Collaborative and Individual Learning
Mixing the Two
Richard Alterman and Kendall Harsch
Computer Science Department, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA, U.S.A.
Mixing Collaborative and Individual Learning, Loose and Tight Coordination.
What is the right mix of individual and collaborative learning? This position paper will explore how online
platforms can mix the two approaches, addressing problems inherent to each while increasing the learning.
Approaches to collaborative learning can be differentiated by the type of coordination that is required, either
tight or loose (Alterman and Larusson, 2013). Tightly coordinated learning tends to be more collaborative and
loosely coordinated activities have more of an individual orientation. Modifying platforms of either extreme
can achieve better balance between the individual and collaborative features of a learning activity. Heuristics
are presented that support these kinds of transformations; blog and wiki-based platforms are used to ground
the discussion. Also considered is the sequence of learning and how mixed platforms better prepare students
for future learning.
There are advantages to both collaborative and indi-
vidual learning, but how should they be combined?
The think-pair-share (Kagan, 1989) where the in-
structor poses a question and the students think alone
for a minute, then discuss their answers with a seat
mate, and then return for an open discussion with the
entire class is an example of an in-class method
that combines individual with collaborative learning.
What are the trade-offs between alternative styles of
collaboration? This position paper will explore how
online platforms can support the mixing of individual
and collaborative learning.
Any online joint learning activity is a mix of in-
dividual and collaborative. The pedagogical scenario
can influence the balance of individual and collabora-
tive that emerges in the online learning environment.
The platform itself predisposes the participants to en-
gage one another in manner that requires greater or
lesser amounts of coordination and convergence in
understanding. From this perspective, collaborative
learning can be differentiated by the amount of coor-
dination and convergence of thought that is required,
either tight or loose (Alterman and Larusson, 2013).
In a tightly coordinated collaboration, the students
work closely together as a unit. They work together in
a joint problem space to create a shared understand-
ing. An example of a platform that supports tightly
coordinated collaborative learning is a wiki.
The reduced costs of coordination in a loosely
coordinated activity make it less work to collabo-
rate. The students work relatively independent of one
another, enabling greater coverage and diversity of
thought, while developing a collective “sense” of the
course material. A student blogging platform is an ex-
ample of a loosely coordinated collaborative learning
This position paper focuses on methods for con-
structing mixed collaborative learning platforms. The
position is that such systems have the advantage of
both individual and collaborative learning and reduce
the disadvantages of either one to the exclusion of the
other. The discussion will center on how to make a
blog-based learning platform more collaborative and
a wiki-based one more individual. A later section will
consider stages of mixed platforms as preparation for
additional learning activities.
Both individual and cooperative learning have advan-
tages (see Table 1). The individual learner has greater
autonomy. As she does her work, she can more fully
develop her own ideas. Working alone gives the stu-
dent a sense of ownership, making the student feel
more invested, responsible, and engaged. It also pro-
Alterman R. and Harsch K..
Collaborative and Individual Learning - Mixing the Two.
DOI: 10.5220/0005476504110417
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 411-417
ISBN: 978-989-758-107-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
vides opportunities for the student to develop her per-
sonal identity she is the one who is doing this and
it represents her in some way. Finally, different stu-
dents have different styles, and they pace themselves
differently: working independently means a student
can work according to her own way.
Table 1: Both have advantages.
Individual Collaborative
greater autonomy inter psychological;
common understanding
personal identity work in proximal zone
ownership (meta) cognitive skill
work at own pace multiple viewpoints
work according to social cohesion/ solidarity
own cognitive style
Cooperative learning also has many potential ad-
vantages (Slavin et al., 2003); for the purposes of this
article the terms “cooperative” and “collaborative” are
treated synonymously. A key advantage has to do
with notion of the zone of proximal development (Vy-
gotsky, 1980). The zone of proximal development is
the difference between what you can learn alone and
what you can learn in collaboration with peers or an
“instructor. Take a skill like reading (Cole and En-
om, 1993). A child first learns to read in collab-
oration with a more accomplished reader. Over time
the child learns how to read alone. The trajectory of
learning is from social and collaborative engagement
to individual skill (Kaptelinin and Nardi, 2006). With
peer collaboration, learners in the same proximal zone
can work together. The skills of the learners are dif-
ferent but can be complementary. Students learn from
one another and increase the amount they learn be-
cause the sum of their skills allows them to learn from
more difficult problems. Externalization and the shar-
ing of constructions enable students to develop cog-
nitive and metacognitive skills collaboratively (Stahl,
2006; Suthers, 2006; Ludvigsen et al., 2015). The
students are exposed to multiple viewpoints and per-
spectives. The social cohesion/solidarity that can de-
velop in small groups can both increase engagement
and reduce alienation (Slavin et al., 2003). The social
elements of the situation can also increase motivation
and the discipline of the group can be a powerful ad-
dition to the self-discipline required to succeed at any
extended project.
There are issues for both approaches to learning.
There are plenty of trade-offs. Working individually
creates a greater sense of competence for those that
succeed but perhaps at the cost of other students be-
ing able to learn things they could have in their zone
of proximal development with peer collaboration. En-
abling students to work at their own pace and style
reduces the potential causes of conflict in the class-
room but perhaps at the cost of a more disciplined
and coordinated approach to working. Working alone
simplifies the problems of coordination but working
“alone” outside of the school system is more of a rar-
ity. Assessment and feedback on individual student
work is more responsive to the individual student’s
performance, but it also more labor intensive. Coop-
erative projects may reduce the load with regards to
grading and feedback, but decisions about credit as-
signment and feedback for specific learners is more
difficult to achieve.
There is no inherent reason, however, for individ-
ual and collaborative learning to be an either/or. The
advantages of each are in many ways complementary:
some of the negatives of one are the positives of the
other and vice versa. A learning platform that fuses
the right mix of individual and collaborative learn-
ing activities could achieve many of the advantages
of both, while simultaneously addressing the deficien-
cies of each one. With the right mix, an individual
learner can both maintain control of his work and, in
cooperation with other students, extend the range of
problems that he can solve. Or a student who is stuck
can sample the space of other student’s work to look
for alternate perspectives on an assignment. Or a stu-
dent who is creative can develop her own ideas with
the aid of feedback from her peers.
Both tightly and loosely coordinated activities involve
Small groups (roughly 5-8) can work together in
close collaboration, learning things that would be dif-
ficult for the students to learn individually (Stahl,
2006). Virtual math teams chat online working to-
gether same time/different place in a joint problem
space in a tightly coordinated collaborative space
(Stahl et al., 2011). Students collaboratively writ-
ing a science article using a wiki is another exam-
ple of a tightly coordinated collaboration (Forte and
Bruckman, 2006). Argument-based dialogue systems
(Scheuer et al., 2010) and discussion forums (Guz-
dial and Turns, 2000) are yet other examples. In
each of these situations, there is a joint problem space
amongst the students (Teasley and Roschelle, 1993;
Sarmiento and Stahl, 2008). The interaction among
the students, and their communication, enables coop-
erative problem solving and grounding (Baker et al.,
1999), and meaning-making (Koschmann, 2002).
The key characteristic of tight coordination is that
there is a convergence of effort and understanding
amongst the learners. The trade-off is that the learners
have less independence. So on the scale of highly col-
laborative to complete individual independence, these
kinds of activities are decidedly collaborative (Dillen-
bourg, 1999).
In a loosely coordinated activity there are fewer
coordination requirements. The students still coop-
erate but they do so in the context of developing
their own ideas. When the students connect and
share with one another, they can, with fewer commit-
ments or constraints, collaboratively acquire knowl-
edge and build skills, while distributing amongst
their classmates knowledge relevant to their learn-
ing. Rather than converging towards a single so-
lution/understanding, the students maintain indepen-
dent solutions and viewpoints (Alterman and Larus-
son, 2013).
The key characteristic of loosely coordinated
learning activities is that learners maintain their au-
tonomy, have greater independence. They do not have
to compromise. They are free to develop their own
ideas and approach to the assignment. The interac-
tions amongst the students produce some common un-
derstanding or skill set, but the reduced dependency
between the contributions of the learners adds variety
to the understandings and skills that emerge. So on
the scale of highly collaborative to complete individ-
ual independence, these kinds of activities are collab-
orations that maintain the independence of the learn-
ers (Alterman and Larusson, 2013).
The main features of student blogging are writing a
post, commenting, and community (Deng and Yuen,
2011). Students work in a closed blogging commu-
nity. The structure of the interaction is either a com-
munity blog, where everybody posts to the same blog,
or a collection of individual blogs, with each student
owning her own one.
In its basic form, blogging is a loosely coordinated
activity. The writing part is done by individuals. The
posts have a social orientation: the intent is to com-
municate with other members of the community. The
students have personal and intellectual ownership of
their work (Ferdig and Trammell, 2004; Williams and
Jacobs, 2004). As a participant in a blogging commu-
nity, a student develops a social presence as an indi-
vidual person. (Cameron and Anderson, 2006). The
students can browse in the blogosphere, reading and
commenting on each other’s posts. Commenting is
collaborative and interactive. The heuristics discussed
below increase the number and quality of interactions
amongst the students.
4.1 Heuristics
Each of the following design features maintains the
individual’s control of their own work (autonomy and
identity) while increasing learning and improving the
collaborative elements of the activity.
Small Groups. With smaller groups, all students
are likely to receive feedback (Larusson and Alter-
man, 2009). For a large, or even moderate-sized class,
looking at all the posts can be an overwhelming task.
With smaller groups, navigation becomes easier but
at the cost of fewer alternative viewpoints to sample.
This cost can be compensated by other phases of the
learning activity.
Drafting. In the basic blog-based architecture, stu-
dents write their posts and then collaborate by com-
menting on each other’s posts. An alternate scheme
is to enable open access to all phases of the writing
process: students publish drafts of their text, interact-
ing with each other as they write (Alterman and Gun-
narsson, 2013). With this scheme, students receive
and generate peer feedback while writing; they also
can access multiple viewpoints on the same assign-
ment. The students still own their own work and have
autonomy, but they can also learn from the open col-
laboration that is enabled. An additional constraint is
to require each student post a draft of their work be-
fore they can access the draft work of other students
and collaborate. This feature ensures students will de-
velop their own thoughts before exchanging ideas.
Promotions. With large classes, finding content in
the blogosphere that is good and relevant can be more
difficult. Also, the distribution of feedback is uneven
and assessment becomes more costly.
Enabling students to promote each other’s work is
a heuristic that addresses these issues: students can at-
tach likes and badges (Antin and Churchill, 2011) to
each others’ contributions when the reader considers
the content noteworthy and wants to publicly label it
as such for the community. The promotion feature is
simple to use and easy to implement and understand.
Studies have shown that students will actively pro-
mote content; promoted content tends to be of higher
quality; the promotion data is used to navigate; and
some students are reliably better at assessing quality
than others (Gunnarsson and Alterman, 2014; Gun-
narsson and Alterman, 2013).
Rubrics: Where promotion identifies good content,
rubrics can improve the quality of the peer feedback
and interaction. Scaffolding structures the learning
activity, making the activity simpler by focusing stu-
dents on particular tasks and ways of doing them (Pea,
2004). A rubric is a kind of scaffolding that provides
a format for giving feedback and assessing quality. It
foregrounds, for both the assessed and the assessor,
the important elements of the learning task.
The basic features of a wiki platform are the text,
the history of changes, and the discussion page (Leuf
and Cunningham, 2001). The text is produced as an
aggregation of small contributions and edits. Each
contribution is published when saved, and can sub-
sequently be edited, rewritten, or added to by other
participants. A contributor may choose to revert to
any earlier version of a wiki page by clicking on it in
the history list. Because wiki-writing produces a sin-
gle text, negotiation is required to produce an agreed
upon text (Bientzle et al., 2014). The community can
discuss and debate edits to the page on the discussion
page. For a large wiki community like Wikipedia,
the division of labor for most articles is not explicitly
managed, but the contributors can informally adopt
different roles (Welser et al., 2011). In an educational
context explicit roles can be assigned (West and West,
2008; Altanopoulou et al., 2014).
5.1 Heuristics
A heuristic like drafting, which increases the inter-
action and collaborative features of blogging, is built
into wiki writing. By its very nature, wiki writing pro-
vides fine grained open access to writing of the text.
In an educational context, the small-group heuristic
also has value for wiki writing: too large a group
reduces the number of opportunities for the individ-
ual learner to make significant contributions. Small
groups also make it harder for “shirkers” to hide but
perhaps at the increased cost of commitment imbal-
ance (Capdeferro and Romero, 2012). Methods that
script the revision process for wiki writing (i.e., col-
laborative scripts) have been shown to improve the
quality of the problem solving interaction (Wichmann
and Rummel, 2013). Promotions and rubrics, which
support navigation, feedback, and assessment in blog-
based writing, are less necessary for wiki-based writ-
ing because the setup of wikis, to a certain extent,
supports recognition, joint problem solving, and fo-
cused interactions. Nevertheless, promotions like
merit badges and rubrics for assessment, may achieve
better team harmony, more thoughtful conversations
about the text as it is written, and reliable peer assess-
ments (De Wever et al., 2011; Kriplean et al., 2008).
Division of Labor. Wiki writing, in itself, is very
collaborative with fewer opportunities for student au-
tonomy, individual ownership, and the development
of identity. A heuristic that introduces more of the
advantages of individual work is to divide the tasks
amongst the student wiki writers.
Suppose the assignment is to collaboratively write
a book review using a wiki by small teams of stu-
dents. Each review has two parts. The first part is
a 1000 word summary of the central argument of the
book. The second part is a 500 word summary of each
chapter in the book. All students on a team are re-
sponsible for the text that summarizes the central ar-
gument of the book. Students within each working
group will also be assigned one of the following roles
for each chapter that the working group is asked to re-
view: primary author, copyeditor, or content discus-
sant. The primary author writes the summary for the
chapter. The copyeditor proofreads the text produced
by the primary author. The content discussant pro-
vides a commentary and raises issues on the the dis-
cussion page for the chapter summary he is assigned
to discuss.
By dividing the labor, the students are able to do
a mix of individual and collaborative tasks. They co-
author the summary of the central argument, but are
individually responsible for summarizing the chap-
During the semester, instruction can be divided into a
sequence of learning activities with earlier activities
preparing the students for later ones (Gagn
e, 1973).
Each learning activity in the sequence serves a differ-
ent function and can vary in the mix of individual and
collaborative tasks.
A stage is a collection of one or more related
learning activities that are centered on a particular
topic or skill in preparation for a later set of learn-
ing activities (Alterman and Gunnarsson, 2013). An
important element of what constitutes a stage is that at
the completion of the stage the students have reached
a point where they have some kind of common under-
standing of the topic or they have achieved a common
Collaborative learning activities that mix with in-
dividual ones have the promise of creating common
understanding and skills with a fair distribution. In-
dividual learning activities ensure that all the learn-
ers have the opportunity to learn the requisite knowl-
edge or skill for subsequent actions. Collaboration
increases the likelihood that learners working in their
zone of proximal development will have acquired the
requisite knowledge or skill.
In what follows, we look at three learning activi-
ties that benefit from being next in the sequence after
a stage of mixed learning. One of them is tourna-
ments. The other two writing papers and project-
based learning depend on the commons of student
content created during the mixed collaboration.
6.1 Tournaments
After the completion of a mixed collabora-
tive/individual homework assignment, each learner
can be a judge in the tournament (Li and Lam,
2005). As a judge, a student is randomly assigned a
handful of assignments to assess all assignments
are written under a pseudonym. Each judge fills out
a peer assessment form for each homework that he is
assigned to review; the peer assessments are written
anonymously. The answers to the questions require
at most a few sentences.
Dividing the assignment in this way is a form of
staging. In the first stage the students engage in a
mixed learning activity that produces a common un-
derstanding. In the second stage, the students engage
in analytic and reflective activities that improve their
meta-cognitive skills for future related problem solv-
ing activities (Collins and Brown, 1988). For blogs,
the tournament is to judge the homework/post of other
students; if the small-group heuristic is used during
the earlier stage, the posts that each student judges
must originate in a working group other than the one
in which the judging student participated. For home-
work that is produced by a team on a wiki, the stu-
dents will individually judge the entries produced by
other teams.
6.2 The Commons
(Mixed) collaborative activities create an commons
of content (Bruckman, 1998; Scardamalia and Bere-
iter, 1994); alternately it is referred to as a warehouse
(Williams and Jacobs, 2004). The commons is a re-
source for all the members of the community that pro-
vides agreed upon content for subsequent stages of
learning activity. Below we discuss two examples of
learning activities where the commons created earlier
are of specific value.
Writing Papers. In one case study of a blended
course, students used a blog-based discourse com-
munity to discuss readings and lectures during the
semester. Later, students used the content as a re-
source for writing papers (Alterman and Larusson,
2013). The data showed a significant increase of read-
ing activity within the blogosphere three days before
the deadline of the paper. For 16 of the 25 students,
their work in the blogosphere foreshadowed a major-
ity of the concepts that appeared in their two papers.
The largest group of students benefited most from the
Project-based Learning. Staging can be an impor-
tant element of course design in a project-oriented
class. In a blended course on human computer in-
teraction (HCI), a team term project was an itera-
tion of working with the methods and skills taught
in the first part of the course (Alterman and Gunnars-
son, 2013). During the first stage of instruction, the
students worked on a mixed collaborative/individual
platform, learning techniques, methods, and argu-
mentation of HCI. During the project stage, the stu-
dents developed skill and knowledge in more depth
than what they attained from the less contextualized
homework assignments. There were roughly 50 stu-
dents in the class.
The collaborative environment was blog-based.
Students posted drafts of their homework and could
comment and promote each other’s work. After the
homework was finished, there was an official period
of commenting and filling out peer assessment forms;
each student was assigned two posts to assess. While
doing their homework, the 25% most active readers
read almost a third of the draft posts produced by
other students. The second quartile read roughly 16%
of the posts. During the commenting phase, the most
active readers read an additional 4.9 posts beyond the
ones they were officially assigned to comment and
evaluate. As the students transitioned to the project
stage of the course, they were given two weeks to
write a term project proposal. During the transition,
large numbers of students used the blogosphere con-
tent to support their work. While doing the project,
the students continued to use the commons created
during the homework stage of the class.
Table 2 summarizes the how the various modifica-
tions effect the mix of individual and collaborative
learning. Heuristics like small groups and drafting
increase collaboration for loosely coordinated learn-
ing activities like blogging. Dividing the labor of
the students, or assigning roles, increases the individ-
ual elements of a tightly coordinated learning activ-
ity like those based on a wiki. Other modifications
improve the mix for both loosely and tightly coordi-
nated learning. Small groups improve the distribution
of feedback for blog-based learning and increase par-
ticipation for wiki-based. Regardless of the style of
interaction, collaboration scripts, rubrics, and tourna-
ments improve feedback, meta-cognitive skill, and/or
provide assessment support. Promotions provide use-
ful feedback, recognition for student achievement, as-
sessment support, and solidarity.
Table 2: Summary
Heuristic Blogging Wiki
Small better distrib. increase
Groups of feedback participation
Drafting increases
Promotions feedback; recognition;
highlight good content
assessment support; solidarity
Rubrics meta-cognitive skills;
improve quality of feedback;
assessment support
Div. of labor plus individual
Tournament meta-cognitive skills
ensures feedback for all students
assessment support
Commons resource for later learning
Future work will focus on interleaving collaborative
activities that are more oriented towards the develop-
ment of the individual with learning activities that are
more oriented towards the collaborative. In a study
underway now, the students alternate between wiki-
based and blog-based writing activities. During the
semester, the students read four books on Internet &
Society. For one book, the students work on a wiki
platform to write summaries of the book. For the next
book, the students use blogs to write opinion pieces.
For the third book they write another review, and for
the forth another blog-based opinion piece. At is-
sue is how the alternation between learning activities
with different mixtures compares in the acquisition of
knowledge and skill to a sequence of just one or the
other type of activity.
Creating mixtures of learning activities that vary
in the composition of individual and collaborative
is a necessary component of any community learn-
ing platform (Bielaczyc and Collins, 1999). We are
currently developing a community learning platform
with a curriculum for citizen science and environmen-
tal studies. The platform we are building will support
learning to plan and reason about water management
environmental studies. Within this context, issues
concerning the mixture of individual and collabora-
tive learning are “front and center” because students
work together virtually at different times from differ-
ent places, with different backgrounds, expertise, in-
terests, and educational levels.
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