Evaluating a “Flipped Classroom” Experiment
Ole Jacob Bergfjord and Tarjei Alvær Heggernes
Department of Business Administration, Bergen University College, Møllendalsveien 6-8, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Keywords: Flipped Learning, Video Lectures.
Abstract: In this paper, a “flipped classroom” experiment is evaluated using three different datasets. We use student
evaluations of the “flipped classroom” experiment in particular, in addition to regular course evaluations
and exam results for the past three years in order to allow for statistical comparisons. Overall, the results
from the experiment are quite positive. Interesting effects include that students report that they prepare
better for lectures, are more satisfied with the course overall, and achieve slightly better grades. In
particular, much fewer students get very low grades. On the one hand, we argue that our results support
more experiments with technology to improve education. On the other hand, we also hope that our analysis
could be useful as a reference for evaluating such experiments.
Technology has evolved many an industry during the
last few decades. More often than not, these
industries have been watching from the sideline,
believing they were exempt from the impact of new
technology, only to be proven wrong and forced to
catch up or disband.
Higher education is an example of this. The last
few years have seen rise to several different forms of
educational technology: MOOC’s (Pappano, 2012),
learning intelligence (Shayer and Aday, 2002),
adaptive learning (Dawid, 1996) etc. Technology has
also facilitated the subject of this paper: The flipped
So, how to define the flipped classroom? Tucker
(2012) describes the flipped classroom as follows:
While there is no one model, the core idea is to flip
the common instructional approach: With teacher-
created videos and interactive lessons, instruction
that used to occur in class is now accessed at home,
in advance of class. Class becomes the place to work
through problems, advance concepts, and engage in
collaborative learning. Most importantly, all aspects
of instruction can be rethought to best maximize the
scarcest learning resource—time
The data presented in this paper were collected
after a pedagogical approach like the one defined
here was used. A fair amount, but not all of the direct
instruction moved out of the classroom, and time in
the classroom was for using concepts on solving
New technology is not an absolute must for
flipped learning. By reading the curriculum and
preparing for lectures, one could still make lectures
more interactive by solving problems. In our
experience however, many students do not prepare
for lectures, making it harder achieve good
discussions in class.
Still, new technology does facilitate flipped
learning. Examples of videos facilitating flipped
learning can be viewed at the website for Khan
Academy (Thompson, 2011), where short
instructional videos on a myriad of subject are
available. The videos are made in an “old-school”
blackboard style, with narration coupled with
drawing explains the subject. Tools to create such
videos are now plentiful, easy to use, and free or of
low cost for educators.
I addition to this, the internet is a convenient and
stable distribution channel for the videos, both the
open internet and via closed LMS-platforms like
The experiment was conducted in a Strategic
Management class for 2nd year students in a BA
program in economics and business administration
Bergfjord O. and Heggernes T..
Evaluating a “Flipped Classroom” Experiment.
DOI: 10.5220/0005412102050208
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 205-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
at Bergen University College, Norway. The class
consists of approximately 100 students. Entry
requirements for the program are fairly strict, so the
students are generally well qualified and highly
Although not done deliberately for research
purposes, it is fortunate for comparison that the
course has been virtually identical for at least three
year, except from the flipped classroom experiment.
This includes the student group, the teacher, the
curriculum and the exam form, difficulty and
grading. Hence, we will argue that the flipped
classroom experiment is likely to be an important
factor behind any significant changes.
Our analysis is conducted based on three
different datasets. The first dataset consists of the
results from a specific survey among the students
regarding the “flipped classroom” experiment (see
Appendix 1 for a translated version of the survey).
Students were asked to complete this survey
electronically and anonymously after the course and
the exam. 45 students completed the survey.
Although a higher response rate would have been
beneficial, we still think the results are fairly
reliable. Each respondent should consider 14
different statements; only two of (45*14) = 630
values are missing. Also, most students have
supplemented their quantitative responses with
sensible and interesting verbal comments. These are
not directly included in our analysis, but the overall
impression is very well aligned with the quantitative
Our second dataset is based on general student
evaluations of the course over a period of three years
– 2012, 2013 and 2014. These surveys are done
every year after classes are finished. The survey
consists of a number of different questions about
each course, the general learning environment etc,
but for our analysis we have singled out one single
“How was your learning outcome from the
lectures in the course Strategic Management?”
(Scale from 1 to 5).
The “flipped classroom” experiment was
conducted in 2014, so we have results from two
years without the experiment and one year with the
experiment. As mentioned above, the course has
otherwise not changed, so the results should be
comparable. Again, the surveys were completed
electronically and anonymously, after all lectures,
but before the final exam, in order to avoid any
(dis)satisfaction with the exam to influence the
results. The response rates were similar to the
experiment-specific survey, with 46, 38, and 50
students completing the surveys in 2012, 2013 and
The third and final dataset simply consists of
historical exam results. For administrative purposes,
the Strategic Management grade is merged with
another grade before published as the official grade
for a larger course. The grades we have studied are
the unpublished, separate grades for Strategic
Management, i.e., the course area where the
experiment was conducted. We use the grade
distribution (A-F) as our measure of grades, and we
have grades from around 100 students each year.
There will of course always be fluctuations in exam
results, depending on both the exam itself and the
student group.
Hence, we think that this dataset is the least
reliable source of the three. However, the exam form
has remained the same, the student quality should be
fairly similar, and the exam has been made and
graded by the same person each year, aiming for the
same level across the three years. So we will argue
that although they are not conclucive on their own,
differences in grades could provide some useful
information as part of a larger picture. More
fundamentally, grades also seem a better measure of
what we really are interested in. It could be (and is)
discussed whether grades are a good reflection of
actual learning outcome, but we assume that there is
at least a clear positive correlation, such that a
student who has learned more in course on average
gets a better grade in the course. The fundamental
purpose of any pedagogical or technological
experiment should be to improve learning; not per se
to introduce methods students like.
Thus, it is
natural to include grade patterns if possible when
evaluating such experiments.
In this section, we will present the key findings from
the three datasets. First, consider the survey where
students specifically evaluate the experiment. Table
1: Students evaluation of the flipped classroom
The figure above presents the main results.
Overall, the numbers suggest that the experiment
was relatively successful, with most averages
between 3,2 and 4,2. First, a few comments to the
low scores for statement 1) and 6).
Student evaluations of experiments can be important for
further implementations; a factor more thoroughly
discussed in the conclusion.
Table 1: Evaluation of the experiment.
Std de
1) Available online videos increase
motivation to attend lectures
3,04 0,9
2) More discussion in lectures increases
motivation to attend lectures
3,36 1
3) Available videos online makes it
easier to prepare for lectures
4,2 1,01
4) Available videos online made me
prepare better for lectures
3,69 1,18
5) Available videos online makes it
easier to repeat material after lectures
3,91 1,04
6) Available videos online made me
repeat material better after lectures
2 0,95
7) Available videos online makes it
easier to prepare for the final exam
4,22 1,08
8) Available videos online made me
prepare better for the final exam
4,13 1,08
9) The experiment in general has
changed my preparation for lectures
3,82 0,96
10) The experiment in general has
changed how time is spent in lectures
3,45 0,82
11) The experiment in general has
supported more effective learning
3,77 1,05
12) The experiment in general has
increased my knowledge and
understanding of the course area
3,76 0,74
Table 1: How much do you agree with the following
statements on a scale from 1 to 5?
1=completely disagree, =completely agree.
One “traditionalist” objection to such
experiments is that online material takes away
students’ incentives to attend lectures. Thus, it is not
surprising that the online videos not increase
motivation to attend lectures. Nevertheless, the
average score is 3,04, which indicates that the
presence of online material neither increased nor
decreased motivation. We are positively surprised by
this result, as some decline in motivation would be
in line with the conventional wisdom. One
speculative reason could be that brief videos online,
if made well, could work as “teasers”, and increase
motivation to come to the lectures to learn more. The
other statement with a low average score is
statement 6. Although students indicate in statement
5 that the online videos makes it easier to repeat
material after lectures, they admit that they rarely
actually do this. Although better repetition after
lectures would be a beneficial effect, it is again not
very surprising that student admit that little has
changes here.
If we look at the other statements, students repost
that the online material has made it much easier to
prepare for both lectures and the final exam; and that
they actually do this too. Finally, the scores for
statement 11) and 12) are worth a closer look, as
these give an overview of whether the general
objectives have been achieved. Average scores of
3,76 and 3,77 to these to statements respectively
indicate that the experiment was relatively
successful in supporting more effective learning and
increasing knowledge about the course area.
The second dataset consists of general student
evaluations, rating their learning outcome of the
Strategic Management lectures.
Table 2: Learning outcomes from participating in lectures.
Year 5 4 3 2 1 Avg. Resp
2014 11% 57% 26% 4% 2% 3,69 46
2013 0% 46% 38% 10% 5% 3,26 38
2012 2% 22% 56% 16% 4% 3,02 50
Table 2: “How was your learning outcome from the
lectures in the course Strategic Management?”
(Scale from 1 to 5; 1=very low, 5= very high).
We see that the student satisfaction has increased
over time, from 3,02 via 3,26 to 3,69 in 2014. As
mentioned above, all other parts of the course have
remained more or less identical throughout the
period. Hence, it seems reasonable to attribute at
least some of the improved student satisfaction to
the flipped classroom experiment. One speculative
explanmation for the stepwise improvement is that
whereas the experiment was started in 2013 - and
improved the results somewhat already that year -
the teacher needed another year to improve the
online material, resulting in a further improvement
from 2013 to 2014.
Finally, we have gathered exam results from the
course over the same three years. Again, the exams
were made to be comparable, and were graded by
the same person in the same way, so any differences
could be attributed to the experiment.
The percentages are based on all students participating in
the survey. Each year, 1-2 students typically would
answer "not relevant".
Table 3: Exam results.
2012 2013 2014
A (5) 6,00% 4,00% 6,00%
B 26,00% 32,00% 24,00%
C 47,00% 53,00% 61,00%
D 18,00% 10,00% 8,00%
E (1) 4,00% 1,00% 1,00%
F 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%
Average 3,11 3,29 3,26
Table 3: Exam results in the course Strategic
Management, 2012-2014.
The differences here are much smaller than in the
previous datasets, and changes in the average are not
likely to be statistically significant. However, when
inspecting the material more closely, another
interesting detail appears. Whereas 22% of students
got low grades (D/E/F) in 2012, only 11% and 9%
got low grades in 2013 and 2014. The low number
of students at these grades again makes it difficult to
get statistically significant results, but a speculative
hypotheses could be that the experiment has proved
particularly helpful for weaker students. One
possible effect is that whereas many of these
students before neither prepared for lectures nor
repeated after lectures, the online material has made
them watch short videos before lectures, thus
increasing their independent course work during the
lecture period from “close to zero” to “relatively
small”. This, combined with more effective exam
preparations, could be enough to raise many of these
students grades from a D or an E to a C.
Basic findings
Our analysis is based on three separate datasets:
1) A student evaluation of the “flipped classroom”
experiment in particular, and its impact of
various aspects of the learning situation.
2) Regular course evaluations for the past three
years, with results before and after the flipped
classroom experiment for comparison.
3) Exam results for the past three years, again
with results before and after the flipped
classroom experiment for comparison.
Overall, the pedagogical method seems to have
worked fairly well.
Dataset 1 provides the following main insights:
The flipped classroom has in particular improved
students’ preparation for lectures. Student also report
that the flipped classroom has made it easier to
repeat material after lectures, but students report that
they still rarely do this. Students report that the
flipped classroom has been particularly beneficial
for repetition for the final exam. Overall, the flipped
classroom has improved students’ evaluation of the
lectures compared to previous years. Finally,
students’ answers suggest that the flipped classroom
might be more suitable for some courses than for
others - this could be supported by the student
Dataset 2 suggests that students are significantly
more satisfied with the course after the introduction
of the experiment than they were before. Although
the teacher, the curriculum and the main structure of
the course has remained the same during the
investigated period, we do of course realize that it is
difficult to conclude that this improvement is due to
the experiment alone.
From dataset 3, we can observe a small
improvement in average grades during the period.
The most interesting effect is however the reduced
frequency of low grades (D and E). One hypothesis
could be that the flipped classroom experiment, with
the opportunity to watch videos at home, makes it
easier for weak students to get a grasp of at least the
most fundamental and important parts of the course.
Pappano, Laura. "The Year of the MOOC." The New York
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Shayer, Michael, and Philip Adey, eds. Learning
intelligence: Cognitive acceleration across the
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Dawid, Herbert. Adaptive learning by genetic algorithms:
Analytical results and applications to economic
models. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 1996.
Tucker, Bill. "The flipped classroom." Education Next
12.1 (2012): 82-83.
Thompson, Clive. "How Khan Academy is changing the
rules of education."Wired Magazine 126 (2011).