Evaluating Potential Improvements of Collaborative Filtering with
Opinion Mining
Manuela Angioni, Maria Laura Clemente and Franco Tuveri
CRS4, Center of Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia
Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico, Ed. 1, 09010 Pula (CA), Italy
Keywords: Opinion Mining, Natural Language Processing, Collaborative Filtering, Matrix Factorization, Ensemble
Abstract: An integration of an Opinion Mining approach with a Collaborative Filtering algorithm has been applied to
the Yelp dataset to improve the predictions through the information provided by the user-generated textual
reviews. The research, still in progress, based the Opinion Mining approach on the syntactic analysis of
textual reviews and on a beginning polarity evaluation of the sentences. The predictions produced in this
way was blended with the predictions coming from a Biased Matrix Factorization algorithm obtaining
interesting results in terms of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), with potential enhancements. We intend
to improve these results in a further phase of activity by including in the Opinion Mining approach the
semantic disambiguation and by using better criteria of evaluation of the reviews taking into account a set of
12 business aspects. The Opinion Mining approach will be evaluated comparing the output in terms of
predictions with the values manually assigned by a small group of people to a sample of the same reviews.
The spontaneous textual reviews written by the users
through online services represent interesting
information for Opinion Mining methodologies,
although the total absence of any kind of rules
implies new difficulties to be dealt with. A dataset,
such as the Yelp business recommender service,
provides the researchers with a valuable source of
material enriched by the star ratings. In fact, this
combination is ever more common in the available
datasets and gives the possibility to analyse the
textual reviews through Opinion Mining
methodologies while the star ratings can be used by
Collaborative Filtering algorithms in order to verify
the level of reliability.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: we
provide related work about the combination of
Opinion Mining and Collaborative Filtering in
Section 2. Section 3 describes the Yelp dataset and
its issues. Section 4 describes the Opinion Mining
analysis process and the algorithm evaluation while
the prediction analysis methodology is described in
Section 5. Lastly, Section 6 reports conclusions and
future works.
Since the Yelp dataset has been provided for the
RecSys2013 competition, there are a great number
of studies related to it, which describe research
activities with various purposes and involving
different aspects.
Many of these studies have the aim of proposing
effective recommender systems based on the textual
reviews (Trevisiol et al., 2014; Fan et al., 2014),
some of them combining Opinion Mining
methodologies with Collaborative Filtering
algorithms (Govindarajan, 2014). Again in Trevisiol
et al., (2014) the users’ preferences about food are
used to produce personalized menu
Several types of algorithms can be used to deal
with predictions for recommender systems, but
many researchers agree that the most effective
algorithm working alone for this kind of problems is
based on matrix factorization (Koren, et al. 2009;
Tosher et al. 2009).
It is important to note that although algorithms
based on the ratings produce winning results in
terms of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), they do
not consider the content provided in a textual
Angioni M., Laura Clemente M. and Tuveri F..
Evaluating Potential Improvements of Collaborative Filtering with Opinion Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0005456006560661
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 656-661
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
review, which can be very effective in order to make
a deeper analysis of the actual opinion of users about
the different features which characterize a resource
and, most importantly, if a user would really
recommend that resource to other people
(Koukourikos et al., 2012).
These kind of limitations can be overcome by
Opinion Mining methodologies which could be used
to enrich the output of Collaborative Filtering
algorithms (Quadrana, 2013), including but not
limited to the well-known cold start problem (Levi
et al. 2012).
It must be said that user generated textual
reviews without rules bring to another class of
issues, as described in Section 3.
The Yelp dataset was chosen for the presented study
because it provides both textual reviews and star
ratings assigned by the users to the businesses
The credibility of the Yelp textual reviews has
been sometimes put in doubt because the business-
owner of a weak activity could be tempted to write
positive reviews for his/her business, or worse than
this, fake negative reviews for some of its
competitors. To avoid this, Yelp filters out these
kind of false opinions and in any case the dataset
represents a valid source of information for the
research activities because most of the reviews can
be considered reliable.
A part from these aspects, there are also some
further elements, which make the Yelp dataset more
complicated to be analysed. In fact, there are no
rules about what aspects of a business should be
considered in a review and while some people
describe almost everything (location, presence of a
parking area, interior decoration, furnishing, size of
the sitting area, quality of service, variety of food
and wine, quality and amount of food, prices, etc.),
some others limit their exposition to one or few
sentences about the quality of food.
There are also some reviews made of a mixing of
positive and negative different experiences in the
same restaurant, which took place during a range of
many years.
A further issue arises when a description is
related to the comparison between two or more
In the presented activity the Opinion Mining
methodology has been considered to predict
business ratings from the user-generated textual
reviews, and the effect of this approach is expected
to reduce the bias implicitly introduced by the
various personalities of the reviewers in the star
As in Benamara et al., (2007), we propose a
linguistic approach to Opinion Mining and, more in
details, to the extraction of feature terms by means
of the syntactic and semantic analysis of textual
resources. In particular, we focus on the analysis of
the opinions through the processing of textual
resources, the information extraction by means of
the syntactic chunk analysis, the semantic
disambiguation of terms, and the evaluation of the
semantic orientation.
The identification of adjectives and adverbs and
the use of subjective lexical resources have a
relevant role in this phase.
The main tasks of the Opinion Mining process
are described in more detail in the following Section.
4.1 Data Processing
The reviews considered for the research activity are
the ones related to the business belonging to the
“Restaurant” category. We collected our data
considering only the users giving a number of
reviews greater than 9. As shown in Figure 1, a total
of 67,451 text reviews have been extracted.
A spell check on the obtained reviews and then a
replacement of the verbal short forms with the long
forms were made in order to reduce the amount of
errors and to facilitate the syntactic parsing
activities. Dividing the reviews in sentences, a total
of 953,314 sentences has been obtained.
Then the TreeTagger (Schmid, 1994) phrase
parser was run for the chunking, along with the
sentence annotation with Part Of Speech (POS) tags
and lemma information, and in each sentence the
sub-constituents were identified. Subsequently an
analysis of the parts of speech was carried out in
order to associate the nouns with their related
Through the semantic disambiguation task, it is
possible to reduce the number of synsets activated
by the syntactic analysis. Calculating the synset
density in a document, we can take advantage of the
semantic relations available from WordNet.
Moreover, it is possible to refer sentences to domain
topics during the semantic disambiguation phase,
identifying all the synsets referred to a textual
content, and evaluating its most probable sense
(Angioni et al. 2008). The “sentence analysis”
performs the distinction between subjective and
objective sentences, with or without orientation, to
detect factual sentences, which have a polarity value.
This is a very important step because only the
subjective sentences and the factual sentences
having a polarity valence have been considered.
This task was performed with SentiWordNet
(Esuli and Sebastiani, 2007), which is a lexical
resource able to assign the following three sentiment
scores to each synset of WordNet (Miller, 1998):
positivity, negativity, and objectivity.
This kind of analysis will produce a set of
predictions to be compared with Yelp ratings and
with a sample set of ratings partially discussed by
two researchers and based on a common evaluation
criterion, as described in Section 4.4.
4.2 Feature Identification
The feature identification is a relevant task of the
process. The term feature is used with the same
sense given by Ding et al. (2008) in their approach
to Opinion Mining. Given an object, that could be a
service, a person, an event or an organization, the
term feature is used to represent a component or an
attribute describing that object. Considering that the
domain is well known, it was not necessary to
perform a process of contextualization of the
information by means of the categorization of the set
of reviews (Angioni and Tuveri, 2011). The
identification of the features for the Yelp reviews
has been therefore performed evaluating the nouns
frequency in the text through a word counter.
The stop words have been removed and then the
cleaned text has been tokenized obtaining as a result
a collection of individual and compound words. The
semantic disambiguation provides us with the
corresponding synsets associated to the features
terms and to the related adjectives and adverbs,
semantically referred to the domain. The domain
associations among the word-senses were based on
the mapping of the synsets on WordNet Domains
categories (Magnini et al., 2002) (Magnini et al.,
2004). The semantic disambiguation of terms allows
grouping them according to their properties of
synonymy, hyponymy and meronymy.
Once manually validated, disambiguated and
grouped, the set of terms obtained will be organized
in 12 collections of features according to the 12
business aspects used in the evaluation criterion. An
example could be the aspect “Staff” that collects
features like waitress, chef, bartender, employee,
etc., whereas examples of the considered aspects are:
the quality of the food, the ambience, the presence of
a parking area, etc. This step is still in progress.
Figure 1: The Opinion Mining analysis.
4.3 Feature Evaluation
Each sentence of the corpus of reviews has been
analysed in order to find the association between
features, adjectives and adverbs as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Sample of feature, attribute and review relation.
Feature ReviewSid Attribute POS Card
staff id11279s40 great JJ 2
In the above example, the adjective great, tagged as
JJ by the parser, is associated twice (cardinality = 2)
to the feature staff belonging to the fortieth sentence
of the review identified by the id 11279.
In this starting phase, all the synsets related to
the features have been considered in the evaluation
of the predictions. The overall value has been
calculated as the mean of the three different lexical
resources: SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani,
2006) Q-WordNet (Agerri and Garcia-Serrano,
2010) and FreeWordNet (Tuveri and Angioni,
At this point, a comparison between the
polarities related to the same synsets in the three
resources highlighted some discrepancies. For this
reason we chose to consider the average of the three
In order to produce a more accurate evaluation of
the polarity, during a further phase of the research
activities, we intend to perform the semantic
disambiguation. We will exclude the “not relevant”
synsets, retaining only the meanings that are
semantically related to the domain.
4.4 Reviews Analysis and Algorithm
The Opinion Mining algorithm has been
implemented considering the syntactic analysis in
order to identify the parts of speech. The
identification of the chunk structure for the
sentences allowed the association of the feature
terms with the related adjectives and adverbs. In this
first step, no semantic disambiguation has been
performed and a set of ratings has been produced.
We faced with the issue related to the
representation of the rating values given by the
Opinion Mining system, distributed in a range
between -25 and 36, in order to compare them with
the ratings of Yelp, ranged between 0 and 5. Also
the two cumulative distributions were totally
Initially the values were linearly scaled on a
rating system that ranges between 0 and 5 and then
they have been associated to a cumulative
distribution of the ratings similar to that of Yelp.
This task has been performed acting on the threshold
values shown in Table 2.
In order to assess the performance of the Opinion
Mining algorithm, two researchers evaluated a
collection of 200 reviews, after a previous tuning
The choice of the data sample was based on the
length of the content, assuming that longer reviews
contain more information about the business
The manual average rating provided by the
researchers were considered as the most reliable.
Hence, they were used to evaluate the Opinion
Mining algorithm in terms of Precision (P), Recall
Table 2: The thresholds applied.
Id Range
(R) and F1-score (see Figure 2).
During a further phase of the experiment the
features will be grouped in the 12 business aspects,
as already anticipated in Section 4.2. The polarity
evaluation of the synsets related to each feature will
permit to calculate a rate for each aspect, as
manually done by the two researchers.
Figure 2: Performances of the Opinion Mining algorithm.
The rating of each review has been calculated as the
sum of m partial ratings r
, corresponding to the
business features present in the user’s textual
review. This rating was penalized by a constant
value of -0,2 for each of the n features not present,
and divided by m (see equation 1), where m+n = 12.
In case the resulting total rating R is less than
zero it will be set equal to 0.
R =
0< r
≤5 (1)
The evaluation will be expressed again in terms of
Precision, Recall, and F1-score in order to compare
the new values with the previous ones (see Figure
The prediction analysis was carried out through a 5-
fold cross validation using three different algorithms
independently: a Baseline made of average values,
the Opinion Mining already described in section 4,
and a Biased Matrix Factorization (BMF).
To evaluate the predictions coming from these
algorithms the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
was used, calculated with the following well known
where N is the total number of reviews in the test
set, P
is the prediction for each of them, and r
is the
actual rating (which is known because all the data
come from the training set of the original Yelp
Here after, the Baseline algorithm, the BMF
algorithm, and the final ensemble with the results
will be explained more in detail.
In the original dataset most of the star ratings
given by the users were included in a small range
across the average rating of all the reviews (3.68).
For this reason, a good prediction to be used as
baseline of each rating appeared to be made of the
mean of the following two averages: average rating
given by the user and average rating of the business.
When one of the two average values was not
available, the global average was used to replace it.
As already mentioned in Section 2, at present the
Biased Matrix Factorization working alone is
considered as the collaborative filtering algorithm
able to produce the best predictions. For this reason
it was applied in this study, using in particular a
learning model based on the Stochastic Gradient
Descendent (Koren et al, 2009).
The ensemble of the predictions output of
Opinion Mining and BMF was performed by means
of Linear Regression (LR).
At the conclusion of the first phase of work, the
Opinion Mining produced a set of predictions, which
in terms of RMSE resulted worse than the one from
the Baseline algorithm (see Table 3). In any case the
ensemble of the same predictions with the
predictions coming from the BMF gave the best
value of RMSE of the presented activity. In fact,
ensemble methodologies are commonly applied for
system recommendations because they are able to
improve the results coming from the same
algorithms working alone (Jahrer et al., 2010).
Nevertheless an opportunity for improvements in
the predictions obtainable by the OM (and
consequently also by its combination with the BMF)
will be offered by the planned activity described in
Section 4.4.
All the resulting RMSEs are shown in Table 3, with
the best RMSE value produced through an ensemble
of OM and BMF.
Table 3: Summary of the results obtained.
Alg. Baseline BMF OM Ens. LR
RMSE 1.02593 1.00859 1.25011 0.99401
The Yelp dataset providing both user-generated
ratings and textual reviews allows interesting
research activities related to the combination of
Opinion Mining and Collaborative Filtering.
The presented Opinion Mining approach was
used to analyse the textual reviews and to produce
predictions to be compared with the manual
evaluations made by a small group of people. In
order to improve the results in terms of RMSE, in a
further work a deeper syntactic analysis will be
carried out along with the semantic disambiguation
of the textual reviews. Better criteria of evaluation
through the introduction of a set of 12 business
aspects are expected to provide an important
improvement of the results. The Opinion Mining
approach will be again evaluated comparing the
output in terms of predictions with the values
manually assigned.
This study is part of a POR-FESR 2007–2013
project co-funded by the Autonomous Region of
Sardinia: Comunimatica (PIA n. 205 co-funded
according to the DGR 39/3 del 10.11.2010).
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