Cooperative Document Information Extraction in Flexible Hierarchies
Daniel Schuster, Daniel Esser, Klemens Muthmann and Alexander Schill
Computer Networks Group, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Self-learning Information Extraction, Cooperative Extraction, Document Archiving, Business Documents.
Business document indexing for ordered filing of documents is a crucial task for every company. Since this is
a tedious error prone work, automatic or at least semi-automatic approaches have a high value. One approach
for semi-automated indexing of business documents uses self-learning information extraction methods based
on user feedback. While these methods require no management of complex indexing rules, learning by user
feedback requires each user to first provide a number of correct extractions before getting appropriate auto-
matic results. To eliminate this cold start problem we propose a cooperative approach to document information
extraction involving dynamic hierarchies of extraction services. We provide strategies for making the decision
when to contact another information extraction service within the hierarchy, methods to combine results from
different sources, as well as aging and split strategies to reduce the size of cooperatively used indexes. An
evaluation with a large number of real-world business documents shows the benefits of our approach.
Document archiving and management systems are es-
sential to keep pace with the flow of business docu-
ments that are exchanged on a daily basis. While they
have been used by large organizations for decades,
such systems now reach small and medium enter-
prises (SMEs) and small office/home office (SOHO)
users as well. Techniques for information extraction
enable semi-automatic document analysis and index-
ing which eases the archiving process dramatically
(Marinai, 2008). In the past there has been heavy use
of rule-based techniques, requiring a long and expen-
sive adaptation phase to the organization’s domain.
Self-learning systems in contrast skip this adaptation
phase improving results and adapting to new docu-
ments via user feedback.
Such self-learning information extraction (IE) can
work either locally (based on knowledge within the
organization) or centralized (based on knowledge in
the cloud). The local approach is highly scalable and
can be personalized to the user’s need. It offers high
privacy as no documents cross the organization’s bor-
der for IE purposes. However, extraction efficiency is
lower, as local IE systems only use local user feed-
back to improve the results. Especially in the starting
phase, many documents need to be indexed manually
which causes user frustration. We call this the cold
start problem.
Centralized IE systems offer better performance
in the starting phase as they build on knowledge from
a world-wide community of users. But documents
have to leave the organization for indexing. Further-
more, results cannot be personalized the same way as
in local systems. Scalability is an issue, as IE tasks
are computationally expensive and need to run on the
provider’s infrastructure.
In this paper we discuss the idea of combining
both approaches in flexible hierarchies of IE services.
The IE compound acts local in the long term thus of-
fering good scalability and privacy. IE services are
able to cooperate in the starting phase to improve the
experience of new IE users, i.e., eliminating the cold
start problem.
We already introduced the idea of using a par-
ent IE service for local IE services in earlier work
(Schuster et al., 2013b). The results of this work were
then field-tested in a big document archiving solution.
While we could improve the cold start experience of
the pilot users, some problems still need to be solved
to be able to use this idea on a larger scale. This pa-
per thus deals with practical issues when deploying
information extraction hierarchies on a large scale.
First, we need proper strategies to decide which
documents to share within the IE service hierarchy.
Documents should only be shared to avoid the cold
Schuster D., Esser D., Muthmann K. and Schill A..
Modelspace - Cooperative Document Information Extraction in Flexible Hierarchies.
DOI: 10.5220/0005376403210329
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 321-329
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
start problem. As soon as there is enough information
in the local IE service, documents should be handled
locally. The second problem concerns the combina-
tion of results from multiple IE services. An aggre-
gated result set has to be created. Third, we need to
test the overall scalability of the solution to prove that
it is able to handle millions of documents.
Our approach offers strategies to solve these three
challenges. We tested these strategies in our own IE
system and provide evaluation results on large sets of
business documents.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we give a general definition of the
problem of extracting relevant information from busi-
ness documents. Section 3 focusses on related works
in the area of local and centralized IE and presents
open research questions regarding the combination of
these topics. In Section 4 we present an overview
of our approach called Modelspace. Section 5 goes
more in detail and gives a technical view on strategies
and algorithms we developed to solve the introduced
problems. We show evaluation results in Section 6
and conclude the paper in Section 7.
The information extraction task to be carried out for
document archiving can be described as follows:
Given any scanned, photographed or printed doc-
ument, an OCR process is called to transfer the doc-
ument in a semi-structured representation, which in-
cludes text zones. Each word from these text zones is
recognized as a pair (text, boundingbox). The bound-
ing box contains the relative coordinates of the up-
per left and lower right corner of the rectangular area
where the word is printed on the document page. The
information extraction system takes a document in
this representation and tries to retrieve values for typ-
ical archiving index fields like document type, sender,
receiver, date or total amount.
The IE process within a self-learning system is
mostly done following the two steps of classification
and functional role labeling (Saund, 2011). Classifi-
cation (or clustering in case the class of training doc-
uments is not known) tries to identify a group of sim-
ilar training documents that share the same properties
as the document to be extracted. Properties defining
a group may be the type, sender, period of creation
or document template. Functional role labeling uses
these similar training documents to create a knowl-
edge base of where to find the field values. For each of
the fields the IE system finally returns a list of candi-
date tuples of the form (value, score) sorted by score
Whenever the results are not sufficient for the user,
he may correct them offering the right result pairs
(text, boundingbox) for each of the recognized fields.
This feedback set is added to the knowledge base of
the IE system and improves future results.
The IE system should not depend on an initial set
of training documents nor should it use any language-
or document-dependent rules to improve extraction
results. The approach should be purely self-learning
to be able to adapt to user needs without intervention
of a system administrator.
Solutions for extracting relevant information out of
documents are used in many domains. These ap-
proaches can be differentiated based on the struc-
turedness of the documents. While extraction meth-
ods for unstructured documents are built on the docu-
ment’s text (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007), approaches
for semi-structured documents, like business docu-
ments (Marinai, 2008) or web pages (Chang et al.,
2006), focus mainly on the document’s layout and
Within this paper, we are going to deal with an-
other important aspect of extraction systems, namely,
the locality of the extraction knowledge. Local and
centralized information extraction approaches have
been adopted widely by existing scientific and com-
mercial solutions. Depending on the location, extrac-
tion knowledge is stored and information extraction
is carried out, a system either performs a local or a
centralized processing.
Local information extraction systems are used for
processing business documents. Especially large and
medium-sized organizations rely on such kind of sys-
tems as they perform very well under large training
sets of business documents and avoid sharing of doc-
uments with external services. Examples for such sys-
tems are smartFIX (Klein et al., 2004) and Open Text
Capture Center (Opentext, 2012).
In centralized systems the task of information ex-
traction is shifted to a centralized component (in the
cloud), whose knowledge base is shared among and
used by all participants. Examples are commercial
services in the area of Named Entity Recognition
(e.g., AlchemyAPI (AlchemyAPI, 2013)) or Business
Document Processing (e.g., Gini (Gini, 2013)). Sci-
entific works like Edelweiss (Roussel et al., 2001)
and KIM (Popov et al., 2004) present scalable servers
for information extraction that provide well defined
APIs to make use of the centralized knowledge base
to extract relevant information out of transferred doc-
A combination of both approaches, as it is pointed
out by this work, is nearly unknown for processing
business documents. Schulz et al. (Schulz et al.,
2009) take a first step towards a cooperative docu-
ment information extraction and present an extension
for the smartFIX system that enables a transfer of lo-
cal extraction knowledge between different smartFIX
systems. This allows the authors to overcome the
limitations of purely local or purely centralized sys-
tems and enables the integration of external extraction
knowledge into someones own extraction process.
The Intellix system (Schuster et al., 2013b) uses
a comparable approach but does not exchange extrac-
tion knowledge among organizations as this may re-
veal sensitive information. Instead, a small fraction of
documents is sent to a trusted shared IE service which
only delivers extraction results based on shared doc-
uments but no information regarding the content of
these documents.
While these are the first approaches dealing with a
combination of local and centralized information ex-
traction, they only describe a small part of a possible
solution. Research problems like finding and request-
ing external extraction knowledge and aggregating re-
sults from different sources are not tackled by the au-
We call our approach the Modelspace approach as we
split the extraction knowledge over different cooper-
ating model spaces. A model space is the data store
of an extraction service hosting a set of information
extraction models based on the knowledge the service
has gained by training or feedback. Figure 1 shows
a minimal example hierarchy with three levels and
seven model spaces. New documents of a user are
first sent to his client model spaces. In case the IE
results are not satisfying, the document is escalated
to its parent model space which might be a domain
model space (like for health care or administration).
In the case that the domain model space is of no help
again, the document might be sent to a global model
space which collects knowledge from the whole in-
dexing community.
This hierarchy model is fully flexible and may be
changed during runtime. Each model space can be
connected or disconnected to a parent model space
any time. Each model space escalates unknown doc-
uments to its parent. This decision may be repeated at
upper levels of the hierarchy until a model space with-
out a parent is reached. The results are sent back the
same way. Thus, model spaces down the hierarchy are
able to analyze results from parent model spaces. Fur-
thermore, if final results are corrected by the user, the
user feedback is propagated back up to the top-level.
For privacy reasons only bounding box coordi-
nates of extracted values are propagated back to a call-
ing model space. That way we ensure that a child may
never learn anything of the documents stored within
its parent and thus may never learn about the docu-
ments the parent received from other siblings.
While the percentage of escalated documents may
be high in the starting phase of a new model space,
it should level down in the long term to ensure good
scalability. With each new document the model space
increase its knowledge base and produces better ex-
traction results, making further escalations dispens-
able. Thus, upper-level model spaces will rarely be
contacted by model spaces which are already running
for quite some time. This compares to the concept of
hierarchical web caching where we expect the local
cache to serve 90+% of the requests.
It can be seen, that the three problems mentioned
in the introduction are to be solved here. We need a
strategy for the escalation decision to escalate only
the documents which have a good probability to get
their extraction results improved by the parent. The
parent results need to be combined with local results.
This is no trivial task since our experiments show that
good results are not achieved by simply overwriting
local results with parent results. For some fields the
local results might be better so an adaptive strategy
is needed. Third, model spaces at upper levels in the
hierarchy tend to grow in size with more documents
sent by child model spaces. We need a strategy to
control the size of parent model spaces which should
be optimized regarding the extraction efficiency.
The following section explains the solutions we pro-
pose for the three main challenges: escalation, aggre-
gation, and controlling size.
5.1 Escalation Strategies
To control the decision when to give a document to
a parent model space for extraction various features
can be used. Within this work we present two dif-
ferent strategies based on the scores of the extracted
results given by the IE system (quality-based) and
Client A model
Client B model
Client C model
Client D model
Domain AB
model space
Domain CD
model space
model space
Control size
Figure 1: Modelspace hierarchy.
the historical performance of the parent model space
(improvement-based) as a basis for a decision.
Most information extraction systems provide a
confidence score for each extraction result. The IE
scores should in theory provide the best indicator. But
often, the scoring does not fully correlate with actual
extraction efficiency. Thus scoring efficiency of in-
formation extraction components should be tested and
adjusted as described in (Schuster et al., 2013a).
The second feature describes the history of results
delivered by the parent and follows a simple assump-
tion: The more often a parent model space extracts
correct results in the past, the more likely he will pro-
vide correct results in the future. This feature some-
how creates a profile of the parent and may be used to
calculate the likelihood of improvement.
Quality-based Strategy. If the IE scores correlate
with the correctness of an extraction result, i.e., a
score of 0.0 indicates a wrong extraction whereas a
score of 1.0 points to a correct extraction, an escala-
tion threshold t
can be calculated to separate ex-
pectedly correct results from expectedly wrong re-
sults like in the following equation:
, if µ
+ σ
) = 0
+ σ
, if µ
+ σ
) 6= 0
1, if µ
> µ
: mean score of correct extractions
: mean score of incorrect extractions
: standard deviation of correct extractions
: standard deviation of incorrect extractions
The mean score of correct results is weighted with
the standard deviation of incorrect results and vice-
versa. This causes the threshold t
to smoothly bal-
ance between µ
and µ
. The calculation of the
equation above has to be done separately for each field
thus to enable an adaptive escalation decision.
The effect can be shown on a small example with
= 0.3 and µ
= 0.9 with standard deviations
= 0.2 and σ
= 0.1.
· σ
+ µ
· σ
+ σ
0.3 · 0.1 + 0.9 · 0.2
0.2 + 0.1
= 0.7
While 0.6 would have been the average of the two
mean values, the threshold is slightly higher as the
standard deviation of incorrect results is higher than
the standard deviation of correct results.
Improvement-based Strategy. The improvement-
based strategy records the performance of the parent
model space for each field in the past and calculates
the possibility that the parent will improve the current
local results.
This strategy first determines the number n
similar training documents available for the current
test document. This is based on the classification step
that identifies training documents of the same class
(type, sender, time, or template). The concrete im-
plementation of the classification (we use a Lucene-
based kNN classifier approach (Schuster et al., 2013b)
to find documents with the same hidden document
template) is not relevant for understanding the strat-
egy. Knowing the number of similar documents, the
following algorithm is carried out:
if n
= 0 Escalate
if 0 < n
< t
if n
Do not escalate
: number of detected similar training documents
: similarity threshold
Thus documents which do not create a single sim-
ilarity match within the set of training documents are
escalated to the parent without any further calculation.
Documents which create at least one similarity match
but less then the threshold t
have to be considered
for escalation. Documents which create t
or more
matches are very likely to be extracted correctly using
the local model space only. They are thus not esca-
lated to the parent. The parameter t
has to be deter-
mined by experiments for a concrete implementation.
We had good results with a value of t
= 4.
For the Compare operation we take the last extrac-
tion of the best matching similar document into con-
sideration. We record local result candidates as well
as parent candidates for each extraction process. In
case the parent extraction improved results of the best
matching similar document in the past, we assume
that the parent will also be helpful for the current test
document and escalate the test document. Thus a doc-
ument prevents escalation of similar documents once
it was escalated but did not improve results.
Obviously, the improvement-based strategy only
considers whole documents and is thus not able to
fine-tune weights for each one of the fields.
5.2 Aggregation Strategies
Aggregating results from different model spaces
should be done based on field-based weights which
should be adapted or improved by user feedback. Ac-
cording to (Schuster et al., 2013a) the process to cre-
ate a good result aggregation consists of the four steps
selection, normalization, weighting and combination.
The following strategies allow combination of results
from multiple model spaces, however in practice we
only aggregate results from a model space and its par-
In case of combining the result from local and par-
ent model space, the selection step can be skipped as
we don’t want to ignore one or more sources. Nor-
mally the selection is used to eliminate information
extraction components which do not improve the re-
sults significantly. As an information extraction sys-
tem develops and grows over time, the number of ex-
traction algorithms rises. While each one of them is
proven to be useful for different test setups, some of
them might be useless in combination with other al-
gorithms, as they only detect results which have al-
ready been found. Moreover, the combination with
such a redundant algorithm will typically reduce cor-
rectness, as there is always a residual probability of
claiming correct results of other algorithms as wrong.
After selection, the scores of the local and par-
ent model space need to be normalized as already de-
scribed above. This step requires a high correlation
between high scores and correct results as well as be-
tween low scores and incorrect results. While the first
is true for almost all scoring approaches, the latter is
often wrong and requires adjustment of the scoring
We use an adaptive approach for the weighting
step. Based on user feedback we calculate the pre-
cision per field f of each model space m. We do this
by counting the correct results (COR), incorrect re-
sults (INC) and spurious results (SPU) of past extrac-
tions in dependence on the definition of Chinchor and
Sundheim (Chinchor and Sundheim, 1993). The field
weight is then calculated by dividing the field preci-
sion of the model space by the sum of all field preci-
sions of this field. Thus higher precision results in a
higher weight.
m, f
m, f
m, f
m, f
m, f
m, f
m, f
m, f
For the combination step we have to group and
sum up the scores of different model spaces m by sim-
ilar values v. Thus, if model space m
detected a value
with score 0.8 and the parent model space m
tected the same value with score 0.7, the scores will
be added up but each weighted with the field-specific
weight which is reflected in the following equation.
f ,v
m, f
· Score
m, f ,v
But a problem occurs in case of missing values
for some fields. If the parent refuses to detect some-
thing for a field f , this will produce a score of 0 to
be combined with the local score. This may cause the
local value to be dismissed because of a total score be-
low the threshold for correct results. To eliminate this
problem we use a slightly modified version to calcu-
late a combined score which lifts results of one model
space in case of missing results from other model
spaces by only combining results from those model
spaces (M
f ,v
) that delivered a value v for field f . The
modified version Li f tedScore is calculated by the fol-
lowing equation.
Li f tedScore
f ,v
f ,v
m, f
· Score
m, f ,v
f ,v
m, f
Finally, the combined result list for each field f is
sorted by descending combined score. If the value on
top of the list is above some predefined threshold , it
is returned as the extracted result for field f .
Tabelle 2
Size of Training
File system index
Ohne Titel 1
Ohne Titel 2
Ohne Titel 3
117 ,86
Ohne Titel 4
Ohne Titel 5
Ohne Titel 6
Ohne Titel 7
Ohne Titel 8
Ohne Titel 9
Ohne Titel 10
Ohne Titel 11
114 4,31
Ohne Titel 12
Ohne Titel 13
Runtime per document (ms)
Size of training set
Figure 2: Scalability test.
5.3 Size Control Strategies
The third building block of hierarchical information
extraction to be discussed here are control strategies
to ensure the scalability of the approach. Clearly,
model spaces which are on upper levels of the hier-
archy, will grow quickly and have to establish some
size control strategies.
Granularity Tests. To quantify the critical size of
model spaces we did extensive scalability tests. We
used our Lucene-based kNN classifier for detection
of template documents. We further developed a doc-
ument randomization strategy to create a large num-
ber of documents from a set of 12,000 business docu-
ments. By appending numbers to document words we
were able to create a document set of 5 million differ-
ent generated documents which behave like business
documents and show the same distribution of docu-
ment templates than the smaller set.
We compared the runtime of the template detec-
tion per document with rising size of the training set
using the Lucene file system index on a quad core sys-
tem (Intel Core i7 with 2.3 GHz) with 16 GB RAM.
As Figure 2 shows the response time grows steadily
and exceeds 1,000 ms at about 2.5 million documents
in the index. For our test maximum of 5 million doc-
uments, the response time doubled to about 2,000 ms.
This obviously reflects the computational com-
plexity of the kNN algorithm which is O(kn). While
the total numbers will differ, any self-learning IE sys-
tem for business documents will have to do a similar-
ity search on training documents. Lucene-based kNN
is just an example implementation but other systems
will typically show comparable results.
Reduction Strategies. The goal of reduction strate-
gies is to limit the number of training documents in a
model space to some predefined threshold n
is known to be a borderline for good performance of
the system (e.g., 2.5 million documents in our case as
not to exceed 1 s response time).
The first idea to control the size of parent model
spaces is to eliminate documents that did not con-
tribute much to extraction results. This is comparable
to cache replacement strategies. However, a simple
least recently used (LRU) strategy will not succeed,
as we are especially interested in improving the be-
havior in the starting phase. We need a strategy that
maximizes the number of classes that are recognized
by a parent model space with sufficient accuracy.
Thus we need to group documents by class and
we need statistics on the utility of each document in
the training set. The utility is based on the following
criteria: (1) The age of the document, (2) how often
did the document help to extract correct / incorrect re-
sults (based on user feedback) and (3) does the feed-
back for this document match the feedback of other
documents with the same class?
The last criteria is especially helpful to eliminate
documents which got some wrong feedback acciden-
tally. Each document of a class gets a rank according
to the three measures above. The ranks are then com-
bined using a rank aggregation strategy (e.g., simple
Borda ranking).
When we extract a new test document, we get a
set of similar documents SIM, where the number of
documents is n
. Whenever n
section 5.1), one or more documents with low utility
value may be safely removed from the model space.
If the steps above are not sufficient to reach the de-
sired maximum number of training documents n
the model space, it may still be beneficial to remove
documents, as long as the number of similar docu-
ments is in the range 1 < n
< t
. This will al-
ready slightly decrease the extraction accuracy but at
an acceptable level while the number of classes is not
Splitting Strategies. If we need to further reduce
the size of a model space, the next option is to split
a model space in two or more sub model spaces.
Why should this be beneficial? Documents are of-
ten domain-specific (health care, building sector) and
are thus only important for a subset of users. If we
are able to identify clusters of users with different in-
formation needs, it should be possible to split a parent
model space as well as the user base without loosing
extraction accuracy.
Figure 3 shows the idealized idea of domain-
specific splitting. Within the model space there are
two independent clusters which do not show any over-
lap of users. Thus, it is possible to safely split the
model space and its user base without loosing extrac-
tion accuracy.
We developed a clustering strategy that records the
Model Space
Xuser #1
user #2
user #3
user #4
user #5
Access statistics
Partition 1
Partition 2
Model Space Split-1
Xuser #1
user #2
user #3
Access statistics
Model Space Split-2
Xuser #4
user #5
Access statistics
Figure 3: Splitting strategy.
user IDs of accessing users for each training docu-
ment. It then tries to find k clusters (typically with
k = 2) with low or no overlap of the user base. This
can be done with traditional clustering techniques like
To evaluate the strategies discussed in Section 5 we
implemented them for our hierarchical information
extraction system.
We used a dataset of 12,000 multilingual real-
world business documents for the evaluation as men-
tioned above. We captured each document with a sta-
tionary scanner and tagged commonly used fields in
document archiving to create a proper gold standard.
Beside a minimal set of fields to enable structured
archiving (document type, recipient, sender, date), we
added further popular fields like amount, contact, cus-
tomer identifier, document number, subject, and date
to be paid. In total we identified 105,000 extractable
values, we will further on use for evaluating our ap-
proach. We split the dataset in 4,000 documents each
for training, validation and test.
The evaluation is always done iteratively, i.e., we
start with an empty model space and then input each
of the 4,000 documents from the test set as a test doc-
ument. In case the IE system does not deliver proper
results, we deliver the values from the gold standard
as emulated user feedback. In case of a distributed
setup, the 4,000 training documents are added to the
parent model space before testing.
For evaluation, we focus on the common informa-
tion retrieval and extraction measures precision, recall
Table 1: Evaluation of escalation.
Strategy F1 % Escalated
Always 0.0631 100.0 %
Never 0.9369 0.0 %
Quality-based 0.1615 71.9 %
Improvement-based 0.9449 10.3 %
Ideal 1.0000 6.3 %
and F
according to Sebastiani (Sebastiani, 2002) and
Chinchor and Sundheim (Chinchor and Sundheim,
Due to privacy concerns our dataset of 12,000
business documents is not yet publicly available. To
reach this goal and to allow other researchers to com-
pare with our solution, we currently work on methods
to anonymise our documents by replacing critical in-
formation but not breaking the structure and intention
of the documents.
6.1 Escalation and Aggregation
The results of the evaluation of the escalation strate-
gies are shown in Table 1. In our test set 68.1% of
the documents contained at least one field which had
a missing or incorrect value. But only 6.3% of all
documents could actually be improved by the parent
which was pre-trained with the training set. Thus the
ideal strategy should only escalate these 6.3% of the
test set.
The quality-based strategy was quite good in
matching the 68.1% of documents with erroneous val-
ues. It selected 71.8% of documents for escalation.
But as only 6.3% did improve at the parent, this strat-
egy gets a quite bad F
measure of 0.1615. The im-
provement strategy was able to check the parent if it
has been helpful for documents of this template in the
past. This much better matches the ideal escalation
strategy. The improvement-based strategy reaches an
measure of 0.9449 and escalates only 10.3% of the
documents. This is much more resource-efficient than
the quality-based strategy.
The evaluation of the aggregation involved two
evaluation setups. In the first round we used the val-
idation set to determine the weights for the different
fields for the local model space as well as the parent
model space. We got weights in the span 0.46 to 0.55
thus showing an almost even weighting for both local
and parent model space. The second round of evalu-
ation tried to find an optimal value for the threshold
to distinguish correct from incorrect results based
on our validation set. According to our aggregation
strategy LiftingScore, a value of = 0.15 reaches the
highest F
measure of F
= 0.8893.
The specification of our strategies and parameters
are of course heavily based on the system’s concrete
6.2 Reduction and Splitting
For evaluating our reducing and splitting strategies,
we compared the extraction effectivity of large model
spaces with the extraction effectivity of reduced and
splitted model spaces. Therefore we trained a sin-
gle model space using the business documents in our
training set and evaluated it against our test docu-
ments. Afterwards we split the model space with
the help of our size control strategies into new model
spaces and evaluated them against our test documents
partitioned by user ID.
On average, we could identify a decrease of F
measure by 1.85 percentage points, while time for
processing a single document speeds up by 4.26 per-
centage points. This decrease is much smaller, the
more documents are stored in a model space. With
6,000 training documents we could measure a drop
of 0.86 percentage points. The reason is that with
large model spaces the probability of having similar
documents that can be equally split increases, which
results in splitted model spaces that can extract docu-
ments of a special type.
Concrete results highly depend on the extraction
algorithms and their behavior with small training sets.
Algorithms that reach high extraction rates with a low
number of training documents perform much better
with small model spaces than algorithms that need
large sets of examples to build up their knowledge
base. A detailed analysis can be found in an earlier
work (Esser et al., 2014).
As our document set of 12,000 documents is quite
low for testing splitting strategies, we are planing to
run large scale testing with business users to put our
results on a broader basis.
6.3 Overall
Our last evaluation shows the overall utility of the dis-
tributed approach. Figure 4 is a presentation of the
results. We used a test setup with 20 local model
spaces and one common parent model space where
about 25% of document templates were shared, i.e.,
used by at least two users in their respective model
To detect the improvement in the starting phase,
we used the F
@k measure. This measure examines
the F
measure grouped by the number of similar tem-
plate documents found in the local model space. It
shows that the hierarchical approach does not add any
value if 4 or more template documents are already
available in the local model space. Thus we set the
parameter t
= 4 as described above.
The true value of the hierarchical approach can be
seen in the case of k = 0. This case occurs quite often
in the starting phase of the system as the user inserts
new documents he never had used before. Only 5% of
the fields are extracted correctly in the local scenario,
thus leaving the user frustrated with the system. The
distributed approach lifts this number to 49% which
creates a much better user experience. Thus the user
is motivated to work with the system and improve its
performance by giving feedback.
We presented hierarchical information extraction as
an approach to eliminate the cold start problem
in semi-automatic archiving of business documents.
Three main challenges are inherent when transform-
ing a local or centralized IE system to a hybrid hierar-
chical IE system: proper escalation strategies, strate-
gies for result aggregation, and strategies to control
the size of parent model spaces.
Our approach proposes self-regulating strategies
based on user feedback for all three challenges thus
reaching the goal of a self-learning and self-managing
IE system. Systems of this type are able to adapt to
any application domain as well as to any size of orga-
nization, be it SOHO, SMEs or large organizations.
Nevertheless, during first tests with business users
we noticed challenges we are going to solve in the
future. Our current approach focussed on a hierarchi-
cal approach for information extraction, which eas-
ily allows to control the document flow and ensures
the privacy of documents, but reduces flexibility as it
forces each model space to only use one single parent
model space at a time. Breaking up this restriction,
i.e. by transforming the tree-based hierarchy to a bidi-
rectional graph would lead to a higher flexibility, but
needs additional mechanism, i.e. to avoid escalation
cycles or to anonymize business documents before es-
Another goal, we are currently dealing with, is the
publication of our document set of 12,000 multilin-
gual real-world business documents. Nearly all re-
lated works use small sets of private documents, not
able to share them due to privacy issues. As far as
we know, there does not exist any public dataset of
business documents for information extraction that is
comparable to ours in size and degree of annotation.
F1 score
Number of similar documents in the local training set
Local approach Hierarchical approach
Figure 4: Overall evaluation.
This research was funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within
the research program “KMU Innovativ” (fund num-
ber 01/S12017). We thank our project partners from
DocuWare for insightful discussions and providing us
with the document corpus used for evaluation.
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