KISS MIR: Keep It Semantic and Social Music Information Retrieval
Amna Dridi and Mouna Kacimi
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Domenicani 3, Bolzano, Italy
Music Information Retrieval, Music-context, User-context, Personalization, Social Information.
While content-based approaches for music information retrieval (MIR) have been heavily investigated, user-
centric approaches are still in their early stage. Existing user-centric approaches use either music-context or
user-context to personalize the search. However, none of them give the possibility to the user to choose the
suitable context for his needs. In this paper we propose KISS MIR, a versatile approach for music informa-
tion retrieval. It consists in combining both music-context and user-context to rank search results. The core
contribution of this work is the investigation of different types of contexts derived from social networks. We
distinguish semantic and social information and use them to build semantic and social profiles for music and
users. The different contexts and profiles can be combined and personalized by the user. We have assessed
the quality of our model using a real dataset from The results show that the use of user-context to
rank search results is two times better than the use of music-context. More importantly, the combination of
semantic and social information is crucial for satisfying user needs.
With the increasing volume of digital music available
on the world wide web, developing information re-
trieval (IR) techniques for music is challenging. The
main reason is the wide variety of ways music is pro-
duced, represented, and used (Smiraglia, 2001; Casey
et al., 2008). However, despite the high potential
of systems presented at ISMIR and similar venues,
the development of music IR (MIR) systems that fit
user music taste is still in its early stages. For in-
stance, most of existing MIR approaches are content-
based considering low-level features of music (audio
signal). These methods are capable to define mu-
sic structure, to identify a piece from noisy record-
ing, or to compute similarities between music pieces.
However, they cannot capture semantic information
which is essential to many users of music(Knees et al.,
2013). Moreover, they do not take into account user
preferences which can highly improve and facilitate
access to music. In fact, several recent surveys on
MIR (Kaminskas and Ricci, 2012; Schedl and Flexer,
2012; Weigl and Guastavino, 2011; Y.Song, 2012)
emphasized the limitations of content-based MIR sys-
tems and suggest new MIR directions which are user-
Existing user-centric MIR approaches aim at im-
proving user access to music following two main
strategies. The first one consists in enriching music-
context using annotations (Li and Ogihara, 2006;
Saari et al., 2013; Sanden and zhang, 2011), and
the second one exploits user-context for a personal-
ized music retrieval (Hoachi et al., 2003; Boland and
Murray-Smith, 2014). These approaches aim at satis-
fying user needs imposing a specific type of context.
However, user needs are not predictable and should
not be bound to a specific setting. Thus, there is
a need for providing users the possibility to interact
with the music retrieval system and choose the suit-
able context for his needs.
In this paper, we propose KISS MIR a novel ap-
proach for music retrieval that enriches user search
experience by combining both music-context and
user-context. To this end, we exploit social networks
as the main source for context information. We cat-
egorize the information provided in such networks
into semantic and social information. Semantic infor-
mation is reflected by tagging actions of users while
social information represents user activities and rela-
tions in the network. The context of music and user
can be either semantic, social, or both. Based on these
types of context, we propose a ranking model for mu-
sic tracks that helps selecting the right context for
each query and user need. The versatility of our ap-
proach provides a flexible access to music. The main
contributions of this paper are as follows:
Dridi, A. and Kacimi, M..
KISS MIR: Keep It Semantic and Social Music Information Retrieval.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 433-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1. We propose to model context-information as se-
mantic or social to investigate their role in satisfy-
ing user needs.
2. We define user profile and music profile based on
semantic and social information. Semantic infor-
mation reflects music description and user inter-
ests while social information reflects music popu-
larity and user behaviour.
3. We propose a personalized ranking model that
combine both music-context and user-context
which can be semantic, social, or both. The model
allows the user to choose the most suitable setting
for his needs.
4. we evaluate our model on real world dataset from
and show that user-context that com-
bines both semantic and social information out-
performs all other settings.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews the related work, Section 3
describes the framework of KISS MIR, Section 4 in-
troduces user and music profiles, Section 5 describes
our scoring model, Section 6 presents our experiment
setting and results, and Section 7 concludes the paper.
Existing user-centric MIR approaches can be divided
into two main classes. The first class of approaches
exploits music-context to improve user access to
music. Concretely, they rely on music annotation
with semantic labels. Some approaches annotate
music with emotions and they rely on emotion detec-
tion based on music content (Li and Ogihara, 2006;
Huron, 2000; Kaminskas and Ricci, 2011; Braun-
hofer et al., 2013). While some other approaches
combine human-annotated tags with music content
for emotion detection (Lee and Neal, 2007; Saari
et al., 2013; Y.Song et al., 2013; Lamere, 2008; Feng
et al., 2003), multimodal music similarity (Zhang
et al., 2009), artist descriptions (Pohle et al., 2007),
music pieces characterisation (Knees et al., 2007),
verifying the quality of music tag annotation via
association analysis (Arjannikov et al., 2013), or via
multi-label classification (Sanden and zhang, 2011) .
The second class of approaches exploits user-
context to build user profile for personalized MIR.
For instance, (Hoachi et al., 2003) propose to build
user profile based on what he likes and what he
hates. Moreover, (Celma et al., 2005) use Friend Of
A Friend (FOAF) documents to define user profile.
While, in another work, (Herrara, 2009) suggest that
user profile can be categorised to three domains:
demographic, geographic and psychographic. Addi-
tionally, (Chen and Chen, 2001) derive user profile
from his access history and (Boland and Murray-
Smith, 2014) capture the change of user profile over
In our work, we aim at enriching the user search
experience, by combining both music-context and
user-context in the retrieval process. The most simi-
lar approaches to our are music recommender systems
that help users to filter and discover music accord-
ing to their tastes (Bugaychenko and Dzuba, 2013;
Celma et al., 2005; Chen and Chen, 2001; Chedrawy
and Abidi, 2009). While these approaches provide
music recommendation that matches user profile, we
are providing a music search system with personal-
ized ranking involving the user in the center of the
retrieval process.
KISS MIR consists in combining both music-context
and user-context in the music retrieval process. To
extract these contexts, we exploit social networks as
a prominent and rich source for information about
both music properties and user activities. The first
step towards this goal is to understand (1) which kind
of information can we find in such networks and (2)
how can we use it to extract music and user contexts.
To this end, we distinguish the following entities as
main components of the information provided by so-
cial networks:
1. Users: represent the participants to a social net-
2. Music Tracks: represent the content shared by
users in a social network
3. Descriptions: represent tags or annotations pro-
vided by users to describe music tracks. Tags can
also be exploited to indicate user preferences.
4. Reactions: represent user feedback reflected by
different actions (comment, like, dislike, favourite,
etc). Reactions capture user interests and the pop-
ularity of music tracks. In some cases, they also
categorize interests as negative or positive (like,
dislike, etc.)
5. Communities: represent sets of users who are in-
terconnected. Users can be linked based on dif-
ferent criteria such as friendship, location, be-
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
haviour, or simply belonging to the same social
We model social networks as a graph that represents
the entities mentioned above. Figure 1 shows the
graph model consisting of four types of nodes Users,
Music tracks, Descriptions and Reactions. Users pro-
vide music tracks, describe them, and react to them.
Communities can be implicit, and thus they are not
represented in the graph.
Figure 1: Social Music Graph.
The different entities of social networks provide two
types of information defined as follows:
Semantic Information. Semantic information re-
flects meanings, roles, and properties. This type
of information is provided by descriptions where
users tag music tracks with semantic labels. De-
scriptions about music include genre, singer, title,
etc. They also give labels to user interests such as
Rock and Pop.
Social Information. Social information reflects ac-
tivities in social networks. These activities are
represented by the links between entities in the
social graph shown in Figure 1. They include re-
acting and tagging actions of users towards music
4.1 User Profile
Based on semantic and social information described
above, we define two types of user profiles: User Se-
mantic Profile and User Social Profile defined as fol-
4.1.1 User Semantic Profile
User semantic profile consists in the set of descrip-
tions (tags) used by a user u to annotate music tracks
of his choice. We denote this set by T
= {t
, t
, ..., t
In social networks tags represent a strong indicator of
users interests.
4.1.2 User Social Profile
User social profile consists in a set of users that have
a relationship with user u, namely the community of
u. We denote this set by C
= {u
, u
, ..., u
} where
is a user i linked to user u.
4.2 Music Profile
Similarly to user profile, we define two types of pro-
files for music tracks: Music Semantic Profile and
Music Social Profile defined as follows:
4.2.1 Music Semantic Profile
Music semantic profile consists in a set of features
that represent a music track m. The set of features
is predefined and has a fixed length k. Music track
features include genre, singer, year, and a set of key-
words representing its content such as lyrics or title.
We represent the semantic profile of music track m as
vector of k features F
= { f
, f
, ..., f
}. The values
of these features are mainly provided by tags.
4.2.2 Music Social Profile
Music social profile consists in the set of users who
reacted to the music track m. We denote this set by
= {u
, u
, ..., u
} where the u
is a user who re-
acted to music m. The number of users who reacted
to music track m indicates its popularity in the social
When users search for music, they typically do not
have a clear idea about what they are looking for.
Thus, a keyword search is not a suitable scenario
unless users have precise information about a given
music track such as title or singer. To allow a
wider access to music, we choose a query-by-example
paradigm where users can find similar music tracks
to what they are interested in. Given a user u, and
a query Q=m, where m is a music track, we search
for music tracks that are relevant to the query Q and
match the interests of user u. A set of music results
, . . . , m
} is returned to the user where the score
of each result m
is given as following:
S(Q, u, m
) = λS
, Q) + (1 λ)S
, u)
KISS MIR: Keep It Semantic and Social Music Information Retrieval
where S
, Q) denotes the music relevance score
of m
to Q and S
, u) denotes the user relevance
score of m
to u . The parameter λ controls the amount
of personalization (0 λ 1 ). Setting λ = 1 means
that we aim at finding what matches the query music
track and setting λ = 0 means that we aim at finding
what matches user interests. Values in between com-
bine the two components with different degrees.
5.1 Music Relevance Score
The music relevance score, of a music track m given
a query Q, indicates to which degree m matches
Q. Considering the query-by-example paradigm, we
compute the music relevance score using a similarity
measure between m and Q:
(m, Q) = Similarity(m, Q) (2)
The similarity measure can take different forms such
as cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, or Euclidean
distance. In this paper, we use Jaccard distance to
compute the similarity between two music tracks m
and Q:
Similarity(m, Q) =
|Fm F
where F
and F
represent the set of features of mu-
sic tracks m and Q respectively. These features are
extracted from the semantic music profiles of m and
5.2 User Relevance Score
The community of a user have a big influence on the
music he listens to. This means that for a music track
to be liked by the user, it needs to be popular in his
community. Thus, we exploit the social profile of
the user to compute the user relevance score of music
tracks m in the community of u as follows:
(m, u) =
where: U
is the set of users who reacted to music
track m, C
is the set of users in the community of
user u. and |Users| is the total number of users in the
network. It is important to mention that we focus, in
this paper, only on positive reactions. So, the more
reactions there are, the more popular the music track
Additionally to the social profile of the user, we
can enhance the user relevance score by taking into
account his semantic profile. This means that among
the users of the community of user u, we just target
those who have similar interests as u. Recall that user
interests are reflected by tags. In this case, we would
limit the community of user u only to users who have
similar tagging actions as user u. We say that two
users u
and u
have similar tagging behaviour if the
size intersection of their tag sets T
and T
a certain threshold. The threshold setting depends on
the social network and the amount of data it contains.
6.1 Music Dataset
To evaluate our approach, we have used a dataset
. The dataset contains music tracks,
users, and their activities. As there was not enough
semantic information about music tracks, we have ex-
ploited Wikipedia
to enrich the dataset. For each mu-
sic track, we have used the title to access its Wikipedia
page. From the Wikipedia page, we have got informa-
tion about the music track from the infobox includ-
ing singer, producer, writer, year, label, and other fea-
tures. Further, we have removed all tracks that do not
have Wikipedia pages. Regarding user activities, the
dataset contains descriptions corresponding to tags,
and reactions corresponding to clicks which were the
only reactions available in the dataset. Table 1 gives
statistics about the resulted dataset.
Table 1: Statistical characteristics of the dataset.
# Music Tracks # Users # Clicks # Tags
11523 3387 642490 68335
6.2 Evaluation Methodology
We have run our experiments using 100 queries. Re-
call that we use a query-by-example paradigm and
thus queries correspond to music tracks. We have
randomly selected the 100 queries from the top250
most clicked music tracks. The reason of this choice
is driven by the requirements of the automatic assess-
ment of the results described below. As a further
step, we proceeded with the selection the query initia-
tors. For each query, we have selected the users who
clicked on the query music track and ranked them.
The rank of users was computed based on the number
of clicks he has on that track and the number of clicks
he has globally. The query initiator was then selected
randomly among the top20 users.
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
After selecting all queries and their query initia-
tors, we have use our model to rank the results of
each query. We have tested different strategies of our
1. Music-context (Semantic): consists in returning
results that match only the semantic profile of the
query without considering the query initiator pro-
file. This is achieved by setting the parameter
λ = 1.
2. Music-context (Semantic + Social): consists in
returning results that match the semantic and the
social profile of the query without considering the
query initiator profile. This is achieved by setting
the community of the query initiator to all users
in the network. Thus the S
score would be in-
dependent from the query initiator reflecting only
the popularity of the music track in the whole net-
3. User-context (Social): consists in returning re-
sults that match the social profile of the query
initiator setting λ = 0 . In this experiments, the
community of any user is the set of all users in
the network and thus the score is solely based on
the popularity of the music track in the network.
This setting is equivalent to Music-context (So-
cial) where the result matches only the social pro-
file of the query.
4. User-context (Semantic + Social): consists in
taking into account both the social and the se-
mantic profiles of the query initiator. In this set-
ting music tracks should match the interests of the
community and the query initiator. This is ob-
tained by setting λ = 0 and restricting the com-
munity of the query initiator only to users with
similar tagging behaviour.
5. Music-context + User-context (Semantic + So-
cial): consists in using all the elements of our ap-
proach. We set λ = 0.5 and we use both semantic
and social profiles for music tracks and users to
rank results.
6.3 Assessment and Evaluation Metrics
To avoid any subjectivity in the assessment of the re-
sults, we have exploited click information to indicate
whether a user likes a music track or not. So, for each
returned result we check if the user has clicked on
it. If he has clicked, then we set the result as rele-
vant and give a value of 1, otherwise it is irrelevant
and has a value of 0. To measure the effectiveness of
our approach, we have used the precision P@k which
represents the fraction of retrieved music tracks that
are relevant to the query considering only the top-k
results. It is given by:
P@k =
|Relevant Track topk Track Results|
We have also used the Mean Average Precision
(MAP) which is a widely adopted standard measure
in IR given by:
MAP@n =
where N is the total number of queries, n is a given
position and AverageP is the average precision of each
6.4 Results and Discussion
Tables 2 and 3 show the precision and MAP values
for the different strategies of our model. It is clear
from the results that user-context approaches perform
the best in terms of precision and MAP values. More
precisely, when the social and the semantic user pro-
files are both taken into account to find relevant mu-
sic tracks. Compared to using only a Music-context
approach based on the semantic profile of the music
track, the precision@5 increases from 0.285 to 0.478
which is a substantial improvement. Similarly, the
MAP@5 highly improves from 0.242 to 0.423. We
note a decrease in precision and MAP for the top10
results which is due to the decrease of the popularity
of music tracks at lower ranks.
Table 2: Mean precision values for all queries.
P@5 P@10
Music-context (Semantic) 0.285 0.204
Music-context (Social) 0.45 0.309
/ User-context (Social)
Music-context 0.433 0.293
(Semantic + Social)
User-context 0.478 0.315
(Semantic + Social)
Music-context + User-context 0.450 0.293
(Semantic + Social)
After User-context approaches come the Music-
context combined with User-context approaches
showing also high precision and MAP values. Thus,
whenever User-context approaches are adopted, we
can increase the satisfaction of the user. Now, consid-
ering only Music-context approaches we can see a no-
table difference when we use the semantic profile of
the music track and when we enhance it with its social
profile. We can see that matching music tracks based
on their social profile increases the precision@5 from
KISS MIR: Keep It Semantic and Social Music Information Retrieval
Table 3: MAP values for all queries.
MAP@5 MAP@10
Music-context (Semantic) 0.242 0.147
Music-context (Social) 0.398 0.259
/ User-context (Social)
Music-context 0.405 0.254
(Semantic + Social)
User-context 0.423 0.268
(Semantic + Social)
Music-context + User-context 0.421 0.258
(Semantic + Social)
0.285 to 0.433 which is a substantial improvement.
Similarly, the MAP@5 highly improves from 0.242 to
0.405. The reason is that even though the social pro-
file of the music track does not depend on the query
initiator, it depends on other users in the network.
This means that it is enough to be in the same net-
work to influence the taste of any participant. So, this
strategy is indirectly User-context which explains the
high improvement in the results.
Table 4: MAP @5 for all queries.
0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0
0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.478
0.2 n/a n/a n/a 0.448 n/a
0.5 n/a n/a 0.450 n/a n/a
0.8 n/a 0.450 n/a n/a n/a
1.0 0.285 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Table 5: P@5 for all queries.
0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0
0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.423
0.2 n/a n/a n/a 0.419 n/a
0.5 n/a n/a 0.421 n/a n/a
0.8 n/a 0.421 n/a n/a n/a
1.0 0.242 n/a n/a n/a n/a
To analyse the impact of the parameter λ on the
performance of the model, we use different values
ranging from 0 to 1 for the strategy that combines all
types of profiles. The results are given in tables 4 and
5. In the same line as previous results, we can see that
the best results are achieved when λ = 0 which cor-
responds to User-context strategy. To summarise, the
overall results of these experiments demonstrate that
involving the user in the retrieval process can be done
in different ways and all of them improves highly the
satisfaction of the user compared to music-context ap-
In these experiments, we have exploited clicks, by
analogy to IR evaluation paradigm, as relevance judg-
ments. However, actually, in the case of music, a sim-
ple click does not really reveal the relevance judgment
since the user can stop the music after some seconds.
To overcome this problem, in our ongoing experi-
ments, we are currently testing our approach by in-
troducing a graded relevance scale based on the num-
ber of clicks considering that having clicked a track
several times is a much stronger indication of its rele-
We have presented a user-centric approach for mu-
sic retrieval which gives the opportunity to users to
get involved in the search process. To this end, we
exploited a variety of contexts. More specifically,
we have extracted semantic and social contexts for
music tracks and for users. Based on these differ-
ent contexts, we proposed a ranking model that can
use music-context, user-context, or both. Addition-
ally, it can set the context to semantic, social, or
both. We have investigated the different settings of
our model to understand what type of information is
more suitable for satisfying user needs. Our exper-
iments have shown that user-context is by far more
useful than music-context for improving the quality
of music search results. More importantly, both se-
mantic and social information should be taken into
account to represent user profile. As future work,
we aim at investigating different types of reactions
other than clicks. Comments are definitely a valu-
able source for user interests and can reveal a lot more
about what the user is looking for and how his taste
changes over time.
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KISS MIR: Keep It Semantic and Social Music Information Retrieval