Phish-IDetector: Message-Id Based Automatic Phishing Detection
Rakesh Verma and Nirmala Rai
Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Phishing, Message-ID, N-gram, Machine Learning.
Phishing attacks are a well known problem in our age of electronic communication. Sensitive information
like credit card details, login credentials for account, etc. are targeted by phishers. Emails are the most
common channel for launching phishing attacks. They are made to resemble genuine ones as much as possible
to fool recipients into divulging private and sensitive data, causing huge monetary losses every year. This
paper presents a novel approach to detect phishing emails, which is simple and effective. It leverages the
unique characteristics of the Message-ID field of an email header for successful detection and differentiation
of phishing emails from legitimate ones. Using machine learning classifiers on n-gram features extracted from
Message-IDs, we obtain over 99% detection rate with low false positives.
With an overwhelming increase in the number of In-
ternet users, the incidents of cyber-crimes are also in-
creasing exponentially. Every year money, time and
productivity is lost, and valuable information and pri-
vate details are compromised through various cyber-
attacks. One of the most popular techniques used
to steal sensitive user information and credentials is
phishing. This form of attack targets individual Inter-
net users as well as small or large businesses. Typ-
ically, carefully designed electronic mails are em-
ployed to lure victims into revealing sensitive data.
Since emails are the most common means of launch-
ing a phishing attack, our work concentrates on de-
tecting these phishing emails and distinguishing them
from legitimate ones.
Every email consists of mainly two parts: the
header and the body. The header consists of sev-
eral pre-formatted fields such as From, Delivered-To,
Subject, Message-ID, etc. The body consists of the
main content of the email, usually in text/HTML for-
mat. The phishers make it very difficult to detect the
phishing emails by meticulously constructing them
to closely resemble legitimate ones. This makes the
process of distinction non-trivial, which has been ob-
served by other researchers (Irani et al., 2008) also.
The email body is completely under the control of the
sender while the header follows a relatively stricter
format and is not entirely controlled by the sender. So
we focus in this paper on detection based on email
headers. In particular, based on looking at a few
(less than 10) legitimate emails and the same num-
ber of phishing emails, our attention was drawn to
the Message-ID field. This field is a string following
a certain basic format described below. It also con-
tains information designed to make the email globally
unique. It cannot be altered easily and it provides im-
portant information about the email which includes it.
Our work centers on these useful properties of
Message-IDs and exploits it further by applying n-
gram analysis to the Message-IDs. Various machine
learning algorithms including an on-line confidence
weighted learning algorithm were employed using
10-fold cross validation on different data sets and they
produced detection rates of above 99%. To our knowl-
edge, this is the first time Message-IDs have been
used with n-gram analysis to detect phishing emails.
1.1 Background
Electronic mail or email proliferated during the 1990s
and has evolved to become an indispensable part of
our current social fabric. Essentially, an email has two
parts: the header and the body. The email body con-
tains the actual message being sent from the sender
to the receiver and is completely under the control
of the sender. Whereas, email header consists of
several fields, some mandatory and some optional,
which carry information regarding the source, des-
tination, routing details, timestamps etc. (Resnick,
2001). Thus, the header cannot be completely ma-
M. Verma R. and Rai N..
Phish-IDetector: Message-Id Based Automatic Phishing Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0005574304270434
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2015), pages 427-434
ISBN: 978-989-758-117-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nipulated by the sender. One such email header field
is Message-ID. It is used by all mail transfer agents
(MTAs) to uniquely identify an email. RF2822 rec-
ommends using it even though it is an optional field.
In our experimental dataset 100% of the legitimate
emails had Message-IDs. We also conducted an inde-
pendent experiment with 10 volunteers to determine
how often this field is present in legitimate emails. We
found that almost 99% of legitimate emails have the
Message-ID field. This gives us statistical confidence
to state that an absence of the Message-ID field could
be considered a red flag and a phisher would have to
include it to avoid attracting suspicion.
Sendmail, one of the MTAs uses Message-ID for
tracing emails and for logging process ids (Costales
et al., 2007). Sendmail specification recommends
including Message-ID in emails and also the set-
ting of relevant macros in its configuration file in or-
der to implement compulsory checking of Message-
IDs (Costales et al., 2007). “Unlike spoofing other
fields in the header, spoofing Message-ID needs spe-
cial knowledge. Only technical savvy spammers can
spoof the Message-ID cleverly” (Pasupatheeswaran,
2008). So, deep analysis on Message-IDs may reveal
some sort of information that could open a window to
trace the source of an email.
Based on this hypothesis, we delved deeper into
Message-ID using n-gram analysis up to 10-grams
and found the optimum detection rates at around 5- or
6-grams. For both higher and lower order n-grams the
rates usually deteriorate. We applied several machine
learning classifiers using stable version 3.6 of Weka
(Hall et al., 2009) and an on-line confidence weighted
learning algorithm of (Mejer and Crammer, 2010).
We provide an explanation of some terms we will
use frequently throughout the paper.
Message-ID. RFC 2822 states that each email
must have a globally unique identifier called
Message-ID. If this is included it must be in the
email header. RFC 2822 also defines the syntax
of Message-ID. It should be like a legitimate email
address and it must be included within a pair of angle
brackets. A typical Message-ID looks like the follow-
According to RFC 2822, Message-ID can ap-
pear in three header fields. They are Message-ID
header, in-reply-to header and references header.
But Message-ID of the present email must be
included against the Message-ID header (Pasu-
patheeswaran, 2008). It has a fixed format of the
form <LHS@RHS>where the left hand side (LHS)
is a representation of information including current
time stamp, queue id, etc. coded in different formats
according to the Sendmail version. The right hand
side (RHS) represents the fully qualified domain
name (FQDN). This part starts with local host
name followed by a dot and other parts of domain
information (Costales et al., 2007).
N-gram. The concept of N-gram is related to nat-
ural language processing. It is a sequence of n charac-
ters in a string or text. For e.g. if the text is abc123 the
1-grams would consist of one character sequence e.g.
a, c, 2, etc. Similarly, 2-grams would be overlapping
sequence of 2 characters like ab, bc, c1, 12, 23. This
idea can be further extended to higher order n-grams
in a similar fashion.
The complete process can be summarized in the fol-
lowing sequence of steps.
2.1 Message-ID Extraction
For our study we decided to choose Message-ID as
the distinguishing property because of its content,
uniqueness and fixed format. All the Message-IDs
from the emails of different datasets are extracted
using grep command and stored in a file. Since
each Message-ID is of the format <LHS@RHS>, we
get rid of the <, @ and >symbols common to all
Message-IDs as a pre-processing step. After this step
we get two attributes for each Message-ID. We have
named them LHS and RHS to denote the left hand
side and the right hand side of the Message-ID.
2.2 Input File Creation
Depending on which dataset the email belonged
to, we labeled each instance as belonging to either
“phishing or “legit” (legitimate) class. We created
a csv file with three columns: class label, LHS and
RHS. The RHS part being of a more consistent for-
mat rather than LHS, we tried the classification based
on only RHS as well. In that case, there are only two
columns: class label and RHS.
2.3 N-gram Analysis
Further, we decided to do n-gram analysis of the col-
lected Message-IDs so that we could represent the
data in numeric format acceptable to most classifiers
in Weka. This analysis generates unique n-gram fea-
tures represented as Unicode code point of the char-
acters. For e.g. the Unicode code point for “a” is 97
so the 1-gram “a” will be represented as 97. The fea-
ture extracted is the frequency of the n-gram in the
attribute LHS or RHS.
2.4 Classification
Once we obtained and represented the data in arff for-
mat, we ran the following six classifiers on the arff file
using Weka 3.6: RandomForest, J48, Bagging, Ad-
aboostM1, SMO and NaiveBayes. We also ran four
other classifiers but their performance was not at par
with the 6 classifiers mentioned, so we omit their re-
sults. These are: ClassificationViaClustering, Com-
plementNaiveBayes, ZeroR and BayesNet. The arff
files were also converted to .svm format, the input for-
mat for the confidence weighted algorithm (Mejer and
Crammer, 2010), using a python script.
We have used two publicly available datasets. Email
Message-IDs were collected from 4,550 public phish-
ing emails from (Nazario, 2004) and from 9,706 le-
gitimate emails from SpamAssassin public corpus
datasets at (SpamAssassin, 2006). The phishing cor-
pus and even the SpamAssassin ham corpus we used
has been used previously by (Fette et al., 2007),
(Toolan and Carthy, 2010), (Hamid and Abawajy,
SpamAssassin corpus segregates the emails into
different subsets which we named as follows:
1. easy
ham consisting of 5051 emails
2. easy
ham 1 consisting of 2500 emails
3. easy ham 2 consisting of 1400 emails
4. hard
ham consisting of 500 emails
5. hard
ham 1 consisting of 250 emails
All these emails had Message-IDs. We ran exper-
iments on the phishing emails combined with each of
the above mentioned subsets of legitimate emails. All
the Message-IDs obtained from the phishing emails
were added to the set of Message-IDs extracted from
each of the above mentioned ham sets. These datasets
are hence named according to the ham set involved in
creating the dataset since the phishing set of Message-
IDs is common to all of them. Additionally, all the ex-
periments were performed once taking only RHS into
account and once taking both the RHS and LHS into
account, and the dataset names have been prefixed
with RHS and SplitMsgId respectively. The names
of the datasets are as follows:
1. RHSEasyHam and SplitMsgIdEasyHam
2. RHSEasyHam1 and SplitMsgIdEasyHam1
3. RHSEasyHam2 and SplitMsgIdEasyHam2
4. RHSHardHam and SplitMsgIdHardHam
5. RHSHardHam1 and SplitMsgIdHardHam1
We used Weka version 3.6 which is basically a
collection of machine learning algorithms for data
mining tasks. It was chosen because of its wide ac-
ceptability, popularity and its ease of use. It has pre-
viously been used for phishing detection by (Hamid
and Abawajy, 2011) and (Chen et al., 2014). Weka
provided us an easy method of comparing the perfor-
mance of several classifiers on our datasets and choos-
ing the best among them. We ran the experiments
with around 10 classifiers and chose the best 6 among
them. Each of them is explained here in brief.
Random Forest classifier (Breiman, 2001) con-
sists of several decision tree classifiers. Each tree
has a random set of features out of the total feature
collection and this algorithm returns the maximum
frequency class among all of the individual decision
trees. It performed the best quite consistently in our
experiments. For our experiments we used the default
implementation of Weka 3.6 for the Random Forest
J48 is a Java implementation of the decision tree
formed by classifier C4.5 (Quinlan, 2014).
SMO is an implementation of sequential mini-
mal optimization algorithm devised by John Platt for
training a support vector classifier. All attributes are
normalized by default in this algorithm. A more de-
tailed explanation can be found at (Platt et al., 1999)
Bootstrap Aggregatingor Bagging is a method for
generating multiple versions of a predictor and using
these to get an aggregated predictor. The aggregation
averages over the versions when predicting a numeri-
cal outcome and does a plurality vote when predicting
a class. It is explained in (Breiman, 1996).
AdaBoostM1 is an implementation of the boost-
ing algorithm by (Freund and Schapire, 1996). It is
known to improve performance of a weak learner us-
ing a boosting algorithm. We have used the default
base classifier for Weka 3.6 in this case.
NaiveBayes is the Weka implementation of the
Naive Bayes classifier, which is a simple classifier
that applies Bayes’ theorem. It strictly assumes con-
ditional independence and hence called ‘naive. More
informationcan be found at (John and Langley, 1995).
Due to privacy issues legitimate emails used in the
field of phishing emails detection are usually not re-
cent ones. To prove the viability of our method with
current data without compromising the privacy as-
pect, we performed an independent experiment in-
volving 10 anonymous volunteers. Each of them was
given instructions along with a script that would col-
lect some statistics from each mail box. We col-
lected only two numbers from each of them, no.
of emails(Email Count) and number of Message-
IDs(Message-ID Count) not revealing any private
data in their emails. The process involved configuring
each volunteer’s gmail account in their local UNIX
machines using postfix and fetchmail. The script then
separated the mailbox created for each volunteer into
individual messages using procmail. And finally grep
command was used to get the email count and the
Message-ID count. We had to be careful not to over
count the Message-IDs as sometimes a mail can have
more than one Message-ID. To avoid such a mistake
we used grep with the option of counting only the first
occurrence of Message-ID in each email.
The data collected from the volunteers is shown
in Table 1. It reveals that nearly 99% of the emails
have Message-ID field and proves our hypothesis that
in spite of being an optional field it would have to be
included in the emails by a phisher to avoid raising
any red flags.
Table 1: Email and Message-ID count from the independent
experiment. Nearly 99% emails have Message-Ids.
Message-ID Experiment
Volunteers EmailCount Message-ID Count
Volunteer 1 1959 1928
Volunteer 2 1613 1594
Volunteer 3 798 787
Volunteer 4 719 712
Volunteer 5 364 361
Volunteer 6 352 352
Volunteer 7 325 325
Volunteer 8 277 263
Volunteer 9 252 252
Volunteer 10 118 118
Total 6777 6692
Percentage Emails With Message-IDs
Major contributions of this paper are: (i) the demon-
stration that Message-ID field is effective in phishing
email detection for the first time and (ii) our approach
of applying n-gram analysis technique with a rich
variety of classifiers to the Message-ID field of the
emails. To the best of our knowledge, n-gram analysis
has not been used for phishing detection in a manner
similar to ours. Moreover, this is the first paper where
Message-IDs have played a pivotal role in phishing
detection. Although the confidence weighted learn-
ing method has been used for classification of phish-
ing emails, for instance by (Basnet and Sung, 2010),
it has been applied to the email text unlike our method
where it has been applied to the header information,
specifically the Message-ID.
We have also checked for robustness of our
method by using different data sets and generating
fairly consistent detection rates. The detection and
classification of phishing emails based on n-gram
analysis of Message-IDs proves to be an excellent
technique. We now explain in details about the n-
gram analysis and the various classifiers used and the
difficulties we faced during our experimental phase.
We wrote a Python script to extract all character
n-grams from the Message-IDs and represent them as
unique features in the form of Unicode point of the
characters. For e.g. the Unicode code point for “a” is
97 so the 1-gram “a” will be represented as 97. The
feature extracted is the frequency of the n-gram in the
attribute LHS or RHS.
This transforms the string or text in the Message-
ID field into set of numeric features and represents
them in the form of a sparse arff file which can be
processed in Weka. Once the features were in a read-
able form as arff files for Weka, we ran several clas-
sifiers with 10-fold cross-validation on each of the
files for n-grams up to 3-grams. Since the file-size
increased exponentially for each subsequent n-gram,
Weka would crash for any n-gram higher than 3. Also,
we could run only two classifiers for the 3-grams files
due to the issue of large-sized files. For both 1- and 2-
grams files we ran as many as 10 classifiers and found
Random Forest to be the most effective of them all,
obtaining highest True Positive rates and the lowest
False Positive Rates.
For classification based on higher order n-gram
analysis we used the faster on-line confidence
weighted learning algorithm of (Mejer and Crammer,
2010). We obtained a collection of most confidence
weighted learning algorithm into a library written in
Java from (Crammer, 2009). Again, we selected the
10-fold cross-validation test option for maintaining
uniformity. With this algorithm we were able to per-
form the classification for all the files up to 10-grams.
Looking at both the TPR and FPR values of these ex-
periments, it was revealed that with an increase in or-
der of n-gram, the classification improves but it starts
deteriorating after a certain n-gram value. For most
of the experiments this optimum value was obtained
at the threshold of around 5- or 6-grams.
We present our results of all classifiers for the best
among all the datasets, i.e. Hard Ham. Also, to give
an idea of the performance across all datasets we in-
clude the results of our best classifiers i.e. Random
Forest and J48 for all the datasets.
Table 2: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Weka
Classifiers on SplitMsgIdHardHam Dataset.
1-gram for SplitMsgIdHardHam
Classifiers TPR FPR
RandomForest 99.5 4.9
J48 96.6 18
Bagging 96.7 27.5
SMO 94.3 46.8
AdaboostM1 94.9 37.3
NaiveBayes 87.2 29.7
Table 3: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Weka
Classifiers on SplitMsgIdHardHam Dataset.
2-gram for SplitMsgIdHardHam
Classifiers TPR FPR
RandomForest 99.4 4.9
J48 97 18.4
Bagging 97.2 23.2
SMO 97.6 8.8
AdaboostM1 95 37
NaiveBayes 92 29.1
Table 4: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Weka
Classifiers on SplitMsgIdHardHam Dataset.
3-gram for SplitMsgIdHardHam
Classifiers TPR FPR
RandomForest 99.3 5.2
J48 98.7 8
Tables 2–4 summarize the TPR and FPR values of
the experiments on dataset SplitMsgIdHardHam. Re-
sults show a constant increase in TPR and decrease in
FPR for higher order n-grams. So, the 3-grams results
are the best in terms of both TPR and FPR.
Random Forest classifier even succeeds in getting
99.5% of the phishing emails detected with a small
number of false positives, i.e. legitimate emails clas-
sified as phishing.Also, we find that the classifiers that
perform the best classification are tree classifiers Ran-
dom Forest and J48.
Table 5: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Weka
Classifiers on RHSHardHam Dataset.
1-gram for RHSHardHam
Classifiers TPR FPR
RandomForest 99.4 5
J48 96.5 17.6
Bagging 96.7 27.4
SMO 94.3 46.8
AdaboostM1 93 59.4
NaiveBayes 88.1 45.4
Table 6: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Weka
Classifiers on RHSHardHam Dataset.
2-gram for RHSHardHam
Classifiers TPR FPR
RandomForest 99.3 5.2
J48 98 10.5
Bagging 97.7 18.6
SMO 98.8 5.5
AdaboostM1 93.9 54.1
NaiveBayes 92.4 35.8
Table 7: True-Positive Rate and False-Positive Rate for
Weka Classifiers on RHSHardHam Dataset.
3-gram for RHSHardHam
Classifiers TPR FPR
RandomForest 99.4 5
J48 97.4 16.8
Tables 5–7 summarize the TPR and FPR values of
the experiments on dataset RHSHardHam. Similar to
the SplitMsgIdHardHam dataset results there is a con-
stant increase in TPR and decrease in FPR for higher
order n-grams. So, the 3-grams results are the best in
terms of both TPR and FPR.
Note that the SplitMsgIdHardHam dataset gives
better results as compared to the RHSHardHam
dataset. We hypothesize that many phishers lack ad-
equate knowledge of LHS structure or do not spend
time on it. Both RandomForest and J48 perform al-
most consistently well for both the datasets at almost
any n-gram value.
Tables 8–11 summarize the TPR and FPR values
of the RandomForest and J48 classifiers for the exper-
iments across all datasets. These two classifiers per-
formed the best and we present these tables to com-
pare their results for each of the datasets we used.
We find that the results are fairly consistent across
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 1: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Confi-
dence Weighted Classifier on SplitMsgIdHardHam Dataset.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2: True-Positive Rate and False-Positive Rate for
Confidence Weighted Classifier on RHSHardHam Dataset.
Table 8: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Ran-
domForest and J48 across all SplitMsgId Datasets.
DataSet RandomForests J48
EasyHam 93.7 10.1 90.2 12.7
EasyHam1 95.7 4.6 91.3 9.2
EasyHam2 95.4 13.2 91 16.4
HardHam 99.5 4.9 96.6 18
HardHam1 98.5 26.5 97.3 36.4
datasets and there is a gradual improvement of results
with the increase in the order of n-grams.
We present the results of Confidence Weighted
Classifier for all 10-gram datasets in figures 1 and
2. The advantage of Confidence Weighted algorithm
was that it could easily run on all the 10-gram files and
that it had quite low false positive rate consistently as
Table 9: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Ran-
domForest and J48 across all SplitMsgId Datasets.
DataSet RandomForests J48
EasyHam 93.9 9.9 91 12.1
EasyHam1 96.1 4.2 92.3 8.2
EasyHam2 95.9 12.7 92.9 15
HardHam 99.4 4.9 97 18.4
HardHam1 98.5 26.1 97.8 33
Table 10: True-Positive and False-Positive Rates for Ran-
domForest and J48 across all RHS Data Sets.
DataSet RandomForests J48
EasyHam 95.6 4.7 91.4 9.1
EasyHam1 93.7 10.1 90.2 12.7
EasyHam2 95.3 13.3 91 16.4
HardHam 99.4 5 96.5 17.6
HardHam1 98.5 26.1 97.3 36.8
Table 11: True-Positive Rate and False-Positive Rate for
RandomForest and J48 across all RHS Data Sets.
DataSet RandomForests J48
EasyHam 94.8 8.8 95.9 5.3
EasyHam1 98.5 1.5 96.6 3.4
EasyHam2 95 15.1 96.1 7.5
HardHam 99.3 5.2 98 10.5
HardHam1 97.9 36.4 98.4 22
compared to the Weka machine learning classifiers.
Though the detection rates are not as high as Random
Forest and J48 classifiers, the false positive rates are
much lower.
After the first set of experiments, we were curious to
know which features were performing the best among
all of the 1-gram, 2-gram and 3-gram attributes. A
widely accepted method to find out the most effective
features in a multi-feature classifier is calculating the
information gain for the attributes. It is a measure
of the difference in entropy values and is generally
defined as follows for a decision tree:
IG(T,a) = H(T) - H(T|a)
where IG stands for Information gain, the function
H represents entropy, T stands for the class and a is
the feature. We present the top 10 features along with
their information gain values for each of the 1-gram,
2-gram and 3-gram features. From these IG values we
find that for the RHSHardHam dataset, the hyphen ‘-’
symbol is quite dominant as an attribute.
Table 12: Information gain values of Top 10 attributes rep-
resented as ’Att’ in the table for RHSHardHam Data Set.
1-gram 2-gram 3-gram
Att IG Att IG Att IG
- 0.110599 -a 0.125108 -sf 0.125992
a 0.103357 bv 0.118968 -a 0.125108
e 0.073969 sf 0.118461 -ac 0.122093
. 0.063256 v- 0.117757 fo1 0.122093
s 0.060871 1- 0.116663 -ag 0.122093
f 0.059647 o1 0.1156 abv 0.122093
t 0.058247 c- 0.11354 bv- 0.122093
g 0.055149 - 0.110599 o1- 0.122093
n 0.049335 -s 0.108526 1-a 0.122093
b 0.045831 a 0.103357 sfo 0.122093
Table 13: Information gain values of Top 10 attributes rep-
resented as ’Att’ for SplitMsgIdHardHam Dataset
1-gram 2-gram 3-gram
Att IG Att IG Att IG
. 0.2007 . 0.200703 . 0.200703
a 0.16614 a 0.16614 a 0.16614
o 0.15855 o 0.158549 o 0.158549
t 0.10909 l. 0.146136 il. 0.146136
r 0.10193 .J 0.14211 l. 0.146136
l 0.09794 Ma 0.140517 .10 0.144005
i 0.09426 aM 0.139745 .J 0.14211
v 0.0927 av 0.139732 Ma 0.140517
M 0.06281 ot 0.139432 Mai 0.139745
- 0.05612 va 0.138928 vaM 0.139745
Our method relies on the Message-ID field which,
though important and recommended, is optional.
Without it, our method would not work. However,
note that almost all legitimate emails include this
field, and since a phisher tries to fool the user into
believing that a phishing email is legitimate, omitting
this field could serve as a red flag. In our experimental
data set, 100% of the legitimate emails had Message-
IDs. Our recent experiment with 10 volunteers reveals
that the Message-ID field is present in nearly 99%
of the legitimate emails. As mentioned, the expo-
nentially increasing file size for higher order n-grams
makes it difficult to run different classifiers on them
without using specialized big data approaches. We
currently ran only the confidence weighted algorithm
on higher order n-gram files, which has proven itself
to be competitive in other scenarios, but not guaran-
teed to be the ideal choice for best results.
Spoofing Message-ID field requires a technically
savvy phisher, who is willing to go the extra mile to
avoid detection. For example, either this field would
have to be deleted, which would raise a red flag in
light of our experiment with 10 volunteers, or the
phisher would: (i) either fake the FQDN or (ii) copy
the entire Message-ID field from a legal message sent
earlier, and the phisher would have to turn off any
checking in the mail program. For such sophisticated
phishers, we recommend combining our classifiers
with other classifiers or features from the header, the
links and the body text in the email, as, for example,
in (Verma et al., 2012).
Since it is a much employed security threat, automatic
detection of phishing emails has attracted significant
attention of researchers. For lack of space, we focus
on prior work involving header analysis and refer to
(Verma et al., 2012; Verma and Hossain, 2014) for
more comprehensive descriptions.
A hybrid feature selection approach based on
combination of content-based and behavior-based
features was proposed in (Hamid and Abawajy,
2011). It utilized Message-ID tags of emails to cap-
ture attacker behavior. The authors use a binary fea-
ture called Domain
sender, which represents the sim-
ilarity of domain name extracted from email sender
with domain in Message-ID. If it is similar, the email
is considered legitimate and the value is set to 0, oth-
erwise 1. The hybrid method was able to achieve 96%
accuracy with 4% false positives. For the phishing
emails, they used the same dataset as ours, but for
the legitimate ones, they only used the 2364 easy ham
emails of the SpamAssassin corpus.
Another paper that investigates email header is
(Pasupatheeswaran, 2008). In this, the Message-ID
field and Message-ID generation are discussed in de-
tail and the uniqueness of this field is established.
The author shows spoofing of this field is not pos-
sible without sound technical knowledge suggesting
that Message-ID could be used to find the source of
the email, which could be useful in forensic analysis.
A comprehensiveapproachbased on email header,
links and body was proposed in (Verma et al., 2012).
For header analysis they look at the From, Delivered-
to and Received-From fields. For the links and body
analysis, we refer to (Verma et al., 2012). Their
method was able to correctly classify 98% of phish-
ing emails and 99.3% of 1000 legitimate emails from
authors’ inboxes.
We have presented a novel approach that is simple yet
effective in detection and classification of phishing
emails. We have shown how the unique character-
istics of Message-IDs can be exploited with n-gram
analysis to produce features that can distinguish be-
tween phishing and legitimate emails. Our approach
studies the performance of different classifiers on dif-
ferent order of n-gram features and several datasets.
It is also the first method that has applied confidence
weighted learning algorithm on an email header field
instead of the body. The results we obtained are
very promising considering the minimal information
required by our technique. If combined with exist-
ing methods of phishing detection based on header or
body analysis, it might even reach higher detection
rates with low false positives, and such combinations
would be even more robust and harder to attack than
individual methods.
This research is supported in part by NSF grants CNS
1319212 and DUE 1241772.
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