Integration of the Finnish National Tax Administration Systems with
EU Recapitulative Statement Data
Raita Melasniemi
and Rauno Pirinen
Finnish Tax Administration, Haapaniemenkatu, Helsinki, Finland
LAUREA University of Applied Sciences, Vanha maantie, Espoo, Finland
Keywords: Information System Integration, Development Project, European Union Recapitulative Statement, Distributed
Systems, Design Science Research, Recapitulative Statement Data.
Abstract: This study examined the European Union recapitulative statement data integration with the Finnish national
tax domain. The main challenges identified in realizing international integration were communication,
cooperation and distribution of information. In particular, the development of integration faced ontological
challenges in terms of specifications and final definition. The results highlight the process model and
mechanism for design digital system integration in distributed environments across national borders. The
study also offers administrative implications.
This study focuses on the integration of the European
Union (EU) recapitulative statement data with the
Finnish national tax applications and digital
information system.
Recapitulative statement data comprise value-
added tax (VAT) for businesses registered with the
EU member states that provide intra-EU supplies to
actors who are obligated to complete recapitulative
statements. The statements list the aggregate value of
goods and services supplied to VAT-registered
customer elsewhere in the EU.
Economic operators submit recapitulative
statement data to their member states authority, which
is in charge of the VAT control and management
system. Member states collect VAT information and
store it in the value-added tax information exchange
system (VIES) database [see: Appendix (DG
TAXUD IT AO-03, 2012)].
The rationale underpinning this study is to learn
the integration of such data and its challenges as well
as contribute to the effectiveness of similar system
integration and development.
Overall, the reasoning culminated from a new
framework for administrative cooperation in the EU,
which is related to proposals made by the European
Commission in the past few years, and the
implementation of the framework by the Council for
administrative cooperation [note: Appendix (COM
722 final, 2012)].
Setting of new legislative instruments addresses
the manner in which new tools and instruments are
developed by the Commission and member states
[see: June Communication in the Appendix (COM
351 final, 2012)], which highlights effective and
comprehensive use by member states yet to be
attained. The member states must ensure full and
effective implementation and application of these
instruments, particularly by engaging in an enhanced
exchange of information.
In the Finnish tax environment, the amount of data
collected from the taxpayers has increased in the past
years. These enterprises are part of a group who have
to provide a recapitulative statement and adhere to
VAT control procedures. This setting is based on the
Council Directive 2008/117/EC of 16 December
2008, amended from the Directive 2006/112/EC on
the VAT common system, aimed at combating tax
evasion related to intra-community transactions and
obligations to declare services along with goods
transposition in the member states beginning in 2010.
In addition, the time limit to declare intra
community supplies in the recapitulative statement
has been reduced from the calendar quarter to each
calendar month within a period, not exceeding one
month [Appendix (EUR Lex, 2008)].
Administrations are obligated to exchange
increasing amounts of information and data and
require companies to electronically submit the
Melasniemi, R. and Pirinen, R..
Integration of the Finnish National Tax Administration Systems with EU Recapitulative Statement Data.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 365-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
recapitulative statement. Therefore, there is growing
need for increased information system integration
within Finnish tax administration at the national level.
While tax administration requires declarations from
enterprises, the tax administrations’ obligation is to
exploit the data received.
Similar expansions can be noticed in line with this
study. The same type of development and realisation
work is being observed across Europe in tandem with
such changes.
These changes strain and increase the
administrative burden for taxpayers. Therefore, it is
significant to use the collected data for tax control and
audit purposes. Such data use is important to benefit
compliant taxpayers. In terms of tax administration,
this means developing tools to identify fraudsters and
those who do not qualify for the settled rules. These
tasks should be performed using appropriate
technologies that equally cover the entire field of
targeted taxpayers.
This study is based on activities and actions
performed to fulfil requirements to operate in line
with governmental viewpoints. The Finnish Tax
Administration Information Systems are currently
capable of collecting and exchanging data in line with
concerned regulations.
There are additional obligations which can be
improved using existing digital information systems.
These aims warrant the national integration of
information systems and increased global sharing of
digital information.
At the macro level, this study was completed in
compliance with the international research and
development agenda. The study expanded and
produced additional viewpoints from the students’
workplace to the European Union’s Common
Information Sharing Environment’s (EU CISE, 2020)
research project and dissemination, the EU CISE
2020 research consortium and Finland’s research
agenda targets.
The study examines information sharing
applications to foster cross-sectorial and cross-border
collaboration between public authorities and the
dissemination of the EU CISE 2020 initiative as well
as the steps along the recapitulative statement data
roadmap in the EU.
The macro-level work of interest entails the
possible experimental environments encompassing
innovative and collaborative services and processes
between European authorities and actors and takes as
reference, an extensive spectrum of factors in the field
of European integrated services, arising from the
European legal framework, collaborative studies and
related pilot projects.
Expected advances of this study were addressed
in an investigation of tax administrative and
controlling processes and implications, such as
technical, practical and administrative viewpoints.
The main finding of this study is a mechanism and
realisation steps in information systems integration.
The model contributes an improved an effective way
to perform similar projects in distributed digital
architecture and a multi-unit environment where
several international parties and actors are involved.
This study attempted to answer the following
question: how can information systems related to the
EU recapitulative statements data be designed,
realised and evaluated?
More specific to this research, how can
recapitulative statements data from EU member states
be integrated with the Finnish national tax
administrative systems?
The unit of analysis uses a realisation project that
has been well documented and launched as a case
The rationale underlying this unit of analysis and
study is to learn how EU recapitulative statement data
can be nationally integrated and the entailed
challenges as well as ways to improve the
effectiveness of similar system integration
The purpose of this study is in the realisation,
design and evaluation of the Finnish national tax
information systems.
The selection of the questions ‘how’ and ‘why
led to the choice and use of descriptive methods, as
described in (Robson, 2002). Therefore, and due to
the nature of the present research question, a
qualitative analysis, case study research approach
(Yin, 2009) and design science theory and process
(Gregor, 2002) were used as the research design.
This study includes a literature review and
empirical research data, including documentation
material (n = 188) and interviews (n = 6).
Investigated data collected were triangulated
(Campbell and Fiske, 1959) and analysed, as advised
in Miles and Huberman (1994).
From the methodological viewpoint, the present
analysis is a case study with a design science research
extension in the domain in which the EU
recapitulative statements data can be integrated with
national applications (Hevner and Chatterjee, 2010).
In this case, the rationale is the research and
development project launched in response to the need
ISE 2015 - Special Session on Information Sharing Environments to Foster Cross-Sectorial and Cross-Border Collaboration between Public
to develop a more efficient way to use collected and
stored data for tax control and audit purposes [cf.
methodology in Nunamaker and Briggs (2011)].
The important motives are to improve the
efficiency of tax control, neutral treatment of
customers and progressive use of collected data.
Achieved impacts were estimated to harmonise
customer service, improve tax control and tax
auditing processes and reduce manual work and
redirect tasks to the appropriate answerable taxation
unit [cf. methodological in March and Smith (1995)
and Markus et al., (2002)].
The integration development adopted by the tax
auditing unit was based on the EU Regulation
904/2010 and its demands to improve administrative
cooperation and tackle tax frauds.
In addition, the main methodological references
reviewed were as follows: the case research strategy
in Benbasat et al., (1987) and rigor in information
systems positivist case research by Dubé and Paré
The first administrative implication of this study is
that the participants of development work should be
committed to being careful and has strong will to
meet the objectives of parties involved in the
international integration project.
The study also reveals that resources should be
afforded and participants have professional skills and
adequate knowledge and capabilities in the applied
Further, the roles of the participants have to be
clarified for all parties.
The importance and need of cooperation and
information sharing have to be understood and
realised in the project and research environment.
However, the main challenges in the integration
project are communication, cooperation, trust sharing
and information distribution.
Development mostly faces challenges in the
specifications and final definition of integration.
Here, these two ontology-related parts are strongly
The study further revealed that pre-operational
validation and balancing work pressure and workload
in the project as well as steering cognitive settings
reduces difficulties.
3.1 Project Issues
Issues experienced in the project could not have been
solved solely with an understanding of the entire tax
system or deeper testing. There were numerous issues
which could not have been tested in advance, also
known as preoperational validation, and some
situations were only discovered after the
implemented artefact was in use. This point reiterates
the importance of technical specifications and control
process methods.
In this case, the implications for development
works vary by purpose of data. Differences in
businesses lead to misunderstandings between
parties. Other parties tend to value technical matters
more than others. This causes weight differences
between parties and varying levels of understanding
regarding the entity of the project tasks.
One of the most challenging aspects seemed to be
cooperation between business units, that is, better
communication between business and information
system professionals.
A review of the extant literature reveals a
widespread agreement on the importance of user
involvement in system development and
maintenance; however, the level and quality of user
involvement often remains inadequate.
Even though the environment was a mature
collective, users found it difficult to express their
needs’. At a different organisational level, but in a
similar vein, misalignment between business and
information systems is an ongoing source of
frustration and inefficiency.
In this case, there are several participating parties
from different system organisations and businesses,
where communication becomes increasingly
important. The roles of the parties should be clarified
for all participants of the project. More specifically,
the role describes the responsibilities and authorities
of the actors.
In this case, it is recognised that, if the technical
solutions and business unit’s needs are in
contradiction, there should a person who understands
the technical and business side to guide both ends to
a final solution. The end-user view and user-centred
aspects should also be carefully considered.
Further evaluation shows that some parameters
have already been re-evaluated and corrected to meet
the requirements from the perspective of everyday
use. These changes can be seen as a normal cycle in
the development of the digital information system.
From the research data and the evaluation of the
project perspective, it is evident that all decisions
made regarding the implementations were not
optimal. Thus, it is essential to account for diverse
understandings when there are many operators and
Integration of the Finnish National Tax Administration Systems with EU Recapitulative Statement Data
Preliminary integration work and information
sharing should have been performed better
throughout the project. Certain misunderstandings
and lack of knowledge affected the final
specifications and implemented solution.
3.2 Communication
Communication channels should undergo project
organisation. The transparency of all prepared and
implemented plans, decisions and actions should be
available to all parties. The distribution of
information is important to maintain uniformity and
for further evaluation. From a communication
perspective, the work flow for a successful project
should be as follows:
Business representatives should communicate and
identify the aims and final objectives and at the same
time, the technical side should be aware of these aims
to develop a sufficient understanding of the business.
A mutual consensus and trust has to be achieved
before technical development. These aims should be
clear and accordingly, technical plans and decisions
should be made. The business and technical side have
to evaluate final decisions. All concerned parties have
to accept and subscribe to the plans.
Implementing the technical solution should be
trouble-free and when the implementation is
complete, the development lifecycle can proceed with
the evaluation and re-specification when needed.
3.3 Documentation
During the case project, there was also a need for
more accurate reasoning in the decision-making
process for development. Decisions have and will
always be questioned and therefore, there should
accurate documentation and reasoning in place.
Appropriate documentation can significantly help
further evaluating purposes.
The importance regarding documenting reasoning
and general reporting was highlighted by several
interviewees. There appeared to be a need to improve
project documentation for the entire project.
Furthermore, through the research, it was realised that
there was no exact consensus on the goals and aims
during the development work.
Few other problems identified were confusion in
the decision-making process and regarding roles as
well as the mandate to perform certain actions. The
evaluation showed that, in addition to
communication, reporting was inadequate and should
have been improved.
3.4 Proposed Model
The model and results answer the following question:
how can information systems related to EU data be
designed and evaluated?
An attempt to answer the question ‘How can EU
data be integrated and digital information systems
designed?’ facilitated the motivation underlying this
study: the description of a mechanism as well as
guidance and process steps for development.
List of process steps for development followed:
1. Participants of the developing work, that is,
project organisation should be carefully selected
and there should be a strong will to complete the
objective proposed by all concerned parties.
2. Sufficient resources should be available and
participants must have adequate knowledge and
the will to see the project through.
3. Role descriptions should be clear in the early
phase and revised later, if necessary.
4. Business representatives should communicate and
identify the aims and final goal. The technical side
should be presented; however, interviews should
first focus on listening or obtaining information to
sufficiently understand the business side.
5. A mutual consensus has to be reached before
technical development. This solution should be
clear and decisions should be made on the basis of
the setting.
6. Technical planning, including specifications,
process descriptions and final documentations,
should subscribe to the entire project organisation
and serve as a transparent information sharing
7. Plans should be evaluated by both, the business
and technical side, including all participating
operators. If something remains to be addressed or
revisited, then step four should be reconsidered.
8. Implementation should be clear and trouble-free if
all previous steps have been completed.
9. Implemented functionalities should be evaluated.
10. Check if re-specification is needed.
There should be adequate knowledge and open
mindedness to identify as many scenarios as possible
and an eye for future development in the environment
and related changes. In addition, there should be
awareness regarding how integration can affect
confidence in the existing processes.
Another implication is that when outside
customers are involved, the customers’ perspective
should be accounted for in the scenarios.
ISE 2015 - Special Session on Information Sharing Environments to Foster Cross-Sectorial and Cross-Border Collaboration between Public
There is always a gap between the technical and
business side. Research data have often highlighted
that information systems do not talk the same
language as businesses. Despite the lack of a mutual
language and ontological understanding, it remains
important to involve both sides from the beginning.
The roles and activities will undergo continuous
change during the project steps.
A similar discussion can be found in the literature
regarding business professionals facing difficulties in
discussing software-related details that are not
directly linked with everyday work. In addition,
discussions related to information systems could miss
several key terms and ‘displays’, which can engage
business professionals and should be discussed before
dealing with technical details.
The study marked at identifying more efficient ways
of tax control in the domain of recapitulative
statements data integration. Information systems and
tools were distributed and a lot of manual work was
conducted to control recapitulative statements data.
The results indicate that it is important to evaluate
the integration project. The need for integration was
obvious, but a deeper understanding was needed with
an in-depth analysis of the development project.
It also offered implications for tax administrators
regarding the effectiveness of similar projects and the
importance of cooperation communication. A more
effectively run project can reduce costs and help
devise better ways to define control procedures.
The created model for the above-mentioned
research and development steps and concluded
mechanisms are presented in Table 1 and can help
future works on a similar type of integration. Based
on the evidence, the most important issue is the
overall understanding of the operational field, that is,
domain ontology. A challenging point is the
difference between business units and related
approaches, in this case, toward data. This challenge
can be tackled with strong cooperation and
collaborative activities. This needs flexibility,
resilience, listening abilities and perception of wider
entities than one’s own business unit.
In conclusion, the need for integration was
obvious. Although the implementation method was
not entirely clear, it was concluded and successful.
The integration affected the existing ways of working
and suggested new ones for tax control across
national borders.
From a researcher’s viewpoint, some mistakes
made during the project have helped find direction in
modelling design work. When data were collected
and triangulated from various sources, such
causalities can be dealt with. A review of the entire
data revealed the exact points at which mistakes were
made. It is noteworthy that this study exposed certain
challenges in this type of work, which otherwise
would have remained unnoticed.
How can these problems be avoided? The easiest
way is to improve participants’ overall understanding
of the control area, or pre-operational validation.
However, this may be a rather simplified answer
given that the field comprises different businesses,
information systems, operative developers and actors
as well as varying levels of digitalisation. Thus,
cooperation seems to be the most vital aspect,
particularly when there are several parties, a point
highlighted by every interviewee.
The challenges are not restricted to activities in
the research and development project. In fact, the
organisational environment and existing
circumstances can also affect the background agency.
These larger observations are difficult to analyse
and there exist certain factor that could affect this
project and the integration, for example, lack of
resources. Limited resources can affect challenges to
organisational capability.
This study emphasises the significance of
cooperation and higher participant commitment to
understand the facts and learn from experiences of
other businesses, which is parallel to a deeper
understanding of one’s own business. The study
found that cooperation, commitment and trust can
affect every step in the project and the lifecycle of the
development work.
Different organisational units not only collaborate
with each other to share knowledge, but also compete
with each other to maximise their own benefits.
Internally, they vie for the organisation’s limited
resources. Consequently, they try to outperform other
units that offer similar products or services in the
market place. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that the
effectiveness of coordination mechanisms for
knowledge sharing depends on the conditions of
competition among organisational units.
As mentioned earlier, this study project is not only
about techniques and processes but also cooperation
and trust building as well as choices to be evaluated
and decisions to be made.
The study offers suggestions for future works. The
regulation includes many international and domestic
anti-tax fraud motives, such as the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Integration of the Finnish National Tax Administration Systems with EU Recapitulative Statement Data
tax compliance model. Research can be furthered in
anti-tax fraud work, given the exiting call for actions
regarding the shared tax administration.
Another important viewpoint for future research
is reorganizing tax control duties by increasing the
automation level of control procedures and
digitalizing EU recapitulative statement data.
Figure 1: Mechanism of recapitulative statement data
List of abbreviations used in Figure 1: VAT
(Value Added Tax), VIES (VAT Information
Exchange System), Recapitulative statement data
(Data of business registered for VAT), CCN
(Common Communication Network), VPN (Virtual
Personal Network).
The term “recapitulative statement data” (in the
title of Figure 1) consist of value-added tax (VAT) for
businesses registered with the EU member states that
provide intra-EU supplies to actors who are obligated
to complete recapitulative statements. The statements
grade the aggregate value of goods and services
supplied to VAT-registered customer elsewhere in
the EU.
This study was based on the European Union’s
Common Information Sharing research theme and
research agenda targets related to the public authority
in Finland. The target of study is addressed to the
information sharing utilisation that foster cross-
sectorial and cross-border collaboration among
public authorities, the dissemination of the related EU
initiative and steps along the EU information sharing
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ISE 2015 - Special Session on Information Sharing Environments to Foster Cross-Sectorial and Cross-Border Collaboration between Public