Concept Profiles for Filtering Parliamentary Documents
Francisco J. Ribadas
, Luis M. de Campos
, Juan M. Fern
and Juan F. Huete
Departamento de Inform
atica, E.S. Enxe
ıa Inform
atica, Edificio Polit
Universidade de Vigo, 32004 Ourense, Spain
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on e Inteligencia Artificial,
ETSI Inform
atica y de Telecomunicaci
Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
Information Filtering, Parliamentary Documents, Text Classification, User Profiles.
Content-based recommender/filtering systems help to appropriately distribute information among the individ-
uals or organizations that could consider it of interest. In this paper we describe a filtering system to deal with
the problem of assigning documents to members of the parliament potentially interested on them. The pro-
posed approach exploits subjects taken from a conceptual thesaurus to create the user profiles and to describe
the documents to be filtered. The assignment of subjects to documents is modeled as a multilabel classifica-
tion problem. Experiments with a real parliamentary corpus are reported, evaluating several methods to assign
conceptual subjects to documents and to match those sets of subjects with user profiles.
The application of Information and Communications
Technologies (ICT) has dramatically increased the ca-
pabilities of individuals, organizations and compa-
nies for appropriately storing, managing and retriev-
ing their information. Centering on the so-called e-
government (application of ICT in public administra-
tion), we are going to further focus in a parliamentary
context. Parliaments, like other organizations, gener-
ate and also receive lots of information, which must
be appropriately distributed among the people or in-
stitutions that could consider it of interest.
Particularly, let us consider a new document (ei-
ther external or internal to the parliament) that must
be distributed among the Members of the Parliament
(MP). We would like to build a system that could help
to determine which MPs are going to receive it. This
decision should be based both on the content itself of
the document and the specific interests of the MPs.
Therefore, this research falls within the field of
content-based recommender/filtering systems (Belkin
and Croft, 1992; Hanani et al., 2001; Lops et al.,
2011; Pazzani and Billsus, 2007), which are systems
that recommend an item (a document in our case) to
a user based on a description of the item and a profile
(Gauch et al., 2007) of the user’s interests.
In order to build the MP profiles, we must learn
in some way about the interests of each MP. We are
going to automatically extract this information from
the activities carried out by each MP within the par-
liament. Later, we must build some kind of model
able to match the content of the document to be fil-
tered against the MP profiles, in order to recommend
the document to the top ranked MPs.
The activity in any parliament revolves around the
concept of parliamentary initiative, whereby an action
taken by an MP or political party is discussed in a
plenary or specific area committee session. The tran-
scriptions of all the MP speeches within these debates
are collected in the form of records of proceedings.
In our case study
, which is the Parliament of An-
dalusia (a region at Spain), parliamentary initiatives
are tagged with one or more subjects or descriptors
extracted from the EUROVOC thesaurus
, which are
manually assigned by parliamentary documentalists
as being the best representation of its content. The
main usefulness of these subjects is to allow faceted
retrieval, in such a way that any user can easily re-
trieve the initiatives dealing with a given set of sub-
jects. Our proposal is to use these subjects in another
way: the subjects associated to the initiatives where a
given MP takes part will be used to build his/her cor-
responding profile. Thus, our profiles will consist of
lists of weighted subjects.
And also in other cases, as the European Parliament.
Ribadas, F., Campos, L., Fernández-Luna, J. and Huete, J..
Concept Profiles for Filtering Parliamentary Documents.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 409-416
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
But, if the MP profiles are composed of subjects,
in order to match the document to be filtered with
these profiles, it must also be represented by a list
of weighted subjects. Our proposal is to train a clas-
sifier, using the content (the textual transcriptions of
the speeches of the MPs) of the initiatives as attributes
and the subjects as the categories or labels. As an ini-
tiative can be labeled with more than one subject, this
is a multilabel classification problem. Given a new
document to be filtered, we shall use the classifier to
obtain a list of the more appropriate subjects for la-
beling it. Next, this (weighted) list of subjects will be
matched against the MP profiles, in order to decide
which are the MPs that could be more interested in
the document.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: in Section 2 we describe the methods for user
profile construction. Section 3 explains how to trans-
form the document to be filtered into a set of subjects
that will be matched against the user profiles. Section
4 describes the matching functions and the procedure
employed to assign documents to their corresponding
MPs. Finally in Section 5 we report the results of our
experiments and in Section 6 we review the main con-
tributions of this work.
As we have already mentioned, we want to represent
the interests and preferences of the MPs by means of
user profiles. The two most important steps in the user
profile building process are the acquisition of user in-
formation and the user profile representation (Gauch
et al., 2007).
Regarding the acquisition of user information, it
may be performed explicit or implicitly. In our case
(and also in the general case), users are reluctant to
provide their personal information and to fill ques-
tionnaires, so that an explicit approach is not feasible.
Fortunately we have a source of public information
about the MPs, in order to apply an implicit approach:
the transcriptions of their speeches when discussing
each initiative, within the parliamentary debates, and
the subjects of the EUROVOC thesaurus associated to
each initiative by the parliament documentalists.
Regarding user profile representation, the three
main approaches are a set of weighted keywords,
semantic networks, and a set of weighted concepts
(Gauch et al., 2007). Weighted keywords is the most
common user profile representation and the easiest to
build: they may be automatically learned from doc-
uments relevant to the user (or directly given by the
user). Semantic networks, where each node repre-
sents a concept, are more difficult to build and man-
age. They also must learn the terms associated with
each network node, sometimes derived from ontolo-
gies or external knowledge resources such as ODP
or WordNet. Weighted concepts are similar to the
semantic networks, since they also have conceptual
nodes (and sometimes relations between them), but in
this case the nodes represent abstract topics of inter-
est for the user instead of terms. They are also similar
to the weighted keywords profiles, since they are usu-
ally represented as vectors of weighted concepts. In
contrast to semantic networks, weighted concept pro-
files are trained on example texts for each concept a
priori, and thus there exist relationships between vo-
cabulary and concepts from the beginning. Thereby,
the built user profiles can be more robust to variations
in terminology.
In our case, as each initiative is already (reliabily)
tagged with EUROVOC subjects, it is very easy to
build a weighted concept profile based on these sub-
jects. Therefore, this is the approach we shall follow
to represent MP profiles. Nevertheless, we do not dis-
card for future work to experiment with weighted key-
words profiles (extracting the terms directly from the
transcriptions of the speeches of each MP).
We are going to use two simple methods to build
the MP weighted subjects profiles. In both cases, for
each MP, we collect all the initiatives where he/she
participates and extract the list of subjects assigned to
these initiatives. In the first method, called SF (from
subject frequency), the weight of each subject s is
simply the number of initiatives where the MP par-
ticipated which are labeled with this subject, tf
In the second method we compute a kind of inverse
document frequency of each subject s, idf
, measured
as log(
). N is the number of MPs and n
is the num-
ber of MPs who participated in at least one initiative
labeled with s. The weight of each subject s for an MP
is then tf
. We call this method SFIDF.
Given a document that must be distributed among
the MPs, we must transform this input into a set of
weighted subjects, in order to match this list against
the user profiles. Our proposal is to use a multil-
abel text classifier to assign to this document a set
of the most appropriated subjects (together with their
weights). As depicted in Figure 1, the training data
for building this classifier will be the content of the
initiatives (the textual transcriptions of the speeches
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
of the MPs), as well as the associated subjects.
In the literature there are different approaches
to deal with multilabel classification prob-
lems (Tsoumakas et al., 2010). There are simple
approaches like Binary Relevance (BR) which
does not consider dependencies between labels,
or approaches like Label Powerset (LP) where
every possible combination of labels is treated as a
metalabel in order to train the classifier.
In our case, the large number of subjects in the
EUROVOC thesaurus makes a LP approach unfeasi-
ble, so we have implemented a multilabel categoriza-
tion scheme based on Classifier Chains (CC) (Read
et al., 2011). This method offers a compromise be-
tween the simplicity of BR and the computational cost
of LP, still being able to exploit label dependencies.
CC is an ensemble based approach that iteratively
builds a set of binary classifiers (one for each label),
adding at each step a new feature that encodes the
class predicted by the immediately previous classifier.
Any binary classification algorithm can be employed
to build those elementary classifiers. In our experi-
ments we have evaluated the use of Support Vector
Machines (SVM) as elementary classifiers, using the
LibSVM (Chang and Lin, 2011) implementation, and
also the use of Naive Bayes classifiers, using the im-
plementation from the Weka machine learning envi-
ronment (Hall et al., 2009). Additionally, unlike in the
original definition of CC, the sequence of elementary
classifiers follows the usage frequency of EUROVOC
subjects in our dataset, starting with the most frequent
ones instead of using a random ordering.
Since there are hierarchical relationships between
EUROVOC thesaurus subjects, an alternative ap-
proach could have been modeling the subject as-
signment task as a hierarchical classification prob-
lem. Some improvements in categorization per-
formance have been reported for several small and
medium scale problems using the hierarchical top-
down method named Local Classifier Per Node Ap-
proach in the taxonomy of hierarchical classification
approaches presented in (Silla Jr. et al., 2011). How-
ever, the relatively small size of our initiatives collec-
tion with respect to the number of labels in the EU-
ROVOC thesaurus does not advise applying this kind
of approaches in our case. This is a consequence of
a well known weakness of this kind of methods re-
lated with the poor performance of the local classi-
fiers associated with infrequent or never used labels.
In our corpus, classifiers created for the infrequent
EUROVOC labels would have been trained with no
enough positive examples and it is expected that they
will provide us with inconsistent results.
We do have evaluated a similar but much sim-
pler alternative taking advantage of the concept of
microthesaurus used in EUROVOC. The first level of
the label hierarchy arranged by EUROVOC thesaurus
conforms a set of 96 microthesauri, which, with few
exceptions, can be considered relatively independent.
Thus, we have transformed the EUROVOC subject
assignment task in a two phases multilabel classifi-
cation problem: the first phase will attempt to pre-
dict the set of relevant microthesauri for a given doc-
ument, and in the second phase the final set of subjects
from each selected microthesaurus will be created us-
ing its corresponding local multilabel classifier.
Once the document to be filtered has been classified
to obtain its associated subjects, we have as the output
a weighted list of subjects that try to describe its con-
tent. We call this list the document profile, as shown
in Figure 2. The remaining step is to match this doc-
ument profile against the MP profiles. To do that we
have to define a matching function.
Several alternatives when addressing the problem
of matching weighted concepts vectors have been pro-
posed. In our experiments we have evaluated the
suitability of the following set of matching functions,
where P1 and P2 are two weighted vector profiles be-
ing matched and P
is the weight of the k-th subject in
the weighted vector depicting profile P.
Simple Matching. This measure simply computes
de inner product between the two vectors repre-
senting the profiles being matched.
(P1, P2) =
× P2
Only subjects with non-zero weights in both pro-
files will contribute to the final score.
Cosine Similarity. This measure computes the co-
sine between the two weighted vectors represent-
ing the profiles being matched.
(P1, P2) =
× P2
Inverse Euclidean Distance. This measure com-
putes the euclidean distance between the two
weighted vectors representing the profiles being
matched. In order to interpret this distance as a
similarity measure, it is inverted.
(P1, P2) =
where P
represents the normalized version of
the weighted vector P (dividing by the maximum
Concept Profiles for Filtering Parliamentary Documents
Figure 1: Training multilabel classifer.
Weighted Dice Coefficient. This measure computes
a generalized version of the Dice coefficient over
sets, where each element in the compared sets
could have a non-zero weight.
(P1, P2) =
2 ×
× P2
Document profiles are matched against all the
available MP profiles using one of the previous func-
tions to score that correspondence. As a result we
obtain for each document an ordered list of candidate
MPs according to the value of the matching function.
The top n MPs with the highest scores will be as-
signed as relevant for the given document.
As is the case of multilabel classification, the fact
that EUROVOC subjects are arranged in a tree leads
us to try to take advantage of this additional hierar-
chical information. In our experiments we have as-
sessed the usefulness of expanding the lists of subjects
Figure 2: Profile assignment to input documents.
that describe both document and MPs profiles, adding
similar subjects from the EUROVOC taxonomy. The
intuition behind this scheme is that expanded profiles
could provide a more generic and flexible description
both for document and MP profiles.
Our proposal makes use of the semantic similar-
ity measure on taxonomies defined in (Lin, 1998).
This measure computes the information content for
the involved concepts and for their lowest common
ancestor. Those values are combined according to
formula (1) to define a metric that quantifies the sim-
ilarity between two concepts in the range [0,1]. In
(1) s
and s
are concepts in a taxonomy, LCA(s
, s
represents their lowest common ancestor and P(s
) is
an estimation of the probability assigned to concept
. In our case this probability is computed as the
ratio between the number of EUROVOC subjects be-
longing to the subtree rooted at label s
and the total
number of subjects in EUROVOC thesaurus. Similar-
tity values close to one correspond with similar con-
cepts closely located in the taxonomy which are also
expected to be semantically close, whereas 0 means
total dissimilarity between two unrelated concepts.
, s
) =
2 × logP(LCA(s
, s
) + logP(s
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Multilabel categorization and text preprocessing performance.
full text 0.3701 0.4712 0.4145 0.3462 0.4193 0.3792 0.3587 0.4686 0.4063
summary 75% 0.3612 0.4521 0.4015 0.3367 0.4067 0.3684 0.3502 0.4539 0.3953
summary 50% 0.3321 0.4297 0.3746 0.3202 0.3876 0.3506 0.3261 0.4313 0.3713
summary 25% 0.3121 0.3988 0.3501 0.2931 0.3657 0.3253 0.3079 0.4023 0.3488
manual summary 0.2081 0.3241 0.2534 0.1753 0.2701 0.2126 0.1923 0.3302 0.2430
For our subject expansion scheme we have fol-
lowed the following strategy. For each subject be-
longing to a profile (both document profiles and MP
profiles) a list of similar subjects within a neighbor-
hood of 3 hops on the EUROVOC hierarchy is added
to create the expanded profile. The weights of these
neighbor subjects are calculated by multiplying the
weight of each original subject by the Lin’s similarity
score between the original and each one of the neigh-
bor subjects (and adding these weights if an added
subject is neighbor of more than one original subject).
In order to validate our proposals, we have carried
out an experimental study with a set of parliamen-
tary documents. The document collection we use is
the set of initiatives (5258) from the 8
term of of-
fice of the Parliament of Andalusia at Spain
, marked
up in XML (de Campos et al., 2009). These initia-
tives contain a set of 12633 different interventions of
the MPs (on the average there are 2.4 interventions
per initiative). The initiatives have been tagged by
parliamentary documentalists using subjects from the
EUROVOC thesaurus. From this set we shall build
the profiles only for those MPs who participate in
more than 10 different initiatives, giving a total of 132
MP profiles. The average number of interventions per
MP is 92.5 (with a standard deviation equals to 71.3).
From this initial corpus we removed those initiatives
that are labeled with no subject. The result is a final
set of 4523 initiatives, with an average of 3.89 sub-
jects per initiative.
We have used the repeated holdout method (Lantz,
2013) to evaluate the behavior of our system: the set
of initiatives is randomly partitioned into a training
set (80%) and a test set (20%), and we repeat this pro-
cess five times. The reported results are the averages
over the five different rounds. The training set is used
to learn the MP profiles (using the subjects associated
to the initiatives) and also to train the classifier (us-
ing the textual content of the initiatives, see Figure 1).
The initiatives in the test set are used to classify them
(using their textual content) and to obtain (through the
matching of the proposed subjects with the profiles)
the ranked list of MPs that are probably interested in
them, as shown in Figure 2.
Obviously we use in this process neither the infor-
mation related to the MPs who participate in each test
initiative, nor its associated subjects. As the ground
truth, we have considered that a test initiative is only
relevant to those MPs who participate in it
Our experiments have been structured in two
phases. First, we have evaluated the performance
of the various multilabel classification schemes de-
scribed in Section 3 to deal with the characterization
of initiative contents using EUROVOC subjects. In
this first set of experiments we have also evaluated
the effect of using different textual representations
of initiative contents, like manually created extracts
provided by parliament documentalists, the full text
of the initiative transcripts or automatically generated
summaries of these transcripts. The second phase of
our experiments deals with the suitability of the pro-
file matching procedure proposed in Section 4.
5.1 Text Processing and Categorization
Given the diversity in contents and structure shown
by the initiatives included in our corpus, we have em-
ployed a very simple automatic summarization pro-
cedure in order to identify the most informative para-
graphs able to characterize each initiative contents.
We have followed a sentence extraction approach re-
lying on conventional information retrieval tools. To
do this every initiative in our test collection is split
into their constitutive paragraphs. The textual content
for each one of these paragraphs is stemmed using a
Spanish stemmer from the Snowball project. A stan-
dard list of Spanish stop-words is employed to select
the actual content holder terms. The surviving terms
and overlapping bigrams of those selected index terms
are indexed using the Apache Lucene indexing en-
gine. This way, every document included in that index
corresponds to one of the paragraphs included in the
This is a rather conservative assumption, because it is
quite reasonable to think that an initiative can also be rele-
vant to other MPs.
Concept Profiles for Filtering Parliamentary Documents
Table 2: Profile matching performance using SF profiles.
ideal ideal with expansion CC-SVM CC-SVM with expansion
MAP RPrec R@10 MAP RPrec R@10 MAP RPrec R@10 MAP RPrec R@10
simple 0.5173
0.6483 0.4753 0.3130 0.6522
0.4761 0.3062 0.6170
cosine 0.4369 0.2740 0.5996 0.4369 0.2712 0.5630 0.4447 0.2877 0.5835 0.4496 0.2822 0.5363
dice 0.2965 0.1628 0.4668 0.3271 0.2002 0.4257 0.1956 0.0976 0.3469 0.2281 0.1350 0.3414
euclidean 0.2856 0.1680 0.3349 0.2626 0.1583 0.2946 0.3622 0.2147 0.4068 0.3325 0.1936 0.3620
baseline 0.4751 0.3018 0.6682 0.4691 0.2939 0.6593 0.4511 0.2893 0.5892 0.4551 0.2911 0.5691
test collection of initiatives, being stored as a bag of
the described index terms.
To summarize an initiative, simple and bigrams
terms are extracted from the initiative full text and
are employed to query the Lucene index. The textual
contents from the top scoring retrieved paragraphs are
concatenated to build the initiative summary. The in-
tuition behind this summarization method is that para-
graphs most similar to the full text of an initiative are a
good representation of the original text. In our exper-
iments we have created automatic summaries draw-
ing the 25%, 50% and 75% of the most representative
paragraphs for each initiative.
With regard to subject assignment using our mul-
tilabel classification approach, in our experiments we
have evaluated the use of Classifier Chains (CC) using
two types of base classifiers. Runs labeled as CC-SVM
employed SVM classifiers, using the Java version of
LibSVM code with the default settings. The other set
of CC runs, labeled as CC-NB, employed as base clas-
sifiers the Naive Bayes implementation provided by
the Weka engine. In both cases we have exploited
the facilities provided by the respective libraries to
retrieve different kinds of scores which were used to
measure the confidence of the predicted outputs.
The implementation of the two level hierarchi-
cal classification scheme described at the end of Sec-
tion 3, which is labeled as 2LH-SVM in our runs, em-
ploys at each level a CC multilabel strategy using,
again, SVM classifiers provided by LibSVM as ele-
mentary categorization models.
To assess the quality of the subject assignment
provided by these classification schemes, we have
employed the following label based performance
measures (Tsoumakas et al., 2010): micro-averaged
precision (MiP), micro-averaged recall (MiR) and
micro-averaged F-value (MiF). In Table 1 we show
the performance results obtained by the three multi-
label categorization methods being employed in our
experiment (CC-SVM, CC-NB and 2LH-SVM) using
five alternatives to initiative text representation (full
text, manually created summaries, automatic sum-
maries using the 75%, 50% and 25% more relevant
portions of text). In the reported results the number
of predicted subjects retrieved from multilabel clas-
sifiers output was fixed to 10 after a preliminary test
study, which showed that using this quite large value
helps to capture the diversity of initiative contents.
The reported experimental results are apparently
quite low, although we must consider that this is a rel-
atively large multilabel classification problem, with
1405 labels actually occurring in our corpus (out of
5176 subjects in the EUROVOC thesaurus) and only
3607 training documents at each fold. The best re-
sults were obtained when full text initiatives were
employed, making evident that our simple automatic
summary scheme is not actually suitable to extract the
most relevant passages, since the performance values
decrease with the size of the summaries being used.
The performance values for the proposed multil-
abel categorization methods are fairly close, with CC-
SVM being the best performing approach followed
by 2LH-SVM and CC-NB. The lower performance
shown by CC-NB may be due to the higher capabil-
ities of SVM based classifiers, traditionally consid-
ered among the most competitive algorithms in text
classification tasks. The difference between CC-SVM
and 2LH-SVM is small, since in both cases the op-
eration ultimately ends up being quite similar. We
conjecture that lower performance is due to a typi-
cal issue with hierarchical classifiers using top-down
strategies. These approaches are very sensitive to er-
ror propagation between local classifiers at different
levels. False positives at first level tend to induce in-
correct routes that worsen overall precision and false
negatives block promising paths, affecting both recall
and precision measures.
5.2 Profile Matching Evaluation
In the experiments assessing profile matching we have
employed the CC-SVM multilabel scheme to create
the profile of weighted subjects that will be matched
against the MPs profiles. Initiative contents represen-
tation is accomplished using full text since this ap-
proach offered best results in the preliminary phase
of experiments. The profile of each initiative is con-
structed by selecting the 10 subjects with better confi-
dence scores predicted by the trained CC-SVM classi-
fier. Each predicted subject in those constructed pro-
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Profile matching performance using SFIDF profiles.
ideal ideal with expansion CC-SVM CC-SVM with expansion
MAP RPrec R@10 MAP RPrec R@10 MAP RPrec R@10 MAP RPrec R@10
simple 0.5282
0.6547 0.4907
0.6772 0.4777 0.3085
cosine 0.4391 0.2808 0.6057 0.4155 0.2662 0.5399 0.4434 0.2806 0.5909
0.4120 0.2628 0.5189
dice 0.2809 0.1556 0.4588 0.2897 0.1766 0.4000 0.2033 0.0994 0.3517 0.2254 0.1313 0.3342
euclidean 0.2185 0.1303 0.2152 0.2281 0.1356 0.2361 0.2563 0.1499 0.2570 0.2620 0.1605 0.2674
baseline 0.4751 0.3018 0.6682 0.4691 0.2939 0.6593 0.4511 0.2893 0.5892 0.4551 0.2911 0.5691
files was weighted by this confidence score.
We have used the following performance mea-
sures over the ordered list of candidate MPs created
according to the scores provided by the matching
functions described in Section 4.
MAP. Mean Average Precision is the mean average
precision over the predicted MP assignments for
the test set initiatives at each fold.
Average precision aggregates precision values at
different points of the ranked list of predicted MPs
where a relevant MP was predicted.
RPrec. R-Precision is the precision value computed
at position R in the ranked list of candidates, being
R the number of relevant MPs actually associated
with the current initiative.
R@10. Recall value computed for the top 10 pre-
dicted candidates.
In order to have an estimate of the expected max-
imum performance of the proposed MP assignment
scheme, we have evaluated the matching functions us-
ing a sort of ”ideal initiative profile” built using the set
of real EUROVOC subjects manually assigned by the
parliament documentalists to the test initiatives. The
performance values obtained by those ”ideal initiative
profiles” are labeled as ideal in Table 2 and Table 3.
Finally, as baseline we have employed a direct
MPs assignment scheme using a multilabel classifier
based on CC using SVMs as elementary classifiers
(thus avoiding the use of MP profiles). The classifier
that implements this direct assignment scheme uses as
features the EUROVOC subjects associated to each
test initiative, either the real (ideal) subjects coming
from parliament documentalists or subjects predicted
by the CC-SVM method. This direct classifier was
trained to predict the set of relevant MPs using the
real subjects of the initiatives in the training set.
Table 2 shows the results obtained using the SF
profile generation method and Table 3 the results us-
ing SFIDF profiles, both methods were described in
Section 2. With each MP profile generation strat-
egy, the quality of the profile matching functions
simple, cosine, dice and euclidean is assessed us-
ing manually assigned EUROVOC subjects to cre-
ate the ”ideal initiative profiles” and CC-SVM pre-
dicted subjects as initiative weighted profiles. In both
cases, the contribution of similar subject expansion
using Lin’s taxonomy similarity is also checked. For
each document profile generation strategy best results
across the evaluated profile matching functions are
shown in boldface. Statistically significant improve-
ments (Teh, 2000) with respect to the employed base-
line are marked with † in both tables, using Student’s
paired t-test with a significance level α = 0.05.
The first direct conclusion drawn from those re-
sults is that the best matching function is clearly the
simple measure (which simply adds the products of
the weights of subjects shared by document and MP
profiles). The second best matching function is the
cosine similarity, whereas the euclidean distance and
the weighted Dice coefficient get rather bad results.
The fact that the other matching functions were un-
able to offer competitive results in comparison with
the simple matching function leads us to the conclu-
sion that normalization of profile weights or normal-
ization of matching function values attenuate the ac-
tual discriminative power of the subjects that domi-
nate the profiles being matched.
Regarding the profile construction methods, the
best results depend on the matching function being
considered: SFIDF is always better than SF when us-
ing the simple matching. However, SF tends to be
better than SFIDF for both cosine and Dice, and it is
always better in the case of the euclidean distance.
With respect to the use or not of the expansion
with similar subjects, the differences are rather small,
and the behavior is somewhat different depending on
the performance measure: it is clearly preferable not
to use the expansion from the point of view of the
recall measure. For R-precision, it is also better not to
use expansion if we consider the simple or the cosine
matching functions, and the opposite is true for Dice
and euclidean distance. This is also the tendency for
the other performance measure, MAP.
The results of the baseline method are quite good,
they are only surpassed by those of the simple match-
ing function. Therefore, the configuration of our
method that obtains the best results is to use the sim-
ple matching function together with the SFIDF profile
construction method, and without using the expansion
Concept Profiles for Filtering Parliamentary Documents
with similar subjects.
If we compare the results obtained by the (normal)
profiles with those of the ”ideal profiles”, we can ob-
serve that ideal profiles are better, as might have been
expected. However, the differences are small. For
example, for the best configuration, the differences
between ideal and normal profiles are in percentage
7.1%, 5.6% and 3.7% for MAP, RPrec and R@10, re-
spectively. Therefore, normal profiles perform close
to the expected maximum performance offered by the
ideal profiles. Thus, although the categorization per-
formance of multilabel classifiers shown in Table 1
was not very high, using the subjects predicted by
these classifiers during the MP profile matching have
had an acceptable performance and it was consistent
with the behavior of the ideal profiles based on ac-
tual thesaurus subjects assigned manually. This be-
havior along with the former effect of using the sim-
ple matching leads us to believe that the assignment
of MP based on subjects profiles could be heavily
dominated by the most frequent subjects, which are
those which usually have higher weights in the SF
and SFIDF schemes and get higher rates of success
in the predictions made by our multilabel classifiers,
because of the support of a greater range of positive
examples characterizing them.
A content based filtering method to deal with the
problem of assigning parliamentary documents to
members of the parliament potentially interested on
them has been described and evaluated. User and doc-
ument profiles are defined using subjects taken from
a conceptual thesaurus, and document profile genera-
tion is modeled as a multilabel categorization prob-
lem. The proposed method has been validated us-
ing real world data from a collection of parliamentary
documents, manually annotated by human experts.
Several matching approaches were evaluated and we
were able to get an approximate document concep-
tual representation and a profile matching method
achieving performance measures not very far from
the ”ideal” case. More work needs to be done in im-
proving the applied multilabel categorization methods
and also to evaluate alternative matching functions.
Although a priory the similarity-based expansion of
subject profiles seemed to be a promising alternative
to get more flexible matching, the simple strategy we
have proposed was unable to improve profile match-
ing quality.
Paper supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de
ıa y Competitividad” under projects
TIN2013-42741-P and FFI2014-51978-C2-1.
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KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval