Exploiting the Collective Knowledge of Communities of Experts
The Case of Conference Ranking
Federico Cabitza and Angela Locoro
Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione,
a degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Viale Sarca, 336, Milano, Italy
Collective Knowledge, Communities of Experts, Practice Census, Knowledge Externalization.
In this paper, we discuss the concept of tacit collective knowledge and focus on how to externalize it to in-
form discussion and reflective thinking within a community of expert practitioners about their own distributed
practices. We draw our approach by outlining the one we undertook in the domain of a scholarly community:
how to assess the quality of scientific conferences in the broad area of computer science and IT study. Results
show the feasibility and scalability of the approach adopted to externalize tacit collective knowledge.
As rightly noted by (Hecker, 2012), in regard to the
notion of collective knowledge, little clarity and lack
of a shared understanding of the precise meaning of
the expression prevail. This ambiguity lies at the in-
tersection of two questions that usually challenge the
capability of researchers to reach clear-cut responses,
namely “what is knowledge” and “what is a collec-
tive”. Indeed, even assuming (for the sake of the ar-
gument) a clear stance on what knowledge is at indi-
vidual level, it is a challenging pursuit to bring this
notion from the individual to the group level.
When given, definitions of collective knowl-
edge are usually expressed by either enumeration of
qualifying aspects, or with as much ambiguous as
evocative and fascinating expressions. For instance,
in (Lam, 2000) these two approaches coexist: col-
lective knowledge is defined both as “accumulated
knowledge of the organization stored in its rules,
procedures, routines [, tacit conventions] and shared
norms which guide the problem-solving activities and
patterns of interaction among its members”; and also
as something that “exists between rather than within
individuals [and it is] more, or less, than the sum of
the individuals’ knowledge, depending on the mech-
anisms that translate individual into collective knowl-
edge.” (Lam, 2000).
As also noted by (Nguyen and others, 2014), this
has led to different stances on what we should con-
sider as the Collective Knowledge (CK) of (or within)
a community: “meant justified true belief or accep-
tance held or arrived at by groups as plural subjects
[. . . ]; the sum of shared contributions among commu-
nity members [. . . ]; the common state of knowledge
of a collective as a whole [. . . ]”. Many other concep-
tions have been proposed in the literature, spanning
from a strong idea of CK, intended as “what is known
by a collective, which is simply not known by any
single member of it” (e.g., how to actually fabricate
an aircraft) to a weak idea of CK, i.e., “what would
remain unknown unless some experts join together,
share their expertise, and create new understanding in
a cooperative effort to gain new knowledge”.
However, the idea that collective knowledge is
created from (or composed by) multiple individual
“knowledges” should not be given for granted or ac-
cepted uncritically. As subtly noticed by (Hecker,
2012) again, stances close to social constructionism
and discourse theory claim that “knowledge is irre-
ducibly embedded in a collective practice that under-
lies even individual knowledge and action”. There-
fore, “all knowledge is, in a fundamental way, collec-
tive” (Tsoukas and Vladimirou, 2005). Related to this
tension between individual and collective knowledge
are questions that regard, on the other hand, the tradi-
tional relationship between explicit and tacit knowl-
edge. For instance, similarly to individual knowledge,
does collective knowledge require the awareness of
the knowers to know what they know, as a group,
or just the capability to apply that knowledge profi-
ciently and effectively?
In this paper, we address how to extend the
explicit-tacit dipole (a sort of common place in the
Cabitza, F. and Locoro, A..
Exploiting the Collective Knowledge of Communities of Experts - The Case of Conference Ranking.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 159-167
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
knowledge management field), to the collective di-
mension (a much less debated issue in the field). To
this aim, we will be close to the idea of collective
knowledge of Hecker in (Hecker, 2012). He de-
notes “shared knowledge” (not necessarily at con-
scious level) the knowledge closely related to the
mesh of common experiences. These experiences
are those that people have within a common cultural
background (Collins, 2007), and withing knowledge-
sharing activities, not necessarily all of formal na-
ture (like in corporate education and training, staff
communication, and so on) but also embedded in and
constituted by social relations (Davenport and Prusak,
1998; Brown and Duguid, 1991). In particular, we
will focus on tacit collective knowledge, i.e. practice-
related knowledge that a community of practition-
ers holds and exhibits to coordinate, or just mutually
align, their activities without centralized decision-
making or explicit mutual communication. We will
also focus on how to externalize it, not necessarily in a
set of formalized “facts”, but in terms of community-
gluing narratives and discourses that are exchanged
and appropriated within that community.
This paper presents the case of conference ranking
as the output of an initiative of collective, knowledge
With practice-related knowledge we mean some-
thing different, and wider, than either procedural
knowledge or know-how. It is what a community
of practice (broadly meant) knows, tacitly more of-
ten than not, about what its members do, that is how
single practices are articulated, even independently of
each other, to form the overall practice connoting the
community. Here ‘tacitly’ means that, a priori, no
single member can know how her community, as a
whole, performs the above mentioned set of connot-
ing practices, like performing surgical procedures in
a community of surgeons, or writing academic papers
in a community of scholars on the same topics. Exter-
nalizing tacit collective knowledge, thus, relates to a
twofold transformation: from the tacit to the explicit
dimension; and from the collective to the individual
dimension. We draw our practical approach from two
main user studies, which we undertook in large and
distributed communities of expert practitioners: one
The reader should mind that whether the conference
ranking itself (which we could extract from the responses
gathered during the study) can be considered the external-
ization of the tacit collective knowledge of scholars (about
which conferences are the best ones); or just an explicit el-
ement reflecting this knowledge and potentially triggering
discussion and reflection within the community itself for its
evolution, it is a matter of conceptual preferences towards
this elusive concept, and a matter of concern that is outside
the paper’s aims and scope
study has been already described both in the medi-
cal literature (Randelli et al., 2012) and in the knowl-
edge management one (Cabitza, 2012). Conversely,
the other study is presented here for the first time.
In Section 2 we will describe it in more details, in
terms of its main motivations, the methods we em-
ployed to externalize collective knowledge, and the
results obtained. The following discussion will make
points to propose some general ideas on tacit collec-
tive knowledge externalization, also as triggers for
further discussion and awareness-raising in commu-
nities of practice.
The case at hand regards a user study that we under-
took in April 2015. This study was promoted at a
joined national meeting of two organizations of com-
puter science and IT scholars and professors in Italy,
namely the GII (Group of Italian Professors of Com-
puter Engineering) and the GRIN (Group of Italian
Professors of Computer Science), collecting around
800 members each. These joined their forces to pro-
pose to the National Agency for Research Assessment
a reference classification, or unified ranking, of com-
puter science international conferences (on the basis
of their impact and alleged quality). The goal was to
propose that works published in the proceedings of
conferences could be considered in the next national
research assessment exercise, as the previous one had
been focused on journal publications solely. The GII-
GRIN joint task force thus produced “the GII-GRIN
Computer Science and Computer Engineering Con-
ference Rating” (in what follows simply the “GII-
GRIN conference rating”): this rating
was produced
by implementing an algorithm capable of processing
three of the main conference rankings available on-
. After a round of iterations, this algorithm was
capable of indexing 3,210 conferences and success-
fully rank 608 out of these (19%), by associating them
to one out of three quality classes
. In all those cases
(the large majority) where the algorithm could not
take a decision on the basis of the available infor-
mation, the GII-GRIN conference rating system re-
ports the conference as associated with a provisional
Available at http://goo.gl/Ciiyb8.
Namely, the Computing Research and Education Asso-
ciation of Australasia, or CORE; the Microsoft Academic
Search Conference Ranking, or MAS; and the Brazilian
Simple H-Index Estimation, or SHINE
1 – excellent conferences, 2 very good ones, 3 – good
quality ones
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
“work-in-progress” (W) class.
Shortly after the publication of this conference
classification many contrarian voices raised among
the members of both the GII and the GRIN groups,
especially from members of the smaller research com-
munities within these larger groups. In fact, there
was a general consensus on the need for consider-
ing also conference papers, not only journal articles,
in research assessment. This was mainly because, as
it was often maintained in public debates and on the
group mailing lists, computer science conference pa-
pers (differently, e.g., from medical papers) are often
major works that require great efforts and resources,
and that are not necessarily extended into a journal
version. There was also consensus on the sensibleness
to assess the quality of those works as inherited from
the conference quality, in analogy with how journal
papers are evaluated without resorting to costly peer-
However, there was little agreement on how this
conference quality could be assessed and established.
The GII-GRIN joint committee assumed an algorith-
mic and bibliometric approach to be both feasible and
sensible to this aim, and actually produced the world
most complete conference rating publicly available in
2015. However, a lively debate was triggered within
both the GII and GRIN groups on the opportunity to
ground any research assessment effort on this rating.
Some scholars were very wary of approaches rely-
ing on either obsolete or questionable rankings (like
the CORE one). Others contested the legitimacy of
a quantitative approach to gauge conference quality,
and rejected the idea that to that aim rankings based
on strictly quantitative bibliometric indicators like the
h-index should be used (as in the MAS and SHINE
cases). In particular, those contesting the legitimacy
of rankings based on the h-index usually mentioned
the distortions that bibliometrics can entail. Notably,
that conferences that either had already collected pa-
pers for decades, that usually receive thousands of
submissions at every edition, or that exhibit higher
than average acceptance rates (or all these conditions
together) would necessarily rank much higher than
more recent conferences. These are conferences as-
sociated with smaller communities of scholars, and
those that usually accept only a small number of pa-
pers. Anecdotal evidence was often reported to back
up this claim.
The above-mentioned discussion was then about
the elusive concept of quality of a scientific confer-
ence, and there were many comments referring to
well known scientometrics articles, e.g., (Arnold and
Fowler, 2011; Castellani et al., 2014; Voosen, 2015;
Weingart, 2005). These works are questioning rank-
ing based on indicators like the h-index, or the op-
portunity to conceive any ranking “per se”. In this
lively debate, our research team proposed an alter-
native, or better yet, a complementary way to assess
the quality of the conferences. Instead of calculating
the h-index or composing different rankings together,
we made the point to base this idea on the perception
of experts. These experts are the ones who: would
disseminate the calls for papers of those conferences;
spend money to attend them; either write or review
papers to be published in their proceedings; and study
their works on a daily basis for both education- and
research-oriented purposes. In short: to ask the ex-
perts, and tap in the tacit collective knowledge about
the practices of preparing works for and then attend-
ing scientific conferences, in order to understand if
their quality could be thus assessed.
To this idea, various objections were raised at the
GII-GRIN meeting, especially in regard to two main
aspects. First, on how to assess this collective per-
ception or sort of know-what, i.e., knowing whether a
conference is of high quality or not. Second, on the re-
liability of opinions that could be biased by a conflict
of interest in that (it was alleged) scholars would at-
tribute a higher quality to the conferences whose pro-
gram committees they are members of, or to those for
which they had published more often, and so forth.
It was odd then to see voices raising from the sci-
entific community (where a keen attention is being
paid to phenomena like the “wisdom of the crowd”)
expressing a much higher wariness towards a method
of collective participation than a more allegedly con-
servative community like the medical one. To chal-
lenge these voices, we proposed to test the feasibil-
ity of the same method we had applied in the med-
ical domain to the academic community. We hy-
pothesized that, on average, the respondents would
express unbiased opinions on the conference quality
grounded on their frequent attendance, tacit recogni-
tion and practice-related knowledge.
In order to test the feasibility and soundness of our
proposal, it was decided that the informal community
of scholars interested in the Human-Computer Inter-
action (HCI) field would be involved in a pilot ex-
perience. On the basis of this experience then, the
GII & GRIN groups would deliberate whether to ex-
tend this method to the whole community, and there-
fore to the whole set of indexed conferences.
In this section, we describe this pilot survey. This
survey took three weeks in April 2015, in which we
Exploiting the Collective Knowledge of Communities of Experts - The Case of Conference Ranking
Table 1: The list of the ten conferences more frequently evaluated.
Conference name No. of Eval.
CHI - ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing System 67
AVI - Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 34
CHITaly - biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter 34
INTERACT - IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 32
NORDICHI - Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 23
CSCW - ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 21
VL/HCC - Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 17
IUI - ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interface 17
MobileHCI - Int.Conf.on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services 15
ECSCW - European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14
sent an invitation and two reminders to all of the Ital-
ian HCI experts (to our knowledge). They were in-
vited to participate in an attitude survey and fill in
a brief closed-ended questionnaire by which to col-
lect their opinions about the quality and selectivity
of international conferences. These conferences were
those with which they felt to have high familiarity,
either for their direct experience (e.g., regular atten-
dance) or for their knowledge of the conference topics
(and papers).
HCI experts were selected among the subscribers
of the HCITaly mailing list and of the mailing list of
the Italian Chapter of the SIG-CHI group, as well as
by considering all the program committee members of
the two main HCI Italian conferences (i.e., CHItaly
and the ItAIS HCI track). The reference population
encompassed approximately 340 names and email ad-
dresses, whereas a precise number is impossible to
retain for the data quality problems that resulted to
affect the two former mailing lists (some addresses
were plainly wrong, others were clearly obsolete, for
others the contacted mail servers returned various er-
rors, and there were also a number of homonyms and
When we closed the survey, we had collected 83
complete questionnaires, but we were able to use also
the responses from other questionnaire filled in only
partially, so that we can claim to have collected the
opinions from 135 domain experts. Therefore, by a
cautious estimate (considering the data quality issues
mentioned above), we can state to have involved more
than a third of the Italian scholars actively involved in
the HCI field (i.e., roughly speaking around the 38%
of the reference population), whose profile is outlined
in the next section.
3.1 The Respondent Profile
Some items from the first part of the questionnaire
were aimed at collecting profile-related information
from the involved respondents. This allows us to par-
tition the sample of respondents as follows:
the 70% had worked at a university in the last 5
the 16% had worked mainly at a research institu-
the 12% had worked mainly in the private sectors;
the 2% claimed to have had other professional ex-
In regard to expertise (a critical aspect of our sur-
vey), two thirds of the respondents (67%) claimed to
have a 10-years experience in the HCI field, and the
86% claimed to have an experience of at least 6 years:
in other words, around 9 out of 10 respondents may
be considered experts, according to the most accepted
and reasonable definition of the term e.g., (Herling,
2000; Gladwell, 2008).
In regard to their (self-proclaimed) areas of ex-
pertise, the respondents could choose labels from the
ACM 2012 classification under the main “Human
Centered Computing” category. On average, the re-
spondents felt to be better represented by 2.3 labels
(SD=0.7), and only the 22% identified their main re-
search area in terms of the most generic class (“Hu-
man Centered Computing”), whereas 72% of the re-
spondents chose the more traditional label of “Hu-
man Computer Interaction”. Among the sub-area la-
bels, the ones mentioned more frequently were: “In-
teraction Design” (chosen by half of the respondent
sample - 51%); “Ubiquitous and mobile computing”
(chosen by a third of the respondents - 32%); and two
other areas chosen by almost a quarter of the respon-
dents: “Collaborative and Social Computing” (which
also included “Community Informatics” and “Knowl-
edge Management”); Visualization (including “Visual
Languages” and “Visual Interfaces”), chosen by the
24% and the 22% of the sample, respectively. The
least represented area resulted to be Accessibility”
(which included also HCI4D), which was chosen by
only one respondent out of ten (ca. 10%).
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The online questionnaire also allowed the respon-
dents to indicate a further free-text label closer to their
interests or better representing their research area.
Only one respondent out of ten opted for this opportu-
nity, which can be taken as a sign that the Italian HCI
community perceives the ACM classification suffi-
ciently fit for representing their expertise. The ad-
ditional research areas were: Recommender systems
(3%); Intelligent Interfaces (2%); and then CSCL, AI,
HF, VR, UX e Art&Digital Media, which collected
just one vote each.
From these figures, it is reasonable to conclude
that the Italian HCI community is quite various
and, as it was argued during the GII-GRIN meeting,
likely one of the most heterogeneous areas within the
GII & GRIN groups.
3.2 The Evaluation of Conferences
After the profiling questions, the respondents were
asked to choose at most 20 conferences about which
they felt confident enough to express a judgment
about their quality (for whatever reason and either in
the positive or the negative side). The respondents
could select the conferences from a list that had been
previously selected by our research team, encompass-
ing 171 conference abbreviations, acronyms and full
names. They could also insert a conference name
manually, in case this was not listed. Table 1 shows
the ten conferences that received more evaluations in
descending order. This list is an informal indicator of
the more popular conferences within the Italian HCI
We collected a total of 689 evaluations, for a total
number of 124 conferences, out of which exactly one
third was manually added by the respondents.
In order to proceed with the statistical analysis,
we first had to find a way to minimize dispersion,
which can have a deep impact on the statistical analy-
sis of the responses. To this aim, we focused on those
conferences that had collected a least 3 evaluations.
These latter ones were less than the half of the con-
ference sample: 50. This result can be interpreted
in a twofold way: as a positive achievement, in that
we succeeded in collecting useful information for 50
conferences in a specific area as HCI. On the nega-
tive side, 3 evaluations could be considered too few to
get sound results in specific statistical tests, and a low
number of evaluations may likely cause an overesti-
mation of the conference at hand. That notwithstand-
ing, if we had kept only those conferences that had
got at least 5 evaluations (a common rule-of-thumb
threshold for most statistical tests) we would have
discarded more than the half of the total conferences
evaluated in this user study. Extending this experi-
ence to the GII-GRIN population would then allow to
reach a 5-fold wider population than the HCI com-
munity, but this would not alone guarantee a much
higher number of evaluated conferences, due to the
great heterogeneity in interests and competence areas
of the whole population.
For this reason, it could be reasonable to circum-
scribe the extension of the method presented in this
paper only to those conferences that the bibliomet-
ric approach (mentioned in Section 2) was not able
to classify (i.e., 2,814 conferences in total). Or, con-
versely, to ask for the experts’ opinion only in regard
to those conferences for which the GII-GRIN confer-
ence rating provide a relevant class (i.e., 396), so that
it could act as a countercheck study (we will come
back to this topic in Section 4).
Although the system allowed to evaluate up to
20 conferences, only three respondents evaluated the
maximum number allowed. On average, each respon-
dent evaluated 5.1 conferences. On one hand, this rel-
atively low number could support the idea that respon-
dents only evaluated those conferences that they felt
more confident about. On the other hand, we could
conjecture that they focused on those that they wanted
to appraise positively. Both these drivers could obvi-
ously be factored in to account for this level of partici-
pation. As a matter of fact, two respondents contacted
one of the authors during the survey confessing to feel
awkward in giving bad grades, and to have restrained
themselves in expressing their negative opinion in re-
gard to a number of conferences. Thus, both the low
number of conferences evaluated and this latter fac-
tor could give a context for the interpretation of the
Furthermore, each respondent was (on average),
author of 2 out of the 5 conferences she evaluated
(SD=2.5), and was, on average, member of the Pro-
gram Committee of 1.8 (SD=3) conferences. Au-
thorship and PC membership were then treated as
dichotomous variables to assess the alleged “self-
boosting” effect. To this regard, we found a mod-
erate correlation both between the number of evalu-
ated conferences for which one has published a pa-
per and the average quality of the evaluated confer-
ences (Pearson Rho: .27, p=.000) and between this
cumulative score and the number of conference for
which one has been a PC member (Rho: .24, p=.000);
also a Mann Whitney test confirmed that differences
between who is not an author of the conference that
she has evaluated and who was an author, as well as
between who was not a PC member and who was a
PC member, are statistically significant (U=604.5 and
U=1005, and mean ranks 49.6 vs. 82, 39 vs. 84.3
Exploiting the Collective Knowledge of Communities of Experts - The Case of Conference Ranking
respectively, p=.000). However, this does not neces-
sarily prove a “self-boosting” effect, but rather that
having been either an author or a PC member corre-
lates positively with higher evaluations: more fine-
grained analysis, at the level of the single conference
could address this effect, which nevertheless can not
be ruled out.
3.3 The Classification Results
The questionnaire allowed to collect data along three
different dimensions, addressing the concept of per-
ceived quality from three complementary perspec-
1. A range of classes associated with different, dis-
crete quality levels: Excellent quality (A), Good
quality (B), Sufficient quality (C) and Negligible
quality (D).
2. The average quality of the works presented at the
conference, to be expressed on a 6-value semantic
differential rating scale from “very high quality”
to “very low quality”.
3. The selectivity of the conference, to be expressed
on a 6-value semantic differential rating scale
from “very selective” to “not at all selective”.
In regard to the first dimension, we were aware
of a number of criteria by which a class could be
assigned to each conference. In order of increasing
conservativeness, eligible criteria are: i) relative ma-
jority; ii) absolute majority; iii) reaching a predefined
proportion threshold (e.g., 75%) or a sufficient agree-
ment score (e.g., 70%).
Majority-based criteria can be applied either with
or without statistical significance with respect to the
difference between the number of collected responses
for the class ranked first and the second class. To take
an example from the detailed results we obtained, the
85% of the raters of the CSCW conference assigned
it the A class, therefore this conference can be clas-
sified in that way with a high confidence. On the
other hand, 53% of the raters of the CHITaly con-
ference assigned it the B class, but this assignment
(which is sound according to both the criteria of rel-
ative and absolute majority) did not differ with suf-
ficient statistical significance from the assignment to
the C class, with respect to the number of “votes” for
either classes (Chi-square=.81, p-value=0.37). Also
in the case of the itAIS conference, the class chosen
by the absolute majority of the raters (i.e., C, by the
62%) cannot be assigned with statistical significance,
for the low number of raters involved (8 raters, p-
value=.48). In light of these considerations, in this
pilot study we preferred to adopt the first criterion
mentioned above quite naively and leave to the com-
munity debate the choice of the most suitable classi-
fication algorithm that could leverage the opinions of
the experts involved.
In Table 2, we report the “conference class” as-
sociation as it resulted from the analysis of the col-
lected responses (only for classes A and B), and we
compare the class suggested by the Italian HCI ex-
perts with the related class assigned by the bibliomet-
ric GII-GRIN algorithm. As hinted above, this latter
conference rating either assigns a classifying category
(1, 2, or 3) or a W category, that is a sort of a “Don’t
know’ class (mainly due to lacking of sufficient data
for the algorithm to make a decision). We indicate
with a ‘not indexed’ indication (n.i.) all those confer-
ences that were considered in the HCI user study but
were not found in the GII-GRIN conference rating.
3.4 Comparing the GII-GRIN and the
Collective Knowledge Approaches
By comparing the classification derived from the ex-
perts’ collective judgment and the classification pro-
duced by the bibliometric algorithm of the GII-GRIN
conference rating introduced in Section 2, we can
make some points, especially as triggers for discus-
sion within the community of computer science schol-
ars, not necessarily limiting to the Italian case:
Selecting all the conferences that can represent
completely the interests of a wide research com-
munity can be a discouraging effort. In prepar-
ing the list of HCI conferences from which the
survey participants could choose theirs, we be-
lieved to have selected any possible option. Yet,
we were wrong: one third of the evaluated con-
ferences were added by the respondents. Simi-
larly, a massive algorithmic effort indexing more
than 3,000 conferences, like the GII-GRIN con-
ference rating, failed to cover the HCI area en-
tirely: 5 out of the 44 conferences evaluated by
our panel (11%) were not indexed (denoted as n.i.
in Table 2).
Expert-based methods can complement biblio-
metric classification. This is justified by the fact
that one third of the conference set evaluated in
our user study (15 conferences) were not classi-
fied in the GII-GRIN conference rating due to lack
of data (see the W classes in Table 2 )
The expert classification and the GII-GRIN con-
ference rating, when they both classify a confer-
ence, differ in a significant manner. This is prob-
ably a striking finding of the present study. Both
classifications overlapped with respect to 24 con-
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 2: The list of conferences with: votes for the class A; the GII-GRI rating; the difference between these two classifications
(more circles, greater difference; ’=’ is coincidence).
Conference Experts GII-GRIN diff. Conference Experts GII-GRIN diff.
CHI A 1 = DIS A 2
RecSys A 3 •• InfoVIS A 1 =
UIST A 1 = PDC A 3 ••
CSCW A 1 = IUI A 2
WWW A 1 = VAST A W -
ECSCW A 2 TEI A 3 ••
UMAP A 3 •• UbiComp A 1 =
AVI A 3 •• ASSETS A 3 ••
ferences: in more than the 60% of the cases their
rating differed from each other: in 9 cases (out
of 24) the experts confirmed the bibliometric rat-
ing; in 15 cases they (tacitly) contested it, giving
always a higher rating.
3.5 The Psychometric Results
As said above, we also asked the respondents to eval-
uate their conferences along two clearly related di-
mensions: the paper quality and the selectivity (as
these could be subjectively perceived by our respon-
dents). The internal reliability of these two constructs
(calculated for the conferences with more than 20
evaluations) was found to be generally acceptable,
even good for some conferences (Cronbach’s Alpha
M=0.68, SD=0.16, max 0.88). Correlation between
these two items for the most popular conferences
was found to be moderate to strong (Spearman Rho
M=0.56, SD=0.15).
The use of ordinal scales allows for two kinds
of analysis: the detection of any response polariza-
tion and indirect conference ranking. In regard to
the former analysis, we performed a binomial test on
the (null) hypothesis that positive and negative per-
ceptions of paper quality were equally likely to oc-
cur. This test allows to detect any polarization in
the response distribution stronger than those due to
chance alone, and to see if the respondent sample ex-
presses an either positive or negative attitude towards
the items (i.e., in this case conference quality and se-
lectivity). As a result, we found that the paper quality
was deemed to be positive for all of the conferences
(in 18 cases also with statistical significance), with
only one exception that nevertheless was not statisti-
cally significant (ItAIS, 6 negative votes vs. 2 posi-
tive votes, p=0.29). In regard to the selectivity dimen-
sion instead, only in 2 cases the community expressed
a low selectivity, and in no case with a clear statis-
tical significance. The latter kind of analysis, con-
ference ranking, requires a more complex procedure.
One possibility would be to compose both the dimen-
sions into a compound index (for example through
the “Categorical Principal Components Analysis” or
CATPCA technique); in so doing, a joint quantitative
ranking would be created on the basis of the index
average among the various respondents. This pos-
sibility notwithstanding, we proceeded in a different
way in order to minimize the “self-boosting effect”
mentioned above: to this aim, we applied an original
method that we had already validated in other stud-
ies (Randelli et al., 2012) that creates what we call
an indirect conference raking. This is a ranking of
items (in this case conferences) that is produced on
the basis of the ordinal ratings of the single experts in-
volved. However, it does not accomplish this task by
simply extracting a central tendency parameter of the
distribution of the ratings (like in most cases means
or medians). Rather, we derive the global ranking in-
directly by aggregating the single rankings implicitly
expressed by the individual raters in terms of relative
votes. This would address any manifest and mali-
cious abuse of the rating procedure as it creates partial
rankings for each rater with the standard competition
strategy (also called 1224 to hint at how joint winners
are dealt with). In the worst case, where a respon-
dent gives “her” conferences the highest ordinal cate-
gory (namely 6), she is just telling our algorithm that
those conferences are all evenly matched for her and
her preferred conferences, without inflating the qual-
ity value of those conferences. In so doing, we created
a “conference paper quality level” association, that
we report in Table 3. The same procedure can also
be applied to the selectivity construct, which we saw
above being moderately correlated to the paper qual-
ity one, and for this reason we do not report for the
sake of brevity. The ordinal values collected for both
these constructs (or any other that other researchers
would find pertinent in characterizing the conference
quality macro-construct) can be aggregated in a joint
score and then this latter one be used by our ranking
method. Or conversely, two independent rankings can
be produced, and then aggregated in their turn into a
single one ranking by adopting simple scoring con-
Exploiting the Collective Knowledge of Communities of Experts - The Case of Conference Ranking
Table 3: The ranking of conferences according to paper quality.
high quality probable high quality probable lower quality lower quality
CHI, RecSys, UIST,
InfoVIS, EuroVis,
EICS, UbiComp,
IDC, AmI, CHITaly,
In this paper, we have made the point that communi-
ties of expert practitioners can be involved in initia-
tives of knowledge externalization. This latter con-
cept is conceived as the collection and statistical anal-
ysis of the practice-related preferences, opinions, per-
ceptions and attitudes of each potential single prac-
titioner. This concept was argued in two distinct
scientific domains, where the attitude towards this
kind of approach is highly different. In one domain,
the medical one, of which we reported in the previ-
ous studies referenced in Section1, the opinions of
experts is valued as essential in the construction of
any consensus-based and community-representative
guideline or quality criteria. In the other domain, the
academic one in the computer-related fields, there is a
much stronger caution that collective knowledge can
be properly extracted and above all, that this would
really reflect actual behavioral patterns and practice-
informed convictions, rather than either partisan or
personal interests.
To investigate the feasibility of the approach that
other domains appraise for the continuous develop-
ment and reflection on situated professional practice,
we deliberately chose a topic that has raised the most
lively debates within our scholarly communities in
recent times: how to assess the quality of scien-
tific conferences, and whether this could be assessed
on merely quantitative, bibliometric (h-index-based)
While the education and research associations
that had promoted the study have not yet deliberated
whether to scale the initiative to the whole community
of their members, or to consider it just an interesting
experience in the hard times of research assessment
efforts, we can draw some points from the fast trajec-
tory of the project.
According to the experts’ perceptions very few
conferences could be considered of low quality, per-
haps not surprisingly. Moreover, the few cases of col-
lective negative rating could not be associated with
sufficient statistical significance (due to the relative
low numbers of evaluations). This means that differ-
ent samples of respondents could either tip the bal-
ance in favor of those conferences, or conversely con-
firm the low rating with a stronger confidence.
These cases notwithstanding, this study succeeded
in collecting the opinions and perceptions of more
than a hundred of experts in relatively short time and
with very limited resources. A number that, to any
practical aim, should not be underestimated. In so do-
ing, we collected a sufficiently high and sufficiently
heterogeneous number of evaluations, so that it was
possible to identify three quality macro-levels, and
put in those classes approximately 50 conferences:
high quality with statistical significance;
lower quality with statistical significance (NB
lower, but not necessarily low, as said above);
uncertain conditions mainly due to sample bias.
The case of conference quality (but a similar argu-
ment could be made for journal quality and so forth)
is paradigmatic, especially in light of the well known
disagreement regarding quality assessment on the ba-
sis of bibliometric indicators only.
The tool used in this study, i.e., a short multi-page
online questionnaire with tokenized access, and the
method to extract sound findings from the collected
response set, have been designed so that they can eas-
ily “scale up”, either in regard to the number of re-
search “objects” to evaluate (conferences, journals,
and the like) and in the number of potential respon-
The results show that multiple expert scholars can
be involved to either classify conferences according
to their perceived quality and reputation within their
scientific community, or to build a ranking that is al-
ternative to those produced on a bibliometric basis. To
this latter aim, the impact of personal interests should
be further investigated, although this study tried to ob-
jectify and also minimize it by adopting an original
method of indirect ranking.
As the number of relevant conferences, or which
are just pertinent to a research area, is very high (more
than 200 in a specific area like HCI, and more than
3,000 in the main computer science sub-fields), ap-
proaches tapping in the experts’ perceptions could
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
suffer from evaluative dispersion, that is relatively
few conferences could get enough ratings to allow for
sound classification and fair, unbiased ranking tasks.
That notwithstanding, also the GII-GRIN conference
rating was capable to classify less than one conference
out of five whose data are retrievable online.
This suggests that bibliometric and expert-driven
methods can at least complement and enrich each
other in regard to two aspects. On the one hand, ex-
perts could be involved at first in addressing the high
number of unclassified conferences (denoted with W
by the GII-GRIN conference rating). This W may be
due to either intrinsic limits of the classification algo-
rithm, lack of available data or a combination of these
factors. On the other hand, experts could also be in-
vited to explicitly express their degree of agreement
with each item from a systematic list of conference
ratings (produced on the basis of the h-index or sim-
ilar indicators) according to their experience and per-
ception. Only if this agreement were low, they could
be asked to provide their alternative indications. In
so doing, even long lists of conferences could be re-
viewed in a relatively short time, and the quantitative
rating could be complemented with local proposals of
correction, whenever a certain number of respondents
express their discord.
This paper therefore can be seen as a contribu-
tion to the specific aim of engaging experts in im-
proving the assessment of the quality of research-
related entities (like conferences, and journals). To
this perhaps limited aim, yet, this study also extends
known best practices, which are already adopted in
the peer-review of scientific papers, and improves
them with statistical techniques specifically applied or
conceived to leverage the collective opinion (that is,
knowledge) of a large set of domain experts. To this
more general respect then, this work can also be seen
as a practical contribution to research agenda that are
aimed at tapping in the collective knowledge, intel-
ligence and wisdom of large communities of experts
for their progressive, continuous and reflective devel-
opment, especially in regard to matters that are central
to their development and evolution.
The authors wish to acknowledge the collaboration of
Carmelo Ardito and Massimo Zancanaro who con-
tributed for the HCI conference list, and Francesca
Costabile, Carlo Batini and Paola Bonizzoni who
greatly supported the initiative within the GII and
GRIN associations.
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Exploiting the Collective Knowledge of Communities of Experts - The Case of Conference Ranking