Modeling Programming Learning in Online Discussion Forums
I-Han Hsiao
School of Computing, Informatics & Decision Systems Engineering,
Arizona State University, 699 S. Mill Ave., Tempe AZ, U.S.A.
Keywords: Learning Activity, Engagement Activity, Discourse Analysis, Constructive Learning, Discussion Forum,
Programming, Educational Data Mining, Semantic Modelling, Topical Focus, Learning Assessment.
Abstract: In this paper, we modelled constructive engagement activities in an online programming discussion. We
built a logistic regression model based on the underlined cognitive processes in constructive learning
activities. The findings supported that there is passive-proactive behaviour and suggested that detecting
constructive content can be a helpful classifier in discerning relevant information to the users and in turn
creating opportunities to optimize learning. The results also confirmed the value of discussion forum
content, disregarding the crowd approves or not.
With the rapid growth of free, open, and large user-
based online discussion forums, it is essential for
education researchers to pay more attention to
emerging technologies that facilitate learning in
cyberspace. In programming, these free online
discussion sites (i.e. stackoverflow:, Dream.In.Code:, etc.) are popular
trouble-shooting/problem-solving technologies for
online courses. They allow programmers and
learners to reach out for help so that they can freely
discuss programming problems, ranging from
general to specific and simple to complex topics.
These sites therefore not only throw open
unbounded topics in the form of questions and
answers, but are especially attractive for open-ended
problem discussions. Over the decades, discourse
analysis on discussion forums has been carried out
through various formats, such as network analyses,
topical analyses, interactive explorers, knowledge
extraction, semantic connections etc. (Dave,
Wattenberg, and Muller, 2004; Gretarsson et al.,
2012; Indratmo, Vassileva, and Gutwin, 2008; Lee,
Kim, Cho, and Woo, 2013; Shum, 2008; Wei et al.,
2010). However, the scale and types of posts are
often very diverse in terms of user background,
coverage of topics, post volumes, post-response
turnaround rates, etc. It is a typical “open corpus”
challenge, where content sources are diverse and
usually unbounded; therefore it is challenging to
estimate student’s knowledge and further provide
personalized support. In addition, these platforms
are usually not moderated or guided by teachers or
teaching assistants, but are essentially governed by
the community. There has been considerable
research on strategies to filter the quality of content
and encourage participation of online communities
via crowdsourcing, rating, tagging, badges, etc.
(Hsiao and Brusilovsky, 2011; Jeon, Croft, and Lee,
2005; Kittur, Chi, and Suh, 2008; Snow, O'Connor,
Jurafsky, and Ng, 2008). Such social mechanisms
tend to filter and point out the most possible correct
solutions. However, in the context of online
learning, the correct solutions may not necessarily
be the best next steps for all learners (Graesser,
VanLehn, Rose, Jordan, and Harter, 2001; van de
Sande and Leinhard, 2007). The majority of the
online large-scale discussion forums investigate in
content quality and management; this work aims to
centre on understanding how people learn from these
online discussion forums.
The juncture of Intelligent Tutoring
Systems/Artificial Intelligence in Education
(ITS/AIED) and Learning Science/Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning (LS/CSCL)
literature has successfully demonstrated that students
can learn from a wide range of dialogue-based
instructional settings, such as dialogic-based tutor,
asynchronous discussion forums, etc. (Aleven,
McLaren, Roll, and Koedinger, 2006; Aleven, Ogan,
Popescu, Torrey, and Koedinger, 2004; Boyer et al.,
Hsiao I..
Modeling Programming Learning in Online Discussion Forums.
DOI: 10.5220/0005452002530259
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 253-259
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2011; Chi, 2009; Chi, Roy, and Hausmann, 2008;
Muldner, Lam, and Chi, 2014; VanLehn et al.,
2007). Recently, studies show an alternative
instructional context by learning from observing
others learn (Chi et al., 2008) and is considered as a
promising learning paradigm (Muldner et al., 2014).
It suggests passive participants (such as lurkers who
consume content without contributions) can still
learn by reading the postings-and-replies exchanges
from others due to the constructive responses in the
content (Chi and Wylie, 2014). Such learning-from-
observing paradigm addresses a major limitation on
development time in ITSs and liberated the domains
from procedural skills to less structured fields.
However, to what extend can we capitalize such
learning activity: reading others’ constructive
dialogues voluntarily and engage in some sort of
learning activity after that? In the context of
programming learning, can we successfully model
users’ learning activities in such large-scaled open
corpus environment? In this paper, we focus on
modelling such behaviour and exploring the
associated learning activities in an online
programming discussion forum.
In modelling learning activities, Wise, Speer,
Marbouti, and Hsiao (2013) studied an invisible
behaviour - listening behaviour in online
discussions, where the participants are students in a
classroom instructed to discuss tasks on the
platform. (Sande, 2010; van de Sande and Leinhard,
2007) investigated online tutoring forums for
homework help, making observations on the
participation patterns and the pedagogical quality of
the content. (Hanrahan, Convertino, and Nelson,
2012; Posnett, Warburg, Devanbu, and Filkov,
2012) studied expertise modelling in similar sort of
discussion environment. (Goda and Mine, 2011)
quantify online forum comments by time series
(Previous, Current and Next) to infer the
corresponding learning behaviours. The ICAP
(Interactive, Constructive, Active, Passive) learning
activity framework defines “learning activities” as a
broader and larger collection of instructional or
learning tasks, which allows educational researchers
to explain subtle engagement activities (invisible
learning behaviours) (Chi, 2009; Chi and Wylie,
2014; Muldner et al., 2014). The framework
examines comparable learning involvement, where
Interactive modes of engagement achieve the
greatest level of learning, then the Constructive
mode, then the Active mode, and finally, at the
lowest level of learning, the Passive mode. This
allows prediction of learning outcome and
estimation of knowledge transformation. However,
effective evaluation and harnessing of students’
learning activities usually relies on qualitative
human-coded methods (i.e. domain expert judges),
which is typically difficult to scale and challenging
to keep persistent traces of for current knowledge
prediction (Blikstein, 2011). In addition, crucial
learning moments can be easily missed and difficult
to reuse. We are beginning to see more data driven
approaches attempting to address these problems
(Hsiao, Han, Malhotra, Chae, and Natriello, 2014;
Rivers and Koedinger, 2013).
To model learning activity in an online
programming discussion forum, we have to firstly
analyse forum content by extracting features in
presenting content corresponding constructive
engagement activities. We consider two dimensions
of features 1) Social aspects features, including
posting votes, poster reputation, poster status (Stack
Overflow utilizes gamification mechanism, which
allows community members to vote and gain badges
in reflecting community status (i.e. gold, silver,
bronze, etc.)) and the number of favourites
bookmarked by users; 2) Content related features,
including code snippets, content syntactic (length,
average sentence per thread, novelty terms), content
semantics (sentiment polarity, topic entropy, topic
coherence, topic complexity, concept entropy) and
most importantly, the constructive lexicons. We
define the value to provoke learning as
constructiveness based on the constructive lexicon.
According to ICAP learning activity framework (Chi
and Wylie, 2014), a constructive learning activities
include the following possible underlying cognitive
processes, inferring, creating, integrating new with
prior knowledge, elaborating, comparing,
contrasting, analogizing, generalizing, including,
reflecting on conditions, explaining why something
works. Based on these cognitive processes, we build
a constructive lexicon library to capture comparing
and contrasting words, explanation, and justification
and elaboration words. We extract comparing and
contrasting keywords from a comparative sentence
dataset, which was originally used in sentiment
analysis for detecting and comparing product
features in reviews (Ganapathibhotla and Liu, 2008).
For example, comparative or superlative adjective
Table 1: Overview of Features.
Feature Description
Social Features (SF)
Vote Community democracy to evaluate
content quality based on up or down
Reputation Community trust measurement based
on user’s previous activities on the
site, including up-voted questions and
answers, answer acceptance
Status The accumulated scores on user
profile to symbolize the amount of
work done in the community. i.e.
Gold indicates important
contributions; silver indicates
strategic questions or answers; bronze
shows rewards for participation
Favourite Number of saved bookmarks by the
Content Features (CF)
Code length Number of code lines
Concept count Number of code concepts parsed by
programming language parser
(Hosseini and Brusilovsky, 2013)
Code Concept
Code topic distribution among all
codes to measure community code
topic focus
Post length Number of words of the post
Post entropy Post topic distribution to measure
community topic focus, where post
topics are generated by TFM (Hsiao
and Awasthi, 2015)
Positive and negative sentiments of
the content based on a list of positive
and negative sentiment words in
English (Hu and Liu, 2004)
Polarity = #(PosTerm) + #(NegTerm)
UMass score is measured as pairwise
score to represent how much a word
in a post triggers the corresponding
concept. (Mimno, Wallach, Talley,
Leenders, and McCallum, 2011)
Novelty Novelty words (w) of a post (p)
compared to other post of the same
question. Informativeness is
calculated by Σ
(, )
Dependent Variable
Constructiveness The number of constructive word
counts based on the constructive
lexicon described above
and adverb words, such as versus, unlike, most etc.
We then modify an arguing lexicon to extract
explanation, justification and elaboration words
(Somasundaran, Ruppenhofer, and Wiebe, 2007).
We focus on the assessment, emphasis, causation,
generalization, and conditionals sentence patterns
and include WH-type and punctuation features in
generating associated constructive lexicons. For
instance, “in my understanding…”, “all I’m saying
is…” (assessment), “…this is why…(emphasis)”,
“…as a result…(causation)”,
“…everything…(generalization)” and “…it would
be…(conditionals)”. Table 1 presents an overview
of all features.
According to the engagement activity framework
reviewed above, we construct the learning activity
model based on the features identified. We then
further analysed the forum content semantics in
examining the validity of the findings from the
results discovered from the model.
4.1 Data Collection
We sampled one year (year 2013) of forum posts in
topic Java from StackOverflow site through
StackExchange API. Stack Exchange
( is a question and answer
website network for various fields. The data pool
was selected from the top 10 frequent tagged
questions due to most the posts in this section
contained at least one accepted answer. It will allow
us to build a baseline on the answer quality
according to crowdsourced votes. There are total
16,739 posts, including 3,725 questions, 13,014
answers, with 3,718 accepted answers.
4.2 Model Learning Activity Analysis
To capture whether the observed assumptions on the
features would account for the variation in user
engagement prediction, we performed logistic
regression analysis. The full model was able to
successfully predict constructiveness at 0.001 level,
= 0.6496. We tested the goodness of the
models reserving 20% of the observations for testing
with 10-fold cross validation (MAE
= 7.08)
and selected a final model.
We found that there are significant more
constructive words within Accepted Answer (M=
0.827, SE= 1.334) than Answers (M=0.583, SE=
1.005), p< 0.01 (Table 3). The result confirmed that
the answers accepted by the crowd not only agreed
as correct solutions among the best available
answers, but also contained higher constructive
Table 2: The logistic regression model on
Feature Coefficient
SF-vote 6.900
SF-reputation 9.587*
SF-gold -3.866
SF-silver -4.269
SF-bronze 3.527
SF-favourite 1.028
CF-code_length 9.761
CF-concept -1.555***
CF-code_entropy 2.841**
CF-post_length 4.154***
CF-post_entropy 2.897
CF-polarity 1.205***
CF-coherence -1.895**
CF-novelty 7.852***
constant -2.255(.)
Significance codes: 0****, 0.001**, 0.01*, 0.05(.)
information. Accepted Answers also showed a
positive correlation between user favourites and the
amount of constructive words (r= 0.0781, p< 0.01),
but we did not see such correlation between
Questions/Answers and the amount of constrictive
words. This result is not surprising. It indicates the
community tends to bookmark useful Accepted
Answers, but not Questions nor Answers. However,
we found the community provided as many votes to
Answers and Accepted Answers, no matter how
constructive the content were. This observation was
very interesting and revealed that the community
may not bookmark the Answers as frequent as they
do to Accepted Answers, but it did show the effort to
screen the Answers and provide votes to them.
We further divided the content into two
categories, Easy and Difficult (based on the topics
covered in CS1 or CS2 courses). Easy topics include
Classes, Objects, Loops, ArrayLists etc.; difficult
topics contain Inheritance, Recursion,
Multithreading, User Interfaces etc. We found that
easier content had slightly higher constructive words
than difficult content, but it was not significant. It
was understandable that simpler problems may be
easier to provide examples and tougher problems
may require more efforts to justify the answers.
However, we found that among Answers, users
bookmarked more and up voted more in difficult
content when the content had also more constructive
words. But we saw no such pattern in Accepted
Answers or in Questions. This again showed
important evidence that the users in the community
spending efforts in locating relevant information to
themselves, even the answers are not accepted by the
crowd. These results suggested that there was a
passive-proactive learning behaviour, which users
did not just read the Accepted Answers, but also
Answers, and further provided some sort of actions
(up voted, bookmarked etc.) The findings also
suggested that detecting constructive content could
be a helpful classifier in discerning relevant
information to the users, and in turn providing
learning opportunities.
Table 3: Constructive word counts by content types and
Topic/Type Question Accepted Answer Answer
Easy 0.956±1.253 0.959±1.385 0.646±1.035
Difficult 0.984±1.355 0.827±1.294 0.583±0.981
Average 0.971±1.309 0.827±1.334 0.583±1.005
4.3 Semantic Content Analysis
From learning activity model analysis we learn that
there are learning opportunities in utilizing
discussion forum content and not limited to the
crowd accepted content only. To further understand
why and how people can benefit from the content
(not just the Accepted Answers, but also the
Answers), we analysed the forum content semantics.
We recognize that programming discussion
forums are places for users to solve or to search for
code solutions. The forum posts consist of
combination of natural language posts and
programming codes. Therefore, to extract content
semantics, it requires two different semantic parsers.
For natural language forum post texts, we applied
Topic Facet Modelling (TFM) algorithm to extract
concepts from forum texts into corresponding sets of
topics (Hsiao and Awasthi, 2015). For programming
codes, we used the program code parser (Hosseini
and Brusilovsky, 2013) to obtain the code semantics.
TFM is a modified Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) probabilistic topic model, which
automatically detects content semantics in
conversational and relatively short texts. It is fully
explained and reported in (Hsiao and Awasthi,
After extracting all the content semantics, we
applied Shannon entropy (1) to gauge the content
topical focus (Momeni, Tao, Haslhofer, and Houben,
2013; Wagner, Rowe, Strohmaier, and Alani, 2012).
We calculated the distance topic distribution of each
post (text and codes separately). We define entropy
of topic distribution of the forum post authored by
the user, u. Where t is a topic and n is #topics. Low
topic entropy indicates high focus. We assume the
topical focus of posts has influence on the usefulness
of content for learning.
We found that post texts had consistent topical
focus across three different content categories, and
program codes yielded higher topical focus than post
texts. This is understandable due to the reason that
people often come to the programming discussion
forums to look for code solutions. Most importantly,
we found the codes in Answers generated the
highest topical focus than any other content type and
content categories. It demonstrated the value of
massive Answers in the discussion forum, even the
content are not approved by the crowd as the
Accepted Answers. Possible explanations could be,
while the Answers may not be the best solutions to
the questions, they can still be the most appropriate
resource for the viewer. Because the person who
ends up browsing the content can have his/her
questions in mind, which are not exactly the same or
fully expressed as the questions presented in the
forum. Such findings again demonstrated the value
of the forum content, which can be resourceful
learning objects even they are not crowd approved.
Table 4: Text and code entropy by content types.
Content Category/Type Text Code
Question 4.302±0.251 2.316±2.165
Accepted Answer 4.179±0.554 2.455±2.110
Answer 4.108±0.711 1.758±2.085
In this paper, we modelled constructive engagement
activities in an online programming discussion. We
built a constructive word lexicon based on
constructive learning activities underlined cognitive
processes described in the ICAP learning activity
framework. We then performed logistic analysis and
selected a model, which was able to explain 64.96%
of users’ engagement activities. Deeper analysis
confirmed that the crowd perceived Accepted
Answers were likely to contain more constructive
words. Moreover, users had more up votes
interactions with Answers and Accepted Answers
disregard the quantity of constructive words.
Besides, they especially bookmarked more and up
voted more in difficult Answers when the content
had also more constructive words. In addition, in the
semantic content analysis, we found higher topical
focus of the program codes in Answers in the
discussion forum. This again demonstrated the value
of discussion forum content, no matter the crowd
approves the content or not.
All these findings combined together suggested
the existence of passive-proactive in large-scaled
online discussion forum and the content of the
discussion forum are valuable assets for learning,
disregarding the acceptance by the crowd or not. It
also suggested that detecting constructive content
could be a helpful classifier in discerning relevant
information to the users, and in turn providing
learning opportunities. For instance, we can
optimize learning opportunities in the open corpus
large-scaled discussion forum by identifying and
ordering content based on the quality and
constructiveness, which may result in better
efficiency for mass passive-proactive users. (As
oppose to traditional layout of the content, which is
ordered by the content quality and reversed
chronological order.) Similarly, the value of the
Answers in the massive amount of discussion
forums should be harnessed and better utilized. For
example, recommend relevant Answers to learners,
instead of Accepted Answers.
We recognized two major limitations during the
exploratory modelling process. 1) We currently only
considered the constructive learning activity, and
neglected other activities, such as Interactive
learning activity. Learning is complex. All sorts of
learning activities can be intertwined among the
same context. 2) Current model considered limited
social features to capture users’ profiles. We believe
that a learning-inductive post should also take into
account the content poster’s expertise, rather than
just the amount activities in the community.
Therefore, in the future, we plan to integrate other
learning activities associated with constructive ones
and conduct more rigorous evaluation in modelling
forum posters’ expertise. Moreover, we are currently
testing innovative learning analytics interfaces,
which present personalized views, sequencing, and
summaries in assisting users to better use of the
massive content from discussion forums. More
exhausted user studies are planned to evaluate
predictive model effectiveness.
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