A Study of Analogy in Computer Science Tutorial Dialogues
Mehrdad Alizadeh
, Barbara Di Eugenio
, Rachel Harsley
, Nick Green
Davide Fossati
and Omar AlZoubi
Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A.
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Doha, Qatar
Computer Science Tutoring, Tutorial Dialogues, Analogy, Linear Regression Analysis, Data Structures.
Analogy plays an important role in learning, but its role in teaching Computer Science has hardly been ex-
plored. We annotated and analyzed analogy in a corpus of tutoring dialogues on Computer Science data
structures. Via linear regression analysis, we established that the presence of analogy and of specific dialogue
acts within analogy episodes correlate with learning. We have integrated our findings in our ChiQat-Tutor
system, and are currently evaluating the effect of analogy within the system.
Learning by analogy is a mechanism by which fea-
tures of a known concept are mapped to features of
an unknown concept (Gentner, 1998). Analogy plays
a major role in learning, to the point that some re-
searchers consider it the core of cognition (Hofstadter,
2001). It can be effective in the early stages of learn-
ing especially when learners may lack appropriate
prior knowledge (Gentner et al., 2003). Our interest
in analogy concerns its role in one-on-one tutoring:
first, as a strategy employed by human tutors, and sec-
ond, as a mechanism to be used in Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITSs). Our specific domain is introductory
Computer Science (CS).
As other researchers, we explore human tutoring
interactions among tutor and student (Fox, 1993; Chi
et al., 2001) with two goals. From the cognitive point
of view, we wish to understand how learning is sup-
ported by specific strategies the human tutor uses;
from a technological point of view, we explore how
those successful strategies can be modeled and/or ap-
proximated computationally. As concerns analogy,
(Nokes and VanLehn, 2008) showed that providing
prompts during analogical comparison improve stu-
dents performance. (Gadgil and Nokes, 2009) applied
analogical comparison of worked-out examples and
showed that analogy supports collaborative learning
especially where conceptual understanding is essen-
tial. As far as we know, few ITSs employ analogy, and
none within CS. The Bridging Analogies tutor (Mur-
ray et al., 1990) utilizes intuitive physical scenarios
to explain less intuitive concepts. (Lulis et al., 2004)
described implementation of analogies in an ITS for
Cardiovascular Physiology. (Chang, 2014) proposed
an instructional comparison approach using an anal-
ogy tutor that can help conceptual learning for proce-
dural problem solving.
We are developing ChiQat-Tutor, a novel ITS
in the domain of basic CS data structures (Fos-
sati, 2013). ChiQat-Tutor has modules on recursion,
linked lists, and binary search trees. It provides us
with an environment in which we can experiment with
different tutoring strategies that we have studied in a
corpus of 54 human tutoring sessions on introductory
CS data structures, collected in the late 2000’s. Strate-
gies we have experimented with in the past include
different types of feedback and worked-out examples
(Chen et al., 2011; Di Eugenio et al., 2013; Fossati
et al., 2015). In order to assess whether ChiQat-Tutor
should employ analogies, we investigated learning
from analogy in our corpus, as described in Sections 2
(the corpus) and 3 (examples of analogy and annota-
tion thereof). Section 4 presents our results concern-
ing whether analogy is a useful learning strategy for
CS data structures.
Our corpus contains 54 one-on-one tutoring dialogues
on basic computer science (CS) data structures such
as stacks, linked lists and binary search trees. Each
individual student participated in only one tutoring
Alizadeh M., Di Eugenio B., Harsley R., Green N., Fossati D. and AlZoubi O..
A Study of Analogy in Computer Science Tutorial Dialogues.
DOI: 10.5220/0005443702320237
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 232-237
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
session, for a total of 54 students participating. The
concepts were tutored by one of two tutors, LOW and
JAC (in our examples, ST is the student). LOW was
an expert tutor in CS with about 30 years of teach-
ing experience while JAC was a senior undergraduate
student in CS. A tutoring session took about 37.6 min-
utes on average. Most of the time the tutor talks pro-
ducing 93.5% of the total words. Right before each
session, the student’s prior knowledge was tested via
a pre-test. Then, the score for each topic was normal-
ized to the [0..1] interval. The tutor was given a gen-
eral description of the student’s performance on each
data structure. In other words, the tutor was not given
the numeric scores but was provided with qualitative
information to inform his tutoring. Table 1 shows the
number of sessions (N) a topic was tutored for. As
can be seen, the tutors chose to tutor on lists and trees
in almost every session, whereas they sometimes de-
cided to skip stacks. The length of a session is shown
in terms of mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ). As
can be seen, stacks take the minimum amount of time
on average with a mean of 5.8 minutes, whereas lists
and BSTs take 14.4 and 19.2 minutes respectively.
Please refer to (Chen et al., 2011) for more informa-
tion about our corpus.
Table 1: Number of sessions and length by topic.
Topic N
Length (min)
µ σ
Lists 52 14.4 5.8
Stacks 46 5.8 1.8
Trees 53 19.2 6.6
All 54 37.6 6.1
Analogy is defined as drawing similarities between
different subjects (Gentner, 1998; Gentner and Col-
houn, 2010). A similarity usually forms a relation be-
tween a known subject and an unknown one that may
result in further inferences about the unknown sub-
ject. In our tutoring dialogues, both tutors use a
set repertoire of analogies. For example, to explain
stacks, JAC uses Lego as analogy (Figure 1), whereas
LOW uses a stack of trays (Figure 2). For lists, JAC
explains the concept by demonstrating the way people
stand in a line (Figure 3). The example shows how
JAC, during a tutoring session, keeps talking about
analogy with a line for a large number of utterances.
As concerns trees, both tutors employ family trees as
analogy (Figure 4).
3.1 Annotation
In order to study analogy, two annotators annotated
our corpus. The annotators were instructed to an-
notate for the beginning and the end of an analogy
episode within a session. For every topic in a session
a tutor usually uses at most one analogy such as anal-
ogy of Legos for stacks or analogy of line for lists.
However, the tutor may refer to the analogy several
times during a tutoring session. Consequently, in a
session, annotators may annotate several episodes for
a specific analogy. We used the Kappa statistics κ
(Carletta, 1996; Di Eugenio and Glass, 2004) to mea-
sure the level of agreement between annotators. Be-
cause our annotators code for analogy episodes, our
κ computation is based on the number of lines that
annotators annotate similarly or differently. Annota-
tors first double coded 15 sessions five sessions at a
time; every five sessions, they revised a predefined
manual. After these 15 sessions, they annotated an-
other five sessions. Intercoder agreement was com-
puted on these ve sessions, and an acceptable level
was reached (κ = 0.58). κ is negatively affected by
skewed data, which occurs because analogy episodes
comprise a very small subset of a session. The re-
mainder of the corpus was independently annotated
by each annotator (half each).
This annotation task was very challenging due to
the difficulty of analogy boundary detection. In fact,
annotators are in full agreement on whether analogy is
used for a data structure in a session, or not; disagree-
ments are just on the boundaries of analogy episodes.
3.2 Distributional statistics
Table 2 shows basic statistics on analogy for each
topic such as number of analogies (N
), percent-
age of sessions an analogy was used in, and length
in words of analogy per session. Stacks are the data
structure for which analogy is most frequently used.
Analogy is used less for lists and the least for trees.
However, analogy used for lists is the longest: this is
due to the line analogy used by JAC, who refers back
to it during the session. As concerns trees being the
least likely to be tutored by analogy, we speculate it
may be due to the fact that the technical terminology
used for trees (parent, daughter, etc), is derived from
family trees to start with.
Figure 5 illustrates when in the session the anal-
ogy occurs for each topic. As can be seen, the tutor
Disagreement on boundaries of episodes is a well known
problem in discourse analysis (Passonneau and Litman,
219 JAC think of the stack as a bunch of Legos, okay?
220 JAC and each time you put out a Lego...
221 JAC okay, we’ll call this, we’ll just go a, b, c, d, e, and so forth.
222 JAC okay?
223 JAC so we’re stacking our Legos up.
224 JAC if we want to take a Lego off we can only take the Lego off that we just inserted.
225 JAC right?
226 JAC because we’re building from the bottom up.
227 JAC okay?
228 JAC so we can only, take in, take off whatever we put in last.
Figure 1: Analogy with Lego for stacks.
587 LOW I think of a bunch of trays in a cafeteria where they have this special really very elegant
dispenser the trays are in and all you can see is the trays on top.
588 LOW there’s a spring down here, and you take that try off the spring and it’ loaded so that the
next tray pops up.
589 ST okay.
590 LOW and of course somebody comes out of the washing room and puts new trays in.
591 LOW so the only thing you can do is pop something off instead of trays we’re going to have this
thing on letters a x b.
Figure 2: Analogy with tray for stacks.
Table 2: Analogy basic statistics.
Topic N N
Percentage Words/Analogy
Lists 52 21 40% 807.430
Stacks 46 40 87% 185.95
Trees 53 16 30% 73.56
Table 3: Analogy usage by tutor.
Lists 17 4 21
Stacks 18 22 40
Trees 9 7 16
utilizes an analogy mostly at the beginning of a tu-
toring session; the usage of analogy decreases as the
session progresses, especially for stacks.
Figure 5: When do analogies occur?
We investigated whether the student’s perfor-
mance in the pre-test may have motivated the tutor to
utilize analogy in the tutoring session. Pearson cor-
relation between pre-score and usage of analogy was
computed for each topic. Usage of analogy is 1 if
analogy was used in a topic during a session other-
wise 0. Table 4 shows the results. Negative values for
lists and stacks indicate that due to the poor perfor-
mance of student, the tutor is likely to use analogy.
Table 4: Correlation between analogy and pre-test.
Topic Correlation
Lists 0.34
Stacks 0.52
Trees 0.18
As we noted in the introduction, we are interested in
analogy as a tutoring strategy for two reasons: to un-
cover whether it is effective in this domain, and if so,
which of its features are computationally amenable to
incorporate in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Hence,
we ran multiple regressions to understand the corre-
lation between analogy and learning gains (following
(Litman et al., 2006; Ohlsson et al., 2007)). Our anal-
ysis builds on other work we had already done on our
data via other dialogue features, specifically, dialogue
acts. As the models we will discuss below do indeed
include dialogue acts, we first describe the dialogue
acts we have coded for in our corpus.
4.1 Dialogue Acts
A dialogue act indicates the speaker’s intention be-
hind an utterance. There are many reasonable inven-
tories of dialogue acts, including for tutorial dialogues
(Litman et al., 2006; Ezen-Can and Boyer, 2013). As
299 JAC kind of like a line right?
300 ST uh huh.
301 JAC I know who’s in front of me but I don’t know who’s behind me.
433 JAC um if you need to insert, if you need to switch places with something you use a temporary
um you always need to know who’s in front of you and then you’re going to insert something
tell whoever’s being inserted what’s in front of you and then point to the one you’re being
inserted to.
Figure 3: Analogy with line for lists.
022 JAC so if we think about it as a family tree um this could be the great grand this would be
the great grandparent of this child here.
Figure 4: Analogy with family tree for trees.
DDI TUT Now a binary search tree must
remain ordered.
DPI TUT say we want to insert, um, six.
SI ST down there?
[pointing to tree drawing]
PF TUT right
SI ST five is smaller than six
DDI TUT and the right child of five is null
DPI TUT so we will insert six to its right
Figure 6: Example of annotation for dialogue acts.
discussed in (Chen et al., 2011), our corpus was ex-
amined for impressions and trends. Then, given the
directive style of our tutors and how much they talked,
we defined a minimal set of dialogue acts focused on
tutors’ contributions. Finally, the tutoring corpus
was annotated with this set of dialogue acts. Figure 6
shows an example of dialogue act annotation for trees.
Each dialogue act is described below:
Positive Feedback (+FB): The tutor confirms that
the student has performed a correct step.
Negative Feedback (-FB): The tutor helps the stu-
dent recognize and correct an error.
Direct procedural instruction (DPI): The tutor di-
rectly informs the student what steps to perform.
Direct declarative instruction (DDI): The tutor
provides facts about the domain or a particular
Prompt (PT): The tutor attempts to engender a
meaningful contribution from the student.
Student Initiative (SI): The student takes the ini-
tiative, namely, produces a dialogue contribution
which is not in answer to a tutor’s question or
4.2 Results
Learning gains are computed based on the normalized
difference between each student’s scores in post-test
and pre-test. Multiple linear regression models let re-
searchers explore specific aspects of tutors’ behaviors
and tutoring interaction properties. Since these mod-
els help distinguish effective from non-effective fea-
tures, they can provide guidelines for the design and
development of effective ITSs.
Table 5: Description of features used in multiple linear re-
gression models.
Feature Description
Pre-test Pre-test score
Length Length of the tutoring session
FB Number of positive/negative feedbacks
DPI Number of direct procedural instructions
DDI Number of direct declaration instructions
PT Number of prompts
SI Number of student initiations
AN If analogy used 1, otherwise 0
AN-Length Length of analogy episodes in words
AN-FB Number of positive/negative feedbacks
inside analogy episodes
AN-DPI Number of direct procedural instructions
inside analogy episodes
AN-DDI Number of direct declaration instructions
inside analogy episodes
AN-PT Number of prompts inside analogy
AN-SI Number of student initiations inside anal-
ogy episodes
Table 5 describes the features used in this work,
whereas Table 6 includes the statistically significant
models we obtained by running all possible combi-
nations of features. β is the correlation coefficient
between each feature and learning gain, p shows the
level of significance and R
explains how well fea-
tures can describe variations in learning gain. For
each topic, Model i represents a statistically signif-
icant multiple linear regression model that selects a
set of features resulting in the highest adjusted R
Model 1 only includes the pre-test, since it is well-
known that previous knowledge is a reliable predictor
of post-test performance. Pre-test score always has
the highest contribution in the best models, indicating
that it explains a sizable amount of variance in learn-
ing. The correlation is negative which is due to the
ceiling effect: students with higher previous knowl-
edge have less chance to learn.
Model 2 includes the pre-test, length of the dia-
logue and dialogue acts. For lists, positive feedback
(PF) correlates with learning; this replicates previ-
ous results of ours (Chen et al., 2011; Fossati et al.,
2015), and in fact ChiQat-Tutor already includes PF.
Additionally, direct procedural instruction (DPI) has
a significantly positive correlation with learning. In
stacks, prompt (PT) and DPI have positive correlation
with learning. PT indicates the importance of the tu-
tor’s role in asking students to contribute. In trees,
just DPI is statistically significant. DPI contributes in
all topics indicating the importance of explaining to
students steps to perform a task.
Model 3 includes the pre-test, length of the dia-
logue, dialogue acts and existence of analogy (AN).
Interestingly, AN appears in all of the most predictive
models for each topic. AN positively correlates with
learning gain, supporting the hypothesis that the us-
age of analogy helps learning. However, considering
the p value, it is not statistically significant for stacks
and trees. Interestingly, dialogue acts similar to those
in Model 2, contribute in Model 3. Model 4 adds
analogy-based features resulting in improved adjusted
. In lists, student initiative inside analogy correlates
with learning. This shows that the students’ proactive
contributions during an analogy episode have a pos-
itive effect on learning. In stacks, DPI inside anal-
ogy correlate with learning, confirming step-by-step
analogy-based instruction. In trees, PT and direct
declarative instruction (DDI) inside analogy correlate
with learning. This may suggest that for trees a sim-
ple description of analogy with family tree would lead
to learning.
Based on the analysis on human-human tutoring,
we found that analogy is an effective strategy for
learning these three data structures. Hence, we im-
plemented analogy in ChiQat-Tutor, as we briefly de-
scribe below.
In this work, we annotated and analyzed analogy in
a corpus of tutoring dialogues on Computer Science
data structures. Two annotators annotated analogy
episodes (inter-coder reliability was κ = 0.58). One
finding was that the frequency of analogy differed
among topics: significantly more analogies were used
in stacks and lists than in trees. Additionally, analo-
gies occurred more frequently at the beginning of the
Table 6: Multiple linear regression models.
Topic Model Predictor β R
1 Pre-test -0.466 0.202 < .001
Pre-test -0.466 < .001
PF 0.011 0.353 < .1
DPI 0.003 < .1
Pre-test -0.330 < .001
Length 0.011 ns
PF 0.015 0.388 < .1
DPI 0.005 < .1
PT -0.003 ns
AN 0.145 < .1
Pre-test -0.41 < .01
PF 0.007 ns
DPI 0.29 < .01
DDI -0.001 ns
AN 0.298 0.472 < .01
AN-Length 0.002 ns
AN-PF 0.002 ns
AN-PT -0.025 ns
AN-SI -0.070 < .1
1 Pre-test -0.462 0.296 < .001
Pre-test -0.495 0
PT 0.010 0.332 < .1
DPI 0.007 < .1
Pre-test -0.408 < .001
DPI -0.01 0.348 < .1
PT 0.007 < .1
AN 0.137 ns
Pre-test -0.443 < .001
PF 0.025 ns
DDI -0.001 ns
PT 0.025 0.459 ns
SI 0.004 ns
AN-DPI 0.031 < .1
AN-PF 0.035 ns
1 Pre-test -0.742 0.677 < .001
Pre-test -0.703 < .001
DPI -0.002 0.689 < .001
PT 0.001 ns
Pre-test -0.755 < .001
Length -0.004 0.696 ns
DDI 0.001 ns
AN 0.069 ns
Pre-test -0.756 < .001
AN-Length -0.006 0.729 ns
AN-DDI 0.038 < .1
AN-PT -0.117 < .1
dialogue in stacks than in lists and trees. Finally, we
used regression analysis to explore whether analogy
correlates with learning. Usage of analogy in a ses-
sion correlates with students’ learning gains for lists.
Furthermore, some dialogue acts (DAs) that occur
within analogy episodes results in more explanatory
models that correlate with learning.
Given these results, we have integrated our find-
ings within the ChiQat-Tutor system, for linked lists.
We have integrated analogy in the system in two fash-
ions. First approach is based on the fact that anal-
ogy is most likely to appear at the beginning of a ses-
sion. Similarly when a student starts working with
the linked list tutorial, the system displays a window
describing an analogy of people standing in a line.
Second approach is based on the fact that the tutor
frequently refers to analogy during a tutoring ses-
sion. Correspondingly, for every problem a step by
step analogy based example was fashioned that stu-
dent could refer to. We have recently run a controlled
experiment with three conditions: The First condition
provides an analogy at the beginning of the session.
The Second condition enables student access to anal-
ogy based step by step examples for every problem.
The Third condition enables student access to worked
out examples for every problem. We are currently
analyzing the results of these experiments to uncover
whether our implementation of analogy is effective.
This work is supported by award NPRS 5-939-1-155
from the Qatar National Research Fund.
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