A Geospatial Tangible User Interface to Support Stakeholder
Participation in Urban Planning
erie Maquil
, Lu
ıs De Sousa
, Ulrich Leopold
and Eric Tobias
IT for Innovative Services, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology,
5, Av. des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Environmental Research & Innovation, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology,
5, Av. des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
{valerie.maquil, luis.desousa, ulrich.leopold, eric.tobias}@list.lu
Geographical Information Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Geospatial Tangible User Interfaces,
Interactive Tabletops, Collaborative Urban Planning, Participatory Urban Planning.
The complexity of urban projects today requires new approaches to integrate stakeholders with different pro-
fessional backgrounds. Traditional tools used in urban planning are designed for experts and offer little op-
portunity for participation and collaborative design. This paper introduces the concept of Geospatial Tangible
User Interfaces (GTUI), and reports on the design and implementation of such a GTUI to support stakeholder
participation in collaborative urban planning. The proposed system uses physical objects to interact with large
digital maps and geospatial data projected onto a tabletop. It is implemented using a PostGIS database, a web
map server, the computer vision framework reacTIVision, a Java based TUIO client, and GeoTools. Based
on a series of comments collected during an evaluation workshop with stakeholders in the fields of urban and
energy planning, we discuss how maps projected on a table and physical objects can be an new approach to
participatory bottom-up urban planning.
Urban planning today provides a complex set of re-
quirements to satisfy technical, political, economic,
and social constraints. The designed artefacts need
to respond to innovative strategies provided by cities,
address social and demographic evolutions, and deal
with the numerous constraints of sustainable devel-
opment (Terrin, 2009). To increase citizen satisfac-
tion, create realistic expectations, and produce better
designs by accessing local knowledge and skills, new
approaches have been developed to involve stakehold-
ers in project planning phases (Al-kodmany, 2001;
Loorbach, 2012).
Traditional urban planning processes are still
dominating in practice. They are designed by
and for experts, relying mostly on top-down ap-
proaches (Loorbach, 2012). A master plan is created
by urban planners and other domain experts where
specific topics are individually optimised, such as
transportation, recreational and green spaces, or air
quality. The tools employed offer little possibility
for stakeholder participation and collaboration. How-
ever, the design of urban space calls for bottom-up ap-
proaches where stakeholders and citizens collaborate
to build a vision. This vision is then realised through
backcasting (Loorbach, 2012).
In this paper, we introduce the concept of Geospa-
tial Tangible User Interfaces (GTUI) and study the
feasibility of such a system to support stakeholder
participation in collaborative urban planning. The
proposed system embeds 1) interactive maps, 2) a ta-
ble, and 3) physical objects to support the different
needs in collaborative urban planning (see Figures 1
and 2).
As part of this work, we have developed a proof of
concept that GTUIs can be useful for participatory ur-
ban planning and facilitate bottom up approaches. We
seek to develop a first understanding on the character-
istics of a GTUI that is useful for such scenarios. We
describe a series of geospatial interactions that have
been designed and implemented in an iterative, user-
centred approach. Finally we present the results of a
questionnaire that has been distributed to urban and
energy planning experts of 5 European cities.
Maquil V., De Sousa L., Leopold U. and Tobias E..
A Geospatial Tangible User Interface to Support Stakeholder Participation in Urban Planning.
DOI: 10.5220/0005370801130120
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM-2015), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-099-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The geospatial tangible table.
Figure 2: The different layers represented by wooden ob-
2.1 Collaborative GIS Tools
To date, few GIS tools have been conceived or ex-
tended to give stakeholders the ability to provide di-
rect input to urban planning projects. More often, the
focus is on stakeholder feedback and access to data,
and less on collaboration and interaction (Kingston
et al., 2000; Rinner et al., 2008).
Virtual Slaithewaite (Kingston et al., 2000) was
one of the first online applications for participatory
urban planning, allowing users to add comments to
spatial features. Other applications have followed,
e.g., the Argumentation Map prototype (Rinner et al.,
2008) that provides a discussion forum wherein com-
ments can be geo-referenced. (Bugs et al., 2010) in-
vestigated ways of engaging the general public in de-
cision making using Web 2.0 technologies and a sam-
ple of volunteer users. The Collaborative Spatial Del-
phi project (Balram et al., 2003) investigated these
matters from a methodological perspective. The goal
was to facilitate consensus solutions on environmen-
tal planning and management issues by deriving de-
cisions from a process of open debate. This method
considers the participation process well beyond plan-
ning and decision making by also covering monitor-
ing and management.
The approaches reviewed here focus on remotely
connecting stakeholders to a central participatory sys-
tem. While they provide varying levels of discussion,
stakeholder-to-stakeholder interaction is a minor con-
2.2 Tangible User Interfaces
Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) extend the traditional
desktop computing interfaces with a physical dimen-
sion, allowing users to physically interact with digi-
tal information (Ishii, 1997). To capitalise on natural
interaction paradigms, TUIs make use of metaphors:
drawing upon familiar concepts to entice users to in-
teract with the digital world in a way that they would
interact with the physical world.
Applications available via tangible devices have
an inherent spatiality, allowing users to abstract prob-
lems of the urban planning domain and to gain insight
by benefiting from natural mapping (Djajadiningrat
et al., 2004). Furthermore, TUIs support both prag-
matic and epistemic action (Klemmer et al., 2006) as
they allow stakeholders in an urban planning setting
to both understand problems and propose solutions.
So far a variety of geospatial TUI research sce-
narios have been implemented (e.g. landscape mod-
elling (Mitasova et al., 2006)), but only few combine
maps and tangible interaction to support participation
in urban planning. (Arias et al., 2000) describe the
Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory, a table-
top application where participants work with com-
puter simulations and physical tokens to anticipate
and discuss consequences of modifying stops of a bus
route. The MIT Media Lab developed the Illuminat-
ing Clay (Piper and Ratti, 2002), where users may al-
ter the topography of a clay model in order to design
and analyse landscapes. The results of a modification
are constantly projected back into the workspace. A
more recent example of a participatory tangible tool
for urban planning is the ColorTable (Maquil et al.,
2008). Stakeholders can discuss their vision of a site,
subject to urban development, by co-creating mixed
reality views with visual material, thus composing a
scene. These scenes are created by assigning images
to wooden blocks and placing them onto a tabletop
map. The mixed reality view is then shown on a sep-
arate screen.
In contrast to desktop approaches, a TUI provides
not only a participatory platform, but also a vector for
stakeholder inter-discussion, bringing them together
around a physical discussion place, and thus potenti-
ating the development of plural understandings.
The MUSIC project, which stands for Mitigation in
Urban areas: Solutions for Innovative Cities aims
at developing new innovative strategies to achieve a
50% reduction in CO
emission by 2030 in the part-
ner cities: Aberdeen, Montreuil, Gent, Ludwigsburg,
and Rotterdam. The partner cities address essential
methodological questions on the process of emissions
reduction: How can policy be translated into concrete
and innovative projects? How can all stakeholders
formulate one vision for a sustainable city? What role
should companies, research institutes, and the govern-
ment play? How can urban citizens be involved?
To tackle these questions, the partner cities are
taking a novel approach to citizen participation us-
ing Transition Management (Roorda and Wittmayer,
2014). This method starts with gathering so called
front runners in Transition Arenas. Front runners are
actors (e.g., citizens, entrepreneurs, urban planners,
energy experts) in their city who have ideas for en-
gagement to improve the quality of life within the city.
Transition Arenas start with gathering (geospatial) in-
formation about the city regarding the state of, for
example, infrastructure, green areas, renewable en-
ergy potentials, logistics infrastructure, and distance
to schools in order to establish the system’s as-is state.
Once this process has finished and the information
is available, the next phase caters to the creation of
visions. These visions are possible futures created
by engaged front runners. Once these futures have
been created a backcasting method is used to deter-
mine milestones that need to be realised to achieve a
specific future (Loorbach, 2012). Recent work (Ro-
orda and Wittmayer, 2014) realised in the MUSIC
project has made it clear that in order to realise back-
casting, for example by using transition management
processes, there is a need for more complex and inte-
grated information about the target city. This problem
is addressed by using GIS based tools.
In order to facilitate the usage of geospatial data
and processing services in this context, the inte-
grated Geospatial Urban DEcision Support System
(iGUESS) (De Sousa et al., 2012) was developed.
The system is able to receive data from a multitude
of sources and process them to make the processed
data available in a geospatial dimension. iGUESS
presents data in a structured and aggregated way. Ex-
pert users can further process geospatial data with in-
tegrated modelling and analysis tools to, e.g., assess
renewable potentials within the city.
To enhance the collaborative understanding of avail-
able data related to urban planning projects, we com-
bine the opportunities of GIS and TUIs. To achieve
this goal, we leverage three notions:
The use of maps as learning, exploration, and
analysis tools is a common approach in urban plan-
ning. Encoding location within a multitude of every-
day interactions, objects, and events allows to create
a new perspective and, hence, to unlock solutions to
various complex problems (Longley et al., 2010, p. 4).
A table is typically a place where people meet
to discuss and exchange ideas. It supports a circular
configuration of participants, each of them playing an
equal part in the discussion. The tabletop becomes a
shared space enabling social interaction, such as shift-
ing the focus of a conversation or organising group
members into subgroups (Fernaeus and Tholander,
Finally, the physical objects provide a simple and
familiar access to the maps. They provide users with a
feeling of intuitive directness, invite participation, and
support collaboration (Schneider et al., 2011; Horn
et al., 2009). In addition they support offline interac-
tions, such as pointing, tapping, holding, or sorting,
which are typical activities to aid cognition (Esteves
et al., 2013).
The combination of these three notions allows us
to define the concept of GTUI: a user interface pro-
jecting digital maps onto a tabletop and allowing mul-
tiple users to explore and analyse them using physical
manipulations with objects.
The specific GTUI instantiation used for MUSIC fea-
tures a rounded tabletop sized 150x105cm, with an
interactive surface of 120x75cm, see Figure 1. The
wooden objects are shaped as circles, squares, rect-
angles, and triangles with a size varying between 4
and 7cm, see Figure 2. They are tagged with optical
markers that are detected by a camera mounted on the
bottom of the table. The digital maps, combined with
other types of feedback, are projected onto the table-
top from underneath.
The GTUI instance of the MUSIC project was
developed in an iterative approach using user in-
put. Within these iterations, the presentation, ob-
jects, maps, and cartographic interactions have been
iteratively designed and implemented using the rapid
Figure 3: Cartographic interactions implemented on the TUI.
prototyping and feedback phases from multiple stake-
While our first GTUI only contained the very ba-
sic cartographic interactions (panning, zooming, and
adding layers), it was progressively refined with a se-
ries of developments. On the one hand, these con-
cern the fluidity of manipulations that we improved
by refining and tweaking the interactions to run more
smoothly, and by reducing map loading times using
multi-threading. On the other hand, object cluttering
was addressed by mapping mutually exclusive lay-
ers onto a same objects which can then be rotated to
activate different layers. Other improvements were
related to the map size, which was increased by re-
moving a vertical stripe reserved for object placement
as well as to the introduction of new interactions to
enable more advanced interactions, such as querying
layers for information, splitting two layers, and mag-
nifying parts of the map.
In the current version, the system supports a first
series of basic cartographic interactions, as well as
several more advanced interactions (see Figure 3):
Pan. A circular object can be placed on the map.
By dragging it across the table, the view on the map
is moved in the same direction.
Zoom. The same circular object can be rotated to
the right to zoom in, and rotated to the left to zoom
Activate Layers. A set of square objects is pro-
vided with each object representing a different geo-
graphical data layer. To activate the layer, the object
is placed anywhere on the map. The legend is then vi-
sualized in a box displayed on the right of the placed
object. When the object is removed from the table,
the layer is deactivated and the legend fades out.
Prioritise Layers. The vertical position of each
layer object determines the order in which informa-
tion layers are drawn. The bottom most layer is drawn
first, hence forms the background of the map. The
topmost layer is drawn last, hence occludes any lay-
ers underneath. As layers are transparent where they
do not provide information, this setup is well suited
to stack many different data layers.
Data Information. A triangular object shows a
black dot at its peak. This dot can be placed on any
graphical element. A window with the textual de-
scription on the graphical element is then opened next
to the object. When removing or displacing the ob-
ject, the window closes.
Magnifying Lens. In a similar fashion as the data
information, a triangular object allows to move a
black dot on a specific position. This object opens
a round windows which shows the area where the ob-
ject was placed in a higher zoom level.
Split Screen. A rectangular object allows to cre-
ate two zones on the map separated by a line defined
through the position and orientation of the rectangu-
lar object. Each zone is assigned to a different layer
by placing the layer’s corresponding object in a dedi-
cated rectangular areas. This allows for the compari-
son of layers that would otherwise be conflicting due
to their coverage or overlap.
Select Areas. Paper cards hold specific city areas
with varying granularity. Users can load the map of
these areas by placing the corresponding cards onto
the tabletop.
With these interactions, users can explore a se-
ries of layers pertinent to sustainable urban planning.
Layers created by the MUSIC project for this GTUI
instance included: Renewable energy potentials, such
as solar, geothermal as well as energy savings poten-
tials; Socio-economic and health impact layers, such
as energy poverty and urban heat island effects. The
energy poverty layer shows access to affordable en-
ergy. The urban heat island layer visualizes heating
and cooling of urban buildings. All layers provide
detailed information at the building and neighbour-
hood levels within the city which enables stakeholders
to interact with accurate information using the GTUI
TUIO Client
Simulation Server
Figure 4: The software architecture supporting participatory urban planning. The MUSIC GTUI infrastructure backed by the
Tangible GIS software (left) accesses services provided by the iGUESS infrastructure (right) such as mapping, simulation,
and geospatial data.
The GTUI instance described in this paper is based
on a server-client architecture as shown in Figure 4.
The table interface acts as a client that, in response to
user input, fetches data from a remote server through
an HTTP connection. Interaction between client and
server relies on the web services specified by the
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Spatial datasets from the MUSIC project are
stored in a database managed by PostgreSQL
with the geospatial extension PostGIS
. Using the
software package, these geospatial data
are exposed through several OGC services, namely:
Web Mapping Service (WMS), Web Feature Service
(WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS). To gener-
ate new data sets via simulations, e.g. solar potential
maps, PyWPS
is used to expose these simulations
as web processing services (WPS). Apache, a HTTP
server, manages incoming requests to all the above
On the client side, the tangible table is deployed
with the LIST’s Tangible GIS Java application. It
relies on the reacTIVision
computer vision frame-
work to capture and identify objects on the table. The
objects are identified and their states, such as mo-
tion or rotation, are encoded using the TUIO proto-
col (Kaltenbrunner et al., 2005). Tangible GIS in-
cludes a TUIO Java client to receive these state de-
scriptions. After interpreting these states, the ap-
plication reacts by issuing requests to the OGC ser-
vices. Tangible GIS makes use of the GeoTools
brary. GeoTools exposes facilities to easily compose
requests to and interpret responses from the various
OGC services. After receiving the data or meta-data
from the respective OGC services, the Tangible GIS
displays the results on the table.
With this architecture the GTUI can be indepen-
dent of the data services used in the participatory pro-
cess. It is extensible and interchangeable with any
other spatial data services that comply with the OGC
standards. Therefore, the TUI scenario implemented
here can be seamlessly applied to different contexts
and domains.
Within the scope of the MUSIC project we performed
2 workshops in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg in
November 2013 and Ludwigsburg October 2014. The
workshops were targeting stakeholders interested in
new participatory urban planning approaches in their
city and aimed at informing participants about the
new solutions developed in the MUSIC project. In the
Luxembourg workshop 20 stakeholders attended from
6 different cities where new participation approaches
using Transition Management and iGUESS were dis-
cussed. Stakeholders had various backgrounds in-
cluding urban planners, GIS technicians, social scien-
tists, engineers, energy experts, and companies pro-
viding energy related services. All of them have al-
ready participated in or even organised bottom up par-
ticipatory urban planning workshops. The GTUI was
presented to them as a new type of interface and tool
to explore opportunities for renewable energy sources
in their cities.
To obtain insights on the potential advantages and
disadvantages of such a tool, an anonymous question-
naire was distributed to each participant. It asked
participants to imagine a participatory workshop with
stakeholders aiming for sustainable urban planning
in their city, and the use of the tangible table within
the scope of that workshop. The questionnaire holds
six statements about potential differences in the group
dynamics and work practices:
1. Stakeholders will communicate differently.
2. Stakeholders will participate more actively.
3. It will be easier to understand the maps and layers.
4. Stakeholders will discuss longer before reaching
a consensus.
5. Stakeholders will collaborate more.
Each of these statements could be judged using a
five point rating scale (i.e., 1 corresponds to strongly
disagree,..., 5 corresponds to strongly agree; range
[1, 5]), with the possibility to leave a comment in an
additional space. Further, three open questions were
asked about the major advantage, the major disadvan-
tage, as well as envisioned next features.
1. What, in your opinion is the major advantage of
the tool?
2. What is the major disadvantage?
3. Which features would you like the next version to
14 participants filled in the questionnaire and pro-
vided a total of 113 comments. Using the approach
of thematic analysis, the comments were studied and
grouped to identify relevant themes describing char-
acteristics of the tool.
All participants agreed about their feeling that
stakeholders will communicate differently (M = 4.50,
SD = 0.52), will participate more actively (M = 4.36,
SD = 0.75) and will collaborate more (M = 4.07, SD
= 0.62). Further, participants agreed that stakeholders
will better understand the maps (M = 4.29, SD = 0.73)
and be more satisfied with the outcome (M = 4.18, SD
= 0.54).
Regarding the time it requires to reach a consen-
sus, participants had differing views or did not know
(M = 3.07, SD = 0.92). P3 and P14, for instance, ex-
pect stakeholders to discuss longer, but P3 sees this
positively as the stakeholders will get more informa-
tion. P4 and P5, on the other hand, rather think that
the discussion process will get shorter and that a so-
lution will be found faster. P1, P2, P9, P10, P11, P12,
and P13 specifically mention that they do not know
and that several options are possible.
Our analysis of the qualitative data has revealed
five themes that participants consider as particularly
interesting. The GTUI uses maps to display data and
information. Participants consider this as an impor-
tant visual aid, providing a new type of overview
(P2), which is more understandable. They expect that
this will create increased satisfaction as “[...] the out-
come will be based on the facts of the map. How-
ever, they also mention that maps can be difficult to
understand in case they represent very technical data
A second aspect mentioned by participants is the
high interactivity of the GTUI, “[making it] easier
to understand the underlying links between data [...]”
and allowing stakeholders to express themselves in a
clear way (P11). This is assumed to generate more
discussions (P5). P11, however, also mentions the
need of having a sufficient number of layers in or-
der to be able to see the discussed issue “[...] from
different perspectives [...]”.
Multiple participants mention that they expect
stakeholders to be more active while using the table.
On one hand they explain this by the circumstance
that users will be standing (P5,9,13) instead of sit-
ting. P13 even goes further, explaining that the stand-
ing configuration will create a more informal situation
(P13). On the other hand, participants are referring to
the fact that GTUIs are based on physical manipula-
tions and, hence, require a more active disposition to
be operated. P5: “You have to be more active anyway,
working with the map/table to see the different layers,
zooming in [...]”
Another theme deals with the support for playful
interactions. Participants describe it as a “motivative
tool” (P10), being easy to use (P6,8,12,14), and re-
moving “fear of technology” (P6). They explain this
by the playful nature of the tangible table: “The table
looks like a game with all the layer pieces [...]” (P11).
A final series of comments deals with the in-
creased collaboration around the table, supported by
a common, shared space. This space allows every-
body to participate, try out options, and influence the
data (P1,3,4,5,6,12,14). More specifically they as-
sume the particular form of the table to be beneficial
as it allows to form a circle and to collaborate face-to-
face (P11,14). Participants expect this to “encourage
communication” (P6), and “create a dialogue instead
of presentation” (P14).
Concerns expressed by the participants deal with
the size of the table that can only hold a few peo-
ple (P1,P8), the risk of being seen as a toy (P2) as
well as the lack of features compared to GUI tools
(P4,11). They also mention cartographic issues of
the presented maps: “The maps are very complex and
some citizen will have problems to understand every-
thing” (P13). P12 points out that the maps need to
be “[...] relevant, well-scaled, with instinctive colour
map [...]”. Practical issues are mentioned, like the
room to store it, as well as the costs (P5). Finally,
the participants mention the importance of properly
introducing the tool in order to avoid that it is seen as
a toy (P2), and that the discussion is well framed (P7).
These results allow us to derive an initial set of
design guidelines for GTUIs to support participation:
Ensure high interactivity and real-time feedback
to attract participants, increase engagement, and
Use a table in standing height to encourage users
in being more active in the discussions.
Use playful, simple interactions with physical ob-
jects to remove fear of technology and enhance
Use different layers to show phenomena from dif-
ferent perspectives.
Make sure to define a protocol how the table is
introduced and used in the workshop.
In this paper, we have shown that the combination
of tangible tabletops and GIS to support collabora-
tive understanding of complex data for sustainable
urban planning is feasible. Preliminary results from
two workshops within the MUSIC project support the
assumption that such systems change the way stake-
holders, involved in urban planning processes, com-
municate and improve participation as well as collab-
oration and the understanding of geospatial mapped
Our qualitative analysis has allowed to identify a
series of design characteristics appearing to be ben-
eficial in the use of participatory urban planning, in
particular the interactivity, the visual representation of
the data, the standing height of the table, the playful
nature, and the shared space. Based on these results,
we have provided a series of initial guidelines to be
considered when designing GTUIs.
A limitation of the study is that results are based
on a series of small workshops using the GTUI and
the experience and judgement of these participants. It
would be interesting to conduct a larger field trial with
more participants and more use cases to confirm these
results. Nonetheless, this work provides directions on
how to set up and use such an interface in similar sce-
The GTUI concept provides many new opportuni-
ties and is currently used in urban logistics projects to
explore logistics information and determine optimal
placement of Urban Distribution Centres for freight
Further improvements of the system will be nec-
essary to enable users to generate and input new in-
formation on the fly using web standards such as the
web processing service (WPS) currently supported by
iGUESS. This will enable the user to, for example,
run different scenarios on the usage of renewable en-
ergy potentials or on city configurations and their im-
pact on the urban heat island effect.
This work has been funded by the Luxembourg Insti-
tute of Science and Technology and the EU INTER-
REG IVB NWE Programme, Project 165F, the MU-
SIC Project.
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