Performance Evaluation of Meteor Key Distribution
Amir I. Sulimov and Arkadiy V. Karpov
Department of Radio Physics, Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 18
Kremlyovskaya St.,
Kazan, Russian Federation
Keywords: Encryption Key Distribution, Shared Randomness, Meteor Radio Propagation, Meteor Burst Channel,
Carrier Phase, Channel Reciprocity.
Abstract: The Wireless Key Distribution is a fast growing area of applied cryptography covering different approaches
of secure distribution of secret encryption key based on channel stochastic properties in specific radio
communication systems. To be applicable in key distribution purposes the radio channel must meet the three
basic requirements: randomness, reciprocity and spatial selectivity. For a long time it was believed that only
the fading channels in multipath environment could satisfy all the three requirements. However, several
studies also considered a meteor burst channel as a potential candidate for the secure key distribution at
distances up to 2000 km. Unfortunately, a rigorous analysis of meteor radio propagation processes shows
that the channel has only approximate reciprocity. This may result in the two legitimate nodes would not be
able to generate identical copies of the shared secret key indicating that the Meteor Key Distribution is
impossible in practice. In addition, a complicated astronomical nature of the meteor burst channel causes
deep diurnal variation in its performance. The aim of our research was a comprehensive evaluation of
potential performance of the Meteor Key Distribution systems, taking into account all the physical layer
effects of meteor burst channel. We also wanted to clarify, how strong the imperfection of a real meteor
burst channel affects the key distribution feasibility.
The problem of secure key distribution plays an
important role in modern cryptography. In recent
decades there has been a shift from mathematical
algorithms of key distribution to the principles of
creating a shared physical source of randomness.
The Quantum Key Distribution (Bennett, 1984)
along with the Wireless Key Distribution (Hershey,
1995) systems should be mentioned as notable
examples of such approach. As for the Wireless Key
Distribution (WKD), it covers different techniques
of secure distribution of a shared secret encryption
key based on channel stochastic properties in
specific radio communication systems. In essence,
the pair of legitimate nodes uses their radio channel
as a source of common randomness to establish a
shared encryption key.
For the radio channel to be applicable in key
distribution purposes, it must meet the three basic
requirements: 1) randomness, 2) reciprocity and 3)
spatial selectivity. The channel randomness provides
high entropy and unpredictability of the shared key.
The channel reciprocity ensures that both legitimate
users to create identical copies of the key. The
spatial selectivity, also referred as a sharp spatial
decorrelation of radio signal parameters, prevents a
key leakage to potential eavesdropper.
In (Sidorov, 2007) a meteor burst channel
(MBC) has been proposed as a candidate for the
secure key distribution over the distances up to 2000
kilometers. We call this method as the “Meteor Key
Distribution" (MKD). The aim of our research was a
comprehensive evaluation of potential performance
of the Meteor Key Distribution systems, taking into
account all the physical layer effects of meteor burst
channel. First of all, we wanted to clarify, whether
the imperfection of a real meteor burst channel
violates the key distribution feasibility and if not,
then how strong it decreases achievable MKD
In (Sulimov and Karpov, 2014) a randomness of
meteor radio propagation has been justified. In
particular, an unpredictability of the radio
propagation path has been proved. Such path
unpredictability property ensures a carrier phase of
received signal to be a random variable. A pair of
legitimate nodes is able to create two copies of the
I. Sulimov A. and V. Karpov A..
Performance Evaluation of Meteor Key Distribution.
DOI: 10.5220/0005568003920397
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2015), pages 392-397
ISBN: 978-989-758-117-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
shared key simply by measuring values of the carrier
phase at receiving a meteor radio reflection.
However, only one of the three WKD basic
requirements has been justified for the Meteor Key
Distribution to this moment. Moreover, there is a
serious problem in MKD justifying at the second
stage, where the channel reciprocity must be
required. A rigorous analysis of meteor radio
propagation shows that the meteor burst channel
provides only approximate (non-perfect) reciprocity
(Desourdis, 1993). The MBC reciprocity violation
(or simply non-reciprocity) observed in practice
causes some mismatch in copies of the shared secret
key generated by the legitimate parties. This
circumstance substantially decreases a key
generation rate. That is the issue we are going to
address in the following sections.
An implementation of field experiments on channel
non-reciprocity at real meteor radio link is extremely
costly. This makes computer simulation method
quite reasonable to study the MKD processes. As far
as we know, KAMET (Karpov, 2001) is the only
MBC computer model that simulates all basic effects
of the channel non-reciprocity. This model uses an
improved electrodynamic calculations unit based on
rigorous diffraction theory of scattering of radio
waves off the ionized meteor trails (Khuzyashev,
1984). Another advantage of the KAMET model is a
high accuracy of the performance simulation of
meteor burst communication systems. Such accuracy
is achieved through accounting within simulation a
long-term statistics of radar observations on the
influx of meteoroids into the Earth's atmosphere.
Table 1: Technical specifications for the test meteor links.
Specification Link 1 Link 2
Localization of the legitimate
Link length 379 km 669 km
Carrier frequency 50 MHz
Transmitted power 2000 Watts
Required signal-to-noise ratio 20 dB
Amplitude threshold level -6 dBμ
Date of key distribution session July 21, 2015
Two test meteor links have been simulated to
perform evaluation of the key generation rate. Table
1 summarizes their technical specifications. We
intentionally used the test links of different lengths
to show that the link geometry and especially the
link length affect crucially the performance of any
type of meteor burst system including MKD. While
the Link1 could be assigned as a short link, the
Link2 has a quite moderate length. Besides, due to
MBC complex astronomical nature its capacity
varies greatly dependent on the session date and
season. Without loss of generality concerning about
MKD feasibility, we chose session date at July 21st.
The following scenario was implied during the
MKD simulation. A pair of legitimate users (say,
Alice and Bob) exchange with a series of sounding
signals through the meteor burst channel in a full
duplex synchronized mode. When an ionized trail
left by burning in the upper atmosphere meteoric
particle arises at the altitudes of 80-110 km, the
sounding signals transmitted simultaneously in
opposite directions by Alice and Bob are reflected
from it to be received at another side of the link. At
receiving the signals Alice and Bob measure their
carrier phase. Due to the MBC stochastic properties
all these measurements are random numbers. By
repeating such exchange with Bob for N times, Alice
collects the {ϕ
sample of the carrier phase
measurements. Bob collects the {ϕ
sample of
size N in the same manner. Further, Alice and Bob
achieve an agreement on the parameters of the so-
called “bit extraction” procedure (Croft, 2011) to
extract a shared key from their samples. After that,
Alice processes her own sample {ϕ
to generate
the Κ
key, and Bob generates the Κ
key by
extracting the random bits from his sample {ϕ
the same way as Alice. From each single
measurement of the carrier phase Alice and Bob
were extracting m random bits, where m is the so-
called “codeword length”.
In practice, due to the non-perfect channel
reciprocity and noise factors, the {ϕ
and {ϕ
samples always have some mismatch Δϕ= |ϕ
As a result, the K
and K
instances of the secret key
also contain some bits in mismatch. To eliminate
them, Alice and Bob had to perform a key
reconciliation procedure. Unfortunately the key
reconciliation leads to some loss in the length of the
final shared key. If we denote its effectiveness as
η, then we can state that η < 100%. According to
(Smolyakov, 2013), the key generation rate R
be estimated by the formula (1), where T is the
sample collecting time.
The two test meteor links (Paris-Colmar and
Vienna-Colmar, respectively) we simulated had
essentially different lengths. As will be shown in the
following sections, this difference resulted in very
different MKD performance indication.
The channel reciprocity is one of the basic properties
allowing secret key distribution between a given pair
of legitimate nodes. Unfortunately, an absolute
reciprocity is only an idealization of observed
reality. Specifically, the fact that the meteor burst
channel has non-perfect reciprocity inevitably leads
to some key mismatch between Alice and Bob. This
limits achievable key generation rate.
There are three main physical layer mechanisms
that cause the channel non-reciprocity:
1) polarization phenomena at meteor radio
propagation (Khuzyashev, 1984);
2) multipath fading effects due to scattering
from meteor trails with several reflecting
points (Weitzen, 1987);
3) random drift of the trail reflecting point due
to ionospheric turbulent winds (Weitzen,
All these mechanisms are included into the KAMET
simulation model allowing them to be accounted
within our MKD performance evaluation.
The polarization phenomena are the dominant
factor of the MBC non-reciprocity. This follows
from the fact that the characteristics of scattered
signal depend mainly on the polarization of the
incident radio wave. Looking deeper, we find that
two radio waves transmitted by Alice and Bob in the
opposite directions experience different polarization
rotations during their propagation. This is due to
non-symmetric geometry of the uplink propagation
accompanied with the influence of the Faraday
Effect in a magnetized ionosphere. As a result, the
incident waves transmitted by Alice and Bob have
different polarizations. This causes non-symmetric
scattering of opposite signals off the meteor trail and
in the end it results in the channel non-reciprocity.
We also took into account effects of the meteor
trail decay with continuous changing in time of its
scattering properties. Therefore, level of channel
non-reciprocity constantly varies during the signal
detection time. For the key distribution purposes,
Alice and Bob should choose the time point that
corresponds to the lowest value of phase non-
reciprocity (Sulimov, 2014). By accounting all the
above mentioned non-reciprocity effects, we were
able to properly simulate limitations on the key
distribution process caused by physical layer of
channel. Let us consider the simulation results next.
Figure 1 shows a probability distribution
histogram of the phase mismatch Δϕ = |ϕ
simulated for the test Link 1 (Paris-Colmar). As can
be seen, the phase mismatch Δϕ typically shows a
symmetric shape of probability distribution with a
zero mean value. The histogram standard deviation
was σ(Δϕ) = 16.1°, and we should admit here that
this is a relatively high value with non-negligible
impact. The test Link 2 (Vienna-Colmar) showed a
similar histogram but with slightly lower standard
deviation: σ(Δϕ) = 14.2°. It should be noted that
even such a small decrease in the standard deviation
σ(Δϕ) allowed 24% higher key reconciliation
efficiency η than achieved at the Paris-Colmar link.
Figure 1: Probability distribution histogram of mismatch
in the phase measurements of legitimate users observed at
the Paris-Colmar meteor link (session time is 3 a.m.).
The simulation results also revealed that a certain
amount η
of detected meteor trails had an
extremely high non-reciprocity. Obviously, such
"extremely" non-reciprocal trails could not be used
for the key distribution purposes. About η
= 3.2%
of all the trails detected at the Paris-Colmar link
were recognized as extremely non-reciprocal. The
same indicator for the Vienna-Colmar link showed
the value about η
= 1.2%.
As will be shown in the Section 5, the presence
of phase mismatch significantly limits achievable
key generation rate. However, a meteor activity
during the key distribution session is another
essential factor that defines the key generation rate.
The next section presents our simulation results of
the meteor activity for both test meteor links.
The meteor activity and performance of meteor burst
channel experience a strong diurnal variation
(McKinley, 1961). According to formula (1), the key
generation rate should follow these variations too.
The diurnal dependence is a legacy of the MBC
astronomical nature. In practice, current meteor
activity is usually characterized by the number of
meteor trails N
detected per 1 hour (the hourly
number of meteors). In this case, the (N/T) multiplier
in the formula (1) should be substituted by
Nη . The KAMET simulation
model we used is based upon a long-term (about
several decades) statistics of radar observations on
the meteoric matter influx. This allows accurate
prediction of diurnal variations in the meteor activity
for a given radio link. Let us consider the simulation
results obtained for the test meteor links.
Fig. 2 presents the diurnal variations in the
meteor activity simulated for both test links. As all
the legitimate nodes had close geographic latitudes,
the curves reveal very similar profiles but differ
greatly in the number of detected meteor trails. The
maximum meteor activity with hourly number
= 280 at the Paris-Colmar link was observed at 3
a.m. local time. The minimum meteor activity with
= 63 was observed at 12 a.m. Similarly, at the
Vienna-Colmar link the maximum meteor activity
with N
= 598 was observed at generating the shared
key at 2 a.m. local time. The minimum activity with
hourly number N
= 181 was observed at 3 p.m.
Figure 2: Diurnal variations in meteor activity simulated
for the test meteor links.
As we can see, the depth of diurnal variations in
meteor activity may reach up to 400%. Another
feature of meteor burst communications is a low
performance at shorter radio links. Moreover, an
accurate analysis shows that the MBC non-
reciprocity reveals some daily changes too.
However, these changes affect the MKD
performance much weaker than the variations in
meteor activity. To be precise, it’s about 15% versus
400% in depth. Thus, we should seek a maximum
possible hourly number N
in the first place in
From the practical point of view, the greatest
interest is to estimate a gap between the maximum
and minimum MKD performance indications.
Considering this, for each test link we present the
performance evaluation corresponding only to the
maximum and minimum values of meteor activity.
After collecting the {ϕ
and {ϕ
samples of
carrier phase measurements for all detected meteor
radio reflections Alice and Bob were able to
generate the K
and K
copies of the secret key,
respectively. To generate them, Alice and Bob
implemented a so-called “bit extraction” procedure
following the algorithm presented in (Sulimov and
Smolyakov, 2014). Since (Sulimov and Karpov,
2014) proved an absence of autocorrelation within
the sample of carrier phase measurements, no
sample decorrelation procedure was required to
create the key.
As long as meteor burst channel always causes
some mismatch in phase measurements of Alice and
Bob, a key reconciliation procedure is required. We
used the cyclic redundancy codes (CRC-16) for the
and K
reconciliation. This is similar to a more
secure approach based on the privacy amplification
(Bennet, 1995) but easier to implement. In this case,
the choice of optimal codeword length m* for the bit
extraction procedure becomes a crucial moment.
Increasing the value of m we can extract more
random bits from each single carrier phase
measurement but causing a higher key mismatch rate
. It’s a trap, because high key mismatch rate may
result in total rejection of the key at its
Fig. 3 presents the key mismatch rate (i.e. the
probability of mismatch in a single bit) as a function
of the codeword length m used in the bit extraction
procedure. We can see an asymptotic rise of the key
mismatch rate up to the p
= 50% value as the
codeword length m is increased. Due to the channel
non-reciprocity and noise factors, even at the
smallest possible value of m = 1 bit per measure a
very high key mismatch rate is observed: p
= 4.7%
(for the Paris-Colmar link) and p
= 3.5% (for the
Vienna-Colmar link), respectively. At first glance,
the obtained values of the key mismatch rate are
unacceptably high, but such mismatch levels are
quite typical for the WKD practice. We can refer to
the (Liu, 2014) research as an example of the recent
experimental results.
Figure 3: Key mismatch rate as a function of the codeword
During the key reconciliation each block of l
key sequence bits in length had been verified with
the CRC-16 code. After successful block verification
we excluded 16 arbitrary bits from this block to
prevent a key leakage caused by the CRC-code
transmission. For each value of the codeword length
m we were looking for an optimal verification block
length l
* that provided a maximum efficiency of the
key reconciliation η∗. This was done, because a
short verification length l
leads to a strong loss in
the verified key size after excluding 16 arbitrary bits
from the reconciled block. At the same time, the
longer the block size l
the higher probability of the
mismatch and reconciliation failure.
Table 2: Optimization of the codeword length (Link2 at 2
m, bit corr(K
) p
,% l
*, bit η(l
*), % R
, bph
1 0,931 3,45 33 15,46 91,4
2 0,893 5,34 32 13,05 154,3
3 0,840 8,02 30 8,88 157,4
4 0,763 11,87 24 4,50 106,3
5 0,671 16,43 23 1,82 53,7
6 0,579 21,06 22 0,763 27,1
7 0,501 24,95 21 0,295 12,2
8 0,439 28,03 20 0,114 5,4
9 0,394 30,31 20 0,047 2,5
10 0,356 32,19 20 0,036 2,1
11 0,344 32,64 20 n/a n/a
Table 2 shows an example of the codeword
length optimization for the Vienna-Colmar test link
(session time 2 a.m.). The second column presents
the cross-correlation coefficient corr(K
) of the
and K
key instances, which is a linear function
of the key mismatch rate p
. The maximum key
generation rate (in bits per hour) was achieved at
m* = 3 bits per measure. The table string with
corresponding performance indicators is highlighted
in bold.
Resulting estimates of the key generation rate R
based on the formula (1) are presented in Fig. 4 (test
Link 1) and Fig. 5 (test Link 2), respectively. For
each test link we present the codeword optimization
curves at the minimum and maximum levels of
meteor activity. Due to a high mismatch in the phase
measurements of Alice and Bob the optimal
codeword length m* had very low values: m* = 2 or
m* = 3. Low values of meteor activity resulted in a
very humble MKD performance with maximum key
generation rate R
less than 160 bits per hour.
Figure 4: Key generation rate as a function of the
codeword length (Paris-Colmar meteor link).
Figure 5: Key generation rate as a function of the
codeword length (Vienna-Colmar meteor link).
Taking into account all the diurnal variations in
the MKD performance observed at the Paris-Colmar
link, Alice and Bob were able to generate a shared
key with total length of 571 bits for a 24 hour
period. Thanks to a higher meteor activity, similar
estimates performed for the Vienna-Colmar link
show the key length about 2081 bits per 24 hours
Summarizing our results, we can conclude that,
despite non-perfect reciprocity of meteor burst
channel, the Meteor Key Distribution is feasible in
practice. Physical parameters of each individual
meteor link essentially affect the performance of the
key distribution process making it unique for the
given radio link. Despite the humble key generation
rate, we believe that MKD systems could be useful
in practice. Their advantages are much greater key
distribution distances (up to 2000 km), low cost
equipment, vitality and ability to operate under
conditions of severe climate such as in polar and
other remote regions.
Our study presents the very first attempt to evaluate
a performance of Meteor Key Distribution systems
with an account of full complex of the physical layer
effects of meteor burst channel (MBC). To deal with
the channel non-reciprocity and diurnal variations
effects, we used a MBC simulation model with
improved electrodynamic and astronomical
calculations unit.
Our simulation results proved that, despite non-
perfect reciprocity of meteor burst channel, the
Meteor Key Distribution is feasible in practice.
Physical parameters of each individual meteor link
essentially affect the performance of the key
distribution process making it unique for the given
radio link. The main factor limiting key generation
rate is low meteor activity and its diurnal variation.
As show presented estimates, a shared key of 571
bits in length could be generated for a 24 hour
period at the Paris-Colmar meteor link with a peak
key generation rate about 59 bits per hour. Similar
estimates performed for the Vienna-Colmar meteor
link show 2081 bits as a daily key length with a peak
rate about 157 bits per hour, respectively.
Despite the humble key generation rates
presented, we believe that MKD systems could be
useful in practice. Specifically, they might be used
for key distribution at up to 2000 km distances in
such applications as AES, lightweight cryptography
like CLEFIA, and hash-based post-quantum
As we stated in the beginning, for the radio
channel to be applicable in key distribution
purposes, it must meet the three basic requirements:
1) randomness, 2) reciprocity and 3) spatial
selectivity. Hence, the spatial selectivity of meteor
burst channel must be addressed at the next stage of
justification of the Meteor Key Distribution systems.
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