A SPARQL-based Transformation Language for RDF
Olivier Corby
and Catherine Faron-Zucker
Inria Sophia Antipolis M
ee, Valbonne, France
Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, I3S, Nice, France
RDF Transformation Language, SPARQL, STTL.
The general research question addressed in this paper is How to transform RDF into other languages. This
is of prime interest to present data selected and extracted from the Web of data in a format suitable for the
user (e.g., HTML or CSV). Moreover, RDF can be viewed as a meta-model to represent on the Web of
data other languages and models. The above research question then becomes How to generate the concrete
syntax of expressions of a given language from their RDF representation. To answer these questions, we
present SPARQL Template Transformation Language (STTL), a generic RDF transformation rule language,
independent from the output language. We conceived it as a lightweight syntactic extension to SPARQL
and we show how to compile it into standard SPARQL. We present a generic transformation rule engine
implementing STTL and several RDF transformers we defined for various output languages, showing STTLs
expressive power.
The read-write Web is now providing us with a world-
wide blackboard where a hybrid society of users and
software agents exchange digital inscriptions. The
RDF standard (Cyganiak et al., 2014) provides us
with a general purpose graph-oriented data model rec-
ommended by the W3C to represent and interchange
data on the Web. While the potential of a world-wide
Semantic Web of linked data and linked data schemas
is now widely recognized, the transformation and pre-
sentation of RDF data is still an open issue. Among
the initiatives to answer this question there are exten-
sive works for providing RDF with several and var-
ied syntaxes: XML, N-Triples, Turtle, RDFa, TriG,
N-Quads, JSON-LD, CSV-LD, etc. But this is still a
partial view of the above problem.
Just like the structured Web has been provided
with the XSLT transformation language to present
XML data to the user into HTML pages or to trans-
form XML data from one XML schema into another
one or from an XML schema into any non XML
specific text format, for XML data interchange be-
tween agents and therefore interoperability, the Web
of data now requires a transformation language to
present RDF data to users and transform RDF data
from one RDF schema into another or transform data
from its RDF “syntax” into another one. Indeed, a
special case of RDF data holds a very special poten-
tial: RDF data encoding other formal languages. In
computer science, formal languages have been used
for instance to define programming languages, query
languages, data models and formats, knowledge for-
malisms, inference rules, etc. Among them, in the
early 2000’s, XML has gained the status of a meta-
language or syntax enabling to define so-called XML
languages. In the same way, we are now assisting to
the advent of RDF that will likely be more and more
used as a syntax to represent other languages. For in-
stance in the domain of the Semantic Web alone, this
is the case of three W3C standards: OWL 2 (Patel-
Schneider and Motik, 2012) is provided with sev-
eral syntaxes, among which the Functional syntax,
the Manchester syntax used in several ontology edi-
tors and RDF/XML and RDF/Turtle; the Rule Inter-
change Format (RIF) (Hawke and Polleres, 2012) is
provided with several syntaxes among which a ver-
bose XML syntax, two compact syntaxes for RIF-
BLD and RIF-PRD and an RDF syntax; SPARQL In-
ference Notation (SPIN) is a W3C member submis-
sion (Knublauch, 2011) to represent SPARQL rules
in RDF, to facilitate storage and maintenance. Many
other languages can (and will) be “serialized” into
RDF. For instance (Follenfant et al., 2012) is an at-
Corby O. and Faron-Zucker C..
STTL - A SPARQL-based Transformation Language for RDF.
DOI: 10.5220/0005450604660476
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 466-476
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tempt to represent SQL expressions in RDF.
As a result of this emerging trend to use RDF
as a “syntax” or a meta-language for other Web lan-
guages, just like XML ten years earlier, the trans-
formation of RDF data into various output formats,
various concrete syntaxes, becomes a major issue.
Regarding the RDF/XML syntax of RDF, one could
think that XSLT is a good candidate to declaratively
express RDF transformations. However, writing of
XSLT templates for RDF would be based on its XML
syntax and not the graph structure and semantics of
RDF model the transformation rules would depend
on the concrete XML syntax of RDF instead of its
semantics—, which would make the writing of the
transformation quite difficult. Moreover, the many
potential serializations of any given RDF statement
would make the writing XSLT templates for RDF
even more complex.
In this paper we address the latter problem of
transforming RDF data, i.e., generating the concrete
syntax of expressions of a given language from their
RDF representation. More generally, the research
question addressed in this paper is How to transform
RDF data into other languages? We answer two sub-
questions: (1) How to write declarative transforma-
tion rules from RDF to other languages? (2) How to
make the approach generic, i.e the rule language in-
dependent from the output language?
We show how SPARQL (Harris and Seaborne,
2012) can be used as a generic transformation rule
language for RDF, independent from the output lan-
guages. We define an RDF transformer as a set of
transformation rules processed by a generic transfor-
mation rule engine. We present SPARQL Template
Transformation Language (STTL), a lightweight syn-
tactic extension to SPARQL enabling the writing of
transformation rules.
In section 2 we present existing transformation
languages for RDF. In section 3 we present STTL, a
syntactic extension to SPARQL enabling the writing
of RDF transformation rules. In section 4 we present
the generic transformation rule engine we developed
to implement STTL. In section 5 we show the expres-
sive power of STTL through several RDF transform-
ers we defined for various output languages.
XSLT (Kay, 2007) is a pioneer rule-based transforma-
tion language for XML. An XSLT stylesheet is a set
of transformation rules, called templates, which en-
ables to transform any XML document conform to a
given model, i.e., to which the templates apply. An
XPath expression identifies the XML subtrees (their
roots) for which a template applies, and the content
of the template describes the transformation and its
output. XSLT could be used to process and display
RDF/XML data in any output format. For instance
the following XSLT template could be used to trans-
form RDF triples into an HTML table row.
<xsl:for-each select=’./*’>
<tr> <td>
<xsl:value-of select=’../@rdf:about’/>
<td> <xsl:value-of select=’name()’/>
<td> <xsl:call-template name="value">
<xsl:with-param name=’v’ select=’.’/>
</td> </tr>
However RDF/XML syntax is too versatile and less
and less used and, most of all, writing XSLT tem-
plates for it would be very complex considering the
many potential serializations of an RDF statement:
the transformation rules would depend on the con-
crete XML syntax of RDF instead of its semantics.
GRDDL (Connolly, 2007) is a mechanism for ex-
tracting RDF data from XML documents. A GRDDL
profile is associated to an XSLT stylesheet and can
be specified in any XML document conform to the
targeted model or dialect to order GRDDL agents
to extract RDF data from it. GRDDL could then
be used to extract RDF data from RDF data in RD-
F/XML syntax. However this W3C recommandation
has never really been adopted and, like XSLT, this
solution would rely on the many concrete XML syn-
taxes of RDF instead of its semantics.
OWL-PL (Brophy and Heflin, 2009) is an ex-
tension of XSLT for transforming RDF/OWL into
XHTML. It provides an adaptation of XSLT pro-
cessing of XML trees to RDF graphs. In particular,
it matches properties of resources instead of XML
nodes through XPath. OWL-PL is both tied to its RD-
F/XML input format, like XSLT. Xenon (Quan, 2005)
is another ontology for specifying in RDF how RDF
resources should be presented to the user. It reuses
many of the key ideas of XSLT, among which tem-
plates, and defines a so-called RDF Stylesheet lan-
guage. Xenon’s two foundational concepts are lenses
and views. Lenses specify which properties of an
RDF resource are displayed and how these properties
are ordered; views specify how they are displayed.
PersonLens a fresnel:Lens ;
fresnel:classLensDomain foaf:Person ;
( foaf:name foaf:mbox foaf:depiction ).
:nameFormat a fresnel:Format ;
fresnel:label "Name" ;
fresnel:propertyFormatDomain foaf:name .
Figure 1: A Fresnel RDF graph describing a presentation
format for RDF data on persons.
Both OWL-PL and Xenon are tied to a specific dis-
play paradigm and an XHTML-like output format.
Fresnel (Bizer et al., 2005) is an RDF vocabu-
lary for specifying in RDF which data contained in
an RDF graph should be displayed and how. Fres-
nel’s two foundational concepts are lenses and for-
mats. Fresnel’s formats generalize Xenon’s views.
Figure 1 presents a Fresnel RDF graph describing a
presentation format for RDF data on persons: a lense
specifies that for each person, her name, mbox and
picture should be displayed and a format specifies
how to display her name.
SPARQL is provided with a CONSTRUCT query
form which enables to extract and transform RDF
data into any other schema. A CONSTRUCT query re-
turns an RDF graph specified by a graph template in
the CONSTRUCT clause of the query and built by sub-
stituting the variables in the graph template with the
solutions to the WHERE clause.
(Alkhateeb and Laborie, 2008) addresses the
problem of generating XML from RDF data with an
extended SPARQL query. A SPARQL query is given
a template of XML document where variables are fed
with the query results. The SPARQL CONSTRUCT
clause is overloaded to refer to an XML template with
reference to SPARQL query variables that are bound
by a standard WHERE clause.
XSPARQL (Bischof et al., 2012) is a combination
of SPARQL and XQuery (Robie et al., 2014) enabling
to query both XML and RDF data and to transform
data from one format into the other. XPARQL in-
tegrates within XQuery the SPARQL WHERE clause
to facilitate the selection of RDF data to transform it
into XML and, conversely, the SPARQL CONSTRUCT
clause to facilitate the construction of RDF graphs
from some extracted XML data. For instance the XS-
PARQL statements in FIgure 2 enable to select RDF
data on persons and transform it into an XML tree de-
scribing relations between persons.
Finally, there are quite a wide range of RDF
parsers and validators
, some of which enable to
transform RDF data from one serialization format to
declare foaf="";
<relations> {
for $Person $Name from <relations.rdf>
where {$Person foaf:name $Name}
order by $Name
<person name = "{$Name}"> {
for $FName
where {$Person foaf:knows $Friend .
$Friend foaf:name $FName}
return <knows>{$FName}</knows> }
</person> }
Figure 2: XSPARQL statements to select RDF data on per-
sons and transform it into an XML tree describing relations
between persons.
another. Among them, let us cite RDF Distiller
RDF Translator
. A review of these RDF-to-RDF
converters can be found in (Stolz et al., 2013). An-
other famous example of specific-purpose RDF trans-
former is the RDF/XML parser in OWL API
ridge and Bechhofer, 2011) which enable to transform
OWL 2 statements in RDF/XML into the Functional
syntax of the language.
To sum up, the state-of-the-art solutions presented
in this section to transform RDF data are all tied to
either an RDF/XML input syntax or to a specific out-
put format, or both except Fresnel. But Fresnel
focuses on the presentation of RDF data and does not
handle the general problem of the transformation of
RDF data. In the following, we present a generic ap-
proach for writing RDF transformers for any output
SPARQL Template Transformation Language
(STTL) is a generic transformation rule language for
RDF based on SPARQL. It relies on two extensions
of SPARQL: an additional TEMPLATE query form to
express transformation rules and extension functions
to recursively call the processing of a template into
another one. Section 3.1 summerizes the key features
of SPARQL and sections 3.2 and 3.3 present the
extensions of SPARQL in STTL. Section 3.4 presents
STTL syntax; section 3.5 presents the compilation
of STTL into standard SPARQL; and section 3.6
presents STTL semantics. Finally, section 3.7
compares STTL to XSLT.
SPARQL is the query language for RDF recom-
mended by W3C. It has a SQL-like syntax (SELECT
FROM WHERE) and is a graph pattern matching lan-
guage. A SPARQL query is a set of triple patterns
that are RDF triples (in Turtle syntax) which may hold
variables. A query may also have operators such as
filter, conjunction, union, optional, minus, etc. An
example of SPARQL query searching resources with
name “Olivier” which are linked to other resources
with a knows property is shown below:
PREFIX foaf: <>
?x foaf:name "Olivier" ;
foaf:knows ?y .
FILTER (?x != ?y) }
SPARQL is also provided with a CONSTRUCT
WHERE query form the result of which is a graph.
The CONSTRUCT clause specifies a graph pattern with
variables which are replaced by the values found in
the solutions of the WHERE clause in order to create
a graph. For instance, the following SPARQL query
enables to construct the RDF graph of foaf:knows
inverse relations between the resources of the original
RDF graph.
PREFIX foaf: <>
?y foaf:knows ?x }
?x foaf:knows ?y }
3.2 SPARQL Template Query Form
STTL relies on two extensions of SPARQL: an ad-
ditional TEMPLATE query form and extension func-
tions such as st:apply-templates to process a set
of templates.
A TEMPLATE query is made of a standard WHERE
clause and a TEMPLATE clause. The WHERE clause
is the condition part of a rule, specifying the nodes in
the RDF graph to be selected for the transformation.
The TEMPLATE clause is the presentation part of the
rule, specifying the output of the transformation for
the RDF statements matching the condition.
For instance, let us consider the OWL 2 axiom
stating that the class of men and the class of women
are disjoint. Here is its expression in Functional syn-
tax: DisjointClasses(a:Man a:Woman); and here
it is in Turtle: a:Man owl:disjointWith a:Woman.
The following template enables to transform the
above RDF statement into the corresponding state-
ment in Functional syntax.
"DisjointClasses(" ?in " " ?c ")" }
WHERE { ?in owl:disjointWith ?c }
The WHERE clause matches the RDF statement and
enables to select the subject and object of property
owl:disjointWith and to bind them to variables
?in and ?c. The TEMPLATE clause specifies the result
that must be generated using the solution sequence of
the WHERE clause. Variables in the TEMPLATE clause
are replaced by their value displayed in the Turtle syn-
The value of a variable may be a blank node that
represents another OWL statement, e.g., a Restriction.
In this case, we would like to display not the blank
node itself but the target OWL statement. This can be
done using another template.
3.3 SPARQL Template Extension
Let us now consider the OWL 2 axiom stating that the
class of parents is equivalent to the class of individu-
als having a person as child. Here are its expressions
in Functional syntax and in Turtle:
ObjectSomeValuesFrom(a:hasChild a:Person))
a:Parent a owl:Class ;
[ a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty a:hasChild ;
owl:someValuesFrom a:Person ]
The following template enables to transform the
above RDF statement into the corresponding Func-
tional statement.
st:apply-templates(?in) " "
st:apply-templates(?c) ")" }
WHERE { ?in owl:equivalentClass ?c . }
The value matching variable ?in is a:Parent which
is expected in the transformation output (the Func-
tional syntax of the OWL 2 statement), while the
value matching variable ?c is a blank node whose
property values are used to build the expected output.
This is defined in another template to be applied
on this focus node. The st:apply-templates ex-
tension function
enables this recursive call of tem-
Named in reference to XSLT xsl:apply-templates
plates, where st is the prefix of STTL namespace:
<>. In
other words, hierarchical processing is done using
the st:apply-templates function in the TEMPLATE
clause. It returns the result of the application of other
templates to the focus nodes. The result is concate-
nated in the TEMPLATE clause. Hence, nested tem-
plates processing is performed by dynamic calls to
According to the definition of
PrimaryExpression in SPARQL grammar, both
SPARQL functions and extension functions can be
used in TEMPLATE clauses. The following SPARQL
extension functions have been defined to process a
st:apply-templates(term) calls the trans-
former on a focus node term and executes one
st:call-template(name, term) calls a tem-
plate by its name on a focus node term;
st:apply-templates-with(uri, term) calls
the transformer specified by uri on a focus node
term and executes one template;
st:call-template-with(uri, name, term)
calls a template by its name, on a focus node with
a specified transformer;
st:apply-templates-all(term) calls the
transformer on a focus node term and executes
all templates; it returns the concatenation of the
Some additional utilitary extension functions have
been defined, among which:
st:turtle(term) returns the Turtle form of an
RDF term;
st:define(), st:process() and
st:default() enable to parameterize the
transformation behaviour when used in the
predefined templates presented in section 4.4.
3.4 Syntax
Figure 3 presents STTLs grammar. It is based
on SPARQL 1.1’s grammar
. In the defini-
tion of Template, Prologue, DatasetClause,
WhereClause, SolutionModifier and
ValuesClause are those defined in SPARQL
grammar. In the definition of TemplateClause,
iri is a template name. In the definition of Term,
PrimaryExpression is that defined in SPARQL
Template ::= Prologue TemplateClause
DatasetClause* WhereClause
SolutionModifier ValuesClause
TemplateClause ::=
’TEMPLATE’ (iri VarList ?) ?
’{’ Term* Separator? ’}’
VarList ::= ’(’ Var+ ’)’
Term ::= PrimaryExpression | Group
Group ::= ’GROUP’ ’DISTINCT’? ’{’
PrimaryExpression* Separator? ’}’
Separator ::= ’;’ ’separator’ ’=’ String
Figure 3: STTL grammar.
grammar and Group is syntactic sugar for SPARQL
GROUP CONCAT aggregate, enabling an easier
writing of aggregation with several arguments.
Separator enables to define the separator of ag-
gregates; by default, it is the space character for
Group (see Section 3.5) and the newline character for
TemplateClause (see Section 3.6).
3.5 Compilation into Standard
A template can be compiled into a standard SPARQL
query of the SELECT form. The compilation keeps the
WHERE clause, the solution modifiers and the VAL-
UES clause of the template unchanged and the TEM-
PLATE clause is compiled into a SELECT clause. Here
is the compilation scheme of a TEMPLATE clause into
a SELECT clause:
(1) cp(TemplateClause(
Term(t1), ... Term(tn), sep)) =
SELECT (CONCAT(cp(t1), ... cp(tn))
AS ?out)
(2) cp(Group(Term(t1), ... Term(tn), sep)) =
GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(cp(t1), ... cp(tn)),
(3) cp(Var(v)) = st:process(v)
(4) cp(PrimaryExpression(if(e1, e2, e3))) =
if(e1, cp(e2), cp(e3))
(5) cp(PrimaryExpression(e)) = e
Basically, a recursive function cp compiles a TEM-
PLATE clause by concatenating the compilation of its
terms by a call to function CONCAT (1). A GROUP is
syntactic sugar for GROUP CONCAT aggregate (2); a
variable v in a TEMPLATE clause is compiled into the
st:process(v) function call (3); if function call ar-
guments are compiled except the condition which is
left unchanged (4); other primary expressions are left
unchanged (5).
For instance, by applying the above scheme, the
following STTL expression:
"ObjectAllValuesFrom(" ?p " " ?c ")" }
?in a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ?p ;
owl:allValuesFrom ?c }
is compiled into the following SPARQL query:
st:process(?p), " ",
st:process(?c), ")") AS ?out)
?in a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ?p ;
owl:allValuesFrom ?c }
3.6 Evaluation Semantics
Since STTL can be compiled into standard SPARQL
1.1, the evaluation semantics of a template is that
. Let the solution sequence resulting
from the evaluation of the SPARQL query resulting
itself from the compilation of a template. If the solu-
tion sequence is empty, the template fails. Otherwise,
we define the result of the evaluation of a template as
the result of the Aggregation operator of SPARQL
with the following arguments:
Aggregation((?out), GROUP CONCAT,
scalarvals, {1 -> })
where scalarvals corresponds to the sep argument
in the TEMPLATE clause. Matching the graph pattern
in the WHERE clause of a template may return several
solutions: is a solution sequence. However, the
result of the evaluation of a template is unique: the
solutions in are aggregated with a GROUP CONCAT
aggregate. The result of the template is the result of
3.7 Comparison of STTL and XSLT
STTL and XSLT are quite similar in their functional-
ities and expressiveness. The key difference between
both languages is that XSLT operates on a XML (or-
dered) tree whereas STTL operates on an RDF (un-
ordered) graph. Then, a XSLT template can match
several patterns in the body whereas in a STTL tem-
plate, there is one multiset of solutions resulting from
the evaluation of one WHERE clause.
STTL inherits all SPARQL 1.1 statements, includ-
ing Property Path and service which enables to per-
form Linked Data transformation on remote graphs.
We implemented a SPARQL Template Transforma-
tion engine within the Corese Semantic Web Factory
(Corby et al., 2012; Corby and Faron-Zucker, 2010).
Basically, it is called by the st:apply-templates
extension function, or any other transformation func-
tions introduced in section 3.3. Given an RDF graph
with a focus node to be transformed and a list of tem-
plates, the transformation engine successively tries to
apply them to the focus node until one of them suc-
ceeds. A template succeeds if the matching of the
WHERE clause succeeds, i.e., returns a result.
4.1 Algorithm
Here is the core algorithm of the
st:apply-templates function in pseudocode:
(1) Node st:apply-templates(Node node) {
(2) for (Query q : getTemplates()) {
(3) Mappings map = eval(q, IN, node);
(4) Node res = map.getResult(OUT);
(5) if (res != null) return res; }
(6) return st:default(node); }
Templates are selected (2) and tried (3) one by one
until one of them returns a result (4-5). In other
words, a template is searched whose WHERE clause
matches the RDF graph with the binding of the fo-
cus node to variable IN. If no template succeeds,
the st:default function is applied to the node (6).
Recursive calls to st:apply-templates implements
the graph recursive traversal with successive focus
nodes: eval (3) runs templates that recursively call
the st:apply-templates function.
In addition to the above pseudocode, the trans-
former checks loops in case the RDF graph is a cyclic
graph. It keeps track of the templates applied to nodes
in order to avoid applying the same template on the
same node twice. If no fresh template exists for a fo-
cus node, the transformer returns the value returned
by a call to the st:default function.
A call to any other transformation functions intro-
duced in section 3.3 triggers a similar algorithm.
4.2 Dynamic Variable Binding
When matching the WHERE clause of a template with
the RDF graph, the SPARQL query evaluator is called
with a binding of variable IN (?in in the WHERE
clause) with the focus node to be transformed. When
processing templates, the SPARQL interpreter must
then be able to perfom dynamic binding to trans-
mit the focus node. This dynamic value binding
can be implemented in SPARQL with an extension
function st:getFocusNode() that retrieves the fo-
cus node from the environment and a SPARQL BIND
clause to bind it to the ?in variable in the WHERE
clause: BIND(st:getFocusNode() AS ?in). The
same scheme can be used for named templates with
4.3 Template Selection
By default, the transformation engine considers tem-
plates in order: given a focus node, in response
to a call to the st:apply-templates function, it
considers the first template that matches this node.
Hence, the result of the transformation of the fo-
cus node is the result of this template. Named tem-
plates can be chosen to be processed by a call to the
st:call-template function.
In some cases, it is worth writing several tem-
plates for a type of focus node, in particular when
the node holds different graph patterns that should be
transformed according to different presentation rules.
Executing several templates on the focus node is done
by calling the st:apply-templates-all function in
the TEMPLATE clause. The result of the transforma-
tion is the concatenation of the results of the success-
ful templates.
A transformer can be used to transform a
whole RDF graph without any distinguished
root node in the graph. For this purpose, the
st:apply-templates- with function can be called
without focus node and the transformer must then de-
termine it. By default, the first template that succeeds
is the starting point of the transformer; or a st:start
named template can be defined to be executed first
(see Section 4.4).
4.4 Transformer Setting
Our implementation of STTL enables to simply set a
special default template selection behavior for a set of
templates defining a transformer, by defining two spe-
cial named templates: st:start and st:default.
The st:start template, if any, is selected at the be-
ginning of the transformation process when no focus
node is available. In that case, it is the first template
executed by the template engine. The st:default
template, if any, is executed when all templates fail to
match the focus node.
The processing of a variable in the TEMPLATE
clause by default consists in outputting its value in
the Turtle format. A specific template, st:profile,
can be used to overload this default transformation
behaviour. For example, the following definition
of st:profile specifies that processing any vari-
able, denoted by st:process(?x), consists in the
application of the st:apply-templates function to
it and that, in case no template applies, its default
processing, denoted by st:default(?x), should be
the output of its string value, denoted by str(?x),
instead of the by default Turtle syntax, output by
TEMPLATE st:profile {
st:define( st:process(?x) =
st:apply-templates(?x) )
st:define( st:default(?x) = str(?x) ) }
In our approach of RDF transformation based on
SPARQL templates, the template processor is com-
pletely generic: it applies to any RDF data or any lan-
guage or model provided with an RDF syntax. What
is specific to each output language or format is the set
of transformation rules defined for it. In other words,
each transformer specific to an output format is a spe-
cific set of templates processed by the generic tem-
plate processor implementing STTL.
In this section we present specific transformers
available online
which validate both STTL and our
implementation of a generic STTL processor. The
applications of STTL are many and varied. A first
family of applications deals with the presentation of
RDF data into specific syntaxes, e.g., Turtle, (see Sec-
tion 5.1), or presentation formats, e.g., HTML (see
Section 5.2), or any other format answering specific
needs. As a result, STTL answers all the applica-
tion scenarii addressed in the related work. A sec-
ond family of applications deals with the transforma-
tion of statements of a given language represented
in RDF syntax, e.g., OWL (see Section 5.3), or any
other special purpose language with an RDF syntax.
A third family of applications deals with the transla-
tion of RDF into other languages, e.g., RDF-to-CSV
(see Section 5.2), or any translation X-to-Y of lan-
guages with RDF syntaxes.
5.1 RDF-to-RDF/Turtle Transformer
The following single STTL template enables to output
RDF data in Turtle syntax.
?x "\n"
GROUP { ?p " " ?y ; separator = ";\n" }
"." }
WHERE { ?x ?p ?y }
In a similar way, it is easy to write a transformer for
each of RDF syntaxes.
5.2 RDF to HTML
We implemented a generic transformation to trans-
late SPARQL query results into HTML. CONSTRUCT
query returns an RDF graph whereas SELECT query
result is translated in RDF using W3C DAWG result-
set RDF vocabulary
which is a RDF version of
SPARQL Query Results XML format.
The template below generates table cells for vari-
able bindings:
prefix rs:
st:call-template(st:display, ?val),
"</td>" ; separator = " "
?x rs:solution ?in
?x rs:resultVariable ?var
?in rs:binding [
rs:variable ?var ; rs:value ?val ]
Such RDF to HTML transformation enabled us to
design a light weight Semantic Web Hypertext Nav-
on top of a local dataset as well as a remote
dataset such as DBpedia. The transformer is embed-
ded in a Web server, that is a SPARQL endpoint aug-
mented with a transformation engine. The transfor-
mation engine is accessible at a specific URI on the
server. Given a resource URI, the transformation re-
trieves a description of the resource in the dataset and
generates a HTML page accordingly. In the HTML
page, references to related resource URI are displayed
as hypertext links to the Web server.
5.3 OWL 2 Pretty-printer
We wrote a transformation generating OWL 2 expres-
sions in functional syntax from OWL 2 expressions in
RDF syntax as a set of 48 STTL templates.
We validated it on the OWL 2 Primer complete
sample ontology
containing 350 RDF triples. To
validate the result of the transformation, we loaded
the output produced in OWL Functional syntax into
e and did a complete cycle of transformation
(save to RDF/XML, load and transform again) and
we checked that the results were equivalent. Let us
note that the results are equivalent and not identi-
cal because some statements are not printed in the
same order, due to the fact that Prot
e does not save
RDF/XML statements exactly in the same order and
hence blank nodes are not allocated in the same order.
We tested this OWL/RDF transformer on several
real world ontologies, among which a subset of the
Galen ontology. The RDF graph representing it con-
tains 33080 triples, the size of the result is 0.58 MB
and the (average) transformation time is 1.75 seconds.
We also have tested our pretty-printer on the HAO on-
tology. The RDF graph representing it contains 38842
triples, the size of the result is 1.63 MB, the (average)
pretty-print time is 3.1 seconds.
In addition to the transformation of an RDF
dataset representing OWL statements, this trans-
former can also be used when querying an OWL on-
tology stored in its RDF syntax, to present the re-
sults to the user in OWL 2 Functional syntax. This is
done by calling in the SELECT clause of the query one
of the extension functions launching the transformer.
As an example, the following query retrieves specific
classes of the ontology and displays them in Func-
tional syntax:
(st:apply-templates-with(st:owl, ?x)
as ?t)
?x a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf* f:Human }
5.4 Example of an Entire STTL
In this section we detail the execution of the OWL
on the following OWL/RDF state-
a:Parent owl:equivalentClass [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty a:hasChild ;
owl:someValuesFrom a:Person
The transformation engine first searches a template
that matches the owl:equivalentClass statement.
Here is the retrieved template:
if (bound(?t), "DatatypeDefinition",
if (?iu,
st:call-template(st:interunion, ?in),
" " ?y
?in owl:equivalentClass ?y
?in owl:intersectionOf|owl:unionOf ?z}
as ?iu)
OPTIONAL { ?y a ?t
FILTER(?t = rdfs:Datatype) }
The TEMPLATE clause is compiled to:
if (bound(?t), "DatatypeDefinition",
if (?iu,
st:call-template(st:interunion, ?in),
" ", st:process(?y),
as ?out)
The WHERE clause of this template succeeds with the
following bindings, where :b is the blank node of
type owl:Restriction:
?in = a:Parent ;
?y = _:b ;
?iu = false .
The TEMPLATE clause then evaluates its arguments:
The ?t variable is not bound, hence the first ex-
pression evaluates to "EquivalentClasses".
The ?iu variable value is false, hence the second
expression evaluates to st:process(?in).
The following SELECT clause is eventually evaluated:
SELECT (CONCAT("EquivalentClasses", "(",
st:process(?in), " ", st:process(?y),
")") AS ?out).
st:process(?in) with ?in bound to IRI a:Parent
then returns a:Parent. st:process(?y) with ?y
bound to blank node :b of type owl:Restriction,
subject of properties owl:onProperty and
owl:someValuesFrom, then searches a template
that matches such statements. Here is the retrieved
if (bound(?t1) || bound(?t2),
"(" ?p " " ?z ")"
?in owl:someValuesFrom ?z ;
owl:onProperty ?p
OPTIONAL { ?z a ?t1
FILTER(?t1 = rdfs:Datatype) }
OPTIONAL { ?p a ?t2
FILTER(?t2 = owl:DatatypeProperty) }
The TEMPLATE clause is compiled to:
if (bound(?t1) || bound(?t2),
"(", st:process(?p), " ", st:process(?z), ")"
as ?out)
The WHERE clause of this template succeeds with the
following bindings:
?in = _:b ;
?z = a:Person ;
?p = a:hasChild
The TEMPLATE clause of the above template then
evaluates its arguments: variables ?t1 and ?t2 are
not bound, hence the first expression evaluates to
The following SELECT clause is eventually evaluated:
SELECT (CONCAT("ObjectSomeValuesFrom",
"(", st:process(?p), " ", st:process(?z),
")") AS ?out).
As ?p and ?z both are bound to URIs, the evalua-
tion of st:process(?p) and st:process(?z) even-
tually returns the Turtle format of these URI. The re-
sult of the above SELECT clause and therefore of the
template is then the string:
"ObjectSomeValuesFrom(a:hasChild a:Person)"
As there is only one result, the final
group concat(?out) aggregate does not change it.
This result is returned to the first template as the value
of st:process(?y) in its SELECT clause . The result
of this SELECT clause and therefore of the first tem-
plate is then the following string:
ObjectSomeValuesFrom(a:hasChild a:Person))"
This is precisely the expression in OWL Func-
tional syntax of the example of OWL statement cho-
sen as input to illustrate the STTL transformation.
In this paper we considered two related problems: (1)
the transformation of RDF to present RDF data to
users, e.g., into a HTML domain or application de-
pendant format, and (2) the transformation of RDF
when it is used as a meta-model to represent on the
Web other languages and their abstract graph struc-
ture. We addressed the general problem of trans-
forming RDF into other languages. We answered
this question by specifying STTL, a generic and do-
main independent extension to SPARQL to support
the declarative representation of any special-purpose
RDF transformation as a set of transformation rules.
Being based on SPARQL, STTL inherits its expres-
sivity and its extension mechanisms. This specifica-
tion and the algorithms we described have been im-
plemented and tested in a generic transformation rule
engine part of the Corese Semantic Web Factory plat-
form (Corby et al., 2012; Corby and Faron-Zucker,
2010). This means all these results are part of this
open-source platform. We demonstrated the feasi-
bility and genericity of our approach by providing
several transformations including: RDF-to-RDF syn-
taxes, RDF-to-HTML, RDF OWL 2-to-OWL 2 Func-
tional syntax.
As future work, regarding the performances of our
generic transformation rule engine, we intend to im-
prove them by implementing heuristics to optimize
the selection of templates. We should compare in the
short term the performance of our generic transforma-
tion rule engine with that of existing tools for specific
RDF transformations. For instance, we may compare
the performance of our engine with that of the parser
of the well known OWL API
for transforming large
OWL 2 ontologies from RDF/XML syntax into Func-
tional syntax.
Regarding the exploitation of our generic trans-
formation rule engine to implement RDF transform-
ers into specific languages, we intend to augment the
number of STTL transformations available by writing
rule sets for other formats and domains. In the cases
where the TEMPLATE clauses of the transformation
rules produce RDF triples (as text), we define RDF-
to-RDF transformations with SPARQL Template. In
particular, we envisage implementing a special case
of RDF-to-RDF transformation to anonymize RDF
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