke et al.,
Figure 3: Sensor selection (Franke et al., 2014a).
sor values; and user generated knowledge (Franke
et al., 2013b; Franke et al., 2014a; Franke et al.,
2014d). The Equation 1 illustrates its fundamentals:
P =
n := {2,3}
+ r
)) (1)
1) Factual Activity Knowledge. The factual activ-
ity (r
) knowledge is defined by a set of rules from
Chronobiology, e.g., verified statements such as “in-
fradian sleep cycles”. These rules consist of a condi-
tion, e.g., time of day, and a probability (Franke et al.,
2) Classified Sensor Values. The classification
probability (r
) is calculated by our classifier ac-
cording the current sensor information. The ac-
tivity recognition, respectively the routine recogni-
tion, reuses approaches based on Support Vector Ma-
chines (Fleury et al., 2010; Chernbumroong et al.,
3) User-shared Knowledge. The factor r
is as-
sociated with our concept of employing the user-
generated knowledge through using collaborative fil-
tering (Franke et al., 2014d). It is either the previous
activity, done at the same time or the algorithm tries
to foresee a possible rating based on similar users.
The meaning factor n is assigned with n = 2 if nei-
ther a previous activity at same time can be found, nor
a prediction can be calculated. In all other cases it is
assigned with n = 3 to keep the equivalently rating of
all factors.
Finally, the complete list of activities is ordered
based on combined probabilities P for each mapping.
This ranking is used to assign the most probable ac-
tivity to the user’s daily routine.
3.4 Sensor Selection
For our purposes, we use a selection of sensors and
devices to stay mostly comparable to nowadays activ-
ity recogniser systems (see Figure 3) (Franke et al.,
2013b; Franke et al., 2014a; Franke et al., 2014c):
Physical Sensors. We abstract physical, climatic and
surrounding sensors out of the NetAtmo
station. Each station consists of a temperature, a
humidity and a CO2 sensor. Additionally, we can
use one barometer and sound sensor in the main
room. All sensors are assigned to a specific loca-
tion that is described by spatial coordinates in the
domestic environment. This information is later
used to reduce the dataset according to the classi-
fication and cause detection (Franke et al., 2014c).
Location Sensor. With the aid of the Moves
and API, we built a location sensor, which records
basic activities (walking, cycling, transportation
and running) and the user’s locations (Franke
et al., 2013b).
Body Sensors. Besides the Moves app, we use two
devices for health tracking. First of
all, the Withings Pulse for measuring covered
distances, sleep cycles and pulse measures, and
second, the Withings Smart Scale for measuring
weight and body fat mass.
Weather Sensor. We wrapped the WeatherUnder-
service, which provides information
about temperature, humidity, air pressure, lumi-
nance, and in general the weather on the users lo-
Calendar Sensor. As ’hint generator’ for the classi-
fier, we abstracted an online calendar, which pub-
lishes calendar events predefined by the user.
3.5 Deviation Detection
To acquire an active assistance for the user, the pro-
posed system detects causes of anomalies proactively,
and reactively. The reactive anomaly detection recog-
nises anomalies in one chosen feature at a particular
time interval, e.g., influencing factors of sleep dura-
tion last week and the proactive anomaly detection
recognises anomalies in the daily routines during run-
time, based on different time slots (e.g., week, month,
quarter). These anomalies were directly presented to
the user in our previous work with the help of an as-
sistive mobile application. For the relevant technical
details on deviation detection consider our previous
work (Franke et al., 2014c).
First of all, in order to compare commonly used game
elements with regard to their motivational effect to
the user, we designed an online survey as preliminary
study. After analysing different existing gamified
apps for self-improvement, we identified frequently
recurring game elements that had to be assessed with
respect to their motivational effect on the participants.
Thereby, commonly used elements of both, structural
and content gamification, were considered (cf. Figure
By integrating screenshots of selected examples of
gamified apps for self-improvement into the survey,
we evaluate the central question: “Which game ele-
ments in this app motivate you to achieve your goal?”
At the time of writing, a total of more than 40 par-
ticipants completed the survey. The age of the partic-
ipants varies from 13 to 55+ years, 63% female and
37% male. The majority of the participants (91%) are
registered at one or more social networks and 84%
of them are using Facebook. This aspect is relevant,
since more and more gamified apps are integrating so-
cial networks for social sharing or competing against
As an introduction to each section of the question-
naire, the relevant app was presented. The main ques-
tions are related to the personal evaluation of the mo-
tivational affordances using assessment tables (from
“totally motivating”, “rather motivating”, “rather not
motivating”, “not motivating at all” or “I dont know”).
The participants answers to the questions are pre-
sented in Fig. 4. Of particular interest is that only
2% of all respondents agree that sharing achievements
through social networks (cf. Social Sharing in Fig. 4)
is motivating, although most of the participants are
registered at a social network. However, over 80% are
convinced that challenging and varied tasks are moti-
vating. Furthermore, the game components content
unlocking with a score of 79%, progress indication
and levelling up with 77% approval achieved similar
good results.
From these preliminary results it can be con-
cluded, that progress indication and levelling up are
particularly motivating game elements of structural
Figure 4: Long-term motivation comparison of varying
gamification elements.
gamification. Similarly, challenging and varied tasks
as well as content unlocking have a motivational ef-
fect for the majority of the respondents. Conse-
quently, the higher-level elements challenge and cu-
riosity (Kapp, 2013) can be identified as important
motivational affordances in the field of content gami-
fication. It should be noted that the presented ques-
tionnaire results were averaged over various apps.
When regarded individually, it is evident that the same
game elements (e.g. leaderboards) were assessed dif-
ferently for particular apps. This indicates that the
motivating effect of game elements is also influenced
by other factors. Consequently, subsequent studies
need to consider additional aspects, e.g. demographic
user data, the visual design of game elements and
other contextual criteria. However, one usable trend is
already evident: not all game elements have the same
motivating effect.
In order to apply gamification concepts, we are de-
veloping a mobile advisory application in the field of
regulated daily routines. In Figure 5, a screenshot of
the prototypical mobile application “SeMiWa Watch-
board” is illustrated. With interactive gamified activ-
ities around adaptive, weekly changing subjects (e.g.
sleep and sport durations) the user can adapt, moni-
tor and evaluate his own lifestyle habits. By master-
ing a weekly challenge the user is confronted with a
balanced work-life, sleep-wake, or sport amount in a
playful way.
4.1 Structural Gamification
At the first stage of our application, we make use of
structural gamification. As it is necessary, to train
Figure 5: Structural Gamification Concept.
the classifier (cf. Section 3.3) for activity and routine
recognition, manual inserts or corrections of activities
has been done for nearly two weeks. Furthermore,
a suitable amount of different sensors has also to be
present (especially Moves and Withings data).
The manual entering of these data and usage of ad-
ditional sensors has - at this point - no benefit for the
user, as neither good classification, nor healthy rou-
tine detection can be done. For that reason, we de-
cide to motivate the user with elements of structural
gamification, as our preliminary study shows a strong
evidence between the raise of motivation and the el-
ements of “progress indication” and “levelling up”.
We introduce the elements experience points (XP) and
levels to our application, as these prove good results
for a short term motivation and also gives us a chance
not to overburden the user.
In the first levels, the user has to earn XP by reg-
istering new sensors one after another. As we need
a base of different sensors for a good training set re-
sults, in the first week, the user earns XP by gathering
sensor values for the Annotation component. This XP
are used to put it in certain levels that achieves the
next sensor and so on (“levelling up”).
In the process, we also show the current and
needed experience points to the user (“progress in-
dication”, cf. Figure 5). In that way, we can avoid to
confront the user with the internals of the classifier or
a fixed duration of training. By the use of the error
rate in activity recognition algorithm (cf. Sect. 3.3),
the system is able to unlock the Master Sensors and
the Advice Mode of the application (“content unlock-
The structural gamification stays always active,
even after all sensors are unlocked. Beside the experi-
ence points to unlock new sensors the user also earns
usable points with every achievements (“points”).
These points are used as a virtual currency to ensure
the system has always enough data to perform in a
stable way. If the usable point score falls under a
given threshold, the application becomes locked and
has to be reactivated by earning new points (i.e., by
re-activating sensors or training the classifier).
4.2 Content Gamification
At the second stage, the application uses elements of
content gamification to establish a long-term motiva-
tion for the user. Based on the deviation detection, an
adaptive content gamification can be applied.
The mentioned (cf. Section 3.5) proactive devia-
tion detection recognises anomalies in the daily rou-
tines, based on different time slots (e.g. week, month,
quarter). The system detects, if the routine differs
from previous ones and calculates on which basis this
difference was determined. For instance, if a daily
routine shows too short to Sleep cycles or unusual in-
termediate activities. The differing transition is used
for finding all causes in the sensor values.
These findings are used to build the dynamic gam-
ification elements. The system chooses the desired
feature (resp. sensor), e.g., mood or sleep duration,
and calculate the main factors influencing the chosen
feature (Franke et al., 2014c). For instance, features,
that affect the sleep duration could result in room
temperature, noise and sports duration. Beside the
influencing factors, we implemented rules that han-
dle whether this change is a positive or negative one.
The foundation of these assessments is derived from
chronobiology and formalised in our sensor module,
as previously stated (cf. Section 3.2).
The varied tasks are built due to this causes and
trends. If the sleep duration decreased significantly
influenced by the sport duration, the next task will
be performing more sport, instead of confronting the
user with the real problem. This method avoids the
annoyance of the users, as they often recognise the
problems (no good sleep duration) themselves and
get frustrated if an application also shows the same
facts to him. Our study, e.g., shows that the With-
ings App showing such annoying messages: “You’ve
never done so few steps on a Wednesday. I’m sure you
can do more tomorrow :)”.
With this procedure, we cover the two signifi-
cant content game elements “content unlocking” and
“varied challenges”, as the challenges change weekly
adapted to the current habits.
In this paper we presented a general gamification con-
cept for daily routine deviations and gave an overview
of common used game elements in gamified apps for
self-improvement. In addition, we introduced our pre-
vious work SeMiWa in order to demonstrate and eval-
uate the suggested concept.
The purpose of our preliminary user study was to
identify game elements that have a particularly posi-
tive impact on the user’s motivation. We analysed var-
ious gamified apps for self-improvement and carved
out common used game elements that were used for
the online survey. Although the preliminary results
only consider a small number of participants, the out-
come shows, which game elements are already of im-
portance: progression, levels, challenge and curiosity.
Our future plans include completing the gamifi-
cation concept and using it as a design framework for
gamified apps for self-improvement. A major require-
ment for our general concept is modularity. Game
elements and their visual representations are consid-
ered as two separate components. This is particularly
relevant regarding adaptivity, as it should be possi-
ble to vary game elements and visual representation
depending on the target group in the future. As a re-
sult, functionalities and the graphical user interface
will be adaptable according to user context (such as
age, gender, experience). In this regard, we will in-
clude a novel component into our concept to cover
the user context.
In order to be able to make a quantitative state-
ment on the motivational effect of the identified com-
mon used game elements, we will conduct an ex-
tended user study. The involvement of user context
aspects in our survey will allow for a more user-
centric gamification concept. Identifying important
game elements in terms of various user context as-
pects, enables different rules for the Game Element
component as well as the Visual Game Element mod-
ule. This is necessary for reaching different target
Our study is also limited by its method, which
only provides an introduction of different apps for
self-improvement, not including the use of the apps
in real world context. The lack of interaction with the
gamified apps only enables replies to questions from
the user’s experience. For this reason we plan to fur-
ther develop our prototype, so that a qualitative user
study can be carried out in a real world context. Fur-
thermore, a long-term study with end users will al-
low us to investigate the game elements with regard
to their long-term motivation.
We believe our approach can offer added value for
giving awareness of regulated daily routines by pro-
viding a general gamification concept as well as an
overview of significant structural and content game
Part of this work has been executed under the project
VICCI (ESF-100098171) funded by the European
Social Fund and the German Federal State of Sax-
ony as well as within the project Dynapsys (BMWE-
19P12013D) by the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy.
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