RuCORD: Rule-based Composite Operation Recovering and Detection
to Support Cooperative Edition of (Meta)Models
Amanuel Koshima and Vincent Englebert
PReCISE Research Center, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Model Refactoring, Rule-based Refactoring, Composite Operation Detection.
The cooperative edition of (meta)models may be enacted by the exchange of change operation journals be-
tween the participants. But these are often composed of atomic operations (create, delete, set, ... ) that have
no useful meaning for the users. Hence, detecting and recovering composite operations is a crucial step to help
users understand the history of their (meta)models in terms of higher level operations. As a result, conflict de-
tection, reconciliation, and merging of modeling artifacts will be improved. In addition, composite operations
can also be used to generate model migration instructions that can automatically migrate instance models.
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approach raises
the level of abstraction of software development from
code-centric to model-centric (B´ezivin, 2005). In
(K¨uhne, 2006), a model is defined as “[...] an ab-
straction of a (real or language-based) system al-
lowing predictions or inferences to be made”. In-
deed, models can be used to perform analysis, valida-
tion, simulation, and source code generation (B´ezivin,
MDE uses Domain Specific Modeling Languages
(DSML) to comprehend requirements of software ap-
plications within a specific domain. G. Booch et
al. wrote “the full value of MDA is only achieved
when the modeling concepts map directly to domain
concepts rather than computer technology concepts”
(Booch et al., 2004). It helps to reduce accidental
complexities of a development of software system by
letting domain experts to focus on specific concepts
which are related to their field of expertise instead of
underlying platforms (software/hardware). This ap-
proach has already proved its usefulness in many ap-
plication areas (Kelly and Tolvanen, 2008).
In MDE, concepts are defined at different abstrac-
tion levels such as models, meta-models and meta-
meta-models. A meta-meta-model is a DSML ori-
ented toward software development methods and al-
lows the definition of modeling languages, for exam-
ple, MOF (Object Management Group (OMG), 2002)
and EMF/Ecore (Steinberg et al., 2009). Finally,
meta-models are DSML instances that specify a set
of rules to construct valid instance models (Gonzalez-
Perez and Henderson-Sellers, 2008).
Modeling complex systems is far-fetched to
achieve for a single user, it’s very often the matter of
groups of stakeholders with specific specializations.
They need thus to cooperate together with respect to
their respective viewpoints. But like any other soft-
ware artifact, DSMLs evolve along with their do-
main, but also due to new requirements, error correc-
tions, or iterations in the understanding of the domain
(B´ezivin, 2005; Meyers and Vangheluwe, 2011). It’s
thus important to facilitate the collaborative work of
engineers at all the levels of abstraction, that is, to
support concurrent edition of models but also of their
DSML. This leads to specific and interesting chal-
In our research, we are investigating a particu-
lar kind of collaborative work with the following hy-
potheses: 1) meta-models can be considered as spe-
cialized models, 2) users cooperate by exchanging
(meta-)models as autonomous self-contained chunks
of information, and 3) users wish to cooperate in a
“loose” way (i.e. asynchronous). These use cases
are encountered in many situations such as inter-
enterprise cooperation, normalisation workgroups,
outsourced contracts, etc. Supporting this activity en-
tails several challenges such as model comparison,
conflict detection, models reconciliation and merging,
and model migration. They are discussed in (Koshima
et al., 2013).
Model comparisonis an important activityto iden-
tify differences (aka. delta) between evolving mod-
Koshima A. and Englebert V..
RuCORD: Rule-based Composite Operation Recovering and Detection to Support Cooperative Edition of (Meta)Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0005339305850591
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (CMDD-2015), pages 585-591
ISBN: 978-989-758-083-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
eling artifacts. Deltas are used to perform con-
flict detection, reconciliation, and merging activities
(Koshima and Englebert, 2014; Langer et al., 2013).
Operation-based and state-based tactics are the two
widely used approaches to find deltas between two
versions of a (meta)model (Mens, 2002; Altman-
ninger et al., 2009).
State-based approaches derive deltas from two
successive versions of (meta)models by comparing
their states (Mens, 2002; Altmanninger et al., 2009)
while change-based approaches focus only on mod-
ifications performed on the (meta)models (Mens,
2002; Altmanninger et al., 2009). These operations
are then used to compute deltas between two succes-
sive versions.
Operations constituted in deltas improve users un-
derstanding about the evolution of modeling artifacts
(Langer et al., 2013). These operations can be clas-
sified as atomic, refactoring, or composite change
operations (Langer et al., 2013). Atomic operations
(i.e., creation, addition, deletion, update) are low level
operations and it is a cognitively challenging task
for users to understand and re-construct high level
changes (which might reflect the intention of modifi-
cations) from primitive changes. Hence, atomic oper-
ations do not scale (Langer et al., 2013). A composite
change operation denotes any type of in-place model
transformation that executes all its children operations
within one transaction (Langer et al., 2013).
Refactoring operations are composite operations
that modify internal structures of software artifacts
(i.e., models) without changing their external behav-
ior (Mens and Taentzer, 2007). This kind of operation
helps to improve the understanding of modifications
and intentions of a user who performed changes. The
recovering of refactoring operations is an important
activity in model management (Langer et al., 2013)
and is even a crucial task to ensure collaborativemod-
Meta-model adaptation might cause instance
models inconsistent. Instance models might not any-
more satisfy the set of rules and constraints specified
by the meta-model. Therefore, models need to be co-
evolved with their respective meta-models in order to
preserve the conformance between models and meta-
models (Herrmannsdoerfer, 2009). Indeed, complex
operations, which adapt a meta-model, can be cou-
pled with model adaptation instructions to migrate
instance models (Herrmannsdoerfer, 2009). Detect-
ing such complex operations helps to identify a set of
model migration instructions (Vermolen et al., 2012)
that transform instance models.
This article presents the principles of a framework
to recover composite operations that denote refactor-
ing tasks from histories recorded in a journal. This in-
formation is required to guide users when they have to
reconcile concurrent (meta)model versions produced
by cooperative editing tasks. Indeed the reconcilia-
tion process may oblige users to choose between con-
current and conflicting operations (e.g. two modifica-
tions on the same resource). Confronted with atomic
operations, this decision may be impossible to take,
since operations have no pertinent meaning from the
user’s viewpoint.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the objective of the work and Section 3
describes the related work to detect and recover
both refactoring and complex operations. Addition-
ally, Section 4 gives a detailed description about the
proposed framework, RuCORD. Finally, Section 5
presents the future research direction and conclusion.
Figure 1 depicts a sample Petri net meta-model along
with a journal of atomic operations. When coop-
erative frameworks use a change-based approach to
merge and reconcile concurrent versions, users are
confronted with this information that may prove very
difficult to understand. Indeed, it is not related to
users intents but to a technical API. Users mostly rea-
son about modifications in terms of high level opera-
tions (i.e., refactoring or composite operations). For
example, one refactoring operation like “refine a class
into subtypes” may concern one hundred atomic oper-
ations that wouldn’t have any meaning for the users.
When they have to solve a conflict, they would pre-
fer to accept or refuse the “refinement” operation and
certainly not each atomic operation that constitutes it.
There is thus a cognitive gap between the primitive
operations and the mental setup of the modelers about
The objective of this work is to recover and de-
tect composite operations (including refactoring op-
erations) from a journal composed of primitive op-
erations. In addition, the detected complex opera-
tions can be used to specify model migration instruc-
tions that co-evolve instance models along with meta-
model adaptation (Vermolen et al., 2012).
Much research work has already be done to detect
refactoring and complex change operations in the
context of object oriented programming. Demeyer
Figure 1: A Petri net meta-model and atomic meta-model adaptation operations.
et al. proposed a method to detect refactoring oper-
ations from successive versions based on change met-
rics (Demeyer et al., 2000). Besides, Dig et al. pre-
sented a RefactoringCrawler framework that uses a
combination of syntactic analysis and semantic anal-
ysis to detect refactoring operations (Dig et al., 2006).
Composite operations can also be included as part
of the development environment and they will be
tracked whenever they are executed (Herrmannsdoer-
fer, 2009). However, this approach might produce a
wrong list of composite operations, which contains
some composite operation that are nullified by latest
operations (Langer et al., 2013; Koshima et al., 2013).
Besides, it cannot detect refactoring operations that
are performed manually (Langer et al., 2013).
Operation-based collaborative modeling may can-
onize change operations to speed up the transfer of
data and to facilitate the merging process. As a result,
operations that are superseded by new ones can thus
be cleaned from the history (i.e. the record of change
operations). Hence, canonization of composite op-
erations could produce a different type of composite
operations that might not be defined by the model-
ing environment. Solving this problem requires to re-
group primitive operations into other composite op-
erations manually, that is a tedious and difficult task.
Moreover, removing atomic changes from a compos-
ite operation might invalidateits constraints(Koshima
et al., 2013). Hence, there should be a tool support to
specify composite operations.
Prete et al. use refactoring template rules to re-
cover refactoring operations between two program
versions (Prete et al., 2010). In another work, Xing
et al. (Xing and Stroulia, 2006) proposed an approach
to detect refactoring operations based on UMLDiff.
This is a domain specific algorithm (UML-aware) that
compares the structural changes between two succes-
sive versions of class models and drives their differ-
ences (Xing and Stroulia, 2005). Queries are applied
on deltas so as to detect different complex change op-
erations. However, this approach is limited to a spe-
cific modeling language (Langer et al., 2013). Ver-
molen et al. also demonstrated a modeling language
specific approach that reconstructs complex meta-
model adaptation operations (Vermolen et al., 2012)
. In (Langer et al., 2013), Philip et al. presented
an approach that automatically detects composite op-
erations between two successive models, which are
defined in any Ecore (Steinberg et al., 2009) based
modeling languages. However, their approach does
not provide a facility to aggregate composite changes
from another composite change(s).
Nevertheless, this raises interesting challenges.
An automatic composite operation detection mech-
anism might find results that don’t reflect users in-
tentions. It would neither allow users interaction to
identify the correct composite operations that reflect
his/her intent. For instance, a user may wish to re-
move some atomic change operations from a compos-
ite operation while keeping the constraints of the com-
posite operation. Indeed, an automatic process nec-
essarily tries to compute the largest set of operations
while recovering a composite operation. Neverthe-
less, some operations could be irrelevant because they
were executed with a different intent or in distinct
stages. Besides, s/he might also add or remove ratio-
nale of changes attached to specific changes based on
a new context of composite change operation. Hence,
we argue that interactive composite change detection
approach could improve the final result. However,
the approach presented in (Prete et al., 2010; Xing
and Stroulia, 2006; Langer et al., 2013; Vermolen
et al., 2012) don’t support user interactions to itera-
tively identify composite change operations.
RuCORD is an interactive rule-based composite op-
eration detection and recovery framework. It is in-
tegrated within Eclipse and works with models ex-
pressed with EMF. Like the approach presented in
(Langer et al., 2013) (see Section 3), RuCORD can
work with any modeling language based on Ecore.
RuCORD uses a rule-based engine to detect and to
recover composite operations. Indeed, the definitions
of composite operations are encoded as rules and they
are stored in the rule-base, whereas deltas between
two successive versions of a (meta)model are trans-
lated into facts in the fact-base. Afterwards, the Java
Expert System Shell (Jess) rule engine (Hill, 2003) is
used to identify the possible sets of composite oper-
ations. RuCORD also provides an interactive facility
so that users can guide the detection and recovery pro-
The aim of our work consists in recovering and
detecting composite operations from a set of can-
onized operations, which are recorded during the
(meta)model editing phase. Nevertheless, the work
can also be used to find composite operations from
diffs computed using state-based comparison. Fig-
ure 2 describes the proposed framework. When-
ever a user adapts a (meta)model, edit operations are
recorded in a history formally defined by the Di-
CoMEF meta-model (Koshima and Englebert, 2014).
Later, these operations are canonized and translated
into Jess facts by using a model-to-text transforma-
tion engine, Java Emitter Template JET (Foundation,
The definition of the composite operation patterns
is written as a list of Jess rules. During the execution,
when a rule’s left hand side is satisfied, a new fact,
which represents a composite operation, is asserted
into the fact base. Composite operation facts can also
be aggregated into larger facts. The result of this in-
ference is a hierarchical representation of composite
change operations.
The inference process may be non-deterministic.
Figure 2: A rule-based composite operation detection and
recovery steps.
Indeed, the analysis engine may identify overlapping
composite operations. It then displays the result to a
user who can then select the “best” composite opera-
tion, that is, the one which reflects his/her intentions.
Besides, if rationale
of modifications are attached to
change operations, the engine asks the user to verify
if the rationale is still valid for the new composite
operation. Indeed, a user can remove atomic opera-
tions from the proposed composite operation as long
as constraints of the composite operations are satis-
The analysis engine examines dependencies be-
tween change operations and ordered composite op-
erations. Of course, it uses the “require relationship
specified in (Koshima and Englebert, 2014) to iden-
tify the pre-condition of atomic and composite opera-
tions so as to order them. Hence, a user can sequen-
tially execute an ordered list of composite operations
on a base version of a (meta)model and studies their
effect. Moreover,the analysis engine updates the fact-
base based on the user’s decisions and the Jess engine
re-executes the rules until there is no more overlap-
ping operations (composite operations that belong to
different paths of a tree can’t share the same opera-
The appendix shows a code snippet of Jess facts
that represents a set of operations. They create two
classes (
) and one attribute
). Besides, it specifies a creation rule and ag-
A rationale is an extra information that provides some
explanation about a decision, this information can be a text
or any multimedia file for instance. This functionality is
supported by the DiCoMEF framework.
gregation rules. For example, a composite operation,
that creates an attribute, contains atomic operations
such as create attribute, set name, set type, set lower
bound, set upper bound, and other modifier operations
related to the same attribute.
This article has presented a framework to recover
refactoring operations from canonized operations or
deltas. This framework is flexible enough to allow
users to guide the result based on her/his preferences.
Users can remove parts of composite operations de-
tected by the analysis engine as long as the validity
of the composite operations are preserved. The anal-
ysis rule can add/remove rationale of modifications
to/from composite operations based on the user con-
firmation. It also analyzes dependencies among com-
posite changes and orders them. Users can add their
own composite operation patterns in defining their
own Jess rules.
In the future work, we will study the analysis en-
gine of RuCORD and integrate it with the DiCoMEF
framework (Koshima and Englebert, 2014). Besides,
we will encode different composite operations speci-
fied in (Herrmannsdoerfer,2009) and evaluate the Ru-
CORD framework.
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; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ;; A t e m p l a t e t h a t repr e se n t s
; ; ;; t he DiCoMEF h is to r y metamodel
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
( deftemplate valueChange ( s lo t name )
( s l ot changeID )
( s l ot element )
( s l ot f e at u re )
( s l ot value )
( s l ot oldValue ) )
( deftemplate nonDeleteChange ( s l o t name )
( s l ot changeID )
( s l ot ty pe )
( s l ot element )
( s l ot f e at u re )
( s l ot t ar g e t )
( s l ot source ) )
( deftemplate deleteC hange ( s l o t name )
( s l ot changeID )
( mult isl o t element )
( s l ot f e at u re )
( s l ot t ar g e t ) )
( deftemplate cr e at eRe f a c t o r i ng
( s l ot name )
( s l ot c on s tr a i n t )
( mult isl o t changes ))
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; A s s e r ti o n of f a ct s
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
( d ef fa c ts pr i m itiveCh a nges
( nonDeleteChange ( changeID 01 ” )
( type ” EClass ” )
( element Pt1 )
( name ” Cr eate ”)
( fe a tu r e e E c la ss i fi e r ” )
( t a rg et PtPK” ) )
( valueChange ( changeID 02 ” )
( element Pt1 )
( name Set ” )
( fe a tu r e name ” )
( value ” Plac e ” ) )
( nonDeleteChange ( changeID 03 ” )
( type ” EClass ” )
( element Pt2 )
( name ” Cr eate ”)
( fe a tu r e e E c la ss i fi e r ” )
( t a rg et PtPK” ) )
( valueChange ( changeID 04 ” )
( element Pt2 )
( name Set ” )
( fe a tu r e name ” )
( value ” T r a ns i ti o n ” ))
( nonDeleteChange ( changeID 05 ” )
( type ” E A t t r ib u te ” )
( element Pt3 )
( name ” Cr eate ”)
( fe a tu r e ” e S t r uc tu r a l Fe a tu r e s ” )
( t a rg et Pt1” ))
( valueChange ( changeID 06 ” )
( element Pt3 )
( name Set ” )
( fe a tu r e name ” )
( value name” ) )
( valueChange ( changeID 07 ” )
( element Pt3 )
( name Set ” )
( fe a tu r e eType ” )
( value ” EString ” ) )
( valueChange ( changeID 08 ” )
( element Pt3 )
( name Set ” )
( fe a tu r e uperaBound” )
( value 1” ))
( valueChange ( changeID 10 ” )
( element Pt3 )
( name Set ” )
( fe a tu r e lowerBound” )
( value 1” ) ))
. . .
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; Je ss Rules t ha t encodes Composite
; ; ; ; op e r at i on s Change patt e r n
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ;; a c r e at i on re f a ct o r i ng r ul e
( defrule create modelElement
?c1 <(nonDeleteChange ( name ” Cr eate ” )( ty p e ? t )
( element ? id ))
?c2 <(valueChange ( name S e t ” ) ( element ? i d ) )
( a sse r t Fa c t s( create$” c re at eR efa c t or i ng ” ? id ? t ?c1 ?c2 ) ) )
; ;; a c r e at i on re f a ct o r i ng r ul e
( defrule create modelElement
?c <(nonDeleteChange ( name ” Creat e ” ) ( type ? t )
( element ? id ))
( a sse r t Fa c t s( create$ ” c r e a t e R e f a c t o r i n g ” ? id ? t ?c ) ) )
. . .
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; U t i l it y Jes s Rules and Function s th a t
; ; ; ; aggr egate f a c t s
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; Th i s fu n c ti o n merges two l i s t s
; ; ; ; ; the f i r s t ele m ent i s t h e len g th of t h e f i r s t l i s t
; ; ; ; ; the second elem ent is th e len g t h o f the second l i s t
; ; ; ; ; l i s t 1 and l i s t 2 added i n to
( deffunction mergeChanges ($ ? args )
( bind ? len1 ( nth$ 1 ? ar g s ) )
( bind ? len2 ( nth$ 2 ? ar g s ) )
( bind ? end1 (+ 2 ? len 1 ) )
( bind ? end2 (+ ?end1 ? le n2 ) )
( bind $ ? chg1 ( subseq$ ? ar g s 3 ? end1 ))
( bind $ ? chg2 ( subseq$ ? ar g s (+ ? end1 1) ?end2 ) )
( bind $ ? temp ( create$ ? chg1 ) )
( foreach ?c ? chg2
( i f ( not (member$ ? c ? temp ) ) then
( bind ? temp ( i n ser t $ ? temp (+ ( length$ ? temp )1) ? c ) ) ) )
( return ?temp ) )
; ; ; ; t h is r u l e a g grega t e s f a c t s and
; ; ; ; i t also r et r ac ts c h i l d r en f ac t s
( defrule merege creates
? c1 < ( c rea t eR e f act o r i ng ( name ?x )
( c o ns t r a i nt ? id ) ( changes $? cgs1 ))
? c2 < ( c rea t eR e f act o r i ng ( name ?x )
( c o ns t r a i nt ? id ) ( changes $? cgs2 ))
( t e s t ( not ( eq ? cgs1 ?cgs2 ) ) )
( bind $ ? i n t e rse c t i on ( i n t er s e ct io n $ ? cgs1 ? cgs2 ) )
( bind ? len ( length$ ? int e rs ec t i o n ) )
( i f ( and (> ? len 0) (= ( length$ ? cgs1 ) ? len ) ) then
( r et r act ?c1 )
el s e ( i f ( and(> ? len 0) ( = ( length$ ? cgs2 )? len ) ) then
( r et r act ?c2 )
el s e
( bind ?p1 ( length$ ? cgs1 ) )
( bind ?p2 ( length$ ? cgs2 ) )
( bind ? merged ( mergeChanges ( create$ ?p1 ? p2 ? cgs1
? cgs2 ) ) )
( as s er t F a c t s 2 ( create$ ” cr e a t e R e f a ct or i ng ” ? id
?x ? merged ) )
( r et r act ?c1 )
( r et r act ?c2 ) ) ) )
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; Jes s Facts ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Fact1 ( nonDeleteChange (name ” Crea t e ” )
( changeID 01” )
( type ” EClass ” )
( element Pt1 )
( fe a tu r e e E c l as si f i e r ” )
( t a rg e t PtPK” ) ( source n il ) )
Fact2 ( valueChange ( name ” Set ” )
( changeID 02” )
( element Pt1 )
( fe a tu r e name” )
( value Net ”)
( oldValue n i l ) )
Fact3 ( nonDeleteChange (name ” Crea t e ” )
( changeID 03” )
( type ” EClass ” )
( element Pt2 )
( fe a tu r e e E c la ss i fi e r )
( t a rg et PtPK” )
( source ni l ) )
Fact4 ( valueChange ( name ” Se t ”)
( changeID 04 ” )
( element Pt2 )
( fe a tu r e name” )
( value ” T r a ns i t io n ” )
( oldValue n i l ) )
Fact5 ( nonDeleteChange ( name ” Create ”)
( changeID 05 ” )
( type ” EClass ” )
( element Pt3 )
( fe a tu r e e E c la ss i fi e r )
( t a rg et PtPK” )
( source ni l ) )
Fact6 ( nonDeleteChange ( name ” Create ”)
( changeID 06 ” )
( type ” E S t r u c t ur a lF ea tur e ” )
( element Pt4 )
( fe a tu r e ” e S t r uc tu r a l Fe a tu r e s ” )
( t a rg et Pt1 )
( source ni l ) )
Fact7 ( valueChange ( name ” Se t ”)
( changeID 07 ” )
( element Pt4 )
( fe a tu r e name” )
( value name )
( oldValue n i l ) )
Fact8 ( valueChange ( name ” Se t ”)
( changeID 08 ” )
( element Pt4 )
( fe a tu r e eType ” )
( value ” ES t r i ng ” )
( oldValue n i l ) )
Fact9 ( valueChange ( name ” Se t ”)
( changeID 09 ” )
( element Pt4 )
( fe a tu r e uperaBound” )
( value 1 )
( oldValue n i l ) )
Fact10 ( valueChange ( name ” Set ” )
( changeID 10 ” )
( element Pt4 )
( fe a tu r e lowerBound” )
( value 1 )
( oldValue n i l ) )
Fact11 ( c rea t e R e fa c t o ri n g (name” C r e a t e E St r u c tu ral F e a t u r e ” )
( c o ns t r ai nt Pt4” )
( changes <Fact6 >))
Fact12 ( c rea t e R e fa c t o ri n g (name ” CreateE Class ” )
( c o ns t r ai nt Pt3” )
( changes <Fact5 >))
Fact13 ( c rea t e R e fa c t o ri n g (name ” CreateE Class ” )
( c o ns t r ai nt Pt2” )
( changes <Fact3> <Fact4 >))
Fact14 ( c rea t e R e fa c t o ri n g (name ” CreateE Class ” )
( c o ns t r ai nt Pt1” )
( changes <Fact1> <Fact2 >))