Identification of MIR-Flickr Near-duplicate Images
A Benchmark Collection for Near-duplicate Detection
Richard Connor
, Stewart MacKenzie-Leigh
, Franco Alberto Cardillo
and Robert Moss
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy
Near-duplicate Image Detection, Benchmark, Image Similarity Function, Forensic Image Detection.
There are many contexts where the automated detection of near-duplicate images is important, for example
the detection of copyright infringement or images of child abuse. There are many published methods for the
detection of similar and near-duplicate images; however it is still uncommon for methods to be objectively
compared with each other, probably because of a lack of any good framework in which to do so. Published
sets of near-duplicate images exist, but are typically small, specialist, or generated. Here, we give a new test
set based on a large, serendipitously selected collection of high quality images. Having observed that the MIR-
Flickr 1M image set contains a significant number of near-duplicate images, we have discovered the majority
of these. We disclose a set of 1,958 near-duplicate clusters from within the set, and show that this is very
likely to contain almost all of the near-duplicate pairs that exist. The main contribution of this publication is
the identification of these images, which may then be used by other authors to make comparisons as they see
fit. In particular however, near-duplicate classification functions may now be accurately tested for sensitivity
and specificity over a general collection of images.
Our primary interest is in the quantitative compar-
ison of different similarity functions for the detec-
tion of near-duplicate images. Of particular interest
to us is a “batch mode” of processing, necessary in
forensic image detection, where two very large col-
lections (e.g. each upwards of 10
images) require to
be tested against each other with the intent of deter-
mining the near-duplicate intersection. In such cases,
a high value for specificity of the similarity function
is of paramount importance, to avoid the generation
of a huge number of false positive matches. The sim-
ilarity function is necessarily used with a threshold
limit to give a classification function, rather than as
in a more common ranking scenario. This shifts the
balance of importance of the relative values of sensi-
tivity and specificity (effectively, recall and precision)
as any significant degree of imprecision will be com-
pletely unacceptable, and will always be traded for a
loss of recall.
To measure these values for a given similarity
function requires very large sets of benchmark im-
ages, with a known ground truth of near-duplicates.
Furthermore, there should be no bias as to the type of
images in the collection, nor the method with which
the near-duplicates have been formed. These require-
ments seem to be mutually incompatible.
While performing analysis over the MIR-Flickr
collection of one million images (Huiskes and Lew,
2008), we observed a significant number of near-
duplicates. This in turn led us to realise that, if we
could identify all of these, we would have a single col-
lection of one million images which could be tested
against itself, and would effectively have these de-
sired properties.
In the absence of a perfect near-duplicate finder, it
is of course impossible to find all the near-duplicate
image pairs within the collection. However, using a
number of different near-duplicate finders, we have
found around 2,000 pairs of images conforming to
an objective definition of near-duplicate. Using tech-
niques from population statistics, we are able to con-
firm that these constitute almost all the pairs that exist
within the collection.
The main contribution of this paper is the publi-
cation (Connor, 2015)
of our analysis of the image
set, which can be used to rate different near-duplicate
Available from www.mir-flickr-near-
Connor R., MacKenzie-Leigh S., Cardillo F. and Moss R..
Identification of MIR-Flickr Near-duplicate Images - A Benchmark Collection for Near-duplicate Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0005359705650571
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 565-571
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
finding functions against each other, and to give accu-
rate absolute values for sensitivity and specificity.
Since the main contribution of the work presented
here is a new dataset that can be used in the context of
near duplicate (ND) identification, in this section we
present a brief review of existing datasets and of their
usage in past work. Algorithms for the ND problem
can be roughly classified into two categories accord-
ing to the type of the input data they were created
for, whether video files or image collections (Kim
et al., 2010). Methods in the first category attempts
to detect near duplicate keyframes (NDK) in video
files. Such methods are mostly based on local visual
features, such as SIFT, and are validated using stan-
dard benchmarking datasets, such as, for example, the
TRECVID collection (Over, 2014).
For the second category of methods, whose aim
is to return all the images in a collection that are du-
plicate or near-duplicate of a query image, the exper-
imental context is not so well defined. In fact var-
ious authors state that they could not find any spe-
cific benchmark for the testing their novel approach:
“We do not have access to ground-truth data for our
experiments, since we are not aware of any large
public corpus in which near duplicate images have
been annotated.(Chum et al., 2007; Jinda-Apiraksa
et al., 2013); “ Although the target application of this
dataset is image retrieval, it was selected due to the
lack of other appropriate datasets [. . .]” (Vonikakis
et al., 2014).
Many previous works simply use datasets created
for multimedia information retrieval, such as the IN-
RIA Holidays Dataset (Jegou et al., 2008). This
dataset is composed of 1491 images, partitioned into
500 groups corresponding to 500 different scenes: the
first image in each group is to be used as the query im-
age and the remaining photos represent the correct re-
sult to be returned. However, there is no information
about duplicate or near-duplicate images.
Some works use the dataset presented in (Nister
and Stewenius, 2006), which is composed of 10,200
images in sets of 4 images of one object / scene.
Even if the sets might be used to evaluate the perfor-
mance of a near-duplicate finder, there is no informa-
tion about how similar two sets might be and whether
or not they should be considered duplicate or near-
In (Jinda-Apiraksa et al., 2013) the authors give a
dataset specifically built for near-duplicate image de-
tecetion. The dataset is composed of 701 photos taken
during a trip. The photographies were not digitally
manipulated and should represent a real photo gallery
of a generic user. They include changes in scene,
camera, and image as defined in (Jaimes et al., 2003).
A well-established ground-truth is provided with the
dataset based on the judgments provided by ten dif-
ferent individuals; however the set is rather small
for general deductions to be made. To the best of
our knowledge this is the only public domain dataset
which has been built specifically for the task of near
duplicate detection.
3 MIR-Flickr
The MIR-Flickr image dataset (Huiskes and Lew,
2008; Huiskes et al., 2010) consists of one million
“interesting” images downloaded from the website through its public API. The “interesting-
ness” of the images represents a score attributed by
the flickr service by taking into account the comments
and the clickthroughs on the images. For each image
in the dataset, the authors provide the flickr tags, the
exif metadata, plus global (edge histogram, homoge-
neous local texture, gist) and local visual descriptors
(SURF). Since the 1M images included in the dataset
were not selected with a specific task or set of crite-
ria in mind, they should represent a good benchmark
for evaluation near duplicate detection algorithms on
large image datasets.
We have identified near-duplicate images in two cat-
egories, defined in (Foo et al., 2006) as identical and
non-identical near duplicates (IND and NIND respec-
tively). IND images are “derived from the same dig-
ital source after applying some transformations”, and
NIND images “share the same scenes and objects”.
We interpret the notion of transformation to in-
clude any operation which has been performed using
a standard image editor, with the intent of making cos-
metic changes. While this definition is not completely
objective, we have found it to be effective in that dif-
ferent humans seem to generally agree on the classifi-
cation of images based on it. Any remaining inherent
subjectivity is safeguarded by the publication of our
classification based on this description.
For the purposes of benchmarking, we choose to
primarily use the IND definition for the following rea-
it is (almost) objective
such pairs are relatively common in the MIR
Flickr set
it is the most useful concept for forensic image
we can be much more confident of identifying the
vast majority of pairs within the set
the resulting relation is, effectively, an equiva-
lence relation, allowing the identification of some
near-duplicate clusters containing more than two
We have, however, also identified as many NIND
pairs as possible and also provide these in our pub-
lished data.
4.1 Pairs and Clusters
The identification of clusters, rather than pairs, is im-
portant. The largest IND cluster found contains 15
images, therefore giving 105 unique near-duplicate
pairs. The presence of clusters of size greater than
two is completely arbitrary, and it would be incorrect
to allow it to influence the measurement of similar-
ity functions which may, or may not, be particularly
suited to the type of image in the cluster.
It also seems important not to discriminate against
similarity measures detecting pairs of images which
are visually very similar, but which do not meet the
strict criteria of the definition. For this reason pairs of
images were classified in three categories:
1. IND near-duplicates, as defined above
2. pairs of images which are strikingly visually sim-
ilar, but are not IND as defined
, and
3. pairs which do not meet either criteria
Figures 1 and 2 gives examples of the first two
categories; all identified pairs in these categories are
published at (Connor, 2015).
The IND relation in this context is reflexive, sym-
metric and transitive. Transitivity is not a property of
near-duplication in general, but is a safe assumption
for our target set and definition. As IND is thus an
equivalence relation, it defines a partition over the im-
age set. The set of near-duplicate clusters is defined
as the set of all equivalence classes whose cardinality
is two or greater.
There include some pairs which do not strictly match
the NIND definition, such as generated images
Figure 1: IND near-duplicate images (images 88518 and
5.1 Characterisations and Metrics
To discover near-duplicate images within MIR-Flickr,
a number of different distance metrics (Table 2) were
applied to a number of different image characterisa-
tions (Table 1). The characterisations chosen repre-
sent global, rather than local, features, as these should
be better near-duplicate detectors according to our
Table 1: Image characterisations used.
Eh MPEG-7 Edge Histograms
(Won et al., 2002)
Ht MPEG-7 Heterogeneous Textures
(Bober, 2001)
Cs MPEG-7 Colour Structures
(Bober, 2001)
pHash Perceptual Hashing
(Niu and Jiao, 2008)
Table 2: Distance Metrics used.
Man Manhattan (L
) distance
Euc Euclidean (L
) distance
Cos Cosine distance
Sed Structural Entropic Distance
Ham Hamming distance over bitmaps
Figure 2: “strikingly similar”, but not near-duplicate (im-
ages 46271 and 47850).
By “Cosine Distance” we refer to the proper met-
ric form
; “Structural Entropic Distance” refers to the
distance metric defined in (Connor et al., 2011) and
refined in (Connor and Moss, 2012). Ht and Eh data
was taken from the MIR-Flickr site; Cs and pHash
data was extracted by our own code according to the
published specifications.
Hamming distance was applied to pHash, and the
other distances were all applied to all the other char-
acterisations, giving a total of 15 different distance
5.2 Cluster Identification
The following method was used to produce the near-
duplicate clustering:
1. The data set was first cleaned to remove images
that were a perfect duplicate of another, defined
as being the same size with the same pixel values
at each location. 378 images were removed at this
the angle between the vectors rather than the comple-
ment of its cosine, which is not a proper metric
2. For each similarity function, a threshold-limited
nearest-neighbour search was conducted for each
image in the set. This requires potentially 10
comparisons, which is infeasible for almost any
cost of comparison, and the number of pairs
elicited depended on various pragmatic cost fac-
tors. However we were able to extract a least a
few thousand pairs for every function. These com-
putations are still extremely compute-intensive,
and metric search techniques (Ch
avez et al., 2001;
Zezula et al., 2006) were used.
3. Each of the resulting image pairs was inspected
by a member of the project team and judged to be
in one of the three categories explained above.
4. The resulting set of positively identified IND
pairs, from all metrics, was treated as a set of clus-
ters of size 2, which were then rationalised by (re-
peatedly) amalgamating any clusters which had a
common element.
At point of publication, this has resulted in the
identification of 1,958 near-duplicate clusters within
the set, containing a total of 4,071 images. The mean
size of a cluster is 2.08. 543 pairs of “strikingly sim-
ilar” images have been identified. The identities of
all these images are given, along with views onto the
images themselves, at(Connor, 2015).
The observation that the size of a population can be
estimated from a number of independent, imperfect
counts was first made by Laplace in the 18th Century.
The context is that two independent detectors A, B
detect a, b instances of a phenomenon respectively,
and z instances are detected by both. The detectors
have unknown yet consistent detection probabilities
, p
. For a total (large) number of occurrences N,
then a p
N and b p
N. For the number detected
by both, z p
N. Therefore N
This observation was extended and refined by
Chapman, an elegant description being given in (Pol-
lock et al., 1990), as:
N =
(a + 1)(b + 1)
(z + 1)
and an estimate of the variance of the outcome is also
V =
(a + 1)(b + 1)(a z)(b z)
(z + 1)
(z + 2)
which allows confidence intervals to be assigned.
We have made three such estimations, through
taking the three apparently most independent image
characterisations, and using, for each characterisa-
tion, the metric which retrieved the most pairs. The
results of this are shown in Table 3, suggesting a true
value of a little less than 1,900.
In fact, from all characterisations and metrics
tested, we have so far found a total of 1,958 clusters
of images. While there is probably some interdepen-
dence among the methods we have used, which would
have a tendency to reduce the derived estimates, there
is certainly significant independence as evidenced by
the relatively small intersection sizes. We therefore
judge the value for the whole population to be some-
where very close to this value. The probability of the
true collection size being greater than, for example,
2,000 seems to be very close to zero, allowing this
figure to be used as a (conservative) basis for measur-
ing true values of sensitivity and specificity.
The purpose of establishing the benchmark set is to
allow a useful comparison of different near-duplicate
detection functions, and we are now embarking upon
a deeper study of these. However, we already of
course have results for the functions used to construct
the set. Here we show only simple results for the three
functions used to construct the population estimate to
give a flavour of one way the benchmark set can be
For each function graphs are shown of sensitiv-
ity, assuming a true collection size of 2,000 clusters,
and positive predictive value (PPV, commonly known
as precision in information retrieval) both measured
against the threshold at which the function is applied.
Each graph is plotted past the crossover points of
these two values, in all cases incorporating at least the
2,000 nearest-neighbour pairs with the smallest dis-
While this is, at this point, a relatively shallow
comparison, this is the first time, to the best of our
knowledge, that any two such classification functions
have been objectively compared with each other over
a large collection. Even this gives a clear visual indi-
cation that the Eh/Sed classification function is signif-
icantly the best of those tested, and that this function
could be used in “batch” mode with a threshold that
will give almost no false positives, and find approxi-
mately half of the IND intersection between two large
sets of images. This in itself gives a significant result
in the domain of forensic image detection.
One further point of more general interest is that,
Figure 3: Semantic comparison of the best independent de-
tection functions.
in many cases, little attention is paid to the distance
metric used with any single characterisation. In par-
ticular, edge histograms are generally used with L
distance, and heterogeneous textures with L
. It is
noteworthy that in neither case is this the best met-
ric, and in fact in the case of edge histograms, all of
the other metrics tested significantly outperform Man-
hattan distance semantically. This outcome in itself
highlights the importance of collections such as the
one we have established, as it allows this type of mea-
surement to be objectively performed, which is not
possible with a small image collection.
Table 3: Population Estimates.
Method 1 Method 2 a b z
V 98% CI
Eh/Sed Ht/Man 1225 916 579 1938 1252 1868-2009
Eh/Sed pHash/Ham 1225 1130 754 1837 570 1789-1884
pHash/Ham Ht/Man 1130 916 560 1849 1190 1780-1918
We have identified and published a set of nearly 2,000
near-duplicate clusters which occur within the MIR-
Flickr image collection of one million images. As
both the collection and the near-duplicate subset have
occurred through serendipitous processes, this makes
a valuable test set for the semantic comparison of
near-duplicate finding functions. While work using
the test set is still at an early stage, we have already
made some surprising discoveries in terms of the use
of different metrics with well-known image charac-
terisation functions.
The exhaustive search for near-duplicates within
the set will of course never be finished: any updates
will be gratefully received by the authors, and com-
municated onwards through our website.
We would like to acknowledge help and advice from
Mark Huiskes of Leiden University and Kenneth Pol-
lock of North Carolina State University, for shar-
ing their knowledge about the MIR-Flickr collection
and population statistics respectively. We would also
like to thank Richard Martin and Karina Kubiak-
Ossowska of the University of Strathclyde for help
with access to the ARCHIE-WeSt HPC facilities nec-
essary to achieve some of the analysis.
Franco Alberto Cardillo was supported by the Na-
tional Research Council of Italy (CNR) for a Short-
term Mobility Fellowship (STM), which funded a
stay at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK)
where part of this work was done.
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