Predictors of Timed “Up-and-Go” Test in Elderly with
Knee Osteoarthritis
Priscila Marconcin, Margarida Espanha, Flávia Yázigi and Júlia Teles
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, CIPER, LBMF, 1499-002, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Knee Osteoarthritis, Physical Assessment, Timed “Up-and-Go” Test, Elderly.
Abstract: Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) and aging are conditions that can compromise physical function and quality of
life of human being. Thus, performance-based tests and specific self-reported measures related with KOA
and general health-related quality of life (QoL) should be used in clinical intervention with elderlies. The
study aim was to investigate which factors best predict the performance of the Timed “up-and-go” test in the
elderly people with KOA. Eligibility criteria were age 60 years and uni or bilateral KOA. Subject
performed physical tests [Timed “up-and-go” (TUG), Six Minutes Waking Test (6MWT), Five Repetition
Sit-to-Stand Test (FRSTST)], Handgrip, 6 meters gait speed, Standing Balance], and filled self-reported
questionnaires [Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), health-related quality of life (EQ-
5D-5F) and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)]. Pearson and Spearman coefficients were
used for correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis to identify the significant predictors of
Timed “up-and-go”. Results: Final sample included 67 patients, 69±6 years of age. Timed “up-and-go” can
be explained by two models. The best model (explained 80.7% of variance) included FRSTST, 6MWT, Gait
Speed, KOOS ADL and EQ-5D-5F Self-Care variables. Conclusion: Functional strength, mobility, gait
speed, and perceived limitation in activities of daily living influenced the TUG performance.
Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a joint disease that
most often affects middle-age to elderly individuals,
leading the cause of lower extremity disability and
loss of functionality in this population (Johnson and
Hunter, 2014).
The burden of KOA can be measured in terms of
its signs and symptoms. Pain is the main symptom
that incapacitates the individual to perform daily
activities (Tanimura et al., 2011), which directly
affects physical function. Several studies have
shown the relationship between symptomatic KOA
with physical disabilities (Davis et al., 1991;
Machado et al., 2008; Wood et al., 2008).
Furthermore, a 3-years cohort study with hip and
KOA patients (van Dijk et al., 2010) refereed pain,
reduced range of motion (ROM) and decreased
muscle strength as good predictors of self-reported
limitation in daily activities.
Controversially, a study with 2545 subjects with
radiographic KOA shows no effects of physical
activity (Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly) on
knee pain (WOMAC) and a very small effect or no
effect on functional performance (20-meters walk
test) (Mansournia et al., 2012).
Results among studies may differ due to the use
of different physical function outcome measures in
people with KOA, which can be measured by self-
report methods or performance-based tests, and a
combination of both is recommended to provide
additional information (Stratford and Kennedy,
Therefore, the Osteoarthritis Research
International Society (OARSI), through an expert
advisory group, recommended a set of five physical
performance measures for hip and KOA: 30-s chair-
stand test, 40 m fast paced walk test, a stair-climb
test, 6MWT and Timed “up-and-go”, which was the
most feasible of the performance-based tests
(Dobson et al., 2013).
Elderly people with KOA have muscle
weakness, which is attributed both to skeletal muscle
wastage and sarcopenia (Wilhelm et al., 2014), and
also to neural inhibition caused by pain which
prevents the complete muscle activation,
compromising physical function. An European study
about sarcopenia suggested a set of measurements
Marconcin, P., Espanha, M., Yázigi, F. and Teles, J..
Predictors of Timed “Up-and-Go” Test in Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pages 97-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-159-5
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which can be used as an indicative of sarcopenia: the
Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), that
evaluates balance (side-by-side stand, tandem and
semi-tandem position), gait speed (8 ft walk), lower
strength (time to rise from a chair and return to the
seated position five times) (Cruz-Jentoft et al.,
2010). This battery is highly predictive of
subsequent mobility-related disability,
institutionalization, and mortality (Guralnik et al.,
1994). Moreover, sarcopenia is strongly correlated
to risk of fall, and Timed “up-and-go” test seems to
be a sensitive and a specific measure for identifying
community-dwelling adults who are at risk of falls
(Shumway-Cook et al., 2000), and a good predictor
of sarcopenia in hospitalized patients (Martinez et
al., 2015).
The physical mobility is an essential component
of the geriatric assessment of the frail elderly
individual (Podsiadlo and Richardson, 1991), where
the Timed “up-and-go” test is widely used for daily
mobility skills assessment in this population
(Podsiadlo and Richardson, 1991).
Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate
which factors best predict the performance of elderly
individuals with symptomatic KOA in the Timed
“up-and-go” test.
2.1 Sample
The recruitment and sample selection were done in
the Lisbon area and, to avoid convenience sampling,
different strategies for announcement by
communication channels were use: social networks,
newspapers, magazines, contacts with senior
universities, health centers, churches and community
Community-dwelling elderly with persistent
knee pain, age over than or equal to 60 years, with
KOA diagnosed according clinical and radiological
criteria of the American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) (Altman et al., 1986), independently mobile
and literate were selected to participate in the study.
The exclusion criteria were: (1) having undergone
surgery for knee replacement; or go to perform
surgery to place knee(s) prosthesis in the next eight
months; (2) have made applications (injections) of
corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid in the last 6
months. The eligible subjects, according to the
aforesaid eligibility criteria, were invited to an
interview for explanation of the study and gave their
written informed consent.
2.2 Measures and Instruments
The measures and instruments used were: (1) socio
demographic questionnaire (sex, age, educational
level, body index mass (BMI) and marital status);
(2) performance-based tests (physical mobility,
aerobic capacity, lower limb strength, hand grip
strength, gait speed and balance); (3) specific self-
reported measures related with KOA (pain, other
symptoms, daily living activities, sports and
recreations activities and quality of life), general
health-related quality of life (QoL) (mobility, self-
care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and
anxiety/depression) and (4) level of physical
Physical mobility was assessed by Timed “up-
and-go”, a test that incorporates multiple activities
including sit-to-stand, walking short distance,
changing direction during walking, and transitions
between them, allowing evaluation of strength,
agility and dynamic balance (Podsiadlo and
Richardson, 1991).
Aerobic capacity and mobility was measured by
the Six Minutes’ Walk Test (6MWT), that was a
valid measure for older adults (Rikli, 1998), and it
has been used in studies with KOA (Escalante et al.,
2011; Schlenk et al., 2011).
Lower limb strength was measured by the Five
Repetitions Sit to Stand Test (FRSTST) that is a
widely used measure of functional strength. ICC
values demonstrated from good to high test-retest
reliability for adults and subjects with osteoarthritis
(Bohannon, 1995; 2011; Schlenk et al., 2011).
For hand grip strength a dynamometer was used
to evaluate maximal isometric force of the hand and
forearm muscles. This test has been used in elderly
as an indicator of sarcopenia and/or disability (Alley
et al., 2014; Giampaoli et al., 1999).
Gait speed was assessed with a 6 meters test,
measuring the ability of linear walking since
acceleration and deceleration were excluded (Cesari
et al., 2009). This variable is also a primary outcome
of algorithm for sarcopenia in older individuals
(Cruz-Jentoft et al., 2010).
Balance was assessed by Standing Balance Test
(Rose, 2003), and both most painful and least
painful leg were assessed. For analysis, only the
most painful one was used.
Pain and other symptoms, function in daily living
(ADL), sports and recreations activities and quality
of life, related with the pathology, were evaluated by
the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
(KOOS). This questionnaire includes five
dimensions, a score in each of the five dimensions is
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
calculated as the sum of the items included and then
converted to a 0-100 scale, with 0 representing
extreme knee problems and 100 representing no
knee problems. The KOOS is validated for patients
with knee injury or with knee OA and is a reliable
and responsive self-administered instrument for
short-term follow-up (Roos and Lohmander, 2003).
The Portuguese validation was done by Gonçalves et
al., (2009).
The EQ-5D-5L is a generic instrument for
measuring health-related quality of life in five
dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities,
pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. Each of
these dimensions has five levels of severity (no,
light, moderate and severe problems, and unable).
This instrument has similar psychometric techniques
as the EQ-5D (Pickard et al., 2007) and is validated
to the Portuguese population (Ferreira et al., 2013).
Level of physical activity was measured by short
form of the International Physical Activity
Questionnaire (IPAQ). Its reliability was verified in
many countries and with different populations
(Craig et al., 2003; Rutten and Abu-Omar, 2004).
2.3 Statistical Analysis
Prior to performing multiple linear regression
analysis to identify the significant predictors of
TUG, correlation analyses and independent samples
t-test were conducted to gain a better understanding
of how predictors are associated with TUG.
Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to
evaluate the correlation between continuous
variables, and Spearman correlation coefficient (r
was used in the case of ordinal variables. Some
rough guidelines were employed for designating the
strength of correlation: if | r | 0.7, the correlation is
considered strong; if 0.3 | r | < 0.7, is classified as
moderate; and if | r | < 0.3, the correlation is weak.
These guidelines were also used to classify
Spearman correlation coefficients (Sheskin, 2007).
Independent samples t-test was used to test if
there were significant differences in the mean values
of TUG between males and females. The candidate
predictors that were considered for the linear
regression model were the following: (i) age, sex,
BMI a risk or related factors; (ii) pain, others
symptoms; (iii) health related physical fitness
measures (aerobic capacity, lower limb strength,
hand grip strength); (iv) skill related fitness
measures (gait speed and balance); (v) general and
specific self-reported health-related QoL measures,
and (vi) physical activity. Multiple regression
analysis, using the backward elimination stepwise
method, was done to identify the significant
predictors of TUG. Residual analysis was conducted
to ensure no violation of the assumptions of
normality, homoscedasticity, linearity; Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) and Durbin-Watson statistics
was used to verify if multicollinearity is present and
if errors were independent, respectively. All
statistical analyses were performed with the software
SPSS v.22 and a significance level of 5% was
Study sample included 67 participants, 47 female
and 20 male, with mean (SD) age of 69.1 (5.8)
years, Body Mass Index (BMI) of 31.2 (5.2) Kg/m
with 38.8% having obesity grade 1 and 94.0%
having bilateral KOA. The participants were mostly
retired (91.0%) and married (59.7%).
Independent samples t-test revealed that there
were significant differences in the mean values of
TUG between males and females (males: M = 6.19,
SD = 1.29; females: M = 7.19, SD = 1.84;
t(65) = 2.193 , p = .032). Among the other socio-
demographic variables, Timed “up-and-go” was
positively correlated with age (r = .285, p = .020;
weak correlation), education level (r
= .331,
p = .006; moderate association), and BMI (r = .379,
p = .002; moderate correlation). Relatively to
performance-based tests, Timed “up-and-go” was
strongly negatively correlated with 6MWT test
(r = .709, p < .001) and gait speed (r = .734,
p < .001); FRSTST showed a moderate positive
correlation with Timed “up-and-go” (r = .635,
p < .001); Balance showed a moderate negative
correlation with Timed “up-and-go” (r
= .347,
p = .004). Concerning KOOS dimensions, all of
them showed moderate negative correlations with
Timed “up-and-go” (Pain: r = .504, p < .001;
Symptom: r = .451, p < .001; ADL: r = .663,
p < .001; Sport/Rec: r = .562, p < .001; QoL:
r = .521, p < .001). Among EQ-5D-5L dimensions,
Timed “up-and-go” had moderate positive
correlations with Mobility (r
= .481, p < .001), Self-
care (r
= .566, p < .001), Usual activities (r
= .651,
p < .001), and Pain/Discomfort (r
= .311, p = .010).
Timed “up-and-go” showed no significant
correlations with the level of physical activity
Multiple regression analysis, using the backward
elimination stepwise method, allowed identifying
two models to predict Timed “up-and-go”. The
Predictors of Timed “Up-and-Go” Test in Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis
variables FRSTST, 6MWT, Gait Speed, and KOOS
ADL were included in both models. The Model 1
contained also the variable EQ-5D-5F Self Care and
the Model 2, EQ-5D-5F Usual Activities instead of
EQ-5D-5F Self Care. The results indicated that in
Model 1 the five predictors explained 80.7% of the
variance of Timed “up-and-go” (R
= .807,
adj. R
= .787, F(6,60) = 41.719, p < .001) and
78.7% of the variance (R
= .787, adj. R
= .766,
F(6,60) = 37.057, p < .001) in case of Model 2. The
regression coefficients and standard error estimates
for both models are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Predictor´s variables of TIMED “UP-AND-GO”.
Predictors - Model 1 B (SE) t p
12.376 <.001
3.940 <.001
Gait Speed
EQ-5D-5F Self
EQ-5D-5F Self
Predictors - Model 2 B (SE) t p
11.241 <.001
4.003 <.001
Gait Speed
EQ-5D-5F Usual
EQ-5D-5F Usual Act
Abbreviations: 6MWT= six Minutes Walking Test; FRSTST=
Five Repetitions Sit to Stand Test; EQ-5D-5L= EuroQol 5-
dimensions 5- level; KOOS ADL=Knee injury and Osteoarthritis
Outcomes, Score Function in daily living (ADL)
The reference level for the predictors EQ-5D-5L Usual Act and
EQ-5D-5L Self Care was “At least moderate problems”, and (1)
represents “No problem” and (2) represents “Slight problems”.
Osteoarthritis is a highly disabling disease, and pain
and physical function are the core domains
recommended to be measured in people diagnosed
with KOA. Outcome measures, both self-reported
questionnaires and performance-based tests, should
be used for these assessments (Sabirli et al., 2013).
Performance measure and self-reported measure are
complementary, since they not measure the same
construct: self-report tests can show disability which
is the social side of the functional limitation
(Hoeymans et al., 1996), therefore, they cannot
substitute each other. Moreover, as this study
involved older adults that may underestimate or
overestimate their functional status, the use of these
two types of measures is advocate.
The Timed “up-and-go” test is one of the most
widely used tests of functional mobility, being
similar to many daily activities. In this study,
involving elderly individuals with KOA, we found
that Timed “up-and-go” was significantly associated
with pain and other OA symptoms, physical
function, and subjective general and specific health-
related quality of life factors. The strongest
predictors of this test were: FRSTST, 6MWT, Gait
Speed, KOOS ADL and EQ-5D-5F self-care and
usual activities dimensions.
It is understandable that FRSTST and gait speed
were predictors, as they are parts of the Timed “up-
and-go” test (Reid and Fielding, 2012). Although
6MWT is not incorporated in the Timed “up-and-
go” test, it reflects overall physical functional
performance and mobility, (Rikli, 1998), being
strongly associated with others functional tests like
Timed “up-and-go”.
Considering the self-reported measures, only the
EQ-5D-5F (self-care and usual activity dimension),
and KOOS ADL were included in the regression
models. Both questionnaires assess similar domains,
but in different ways, as EQ-5D-5F includes 5 levels
of severity, that only one should be reported, in each
of the dimensions, and in the KOOS ADL subscale a
final score is obtained from seventeen daily
activities performed in the previous week, assessing
therefore a wider range of activities.
It has previously been found in others studies
that health status (self-reported) is a predictor of
functional tests, namely the FRSTST (Lord et al.,
2002) and 6MWT (Lord and Menz, 2002).
In a related study, involving subjects with knee
and hip osteoarthritis, all dimensions/subscales of
KOOS and WOMAC had a moderate and inverse
relationship with Timed “up-and-go” (Juhakoski et
al., 2008; Sabirli et al., 2013), as occurred in this
study. However, it is important to highlight that all
KOOS’s subscales were correlated with each other,
therefore in the final multiple regression models
only ADL dimension was included.
In a study with 163 KOA patients, self-reported
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
measure of function (SF-36) was more influenced by
pain (WOMAC pain) than a performance-based
physical functioning test (Terwee et al., 2006), and
in a similar study, pain severity, obesity and
helplessness were the most important determinants
of physical function (Creamer et al., 2000).
Interestingly, in the present study Time “up-and-go”
performance was not influenced by self-reported
pain and other symptoms. One possible explanation
is because the test involves a quick activity [mean
(SD), 6.9s (0.2)] and therefore stimulus duration was
not sufficient to cause mechanical pain. It seems that
only when knee pain is severe, is significantly
associated with limited mobility (Lamb et al., 2000).
Pain and other OA symptoms probably has
influenced the Timed “up-and-go” that leads the
individual to exert less physical work and thereby
decreasing lower limb strength and power, indirectly
affecting Timed “up-and-go” performance.
It is challenging to select the best physical
function tests, especially in people with KOA that
might complain of mechanical pain if exposed to
overloading due to performance of several tests.
Thus, for this population, the Timed “up-and-go”
test may be most suitable than 6 meters test and
In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that
in older individuals with KOA, Timed “up-and-go”
performance is influenced by lower limb strength,
gait speed, mobility, and the perceived limitation in
performing activities of daily living.
Pain and other OA symptoms seem not to be as
relevant to the functionality, as strength and gait
speed, since they are associated with daily living
activities that seem to influence the functionality.
In a further study will be interesting to
investigate which physical fitness component the
Timed “up-and-go” test can predict.
The author wish to acknowledge the Ciência Sem
Fronteiras / CAPES – Brazil.
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Predictors of Timed “Up-and-Go” Test in Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis