Analysis of Hump Operation at a Railroad Classification Yard
Maria Gisela Bardossy
Information Systems and Decision Science, University of Baltimore, 1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, U.S.A.
Simulation, Hump Sequencing, Priority Rules, Classification Yard, Discrete-event Simulation.
Railroad classification yards play a significant role in freight transportation: shipments are consolidated to
benefit from economies of scales. However, the disassembling of inbound trains, the classification of railcars
and reassembling of outbound trains add significant time to the overall transportation. Determining the op-
erational schedule of a railroad classification yard to ensure that railcars pass as quickly as possible through
the yard to continue with their journey to their final destination is a challenging problem. In this paper, we
create a simulation model to mimic the dynamics of a classification yard and investigate the effect of two
simple but practical priority rules (train length and arrival time) for the sequencing of inbound trains through
the humping operation. We monitor the effect of these rules on performance measures such as average wait
time (dwell time) at the yard and daily throughput as the complexity and frequency of the trains vary. We run
the simulation on four data sets with low and high complexity of trains and low and high frequency of trains.
Classification yards take the role of hub in railroad
networks. Shipments are consolidated to benefit from
economies of scales and full journeys are fragmented
in shorter journeys, which might include one or more
classification yards. Classification yards add time to
the total length of the journey, in many cases idle
time. Bontekoning and Priemus (2004) state that in
Europe, classification yard operations may take 10-
50% of trains total transit time.Dirnberger and Barkan
(2007) pointed classification yard as an area of high
potential for total transit time improvement. However,
there are a number of working components in the op-
eration of a classification yard that can lead to chal-
lenges in its potential optimization. In particular, the
humping sequence as it is most crucial and directly
influences the outbound trains departure times, Jaehn
et al. (2015). Eggermont et al. (2009) noted the hard-
ness of train rearrangement even in the most simple
layouts. There are two types of classification yards:
flat and hump. On hump yards there is track on a
small hill over which a hump engine pushes the cars,
which are then directed using switches to the appro-
priate classification track. Our study concentrates on
hump classification yards. Armstrong (1990) provide
a throughout description of railroad operations.
For the purpose of analysis, following we provide
a concise description of a hump classification yard
and its most salient operational characteristics. Most
Figure 1: Layout of a typical classification yard.
classification yards have three major sections, shown
in Figure 1, that make up its structure: the receiving
area, the classification area, and the departure area.
Each region of the yard plays a role in moving the
cars to its respective terminal. Once an inbound train
is received, the train is directed to an available receiv-
ing track for inspection. During this time, the loco-
motive is removed from the train and the railcars are
processed in the receiving area.
After inspection is complete, the cars are approved
for transfer into the classification area. In order to
reach the classification tracks, an engine is used to
propel the railcars from the selected receiving track
over the hump towards the classification area. Cars
that are enroute to the same destination are grouped
together to create a block. A number of switches are
used to move blocks from the hump to the appropriate
classification track. An ideal situation would be for
each block to have its own classification track. How-
ever, due to capacity limitations of the yard, multiple
blocks may be required to use the same classification
The classification area stores the inventory of
Bardossy M..
Analysis of Hump Operation at a Railroad Classification Yard.
DOI: 10.5220/0005546704930500
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2015),
pages 493-500
ISBN: 978-989-758-120-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rail cars available for assembly into outbound trains.
Once the predetermined amount of railcars needed for
an outbound train become available, an engine will
move into the classification area. The engine will then
take the necessary blocks from one or more tracks
and arrange them in a distinct order. After the cars
are lined up in the appropriate order, the newly as-
sembled outbound train is pulled into an available de-
parture track. It is at this point that the locomotive is
reattached and a final inspection of the railcars is com-
pleted before the outbound train leaves the departure
Railroad yard operations are focused on making
connections between inbound trains and outbound
trains. The yardmaster is responsible for generating
a plan that manages these movements while ensuring
that all operational constraints are met. Our goal is
to characterize the effect of simple but practical pri-
ority rules such as FIFO (first in first out) and total
hump time on yard performance measures such as av-
erage wait time and daily throughput as the complex-
ity and frequency of the train vary. The sequence in
which trains are hump has a downstream effect on the
outbound trains. That effect can be soothed or am-
plified by characteristics of the flow of inbound trains
as well as operational constraints of the yard such as
the number of classification tracks. The rest of this
paper is organized as follows. In 2 we review prior
optimization work on railroad operations and on se-
quencing at the hump in particular. In 3 we survey the
classification yard operations and present a discrete-
event simulation model. In 4 we describe four data
sets of inbound trains with distinct characteristics in
terms of the complexity of the inbound trains and in-
terarrival rate. In 5 we characterize the effect of the
priority rules on yard performance measures such as
average wait time (or dwell time) and daily through-
put. In addition, we discuss how these insights can
modeled operational decisions in train sequencing. 6
provides concluding remarks and directions for future
Optimization of railroad operations has received re-
vived attention in the last years. The Railway Ap-
plication Section (RAS) from the Institute for Op-
erations Research/Management Science (INFORMS)
has contributed to direct operation research (OR)
academics and practitioners’ attention to challeng-
ing problems in the field (INFORMS, 2015). Since
2010 each year RAS has partnered with leaders in the
field to sponsor research competitions on challenging
questions in railroad operations. Railroad yard oper-
ation in particular was their 2013 challenge problem.
Earlier works on this problem had mostly focused on
high-level analytical models; these initiatives in con-
trast seek to drill down to the specifics and provide
detailed solutions to these operational decisions.
Boysen et al. (2012) provides a thorough review of
the literature in the last 40 years. The focus is on sort-
ing strategies and identifying research opportunities
in the field. The work presented in this paper closely
relates to Kraft (2002), He et al. (2003), Hansmann
and Zimmermann (2008), M
arton et al. (2009), and
Jaehn et al. (2015) as it concentrates in the detailed
scheduling decisions for disassembling and reassem-
bling of trains. He et al. (2003) propose a mixed 0-
1 programming formulation and a decomposition op-
timization solution method to determine the optimal
decisions. They consider a model with a single hump
engine and with set outbound train schedules. Their
model objective is to minimize train delays and depar-
tures from the outbound train schedule. While M
et al. (2009) combine an integer programming ap-
proach and a computer simulation tool to successfully
develop and verify an improved classification sched-
ule for a real-world train classification instance. They
derive the scheduling program from a bitstring repre-
sentation which it includes all the restrictions from a
Swiss classification yard. Jaehn et al. (2015) inves-
tigates also the optimal humping sequence in order
to minimize a weighted tardiness of outbound trains.
They show that the problem is NP-hard and present a
mix integer programming formulation.
Describing earlier work, Cordeau et al. (1998)
presents a survey of optimization models for the most
commonly studied rail transportation problems. A
whole section is dedicated to analytical yards models
highlighting the importance of the problem in railroad
operation. In the majority of the papers reviewed by
the authors, the model of choice is a queuing model
and the main objective is to understand the impact
of different strategies on the transit times at a policy
Keaton (1989) explains that car time in interme-
diate terminals occurs in classification and assembly
operations and while waiting for the departure of an
outbound train, but also as a result of yard congestion.
Earlier, Crane et al. (1955) presents an analysis of a
particular hump yard and discussed the queuing pro-
cesses identified in inspection and classification oper-
ations. A model for the location of a classification
yard was proposed by Mansfield and Wein (1958).
Petersen (1977a,b) develops queuing models to rep-
resent the classification of incoming traffic and the
assembly of outbound trains. In these queuing mod-
els, the author observed that the delay between end
of classification to start of assembly is a minor source
of yard congestion in comparison with classification
and assembly operations. A thorough description of
railyards is presented in the first paper.
Turnquist and Daskin (1982) models yard opera-
tions from the perspective of freight cars and devel-
oped queuing models for classification and connec-
tion delays that consider individual cars as the basic
units of arrival. Martland (1982) described a method-
ology for estimating the total connection time of cars
passing through a classification yard. The model is
based on a function, fitted using actual data from the
railroad, that relates the probability of making a par-
ticular train connection to the time available to make
that connection and other variables such as traffic pri-
ority and volume.
In terms of sorting strategies and block-to-
classification track assignment, Siddiqee (1971) com-
pares four sorting and train formation schemes in a
railroad hump yard. Yagar et al. (1983) proposes
a screening technique and a dynamic programming
approach to optimize humping and assembly opera-
tions. They propose an algorithm consisting of two
main components: a screening technique and a de-
tailed cost minimization procedure for the humping
and assembly phases. Daganzo et al. (1983) inves-
tigated the relative performance of different multi-
stage sorting strategies. In multistage sorting, several
blocks are assigned to each classification track, and
cars must be resorted during train formation. More
recently, in multistage sorting Jacob et al. (2011) de-
velops a novel encoding of classification schedules,
which allows characterizing train classification meth-
ods simply as classes of schedules. Avramovi
c (1995)
models the physical process of cars moving down the
hump of a yard. This process is represented by a sys-
tem of differential equations that incorporate several
factors, such as hump profile and rolling resistance,
affecting the movement of a car.
The simulation model presented here draws from
some of the findings presented in these earlier papers.
Yagar et al. (1983) also considers a FIFO strategy for
the humping; however, it does not investigate how the
performance of each strategy is correlated to the flow
of the inbound trains. The purpose of the analysis
here goes beyond proposing priority rules to under-
stand the dynamics of the flow of trains jointly with
the priority rules. In order to concentrate our atten-
tion, we have decided to relegate for now aspects such
as sorting decisions (Daganzo et al., 1983) and distri-
bution of times (Martland, 1982).
The operations of a classification yards is modeled us-
ing a discrete-event simulation model. Given a flow
of inbound trains, the model determines when incom-
ing trains are humped and moved through the yard to
outbound trains. There is no outbound train schedule
pre-defined, the outbound train schedule is defined by
the model and the decisions made in the process.
The model is based on the following assumptions:
The classification sequence of the inbound trains.
When the number of inspected trains in the re-
ceiving yard exceeds one, the model determines
which train should be humped next. This is es-
pecially important to ensure that incoming trains
find an open receiving track while grouping the
necessary blocks for the outbound trains. Shortest
trains require less time to hump which frees up re-
ceiving tracks quicker but limits the construction
of outbound trains.
The assembly sequence of the outbound trains.
When the number of cars to form a unit or com-
bination train in the classification area exceeds a
certain number (minimum number of cars deter-
mined by the operational constraints), the pull-
back engine can assemble the string of cars into
an outbound train. When there are multiple po-
tential outbound trains, the model has to deter-
mine which train to pullback. In the given speci-
fications there are two identical pullback engines,
so while the model determines which engine pulls
the train it is not critical for the operational plan.
In our model, there are additional operating char-
acteristics that were established beforehand:
Scheduling is non preemptive. Once a humping
job is started it cannot be interrupted until all the
railcars in the train have been completely humped.
Similarly, the assembling of outbound trains can-
not be interrupted; all tracks that will form the out-
bound train must be pulled sequentially and with-
out delay between pullbacks.
Block-to-track assignment is dynamic. Blocks are
assigned to tracks as they are necessary. Empty
tracks become available immediately to whatever
block requires them.
Block-to-track assignment follows a decreasing
order. When multiple classification tracks store
the same block type, new cars are first assigned
to the track with the highest inventory up to reach
capacity. Similarly, when a track of a block type
needs to be pulled, the track with the most railcars
is pulled first.
Table 1: Operational Constraints.
Receiving tracks (capacity) 10 (185)
Classification tracks (capacity) 42 (60)
Departure tracks (capacity) 7 (207)
Inspection time 45 min
Hump rate 2.2 cars/min
Interval between humping jobs 10 min
Hump engines 1
Pullback engines 2
Hump and pullback engines cannot be idle while
trains wait. While theoretically engines could
await for better trains to hump or pull back, in our
model that is not allowed. If the hump engine be-
comes available and there are trains waiting in the
receiving area, the engine must immediately start
humping the next train. Similarly, if a pullback
engine becomes available and there are enough
railcars to form an outbound train, the engine will
commence to pullback the available unit or block
Other operating constraints such as the number
of receiving, classification, and departure tracks, in-
spection time, and interval between humping jobs are
shown in Table 1. In the next section, we briefly de-
scribe some characteristics of the inbound trains in
each dataset. Figure 2 highlights the core of the simu-
lation model where a Schedule list keeps track of each
of the events that take place and a Clock subsequently
advances as the simulation progresses.
There are train arrivals, humping, pulling and de-
partures that interact through state variables such as
the state of tracks, engine and location of railcars. In
this simulation model, there is one spot time when a
decision -select a train- with consequences that will
cascade through the system take place. For those de-
cisive moments, we identify some decision rules. We
develop rules for prioritizing the humping of trains in
the receiving area and the construction of outbound
trains. These guidelines determine the order that in-
bound trains should be humped when more than one
train is present in the receiving area, the classifica-
tion tracks required to pull the selected block combi-
nation, and secures the necessary inventory for out-
bound train departure.
Humping Rules:
We concentrate in two simple but practical crite-
ria: the idle time in the receiving area and the hump-
ing time required by the train. The idle time in the
receiving area represents the amount of time that the
train has been ready (after inspection) and waiting for
humping while the humping time is a function of the
train length. The idle time can be used as a first in first
out (FIFO) criterion. This queue discipline is often re-
Figure 2: Simulation Pseudocode.
ferred as the fairest as it achieves the lowest variance
in waiting times. On the other hand the hump time
can be used for a shortest train first criterion or longest
first criterion. The rationale for Shortest Train First is
that an inbound train in the receiving area, regardless
of the length, occupies the entire receiving track, and
under certain circumstances humping shorter trains
first to quickly free up a track for incoming trains
might yield a decreased chance of rescheduling in-
bound trains and improving performance measures.
A disadvantage to humping the shortest train is its
eventual limitations to generate outbound trains due
to a lack of acceptable block combinations. Similarly,
the rationale for Longest Train First is longer trains
increase the number of potential outbound train com-
binations that will be available in the next stage of the
rail yard.
At the time of humping all ready to hump trains
are given a score, s, that depends on the amount of
time that the trains has been in the receiving area, w,
and the amount of time that it would take to complete
the hump job for the train, l. Both times are mea-
sured in minutes. The total score is the sum of both
time multiplied respectively by an importance weight.
Then, the train with the highest score is humped (dis-
carding any train that would not fit in the classification
Table 2: Summary Train Information.
Feature Dataset 2 Dataset 3 Dataset 4 Dataset 5
Blocks 13 13 33 33
Inbound Trains 339 491 339 491
Trains per Day 19 27 19 27
Train Length 70 72 70 72
Total Railcars 24330 34130 24330 34130
Cars per Day 1352 1896 1352 1896
Interarrival Time 1:16 0:52 1:16 0:52
Hump Cycle 0:42 0:43 0:42 0:43
Common Block AH AH AH AH
Rare Block BG BG AO AO
s = α w + β l (1)
where α and β are the respective weights.
Pullback Rules:
For pullback operations, we select the longest pos-
sible outbound train regardless the amount of time
that it requires to assemble. This might be suboptimal
since unit trains are faster to assemble and pull than
combination trains and the gain in a longer train might
be lost when the time factor is considered. Anyway,
we choose this strategy since its simplicity allows to
observe more clearly the effect of humping rules.
Five distinct data sets of inbound trains where ana-
lyzed. Data set 1 was used to test the functionality of
the simulation model. Data sets 2 and 3 have a lim-
ited number of incoming blocks (13 blocks) and block
combinations (5 combinations), fewer trains per day
and fewer railcars per day; whereas data sets 4 and 5
are more comprehensive with 33 blocks, more com-
binations (13 combinations) and more daily trains.
While the data sets had their own randomly gen-
erated inbound train combinations, there were sev-
eral similarities between them. On average, the train
length for each data set was approximately the same
at 70 cars per train. In addition, the interarrival times
of the trains were relatively consistent in its sequence.
Each data set consists of 18 days of inbound trains.
As shown in Table 2, the data sets presented sim-
ilar patterns within its measurements. The major dif-
ferences between the data sets comes from the in-
creased variety of blocks applicable to the full data
sets. The modification in the assortment of blocks
spread across the same amount of railcars in each data
set causes a smaller volume of each block to be avail-
able for outbound trains. There are not notable dif-
ferences between incoming trains in terms of their
constitution. Most trains have at least one railcar of
each block type; consequently, more blocks translate
to diversified trains with few blocks of each type and
Table 3: Summary Results 1.
Data set 2 Data set 3
Measure min max min max
Dwell Time 1.137 1.200 0.889 0.965
Delayed Trains 0 0 8 16
Daily Throughput 1344.69 1345.85 1818.71 1845.16
Hump Utilization 55% 56% 76% 77%
Pullback Utilization 47% 51% 65% 69%
Table 4: Summary Results 2.
Data set 4 Data set 5
Measure min max min max
Dwell Time 2.688 2.785 2.434 2.541
Delayed Trains 0 0 8 16
Daily Throughput 1343.24 1346.07 1820.15 1848.93
Hump Utilization 55% 56% 76% 77%
Pullback Utilization 71% 75% 87% 89%
longer times to consolidate the minimum number of
railcar to assemble an outbound train. In other words,
based on this information we expect the cycle time to
assemble trains in data set 3 and 5 to be considerably
longer than in data set 2 and 4. Our model will assist
to define whether more emphasis should be given to
wait time or the length of the train in either case.
We are going to report on a set of performance mea-
sures to compare the different priority rules. We vary
the weight for wait time and hump time between -
2 to 2 in steps of 0.2. A negative weight indicates
that such dimension is given an inverse importance;
for example, instead of longest train first, the shortest
train goes first. The performance measures consid-
ered are the following:
Arrivals: On time arrivals of inbound trains are
essential in order to ensure that a continuous flow of
railcars is available for departure. The rescheduling of
an inbound train for a later time prevents the contents
of that train from being available as expected which
ultimately affects other events occurring within the
system. Delays evaluate how closely the simulation
meets the given inbound train schedule. At the end of
the simulation, the model compares the time stamps
of the inbound trains to their expected arrival times.
It then calculates the total number of trains that were
processed and if the output matches the pre-scheduled
times. This information is useful in determining how
often the receiving area is occupied versus available.
Hump Engine: The hump engine plays a vital role
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Weight for Wait Time
Average Dwell Time for Dataset 2
Weight for Hump Time
Figure 3: Dwell time Data set 2.
in limiting arrival time delays by ensuring the receiv-
ing tracks are available for future incoming trains.
To accomplish this task, the hump engine should be
working to eliminate the pending workload in the re-
ceiving area. By studying the waiting times of in-
bound trains housed in the available receiving tracks,
we are about to evaluate how effectively the hump en-
gine is working. Our objective is to maximize the uti-
lization rate of the hump engine while minimizing the
time a railcar must occupy the receiving area.
Classification Tracks: Proportion of classification
tracks that are used at its peak; that is, the maximum
proportion of the current tracks that are ever used.
Overall average proportion of time that classification
tracks are in use; that is time that used tracks are used
divided by the total available time. This is only for
the percentage of tracks that are ever occupied.
Pullback Engines: Expediting the removal of rail-
cars from the classification area adds more space for
incoming rail cars. The examination of the actions of
the pullback engine monitors the process of eliminat-
ing rail cars within the system. In reviewing how the
pullback engines are managed, we should have more
data to evaluate the strength of corresponding strat-
Departure: Once an outbound train has been
pulled into the departure area, statistical data is gen-
erated in reference to its contents. Details such as the
number of railcars, the block combination, and classi-
fication tracks pulled are used to gauge the character-
istics of the outbound trains.
Dwell Time: Dwell time is time difference be-
tween when a rail car enters the classification track
until it departs to the departure area. Satisfying our
objective requires reducing the amount of time a rail
car spends within the classification yard. When re-
viewing each simulation, the average dwell time is
utilized to measure the potential benefits of the strat-
egy in question. We started with a base case defined
as FIFO priority for humping and longest train first
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Weight for Wait Time
Average Dwell Time for Dataset 3
Weight for Hump Time
Figure 4: Dwell time Data set 3.
for pullback jobs, which yield considerably good re-
sults for the four data sets in terms of average dwell
time. In the data sets analyzed, the classification area
has ample capacity; consequently, the main link be-
tween the humping engine and the pullback engine
is through the flow of railcars that the hump engine
produces in a purely downward direction. The de-
cisions at pullback engine are not transmitted to the
hump engine in an upward direction; the hump engine
is safeguarded of the actions of the pullback engine
thanks to the extra capacity available in the classifica-
tion area.
Tables 3 and 4 summarize the results for the four
data sets. When FIFO in used for humping, for Data
Set 2 and 4 there are no delay arrivals and the ar-
rival, hump engine and classification track perfor-
mance measures are identical independently of the
priority rule implemented by the pullback engines. In
Data Set 3 and 5, about 17% of the arriving trains are
delayed depending on the weights given to wait time
and hump time, but again the performance measures
for the arrival and classification areas are the same
across the different pullback criteria. Figure 3-6 show
how dwell time varies for the different weight values.
The dark areas indicate the most salient performance
either with lowest average dwell time or highest aver-
age dwell times. In Figure 3 and 4 we can observe
some tendency and localize areas. In Figure 3 the
lowest dwell time are concentrated in the vertical cen-
tered area while the highest dwell times are in the
upper left corner. In other words, best dwell times
are observed toward relative positive weight for wait
time and negative weight for hump time. Negative
weight for the hump time indicates that shortest trains
are given priority over longer trains. In Figure 4, the
lowest dwell times are also observed in the center area
but only on the lower part. On the lower left corner
and center upper are dwell times are at their highest.
Figure 5 also shows some distinctive areas. Here
there is no central dominating area. The lowest dwell
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Weight for Wait Time
Average Dwell Time for Dataset 4
Weight for Hump Time
Figure 5: Dwell time Data set 4.
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Weight for Wait Time
Average Dwell Time for Dataset 5
Weight for Hump Time
Figure 6: Dwell time Data set 5.
times are in the upper area (higher weight for hump
time) and highest dwell time in the bottom area. Fig-
ure 6 does not show such distinctive pattern which
indicates that as the complexity of the inbound trains
increases simple priority rules such as FIFO and train
length (or hump time) become more unpredictable.
Interestingly, we observe that complexity as the num-
ber of blocks has a more significant impact than the
frequency of trains. From data set 2 to 3 as the flow
of train increases but with similar complexity the pat-
tern intensifies. In Figure 6 some lowest dwell times
are observed in the upper center area while highest
dwell times are observed in the center lower area. On
the other hand, the priority rule used at the hump en-
gine determines the flow of railcars and practically
defines the outbound trains and the overall efficiency
of the system. There are wide differences in the per-
formance measures across priority rules. The shortest
train first yields consistently poor dwell time and high
delays. However, the longest train first depending on
the data set yields ranging results: for Data Set 2 it
yields competitive average dwell time and through-
put performance and for Data Set 4 yields the highest
throughput. A disadvantage of Longest First is the
variability in dwell time.
We characterize the performance of two simple pri-
ority rules -FIFO and length of the train- and their
combination through a weighting function that com-
bines them into one simple score to define the hump-
ing sequence. We observe that neither purely FIFO
nor train length yield the shortest dwell times. In-
stead, a combination of both yields the best perfor-
mance. The weights to obtain the optimal score de-
pends on the characteristics of the flow of incoming
trains. When the number of blocks is low, the optimal
score gives relative importance to the wait time and
negative importance to the length of the train meaning
that shorter trains are given priority. These observa-
tions become even stronger when the flow of trains
increases; that is, when the arrival rate of train in-
creases. On the other hand, the optimal score gives
priority to the length of the train and even a nega-
tive weight to the wait time in the receiving area when
there is a larger number of blocks and a regular flow
of trains. Lastly, the performance for data set 5 is
very sensitive to the weights without a clear pattern
toward the wait time nor the length of the trains. This
further shows the importance of devising optimized
priority rules for humping when the flow is high and
there is great variability of trains. In data set 5, we
observe that small changes in the weights can change
radically whether the best or the worst dwell times
can be attained. A model like the one described here
can assist in the process of discovering and adjusting
the weights as the flow changes. The model present
here can be enhanced to analyze other yards charac-
teristics. For example, it can assist to understand how
the number of classification tracks and their capacity
paces the flow of cars through the yard and the re-
lationship between the hump and pullback jobs. In
these data sets the main objective was to minimize
the average dwell time while maximizing through-
put; consequently, the highest achieving rules humped
trains immediately and pull back trains without de-
lay. The utilization rate of engines does not constitute
a bottleneck in these problems and the engines can
be freely assigned. Departure tracks are rarely full
and trains spend minimum time in them. It would
be interesting to analyze the upward effect of a con-
straining number of departure tracks. Our simulation
model provides a flexible framework to test and an-
alyze alternative priority rules for the operation of a
rail yard and yields valuable insight regarding the in-
tricate forces at play.
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