Automatic Generation of English Vocabulary Tests
Yuni Susanti
, Ryu Iida
and Takenobu Tokunaga
Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
National Institute of Informations and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Automatic Question Generation, English Vocabulary Test, Word Sense Disambiguation, Multiple-choice
Question, TOEFL Vocabulary Test.
This paper presents a novel method for automatically generating English vocabulary tests using TOEFL vo-
cabulary questions as a model. English vocabulary questions in TOEFL is a multiple-choice question con-
sisting of four components: a target word, a reading passage, a correct answer and distractors. Given a target
word, we generate a reading passage from Web texts retrieved from the Internet, and then employ that read-
ing passage and the WordNet lexical dictionary for generating question options, both the correct answer and
distractors. Human evaluation indicated that 45% of the responses from English teachers mistakenly judged
the automatically generated questions by the proposed method to be human-generated questions. In addition,
half of the machine-generated questions were received average rating more than or equals than 3 in 5 point
scale. This suggests that our machine-generated questions succeeded in capturing some characteristics of the
human-generated questions, and half of them can be used for English test.
Research indicates that questioning is second only
to lecturing in popularity as a teaching method and
that classroom teachers spend anywhere from 35%
to 50% of their instructional time conducting ques-
tioning sessions (Cotton, 1988). Multiple-choice and
open-ended questions (why, what, how, etc) are two
of the most popular types of questions for knowl-
edge evaluation. However, manual construction of
such questions requires a high level of skill, and is
also a hard and time-consuming task. Recent research
has investigated how natural language processing can
contribute to automatically generating questions, and
this kind of research has received a lot of attention
lately. For instance, (Narendra et al., 2013) attempted
to generate cloze (fill in the blank) questions adopting
a semi-structured approach using knowledge base ex-
tracted from the Cricket World Cup portal data, while
(Agarwal and Mannem, 2011) generated factual cloze
questions from a biology textbook. (Liu and Calvo,
2009) and (Chen et al., 2009) worked on generating
open-ended questions from essays or informational
texts. Concerning their target domain, many attempts
have focused on language learning, particularly En-
glish language learning (Sumita et al., 2005; Lee and
Seneff, 2007; Lin et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2010).
Similarly, this paper also addresses the issue of
automatic question generation in English language
learning. As the demands of communication across
diverse communities have been developing in recent
years, the use of English as the main international lan-
guage has increased to enable this interaction between
different societies both in business and academic set-
tings. Owing to this, English proficiency tests such as
TOEFL and TOEIC are imperative in measuring the
English communication skills of a non-native English
speaker. However, since the past questions of those
tests are not freely distributed, test takers can only
rely on a limited number of test samples and prepa-
ration books. Providing test takers a rich resource of
English proficiency test questions is the main moti-
vation of this research. We focus on multiple-choice
vocabulary questions because it contributes to the ma-
jority of questions in the TOEFL iBT
reading section
(3-5 questions out of a total of 12-14 in one reading
passage) and also appears in other English proficiency
tests such as TOEIC.
In the area of vocabulary questions, many stud-
ies have been done in the domain of English lan-
guage learning, e.g. generation of fill-in-the-blank
TOEFL iBT is an Internet-based test which is the newest
version of the TOEFL test; for more information refer to
Susanti Y., Iida R. and Tokunaga T..
Automatic Generation of English Vocabulary Tests.
DOI: 10.5220/0005437200770087
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 77-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-107-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The word "bright" in paragraph 2
is closest in meaning to
(A) smart
(B) cheerful and lively
(C) dazzling
(D) valuable
Research indicates that questioning is second only to lecturing in popularity as a
teaching method and that classroom teachers spend anywhere from 35 to 50% of
their instructional time conducting questioning sessions (Cotton, 1988). Multiple-
choice and open-ended questions (why, what, how etc) are two of the most popular
type of questions for knowledge evaluation. However, manual construction of such
questions requires high-level skill, and is also a hard and time-consuming task.
Recent research has investigated how natural language processing can contribute to
automatically generating questions, and this kind of research has received a lot of
attention lately.
For instance, (Narendra et al., 2013) attempted to generate cloze (fill-in-blank)
questions adopting a semi-structured approach using knowledge base extracted from
the Cricket World Cup portal data, while (Agarwal and Mannem, 2011) generated
factual cloze questions from a biology textbook. (Liu and Calvo, 2009) and (Chen et
al., 2009) worked on generating open-ended questions from essays or informational
texts. Concerning their target domain, many attempts focused on language learning,
particularly English language learning (Sumita et al., 2005; Lee and Sene, 2007;
Lin et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2010).
This paper also addresses the issue of automatic question generation in English
language learning. As the demands of communication across diverse communities
have been developing in the recent years, the use of English as the main
international language has increased to interact with dierent societies both in
business and academic settings. Owing to this, English proficiency tests such as
TOEFL and TOEIC are imperative in measuring the English communication skills
of a non-native English speaker. However, since the past questions of those tests are
not freely distributed, test takers can only rely on a limited number of test samples
and preparation books. This is our main motivation to generate questions for English
proficiency test practice. We focus on the multiple-choice vocabulary question
because it contributes to majority of questions in the TOEFL iBT reading section
(2-4 out of 12 questions in one reading passage) and also appears in other English
proficiency tests such as TOEIC.
In the area of vocabulary questions, many researches have been done in the domain
of English language learning, e.g. generation of fill-in-the-blank questions for
completing a sentence, words collocation, synonym, antonym, etc. Questions have
been generated to test students ’knowledge of English in using the correct verbs
(Sumita et al., 2005), prepositions (Lee and Sene, 2007) and adjectives (Lin et al.,
2007) in sentences. (Pino et al., 2008) and (Smith et al., 2010) have generated
questions to teach and evaluate students' English vocabulary.
She was a bright young PhD
graduate from Yale University, and
her research on thermal dynamics
(1) target word
(2) reading passage
(3) correct answer
(4) distractors
Figure 1: Four components in a vocabulary question asking
for closest in meaning of a word.
questions for completing a sentence, word colloca-
tion, synonym, antonym, etc. In previous research,
questions have been generated to test students knowl-
edge of English in correctly using the verbs (Sumita
et al., 2005), prepositions (Lee and Seneff, 2007) and
adjectives (Lin et al., 2007) appearing in sentences.
(Pino et al., 2008) and (Smith et al., 2010) have gener-
ated questions to teach and evaluate students English
In this research, we adopt TOEFL vocabulary
questions as the format. This type of vocabulary ques-
tion asks the closest option in meaning to a given
word. As shown in Figure 1, this type of question is
composed of four components: (1) a target word, (2)
a reading passage in which the target word appears,
(3) a correct answer, and (4) distractors (incorrect op-
tions). To generate a question, we need to produce
these four components.
One possible approach for generating such ques-
tions is using a manually-created lexical knowledge
base such as WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998). (Brown
et al., 2005) generated multiple-choice questions by
taking their components from WordNet. (Lin et al.,
2007) also adopted WordNet to produce English ad-
jective questions from a given text. The candidates
of options (correct answer and distractors) are taken
from WordNet and filtered by Web searching. Un-
like previous work, we propose a method for question
generation by utilising Web texts from the Internet in
addition to information from WordNet. Producing the
reading passage from Internet materials enables us to
provide learners with fresh, updated, and high-quality
English reading passages.
Another focus of this research is generating not
only single-word options for a correct answer and dis-
tractors, but also multiple-word options that past re-
search did not deal with. Since multiple-word op-
tions are often used in actual English vocabulary
tests like TOEFL, introducing multiple-word options
would make generated questions more natural and
closer to human generated questions.
As shown in Figure 1, a multiple-choice vocabu-
lary question consists of four components, thus given
a target word with its part-of-speech (noun, verb, ad-
jective or adverb) as an input, the task of generating
this kind of question can be broken down into three
tasks: (1) reading passage generation, (2) correct an-
swer generation, and (3) distractor generation. In the
next three sections, we describe each task in detail fol-
lowed by an evaluation experiment. Finally we con-
clude the paper and look at future directions.
In English proficiency tests such as TOEFL, the read-
ing passage is taken from university-level academic
texts with various subjects such as biology, sociology,
history, etc. In this work we generate similar pas-
sages, but do not limit ourselves to academic texts;
the Internet is used as the source for generating the
reading passages. In addition, text domains can be
controlled by choosing the target sites for retrieving
texts from the Internet. Here the users, e.g. English
teachers, can choose the sites depending on their in-
terest. For example if the users prefer news articles
on the subject of technology, they can choose sites
such as www.nytimes.comon “Technology” category.
Utilising a reading passage retrieved from the Internet
(especially from news portals) gives a lot of benefits
because such texts tend to be new and up-to-date, in
terms of both content and writing-style. They also
come from broad genres and topics, making them well
suited for English language learning.
A straightforward approach to generating the
questions would be to choose a passage that contains
the target word, and then identifying its word sense
for generating the correct answer and distractors. In
general, a word in a dictionary has several meanings,
while the word in a given passage is used for repre-
senting a specific one of those meanings. The task
of identifying the correct word sense within a con-
text has been studied in natural language processing
research under the name of “word sense disambigua-
tion (WSD)”.
2.1 Word Sense Disambiguation
Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the task of iden-
tifying the meaning of a word in context in a com-
putational manner (Navigli, 2009). Vocabulary ques-
tions in this research ask test takers to select the op-
tion closest in meaning to a target word in context;
to generate a correct option we need to identify the
meaning of the target word in a particular context in
the first place. Therefore, WSD is crucial for gen-
erating vocabulary questions, especially to generate
a correct answer and distractors. The state-of-the-
art WSD methods as explained in (McCarthy, 2009)
reach around 0.37 in accuracy with a knowledge-
based approach, 0.88 with supervised and 0.82 with
unsupervised machine learning approaches. Further
explanation on WSD can be found in survey papers
by (Navigli, 2009) and (McCarthy, 2009). In this re-
search we use the Lesk algorithm (Lesk, 1986) which
chooses the sense that shares the highest number of
words in its gloss (or example sentence) in a dictio-
nary and the current context. For instance, given two
word senses with their glosses for “key” in a dictio-
1. Metal device shaped in such a way that when it is
into the appropriate lock the locks mech-
anism can be rotated.
2. Something crucial for explaining; “The key to de-
velopment is economic integration.
the word sense of “key” in the context “I inserted
the key and locked the door. should be identified as
word sense 1, because its gloss has a three word over-
lap (“insert” and two “lock”s) with the context, while
word sense 2 has no word overlap at all.
Since even with the state-of-the-art WSD method
high accuracy is not always available, past attempts
avoided use of WSD for generating vocabulary ques-
tions by utilising the most frequent word sense with
its example sentences as a context in WordNet (Brown
et al., 2005). This is, however, obviously not enough
to create decent questions because most frequently
used senses in WordNet are based on a small corpus
and the reading passages are limited.
To remedy insufficient performance of WSD, we
propose combining WSD and our context search
(CS), introduced below. In WSD, given a target word
and its context, the task is to identify the correct word
sense of the target word in that context. Context
search works in reverse; given a target word and one
of its word senses, it searches for passages in which
the target word is used with the given word sense. To
combine both, WSD is applied to the target word in
the retrieved passage by CS to confirm that the pre-
dicted word sense is the same as the given sense from
CS. In our experiment, we used target words from
TOEFL iBT sample questions. However in real ap-
based on WordNet reference manual, accessed through
plications the users can provide the target words or
they can be obtained randomly from an article.
2.2 Context Search
Given a target word and one of its word senses, con-
text search (CS) is a threefold process:
(1) query formation from the example sentence,
(2) retrieval of snippets with a search engine,
(3) scoring snippets to choose one of them as an ap-
propriate reading passage.
A query for the search engine is created from the
example sentence of the given word sense by taking
the target word and its adjacent two words on both
sides after removing stop words such as “the”, “on”,
“are” and so on. When the target word is located at the
beginning or the end of the sentence, the two follow-
ing or preceding words of the target word are taken
for the query. The created query is submitted to the
search engine to retrieve snippets containing the tar-
get word possibly with the given sense. The last step
selects a snippet which is the most probable snippet
containing the target word with the given sense. Plau-
sibility that the word sense of the target word in the
snippets is the same as the given word sense is cal-
culated based on the following three scores: (1) S
word overlap between the example sentence and the
snippet, (2) S
: the number of adjacent query words
to the target words in the snippet after removing the
stop words, (3) S
: the number of query words ap-
pearing in the snippet.
The following is a detailed example of the score
calculation. Assume our target word is “bright” with
intelligent sense, and given the example sentence
“She was a bright
young graduate from my univer-
, we have query words “bright”, “young and
Suppose that we retrieved the following two snip-
pets where the query words are underlined and the
target word is indicated in bold face.
S1. Mary is a bright
young PhD graduate from Yale
University. She was a sophomore in college when
she found her true passion in research.
S2. Since she was a child, Mary has been a friendly
girl. Mary always gives a bright
smile to her
friends in the university campus.
The first score S
, the overlap word score, counts
the word overlap between the example sentence and
Note that since “she”, “was” and “a” are stop words, the
target word “bright” is at the beginning of the sentence
after stop word removal, thus “young and “graduate” are
used for the query.
the snippets. The scores S
for these snippets are
(S1) = 4 since “bright”, “young”, “graduate” and
“university” overlap, while S
(S2) = 2 for “bright”
and “university”.
The second score S
counts the number of adja-
cent query words to the target words in the snippet
after removing the stop words. Thus, S
(S1) = 1 for
“young”, and S
(S2) = 0.
The third score S
counts the number of query
words that appear in the snippet. Thus, S
(S1) = 3 for
“bright”, “young” and “graduate”, while S
(S2) = 1
for only “bright”.
The three scores are combined to provide the final
score for each snippet as given by
S = 3S
+ 3S
+ 2S
The weights of the scores were determined experi-
The reading passage for a question would be com-
posed of three sentences: a sentence containing the
target word, and the two sentences before and after it.
However, if the target word is located in the first or
last sentence of the retrieved text, the reading passage
would be composed of only two sentences: a sentence
containing the target word, and a sentence before or
after it.
2.3 Preliminary Evaluation on a
Reading Passage Generation
We conducted a preliminary experiment on two target
word sets: 98 target words from TOEFL iBT sample
and preparation books for TOEFL iBT
and randomly selected 98 target words from Senseval-
2 and Senseval-3 data which were prepared for Sen-
seval WSD workshops
. These two target word sets
share no common words. The Bing Search API
used as the search engine, and we limited the tar-
get site to In this experiment, we
compare the results of the following three settings.
WSD: We identify the word sense of the target
word in a given context by using the Lesk algo-
CS: For each target word in the test sets, context
search is applied to find the context sentences in
which the target word is used with a given sense.
They are available at
The preparation books used are TOEFL iBT preparation
books published by Longman, Barron, and McGraw-Hill.
Table 1: Accuracy of WSD and CS.
Setting\ Data TOEFL Senseval
WSD 0.602 0.296
CS 0.885 0.745
CS + WSD 0.951 0.843
CS+WSD: WSD is applied after CS to confirm
that CS has retrieved snippets containing the tar-
get word with a given word sense. The snippets
with a word sense mismatch are discarded.
Evaluation was done manually to see if the iden-
tified word sense is correct for the WSD setting, and
to see if the retrieved snippet with the highest score
includes the target word with the given sense for the
CS and CS+WSD settings. Thus we evaluated to what
extent we could correctly obtain pairs of word senses
and their reading passages. Table 1 shows the ac-
curacy of each setting. The accuracy of CS reached
0.885 on the TOEFL data. In addition, by combining
with WSD the accuracy improved to 0.951. Although
it is still a preliminary evaluation, the proposed CS
method combined with WSD shows promising results
for continuing to the next step in generating vocabu-
lary questions.
The correct answer in vocabulary questions is the op-
tion that has the closest meaning to the target word
used in the reading passage. It does not ask for collo-
cation, therefore the correct answer is not necessarily
replaceable with the target word used in the reading
In this work we generate two kinds of correct
answers: single-word and multiple-word correct an-
swers. The following subsections describe generation
of both single and multiple-word correct answer.
3.1 Single-Word Correct Answer
A single-word correct answer is a correct answer
composed of one single word. Based on our analysis
of TOEFL iBT official sample questions
, the correct
answer for a vocabulary question satisfies the follow-
ing requirements.
It has the same part-of-speech as the target word
It shares a similar meaning with the target word.
38 vocabulary questions available at
It does not share any substrings with the tar-
get word. Words with a similar meaning often
share substrings in their spelling, for example the
word “synchronisation” and “synchronism”. Both
words are noun and have similar meaning, but
these words cannot be a target word-correct an-
swer pair because the test taker can easily esti-
mate a correct option based on their similarity in
To satisfy the first and second requirements, the
candidates for a single-word correct answer are taken
from synonyms of the target word in the dictionary,
in our case. After filtering with respect
to those three requirements, remaining candidates
are ranked according to the order in their WordNet
, and the highest ranked word sense is chosen
as a correct answer. Since the order of the WordNet
synsets is based on their frequency in a corpus, we
can put high priority on frequent word senses. For in-
stance, given the target word “bright” with word sense
, all of its lemmas, “brilliant” and “vivid”
are retrieved from WordNet. Then the orders of the
word sense in question, bright.s.02, within the synset
of each candidate word are compared. Suppose we
have the synsets for these two candidates as follows.
Candidate Synset
“brilliant” brilliant.s.01, brainy.s.01, brilliant.s.03,
, brilliant.s.05, bright.s.08
“vivid” graphic.s.05, vivid.s.02, bright.s.02
Since the order of bright.s.02 in the synsets of the
candidates are the fourth and the third for “brilliant”
and “vivid” respectively, “vivid” with the highest or-
der is chosen as a correct answer for the target word
“bright”. In the case of a word with no synonym in the
dictionary, we use its gloss thus creating a multiple-
word correct answer.
3.2 Multiple-Word Correct Answer
A multiple-word correct answer is correct answer
composed of more than one word. In Figure 1,
multiple-word options are shown in option (B). Note
that past research on vocabulary question generation
did not deal with multiple-word option which actually
appears in the real English proficiencytests. Multiple-
word options, both for correct answers and distrac-
tors, are generated from the gloss in a dictionary.
In this work we use WordNet 3.0, can be downloaded from
In WordNet, a word sense is represented in the form of
a set of its synonyms. The set is called synset (synonym
Roughly, the second word sense of adjective “bright”.
The multiple-word options in TOEFL iBT sample
questions are usually composed by no more than four
words. However, sometimes the gloss can be longer
than four. In such case, we simplify the long gloss. In
the WordNet lexical dictionary as used in this work,
a long gloss tends to include disjunctive structures in-
troduced by disjunctive markers like or”. In simpli-
fying the gloss, we divide the gloss based on its dis-
junctive markers. We define the disjunctive markers
depending on the dictionary. In the case of WordNet,
we use “or” and “;” for disjunctive markers.
In generating multiple-word correct answers, we
directly use the gloss of the target word if it con-
sists of no more than four words. If it is longer than
four words, it is divided by conjunctive markers and
the element which has the least number of words is
adopted (elements which consist of only one word are
excluded). When the numbers of words in the ele-
ments are the same, the left most element is selected.
The following are some examples of gloss simplifi-
cation. The target words and their glosses are shown
with the result of simplification underlined, which is
used for a multiple-word correct answer.
“accepting”: consider or hold as true
“leaked”: tell anonymously
“lived”: inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of
Distractors are the incorrect (or less correct) options
in a question. Many multiple-choice questions have
four options, thus we generate three distractors for a
There are two fundamental requirements for dis-
tractors. Firstly, they must be hard to distinguish from
the correct answer (or target word), and secondly,they
cannot be considered as a correct answer or has to be
incorrect. These two requirements seem to be con-
tradicting each other, since the first requires distrac-
tors should be somehow similar to the target word,
while the second requires distractors should be differ-
ent from the target word. Making a reasonable trade-
off between these two requirements is important.
In this work, distractor generation is a three-fold
(1) collecting distractor candidates,
(2) filtering the candidates so that they fulfil several
requirements, and
(3) ranking the candidates based on a scoring func-
4.1 Distractor Candidate Collection
Distractor candidates are collected from two sources:
(1) the passage generated by CS and WSD for each
target word, and (2) the lexical hierarchy in the Word-
Net taxonomy. We use these two sources because
each of them reflects a different aspect of “similar”
relations to the target word. The first is the associ-
ation relation that the words in a passage are some-
how related to each other with respect to the topic that
the passage describes. Therefore, those co-occurring
words with the target word are reasonable to be dis-
tractors. We only consider the co-occurring words
with the same part-of-speech and tense as the target
word. However co-occurring words themselves are
not appropriate for the distractors, since they actually
appear in the passage. Therefore we collect their syn-
onyms as distractor candidates for the target word.
The second is the relation in the lexical taxonomy
that is defined in a dictionary. We focus on words
being sibling to the target word in the WordNet tax-
onomy. Words in the sibling relation share the same
hypernym (parent) with the target word, thus they are
somehow similar to the target word.
There are cases in which the number of distrac-
tor candidates from those two sources is not enough.
When that happens, we take additional candidates
from WordNet with the same part-of-speech and with
close generality to the target word. All of the word
senses with the same part-of-speech in WordNet are
ordered in generality, from more general to less gen-
eral word senses. For instance, the first word sense for
noun is entity.n.01 followed by physical entity.n.01,
abstraction.n.06, thing.n.12, object.n.01, and so on.
We select distractor candidates from words located
around the order of the target word in this list.
4.2 Distractor Candidate Filtering
According to (Heaton, 1989), there are several re-
quirements for options in multiple-choice questions.
The following are Heaton’s requirements followed by
the descriptions of our implementation of the require-
ments. All examples mentioned below are taken from
(Heaton, 1989).
(1) Each option should belong to the same word class
as the target word.
Here we implement this by choosing distractors
with the same part-of-speech with the target word.
(2) Distractors should be related with the correct an-
swer, or come from the same general area.
We implement this by collecting distractor candi-
dates from the synonyms of co-occurring words
in a passage and sibling words in the WordNet
taxonomy (4.1) and also calculating the similar-
ity between candidates and the target word (4.3).
(3) Distractors should have similar word difficulty
level with the correct answer.
We implement this by calculating word-frequency
scores, assuming that words with similar fre-
quencies have a similar difficulty level. We use
the word frequency list provided by Top 20,000
COCA Academic Corpus
. We define the word
frequency score by the logarithm of the differ-
ence of the word frequency between each candi-
date and the correct answer. The higher the differ-
ence between each candidate-correct answer pair,
the less they are close to each other and it means
that the distractor does not necessarily have a sim-
ilar word-difficulty level with the correct answer.
Here we will only collect candidates with a word
frequency score less than 3.86. This threshold is
decided based on 22 TOEFL iBT official sample
questions. When the resultant number of candi-
dates is less than 5, we do not apply this require-
(4) Each distractor should have approximately the
same length.
Since we are considering single or multiple-word
options, this requirement is not necessarily appro-
priate. When the options are longer unit like sen-
tences or texts, this could be applicable.
(5) Avoid using pairs of synonyms as distractors.
These kind of distractors can be ruled out easily
by test takers.
If there is a pair of synonyms in the candidates, we
will remove one of them and leave no pair of syn-
onym in the distractor candidates. For example,
given a target word courteous” in the sentence
The old woman was always courteous when any-
one spoke to her.”, the options “(A) polite, (B)
glad, (C) kind and (D) pleased” are not appro-
priate, since “glad” and “pleased” are synonyms.
The test takers will be able to guess that the cor-
rect answer should be one of other two, “polite”
or “kind”.
(6) Avoid using antonyms of the correct answer as
distractors. The test takers can also easily elimi-
nate these kind of distractors.
We generate a list of the correct answer’s
antonyms from WordNet, and exclude them from
distractor candidates. For example the options
“(A) go up, (B) talk, (C) come down and (D)
fetch” for the target word “ascend” are not appro-
priate, since the antonym pair “go up” and “come
down” immediately stand out, providinga clue for
guessing the correct answer.
4.3 Candidate Scoring and Ranking
At this point, we already have distractor candidates
filtered by the requirements mentioned in the previ-
ous section. Since we only need three distractors for
a question, this step chooses the three most appropri-
ate distractors from the candidates. As mentioned in
section 4, a good distractor should be related with the
correct answer or target word so that it will be hard to
distinguish it from the correct answer.
We rank the distractor candidates with respect
to their “closeness” to the correct answer by using
a combination of the Path and WU-Palmer similar-
ity score calculated in WordNet. The Path similar-
ity (Pedersen et al., 2004) score is calculated from the
shortest path length in the WordNet taxonomy (hy-
pernyms and hyponyms), while the Wu-Palmer sim-
ilarity (Wu and Palmer, 1994) is calculated based on
the depth of two senses in the taxonomy and that of
their Least Common Subsumer (most specific ances-
tor node).
In our experiment, first we collect candidates with
a path similarity score less than 0.17 and WU-Palmer
similarity score less than 0.36. These thresholds
are decided based on 22 TOEFL iBT official sample
questions. The resultant candidates are sorted in as-
cending order of the averaged score of these two. The
top three candidates in the ranking are selected as the
final distractor candidates.
4.4 Single and Multiple Word
In the distractors generation step, the final distractor
candidates are candidates that are already ranked, in
the form of single-word distractors. As we generate
both single and multiple-word correct answers, we
also generate both types for the distractors. Multiple-
word distractors are created from the gloss of the final
single-word distractor candidates, with the same gloss
simplification method explained in section 3.2.
We now have all four components for a vocabulary
question: the target word (input), a reading passage,
the correct answer, and distractors. The last step in
creating vocabulary questions is, of course, forming
the question itself.
The vocabulary question has a fixed form, as we
can see in the examples in Figure 1. Therefore, we
can use that form as a question template, and put the
correct answer and distractors as question options in
that form.
As for the composition of single-word and
multiple-word options in the generated question, we
generate them randomly with these composition al-
ternatives: all singles, two singles and two multiples,
and all multiples.
The purpose of current evaluation is to investigate
whether the English vocabulary questions generated
by our system have no big difference from English
vocabulary questions created by humans, considering
the human-generated questions as a goal standard.
6.1 Experimental Setting
We created four evaluation sets in which each
evaluation set consists of 10 questions, so in to-
tal we have 40 questions to evaluate. In these
40 questions, 22 questions were machine-generated
(MQ) and 18 were human-generated (HQ). The
target sites for machine-generated questions are, and
The human-generated questions were taken from
TOEFL iBT sample questions
. The target words
used for machine-generated questions were also taken
from TOEFL iBT sample questions. Similar to the
machine-generated questions, we also truncated the
original reading passage of human-generatedquestion
to make its length into three sentences: a sentence
containing the target word, and two sentences , one
before and one after. If the target word is located in
the first or last sentence of the original passage, we
took a sentence before or after it in addition to the
sentence containing the target word.
We mixed human-generated and machine-
generated questions in a evaluation set and asked
evaluators to distinguish between two types of ques-
tions. The distribution of the number of questions of
each type is shown in Table 2. We prepared a small
questionnaire for each question as shown in Figure 2.
Seven English teachers (six non-native and one
native) participated in the evaluation as evaluator. Not
Table 2: Breakdown of evaluation sets.
Eval. set #HQ #MQ #Evaluator
Set 1 5 5 5
Set 2 6 4 4
Set 3 4 6 4
Set 4 7 3 4
(1) Based on your opinion, the question is:
A. Human-generated
B. Machine-generated
(2) What makes you decide the question is belong to either
machine or human-generated questions? (more than
one is OK)
A. its correct answer
B. its distractors
C. its passage
(3) What are the reasons behind your answer (2)?
(4) In term of decentness and overall quality, what is the
score for this question (1-5, for 5 being the best)?
(5) If there is any, please give suggestion on how to im-
prove this question.
Figure 2: A questionnaire for each vocabulary question.
all of them answered all evaluation sets. In total we
obtained 170 responses: 93 responses for machine-
generated questions and 77 for human-generated
6.2 Experimental Result and Discussion
6.2.1 Distinguishing between
Machine-generated and Human-generated
Table 3 shows a confusion matrix representing the re-
lation between question types (HQ: human-generated
and MQ: machine-generated) and the evaluators’
In the total number of 170 responses, the evalu-
ators correctly judged HQ as human-generated in 53
cases, while they mistakenly judged HQ as machine-
generated in 24 cases, thus the accuracy for HQs is
69%. On the other hand, the accuracy for MQs is
55%, which is lower than HQs, but from another
viewpoint this is a good indicator because 45% of the
responses for machine-generated questions were mis-
takenly judged as human-generated. This means that
these questions succeeded in capturing some char-
acteristics of the human-generated questions, that is
why the evaluatorsmistakenly judged them as human-
We also analysed the ratio of correct and incorrect
Table 3: Responses in distinguishing human-generated and
machine-generated questions.
Question type
Responses HQ MQ total
human-generated 53 42 95
machine-generated 24 51 75
total 77 93 170
judgements for all questions. The result is presented
in Figure 3. In the figure, the gray coloured bars indi-
cate human-generated questions (HQs) and the black
indicates machine-generated questions (MQs). The
solid bar indicates correct judgement and the striped
bar indicates incorrect judgement.
There are interesting cases where almost all eval-
uators incorrectly judged MQs as human-generated
(e.g. Q.7, Q.25, Q.27, Q.38 and Q.39). According to
feedback from evaluators, the reasons for this are be-
cause the distractors seem fairly reasonable, the op-
tions are good, and the composition of the question
is balanced. On the other hand, all evaluators cor-
rectly judged Q.17 as machine-generated. Accord-
ing to their feedback, the distractors of the question
are irrelevant and unnatural, therefore they judged the
question as machine-generated.
6.2.2 Rationale behind Judgement
Question (2) and (3) ask the reason behind the evalu-
ator’s judgement, thus they indirectly assess the qual-
ity of the question components, i.e. the reading
passage, correct answer, and distractors. In ques-
tion (2) in the questionnaire, we asked what com-
ponent of the question made the evaluator believe it
was human-generated or machine-generated. Among
51 responses which correctly judged the machine-
generated questions to be machine-generated, 66%
answered distractors”, 24% answered “correct an-
swers” and 10% answered “reading passage”.
We can see here that the distractors were the main
reason that led the evaluators into the conclusion of
marking it as a machine-generated question. In ad-
dition, from the question (3) in the questionnaire we
got substantial feedback from the evaluators that the
distractors were not appropriate with respect to the
reading passage, or irrelevant or unnatural. This result
suggests that there is much room for improvement in
generating options, particularly for the distractors.
As for the correct answer, an evaluator judged that
a question has too obvious correct answer therefore
it makes the question too easy. Another evaluator
judged that a correct answer is not appropriate, not
quite right for the question. Other than those two
comments, we do not get any feedback regarding cor-
rect answer.
Number of responses!
machine-generated questions
human-generated questions
Figure 3: Result of question-wise response. (solid bar: correct response / striped bar: incorrect response).
[1-2) [2-3) [3-4) [4-5]
Number of questions!
Figure 4: Average rating of questions.
An interesting observation is that multiple-word
options could be a reason for judging questions to be
both human-generated and machine-generated ones.
Some evaluators believed that generating multiple-
word options was difficult for a machine, thus they
considered questions with multiple-word options to
be human-generated. Other evaluators, on the other
hand, considered mixture of single and multiple-word
options as possible evidence for machine-generated
questions. This discrepancy might be related to the
expertise of the evaluators. We need further investi-
gation for exploring such relation.
6.2.3 Overall Quality of Questions
In the questionnaire we also asked the evaluators to
rate the questions for their decentness and overall
quality on a five point scale, 5 being the best. We
calculated the average score given by evaluators for
each question. The result is presented in Figure 4.
All human-generated questions (gray bars) re-
ceived average score more than or equals to 3, while
about half of the machine-generated questions (13
out of 22) did. This suggests that those machine-
generated questions have similarity to questions cre-
ated by human expert therefore are usable for English
The figure clearly indicates that the human-
generated questions are better than the machine-
generated questions in term of overall quality. More-
over, half of the machine-generated questions (9 out
of 22) received average score less than 3. Further in-
vestigation on these poorly rated questions is neces-
sary to see if they have any systematic defect.
There were three machine-generated questions
that received particularly low score, only either 1
or 2. Surprisingly, all these three questions include
multiple-word options. An evaluator commented that
inconsistent length of options was the reason for their
judgement. Considering the fact that real TOEFL test
uses multiple-word options, it is not always the case
that providing various length of options degrades the
quality of questions. There could be variance in eval-
uation criteria among the evaluators we employed.
We have presented a novel method for automati-
cally generating English vocabulary questions, mod-
elling the generated questions after TOEFL vocabu-
lary questions. The vocabulary question asks the test
takers to select an option which has closest in mean-
ing to the target word, and consists of four compo-
nents: a target word, a reading passage, a correct
answer and distractors (incorrect options). The pro-
posed method has successfully generated complete
vocabulary question in which the passage is gener-
ated from the Internet. The options (both correct an-
swer and distractors) are generated from the generated
passage and lexical dictionary (we used the WordNet
lexical dictionary in our experiment). By producing a
passage from Internet materials, we believe that it can
provide the learners with a fresh, updated, and high-
quality English reading passage so that they are able
to learn more.
The evaluation of the machine-generated ques-
tions by human experts indicated that 45% of
automatically generated questions were mistakenly
judged to be human-generated questions. In addition,
about half of the machine-generated questions (13 out
of 22) were rated more than or equals to 3 in 5 point
scale for each question. This suggests that half of the
machine-generated questions are similar to those cre-
ated by human expert therefore quantitatively usable
for English tests.
The future work includes improving the poorly
rated questions generated by our method through
more detailed analysis, and at least in this phase we
have already found that generating better distractors
is one of the keys. The present evaluation is similar
to the Turing test (Turing, 1950), evaluating to what
extent our machine-generated questions are similar to
those created by human (as a good standard). Our
real goal is to generate good questions that can mea-
sure test taker’s English proficiency precisely. For
this goal, evaluation through a real setting with En-
glish language learners is indispensable thus we plan
to conduct evaluation with the real English learners.
We also plan to explore controlling the difficulty of
the questions for different levels of English learners.
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Here are some examples of the question generated
by our system. Q1 and Q2 are mistakenly judged as
human-generated questions by almost all the evalua-
tors (4 out of 5), thus they are considered as accept-
able questions. On the other hand, Q3 and Q4 are not
so good since many evaluators correctly judged them
as machine-generated questions.
Q1 For example, an opening bid of any sort is
usually perceived as a mental anchor, a start-
ing point for the psychological jockeying to
follow. If we perceive an opening bid as fun-
damentally inaccurate or unfair, we reject
it by countering with something in another
ballpark altogether. But what about less dra-
matic counter offers?
The word “reject” in the passage is closest in
meaning to
A. hope for,
B. review,
C. refuse to accept,
D. comprehend.
Q2 Since we now can measure the suns energy
output independent of the distorting influ-
ence of the atmosphere, we shall see whether
the earths temperature trend correlates with
measured uctuations in solar radiation. If
volcanic dust is the more important factor,
then we may observe the earths temperature
following fluctuations
in the number of large
volcanic eruptions. But if carbon dioxide is
the most important factor, long-term temper-
ature records will rise continuously as long
as man consumes the earths reserves of fos-
sil fuels.
The word “fluctuations” in the passage is closest
in meaning to
A. a wave motion,
B. the relative position,
C. experimentation,
D. approximation.
Q3 The article’s big takeaway was that place
matters in analyzing relationships between
algebra performance and other educational
variables. For example, the researchers stud-
ied whether a higher percentage of chil-
dren in poverty was related to lower algebra
, and whether higher teacher salaries
meant higher algebra scores. They found
those relationships held true in some districts
but not across the board.
The word “scores” in the passage is closest in
meaning to
A. mark,
B. uncovering,
C. determination,
D. deviation.
Q4 That is, the board no longer provides chil-
dren in the public schools with sufficient art
and music classes. Where will future audi-
ences come from if students are not educated
or exposed
to the arts in this cultural capi-
tal? At John Dewey High School in Brook-
lyn, a number of English teachers have in-
corporated the study of art history, music,
dance and architecture into our interdisci-
plinary course curriculums.
The word “exposed” in the passage is closest in
meaning to
A. made into a whole,
B. made accessible to some action,
C. enjoy,
D. divest.