Energy Book for Buildings
Occupants Incorporation in Energy Efficiency of Buildings
Nastaran Asadi Zanjani, Georgios Lilis, Gilbert Conus and Maher Kayal
Electronics Laboratory,
Ecole Polytechnique F
erale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Building Energy Management System, BEMS, Human-Building Interactions, HBI, Human-Building Inter-
face, Smart Occupants, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities.
This paper addresses a bottom-up approach for energy management in buildings. Future smart cities will need
smart citizens, thus developing an interface to connect humans to their energy usage becomes a necessity.
The goal is to give a touch of energy to occupants’ daily behaviours and activities and making them aware
of their decisions’ consequences in terms of energy consumption, its cost and carbon footprint. Second, to
allow people directly interacting and controling their living spaces, that means individual contributions to
their feeling of comfort. Finally, a software solution to keep track of all personal energy related events is
suggested and its possible features are explained.
Energy consumption and consequently CO2 emis-
sions have been grown by 49% and 43% respectively.
It is predicted that each year energy consumption is
increasing by the rate of 2% and this value is 1.8% for
CO2 emission (P
erez-Lombard et al., 2008). There-
fore global efforts have been initialized to reduce con-
sumption of energy and emission of CO2.
Buildings are the main energy consumers inside
grids. Thus, achieving efficient optimization in their
energy management can save a considerable amount
of energy. Despite a large number of papers proposing
new and more efficient methods for building energy
management, the penetration of these technologies in
the market and real life is a few.
Recently, researchers have become interested in
developing sustainable strategies and technologies
under the vision of intelligent buildings. Such a
building responds to occupants requirements in en-
ergy conservative manner. In this framework, build-
ings are designed to perform according to standard set
points which are supposed to satisfy majority of occu-
pants’ comforts (Andersen et al., 2009). Studies have
shown that habitants are not always satisfied with liv-
ing in such buildings and their predefined set points
do not guarantee occupants’ comfort and satisfaction
together with energy efficiency. That is mainly due to
This research is partially funded by, a pro-
gram of the Swiss Confederation, evaluated by SNSF.
the difficulty of defining comfort for different people,
thus occupants’ behaviors and preferences have ma-
jor influence on buildings’ energy consumption and
carbon footprint (Halfawy and Froese, 2005).
Indeed, presence of occupants inside building is
a main factor for its energy demand. In residential
buildings occupants are responsible for building con-
trol and its costs, therefore the motivation to keep the
balance between their comfort preferences and energy
related behaviors with energy consumption are gener-
ally high (Bourgeois et al., 2006). In contrary to this,
in commercial buildings, occupants are not aware of
consequences of their energy related behaviors and
they are not involved in building control, though the
gap in communication among occupants and build-
ings is felt. In some cases it may happen that occu-
pant’s preference is not aligned with energy goals of
building, then adjusting occupants behavior in a way
that he does it with self-motivation is a crucial fact
in order to increase building energy efficiency (Nicol
and Humphreys, 2009).
Dynamic occupant’s behaviors and preferences
are the factors that have been forgotten in the oper-
ation of current Building Energy Management Sys-
tems (BEMS). In other words, due to complexity and
diversity of habitants’ behavioral patterns, usually a
typical occupant’s activities is taken into considera-
tion for control of environment (Mahdavi, 2008).
In this paper the importance of occupant’s aware-
ness of energy consumption and CO2 emission con-
Asadi Zanjani N., Lilis G., Conus G. and Kayal M..
Energy Book for Buildings - Occupants Incorporation in Energy Efficiency of Buildings.
DOI: 10.5220/0005492000890094
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2015), pages 89-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-105-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sequences of different behaviors (Darby, 2006) is ad-
dressed. We propose web based framework for keep-
ing occupants informed about energy issues and mo-
tivated to care about their consumptions. This pa-
per is organized as follow: in the first section we
gave a brief introduction about energy concerns in
buildings, the second section describes our preposi-
tion for human-building interactions platform, in the
third section its impact in daily life is addressed and
finally comes the conclusion and future work.
Currently, there are intelligent buildings that some-
how benefits from automation using different sen-
sors and actuators. Various control and learning ap-
proaches have been applied in their performances
(Hsu et al., 2010)(Malkawi and Srinivasan, 2005).
The problem is, such methods are too sophisticated
or they do not fulfill comfort requirements by occu-
pants (DeWaters and Powers, 2013). In many cases
they predict about occupant’s presence or preferences
which is not always aligned with reality (Gunay et al.,
2014). On the other hand, putting mechanical devices
to control building components such as windows and
facades are costly. Regarding drawbacks and sophis-
tication of such management systems, the question
comes to mind why not using occupant for intelligent
management of his own environment.
There are a lot of software solutions and prod-
ucts to present building’s monitoring and its energy
consumption but to our knowledge except the ones
which took average from whole energy consumption
of building divided to number of occupants, there is
no personalized software that shows each person’s
real time energy consumption. Informing occupants
about total consumption of the living space or build-
ing is not of great advantage. Studies have shown
that usually occupants do not care about it, especially
if the living space is their office building (Jazizadeh
et al., 2014), since they share the living space with
others and it is not exactly defined their individual
contribution to the total energy consumption of the
living space. Therefore, the first goal is to develop
a personalized software product that can label people
in terms of their energy consumption (Griffith, 2008).
We suggest three different labels:
Green energy-labeled for the ones who care about
their daily energy consumptions and green gas
emissions to be kept below the predefined stan-
dard quota.
Yellow energy-labeled for the ones who are
around the quota limits positively.
Red energy-labeled for the ones who are consum-
ing more than quota limits.
Therefore, it can be seen who are the waster and econ-
omizer of energy in building scale view or further in
city scale view. Limits are defined based on cultural
elements and governmental energy policies. They can
be set adaptively throughout the year based on differ-
ent energy needs or cultural events. In this section a
normalized human-building software product will be
defined and described.
2.1 Energy Book Motivation
In a current daily life, there are social networks like
Facebook and Twitter that we can check updates from
our friends or persons whom we are interested in.
Why not to have a similar web-based framework to
check the appliances we use and own and personal
status as an energy consumer. It can feature compar-
ison among different occupants as a means of com-
petence to achieve efficiency goals. We name such a
software solution as Energy Book in courtesy of the
main idea originating from face book.
Thanks to building’s equipment with wireless sen-
sor and actuator networks, we are able to monitor any
energy concerning event happening in the building.
Added to energy-based events we are able to track in-
door environmental changes which have direct conse-
quences in appliances usage. The main challenge is to
personalize this event-based infrastructure. Therefore
each permanent or temporary inhabitants can make
personal profiles which introduce them as occupants
of the host buildings in order to handle their comfort
in parallel with their energy consumption.
2.2 Conceptual Model
Applying this software product, user can interact with
his own comfort parameters (temperature, luminos-
ity, scheduling, budget, etc.), energy consumption and
carbon foot print (Paul and Taylor, 2008). Nowa-
days, such a software solution is undefined and unre-
alized for many reasons (O’Brien and Gunay, 2014).
Indeed, this software product should be independent
from the buildings’ types of control and infrastruc-
tures. Its back-end is capable to create a transparent
dialog between any building and occupants. There-
fore, a dynamic generation of software products for
building environments that actively adapts to user and
data environment is in need. The general goal is, in-
terfacing human with comfort, power and energy in a
manner that is depicted in figure1.
Figure 1: Conceptual Diagram.
While time relates power to energy consumption
and these two are deterministic and can be formu-
lated, the third which is based on human feelings is
totally stochastic. Human comfort itself has multiple
dimensions. Thermal, visual, acoustic, air quality are
some of these comforts. In this work, we aim to come
up with a transfer function which relates human com-
fort to energy consumption and coming finally to effi-
ciency that satisfies the comfort constraints in a given
period. There should be always a trade-off between
human comfort, peak of power, energy and carbon
2.3 Infrastructure Overview
Nowadays, typical infrastructure for an intelligent
building is a network of sensors together with actua-
tors which monitors environmental parameters (Wood
and Newborough, 2003) and act on some selected
loads. Indeed, we benefit from such a framework with
some differences.
We define different living spaces inside building
as cells. Each cell depended on its shape is equipped
with one or two wireless sensor node. They are capa-
ble of measuring temperature, humidity, luminosity
and presence. On the other hand, all the electrical de-
vices are equipped with smart plugs which are based
on standard commercial components. They are able
to measure power consumption of devices being at-
tached to them and send the measurements through
power line communication (PLC) to a central server.
Additional to these abilities, one can turn the device
on and off remotely. When the load can be dimmed
i.e. lights, the plugs are able to perform dimming up
or down.
The mentioned above infrastructure enables load
monitoring and assessing its consumption through out
the day. History of measurements is saved as time se-
ries data base. A web application deals with present-
ing each sensor or plug measurements and status. A
real time server guarantees receiving and representing
the most recent measurements and changes. Such an
infrastructure is designed to be an open environment
and it can be applied for any type of building. We call
the buildings equipped with such a platform As smart
buildings to be listed in our software platform.
It is important to develop Energy Book as appealing
and user-friendly as possible. First, it must be pre-
sented as means of comfort manipulation and maxi-
mization. It should be taken into consideration that in
many buildings people are not in charge of paying en-
ergy costs, so in those buildings another policy must
be thought of. Its widespread usage as a new type of
social network and its performance as an enterprise
or cooperation can be planned from business-models
point of view.
Energy Book development can be organized as
software engineering project. National energy goals
and governmental energy policies should be taken
into the account. This bottom-up approach can be up-
scaled to the grid and demand-side management to-
wards smart cities. In this section we try to explain
different modules in such a software product. The
overview of it is depicted in figure 2. Like other web
applications, it should have a module to handle user
sign up/in and out. We escape explaining this module
as it works on the same basis. User profile design and
settings are categorized in the same module.
3.1 Occupant Living Spaces
During the day, we spend our lives in different places.
In a residential building as our home, in a commercial
or an office building as our working place and finally
in public places like commercial centers, gyms, cine-
mas, etc. as locations for our leisure/outgoings time
passing. Depended on being equipped with monitor-
ing sensors/actuators and being registered in Smart
Building Web Application, occupants can choose
daily living buildings in their own profile whether it is
residential, office/commercial or public one, thus they
can proceed to choose corresponding living spaces
throughout the list of cells being listed in each smart
building. For the buildings have not been smart and
listed in website yet, the software package should pro-
vide special spaces for users to define, describe and
categorize the buildings virtually.
Inside buildings we have shared or personal liv-
ing spaces. For instance, in a residential building, the
Figure 2: Energy Book software product modules.
spaces can be categorized as personal or shared, that
is in a typical family apartment, bedrooms and private
bathrooms if any, are personal while living rooms,
kitchen and bathroom is shared. Thanks to current
database architecture in our smart building web appli-
cation, one can select his own living spaces whether
it is personal or shared throughout the list of living
spaces inside each building. Further, they will be able
to add non-listed buildings and configure them man-
ually to be accepted by website development team
as virtual living spaces that have not been smart yet.
Such tasks and performance will be the job of living
space handler module.
3.2 Ownership Definition
The procedure continues to electrical devices selec-
tion regardless of being owned by one or multiple
person. To do so, after user login into website and
selection of buildings and living spaces inside them,
the registered electrical devices in each selected liv-
ing spaces will be presented to user. The occupant
can choose his ownership of devices. If the appli-
ance is selected by one person it would be categorized
as personal and its power measurements is summed
in its owner’s profile, however if a device is used by
multiple persons its power consumption is shared be-
tween the people who has registered themselves as
its operators. Adaptive parameters should be thought
up to be assigned to each user’s corresponding con-
sumption. The issue can be handled by using own-
ers’ schedule and data mining algorithms. Ownership
Handler module is responsible for this job. Finally,
each occupant has his own list of appliances and he
can control them using the plugs ability to be han-
dled remotely throughout the web. Apart from such
smart devices, there may be some that has not been
specified in the system or equipped with measurement
technology, the software solution is to prepare user
with an environment to select or define his load. Dif-
ferent loads can be categorized as IT, beauty, kitchen
and so on. Based on their brand and type, the typical
power usage should be searched and proposed to user
or he can define it his self. These virtual loads are to
be handled properly and be distinguished with those
who benefits from real time power measurements.
3.3 Energy and Carbon Footprint
Having listed all energy-consumers’ belongings in
different locations in the smart city, users are able to
monitor and maintain their daily energy consumption
and consequently carbon footprint. The calculations
is based on power consumption measured by plugs at-
tached to the devices. Energy calculation can be done
on hourly, daily or even quarterly and yearly basis.
Therefore, people can be categorized as green, yellow
or red energy labeled. From building point of view,
using the aforementioned labels, there is an overview
of occupants’ behavior. We assign calculation han-
dler to do all calculations and analyses regarding the
energy. Consumption reports to the occupant is in his
own national currency in order to attract more atten-
tion from his part. Governmental pricing for energy
and their fine policies for extra usage are taken into
consideration for reported values.
The calculation handler could be extended by giv-
ing a user an estimate of consumption using physics
models and laws especially for indoor climate control
(Yang et al., 2014). Therefore, user can calculate en-
ergy consequences of his own comfort decisions be-
forehand. Then he can decide in a more conscious
and intelligent manner instead of using trial error ap-
proach to adjust his comfort settings.
We believe providing occupant with information
in terms of the money he should pay as the expenses
of his specific energy-related behaviors, will direct
him to care more about his usage (Brounen et al.,
2013). The additional value of such a system is that
based on occupants type of energy behavior, building
management system can provide recommendations of
saving strategies to occupants. These prepositions can
be categorized as general or personal ones. They can
receive votes from occupants such as like/dislike. The
vote record system can help recommendations to be
promoted as persistent or degraded to temporary ones.
The less useful suggestions are discarded.
3.4 Sharing and Competence in Energy
Goals Achievements
No method is more efficient than comparing individu-
als with others. Competitions have been always inter-
esting for human beings. Behavioral studies confirm
that sharing information about others performances
are the best way to encourage people to behave dif-
ferently. Occupants who co-habit in the same living
space can share their individual energy consumptions
corresponding to that common living space with each
other and compare their personal usage and their con-
tribution in total energy consumption of the specific
living space . Although they can set personal or com-
mon energy goals to be achieved in short or long term
(Diamantaki et al., 2013). They can add co-habitants
or other occupants as their friends to share their en-
ergy achievements. Sharing Handler is responsible to
offer such services.
Here comes the security issue which is an im-
portant matter to be dealt with. Security in such a
web service should be handled in a way that does
not harm personal privacies or confidential buildings
facts. They can be defined as general privacies to
be applied for all buildings, loads, and occupants or
building specified securities that may differ from one
to another. Giving rights of control and monitoring of
some loads to specific or VIP occupants is an example
of such building-specific privacies, which emphasize
that enormous attention should be paid to security is-
sues in Energy Book.
For loads that are categorized as personal, it
should be considered that no one else could access to
its consumption monitoring and control. For shared
devices, sometimes it is needed to put a limit on num-
ber of owners and define privacy not to be accessed
from strangers. We believe that security issues is one
of the biggest modules to be handled in such a prod-
uct and meticulous planning and design should be ap-
plied for it. Security handler will be the part to deal
with such issues. Indeed, the mentioned above tasks
are of great importance in the software package.
3.5 Further Extensions
In fact, such a web-based service can be extended to
an ecosystem with different tasks and versatilities. In-
deed, a lot of new applications could be added when
it is in beta. We believe that many interesting appli-
cations will arise when it is applied in real life. The
software product should be designed systematically to
accept further improvements and extensions. Contri-
butions from users to expand its application and ser-
vices should be acceptable. For different countries,
various cultural elements should be included in this
software solution.
In this paper, we suggest a software product which
provides occupants with a platform that makes them
aware of their personal energy consumption in order
to encourage them with a helping approach for their
behaviors modification towards energy efficiency in
buildings. The platform could be accessed through
web services on any kind of smart devices and it guar-
antees real time streaming of energy data and con-
trol over personal or shared equipments. It has been
proven that in the buildings providing informative and
comparative feedbacks can be used as an effective in-
centive for occupants to adopt energy efficient behav-
Such a software product will be fully developed
and incorporated in real life examinations. To list
some of the future work, it will be expanded to be
applied in future smart cities. Also, the effect of nom-
inative information about how occupants personal
energy-conserving behaviors is compared with others
in the same living space will be tested. Anthropo-
logical studies can be conducted using this software
solution in order to more deeply analyze human be-
haviors concerning energy. Study and development of
comparative and competitive strategies for efficiently
encouragement of users will be one of the most im-
portant research areas to invest on.
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