The Epistemology of Resilient Organizations
Implications for Business Continuity Management
Eva Gatarik
, Viktor Kulhavý
and Rainer Born
Department of Corporate Economy and Management, Faculty of Economics and Administration,
Masaryk University, Lipová 41a, Brno, Czech Republic
Institute of Philosophy and Theory of Science, Johannes Kepler University, Altenberger Straße 69, Linz, Austria
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Organizational Epistemology, Organizational Resilience, LIR (Language -
Information - Reality) Framework of Analysis, Business Continuity Management (Case Study).
Abstract: Pointing out flaws and errors can be a risky pastime for those employees, whose information conflicts with
theories and rules held dear by management. However, effective performance does not consist in strictly
adhering to established rules. Instead, it is driven by a continuous search for meaning within organizational
environments, which are, in turn, enacted upon emerging and redrafted meaning. Meaning based upon lived
and reflected experience provides a corrective use of rules and, hence, more appropriate, effective results.
Effective performance arises out of plausibility rather than accuracy. In the event of uncertainty,
equivocation and doubt, people in organizations claiming resilience should jointly classify and interpret
observed data into new knowledge so that subsequent action can tap into the prevailing business climate,
reduce ambiguity, and offer more exciting prospects. A framework is introduced and applied to justify an
organizational epistemology to assist the construction, processing and justification of meaning within
Despite several insightful empirical studies on how
effective performance is created in organizations,
there is still no satisfactory answer to the question:
How is effective performance created in
The purpose of this paper is to address this
question by focusing on a theory of successful
organizational practice, and the application of that
The following argument is advanced. Taking up
a case of redevelopment and since then effective
performance in an Austrian SME, it is argued that
the success of that enterprise is explained by the
enacting and management of four selected
knowledge components. These components
comprise expertise, competence and capabilities in
their operational influence upon effective
performance, as well as an explanatory meta-
theoretical reflection.
The structure of this explanation is generalized
into a sort of holistic framework “for the analysis,
the guidance and evolution of actions to be taken”,
concerning the relation between (not only but
primarily) language, information/meaning, and well-
selected parts of reality.
In the literature related to organizational
performance, there are primarily descriptions
available, leaving everything as it is. In the sequel, it
is argued that via introducing and using the model-
theoretic systemic framework of analysis Language-
Information-Reality (LIR), there also would be a
chance to explain and predict both mischief and
success of an organization. Furthermore, it could be
identified in which way a holistic understanding of
the creation of knowledge, and its influence on
expertise, competence, and capabilities, could both
change the current situation in the related research,
as well as produce and reproduce in a controlled
manner long-enduring effective organizational
performance, resting upon overcoming or overruling
established organizational presuppositions and
assumptions, or – put differently – upon overriding
established organizational rites.
Gatarik, E., Kulhavy, V. and Born, R..
The Epistemology of Resilient Organizations - Implications for Business Continuity Management.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 93-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The LIR framework of analysis, depicting the scissors of meaning.
The technique at the bottom of the framework
LIR is a multi-dimensional form of mapping based
upon model theory and a multi-component formal
semantics. The force behind are both the ideas of
classical systems theory, as well as the semantic
approach to a theory of truth, originating in research
starting with Alfred Tarski and others.
The framework LIR is covered in more detail in
Born and Gatarik (2013). Its shortcut in Figure 1 can
nevertheless be used to highlight that we cannot
reduce expertise (E) to rules/heuristics (K) in such a
way that the latter showing up as the competence of
an organization can be used causally and applied to
solve problems (P ==> Q) in an acceptable way by
just applying ordinary, unrefined and unchanged
common sense knowledge (F), i.e. capabilities, also
with respect to collective understandings (Tsoukas
and Vladimirou, 2001).
Instead, it is essential to enhance the epistemic
resolution level of users with common sense
knowledge (F), which holds true for the
management and their theories as well, by way of
enhancing F to some F* in order to be able to solve
problems P in an inventive, flexible and acceptable
way, in symbolic terms: <K|F*> (P) ==> Q* in a
way such that the solution Q* is not an element of
the set of solutions [Q] produced by <K|F> (P) ==>
Q*, and thus to create a competitive advantage and
be successful in the long-run.
Drawing on a variety of theoretical sources it is
argued, and portrayed (Tsoukas, 2011) with the help
of a case study, that such an extension from F to F*
can be accomplished via an explanatory reflection (a
sort of view from outside) in M to be able to achieve
or provide a proper change from F to F*, and thus to
establish and support the controlled reproducibility
of effective organizational performance.
In Figure 1, there is also designated the influence
of background knowledge component E versus F
both upon the production of acceptable or intended
results or problem solutions Q as well as the
acceptance of Q as scissors of meaning. If there can
be identified different local epistemic resolution
level in E and F as one of the causes, leading to
suboptimal (managerial) decisions (formally
depicted as: H; S R), then we can also understand
why the reduction of decisions to rules K has its
limits. Therefore, a guided instantiation of dialogue
(in the sense of David Bohm) within organizations is
suggested that allows to translate knowledge from E
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
to F or rather to build up some extension or
enhancement F* (Tsoukas, 2009). This can lead to
better decisions in the long-run due to an evolved
ability to evaluate future consequences in particular
on the part of management.
Reasoning about the knowledge gap between E
and F might also help to close a corresponding gap
between theory and the so called organizational
practice with its own local theories or rites of
rationality (Foucault, 1970; O’Leary and Chia,
2007). The latter expresses itself in the acceptance of
[1] the proposed or produced solutions Q, [2] the
means, i.e. the rules, structures, expertise, etc., that
produce Q, and [3] the justifications for what is
proposed to be taken to generate Q (in the scheme
LIR sometimes indicated as three levels of
A case study may serve to illustrate the case in point.
It was developed at Beham Techn. Handels GmbH,
an Upper Austrian SME specialising in the
production of precision metal parts since 1948. The
LIR framework was employed as the main means of
analysis in a description of re-modelling Beham’s
processes of decision and action in such a way as to
enhance organizational performance in terms of
creativity, flexibility and innovation in the long run.
Some years ago, Beham encountered massive
financial difficulties. Their budget was simply
unable to cover future payments (problem situation
P represented in S as “red numbers”). It was clear
that sustainable solutions in this case could not rest
upon one-dimensional, monetary representations of
knowledge following by measures like closing down
divisions not belonging to the core business,
abandoning unprofitable branches, or avoiding
extraordinary, inherently one-off processes, although
such a solution might appear to be calculable and
accessible to plausible representation.
In other words, the management realized that partial
(e.g. economic) explanations and suggestions for
action derived from the former in a non-reflective
way need to be overcome (overruled) and replaced
by fresh practical problem solving ideas (H; S R)
based upon a sort of enactment of a joint meta-
Figure 2: Enacting expertise, competence, and capabilities via joint meta-reflection in M towards effective performance,
embedded into the meaning transfer supportive corporate culture at Beham GmbH, depicted in LIR, indicating the three
levels of reflection and the scissors of meaning, handled by dialogue between experts in E and users in F towards enhancing
the epistemic resolution level of F to F*.
The Epistemology of Resilient Organizations - Implications for Business Continuity Management
reflection (M) of problem situations (P) in the
concrete causal organizational context (P ==> Q),
see Figure 2.
However, the quality and innovativeness of the
Beham solutions depended on more than just the
implementation of knowledge component M by way
of a management team; extended involvement of the
content of the other three knowledge components of
the LIR scheme allow comprehensive knowledge of
the enterprise to be taken into account. The precise
selection of the members of the management team
has ensured that they also convey the particular
perspectives and challenges generated by their
various departments (in terms of E) to the decision-
making process. In addition to this, these experts
have provided an excellent interface with other
employees, whose aspirations and opinions
(knowledge component F) could thus be said to have
been represented at team meetings. Finally, through
the special use of a sophisticated information system
K and the extensive experience of an IT specialist as
a one of the eight members of the management team,
even more significant information has been shared.
Further, the members of the management team may
also perform and even adjust the various knowledge
roles that form the essential theoretical backbone of
the LIR scheme. When addressing the topic
discussed and the situation, they play a number of
roles: they may be specialists – experts; they can
provide general knowledge and life experience; they
may think and argue in both procedural and
regulatory terms; and they may provide certain
reflective external perspectives.
This kind of thinking together and learning from
each other is explained by, and rests upon, the LIR
framework initiated at Beham GmbH as a theoretical
backbone for sustainably effective organizational
performance. This framework provides guidance for
the actions, evaluation and understanding on the part
of the employees. However, although the specific
direction the enterprise should take is indicated, the
employees themselves are granted local autonomy to
find ways of maintaining that course.
From the corporate-financial point of view, the
positive effects of the re-modelling at Beham GmbH
may be selectively summarised after eight years.
The company turnover has increased threefold;
Beham has been listed as the most successful
enterprise of those in which the participating private
equity-fund had ever invested (proportional to size);
and the capital invested by outside parties has been
superseded by internal equity capital generated over
the eight years. Moreover, after the re-modelling
Beham has been the recipient of several business
awards, among them the international Best Business
Award for Sustainable Management, Europaregion
Donau-Moldau, in 2014. The rating criteria were
economic success, uniqueness, employee status,
innovative power, sustainability and social
Although space dictates that the Beham case is
not covered in more detail, the case study can
nevertheless be used to highlight that any re-
modelling of an enterprise via LIR requires, inter
alia, outstanding attitudes on the parts of the
managers and employees and an appropriate
corporate culture. These are vital to the reflective
transfer of the analysed approach to other
The light was thrown on that it is important not only
to describe the rites of rationality in an organization,
but also to understand the processes going on there
to be able to induce change both in theory as well as
in practice.
In the case study it was the implementation of
the management team as an enactment of the fourth,
explanatory knowledge component M from the
framework LIR.
However, it must also be pointed out that it is not
just the enactment of M which can lead to success.
What is important to take into account is the
population of M and the way in which it can help to
give meaning to documentations, existing or implicit
rules K and to transfer knowledge from experience
and expertise E into an episteme for decision
support via management.
Due to the systemic and model theoretic
background of the framework LIR it might be
summarized and pointed out:
(1) The adding up of the local optimization of
expertise, competence, and capabilities is
suboptimal for the success of the whole (an
organization as such).
(2) In many cases (although not in all) effective
organizational performance does not only
depend on strictly or stubbornly obeying or
applying rules, practices and theories, but on
knowledge about the coming about of
expertise, and about the limits of the
application of those rules, and thus on a
reflective and corrective collective practice.
(3) To reflect the limits of following a rule might
well help to understand constraints and
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
presuppositions about the world we live in, and
thus support an ecological point of view.
(4) Routines should not replace thinking. The
incompleteness of formal systems (Kurt Gödel)
should be taken into account.
Corollary, the integration of organizational and
management practices into the meta-theoretical
framework LIR can facilitate understanding and
controlled reproducibility of those events that are
considered and accepted as examples of effective
performance mirrored in sustainable success,
economic or otherwise.
This contribution owes a great debt to Dr. Christian
Hochrainer, Beham GmbH, in terms of both
inspiration and execution.
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The Epistemology of Resilient Organizations - Implications for Business Continuity Management