Comparing Summarisation Techniques for Informal Online Reviews
Mhairi McNeill
1, 2
, Robert Raeside
, Martin Graham
and Isaac Roseboom
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
deltaDNA, 25 Greenside Place, Edinburgh Scotland, U.K.
Keywords: Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Natural Language Processing, Opinion Extraction, Review Summarisation,
Sentiment Analysis, Text Mining.
Abstract: In this paper we evaluate three methods for summarising game reviews written in a casual style. This was
done in order to create a review summarisation system to be used by clients of deltaDNA. We look at one
well-known method based on natural language processing, and describe two statistical methods that could be
used for summarisation: one based on TF-IDF scores another using supervised latent Dirichlet allocation. We
find, due to the informality of these online reviews, that natural language based techniques work less well
than they do on other types of reviews, and we recommend using techniques based on the statistical properties
of the words’ frequencies. In particular, we decided to use a TF-IDF score based system in the final system.
In this paper three approaches for building an online
games review summariser are described and
compared. The systems were developed at deltaDNA,
a small company who provide a games consulting
platform specialising in providing services for
developers of mobile and PC games. The company
wished to provide a tool which allows analysis of
external text reviews, found on game stores such as
the iTunes store, Google Play and the Steam Store.
For a given game, these reviews are numerous,
typically short and have a numeric rating provided
with them. Because of the volume of the reviews the
area of text mining is explored to utilise ideas of
classification as advanced by Foreman (2003), Pang
and Lee (20020 and He et al (2012) and of
summarisation, (see Hu and Liu, 2004).
We wanted to create a system where our clients
can quickly get an overview of how well, or how
poorly, their game and aspects of it are being
reviewed. This system is somewhat different from
many of the review summarisation systems described
in the literature (Labbé and Poreit 2012, Zhuang et.
al. 2006, Mahajan et. al. 2007). The reviews found on
online game store are very informal. These reviews
are characterised by non-traditional spelling, non-
standard grammar, use of emoticons and relatively
short reviews. Another way the system is different is
because we are providing a summary for the sellers of
the product, rather than the buyers of the product.
A state-of-the art system was not a priority for the
company. The company wanted a system which is
implementable and maintainable with current,
mainstream NLP tools. We want to find a
summarisation that balances being complete with
being concise. In this paper, we also evaluate whether
the system works on this data as we expected.
There is a need for the system to work in a
reasonable amount of time. We wanted a review
summarisation system which will batch summarise
new and existing reviews once a day and we need it
to do this for hundreds of thousands of games. We do
not need ‘real-time’ summarisation i.e. preparing a
summarisation when a user asks for it; this would
require a summarisation that works within
milliseconds. However, we do want to limit the
processing time and power required, to ensure
Review summarisation has become a popular
topic within text mining. He et al (2012) applied text
mining to cluster and classify and Bing and Lui’s
paper used summarizing digital camera reviews as an
example. Review summarization also been applied to
tourism (Labbé and Poreit 2012), movie reviews
(Zhuang et al. 2006), and restaurant reviews
McNeill, M., Raeside, R., Graham, M. and Roseboom, I..
Comparing Summarisation Techniques for Informal Online Reviews.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 322-329
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Mahajan et al. 2007). He et al (2013) show that using
text mining to analyse customer generated content in
the form of reviews given in social media can give
companies a competitive advantage. Mostafa (2013)
demonstrated that text analysis of tweets is useful to
marketers in undertaking brand analysis.
Chevalier and Mayzlin (2006) showed that online
consumer reviews were an important predictor of
sales for books. Furthermore, they showed that the
actual text of the reviews, not just the average rating
given by users, was considered by purchasers.
Chatterjee (2001) reported that online reviews are
particularly important in situations when users did not
know the brand or did not know the online retailer
they were buying from.
Most work in review summarisation is based on the
work of Hu and Lui, as described in their 2004 paper
‘Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews’. Hu
and Lui took a natural language processing based
technique to extract noun phrases and associated
adjectives. This technique did not take account of the
numeric rating which is often provided alongside the
text of the review. We will implement a simple
version of this technique in this paper, and compare it
to other techniques. Important for this paper is the
extension of this work by Titov and Macdonald
(2008) who presented a joint model to combine text
and aspect ratings for sentiment analysis. They found
this method to be an accurate and efficient method of
Another technique we use is based on TF-IDF scores,
supplemented with numeric ratings. TF-IDF scores
are a very popular technique in information extraction
and are used as part of several review summary
techniques (for example Chen and Chue 2005).
The final technique we try is based topic modelling
using on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). This
statistical model does not seem to be commonly
applied to the field of review summarisation. One
notable exception to this is Liu and Wang’s 2012
paper which used it as a feature extraction method. In
this paper we will used supervised LDA (Blei,
McAuliffe 2008), which allows us to consider also the
numeric ratings in the topics extracted. Supervised
LDA does not seem to have been applied to review
summarisation so far.
As well as considering techniques that have not
been commonly applied to text summarisation we are
applying these methods to a relatively unstudied type
of review. We have currently seen no papers applying
review summarisation techniques to game reviews.
The reviews were collected from the iTunes store,
using the iTunes reviews API on 06/07/2015. For this
paper we will be looking at reviews for the popular
game ‘Candy Crush’. The API returned 1,450 reviews
from four iTunes stores: the British store, the
American store, the Australian store and the New
Zealand store. At the time the reviews were collected
the game has 1,874 reviews in the British store alone,
making it a good candidate for review summarisation.
Each review was returned with a title, the text of the
review and the rating out of five that the reviewer
gave. For the purpose of this analysis we treated the
review as being made up of the review text and the
title joined together.
2.1 Natural Language Processing
The first method investigated is based on the work of
Hu and Lui 2004. This approach used natural
language processing to find ‘features’ of the product
being reviewed and then finds opinions of those
features. We have made two major simplifications to
Hu and Lui’s method. Firstly, we have not carried out
any pruning of noun phrases. Secondly, we have
missed out steps for finding rare features. For the
purposes of this paper we are only looking at a small
number of top features, making those two steps less
We used the Python programming language for
implementing this technique. The NLTK library (Bird
et. al. 2009) was used to implement the natural
language processing techniques. The method used for
this paper is as follows:
1. Split the reviews into sentences. For this we
used NLTK’s sentence tokenizer.
2. Tag the parts of speech in the reviews. To do this
we used NLTK’s word tokenizer and part of
speech tagger. We attempted to use the Stanford
2.0 tagger, as it is currently considered one of
the state-of-the-art taggers (ACL Wiki
Contributors, 2015). However, we found this
tagger far too slow for our application. Tagging
this dataset took over two hours with the
Stanford tagger.
Comparing Summarisation Techniques for Informal Online Reviews
3. Find the most commonly used noun phrases.
Noun phrases were detected using regular
expression parser as described in Kim et al.
(2010). For each noun phrase, we counted the
number of sentences the phrase appeared in.
Even if the phrase appeared twice in one
sentence, this would only count as one use of the
noun phrase.
4. Find the adjectives associated with those noun
phrases. For each noun phrase we;
1. took all sentences that contained that noun
2. found the adjectives that were also in that
3. counted how often each adjective was used
with each noun phrase;
4. found the sentiment of those adjectives;
Each adjective included in the summary had a
sentiment attached to it. This was done by simply
comparing the words to a list of words of known
The final summary consists of a table of: noun
phrases, how frequently that noun phrase occurred,
adjectives associated with the noun phrase, frequency
of that adjective and the sentiment of that adjective.
2.2 TF-IDF Scores and Average Rating
The second and third methods were implemented in
R (R Core, 2015), using the ‘tm’ library (Feinerer,
Hornik 2015). Several cleaning steps are common to
both: all text was converted to lowercase, punctuation
was removed. Words were stemmed using the
Snowball stemmer. Stopwords on the SMART
stopword list were removed (Buckley 1985). Also,
sparse words were removed. These were words that
did not occur very frequently - in particular did not
occur across many documents. Many of these words
were misspellings and were not useful for
The second method used is similar to the natural
language processing method described above in that
in that the search is for summary words and trying to
find the sentiment of those words. However, this
method is focusing on phrases and is not
differentiating between nouns and verbs. Rather, a
metric called term frequency - inverse document
frequency (TF-IDF) is used to extract the most
important terms. The sentiment is ascertained, not by
comparing with words of known sentiment, but by
using the ratings that reviewers leave along with their
Term frequency - inverse document frequency is
the ratio of two terms: the term frequency and the
inverse of the document frequency. A word will have
a high TF-IDF score for a document if it appears
frequently in the document while simultaneously not
appearing very often in the documents as a whole. We
can think of the words with high TF-IDF scores in a
document being the most important words in that
document, or somehow describing the document.
The term frequency (TF) of term in a document is
simply how often that term is used divided by the
number of terms in the document.
The document frequency (DF) is the fraction of
documents that contain the term. The inverse
document frequency (IDF) is the reciprocal of this:
We can combine these two measures to find TF-
IDF (term frequency - inverse document frequency).
To do this we multiply the term frequency with the
log of the inverse document frequency:
 
To summarise a game’s reviews we took all
reviews of that game to be one document. We then
compared that set of reviews with other sets of
reviews for different games. This way we found a set
of words that most uniquely described the game we
were trying to summarise.
We wanted to find the sentiment associated with
each word. To do this we found the ‘average rating’
of that word. For each word we have a count of how
often that word appears in our n reviews. For a given
word we can write this as a vector(
). We
also have the rating that each reviewer gave along
with their review, which we will write
). The word sentiment is the scalar
product of these two vectors divided by how often the
word appears i.e.
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
This technique will return a list of words, their
TF-IDF scores and a sentiment score for each of those
2.3 Supervised LDA
The third review summarisation method used differs
substantially from the first two. However, like the
previous method, it does not use any natural language
processing, rather a statistical process to find
summary information.
It is proposed to use a variant of latent Dirichlet
allocation (LDA), (see Blei et al 2003 and 2012) as a
review summarisation technique. LDA is an example
of a topic model, a statistical model for documents.
The latent Dirichlet allocation model assumes
documents are made up of up of a series of topics,
which are in turn made up of a series of words. Each
topic has words that are likely to be used in that topic.
These words are the only information we have about
the topic. The topics are said to be latent properties of
the document (they are properties of the document we
have no information about but are using in the
model). It is assumed that topics are allocated to
documents though a Dirichlet process. The latent
topics, and use of the Dirichlet distribution, together
give latent Dirichlet allocation its name. The hope
with using topic modelling as a summarisation
technique is that the topics should be aspects of the
game that features repeatedly in the reviews.
In this situation, where we have the ratings as well
as the reviews, we decided to use a variation of LDA
called supervised latent Dirichlet allocation (sLDA).
We will be using the average rating as a supervising
variable, which will help us allocate topics to
documents. This way we will be trying to find a
meaningful structure in the documents which best
explains the different ratings. Furthermore, each topic
will be associated with an estimated rating - so we can
see which topics are associated with positive reviews
and which topics are associated with negative
reviews. sLDA was developed for creating features
for the predictive modelling of documents. The nature
of topics which best predict an external variable has
interesting interpretations and so we can use sLDA
for review summarisation.
In both LDA and sLDA, we assume a generative
process for the data and find parameters that best fit
that process given the data. The generative process for
LDA is:
1. Draw from a Dirichlet distribution to select
θ, the topics of our document. The number
of topics, K, is known:
2. For each word
a. Chose a topic,
that word will come
b. Chose a word from the multinomial
probability distribution of our topic:
In this way a document is made out of words, each of
which have a topic associated with them.
sLDA is the same but with a third step. In this
third step we draw the response variable from a
normal distribution. The distribution from which the
response variable is drawn depends on the average
topic of the document:
3. For the document draw a response variable y:
 (
is defined as:
Both LDA and sLDA estimate the parameters
using approximate maximum-likelihood
estimation using variation expectation-maximization.
For more information of this procedure see see
McAuliffe and Blei (2007) and Blei, et al. (2012).
Applications of LDA are presented by Ramage
(2009). To implement sLDA the ‘lda’ package in R
(Chang 2012) was used.
The results of each summarisation technique are
presented in tables. Only a sample of the table for
each result will be presented, since the full tables are,
in general, very large for presentation. The sample
table gives an indication of the type of result obtained.
While these results do not provide evidence for one
method performing better than another they do give a
guide to how the results looked and how evaluations
were made.
Comparing Summarisation Techniques for Informal Online Reviews
3.1 Natural Language Processing
Note that this table is truncated. It shows a summary
of some of the results achievable with the natural
language processing technique used. The most
common nouns and the adjectives most commonly
associated with them are shown in the table. We also
have an estimate of the sentiment associated with
those adjectives.
Table 1: Results for natural language processing.
game 479 addictive 51 Neutral
game 479 best 39 Positive
game 479 great 37 Positive
game 479 good 37 Positive
game 479 new 20 Neutral
love 216 addictive 17 Neutral
… …
3.2 TF-IDF Scores and Average Rating
Note that this table is truncated. We are shown a list
of common words, along with their TF-IDF scores.
Each word also has the average rating out of five that
is associated with it.
Table 2: Results for TF-IDF scores and average rating
Word TF-IDF score Ratings
fun 0.4495 4.5375
good 0.3217 4.4946
love 0.1716 4.5534
crush 0.1453 4.2688
great 0.1395 4.4974
time 0.1280 3.4619
update 0.1254 2.2222
levels 0.1196 3.7573
game 0.1166 3.9876
level 0.1053 2.9037
play 0.1036 3.3412
like 0.1034 3.9101
... …
3.3 Supervised LDA
For supervised LDA we can present the whole table
for 10 topics.
Table 3: Supervised LDA results.
Top 5 words
1.0036 love crush saga though enough
0.9696 fun great super wish wai
0.9557 great game good cool win
0.9246 game like love play gol
0.9026 time good pass way still
0.8453 game never got wheel bes
0.8286 game just will much ge
0.5688 app can get level nex
0.3494 screen reward claim need suga
0.3256 fix level back scroll star
The score estimates the sentiment associated with
each topic. Scores closer to one indicate a more
positive topic. We have made no effort to describe
each topic, as it would be difficult to do this as part of
an automated system.
An objective method of evaluating these three
techniques is not immediately apparent. Several
people subjectively examined each summarisation to
evaluate how well they met our needs for a
summarisation system. It would have been possible to
use many reviewers and calculate the precision and
recall of each technique in a more objective way such
as that documented in Lizhen et al. (2012) or Anwer
et. al. (2010). However, this was considered too
expensive and time consuming to be commercially
viable. Furthermore, it was felt that this evaluation
would be unable to adequately weigh-up the complex
requirements we discussed in the introduction.
Each technique will be discussed in detail, with
advantages and disadvantages of each. We used the
following three questions as guide for our evaluation.
1. Does the method work as expected on this
2. Is the summarisation concise?
3. Is the summarisation complete, descriptive
and accurate reflection of the content of the
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
We have read a random sample of the reviews used
as data for these summarisations in order to best
evaluate the final criteria. The most frequent
comments that we hoped the summarisation would
pick up on were:
Positive reviews were in general quite similar.
Mostly the reviewers were commenting that
the game was fun, addictive and a good time
Negative reviews fell into two categories.
There were many reviewers complaining
about bugs, mainly the game freezing. The
second set of negative reviews were unhappy
about having to ask friends for lives or pay for
items in the game.
There were very few neutral reviews.
After this discussion of each technique’s pros and
cons, there will then be a brief discussion of the speed
of each technique.
4.1 Natural Language Processing
4.1.1 Does the Method Work as Expected?
A major failing of natural language processing on
these reviews is that type of speech tagging we used
does not work well for this type of review. The lack
of grammar and poor spelling makes the part of
speech tagger mislabel both the nouns and the
adjectives. Other part of speech tagging algorithms
may be more effective, however, we also needed a
reasonable speed in the part of speech tagging and we
believe that any part of speech tagger which was not
trained on an informal corpus would suffer similar
There were two other sources of difficulty for Hu
and Liu’s method on this dataset. Firstly, it was
difficult to split the reviews into sentences because
full stops are used inconstantly. Secondly, while the
algorithm was meant to pull out noun phrases, it
almost exclusively pulled out single words.
4.1.2 Is the Summarisation Concise?
A further problem with this technique is that it returns
a large table (five columns and many rows), which is
difficult to evaluate. The size of the table depends on
how many nouns and adjectives the user wishes to
view. Many of the adjectives are repeated multiple
times in the table making many of the elements of the
table redundant.
4.1.3 Is the Summarisation Complete?
It was found that the natural language technique
works surprisingly well, given the inaccuracy of the
part of speech tagger. There was a clear indication
that most users found the game fun, and addictive.
The 12
most common noun phrase extracted was
‘please fix’ with the associated adjectives: ‘latest’,
‘bean’, ‘serial’, ‘impossible’, ‘next’. This does give
some indication of the problems with bugs. However,
this is quite deep into the summarisation and is far
from clear what the problems actually are.
4.2 TF-IDF Scores and Average Rating
4.2.1 Does the Method Work as Expected?
In general this method works approximately as would
be hoped. Words very common in the reviews do
score highly for TF-IDF. However, many of these
words are quite generic and would be shared across
many games. Perhaps a larger corpus of comparison
reviews would alleviate this problem somewhat.
In general, words that seem positive get positive
average ratings; and more negative words get
negative average ratings.
4.2.2 Is the Summarisation Concise?
The table retuned as two metrics for each word, which
is reasonably concise. Many of the top words are
quite similar so a relatively large number of words are
needed to extract more unusual features of the
4.2.3 Is the Summarisation Complete?
Considering the top positively rated words and the top
negatively rated words, one could get a reasonably
good picture of the content of the reviews. However,
it is difficult to understand the negative comments in
detail because the summaries simply consist of single
words without context.
4.3 Supervised LDA
4.3.1 Does the Method Work as Expected?
This method works on this data to some extent. Many
of the middle topics seem to be associated with quite
similar words, and the meaning of the topic cannot be
ascertained. A different number of topics might have
been a better summarisation. However, it is difficult
to know the number of topics which best summarises
a set of documents a priori.
Comparing Summarisation Techniques for Informal Online Reviews
It does seem that topics associated with a low
estimated ratings are negative in nature; and vice
versa for topics with a high estimated rating.
4.3.2 Is the Summarisation Concise?
This is the most concise of all the summarisation
techniques and was the only technique for which we
put the full table of results into the paper. Only one
set of numbers is associated with the summary.
4.3.3 Is the Summarisation Complete?
This technique gives a relatively good description of
the contents of the reviews. We can see many people
found the game fun. The fifth topic includes ‘time
good pass way ’which is perhaps summarising the
‘good way to pass the time’ comments. However,
clearly, the meaning is lost somewhat since we did
not consider the order of words.
Some of the topics with low estimated ratings
seem to be trying to describe the problems with bugs.
One can also see quite a gap between the top 8 topics
and the bottom 3, which is probably the result of most
reviews being positive, with a small number of
negative reviews; and very few balanced or neutral
It is important to note that, unlike the two other
techniques in this paper, supervised LDA relies on
simulation, and so gives different results on different
runs of the algorithm.
4.4 Time Comparison
Table 4 gives the time taken to run each
summarisation algorithm to get the results shown in
this paper. These times include all data cleaning
needed to get the final result (expect for TF-IDF,
when the comparison corpus is simply loaded in
clean). All times given are in seconds.
Table 4: Speed comparison results.
Technique Time (s)
atural lan
e 27.04
TF-IDF 2.70
Supervised LDA 5.72
These times should only be used a rough guide, since
we made no attempt at optimising the
implementations used. However, note that the natural
language technique takes significantly longer than the
other two.
4.5 Conclusions and Future Work
Natural language processing based techniques are the
most popular variety used for review processing
currently. However, for this dataset they perform
comparatively poorly against other, more statistical
techniques. Furthermore, the natural language
techniques as described do not take into account the
rating given with the review. This can be an important
and useful source of sentiment information.
Out of the other two techniques the most
impressive results were from using supervised LDA.
This technique is not currently being used as a
statistical summary technique as far as we are aware
and we encourage its use. But it does have three main
failings which need to be overcome: it is not obvious
how many topics to model, there is no accounting for
word order or context and the model is quite a ‘black
box’; it is difficult to understand what the model is
TF-IDF scores have the advantage of being
transparent and easy to understand. The summary
provided by them is not as concise or complete but
can be useful under the right circumstances.
For the final product we ended up using a TF-IDF
score based summarisation. A major advantage of this
technique is that we were able to explain its
implementation to our clients and stakeholders.
Furthermore, this technique was easy to implement
without depending on external libraries, which can
add complexity to maintenance.
None of the techniques were entirely adequate.
We speculate that a technique with a better
understanding of the patterns of speech used in casual
internet communication, combined with topic
modelling, could give very good results for this data.
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Comparing Summarisation Techniques for Informal Online Reviews