The EPOC Project
Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing System
Nicolas Beldiceanu
, B´arbara Dumas Feris
, Philippe Gravey
, Sabbir Hasan
, Claude Jard
Thomas Ledoux
, Yunbo Li
, Didier Lime
, Gilles Madi-Wamba
, Jean-Marc Menaud
Pascal Morel
, Michel Morvan
, Marie-Laure Moulinard
, Anne-C´ecile Orgerie
Jean-Louis Pazat
, Olivier Roux
and Ammar Sharaiha
Mines de Nantes, LINA, Nantes, France
Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France
INSA de Rennes, IRISA, Rennes, France
Universit´e de Nantes, LINA, Nantes, France
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, IRCCyN, Nantes, France
ENIB, Lab-STICC, Brest, France
CNRS, IRISA, Rennes, France
Data-center, Energy-efficiency, Virtualization, Task Placement, Optical Network.
With the emergence of the Future Internet and the dawning of new IT models such as cloud computing, the
usage of data centers (DC), and consequently their power consumption, increase dramatically. Besides the
ecological impact, the energy consumption is a predominant criteria for DC providers since it determines the
daily cost of their infrastructure. As a consequence, power management becomes one of the main challenges
for DC infrastructures and more generally for large-scale distributed systems. In this paper, we present the
EPOC project which focuses on optimizing the energy consumption of mono-site DCs connected to the regular
electrical grid and to renewable energy sources.
A data center (DC) is a facility used to house tens
to thousands of computers and their associated com-
ponents. These servers are used to host applications
available in the Internet, from simple web server to
multi-tier applications, but also some batch jobs. With
the explosion of online services, particularly driven
by the extension of cloud computing, DCs are con-
suming more and more energy. The growth of energy
consumption by DCs is, at the same time, a technical,
environmental and financial problem. Technically, in
some areas (like Paris), the electrical grid has already
saturated, thus preventing new DC installation or ex-
pansion of the existing ones. From an environmental
point of view, the electricity production causes many
emissions, whereas financially the OPEX (Oper-
ational Expenditure) have exceeded CAPEX (Capital
Expenditure). Although over the last few years, com-
puter servers have become less expensive and highly
energy efficient, the price of electricity has signifi-
cantly increased even in countries known of having
lower electricity price (e.g. France). To some ex-
tent, these operating costs are mainly related to the
power consumption. Several actions are possible to
reduce these impacts/costs. One of them consists in
using a local power generation based on renewable
energy, like Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo who have
built new DCs close to large and cost-efficient hydro-
electric power sources for instance.
However, the extension of hydroelectric power
plants is severely limited by environmental issues,
and other renewable energy sources provide intermit-
tent electricity over time. In the EPOC project, we
aim at focusing on energy-aware task execution from
the hardware to the application’s components in the
context of a mono-site and small DC (all resources are
in the same physical location), which is connected to
the regular electric Grid and to a local renewable en-
ergy sources (such as windmills or solar cells). EPOC
is a collaborative project between Brittany and Pays
de la Loire regions
Pioneering solutions have recently been proposed
This work has received a French state support granted
to the CominLabs excellence laboratory and managed by
the National Research Agency in the ”Investing for the Fu-
Beldiceanu N., Dumas Feris B., Gravey P., Hasan S., Jard C., Ledoux T., Li Y., Lime D., Madi-Wamba G., Menaud J., Morel P., Morvan M., Moulinard M.,
Orgerie A., Pazat J., Roux O. and Sharaiha A..
The EPOC Project - Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing System.
DOI: 10.5220/0005487403880394
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2015), pages 388-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-105-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to tackle the challenge of powering small-scale DC
with only renewable energies (Goiri et al., 2014). In
the context of EPOC, we are considering a hybrid ap-
proach relying on both the regular grid and a renew-
able energy source, like sun or wind for instance.
On the generation side, it is estimated that 10%
of electric energy produced by power plants is cur-
rently lost during transmission and distribution to the
consumers, with 40% of these losses occurring on the
distribution network (Feng et al., 2009). For instance
in 2006, in the United-States, the total energy and
distribution losses were about 1,638 billion and 655
billion kWh, respectively (Feng et al., 2009). Most
of the energy-efficient Cloud frameworks proposed in
the literature do not consider electricity availability
and renewable energy in their models. This is a major
drawback since significant amounts of electricity are
lost during transportation and storage.
In the EPOC project, the first challenge consists
in developing a transparent (for users) energy pro-
portional computing (EPC) distributed system (from
system to service-oriented runtime) mainly based on
hardware and virtualization capabilities. The sec-
ond challenge addresses the energy issue through
a strong synergy inside infrastructure-software stack
and more precisely between applications and re-
source management systems designed to tackle the
first challenge. This approach must allow adapt-
ing the Service Level Agreement (SLA) by seeking
the best trade-off between energy cost (from regu-
lar electric grid), its availability (from renewable en-
ergy), and service degradation (from application re-
configuration to jobs suspension). The third chal-
lenge embarks to set energy efficient optical net-
works as key enablers of future internet and cloud-
networking service deployment through the conver-
gence of optical-infrastructure layer with the upper
layers. Another strength of the EPOC project is to in-
tegrate all research results into a common prototype
named EpoCloud. This approach allows the pool-
ing of development efforts, and validates solutions on
common and reproducible use-cases. EPOC is an on-
going project, and the aim of this paper is to present
the DC architecture designed in this context, from
hardware layer to middleware layer.
Our first goal is to design an energy-proportional-
computing system (EPCS), which implies no energy
consumption, whenever there is no activity. To date,
dynamic power management has been widely used
ture” program under reference Nb. ANR-10-LABX-07-01.
in embedded systems as an effective energy saving
method with a policy that attempts to adjust the power
mode according to the workload variations (Sridharan
and Mahapatra, 2010). Unfortunately, servers con-
sume energy even when they are idle. For an efficient
EPCS, we need to have the capability to turn on/off
servers dynamically. Vary-on/vary-off (VOVO) pol-
icy reduces the aggregate-power consumption of a
server cluster during periods of reduced workload.
The VOVO policy turns off servers so that only the
minimum number of servers that can support the
workload are kept alive.
However, much of the applications running in a
data center must be online constantly. To solve this
problem, dynamic placement using application live
migration permits to keep using VOVO policy in the
on-line application context. Live migration moves a
running application between different physical ma-
chines without disconnecting the client or application.
Memory, storage, and network connectivity are trans-
ferred from the original host machine to the desti-
nation. Currently, the most efficient system for live
migration is the use of virtualization. Virtualization
refers to the creation of a virtual machine (VM) that
acts like a real computer with an operating system but
software executed on these VMs is separated from the
underlying hardware resources. Virtualization also al-
lows snapshots, fail-over and globally reduce the IT
energy consumption by consolidating VMs on a phys-
ical machine (i.e. increasing the server utilization and
thus reducing the energy footprint). Furthermore, dy-
namic consolidation uses live migration for effective
placement of VMs on the pool of DC servers to re-
duce energy, increase security, etc. But live migration
requires significant network resources.
Our first main objective is more concentrated on
Workload-driven approach. EpoCloud adapts the
power consumption of the DC depending on the ap-
plication workload. Our second objective is more fo-
cused on Power-driven SLA. The Power-driven ap-
proach implies shifting or scheduling the postponable
workloads to the time period when the electricity is
available (from the renewable energy sources) or at
the best price. For on-line application, power-driven
approach implies a degradation of services when en-
ergy is at a insufficient level, while maintaining SLAs.
In addition, EpoCloud takes advantage of the avail-
able energy to perform some tasks. Some of them
allow limitations on application degradation. We de-
scribe our EpoCloud architecture and EpoCloud man-
ager in section 3 and 4 respectively.
Recent studies on companies’ data-centers show that
a VM consume an average of 4 GB of Memory and
128 GB of storage. Thus, it will take a minimum of
17.5 minutes (resp. 1.75 minutes) with a 1 Gb/s (resp.
10 Gb/s) network to realize a complete VM migra-
tion. Moreover, a classical consolidation ratio in vir-
tualized data centers is 50 VMs per server. Accord-
ing to the approach that we are considering in EPOC
(VOVO Policy), our data center needs to be able to
migrate all the VMs running on a server (7.5 TB),
whenever the hypervisor requests to turn this server
off in order to save power. Having one optical port
per rack means that its bandwidth might be shared by
the servers located in this rack. Then, is this band-
width enough to migrate all the VMs in one server?
Using 10 Gb/s this operation takes around 2 hours.
However, if we consider an example, 32 servers per
rack, the same operation would take about 53 hours,
since now the bandwidth is being shared by the 32
servers. Consequently, increasing the bit rate of the
interconnection network becomes a must.
To overcome the aforementioned problem, classi-
cal dynamic consolidation system uses live migration
with a Storage Area Network (SAN). In this case, the
VM storage is shared between all servers and live mi-
gration is limited to transfer VMs memory. Never-
theless, adding a SAN impacts on the global DC en-
ergy consumption. EpoCloud proposes to suppress
the SAN, which is a dedicated network providing ac-
cess to consolidated data storage.
Among various components of a data center, stor-
age is one of the biggest consumers of energy. An
industry report (Inc, 2002) shows that storage devices
account for almost 27% of the total energy consumed
by a DC. By suppressing the SAN we optimize the en-
ergy consumption but we introduce a strong hypothe-
sis on the technical architecture : for accessing data of
applications and systems, we can only use local disk
servers. Turning off a server involves transferring 7.5
TB on average. Given this scenario, a high broad-
band network is required, but is a 100 Gb/s network
card really exploitable with current server technolo-
gies? In this article, we present an innovative net-
work architecture, detailed in section 3.1, a pre-study
in section 3.2, and finally, we describe in section 3.3
architectural motives and principles for the integra-
tion of renewable energy.
3.1 Network Architecture
A classical interconnection architecture is based on
a 3-Tier fat-tree topology as presented in (Kachris
and Tomkos, 2012). Each of the three main switch-
ing layers - core, aggregation, and ToR (top-of-the
rack)- uses Electrical Packet Switches (EPS). Servers
accommodated into racks are connected through the
ToR switches to the aggregation layer, and from there
to the core layer using the aggregation switches. Fi-
nally, the core switches provide interconnection to the
internet (or outside the DC).
The introduction of optical communications
seems to be crucial, because it can achieve very
high data rates, low latency and low power consump-
tion (Kachris and Tomkos, 2013). This has recently
become a hot research topic inside the optical net-
working community. Some authors propose a direct
migration to all-optical architectures, most of them
based on Optical Circuit Switching (OCS) (Singla
et al., 2010) that does not meet the needs of a variable
traffic over time. Some hybrid architectures, involv-
ing several hierarchy levels, could have the potential
to connect millions of servers in giant DC (Gumaste
and Bheri, 2013). As already noted, EPOC aims at
focusing on small/medium size data centers.
For transferring 7.5 TB, implementing a full op-
tical interconnection architecture could be an attrac-
tive option, in terms of latency, power consump-
tion and control complexity. This implies using Op-
tical Packet Switching (OPS) technology, whose ma-
turity is still highly questionable, in spite of sev-
eral decades of investigation for telecom network ap-
plications (Yoo, 2006). Nevertheless, several tech-
niques, relying on fast wavelength tunable optical
emitters, have recently gained a renewed attention,
in particular for metropolitan area network applica-
tions. These techniques include TWIN (Time-domain
Wavelength Interleaved Networks), originally pro-
posed by Lucent (Sanjee and Widjaja, 2004), and
POADM (Packet Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer)
proposed by Alcatel-Lucent (Chiaroni, 2008).
In the EPOC project, we decided to investigate
a third option, derived from TWIN, which was pre-
sented in (Indre et al., 2014) under the name of POPI
(Passive Optical Pod Interconnect). The main moti-
vation for this choice is that POPI uses a purely pas-
sive optical network, with power consumption con-
centrated at networks edge. Note that the passive
nature of the POPI network provides a high relia-
bility. This architecture is simpler than the classical
EPS one (Kachris and Tomkos, 2012), in the sense
that there is no ToR switch and the existence of racks
will depend on the bandwidth assigned per server (see
Figure 1: POPI architecture (from (Indre et al., 2014)).
POPI scheme depicted at Figure 1). Therefore, there
is no difference between inter- or intra-rack commu-
nications. Servers are independent and can connect to
each other by means of a passive coupler. Each server
i has a transmitter constituted by a tunable laser, and
a receiver adjusted to wavelength i. Moreover, POPI
consumes around 5 times less power than the classical
EPS architecture (Indre et al., 2014).
The capacity of POPI (with one wavelength per
server) is limited by the used components; the tunable
laser and the coupler being the most limiting ones.
Considering a fast tunable laser with 50GHz-spaced
channels (Chiaroni et al., 2010), the maximum num-
ber of servers shall be around 60. Nevertheless, this
number could be increased by using spectral-efficient
modulation formats enabling more less-spaced chan-
nels. Concerning the coupler losses, we could use
around 140 channels (with 10 Gb/s - NRZ format) us-
ing a moderate power(0 dBm) sources without optical
3.2 Server Throughput Capacity
In EPOC project, the DC consolidates the VMs peri-
odically by using the live migration technology. Each
server owns a 100 Gb/s transmission capacity and the
live migration migrates the whole VM including the
storage. It requires huge network resource to main-
tain the performance level therefore less degradation
is employed during the process. In order to achieve a
read/write speed of 100 Gb/s, we prefer SSD (Solid-
State Drive) over HDD (Hard Disk Drive), since SSD
is faster and less energy consuming than HDD. A sin-
gle SSD of 800 GB capacity with a of PCI-E 2.1 x8
(Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) inter-
face, can achieve 2 GB/s reading speed and 1 GB/s
writing speed. This implies that we still need sev-
eral SSDs in RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive
Disks) technology in order to attain the 100 Gb/s-data
rate. In the near future, a PCI-E 3.0 x16 shall offer a
15.75 GB/s network data rate, so this will be achieved
by a single SSD.
Despite of higher speed, energy consumption for
SSD is largely reduced to about 2 W compared to 6
W for HDD. Consequently, SSD generates less heat
than HDD; making SSD more suitable to our project
3.3 Integrating Local Renewable
Although several research efforts have been
made to reduce energy consumption by design-
ing/implementing server consolidation, hardware
with better power/performance trade-offs, work-
load migration and software techniques for energy
aware scheduling, still the goal for alleviating car-
bon footprint is being underachieved. Given the
circumstances, explicit or implicit integration of
renewable energy to the DC can be the only way
to reduce carbon footprint at an acceptable level.
Besides that, the demand for green services is ever
increasing, thus integrating renewable sources to
the data center left no choice. Few green cloud
providers, e.g., GreenQloud (GreenQloud, 2010),
Green House Data (Green House Data, 2007) and
academic researchers (Goiri et al., 2014) integrated
renewable sources to the data-center explicitly which
offers green computing services with partial SLA
As renewable power sources are very intermit-
tent in nature, hence predicting the amount of re-
newable energy production ahead of real time might
demonstrate greater error statistics in DC power man-
agement. Nonetheless, excessive production of re-
newable energy can imbalance the Grid as renewable
energy is connected to the Grid via grid-tie device,
which combines electricity produced from renewable
sources and Grid. One way to overcome the challenge
is to use energy storage or battery to store this su-
perfluous green energy which can be discharged later
for peak shaving of DC power demand or for fulfill-
ment of energy aware SLA between Infrastructure-
as-a-Service (IaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
provider when renewable energy needed but not avail-
able. Energy storage incurs additional costs to DCs
CAPEX and OPEX, and energy losses due to battery’s
efficiencyand finite capacity. Therefore it is not an at-
tractive solution for small-scale data centers.
In order to avoid using storages or batteries in
small-scale DC, we could virtualize the green energy.
Virtualization of energy implies, nullifying the de-
graded interval (lack of green energy) with the sur-
plus interval (excessive green energy than demand),
whenever the availability of green energy is over the
demand. So, whenever the excessive green/renewable
energy is present, we use the whole portion of the
available green energy and draw the other portion
from the grid. Thus, the abundant green energy is
fully utilized and these intervals can neutralize the
non-existent green energy intervals, if there is any.
From clients or SaaS providers perspective, they re-
alize both the interval as ideal interval (when supply
meet the demand), though the green energy was not
present instantaneously rather present virtually. In
this way, energy storage is not needed and neither of
the portion of renewable energy is wasted. Further-
more, total expenditure of energy purchasing can be
reduced since no energy goes to waste and additional
cost for using storage is not needed. Even energy
aware SLA between IaaS and SaaS providers can be
4 EpoCloud MANAGER
Architectural principles for small data centers were
defined in the previous sections. They rely on innova-
tive infrastructure where a limited number of servers
(without SAN) are connected by a high speed op-
tical network and supplied by local sources of renew-
able energy, composed of a limited number of server
(without SAN) connected by a high speed network.
To take advantage of this architecture, the EPOC
project develops an innovative task management sys-
tem: the EpoCloud Manager including a smart task
scheduler (Section 4.1), and an energy-aware SLA
oriented management system (Section 4.2).
4.1 Opportunistic Energy-aware
Resource Allocation
In the EPOC project, we propose to design a disrup-
tive approach to Cloud’s resource management which
takes advantage of renewable energy availability to
perform opportunistic tasks. Let’s recall that, the con-
sidered EpoCloud is mono-site (i.e. all resources are
in the same physical location) and performs tasks (like
web hosting or MapReduce tasks) running in virtual
machines. The EpoCloud receives a fixed amount of
power from the regular electrical grid. This power al-
lows it to run usual tasks. In addition, the EpoCloud
is also connected to renewable energy sources (such
as windmills or solar cells) and when these sources
produce electricity, the EpoCloud uses it to run more,
less urgent, tasks.
The proposed resource management system inte-
grates a prediction model to be able to forecast these
extra-power periods of time in order to schedule more
work during these periods. Given a reliable prediction
model, it is possible to design a scheduling heuristic
that aims at optimizing resource utilization and en-
ergy usage, problem known to be NP-hard. So, the
proposed heuristics will schedule tasks spatially (on
the appropriate servers) and temporally (over time,
with tasks that can be planed in the future).
In order to achieve this energy-aware resource al-
location, we distinguish two kinds of jobs to be sched-
uled on the data center: the web jobs which rep-
resent jobs requiring to run continuously (like web
server) and the batch jobs which represent jobs that
can be delayed and interrupted, but with a deadline
constraint. The second type of jobs are the natural
candidates of the opportunistic scheduling algorithm.
Additionally for reducing further energy consumption
in the EpoCloud, we are taking advantage of consoli-
dation algorithms and on/off mechanisms to optimize
the number of powered-on resources. These consoli-
dation algorithms also relies on VM suspend/resume
mechanisms for the batch jobs and live migration
mechanisms of VMs for the web jobs. However, such
mechanisms have a cost in terms of both time and en-
ergy, and so, the algorithms take these costs into ac-
count to optimize the overall energy utilization.
4.2 Enforcing Green SLA
While the proliferation of Cloud services have greatly
impacted our society, how green are these services
is yet to be answered. Usually, the traditional Cloud
services are offered to clients having a Service Level
Agreement (SLA), which includes availability and re-
sponse time. Since, the demands for green products,
services as well as social awareness for being green
is ever increasing, its high time for service providers
to consider offering green services using green en-
ergy. Therefore we propose a new paradigm of Ser-
vice level objective (SLO) for SaaS provider, where
service can be provided using proportional green en-
ergy with above mentioned classical objectives (i.e.,
Availability, Response time) in Figure 2.
To date, the problem for offering green services
based on green energy has been undermined since
green energy sources are very intermittent in nature
and constantly providing the same amount of green
energy is ungovernable. Therefore, reducing the en-
ergy consumption in application level left no choice
if certain percentage of green energy requirement has
to be respected while green energy is unavailable or
scarce. In the green SLA contract, providers can
Figure 2: Example of green SLA.
introduce some Green energy percentage flexibility
or performance of applications adaptability for pro-
viding respected Quality of Service (QoS). Appli-
cations performance/functionality/feature adaptabil-
ity with fewer resources might cause degradation of
service for certain period, but it can reduce significant
amount of energy consumption since performance is
related to CPU and RAM usage. Therefore, selecting
algorithms depending on time, space complexity and
choosing most energy compliant components in the
software is necessary.
In this paper, we have presented the EpoCloud
principles, architecture and middleware components.
EpoCloud is our prototype, which will tackle three
major challenges: 1) To optimize the energy con-
sumption of distributed infrastructures and service
compositions in the presence of ever more dynamic
service applications and ever more stringent availabil-
ity requirements for services; 2) To design a clever
cloud’s resource management, which takes advantage
of renewable energy availability to perform oppor-
tunistic tasks, then exploring the trade-off between
energy saving and performance aspects in large-scale
distributed system; 3) To investigate energy-aware
optical ultra high-speed interconnection networks to
exchange large volumes of data (VM memory and
storage) over very short periods of time.
In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we pro-
pose: 1) To determine energy-aware SLA manage-
ment policies considering energy as a first class re-
source and relying on the concept of virtual green en-
ergy to better utilize renewable energy; 2) To evalu-
ate energy-aware task scheduling algorithms based on
the distinction of two kinds of tasks (web tasks and
batch tasks) and leveraging renewable energy avail-
ability to perform opportunistic tasks without ham-
pering performance; 3) To assess the ability of a spe-
cific OPS-based interconnection architecture to sup-
port the exchange of large data volumes (about 7.5 TB
for the migration of all VMs hosted by a single server
while allowing background traffic exchange between
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