Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small Companies
Lessons Learnt from a Long Term Case Study
Christophe Ponsard and Annick Majchrowski
CETIC Research Centre, rue des Fr
eres Wright 29/3, Charleroi, Belgium
Enterprise Architecture, Very Small Entities, TOGAF, Process Assessment, Process Improvement, ISO29110.
Including Enterprise Architecture (EA) as part of an organisation’s processes is an important milestone in
reaching higher maturity levels because it will drive the a long term alignment of IT and business dimensions.
This paper explores some important questions related to the introduction of EA inside very small enterprises
or entities (VSE), referring to the very common situation where the IT department has limited resources even
possibly in a larger organisation. We provide a number of elements of answers on how EA can successfully be
deployed in VSE based on a study of approaches already developed by others complemented by our extensive
experience in helping such kind of companies to improve their IT practices and adopt EA. The paper is illus-
trated on a multi-year case study. It has also a special focus on the ISO29110 standard directed towards VSE
and possible ways to evolve it to take EA into account in more advanced maturity profiles under preparation.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a discipline aiming
to proactively and holistically respond to disruptive
forces encountered by entreprises. It relies on the
identification and analysis of the execution of change
toward the desired business vision and outcomes.
(Gartner, 2013). According to (Lankhorst, 2005), it is
a coherent whole of principles, methods, and models
that are used in the design and realization of an en-
terprises organizational structure, business processes,
information systems, and infrastructure.
Although the benefits and adoption in large com-
panies is well established, the situation is quite differ-
ent for smaller organisations due to the overall matu-
rity level and the complexity involved in using the cur-
rent EA approaches compared to the available man-
power (Bhagwat and Sharma, 2007). Still, it is recog-
nised that EA can bring several benefits in helping
companies of smaller size such as more clearly defin-
ing a vision of their business architecture and compet-
itive strategy, assessing how well their IT processes
and infrastructure are supporting them, and easing
the communication across management and operation
(Buchalcevova, 2011)(Bernaert et al., 2013).
From an economic point of view it is important to
address such a target because micro and small enter-
prises represent the vast majority of enterprises across
the world. According to the latest figures published
by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development), in the Europe of 27, about 90 per-
cent of the enterprises have less than 20 people. It
is about 75 percent in the US (OECD, 2013). Larger
organisation will also be impacted because they of-
ten heavily rely on products developed by small com-
panies. Another point is that even large companies
often include smaller entities which maybe in charge
of specific project portfolio, possibly in a multina-
tional context. In this paper we will use the term
of Very Small Entity (VSE) which was coined by the
ISO29110 standard and which refers to an enterprise,
an organization, a department or a project having up
to 25 people (ISO, 2011).
The purpose of this paper is to bring some prac-
tical elements of answers to some important impor-
tant questions related to the best way to introduce and
to foster the adoption of Enterprise Architecture in-
side VSE. Our approach is based on the validation of
a number of suggested approaches, guidelines, pat-
terns, and other kinds of practices reported by in the
literature for this type of target. Our validation re-
lies on consultancy work carried out with Belgian en-
terprises over the past years. More specifically we
will take as running example the case of a Newborn
and Child Care organisation. We will envision dif-
ferent dimensions like the WHAT (effectiveness of
practices) and the WHOM (role, motivation, commu-
nication among people). Thanks to this long lasting
Ponsard C. and Majchrowski A..
Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small Companies - Lessons Learnt from a Long Term Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0005464903340339
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 334-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-098-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
collaboration (more than 7 years), we are also able
to take into account the progressive growth in matu-
rity of the organisation and to report some interesting
findings about WHEN it is interesting to consider the
introduction of new practices, especially combining
the Enterprise Architecture with a Software Process
Improvement (SPI).
Our main observations are formulated under the
form of some lessons learnt that have a double pur-
pose: (1) help people engaged in the same process
with or within VSE and (2) provide useful guidelines
that can further drive the elaboration of more struc-
tured recommendations or even standards. Especially,
we carried out our work with the ISO29110 standard
as reference framework for VSE from the start (even
before it was adopted).
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews relevant literature work about
the current use of EA among VSE. Section 3 details
our case study. Section 4 draws the main lessons
learnt from our case and puts them in the light of
the previous literature work. Finally section 5 draws
some conclusions and presents some perspectives.
This survey is structured based on the key following
what are the key requirements for a successful EA
adoption by VSE?
among the large number of framework, are there
some that are better suited for their use by VSE?
how to assess the current maturity level with re-
spect to EA?
2.1 EA Adoption Success Factor
An extensive survey performed by (Bernaert et al.,
2013) highlighted the following limitation factors and
how to address them:
day-to-day view: enable SMEs to work in a time
efficient manner on strategic issues
limited IT knowledge and technical skills: keep
the approach simple
lack of resource: do not require assistance of ex-
lack of knowledge management: enable sharing
of descriptions
lack of management commitment: get CEO in-
volved in the approach
The author also defines 3 actions leading to en-
hanced adoption based on the Technology Adoption
Model (TAM) from (Davis, 1989):
Increase the Perceived Usefulness: it is related
to performance/productivity/effectiveness aspect.
Practical implementation should be provided (like
case studies, tutorials, ...) as well as feedback to
help developing EA techniques that bring more
advantages for SMEs
Increase the Perceived Ease of Use: it is related to
the ease to learn/control/understand/interact/use.
Techniques to lower time spent to carry out EA
tasks should be sought after (like templates, effi-
cient tools,...).
From Actual to Perceived Efficacy: based on im-
plementation, feedback is used to adapt EA im-
plementation and successful practices are spread
across the organisation.
2.2 Best Framework for SME
Numerous EA frameworks and methods are available
on the market. Among those, the TOGAF Standard is
the most frequently used framework in general. Ac-
cording to (Cameron and Mcmillan, 2013), it stands at
82.2% followed by Zachman (52.7%), Gartner (26%),
FEAF (21.2%), and DoDAF (16.4%). However the
major trend (54 %) is to use an hybrid framework as
no single framework can addresse all the needs of a
particular organization.
About the fitness for use by SME, there is a lack
of literature on this topic also reported by (Alm and
Wißotzki, 2013). The leading method TOGAF (The
Open Group, 2009) has also a number of positive
characteristics for the adoption for SME: the full ma-
terial is freely available through the Open Group,
it has a simple metamodel, good semantics with 4
levels of abstraction (Business, Application, Data,
and Technology). It also comes with a methodology
called ADM (Architecture Development Model). The
drawback is that it can be quite complex and time con-
suming to use. However a recent survey reported in
(Alm and Wißotzki, 2013) showed that SME are in-
creasingly willing to pay such a cost given the pay-
back in a increasingly dynamic and competitive busi-
ness environment. This cost can also be kept under
control by weighting some phase. However it is not
advised to completely omit some phases.
2.3 EA Maturity Assessment
A number of assessment methods are available to help
in assess a the maturity level of a company in apply-
ing EA. A simple and easy framework is the Cornwell
Dashboard (Bailey, 2007). It is based on a Zachmann
dashboard (Zachman, 2003) which categorises mod-
els in terms of their audience (business, system,...)
against EA dimensions (data, functions, people,...)
Each aspect can then be ranked in that matrix.
A number of available assessment frameworks
are inspired of the 5 CMMI levels: (1) not de-
fined/informal/ad hoc, (2) repeatable, (3) defined, (4)
managed and (5) optimised. Some examples are the
TOGAF maturity framework(The Open Group, 2009)
and the NASCIO EA Maturity Model(NASCIO,
2003). Such frameworks give progressive objectives
for each level and to get to the next level. However,
like CMMI, they might be overkill for VSE.
Finally let us also mention the ISO29110 stan-
dard addressing the ”Systems and Software Life Cy-
cle Profiles and Guidelines for Very Small Entities”
(ISO, 2011) which is freely available. As opposed
to CMMI, it takes a progressive approach based on
a set of profiles that range from an entry profile to
the most advanced profile. The entry profile consists
of the simplest set of development practices, covering
software implementation and project management ac-
tivities. This is followed by the basic, intermediate
and advance profiles that progressively cover a grow-
ing set of activities that can handle more complex sit-
uations involving a larger range of risks. The stan-
dard also includes dedicated guidelines for VSEs that
are complemented by deployment packages to ease
their adoption. Specific aspects should be covered by
the intermediate profile (e.g. portfolio management)
and the advanced profile (e.g. IT strategy definition).
ISO29110 provides a very good assessment potential
coming with practical recommendations which ease
a Software Improvement Process. Such an approach
was pointed as a very good ground to introduce En-
terprise Architecture (Buchalcevova, 2011).
This section highlights some relevant aspects of the
case study performed from 2007 to 2014 in a Belgian
NewBorn and Child Care Organisation (ONE, 1919).
We first present some background information about
the organisation and the challenges it had to face dur-
ing those years before detailing the major steps in in-
troducing enterprise architecture practices. Note that
figures and some text presented in this section is bor-
rowed from the organisation website and enterprise
repository with the permission of the CIO and with
some adaptations (translation and project renaming).
3.1 Background on the Organisation
ONE is a public institution that develops birth and
childhood policies. Its main missions (unchanged
since its creation in 1919) can be summarised as fol-
to support children’s development within their
family and social environment; to advise and sup-
port pregnant women, parents and families med-
ically and socially in order to ensure the global
wellbeing of their children. Most services offered
by ONE are free.
to organise (that is, to control and sometimes to
finance) day care centres for children outside of
the home environment. ONE’s role is to ensure
that these structures operate correctly and provide
quality care for children.
ONE is organised in three layers ensuring both
a complete geographical coverage with a close level
of proximity with families and a good management
a central management located in Brussels group-
ing all the strategic (top management) and support
function (finance, IT, training)
decentralised operational management located in
6 ”subregions” which coordinate the day-to-day
field work, they rely on two key roles: adminis-
trative referent and team coordinators (about 30).
field teams (about 80) composed of nurses (about
850) working together with hired doctors (about
1000). Each team is in charge of a small geo-
graphic location (e.g. a small city, a district of
a bigger city)
ONE IT department can be considered as a VSE
inside a bigger organisation: it is composed of 15 peo-
ple. It is mostly relying on the externalisation of the
development work through analysts (3) and projects
managers (3). The other major activity is to ensure
the good operation of the whole IT infrastructure:
servers, clients stations and all deployed applications
both on server and client sides. This is ensured by
support and exploitation managers (6) and only one
internal developer. The whole department is coordi-
nated by the CIO and the IT architect.
3.2 IT Challenges and Move to EA
From 2005, the IT department was faced with the re-
newal of a number of aging applications and the need
for larger IT support both in terms of number of pro-
cesses to support. More recently the need for deeper
IT penetration also emerged (i.e. down to the third
layer of Figure ?? using mobile systems). Those chal-
lenges resulted in a series of large IT projects which
required to improve not only IT project development
practices but also stressed the need for Enterprise Ar-
chitecture. Table 1 summarises the main steps taken.
Table 1: Retrospective time line.
Year Project Improvement
2008 School care Systematic project follow-up
2009 Subsidies
Preliminary process modelling
2010 GPS Process cartography with
guidelines, ARIS Repository
2011 Renewal of
Modelling of subsidies pro-
cesses and infrastructure
2012 IT for coordi-
Modelling of field processes
and infrastructure
2013 Mobility
Unified analysis process and
alignment with EA process
The path followed combined both Software Pro-
cess Improvement (SPI) and Enterprise Architecture
(EA) by people having regular meetings together.
This team was not only composed of IT experts but
also from trained people acting as relay inside spe-
cific department of the organisation. A key role is
also the internal auditor which has an in dept knowl-
edge of the processes (how well they are defined, they
perform, who master them,...). The GPS is a large
effort to gather the organisation structure, processes,
IT applications and underlying IT infrastructure. This
work was made clearly visible on the intranet with a
statement of the goals and a FAQ.
In the rest of this section we detail main achieve-
ment making the connection between SPI and EA.
3.3 Document Templates and Models
A key step was the definition of high quality standard
template for the requirements engineering phase and
especially for capturing the as-is and to-be business
processes. The modelling was supported by the ARIS
platform (SoftwareAG, 1992). Business processes
were modelled using Event Process Chains (EPC) en-
suring a good way to decompose the processes. They
also ensured a good level of completeness and con-
sistency. Some automatic generation could be used.
However it was not practical enough to be generalised
Figure 1: Document Templates and Guidelines.
so it required additional work to integrate diagrams
inside a specification document. Figure 1 illustrates
the relation between models and templates across the
whole analysis phase.
3.4 Enterprise Architecture Framework
The starting point for introducing an enterprise frame-
work was closely related with the selection of sup-
porting tool: the ARIS toolset (SoftwareAG, 1992).
ARIS come with a methodology depicted as a house
composed of organisation, data, control and function
elements which can be used in compliance with TO-
GAF. As the tool was far too rich, only a subset
of diagrams were selected together with guidelines
on how to use them. The TOGAF Architecture De-
scription Method (ADM) was not used systematically.
However most phases were covered, especially with a
strong emphasis on the requirements as described be-
fore. Business, Information System and Technical Ar-
chitecture were also detailed in dedicated parts of the
repository. Migration, governance and change man-
agement were only addressed in document form and
not captured in the tool repository. Figure 2 shows
how the defined enterprise framework is aligned with
Figure 2: Project and EA Alignment.
the models defined at project level.
Based on our experience we can formulate some in-
teresting lessons learnt in relation with the topics dis-
cussed in Section 2.
About Adoption Factors - Efficiency. Having tem-
plates and guidelines defined and shared by the whole
team is a key factor. It is important to ensure all peo-
ple adhere to the agreed conventions and avoid using
some ”advanced” features that will not be understood
by other reader. As the model repository becomes
the reference source of information, it is important to
keep it up to date and try to generate as much doc-
umentation as possible from the repository and min-
imise the extra work required to produce textual docu-
ment. In order to be efficient as-is and to-be processes
can be modelled together with specific convention to
highlight the delta when the structure was not altered.
About Adoption Factors - Ease of Use. The
methodology should definitely be kept simple. The
toolset used should also have a good interface. In our
experience, it was not always easy to control the lay-
out in diagrams which generated some frustration and
slowed down the learning curve for some analysts.
About Adoption Factors - Perceived Efficacity. It is
important to make (partly) validated work visible not
only to the team but to the whole organisation. All
feedback should be welcome and people giving good
feedback are good candidate for playing some role in
the enterprise architecture. A good place to start is
an enterprise intranet but the best place is a knowl-
edge management platform (such as a forge, share-
point) which is more easy to keep alive and also offer
feedback channels. The information present is also
very interesting for new people joining the organisa-
tion and a specific entry point should be dedicated to
About the Architecture Framework. Compliance
with a standard framework is not a goal for VSE.
Standards should only be used as check list to ensure
no important aspect is missed. The goal is to produce
an adapted/hybrid approach that covers the company
needs and is both efficient and easy to use. The frame-
work should be updated from time to time typically
after some key milestone (large project, new strategic
About Combining SPI and EA. It is definitely a
good way to proceed: it is better to start by ensur-
ing consistent analysis development processes across
projects on which a clear enterprise vision can then
be build. Building on project managed in various way
would not only be inefficient to gather the information
but also to have a common communication basis. It is
however not necessary to wait for the whole SPI to
have taken place before starting enterprise modelling.
Once the use of some artifacts have been standard-
ised inside the organisation, the information it cap-
tures can be passed to the EA. The deployment can
thus proceed from analysis, to design, tests, etc.
In this paper, we have addressed some questions re-
lated to the introduction of Enterprise Architecture by
Very Small Entities. Preliminary answers from the lit-
erature were faced with our practical experience in a
multi-year case study covering the introduction of EA
in an organisation undergoing important changes.
Based on this we could draw a number of lessons
learnt highlighting interesting adoptions practices.
Among the interesting adoption factor identified, the
adopted way to progressively introduce TOGAF con-
cepts and steps incrementally in the course of succes-
sive projects could limit the overhead for the organi-
sation and enable a progressive growth in maturity. It
is also worth stressing the good complementarity be-
tween Software Process Improvement and Enterprise
Architecture. Taking this path further, it is very rel-
evant to take into account progressive Enterprise Ar-
chitecture practices as part of the intermediate and ad-
vanced profile of the ISO29110 profile under prepara-
We are currently working on consolidating the
identified practices and structuring them in the spirit
of the emerging intermediate and advanced profiles of
the ISO29110. Two other validation case studies are
also ongoing respectively in the banking and clinical
sectors. We also plan to report about our work to the
ISO WG24 in order to guide the elaboration of those
new profiles.
We also believe this work is worth being shared
with the EA community given the currently limited
available work reporting on this topic and the increas-
ing incentive for VSE to adopt Enterprise Architec-
ture practices.
This work was partly funded by Walloon Region. We
warmly thank the Office for Newborn and Child Care
for allowing us to report about their case and Alain De
Preter for sharing his expertise and providing feed-
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