Supporting Competitive Intelligence with Linked Enterprise Data
Vitor Afonso Pinto
, Guilherme Sousa Bastos
, Fabricio Ziviani
and Fernando Silva Parreiras
LAIS – Laboratory of Advanced Information Systems, FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
IESTI – Institute of Systems Engineering and Information Technology, UNIFEI, Itajuba, MG, Brazil
Semantic Web, Linked Data, Linked Enterprise Data, Competitive Intelligence.
Competitive Intelligence is a process which involves retrieving, analyzing and packaging information to offer
a final product that responds to the intelligence needs of a particular decision maker or community of deci-
sion makers. Internet-based information sources are becoming increasingly important in this process because
most of the contents available on the Web are available free of charge. In this work the following research
question was addressed: What are the concepts and technologies related to linked data which allow gathering,
integration and sharing of information to support competitive intelligence? To answer this question, firstly,
the literature was reviewed in order to outline the conceptual framework. Next, some competency questions
were defined through a focus group in a study object. Finally, DB4Trading tool was built as a prototype able
to validate the conceptual framework. Results point out that adoption of Semantic Web technologies enable to
obtain the data needed for the analysis of external environments. Besides that, results indicate that companies
use Semantic Web technologies to support its operations despite consider these technologies as complex. This
work adds to the decision-making process, specially in the context of competitive intelligence. This work also
contributes to reducing costs to obtain information beyond organization boundaries by using Semantic Web
Organizations today seek to thrive in turbulent times.
As environments become increasingly volatile, orga-
nizations are turning their gaze to the external hori-
zon, watching and grappling with a confusion of sig-
nals, messages, and cues. Sensing and making sense
of the environment have become the sine qua non for
organizational growth and survival. (Bouthillier and
Shearer, 2003). However, a great deal of data is avail-
able through direct and open channels. These chan-
nels include: 1) Published sources; 2) Governmental
data; 3) Other public documents. (Gelb et al., 1991).
Semantic Web works to create an environment
where people work together sharing knowledge and
having tools for information management and anal-
ysis. (PAN, 2009). Linked Data initiative was pro-
posed to remove the barriers to data access and shar-
ing and also to enable data from different sources to
be connected and queried. (Hu and Svensson, 2010).
All these characteristics, if used in a corporate envi-
ronment, could facilitate competitive intelligence.
1.1 Competitive Intelligence
In order to obtain the sufficient knowledge to under-
stand both the internal and external environment as a
whole, organizations perform coordinated actions to
seek, treat, distribute and protect information. (Tara-
panoff, 2006). The set of activities performed by or-
ganizations to gather information about competitors,
products and markets, is called Competitive Intelli-
gence (CI). (Moresi, 2006). It is also seen as seeking
any information which improves the organization po-
sitioning. (Tarapanoff, 2006). Intelligence gathering
goes on everyday, without necessarily being called by
its rightful name. More specifically, it implies legal
research efforts by business studying their competi-
tor’s products, organizations and related matters. It
is defined as the use of public sources to develop in-
formation on competition, competitors, and the mar-
ket environment, including economic, regulatory, po-
litical, demographic influences, etc. (Cronin et al.,
The importance of such external data will not be
fully demonstrated if they are not combined with in-
ternal enterprise data and consumed in realtime busi-
Afonso Pinto V., Sousa Bastos G., Ziviani F. and Silva Parreiras F..
Supporting Competitive Intelligence with Linked Enterprise Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0005472604090415
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 409-415
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ness decision making. (Hu and Svensson, 2010).
But, specially in large organizations, enterprise data
is available through a highly complex enterprise-wide
IT system, as several hundreds of interconnected sys-
tems may be employed. (Lindstr
om et al., 2006). And
the size of each single system may vary extensively
from enterprise resource planning systems to custom-
made niche products, making the system interconnec-
tions numerous and heterogeneous.
This way, in order to perform Competitive Intelli-
gence, companies need to integrate data from internal
systems (which are not always integrated) and also
data generated outside its boundaries (which are not
always structured or standardized). In this context,
Semantic Web is presented as a solution for increase
Competitive Intelligence through interlinking hetero-
geneous data sources.
1.2 Semantic Web
Semantic Web is a vision: the idea of having data
on the web defined and linked in a way that it can
be used by machines - not just for display purposes,
but for using it in various applications. (Xu et al.,
2004). It is a web that includes documents, or por-
tions of documents, describing explicit relationships
between things and containing semantic information
intended for automated processing by machines. (Li,
2002). It also carries the promise to make web
machine-understandable by enriching available infor-
mation with logic-based semantics and provide us
with a new paradigm for knowledge interchange and
sharing. (Chen and Wu, 2003).
The fundamental concept of the Semantic Web is
to make the information, available on the web, more
meaningful by making it accessible to automated
tools that can augment our experience. (Niles and
Jeremijenko, 2001). It provides a common framework
that allows data to be shared and reused across appli-
cation, enterprise, and community boundaries. (Chen
et al., 2012). It also refers to a range of standards,
modeling languages and tool development initiatives
aimed at annotating Web pages with well-defined
metadata, so that the semantics associated with web
contexts can be effectively interpreted. (Abrahams
et al., 2004).
1.2.1 Linked Data
Linked Data is a term describing a set of best prac-
tices to facilitate the publishing, accessing and inter-
linking of the data of the Semantic Web. Thus, Linked
Data is an open framework for the loose integration
of data in the Internet, where data sources can eas-
ily cross-link. (Feridun and Tanner, 2010). It is the
data exposed, shared, and connected via URIs on the
Web. It uses URLs to identify things as resources to
facilitate people to dereference them. It also provides
useful information about these resources, as well as
links to other related resources which may improve
information discovery. (Mi et al., 2009).
A pragmatic vision of the Semantic Web has
emerged via the Linking Open Data project (LOD),
focusing on translating various datasets available on
the Web into RDF and interlinking them, following
the Linked Data principles. Lots of different datasets
have been provided via this LOD initiative, such as
DBpedia (the RDF export of Wikipedia) or Geon-
ames (a large geolocation database). All together,
they form a complete Webscaled graph of interlinked
knowledge, commonly known as the Linked Open
Data Cloud.
1.2.2 Linked Enterprise Data
Another goal of Semantic Web is to apply its tech-
nologies for Enterprise Information Integration, cre-
ating a Corporate Semantic Web. (Eisenberg and
Kanza, 2011). Today’s business is based on huge
amount of information and extracting right informa-
tion at right time is a difficult and tedious task. By
applying semantics within structured (ERP, Billing,
Financial, HR systems) and unstructured data (email,
fax, office documents) we can take business decision
on the basis of overall organization knowledge base.
(Khan and Hussain, 2009).
Linked Enterprise Data (also called as ”Linked
Data Enterprise”) is an organization in which the act
of information creation is intimately coupled with the
act of information sharing. In a linked data enter-
prise, individuals and groups continue to produce and
consume information in ways that are specific to their
own business needs, but they produce it in a way that
can be connected to other aspects of the enterprise.
(Allemang, 2010).
This study intends to answer the following re-
search question: What are the concepts and tech-
nologies related to linked data which allow gather-
ing, integration and sharing of information to support
competitive intelligence? The main objective of this
study is to analyze the application of linked data tech-
nologies into gathering and integrating data generated
both inside and outside an organization for supporting
the competitive intelligence process, in the context of
portfolio management.
To achieve this goal, initially a systematic liter-
ature review was performed aiming to propose and
outline a conceptual framework to support this study.
Next, a focus group was conducted intending to iden-
tify competency questions, that is, variables and data
sources that could be used to build and validate the
proposed framework. Next, a prototype for integrated
data visualization was built, based on proposed frame-
work. Finally, the conceptual framework was tested
and validated, using the competency questions.
In order to address its objectives, our research was
divided in three major phases:
Phase 1 - Outline the conceptual framework
through a Systematic Literature Review
Phase 2 - Identify competency questions through
a Focus Group survey
Phase 3 - Build, test and validate a prototype for
integrated data visualization
In this section, methods used to produce the re-
sults of this study are described.
2.1 Phase 1 - Systematic Literature
In order to understand the applications of linked data
for corporate environments, we performed a compre-
hensive literature review on the state-of-the-art in the
research field of Linked Enterprise Data. A System-
atic Literature Review (SLR) is a means of evaluating
and interpreting available research relevant to a par-
ticular research question, topic area, or phenomenon
of interest. (Kitchenham, 2004). This kind of study
comprises three consecutive steps: planning, execu-
tion and results.
The main purpose of the planning step is to de-
liver a protocol which drives the literature review ef-
forts. After analyzing the existing literature related
to Semantic Web and its application on corporate en-
vironments, the research questions addressed by the
systematic literature review were defined. Next, the
strategy used to search for primary studies, includ-
ing search terms and resources to be searched was de-
fined. Finally, the exclusion criteria and the strategy
to extract data from selected papers were defined.
In the execution step, activities to extract and syn-
thesize data from papers were performed. First, the
primary studies were selected according to the defined
data extraction strategy and exclusion criteria. After
selecting primary studies, the information needed to
address the questions of this review were collected,
that is, primary studies were examined. Selected pa-
pers were analysed considering the information re-
quired by each research question. Finally, the re-
sults of the included primary studies were collated
and summarized.
2.2 Phase 2 - Competency Questions
In order to identify competency questions, that is,
variables and data sources that could be used to build
and validate the proposed framework, we applied a
focus group methodology, which is understood as a
way of collecting qualitative data, and involves en-
gaging a small number of people in informal group
discussions, ’focused’ around a particular topic or set
of issues. (Hyland et al., 2014).
In the design step, time and location were defined.
Also, participants were selected based on their expe-
rience with competitive intelligence. Basically, three
types of professionals were selected: strategy special-
ists, engineers and health, safety & sustainability pro-
fessionals. We also generated the focus group script
and other forms to support the overall process. Fi-
nally, the questions used in the focus group were care-
fully chosen aiming at achieving the general purpose
of focus group.
In the execution step, participants were informed
of the study and received a written information
form, including information on the aim of the study,
anonymity issues, and a field for signing informed
consent. A topic guide was then followed, in order to
evoke the research themes during the discussion. The
focus group session was audiotaped and a member of
the research team took detailed notes of the discus-
Finally, the notes taken during the focus group dis-
cussions were used for the analysis of the collected
data, generating the results. Whenever clarifications
of these notes were needed, the audiotapes were con-
Participants mentioned the existence of specific
and generic datasources. ’Specific Datasources’ may
vary depending on the country, business or competitor
being analyzed. ’Generic Datasources’ can be used in
multiple analysis, independently of country, business
or competitor. Participants also separated datasources
applicable to multiple segments from those applica-
ble uniquely to their segment. Table 1 presents a list
of the identified datasets.
2.3 Phase 3 - Prototype for Integrated
Data Visualization
In order to test if semantic web technologies could
be used to support competitive intelligence a proto-
type for integrated data visualization was built. The
prototype was implemented following the framework
Table 1: Generic Datasources.
SEDAR en.htm
identified in the literature review and had four layers:
data, wrapper, integration and presentation.
The data layer was implemented in MS-SQL
Server 2012. This implementation enabled creation
of the dataset which was used later to validate com-
petency questions. Dataset was populated with infor-
mation gathered from various sources, as identified
on focus group. From all information identified dur-
ing focus group, only those available on web in open
data format were selected to compound this dataset.
In this study, both the wrapper and the integra-
tion layers were implemented through D2RQ Plat-
form, which is a system for accessing relational
databases as virtual, read-only RDF graphs. D2RQ
Platform has D2R Server, which is a tool for pub-
lishing the content of relational databases on the Se-
mantic Web. (Cyganiak, 2012). After installing and
configuring D2RQ Platform, the dataset presented
in Data Layer section was made available through
SPARQL endpoint.
Finally, the presentation layer was implemented.
A web application called DB4Trading was built so
that users could validate data from Semantic Reposi-
tory using their own criteria. From the weight defined
for each one of the variables in the categories area, the
application was designed to identify countries whose
information were more adherent. In order to identify
countries, we used a specific Google API capable to
highlight the country polygon. DB4Trading was de-
signed to calculate the color of countries, marking in
red those classified as more relevant and leaving in
blank those classified as less relevant.
Initially, we identified that enterprises are using Se-
mantic Web technologies for support their operations.
However, according to studies, enterprises still be-
lieve that Semantic Web technologies are complex
and require high specialized teams. Studies also
pointed out that there is a pattern regarding the frame-
works used for implementing Semantic Web in en-
terprises. This common framework enables interlink-
ing of both internal and external data sources and was
used as the conceptual framework.
Based on focus group, we also identified sixty-
seven variables to support competitive intelligence,
from which twelve are generated internally and fifty-
five collected from external databases. We created
categories to organize variables based on Nettleton.
(Nettleton, 2014). From all information identified
during focus group, only those available on web in
open data format were selected to compound the
prototype’s dataset. This categorization was per-
formed following guidelines proposed by Berners-
Lee. (Berners-Lee, 2009).
To validate the conceptual framework we decided
to run specific queries against dataset and also create
specific scenarios in visualization application. First
part of the validation aims to show that the dataset
was made available in RDF and was accessible via
SPARQL queries. Second part of the validation aims
to show that the proposed framework was able to an-
swer business needs by integrating and presenting in-
formation from multiple data sources.
3.1 Semantic Repository
SPARQL queries were performed against dataset to
validate the framework. The competency questions
presented next were considered. Figure 1 presents the
SPARQL queries results.
1. What are the countries with the highest human de-
velopment index (HDI)?
2. What are the countries with the highest numbers
of hospital beds?
3. What are the countries with the highest export
trade volume?
4. What are the countries with the lowest tax bur-
5. What are the countries with the lowest time for
starting a business?
3.2 Visualization Application
In order to address requirements of competitive intel-
ligence professionals who attended the focus group,
we created three scenarios according to the focus
group professionals specialties:
1. Scenario 1 - Engineering perspective, considering
infrastructure variables as more relevant.
2. Scenario 2 - Strategic Management perspective,
considering projection variables as more relevant.
3. Scenario 3 - Health and Environment perspective,
considering human variables as more relevant.
Figure 2 presents results obtained for the first sce-
It is hoped that this research may contribute to the
clarification of concepts and technologies related to
linked data, facilitating dissemination and usage in
other fields, including in corporate environments.
Also, the results of this research can contribute for
reducing costs to obtain information beyond organi-
zation boundaries, since currently, a major effort is
carried out in order to index and normalize informa-
tion gathered from multiple data sources. Finally,
governments and other institutions may also be en-
couraged to release their information using open data
patterns in order to increase the percentual of infor-
mation shared globally.
Chen, Chau e Zeng introduce the Competitive In-
telligence Spider, a tool responsible for performing
real-time collection of Web pages from sites speci-
fied by the user and applying indexing and catego-
rization analysis on the documents collected. (Chen
et al., 2002). These authors concluded that there ex-
ists strong evidence in support of the potentially sig-
nificant value of applying the CI Spider approach in
CI applications.
Yang et al evaluate 14 existent text mining and
visualization tools. (Yang et al., 2008). In this
study, each tool is discussed in some detail and their
strengths and potential limitations are identified from
a patent analysis perspective. Authors observed that
tools able to deal with unstructured data are the most
flexible due to their capabilities to process a broad
range of data sources and use of advanced semantic
Ferrara et al provide a structured and comprehen-
sive overview of the research in Web Data Extraction
field and also provide an overview of most recent re-
sults in the literature. (Ferrara et al., 2012). In this
study, authors recognize that Web Data Extraction is
an important problem that had been studied by means
of different scientific tools and in a broad range of
applications. According to the study, the linkage of
datasets coming from independent Web platforms fu-
els novel scientific applications.
The work of Hu and Svensson is directly related to
this study because that work aims to integrate external
and internal data sets to provide strategical informa-
tion. (Hu and Svensson, 2010). Their work also ap-
proaches the existence of connection to multiple data
sources, the possibility to perform queries consider-
ing data from multiple data sources.
Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 Question #4 Question #5
Figure 1: SPARQL Queries Results.
Figure 2: DB4Trading Scenario 1 - Results.
In this study we analyzed the application of linked
data technologies into gathering and integrating data
generated both inside and outside an organization
for supporting the competitive intelligence process.
Firstly, we outlined a conceptual framework. Next,
we identified competency questions, that is, variables
and data sources that were used to build and validate
the framework. Next, we built a prototype for inte-
grated data visualization, based on proposed frame-
work. Finally, we tested and validated conceptual
framework, using competency questions.
Based on the results of this research, we con-
cluded that it is possible to use Semantic Web tech-
nologies to gather and distribute information for ex-
ternal environment analysis. Based on systematic lit-
erature review, we concluded that enterprises are al-
ready using Semantic Web technologies for support
their operations, specially for internal data sources
integration. However, enterprises still believe that
Semantic Web technologies are complex and require
high specialized teams.
6.1 Limitations
Regarding the Systematic Literature Review, we
can point out the following limitations. First, only
papers written in English had been considered. Ad-
ditionally, during data extraction stage, it was neces-
sary to interpret the subjective information provided
by studies. Another potential threat to validity is the
natural limitation of search engines. A Focus Group
also has several limitations. Firstly, focus groups are
susceptible to facilitator bias. Secondly, the discus-
sions can be sidetracked or dominated by a few vocal
individuals. Finally, information generated in focus
group often has limited generalization to a whole pop-
Regarding the Semantic Repository, only vari-
ables available in open data format were selected and
related to entities. Also, no crawler was built to up-
date the data after the information was inserted into
the database. Regarding the Visualization Applica-
tion we point out the following limitations. Although
the site is dynamically constructed from the data files,
no mechanism was generated to automate the export
of data from the database to the files. Another lim-
itation is related to countries polygon: for unknown
reasons, the Google API was not able to create the
polygon for the following countries: Tanzania, Sene-
gal, Chile, French Guiana and North Korea.
6.2 Future Work
Although this study is limited to the examination of
country data, the Semantic Repository was designed
to allow the creation of classes to represent regions,
cities, neighborhood, and also not geo-referenced en-
tities. Further studies could consider the usage of the
Semantic Repository generated in this study to create
entities and variables applicable to other areas.
The Visualization Application (DB4Trading) gen-
erated in this research could incorporate some im-
provements: The tool should allow users to assign
scores to each of the data sources because there is a
consensus between participants that credibility may
vary according to the data source. The tool also could
save different scenarios’s settings, allowing users to
retrieve their preferences.
This Work is partially supported by the Brazilian
Funding Agencies FAPEMIG, CAPES and CNPq.
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