Efficient Management of Revoked Pseudonyms in VANETs using
ID-Based Cryptography
Francisco Mart´ın-Fern´andez, Pino Caballero-Gil and C´andido Caballero-Gil
Department of Computer Engineering, University of La Laguna, 38271 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Certification Revocation List, k-ary hash tree, Huffman Codes, Vehicular Ad-hoc Network.
The management of fraudulent users of vehicular ad-hoc networks is one of the most important security issues
of these mobile networks. It is necessary to prevent the access of malicious users to the network so that they
cannot send false information to other users. This paper defines a new method for managing revoked users,
using identity-based authentication, what allows improving both efficiency and security through certificateless
authentication. The presented proposal optimizes the performance of classical revocation lists by building a
data structure based on two concepts: an authenticated dynamic hash k-ary tree, and the frequency with which
revoked pseudonyms are queried. Thus, revoked pseudonyms that are more frequently queried have a higher
level in the tree. This provides a better match to urban environments, where there are some types of vehicles
that spend more time on the road due to their work tasks.
Protecting information security on a wireless network
is one of the hardest and most important tasks in our
technological world. Regarding security, a key aspect
is user authentication because authenticating users se-
curely and quickly is a fundamental requirement in
wireless networks. The complexity of this problem
increases significantly if network nodes are able to
move. Therefore, the authentication mechanism must
allow access to legitimate and honest network users
and must also be able to deny access to fraudulent
users. In this way, malicious and dishonest nodes
must be detected and removed effectively from the
network in order to protect the network reliability.
There are different methods to authenticate com-
munications network. One such method is the pub-
lic key cryptography, which is present in many se-
curity schemes today. To establish this model, it is
necessary to ensure that any used public key is truth-
ful and legitimate. The traditional approach to this
problem is through public-key certificates emitted by
a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), in which a Cer-
tificate Authority (CA) certifies ownership and valid-
ity of public-key certificates. This solution presents
many difficulties because the issues associated with
certificate management are quite complex and ex-
pensive. The so-called Identity Based Cryptography
(IBC), where each user’s public key is his/her public
IDentity (ID), represents a different approach because
the need for public key certificates is eliminated.
The use of public key cryptography involves cer-
tain level of risk because private keys can get com-
promised. Therefore, the revocation process must be
efficient. This problem has been traditionally solved
through a centralized approach based on the existence
of a Trusted Third Party (TTP), which is usually a CA.
This entity distributes the so-called Certificate Revo-
cation Lists (CRLs), which can be seen as blacklists
of revoked certificates. Moreover, in order to achieve
a more efficient management of certificate revocation,
a different approach based on hash trees used as Au-
thenticated Data Structures (ADS) has been proposed.
As discussed earlier, the wireless networks where
it is more difficult to protect information security, are
those whose nodes are capable of movement. Within
these wireless networks with mobile nature, we fo-
cuses on Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs).
Their main mission is for efficiently manage traf-
fic on the roads to prevent abnormal circumstances.
They can be seen as self-organizing networks built
up from moving vehicles that communicate with each
other. In particular, these networks are considered
an emerging research area of mobile communications
because they offer a wide variety of possible appli-
cations, ranging from as aforementioned road safety
and transport efficiency, to commercial services, pas-
senger comfort, and infotainment delivery. Further-
Martín-Fernández F., Caballero-Gil P. and Caballero-Gil C..
Efficient Management of Revoked Pseudonyms in VANETs using ID-Based Cryptography.
DOI: 10.5220/0005479207010708
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (WOSIS-2015), pages 701-708
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
more, VANETs can be seen as an extension of mo-
bile ad-hoc networks where there are not only mobile
nodes, named On-Board Units (OBUs), but also static
nodes, named Road-Side Units (RSUs). The so-called
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) includes two
types of communications: between OBUs, and be-
tween OBUs and RSUs. IEEE 802.11p amendment
to IEEE 802.11, which adds a vehicular communica-
tion system, is the basis for both the European stan-
dard for ITS, called ITS-G5, and its American coun-
terpart, called Wireless Access in Vehicular Environ-
ment (WAVE).
In VANETs, the difficulty of maintaining the secu-
rity and authenticity of communications is even more
difficult than in other mobile networks because most
communications are performed in broadcast mode.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the mobility of the
nodes in such networks is frequently at high speeds
and in any direction, due to the nature of vehicles. In
these networks, any malicious misbehaving user that
can inject false information, or modify/replayanypre-
viously disseminated message, could be fatal to the
others. Therefore, within the family of standards for
vehicular communications IEEE 1609 based on the
IEEE 802.11p, the standard 1609.2 deals in particu-
lar with the issues related to security services for ap-
plications and management messages. This standard
describes the use of PKIs, CAs and CRLs, and im-
plies that in order to revoke a vehicle, a CRL has to
be issued by the CA to the RSUs, who are in charge
of sending this information to the OBUs. In partic-
ular, the IEEE 1609.2 standard proposes both broad-
cast authentication and non-repudiation through the
use of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
(ECDSA). However, the verification of each signa-
ture using ECDSA means a high computational cost.
On the one hand, according to these standards, each
vehicle is assumed to have a pair of keys: a private
signing key and a public verification key certified by
the CA; and any VANET message must contain: a
timestamp with the creation time, the sender’s sig-
nature, and the sender’s public-key certificate. On
the other hand, the so-called Dedicated Short-Range
Communications (DSRC), devoted specifically de-
signed for automotive use, defines that vehicles regu-
larly exchange with nearby vehicles beacons contain-
ing sender information such as location and speed, be-
cause the information of these beacons is very useful
for many VANET applications, such as cooperative
collision warning.
In order to prevent possible tracking of vehicles,
each OBU can have several pairs of certified public
keys. These public keys are linked to pseudonyms
that allow preventing location tracking by eavesdrop-
pers. In this way, once VANETs are implemented in
practice on a large scale, their size will grow rapidly
due to the increasing number of OBUs and to the
use of multiple pseudonyms. Thus, it is foreseeable
that if CRLs are used, they will grow up to become
very large and unmanageable. Moreover, this context
can bring a phenomenon known as implosion request,
consisting of many nodes who synchronously try to
download the CRL during its updating, producing a
longer latency in the process of validating a certificate
due to congestion and overload of the network.
This paper proposes a scheme to achieve certifi-
cateless and cooperative authentication in VANETs
by implementing IBC. Moreover, the problem of effi-
cient management of pseudonym revocation is solved
by using a Huffman k-ary hash tree as an ADS.
Thus, the process of query on the validity of public
pseudonymswill be more efficientbecause OBUs will
send queries to RSUs, who will answer them on be-
half of the TTP. In this way, at the same time this TTP
will no longer be a bottleneck, and OBUs will not
have to download any entire revocation list. Instead
of that, they will have to manage hash trees where the
leaf nodes contain revoked pseudonyms. In particu-
lar, in order to provide the shortest paths in the tree
for the revoked pseudonyms that are the most queried
by network users, the use of k-ary Huffman trees is
proposed so that we can take advantage of the effi-
ciency of the Huffman algorithm.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a review of the state of the art. Section 3 sum-
marizes the main concepts and ideas of the proposed
authentication scheme based on the combination of
IBC and Huffman k-ary hash trees. Finally, Section 4
discusses some conclusions and open problems.
Public-key cryptography is nowadays one of the most
popular tools in the protection of information secu-
rity (Blake-Wilso, 2000). With regard to VANETs,
the family of standards IEEE 1609 describes the use
of PKI in this type of mobile networks. In particu-
lar, the work (J.P. Hubaux and Luo, 2004) analyses a
proposal for the use of PKI to protect messages and
mutually authenticate entities in VANETs. The pa-
per (Raya and Hubaux, 2007) is a continuation of that
work because it describes a PKI-based security pro-
tocol where each vehicle preloads anonymous pub-
lic/private keys and a TTP stores all the anonymous
certificates of all vehicles. However, the certificate
management process of this scheme is less efficient.
Using PKI to sign each message is one of the best-
known solutions to establish a robust authentication
method in VANETs (IEEE-1609, 2006). However,
the use of a traditional approach to PKIs may fail to
satisfy the real time requirement in vehicular com-
munications because according to the DSRC proto-
col, each OBU will periodically transmit beacons so
even in a normal traffic scenario, it is a very rigorous
requirement to deploy an authentication scheme that
allows at the same time efficient revocation of invalid
public keys and efficient use of valid public keys.
There is a revocation method known as Online
Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), where multiple
validation agents are constantly responding to re-
quests about the status of certificates. This ensures
that only these agents have the ability to inform
whether a certificate is revoked or not. This explicit
revocation method has an unpleasant side effect be-
cause it divulges too much information. Since val-
idation agents constitute a global service, they must
involve enough replication to handle the load of all
validation queries, what means that the method is ei-
ther insecure or expensive because the signature key
must be replicated across many servers.
Other authors (Kocher, 1998) propose an improve-
ment of the OCSP solution through what is called
Certificate Revocation Tree (CRT). The CRT is based
on that a single highly secure entity periodically pub-
lishes a CRL, represented as a signed data structure.
Thus, multiple secure or insecure agents can validate
certificates safely thanks to to the signature of the
tree root by the single highly secure entity because
in CRTs, the leaf nodes are statements concerning re-
voked certificates, and the CA signs the root. By us-
ing CRTs, the responder can prove the status of any
certificate by showing the path from the root to the
leaf node without signing the response, because the
signatures of all leaf nodes are identical, and given by
the signature contained in the root. Therefore, there
is no need to trust the responder. The certificateless
proposal described here is based on this idea.
Another interesting idea is proposed in (Kocher,
1998), where a Merkle hash tree (Merkle, 1980) is
used as an ADS where leaf nodes represent the re-
voked certificates, sorted by serial number. A client
sends a query to the nearest agent, which produces
a short proof that the target certificate is (or not) on
the CRT. The paper (M. Jakobsson and Szydlo, 2003)
introduces several methods to traverse Merkle trees
allowing time space trade-offs. Other ADSs based
on multi-dimensional tree structures are studied in
(Miller, 1986) to support efficient search queries, al-
lowing the retrieval of authenticated certificates from
an untrusted repository used for dissemination by var-
ious credential issuers. Besides, many tree-balancing
algorithms have been proposed in the bibliography
for hash trees (T. Cormen and Rivest, 1990). For in-
stance, AVL trees are balanced by applying rotation,
B-trees are balanced by manipulating the degrees of
the nodes, and 2-3 trees contain only nodes with at
least 2 and at most 3 children. However, in the par-
ticular application of public-key revocation, balanced
trees do not necessarily minimize communication.
The management of CRTs has associated several
challenges that have to be faced. One of the problems
to be addressed is related to recalculating and restruc-
turing the tree when a certificate is revoked. Skip-lists
proposed in (M. Goodrich and Winsborough, 2003),
(M. Goodrich and Cohen, 2003) can be seen as a natu-
ral and efficient structure for the purpose of reducing
communication by balancing the CRT. However, for
problems such as insertion of new leaf nodes, these
are not good solutions.
In these types of trees, it is necessary to use a hash
function to represent the internal nodes according to
their child nodes. This work uses SHA-3 (G. Bertoni
and Assche, 2010), which is a cryptographic hash
function recently selected as winner of the NIST hash
function competition based on the Keccak function
and a sponge construction (G. Bertoni and Assche,
However, the biggest problem os revocation is the
one concerning the management of valid public-key
certificates. The work (Shamir, 1985) proposes the
idea of an identity-based cryptosystem in which ar-
bitrary strings can act as public keys so that there is
no need for public-key certificates. The first practi-
cal identity-based encryption scheme was described
in (Boneh and Franklin, 2001) using a bilinear map.
Weil and Tate pairings on elliptic curves are the most
efficient ways of constructing such bilinear maps
(Joux, 2002). For the implementation of the identity-
based authentication in the proposal here described,
the Tate pairing was used.
The nomenclature used in this paper to describe the
tree-based model is detailed in Table 1.
Avoiding the need of public-key certificates is
possible thanks to the Identity-Based Signature (IBS).
The idea is based on the fact that the public identity
of the signer can be used as verification key of a re-
ceived signature. In tha proposal, such an identity is a
public pseudonym P
sent by the signer node together
with the signed message. In the used ID-based sys-
tem, each node receives all the signing private keys
Table 1: Notation.
Symbol Meaning
h(···) hash function used to define
the revocation tree
h(A0|A1| · ··) Digest obtained with the hash
function h applied on the con-
catenation of the inputs
Ai, i = 0, 1···
D( 1) Depth of the hash tree
t total number of revoked
( j = 1, 2, , t) j th Revoked Pseudonym
Root Node of the hash tree
Node of the hash tree. where
path indicates the branches
from the root to the leaf node
k Maximum number of children
for each node in the hash tree
f(··· ) Keccak function used in
n Bit size of the digest of h
s Bit size of the input to f
r Bit size of the input blocks for
h after padding
l Bit size of the output blocks
that build the digest of h,
which is here assumed to be
lower than r
linked to all its pseudonyms P
from a TTP, be-
cause it cannot generate them by itself.
A TTP, called in IBC the Private Key Generator
(PKG), is in charge of computing and delivering to
each node via a confidential channel, the signing pri-
vate keys linked to each of its pseudonyms. On the
other hand, the PKG publishes a master public key
and retains the corresponding master private key
. Thus, given the master public key MP
, any
party will be able to compute the public key P
responding to any pseudonymP
by combining it with
. In order to use the corresponding private key,
the node authorized to use a pseudonym must have re-
ceived it from the PKG, which uses the master private
key MP
to generate all the private keys correspond-
ing to all the pseudonyms.
Thus, the main algorithms in the proposed IBS
are: Setup (see Algorithm 1), Extraction (see Algo-
rithm 2), Signature (see Algorithm 3) and Verification
(see Algorithm 4).
This paper does not describe any new ID-based
cryptosystem because that is out of scope of this pa-
per. The ID-based system that has been implemented
in the proof of concept prototype is the Boneh-
Franklin scheme (Boneh and Franklin, 2001), which
Algorithm 1: Setup Algorithm.
1 MP
Generate Random Key;
2 MP
Generate Master Public Key from MP
3 Publish MP
Algorithm 2: Extraction Algorithm.
1 for j 1 to Total
2 P
Generate Private Key from MP
, P
3 Send Securely (P
, P
) from the PKG to
the corresponding owner;
Algorithm 3: Signature Algorithm.
1 (P
, P
) Pseudonym Signer Node, Private
Key Signer Node;
2 P
(M) Signature of a message M;
3 Send Openly (P
(M), P
Algorithm 4: Verification Algorithm.
1 A Node Receives (P
(M), P
2 P
3 Verify P
(M) Signature using P
uses a bilinear pairing over elliptic curves and bases
its security on the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem.
The building process used in the ID-based sys-
tem applies a bilinear map e : G
× G
G2 between
two groups G
and G
so that according to the bi-
linearity of e : e(aP, bQ) = e(P, Q)ab P, Q G
a, b Z. Specifically, an ID-based system can be built
from a bilinear map e if and only if a variant of the
Computational Diffie-Hellman problem in G
is hard.
The considered Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem in
is defined as follows: Given P, aP, bP, cP, compute
e(P, P)abc, where P G
and a, b, c Z. In particular,
the used bilinear pairing e is described for an elliptic
curve E defined over some field K, so it maps a pair of
points of E to an element of the multiplicative group
of a finite extension of K.
The Weil pairing (Boneh and Franklin, 2001) is
the basis of the first version of the Boneh-Franklin
scheme. However, the scheme implemented in this
work uses the Tate pairing because this is considered
the most convenient bilinear function for the Boneh-
Franklin scheme in terms of computational cost. In
particular, the implementation of the proposal in-
cludes the use of Miller’s algorithm to compute the
Tate pairing (Miller, 1986).
Although the use of IBC for revocation has been
previously proposed, new solutions to provide effi-
cient mechanisms for key revocationin those schemes
are necessary. Here we propose a scheme to manage
revoked pseudonyms in IBC-based VANETs, built on
the idea of revocation hash trees.
Researchers in vehicular ad-hoc networks have fo-
cused on classical revocation lists so now improving
the efficiency of these structures is a purpose of most
current research. Some authors have proposed the use
of particular ADSs such as Merkle trees (C. Ganan
and Alins, 2012), Huffman Merkle trees (J. Munoz
and Manel, 2005) and skip lists (Jakobsson and Wet-
zel, 2004). However, to the best of our knowledge no
previous work has described in detail the use of Huff-
man k-ary trees as hash trees for revoked pseudonym
Hash trees are very useful to represent large pieces
of data that have to be verified. These structures are
characterized by containing the digest of the children
nodes in the parent node. The leaf nodes in a hash
tree are hashes of data blocks while nodes further up
in the tree are the hashes of their respective children
so that the root of the tree is the digest representing the
whole structure. Most implemented hash trees require
the use of a cryptographic hash function h in order to
prevent collisions.
Like most hash trees, the Merkle tree is a bi-
nary tree, so each internal node Nij is the hash
value of the concatenation of its two children: N
, 0|N
, 1), where i is the depth of node in the
tree. This work proposes the use of a more gen-
eral structure known as k-ary tree, which is a rooted
tree in which each node has no more than k chil-
dren, and each internal node is obtained by hashing
the concatenation of all the digests contained in its
children. Specifically, we propose the use of a Huff-
man k-ary tree in which leaf nodes are ordered from
left to right, based on which revoked pseudonyms the
most queried. Thus, we propose the introduction of
the combination of both concepts of Huffman coding
and k-ary trees applied to trees based revocation.
One of the data compression algorithms more
commonly used in any discipline of information sys-
tems is the Huffman code (Huffman, 1952). The term
refers to the use of a table of variable length codes for
encoding certain symbols, where the table is filled in
a specific way based on the estimated probability of
occurrence of each possible value of the symbol. Our
proposal is to bring that idea to the CRLs, and use
the shortest paths for the revoked pseudonymsthat are
more queried. Thus, the tree will be built according
Figure 1: Revocation Path on a 3-ary Huffman Tree.
to the query frequency. In this way, the query of the
most queried revoked pseudonyms will be more effi-
Each node N
of our Huffman hash tree is given
by a hash value. For each node N
, path is defined
by the path from the root N
to the node N
Figure1). The length of the path, given by the number
of levels in the tree used in it, is related to the num-
ber of hash applications that are needed to represent
the leaf node that corresponds to a revoked certificate.
When a revoked node is very queried, it will appear
higher up in the tree to have a much shorter path. This
improves the efficiency of both the search node in the
tree, and the verification of the path that proves revo-
cation because the size of the paths is greatly reduced.
Thus, thanks to the TTP signature of the root N
it is possible to guarantee the authenticity of the used
hash tree structure. When a RSU answers to an OBU
about a query on a pseudonym, it proceeds in the fol-
lowing way. If it finds the digest of the pseudonym
among the leaf nodes of the tree, which means that it
is a revoked pseudonym, the RSU sends to the OBU
the route between the root and the corresponding leaf
node, along with all the siblings of the nodes on this
path. After checking all the digests corresponding to
the received path, and the TTP signature of the root,
the OBU gets convincedof the validity of the received
evidence on the revoked pseudonym. Conceptually,
thanks to the proposed use of a Huffman tree, queries
regarding the most usually queried certificates involve
less data transmission and computation.
One of the innovations proposed in this paper is
to optimize the query time and computation about re-
voked pseudonyms in VANETs, using the Huffman
codes in the Certificate Revocation Tree. Generally,
vehicles that spend more time on the roads are those
that are more likely to communicate with other ve-
hicles. Typical systems based on CRLs do not take
into account this factor, so the average cost of find-
ing any revoked pseudonym is the same. However,
the general cost can be optimized by assigning less
deep positions in the hash tree, to the most queried
pseudonyms corresponding to the vehicles that stay
longer on the road.
Therefore, the proposal presented in this paper in-
cludes the assumption that the RSU counts the num-
ber of queries that are performed for each revoked
pseudonym. During the update of the tree the nodes
are rearranged based on the new frequencies. Further-
more, taking into account the type of vehicle we can
see that public vehicles (buses, taxis, etc.) are more
likely to be among the most queried ones because they
spend much time on the road.
In order to build the tree, the first thing to consider
is how many children per node are allowed. This pa-
rameter defines the k of the k-ary tree to be built. If
this k is equal to 2, we get the typical binary Huffman
tree. The proposed system allows other values for k,
such as 3, 4, 5, etc. Thus, if we propose a k-ary tree
with a maximum of 5 children per node, we have a
5-ary Huffman tree like the one in Figure 2.
Once we know howmany children per node are al-
lowed as maximum, what we do is to create the Huff-
man tree so that internal nodes are assigned from the
query frequencies calculated by the RSU. Wheneverk
revoked pseudonyms are grouped in an internal node,
this node is created with the sum of the frequencies
of its children. In this way, the tree is constructed by
grouping, first all revoked pseudonyms that are less
queried, and so on to leave the most queried revoked
pseudonyms in the top positions of the tree. Thus, the
search of these nodes is much faster and the route to
the root node is much shorter.
In order to learn how to find a node in the tree, a
hash table is used to map each revoked pseudonym
with the exact path that defines the tree. Thus, if
for example we have a 3-ary Huffman tree, we have
that a node pseudonym N
has a path in the tree
[2, 2, 2, 1] (see Figure 1), what means that from the
root node we have to go through the branches starting
by the branch 2, then the 2 ... and so on to the internal
node that is linked to it and choose the branch 1 to get
to it.
This paper proposes a scheme where a node does not
need any certificate to prove the binding to its pub-
lic key. Instead of that, an ID-based authentication
scheme and revocation trees are used. We consider
the following basic authentication architecture, which
includes three main parties:
TTP. This entity acts as key distribution centre be-
cause it is responsible for generating and assign-
ing related parameters for VANET nodes, and for
revoking pseudonyms of misbehaving OBUs and
public keys of misbehaving RSUs.
RSU. This entity serves as a gateway to provide
OBUs within its transmission range with any re-
quested information about revoked pseudonyms.
OBU. Each vehicle is equipped with an OBU,
which periodically broadcasts signed beacons that
are received by neighbour OBUs and RSUs.
The proposed model is based on the use of a
pseudonym P
set by each OBU, so that for each one
the TTP provides the OBU with a corresponding pri-
vate key P
. If any of those pseudonyms is revoked
by the TTP, it inserts all the pseudonyms correspond-
ing to the same OBU in the revocation tree. The TTP
is also responsible for periodically updating the tree
by deleting the expired pseudonyms, and for restruc-
turing the tree when necessary. After each update, the
TTP sends the corresponding modifications of the up-
dated tree to all RSUs.
The RSU has to search vehicle pseudonyms in the
revocation tree each time an OBU requests it. The
RSU must provide the requesting OBU either with a
verifiable revocation proof of any revoked pseudonym
or with a signed message indicating that the requested
pseudonym has not been revoked and is labelled as
’OK’. In the first case, by using the answer data, the
OBU can verify the TTP signature of the received
signed root, recompute the root of the revocation tree,
and check it by comparing it with the received signed
root. The proposed scheme is computationally ef-
ficient since it obviates the need to sign each RSU
reply, as it removes most of the trust from it. The
only case when the RSU’s trust is questioned is when
it provides an ’OK’ answer because that could be a
fraud. In this regard, when an OBU receives an ’OK’
message signed by a cheating RSU, it trusts it mo-
mentarily. However, when it contacts another RSU,
it asks it again about the same pseudonym. If this
RSU provides the OBU with a proof of revocation
whose timestamp contradicts the OK’ answer signed
by the questioned RSU, the OBU sends to the latter
RSU an impeachment on the questioned RSU, so that
Figure 2: Hash Tree Based on a 5-ary Huffman Tree.
the honest RSU can send it to the TTP who will re-
voke its public key by deleting it directly from the re-
voked RSU. Otherwise, if the second RSU also sends
a signed ’OK’ message, the OBU goes on asking
about the same pseudonym until it reaches either a
contradiction or a prefixed trust threshold.
Thus, each OBU stores locally in two separate and
complementary structures, the pseudonyms of those
OBUs that it has previously checked as unreliable,
and of those OBUs that have been reliable till then.
Therefore, in the future, if it reconnects with any of
these vehicles, it can use such information to decide
how to proceed. If there is no RSU nearby, it uses
these data to decide whether to establish the commu-
nication or not. Otherwise, even if there is an RSU
nearby, there is no need to re-ask it about a checked
revoked pseudonym.
User authentication is one of the most crucial secu-
rity issues in vehicular ad-hoc networks. In order to
improve traditional solutions, this work proposes, on
the one hand, the use of identity-based cryptography
to achieve certificateless authentication, because this
increases efficiency of authentication of honest users.
On the other hand, this work also proposes a scheme
based on authenticated dynamic hash k-ary trees com-
bined with Huffman codes to use them as revocation
trees, because this solution increases efficiency of re-
vocation of keys of dishonest users. Thus, a Huffman
tree is constructed where the revoked pseudonyms
that are in the upper levels are those corresponding
to the nodes that are the most queried by network
users. In this way, the proposed tree reflects better the
real environments, where some vehicles, such as pub-
lic transport or freight delivery vehicles, spend much
more time on the road and so have a bigger proba-
bility to be queried. This work is part of work in
progress, so there ase several questions that deserve
further study, such as the properties of the used ver-
sion of k-ary Huffman trees, and the optimal values
of the used parameters. Also, a full implementation
of the proposal to obtain results useful to make a full
comparison with other proposals is being done.
Research supported under TIN2011-25452, IPT-
2012-0585-370000, BES-2012-051817, and RTC-
Blake-Wilso, S. (2000). Information security, mathemat-
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