Towards a Real Application-aware Network
Leo Caldarola
, Amine Choukir
, Davide Cuda
, Marco Dondero
, Domenico Ficara
Roberto Muccifora
, Libor Pol
and Antonio Trifilo
Cisco System Sarl, Rolle, Switzerland
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Bo
echova 2, 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic
Software Defined Network, OnePK, OpenFlow, Application Awareness.
As the number of network services and applications increases, each one of them showing different require-
ments in terms of bandwidth and latency, it becomes critical for network operators to identify these applica-
tions. This paper builds up on the principles of Software Defined Networking, proposing a novel Application-
Aware Network architecture, which is able to directly handle applications and their requirements; abstracting
the complexity of dealing with network flows. Since metadata about applications are signalled either directly
from the endpoints or from application managers, the information is precise and the approach can also be
used for encrypted traffic. The benefits of the Application-Aware Approach for the network flow management
is demonstrated in real network by two proof-of-concept services: aimed on quality of experience and load
The number of network services and applications is
constantly growing. As each application shows differ-
ent requirements in terms of bandwidth and latency,
it becomes critical for network operators to be able
to map traffic to applications. This paper builds up
on the principles of Software Defined Networking; it
proposes a novel Application-Aware Network archi-
tecture that is able to handle the requirements of dif-
ferent applications. The main feature of the architec-
ture is the abstraction from the complexity of dealing
directly with network flows.
Getting the right insight into the different applica-
tions allows network operators to plan their network
capacity and policies to deliver the right quality of
service (QoS) satisfying the application requirements.
For example, applications such as VoIP and video
conferencing need low jitter and latency whereas
peer-to-peer file transfer require high throughput to
minimize the download time. In this context, devel-
oping ad-hoc solutions is not cost effective and lacks
flexibility since a change in the traffic requirements
might lead to a complete reconfiguration of all mid-
dle boxes.
Currently, the predominant way of managing and
configuring network services is on a per-network-
node and per-endpoint type basis, irrespective of the
commonalities that traffic patterns exhibit. Another
painful point is the decentralised application prior-
ity/policy configuration. A good example is the de-
ployment of a voice solution. The solution usually
require the deployment of a specific application man-
ager (e.g. SIP/H.323 call manager), which allows for
QoS setting such as DSCP marking to be configured
and pushed to the respective endpoints. However, net-
work administrators choose to trust or distrust the pri-
ority set by the endpoint depending on the type of
endpoint and the administrative domain they belong
to. A typical case is a hardware phone and a soft-
ware phone: despite both providing fundamentally
the same function and present the same requirements,
the traffic originating from the software phone is usu-
ally distrusted as it runs on desktop PCs.
This configuration and management model is er-
ror prone, not flexible and cumbersome. Network
vendors proposed different solutions to make the net-
work application-aware, such as Medianet
, Appli-
cation Visibility and Control
or Junos Application
. A common characteristic of these solutions
avc control.html
Caldarola L., Choukir A., Cuda D., Dondero M., Ficara D., Muccifora R., Pol
cák L. and Trifilo A..
Towards a Real Application-aware Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0005473800050012
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Communication Networking (DCNET-2015), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-112-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
is the decoupling of flow identification from flow poli-
cies (prioritization, routing and others) through ap-
plication specific tags. These tags can be either ex-
plicitly signaled as in the case of Medianet or locally
produced by deep packet inspection as in the case
of the Junos Application Aware solution. Based on
the information about the requirements of the flows
gathered from these tags, network nodes can decide
the policies to be applied; in principle, this allows
for a smooth collaboration between the applications
and the network. However, today these solutions are
mainly vendor specific. The lack of standards leads to
poor or non-existing interoperability.
Recently, Software Defined Network (SDN)
emerged (McKeown et al., 2008) as a new paradigm
based on the separation of the network control logic
from underlying physical routers and switches that
forward traffic. In more details, SDN utilizes a cen-
tralized controller which exposes network functional-
ities through a set of well-defined APIs for services
built on top of the controller. The combination of
those two elements allows network operators and ser-
vice providers to simplify network management op-
erations giving them the possibility to offer new ser-
vices to their customers. However, SDN based ser-
vices have no insight on the relations between flows
produced by the same application. Indeed, they still
refer to traffic through its specific network protocol
The major contribution of this paper is the pro-
posal of the Application-Aware Network (AAN). The
AAN network extends the controlled-network bound-
aries to include endpoints. Its core building block
is the Application-Aware Controller (AAC) that com-
bines different sources of information such as the net-
work endpoints, hints extracted from the signaling
packets and application managers (e.g.: a SIP gate-
way) to provide a uniform view of the application run-
ning through the network.
We evaluated the feasibility of the AAN approach
with a testbed composed of real routers, in which the
AAC was orchestrated by two application-aware ser-
vices. Finally, the paper discusses how AAC can re-
duce the complexity of deploying a new network ser-
vice while reducing their time to market.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 elab-
orates on application awareness in todays networks.
Section 3 describes the details of the AAN architec-
ture. The feasibility of the AAN is shown in Section
4 and Section 5 highlights the major benefits of the
AAN approach. Finally, Section 6 concludes the pa-
per and discusses possible extensions.
Historically application awareness used heuristics
(Dainotti et al., 2012; Bendrath, 2009), which in-
spect and infer flow characteristics. Heuristics may
be based on port ranges (Fraleigh et al., 2003), IP
subnetting (special network subnets for specific ap-
plications, e.g. phones), or deep packet inspection
(DPI) (Moore and Papagiannaki, 2005), e.g. applica-
tion level gateway. Port based solutions suffer (Moore
and Papagiannaki, 2005) from port overloading and
inconsistent port usage. IP subnetting solutions are
error prone and result in network management has-
sle. DPI is computationally expensive and becomes
a challenge with the wider adoption of encrypted sig-
naling and secured traffic. In addition, DPI-provided
insights are hardly shared between network nodes on
the path of the flow.
Recently Cisco introduced Medianet (Wilkins,
2011): a solution that makes the network aware of
the application traffic that it is carrying. In more de-
tails, Medianet endpoints leverage a proprietary mid-
dle layer (namely, Media Service Interface or MSI) to
advertise flows Metadata (MD) tags, e.g. application
name, traffic type, media type and business impor-
tance. Network devices such as routers and switches
take local decisions to handle the advertised flows in
the desired way.
2.1 Current Limitations of the
Distributed Solution
To distribute Metadata tags along the path of a flow
to different network nodes, an on-path signalling pro-
tocol such as RSVP needs to be used. This poses a
number of challenges, some of which are exposed be-
To be able to consume and leverage the MD tags,
software (and potentially hardware) of network
nodes needs to be upgraded. This entail a higher
operational and development cost. It also in-
creases the time to market and slows the adoption
of application-aware features.
The presence of middle boxes, such as firewall,
NAT, transcoder, proxies or load balancers, can
affect on-path signalling. Indeed, because middle
boxes usually receive one input flow and regener-
ate it into one or more output flows, MD signaling
has to be replicated/re-generated as well.
The endpoint sourcing the flow and any network
node along the path can contribute to the MD tags
characterising the flow. This poses a consistency
problem as different node along the path get a dif-
ferent view of the flow.
Resource consumption on the different network
nodes and the bandwidth consumed by the on-
path signalling: Each flow comes with a set of
MD tags describing the flow and each node needs
to store the MD tags so that different features on
the network node can act upon them.
The centralised nature of SDN overcomes or miti-
gates all those problems.
2.2 Application Awareness in SDN
The usage of Software Defined Network technol-
ogy to enable Application-Aware Networks is a fairly
novel concept in both industry and academia. Jarschel
et al. (Jarschel et al., 2013) showed a QoS boosting
application that monitor the Youtube streaming expe-
rience. If certain quality thresholds are crossed, the
application requests the BigSwitch SDN controller to
enforce a routing change for the affected Youtube net-
work flows.
Solutions such as that of Insieme (Application
Visibility and Control) also combine Application
Awareness and SDN: DataCenter deployment and
management of applications, databases and their traf-
fic is unified through a unique controller that is driv-
able with a set of APIs. Similarly, PlumGrid
vides network abstraction for data-centers with com-
parable promises to those of Insieme. Curtis et al.
(Curtis et al., 2011) propose new ways to provide
flow scheduling in Data Centers through OpenFlow.
Das et al. (Das et al., 2011) adopt OpenFlow to dy-
namically aggregate flows according to flow proper-
ties such as bandwidth, latency, jitter; thus providing
different levels of QoS to applications. In the same
spirit of using OpenFlow to aggregate traffic accord-
ing to application knowledge, Zhang et al. (Zhang
et al., 2013) propose an extension to the OpenFlow
protocol to enable application optimization in Opti-
cal Burst Switching networks. Finally, Bredel et al.
(Bredel et al., 2013) show a viable way to coordinate
Traffic-Engineering for traffic generated by scientific
collaborations like the CERN’s LHC.
The work we present in this paper is similar to
that of Jarschel et al. (Jarschel et al., 2013). However,
our approach is suited for a broader range of appli-
cations. In addition, we adopt carrier-grade IOS-XR
hardware and Medianet, application-aware feature de-
veloped by Cisco.
Controllers manage routers and switches in an SDN
network via a southbound interface, whereas ser-
vices (SDN applications) instruct controllers via a
northbound interface. Unfortunately, all current SDN
southbound protocols such as OpenFlow or OnePK
limit the amount of information exposed to a con-
troller and consequently to SDN services: only ba-
sic network indicators and metrics are available. The
controller does not have information about the appli-
cations that produce the flows or about the relations
between flows (e.g. the relation between a SIP control
channel and associated RTP streams).
Network endpoints, such as PCs running the appli-
cations or application managers (AMs), i.e. the server
applications, are a reliable source of information as
they produce or handle the traffic. Therefore, a ser-
vice that can utilize these additional pieces of infor-
mation can achieve better flow handling than an SDN
service leveraging only the network indicators. Ap-
plication awareness allows for instance:
To develop an AAN service extending network
Quality of Service capabilities to match business-
critical applications to flows and assign higher pri-
orities to them;
To precisely reserve network bandwidth accord-
ing to the expected traffic rate of the flows gener-
ated by specific applications;
To deploy application-dependent dynamic service
chaining, i.e., routing of specific application flows
through specific network services (e.g.: IPS/IDS,
firewall, load-balancing or caching).
Application-Aware Networking (AAN) extends
SDN to route flows in the network in a more effec-
tive or desirable way. Effectively, AAN extends the
controlled-network by endpoints, end user applica-
tions and AMs. Figure 1 depicts the building blocks
of AAN which are then described in details in the fol-
lowing subsections.
Our major contribution is in the abstraction on
handling the network flows separately. Instead, AAN
recognizes the relations between different flows orig-
inating from the same application. In this way, it is
possible to handle traffic of the same application in a
consistant manner. In addition, an application can tag
each flow for a specific class of traffic. Consequently,
the AAN can distinguish traffic classes of a single ap-
plication with different flow handling requirements,
e.g. a video stream and a stream with text metadata.
SDN Control Plane
Application aware
Application aware
Figure 1: High level architecture of Application-Aware Net-
3.1 Network
In general, AAN is a hybrid network where SDN
and non-SDN nodes coexist. SDN nodes constitute
an overlay network interconnected by non-SDN net-
work nodes. These SDN nodes are the points where
network controlling services can provision resources
and enforce policies, adapt to the application require-
ments and provide feedback to the controller(s).
In this paper, we focus only on AANs constituted
entirely of SDN nodes. We leave the specification of
the interaction between SDN and non-SDN nodes for
future research.
3.2 SDN Control Plane
We do not assume any specific SDN controller. How-
ever, we assume that the controller provides at least
basic OpenFlow functionalities, i.e., it is able to pro-
vide visibility and statistic about the flows crossing
the SDN nodes and support basic actions to set QoS
or select the output interface.
3.3 Endpoints and Application-aware
In this paper, the word endpoint stands for an enduser
device running applications. All endpoints commu-
nicate with the application manager (AM), which is
responsible of managing the application logic, for in-
stance, establishing calls or provide information about
the user location.
Application-Aware endpoints (AA-endpoints) are
equipped with a middle layer that allows them to di-
rectly communicate with the Application-Aware Con-
troller (AAC). AA-endpoints export to the AAC in-
formation such as the established flows and applica-
tion statistics. Furthermore, AA-endpoints export ad-
ditional information such as the endpoint status (e.g.,
memory or CPU utilization) and type (e.g., smart-
phone or desktop device).
3.4 Application Manager
AMs (e.g., the Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft
Lync or Cisco Unified Communications Manager for
VoIP, VMWare’s VSphere and OpenStack) are an-
other source of information about application flows.
A general trend is to move AMs toward cloud solu-
tions coupled with provisioning of APIs to advertise
and control flows.
3.5 Application-aware Controller and
AAC controls application-aware handling of the SDN
network. From the perspective of the SDN con-
troller(s), AAC is an SDN application. Nevertheless,
AAC uses additional sources of information: AMs,
AA-endpoints, or in general, any other source of in-
formation about flows. This flow information may in-
clude application name, traffic class, business priority
and other attributes.
AAC correlates the flow information attributes
and passes them to application-aware services (AA-
services). An AA-service inserts application policies
to the database. AAC transforms these policies into
SDN rules and configures the SDN controller(s).
Hence, the AAC abstracts the complexity of han-
dling flows of a single application in a consistent man-
ner. AA-services deal directly with applications in-
stead of the separate network flows.
The AAC provides a consolidated and coherent
view of the applications and their flows, merging the
information gathered from different sources. As dif-
ferent sources of flow information may provide differ-
ent information, it is the responsibility of the AAC to
merge the information consistently. AAC does so in
accordance to the reliability of the source, e.g. infor-
mation learnt from DPI engine are less reliable than
information provided by an AM.
In addition to reliability, each metadata source op-
erates with a specific trust model to prevent the pos-
sibility of an injection of false metadata. Therefore,
the interface between AM or AA-Endpoints and the
AAC should employ a two-way authentication mech-
anisms. In our experiments, we used Medianet au-
thentication model (Cisco Systems, 2013), which pro-
vides two-way authentication.
Examples of AA-services are QoS policies, load
balancing, routing, firewalls etc. Section 4 considers
AA-services in detail.
This section presents the testbed for AAN realised in
our laboratory. The goal of the testbed was to evaluate
the time frame required to integrate AAN with real
hardware. We ran Cisco ASR 9000 routers running
IOS-XR 5.1.1 that provides OpenFlow support as the
SDN switches in the testbed.
To evaluate the feature velocity and applicability
of AAN, we decided to use both Pox
and Open Day-
as SDN controllers. To demonstrate the idea,
we implemented AA-services for QoS management
and load balancing, both of which benefits from the
application-aware approach.
The testbed (depicted in the Figure 2) is composed
of different types of endpoint devices and applica-
tions, including both proprietary and open sources de-
vices. Two Cisco phones and two Jabber clients are
registered with a Cisco Unified Communication Man-
ager and adopted SIP to establish audio/video ses-
sions. Phones and Jabber clients make video calls,
thus each producing two media network flows for
each call: audio and video. In addition, a video and
audio stream were multiplexed in a single network
flow from a server to a VLC
client. Jabber and VLC
have been enhanced with the adoption of the MSI
library (Cisco Systems, 2013), thus becoming AA-
Jabber 1 Jabber 2
IP Phone 1
IP Phone 2
Cisco Unified
Cisco Unified
VLC Client VLC Server
ASR 9000-1 ASR 9000-2
Application Aware Service,
AAN/SDN Controller
ASR 9000-3 ASR 9000-4
Figure 2: Topology used in our testbed.
The application-aware control plane is detailed in
the Figure 3. Three sources of information about
applications and their flows are present: AMs, AA-
endpoints, and session parsers that gathered addi-
tional information from packets passed from the SDN
SDN Controller
(POX/Open Daylight)
Application Aware Controller
Application Aware Service
Figure 3: Application-aware control plane in the testbed.
The ASR 9000 routers are instructed (via Open-
Flow) to punt SIP packets coming from the Cisco IP
phones and the Jabber clients to the SDN controller.
Those SIP packets are then passed to a Session Parser
(SP) module, basically a DPI engine. Because Cisco
phones are configured not to encrypt signaling traffic,
their SIP packets are then parsed by the SP module.
The SP module, in turn, collects SIP session details
and pushes them to the common database thus map-
ping network flow details to application.
Jabber flows are instead announced by MSI to the
AA-Endpoint manager that, similarly to SP, stores the
Jabber application to network flows mapping into the
common database. The same mechanism is adopted
for the VLC client that announces the RTP flows car-
rying the video and audio through MSI to AAC.
Because information gathered from all sorts of
sources is stored in the same database, the produc-
tion and the consumption of the information is decou-
pled. Normalisation is then applied on all the acquired
data, according to the degree of reliability and com-
pleteness of the sources. For example, SIP packets
generated by Jabber clients are not only advertised by
MSI but also by the SP module (if they are not en-
crypted). This happens because the SIP packets are
punted to the SDN controller and handled to the SP
module. Therefore normalisation enables for merging
of the information coming from both sources, giving
higher priority to the information provided by MSI as
it is more reliable.
The testbed AAC treats the sources of information
according to the following priorities:
Application managers are operated by network
administrators and are the most reliable source.
Information about both encrypted and unen-
crypted traffic is visible. They cover only the ap-
plications provided inside the testbed.
AA-Endpoints have a little bit lower reliability as
the endpoint can provide false information as a
result of a virus infection or malicious tamper-
ing with MSI library. Nevertheless, MSI signals
information about relations between flows. AA-
Endpoints also provide information about both
encrypted and unencrypted traffic.
SP is the less reliable source as it cannot decrypt
encrypted flows and there is a risk of false positive
or false negative identification of a protocol.
The rest of this section describes AA-services
tested in our testbed.
4.1 QoS Management
To demonstrate the benefits of AAN, we built a ser-
vice that leverages the AAC in order to assign a
QoS policy to enduser applications detected in the
network. In two weeks, we were able to develop
the AAC and the QoS management AA-service from
scratch. Network administrators can influence the
network behaviour and assign priorities to specific
business critical applications (Choukir et al., 2013).
AAN allows to set up the priorities in a convenient
and network-wide consistent manner.
4.2 Path Load Balancing
The following experiments (Pol
ak, 2014) focused on
routing and path load balancing. The goal of this AA-
service was to show that it is possible to operate the
AAN network even if not all flows are recognized by
the AAC.
Two sets of applications were operated in the
testbed: 1) those running on AA-endpoints and
2) those that initiated flows that were not advertised
to the AAC, i.e. those that created background traffic.
The aim of the AA-service was to load balance the
traffic of the business-critical applications across all
possible paths between the source and destination. In
case the AA-service detected that a link carrying pri-
ority traffic was congested, the AA-service automati-
cally rerouted the traffic to links with sparse capacity.
Hence, even if the link was congested because of traf-
fic from legacy endpoints (that were not application-
aware), the AAN architecture allowed to ensure that
the priority traffic reaches its destination without un-
necessary retransmits.
4.3 Other Services
The presented QoS management and load balancing
service is just an example of how network manage-
ment can be made easy when the network can iden-
tify and directly handle applications rather than flows.
Our approach can be applied to any network feature
by custom services providing path computation, rout-
ing, etc. The underlying infrastructure that gives ap-
plication awareness remains the same.
In this section, we compare the AAN to a classical
distributed network and to an SDN network without
application awareness. Moreover, we describe a pos-
sible behaviour of an AAN in typical network scenar-
5.1 Evaluation
Being built on top of an SDN network, the AAN
maintains the main advantages of the SDN architec-
ture while reducing the complexity of applying the
correct policies to related flows (typically belonging
to a single application).
When expressing a policy, a combination of flow
characteristics is used to determine the traffic for
which the policy is enforced. The combination of
these characteristics defines a class of traffic (a.k.a.
class-map). IP addresses, port numbers and applica-
tion names are examples of such characteristics. We
define the complexity as the number of network nodes
where a class-map must be explicitly declared multi-
plied by the number of entries in the policy itself. Let
us consider a network of N nodes with the number
of applications denoted as A, each application carry-
ing F different flows in average. The total number of
rules or policies configured and managed in the net-
work may be evaluated in the following way:
In a conventional network, a rule has to be dis-
tributed for each flow of each application on ev-
ery network node. Therefore, the total complexity
can be evaluated as A × F × N.
In case of an application-aware distributed net-
work (AA-distributed network), for instance
Metadata-aware network, the complexity reduces
to A × N since the network can deal directly with
applications instead of flows.
In SDN, the controller (or the set of cooperating
controllers) abstracts the complexity of program-
ming each node separately. However, a rule for
each flow must be explicitly declared; thus, the
total complexity in this case becomes A ×F.
In AAN, application policies are handled in a
straightforward manner since the complexity with
flows is abstracted by the AAC; thus, the number
of class-maps that need to be specified reduces to
A, the number of applications.
Table 1: Comparison of available solutions to enforce policies for specific applications.
Conventional AA-Distributed SDN AAN
Policy complexity A ×F ×N A × N A × F A
Feature Velocity Slow Slow Fast Fast
Consistent behavior No No Yes Yes
Operational cost High Medium Low Lowest
Feature velocity in distributed environments de-
pends on the number of different operating systems
and different hardware platforms to be supported. In
the case of SDN and AAN, the decoupling of the
capabilities exposed by the network platforms and
the flow characteristics allows for an increased ve-
locity in delivering application-aware features. This
is achieved through writing software (service) once
rather than integrating software into different net-
work platforms. Hence, the feature velocity of SDN
and AAN is fast compared to conventional or AA-
distributed networks.
The control plane abstraction ensures that there is
a single set of policies applied to all SDN switches in
the network. In comparison, the cumbersome man-
agement of consistent rules on each node might re-
sult in inconsistent configuration and unpredictable
behaviour of the network. Therefore, the operator has
to maintain N configurations.
In a conventional deployment, the policy com-
plexity often results to a high number of class-map
rules. The class-map rules has to be managed directly
on the network nodes in consistent manner. Main-
tenance of the consistency incorporates high opera-
tional costs accompanied with with slow feature ve-
locity. Despite lower complexity of AA-distributed
deployment, it still requires medium operational costs
as it requires big effort to maintain consistent be-
haviour. The decoupling of control and data plane
and the abstracted complexity of the network lowers
the operation costs of both SDN and AAN. Neverthe-
less, AAN additionally treats application flows in a
consistent manner.
The comparison is summarized in Table 1.
5.2 Typical Scenarios
Let us consider some specific scenarios to illustrate
the benefits deriving from the deployment of an AAN.
5.2.1 Network Congestion
Although congestion of a link is easy to detect in a
distributed network, none or few network technolo-
gies exist to react and reroute flows in a timely way.
With SDN, the controller can immediately re-
route the traffic depending on the network data as
queue occupancy or interface load increase. How-
ever, the information available to an SDN controller
are limited to the transport layer.
Compared to an SDN network, AAN offers two
main advantages. Firstly, the routing operations can
be based on application requirements; thus all flows
of a single application are handled in a consistent way
without the complexity of matching flows by the SDN
application. The second, and more significant advan-
tage, is that the AAC can potentially access applica-
tion specific metrics and eventually, it can detect the
looming suffering of an application in advance.
5.2.2 Topology Change
In the event of a topology change that impacts the path
of flows with specific requirements, a regular Medi-
anet solution requires a new distribution of Medianet
tagging in the new path. If the change reoccurs with
some frequency because of physical impairments, it
can result in a flapping behavior and degraded qual-
ity. AAC with complete network and application view
can instead choose a stable path that avoids the above-
mentioned issues.
5.2.3 Application Policy Change
In a Medianet network, whenever application require-
ments change, the new requirements are pushed by
administrator to the network devices through config-
uration. Administrator has to foresee possible prob-
lems in advance so that the change targets only af-
fected devices; and avoids changes to unrelated traffic
so that a single change does not trigger an avalanche
of changes. In AAN, the new application require-
ments are enforced on all affected devices by the
AAC, which has the complete view of all flows and
their paths.
5.3 Migration
As AAN raises several requirements on AA-
endpoints, it is not expected that the migration is in-
stant and straightforward. Instead, several progressive
steps can ease AAN deployment.
Firstly, plug-ins to critical application managers
can advertise instantly information about flows of all
hosts related to the specific application. As discussed
in Section 4, the benefits of AAN may be utilised even
if the metadata are available for only a limited num-
ber of flows. Hence it is not necessary to migrate all
endpoints to leverage the benefits of AAN.
In case it is not possible to deploy a plug-in for
a business critical application, unreliable DPI-based
source of information or similar techniques can pro-
vide some information about flows in the network.
Finally, IETF aims to establish Application En-
abled Open Networking working group (IETF, 2014).
The current charter proposal includes standardisa-
tion of Metadata signaling. Once standardized, the
amount of applications supporting Metadata signal-
ing should raise, and consequently, the deployment of
AAN for arbitrary application should be easier.
User expectations of network applications quality are
high even for multimedia streaming. The ever grow-
ing number of applications communicating through
the network environment highlights the need for
constructing networks that are capable of achieving
application-level control of traffic to ensure appropri-
ate QoE. Traditional means of ensuring appropriate
QoS for applications, such as DPI, have a high com-
plexity and operational costs while the behaviour is
not consistent across the whole network. SDN-based
approach, on the other hand, provides consistent be-
haviour and fast feature velocity but it does not auto-
matically treat related flows in a consistent way.
This paper presented a novel paradigm of
Application-Aware Network (AAN) based on indus-
try and open standards. The solution we presented
achieves a number of major goals:
AAN improves final user QoE based on the feed-
back from applications received through MSI,
AAN brings application awareness to Cisco IOS-
XR routers such as ASR 9000,
AAN extends network to include endpoints and
endpoint applications,
AAN brings fast application velocity (the whole
project has been developed within two weeks),
AAN enables application-based policy enforce-
Future extensions and improvement of this work
are under consideration and development. Among
these, we are investigating the ability to provide hints
to the application mediator through MSI and addi-
tional abstraction levels that can help in solving con-
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