e-Assessment in Mathematics Courses with Multiple-choice
Questions Tests
José Manuel Azevedo
ISCAP, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Rua Jaime Lopes de Amorim, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: E-Assessment, Continuous Assessment, Formative Assessment, Moodle, Multiple-choice Questions,
Guidelines for MCQ.
Abstract: With the implementation of the Bologna Process several challenges have been posed to higher education
institution, particularly in Portugal. One of the main implications is related to the change of the paradigm of
a teacher centered education, to a paradigm that is student centered. This change implies the change of the
way to assess courses in higher education institutions. Continuous and formative assessments emerged as
the focus, catalyzed by electronic assessment, or e-assessment. This paper presents a case of the
implementation of an e-assessment strategy, implemented in order to allow continuous, formative
assessment in numerous mathematics classes using multiple-choice questions tests implement in Moodle
open-source learning management system. The implementation can be considered a success.
The Bologna Process officially started in June 1999
with the Bologna Declaration. This defines a set of
steps to be followed by the European higher
education systems, in order to build a European area
of higher education globally harmonized. After a
few years of its implementation in Portugal it
revealed as a huge opportunity for the reorganization
of higher education in Portugal, being that the
polytechnics and universities faced major
challenges. The emergence of a new paradigm,
valuing the student as the central subject in the
construction of their learning requires new
pedagogical approaches. However, according to
Redecker and Johannessen (2013), changes in
teaching practices and learning processes can only
happen when assessment also changes. Moreover,
according to (Perrenoud 1993), to change
assessment is to change school. Historically,
assessment in higher education consisted in the
application of final exams for each of the courses,
the so-called final assessment. The Bologna process
points out to another type of assessment,
encompassing diverse forms of assessments carried
out during the semester/academic year, the so-called
continuous assessment.
The mathematic teachers at ISCAP, the school of
Accounting and Administration of the Polytechnic
Institute of Porto, started to work on the necessary
adjustments, related to the Bologna Process, as soon
as possible. Nevertheless, several constraints were
present. With the necessity to adjust the different
courses accordingly to the Bologna Process, began
to arrive at ISCAP students who did not attend
Mathematics in secondary education. Among these,
account a significant number of students entering
through the special type of access, named as “Access
to Over 23 Years”. Many of these students no longer
study several years ago, thus have more difficulties.
On the other hand, with the restructuring of the
programs, the weekly duration aimed at the
Mathematics courses has been significantly reduced,
classes were numerous and it also became necessary
to articulate the mathematics courses with other
courses to provide, in a timely manner, the necessary
mathematical foundations. Therefore, there was a
need to implement new strategies and methodologies
to support students, because it was very difficult to
implement continuous assessment in such
Taking into account all these aspects, we began
to develop a continuous e-assessment process, which
includes the use of Multiple-Choice Questions
(MCQ) tests, implemented in Moodle. The tests are
randomly generated by Moodle, allowing that each
student is presented with a different test. A bank of
questions, divided into categories defined to allow
Azevedo J..
e-Assessment in Mathematics Courses with Multiple-choice Questions Tests.
DOI: 10.5220/0005452702600266
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 260-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
all tests to assess the same learning goals for all
students who were making the test, was developed.
The existence of a project named as “MatActiva”
(Azevedo et al. 2009; Babo et al. 2008; Babo,
Azevedo, Torres and A. Lopes 2010; Babo,
Azevedo, Torres and A. P. Lopes 2010; Lopes et al.
2010; Lopes et al. 2011; Torres et al. 2009; Torres et
al. 2011), whose overall objective is to help students
improve their performance in mathematics using the
interactivity features of Moodle, and that had our
participation, served up as a catalyst.
This paper describes the fisrt phase of this
continuous e-assessment process. The main
contribution of this paper is to show that it is
possible to implement continuous e-assessment in
mathematics, having numerous classes, using e-
assessment with MCQ. The research work helped
understand some important issues related to the use
of some MCQ in the area of Mathematics. This also
constitutes a novelty, since, as far as our knowledge,
there are just a few research works about using
MCQ in the area of mathematics.
The structure for the rest of the paper is the
following: firstly related topics are presented,
secondly the presentation of the implementation of a
continuous e-assessment strategy is introduced, next
the construction of the MCQ bank is explained, and
the paper ends with the conclusion.
In this section related topics are introduced, namely
e-assessment, formative, summative, and diagnostic
assessment, Multiple-Choice Questions, and
Continuous Assessment.
2.1 e-Assessment
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) bring up challenges and at the same time offer
teachers tools that let them create differentiated
learning opportunities for students. Their use is
recommended by several European organizations
such as the European Parliament and the European
Open and Distance Learning Liaison Committee.
The use of ICT in the assessment process thus
becomes unavoidable. Electronic assessment, or
e-assessment, arises. With e-assessment ICT is used
throughout all the assessment process from the
design of the tests to the storage of the results
(Stödberg 2012). One possible approach is the
development of specific environments for this
purpose (Boticki and Milasinovic 2008; Dascalu and
Bodea 2010; Llamas-Nistal et al. 2013). Other
authors use the so-called Learning Management
Systems (LMS) (Burrow et al. 2005; Salas-Morera
et al. 2012). The LMS have the advantage of
providing a wide range of tools specifically designed
for the implementation of e-assessment. Among
these tools we emphasize tests, which can
encompass several types of questions, such as
multiple-choice, true/false, matching items, short
answer, among others.
2.2 Formative, Summative, and
Diagnostic Assessment
Regarding its purpose, the assessment can be
formative, summative or both, or diagnostic (Jacob
et al. 2006; Redecker and Johannessen 2013;
Stödberg 2012). We can consider that the summative
assessment reflects the paradigm of "Learning to
Evaluate" and that the diagnostic and formative
assessments reflect the paradigm of "Assess to
Learn" (Jacob et al. 2006). We can say that the first
paradigm is the most common in the assessment that
traditionally is done in higher education, which
consists of applying one or more previously
scheduled exams in paper written format. It can be
said that e-assessment has been serving as a catalyst
for a change of this first paradigm to the second one,
since it can be found that in relevant scientific
studies about e-assessment, the use of formative
e-assessment or both types, formative and
summative at the same time, is more common than
the use of summative e-assessment (Stödberg 2012).
2.3 Multiple-Choice Questions
An important aspect of e-assessment concerns the
type of task that is performed. A classification with
which we identify ourselves, considering that it
results from a careful review of the literature in
some of the most important scientific journals in the
area and because it corresponds to our practice as a
teacher, is presented in (Stödberg 2012). In this
study five categories are considered:
closed questions, such as multiple-choice
questions or matching;
products, such as computer programs;
discussions among students.
In the same study, it is stated that the closed
questions are the most used in e-assessment. Among
the closed questions, those of multiple-choice are of
particular relevance and have some peculiarities,
presenting some advantages and some limitations.
These various aspects as well as the comparison of
this type of assessment with others, have been
studied in scientific research in this area (Bible et al.
2008; Bush 2014; Haladyna et al. 2002; Liu et al.
2011; Lee et al. 2011; Rod et al. 2010; Torres et al.
In the study presented in (Torres et al. 2009) the
following advantages of multiple-choice questions
are presented:
they can be used with diversified contents;
they can measure a wide range of learning
they are adaptable to various levels of
cognitive abilities;
they are very useful for assessment of large
using computer systems, such as LMS, tests
can be graded automatically and statistical
analysis can be easily performed;
they provide the most useful format for
comparisons over time due to the
objectiveness in grading.
As for the limitations of the multiple-choice
questions, the same study shows the following:
they can be difficult to construct for higher
levels of cognitive skills;
they require good writing skills from teachers,
so that the questions are clear;
they require good reading skills from students,
in order to correctly interpret the questions;
they cannot measure some types of learning
objectives, such as the ability to communicate;
many times it is difficult to find good
"distractors" (which corresponds to the
incorrect options);
students can guess the answer.
2.4 Continuous Assessment
As stated in the introduction, the Bologna Process
points out to diverse forms of assessment carried out
during the semester/academic year, the so-called
continuous assessment, while the traditional type of
assessment in higher education consisted in the
application of final exams, the so-called final
Continuous assessment has got several advantages.
According to (Borba and Penteado 2001), the
following are some of the advantages of continuous
Favours alternative learning itineraries;
Allows the dynamization of learning;
Stimulates and supports the advancements,
giving priority to the positive elements,
instead of the negative ones;
Develops the reflexion capability, since it
gives the student the opportunity to organize
himself and understand its course of action
and progression.
With the implementation of the Bologna Process at
ISCAP, the school of accounting and administration
of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, it was
necessary to implement continuous or, more
appropriately, distributed assessment. The word
distributed is used in the sense that there are several
summative and/or formative assessment moments
during the semester. From now on, we will use
continuous assessment with this sense of distributed
assessment, remarking that there are also some
moments of formative assessment, some of them
being both formative and summative.
For the Mathematics teachers the implementation
of continuous assessment constitutes a hard task,
since two antagonistic situations were verified.
Firstly, the duration of the courses were substantially
reduced while maintaining the necessity to teach
almost the same topics, in order to provide, in a
timely manner, the necessary mathematical
foundations to other courses. Secondly, the number
of students per class increased due to budgetary
limitations, which conduce to numerous classes. We
are talking of about 800 students, distributed among
classes of about 40 or more students. Time necessary
for teachers to do assessment is proportional to the
number of students being assessed. Thus, the
existence of numerous classes discourages teachers
to implement continuous assessment.
In order to solve this problem, an e-assessment
strategy was envisaged. This includes an e-
assessment component which consisted in the use of
MCQ tests. This was due to the advantages of MCQ
referred above (section 2.3). Since the open source
LMS Moodle was already available in the
institution, it arises as the natural choice to
implement the MCQ tests. Moodle has got the
advantage of being able to randomly generate tests
by selecting a fixed number of questions from some
selected categories defined by the teachers, which
allows students to be presented with a different test,
avoiding the necessity of developing several
different tests. Presenting different tests to adjacent
students is important, since it is much easier for
students to cheat with MCQ tests.
The tests, implemented with Moodle, were
answered by the students as homeworks. This e-
assessment component was both of a formative
nature and of a summative nature. The summative
nature is present because the tests have a weight in
the final grades obtained by the students. The
formative nature is present because the tests were to
be answered by the students 7 to 10 days before the
formal tests, to help them ascertain their awareness.
These formal tests were the other component of the
assessment. It consisted of 3 MCQ tests answered by
the students in written format, at the same time for
all the students, in a date previously scheduled by
the school. It is relevant to say that these tests can
also be considered as a type of e-assessment, since
the marks were obtained and stored with electronic
support. The electronic support consisted of an excel
file with adequate formulas. The students answers
were converted to electronic format, grades were
automatically generated and stored in this format,
and statistics were calculated. It is important to say
that presenting the students different tests is a
problem also in these MCQ tests in written format.
At least 8 different versions were necessary for
each test.
The implementation was gradually done, in order
to carefully test the system. The first step consisted
in the development of a bank of MCQ. This bank of
MCQ was carefully planned and implemented to
allow that the tests were randomly generated by
Moodle, allowing that each student is presented with
a different test maintaining, even so, uniformity. The
construction of the MCQ bank is discussed in the
next section.
Next, it was decided to implement 3 tests as
homeworks, during specified periods previously
defined and communicated to the students. It was
intended to do the tests during the lessons, but there
were no technical conditions to do it. Due to these
circumstances, these MCQ tests implemented with
Moodle had initially a weight of 10%, being that the
3 tests MCQ tests in written format had the
remaining 90%. The decision for the weights was
considered good, since this was the first time that the
bank of MCQ was used and some uncontrollable
situations could happen. In addition, the tests were
optional to the students, and answered out of the
lessons environment. As stated before, its purpose
was mainly to serve as formative assessment.
This format was maintained during 3 academic
years, but with slight changes in format and in the
MCQ tests’ weights.
The most important task of the e-assessment was the
construction of the MCQ bank. Three aspects were
considered namely, defining categories for the
questions, building the questions and the tests, and
the revision process. These aspects are explained
4.1 Defining Categories for the
Moodle can generate tests randomly by selecting a
fixed number of questions from selected categories,
which render a different test for each student. This
poses two important questions:
how to guarantee that the tests assess the same
how to guarantee that the tests are uniform in
difficulty for all the students?
It was defined that the guarantee that the same
topics are assessed could be achieved with the
definition of categories in which to classify each of
the elaborated questions, each category
corresponding to a learning outcome. The learning
outcomes were carefully defined by the group of
teachers based in the learning outcomes of the
courses being taught. These were defined at the
beginning of each semester by the group of teachers,
based on the students’ necessities, but are somehow
uniform along the years. It was detected that if the
tests include more than one question from a
category, Moodle can select the same question two
times (at least), which is somehow common in
Moodle randomly generated tests. Thus, to avoid
this issue, the tests randomly generated by Moodle
presented to each student, includes only one
question per category, in order to avoid that the
same may question appear more than once in the
test. The categories to include in each test, and
consequently the learning outcomes that are meant
to be assessed, are defined by the teachers for each
As for the guarantee that the tests are uniform in
difficulty for all the students, it was decided that the
teachers should develop questions with low to
medium difficulty level. The questions should also
be uniform in format: for instance it is not
acceptable to have a question with 3 options, and
another question with 7 options, since it is more
difficult for the students to analyze the late case.
4.2 Building the Questions and the
As mentioned in the previous section, it is important
to define a format to be followed by the teachers in
the design of the questions. It was defined that all
the questions will have 4 options: 1 correct and 3
distractors. A penalty of 33% was introduced for the
distractors, in order to try to avoid students guessing
the answer to the questions. It was also decided that
the first option should be the correct one, in order to
facilitate later revisions that, eventually, became
necessary. This is not an issue for the students, since
Moodle shuffle the various options before presenting
the question in the generated tests.
Special care was taken when generating the tests
in Moodle:
Generating a different test for each class,
defining duration, date, time the test became
available, and time test stop being available;
Only one attempt was allowed for the student
to solve the test;
Tests randomly generated by Moodle through
the selection of 1 question from each of the
predefined categories (each category
corresponds to a predetermined learning
The options in each of the MCQ were
randomly shuffled for each generated test
4.3 The Revision Process
Producing questions without errors is crucial for
building trust in the assessment process in any case,
but is more difficult to ensure when building MCQ.
A careful revision process was designed, so that
errors could be minimized. The process consisted of
the following seven steps:
1. Groups of two teachers were assigned with the
responsibility of preparing a specified number
of questions for each of the defined categories.
2. The course coordinator reviewed the questions
and suggested changes.
3. The same team concretized the changes and
prepared a detailed resolution of the questions.
4. A second team of two teachers analyzed the
questions in detail and the respective
resolution and proposed changes considering,
for instance, the time required to solve them,
the difficulty level, and the encountered
5. The first team performed the changes.
6. The course coordinator analyzed the final
version of the questions and proposed changes
that, at this stage were minimal.
7. The last version of the questions was verified
by the whole group and the final agreement
was given.
It is relevant to say that a similar revision process
was followed for the MCQ tests in written format,
including the necessity of generating several
versions. Later, after the students answering the
MCQ tests in written format, the resolution (not just
the answers) for one of the versions was made
available to students.
Today the process is more streamlined. Taking
into account the experience previously gained, it was
possible to eliminate steps 3, 4 and 6.
This revision process revealed to be effective,
since no errors have been found in the tests so far.
The implementation of the bank of questions can be
considered a success, due to the hard work of the
teachers, along the 3 academic years of the project.
Two courses were included in the process, one in the
first semester of the academic year, and another one
in the second semester of the academic year. For the
courses of the first semester, at the end of the
process, there were 17 main categories in the bank
of questions, being that 7 of these categories were
subdivided in subcategories. Thus there were 30
categories that included questions. The total number
of questions was 699. This gives a mean of 23.3,
despite the categories not having the same number
of questions. For the course of the second semester,
at the end of the process, there were 21 main
categories in the bank of questions, being that only 1
of these categories was subdivided in subcategories.
Thus, there were 24 categories that included
questions. The total number of questions was 661.
This gives a mean of 27.5, despite the categories not
having the same number of questions.
Even being optional, tests implemented with
Moodle had good response rates. Table 1 presents
the number of students that answered the 3 tests
along the 3 academic years(AY)/semesters(S) of the
implementation of this project. During the first
semester of AY 3 it was decided to implement 2
tests instead of 3. The number of students decreases
from the first test to the third test, because several
students give up from continuous assessment. This is
more evident during the first semester of the first
academic year of the implementation of this project.
The author considers that this is due the fact that the
students and the teachers were not aware of the
bureaucratic implications of continuous assessment
at the beginning of the semester. In the second
semester of the third academic year the number of
students doing the tests is smaller, because
continuous assessment was not implemented due to
technical issues.
Table 1: Number of students per test.
AY 1 AY 2 AY 3
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
Nº of
620 818 772 908 821 1070
Test 1
589 536 624 588 573 546
Test 2
468 478 598 524 506 466
Test 3
287 388 554 466 - 366
Table 2 resumes the grades obtained by the
students in the academic year, first semester before
the project being implemented, and in the 3 years
that the academic project was implemented. Table 3
resumes the grades obtained by the students in the
academic year, second semester before the project
being implemented, and in the 3 years that the
academic project was implemented. The percentage
of approved students is always low, but tends to
decrease during the implementation of the project.
Nevertheless, the author considers that this is due
mainly to the changes introduced by the Bologna
Process. The project continued to be developed after
the period described in this paper, and the grades
have now an ascending tendency.
Table 2: Resume of the grades obtained by the students
being assessed in the first semester.
AY before AY 1 AY 2 AY 3
Mean 7,3 6 5,5 4,7
Max 15 20 18 19
Min 0 0 0 0
Std 3,6 4,7 4,4 4,3
% Aprov. 31% 38% 36% 29%
Table 3: Resume of the grades obtained by the students
being assessed in the second semester.
AY before AY 1 AY 2 AY 3
Mean 6,9 5,4 4,7 5,2
Max 16 20 18 18
Min 0 0 0 0
Std 3,7 4,5 4,5 4,2
% + 40% 34% 31% 34%
This paper presents the e-assessment strategy that
was envisaged in order to solve some constraints
that resulted from the necessity of applying
continuous assessment, accordingly to the Bologna
Process. The e-assessment strategy consisted in two
main components, which comprises the use of MCQ
tests. The necessary steps are described along the
paper. The paper relates a very early stage of the
The lessons learned in the process resulted in
some guidelines that can be used by teachers willing
to use MCQ tests to assess their students. This is one
of the paper’s contributions. Another contribution is
to demonstrate that it is possible to use MCQ in
Mathematics to assess their students. In addition,
this research helped to understand some important
issues related with the use of MCQ to assess
students, more specifically in Mathematics courses.
Despite the success achieved, some limitations
were identified. One limitation is related with the
guarantee that tests, randomly generated by Moodle,
are uniform in difficulty for all the students, since
some problems were identified during the process.
In the future, it is intended to regularly use statistical
measures in order to better ascertain the difficulty
level of the tests. Another limitation is the lack of
technical conditions to implement the e-assessment
during the classes. Future research directions also
include the development of technical conditions to
make it possible.
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