Enhancing Intuitive and Coordinated Decision-Making in Soccer
From Research to the Field within the 4P Strategy
Gilles Kermarrec
and Loic Plassart
Research Center for Education, Learning and Didactics, UEB University, Brest, France
European Center for Virtual Reality, Plouzané, France
Keywords: Naturalistic Decision-Making, Intuition, Coordination, Training, Small-Sided Games, Implicit Vs Explicit
Learning, Soccer.
Abstract: Since few years decision-making in team sports has been studied through a Naturalistic Decision-Making
(NDM) approach and advances from research on team sports performance led to pedagogical principles and
to tactical skills training strategies. Considering the need for coordinated and intuitive decision-making,
implications from NDM framework are discussed according to literature on tactical skills training in team
sports. For some years Small-Sided Games seems to be approved by a large majority of coach and
researchers. Nevertheless, while the Teaching-Games-For-Understanding’s (TGFU) pedagogical model
focused on explicit learning, the Led-Constraints approach led to implicit learning. A significant proposition
from our program of work is that there is a need for a wide range of decision-making processes in team
sports, so that a tactical skills training strategy should be based on a blend of implicit and explicit learning.
In this perspective, the 4P strategy (i.e., Positioning; Practicing; Picturing; Post-analysing) is a four-step-
strategy designed by scientists and coaches in soccer. An empirical study has been conducted within
technological artefacts embedded into the 4P strategy. Results showed that youth players benefited from
technological aids because they highlight relevant configurations of play and help to share “pictures” during
small-sided games. This exploratory study suggested that the whole 4P strategy was well suited for intuitive
and coordinated decision-making enhancement.
In recent times, decision-making in a sport setting
began to be studied through a Naturalistic Decision-
Making (NDM) approach (e.g., Macquet, 2009). The
Naturalistic Decision-Making paradigm (Klein,
1998-2008) contributed to improve the
understanding about how people make choices and
coordinate themselves in military, nuclear power,
aviation, human management, economic or sports
settings. For that, NDM examines the ways in which
experts in real-world contexts, alone or in a team,
identify and assess situations, make decisions and
coordinate their actions.
In team sports, players have to deal with
complex, uncertain, dynamic environments; they
have to be able to make decision based on their own
actions and on the movements of other players.
Thus, appropriate decisions are based on changes on
relevant informational cues considering the
dynamics of the teammates/opponents behaviours.
In line with NDM advances, we made the
assumption that these kinds of decisions rely on
recognition and sharing of spatiotemporal
This communication is organized into four parts.
First, we overview findings from our research on
team performances from the NDM perspective. The
results provide a rationale for considering the need
for Coordinated and Intuitive Decision-Making in
team sports, and have implications for designing
decision-making training. Second, previous works
on tactical skills training are discussed. While
Teaching-Games-for-Understanding approach
(TGfU) mainly focused on explicit learning, the
Ecological Dynamic approach argued that team
games training could benefit from practicing and
implicit learning. We consider that both of these
theoretical and practical perspectives provide
precious rationales for implementing training
programs based on Small-Sided Games (SSG) in
soccer, and that they could be complemented thanks
to the NDM advances in team sports. Third, these
insights lead scientists and practitioners to design the
Kermarrec, G. and Plassart, L..
Enhancing Intuitive and Coordinated Decision-Making in Soccer - From Research to the Field within the 4P Strategy.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pages 325-333
ISBN: 978-989-758-159-5
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
4P strategy, the principles of which are presented
and illustrated. Fourth, the 4P tactical skills training
strategy has been experimented in four soccer
schools using technological artefacts, and some
empirical results are presented and briefly discussed.
In NDM perspective, Recognition-Primed Decision
(RPD) and Team Situation Awareness (TSA) are
well-known models of expertise in complex and
dynamic environments.
2.1 Tactical Skills and Intuitive
Decision-making: Advances from
the RPD Model
In the NDM approach, decision-making is seen as
recognition of spatiotemporal configuration, and is
called intuitive decision-making. Intuitive decision-
making involves a fast and non-conscious process.
The intuitive decision-making is an alternative to the
rationalistic linear information-processing model.
Rationalistic decision-making refers to a relatively
slow and conscious process, so that it could not be
effective in many sport situations.
Klein (1998-2008) has shown that experts in
dynamic situations do not tend to make decisions
based on rational deductions or exhaustive analyses
of expectancies. Contrariwise, intuitive decision-
making supposed that people confronted with
uncertainty and time pressure are able to perceived
relevant cues or salient features in the context, to
recognize the configuration of a situation as familiar
or typical, helping them to adjust their behaviour to
the particular conditions of the environment. The
Recognition-Primed Decision model suggests three
levels of experiencing the situation: simple matching
the situation is quickly perceived as familiar;
diagnosis when the situation is perceived to be
incongruous; simulation when an expert perceives
the situation as typical and evaluates first or second
option through mental simulation before
implementing a course of action.
RPD models started to be applied also in sport
settings over the last years (for a brief review, see
Kermarrec and Bossard, 2014). Most of the studies
used a video-based simulated methodology and a
“first person approach” in a competitive setting. The
results showed that experts in sport games recognize
configuration of a play and made decisions based on
previous experiences: a) they perceived the most
salient informational cues of a situation and matched
them together to recognized typical configurations
of play; b) they tend to use a simple match
mechanism and take the first option when they
assessed the situations as familiar; c) when players
did not assess the situation as familiar, two or three
options were diagnosed; d) when players did not feel
urgency, they took time to simulate the situation:
especially defenders or goalkeeper anticipated
opponents’ options from an external “third person”
viewpoint, or from an internal “first person”
viewpoint. This process allows him or her to
imagine how effective the option will be in the
current situation.
Finally, empirical studies pointed out evidences
for intuitive decision-making used by experts in
team sports. In other words, according to NDM
approach, tactical skills rely on recognition of
configurations of play. In next section we examine
teammates influences and the need to share the same
configuration of play in order to make coordinated
2.2 Tactical Skills and Coordinated
Decision-making: Advances from
the TSA Model
Several researchers argued that team performance
requires a high degree of coordination (Salas and al.,
2008; Eccles and Tenenbaum, 2004, 2007). Thus,
NDM line of research on team performances has
shown the interest of the TSA model to better
understand such a complex phenomenon.
In dynamic (i.e. complex and indeterminate)
situations like most team games interactions,
coordination between teammates cannot be reduced
to shared knowledge constructed before the course
of action. Team members have to share perceptions,
judgements, expectations during the on-going
situation. Considering that what is shared could be
“contextual”, some researchers have developed
conceptual and methodological frameworks for
describing and assessing the dynamic of
coordination. In this regard, the notion of situation
awareness was extended to study coordination in
teams. Endsley (1995)
defined Situation Awareness
as the perception of the elements in the context, the
understanding of their meaning, and the projection
of their role in the near future. SA is a “picture” of a
situation to which it refers (Macquet and Stanton,
2014). Over the past few years, Team Situation
Awareness (TSA) has emerged as a major concept in
PerSoccer 2015 - Special Session/Symposium on Performance Analysis in Soccer: How does Technology Challenge Current Practices? -
3rd Edition
research dedicated to study coordination among
members of the same team. Both of quantitative and
qualitative methods were employed and TSA was
assessed with a particular focus on the shared
contents, on the forms of sharing that appeared
during real-time activity, and on the sharing
One of our recent studies in Handball (De
Keukelaere, and al., 2013)
was conducted on the
TSA perspective. Behavioural data from six elite
players during offensive phases were recorded and
supplemented by verbal data collected during video-
cued recall interviews after the game. Content
analysis was conducted. The results showed that the
athletes alternated between two modes of
coordination. In some cases, a pre-established plan
was followed-up, based on shared content or
“sharedness” (e.g. the routines or tactics that were
reinforced during training). Most of the time, these
shared content have to be adjusted at the end of the
course of action. In other cases, performances
needed a real-time adaptation to the context of
action. “Context sharing” during the course of action
is based on a dynamic process of sharing a
configuration of a play. Complementary, many
sharing processes such as inquiry or surveying,
verifying or monitoring, displaying, masking or
resisting authorized members of team to adjust their
own decision to ones’ decision, or to influence ones’
These studies elicited the alternative role of
knowledge sharedness (as a “static product”) and
configuration of a play sharing (as a “dynamic
process”). Considering that sharedness is rarely
sufficient and completely pre-established before
team performance, most of the recent studies pointed
out that training methods have to develop further in
the direction of team adaptation (Salas and al.,
2007). Thus team-training strategies should target
“team work” rather than “task work” (id.). Whereas
task work consisted essentially in pre-briefing, post-
briefing, team work emphases the role of practice
and the need for sharing in the course of action. In
this perspective tactical skills training in team sports
could consist in involving the capabilities for players
to recognize and share the same configurations of
play during the on-going situation.
To conclude this brief report on advances from
the NDM perspective, we suggest that tactical skills
training strategies should consider both of individual
and collective capabilities. Thus, in order to develop
intuitive and coordinated decision-making, empirical
findings lead us to focus on configuration of play
recognition and sharing.
Most of the decision-making training programs
could be placed along the implicit / explicit learning
continuum (Raab, 2007). Number of these programs
offers a large set of arguments for the interest of
small-sided games (SSG) especially for tactical
skills training in soccer. Thus, SSGs are plebiscited
in both of the Teaching Games for Understanding
framework and in the Constraints-Led Approach.
SSG is not only a reduced game, but also we
consider it as a combination of coaches’ objective
and task constraints: “space (e.g., the nature of the
playing surface, playing area dimensions), time (e.g.,
time span of matches, time to attain a sub-objective
of the match), players (e.g., number of players in
each team, number of teams, roles of players),
equipment (e.g., size and number of goals and balls),
and intrapersonal and interpersonal coordination
(e.g., limbs allowed to contact the ball or players
allowed to pass the ball)”. We also argue that SSG
could be well-suited for configuration of play
recognition and sharing, in line with the NDM
3.1 TGFU and Explicit Learning
The Teaching Games for Understanding approach
(TGFU) is one of the most validated approaches to
tactical training. Key component of the TGFU
approach are: a) practicing authentic reduced games;
b) teaching in an explicit way. Based on the
assumption that tactical knowledge should be
developed before skills, TGFU was based on full
playing games or on modified or reduced games.
Coaches frequently stop the play and help players
thanks to questions, debates, and verbalizations’
artefacts, so that TGFU should promote explicit
learning (Kirk and Mc Phail, 2002).
Thus, TGfU was extended in a constructivist
perspective (Grehaigne, Godbut and Bouthier,
2001). First, SSG should be a reduced but an
authentic game from the players’ viewpoint. Second,
teacher role is considered as essential in order to
help (e.g. in analysing, debating) players in
identifying configurations of play and appropriate
responses (i.e. knowledge or rules that could be
verbalized by the players). The explicit learning
process implies constant interactions between the
subject and the environment.
Nevertheless, the TGfU approach has some
Enhancing Intuitive and Coordinated Decision-Making in Soccer - From Research to the Field within the 4P Strategy
limitations (Chow, et al., 2007), especially when
researchers systematically examined the
effectiveness of this pedagogical method, or
considered that “tactical skills are not verbal skills”
(Araujo et al., 2010).
3.2 Constraints-Led Approach and
Implicit Learning
The use of small-sided games in soccer is viewed as
an archetype of the constraints-led approach (CLA)
of training (Davids and al., 2013). The manipulation
of human and environmental constraints is supposed
to shape players behaviours, in small-sided
conditioned games (SSCG). At present, effects of
SSCGs constraints on physiological and technical
capabilities have been extensively investigated in the
literature (id.). Recently, some authors demonstrated
that SSCGs could enhance individual and collective
tactical skills (Travassos and al., 2014). The
ecological dynamics (ED) model underpinned the
CLA and argued that decision-making behaviours
emerge from the interactions of individuals with
environmental constraints (Araujo, Davids and
Hristovski, 2006).
In this perspective, SSCGs promote implicit
learning (i.e. behaviours emergence within actions
of individual players or also within interpersonal
interactions between players). Previous idea has
major implications for designing representative
practice tasks in team sports (id.). Representative
design is a concept initially proposed by Egon
Brunswik (1956). It means that training tasks need
to represent the competitive environment so that
learners can learn credible action. In other words
design of practice tasks need to represent
opportunities to act, as the players would in
competitive environment (Travassos and al., 2013).
Nevertheless, it is not clear how and why players
modified their behaviour in SSCGs. Does
behaviours’ changes supported within a major
tactical involvement, and changes in decision-
making processes? Which constraint could provide
effect on decision-making learning? How coaches
could design SSGs aiming at involving rapid,
spontaneous and accurate decision-making? Thus,
there is a need for a better understanding of the
effects of task’s constraints on decision-making
Despite links have been pointed between TGfU
and LCA (Chow, et al., 2007), we pointed
differences if considering the learning process.
According to TGFU pedagogical aids in SSG are
relevant for explicit learning, while according to
CLA practicing SSG is supposed to enhance implicit
learning. Both of these bodies of work suggest that
SSG provide learners many occasions to adapt their
actions and decisions through continuous on-going
interactions with teammates and opponents and
other task constraints. In line with NDM advances
we can argue that the structure (task constraints) and
organization (pedagogical artefacts) of SSG can to
be designed in a whole tactical skills training
strategy aiming at sustaining both of explicit and
implicit learning.
Based on this assumption, the 4P strategy was
designed for enhancing intuitive and coordinated
decision-making in soccer.
Despite many studies emphasise the interest of the
NDM approach to better understand the mechanism
underlying expertise in team sports, very few have
inspired decision-making training tools in a sports
setting (e.g. Mascarenhas and al., 2005)
. In team
sports, experts should be able to immediately match
the situation, and to quickly share the sense of the
situation. That’s why in team sport training,
decision-making should be trained to be intuitive
and coordinated. Small group of players should be
trained to recognize and share configurations of
play. It can be noted that earlier application of an
intuitive decision-making approach have been
developed based on the Ecological Rationality
perspective (Raab, 2007). SMART (Situation Model
of Anticipated Response consequences of Tactical
Training) is a pedagogical model that promotes the
use of implicit and explicit learning depending on
the complexity of the situation.
According to Klein (1998) intuitive decision-
making should be trained through four key ways: a)
engaging in practice; b) compiling extensive
experiences; c) obtaining accurate and quick
feedbacks; d) reviewing prior experiences and
learning from mistakes. Complementary, Hogarth
has developed a learning approach to
intuition. First, environments in which intuitions are
trained need to be representative for the
environments in which intuitions are supposed to be
applied. Second, he highlighted the role of feedback
that should be speedy, accurate and relevant. He
pointed out that learners do not need explicit
feedback, explanations, or conscious awareness of
PerSoccer 2015 - Special Session/Symposium on Performance Analysis in Soccer: How does Technology Challenge Current Practices? -
3rd Edition
the on-going learning situation. Hogarth’s
assumptions have been widely accepted in the field
of intuition research (Kahneman and Klein, 2009)
Theoretically, intuitive decision-making claims for
implicit learning. Nevertheless, practically, it is
difficult to separate implicit from explicit learning
within learners’ experiences in training program, and
the role of explicit feedback in decision-making
training is not clear. In naturalistic training
environment, we argued that coaches should use a
wide range of artefacts for decision-making training,
including both of implicit and explicit feedbacks.
In line with this advances, sport scientists and
professional coaches in soccer designed the 4P
strategy. It’s a four-step-strategy: a) Positioning; b)
Practicing; c) Picturing; e) Post-analysing.
4.1 Positioning the Training Device:
Positioning the training device within a real
performance context consists in introducing a
tactical objective in line with team “story”. In other
words coaches should use prebriefing as a way
toward sensemaking.
This principle is consistent with the heart of the
TGFU approach (Kirk, 2002): a technical or tactical
objective should be only introduced if the players
can make sense about it, or can feel the need for it
when they have performed a real game. From the
NDM approach, this principle is lead on the
sensemaking assumption. In team sport sensemaking
is a continuous process of understanding the play.
Sensemaking is a retrospective analysis of events
and a projection to the future. The Frame Theory of
sensemaking brought interesting implications for
learning and training. A frame, call it schema, map,
story or script, help us to recognize, connect or filter
data in the environment. Empirical findings in
soccer supported this assumption: Bossard and al.
(2011) described the schemata experts in soccer used
to reconstruct the dynamic of course of action.
Positioning the training device consists in
facilitating the framing process of coupling within
the game environment. Framing should be supported
when an objective is positioned in the on-going story
of a team (previous and future competition matches),
positioned in specific sub-phases of team games
(such as preparing the attempt to the goal, defending
a zone, or passing the ball from the defenders to the
forwards), and positioned in a space on the field.
4.2 Practicing SSPG
Practicing Small-Sided-Positioned Games is a
consequence of previous step. The focus is made on
designing representative small-sided games that
could implicitly shape configurations of play
required for competitive team games performance.
This principle seems to be consistent with theoretical
advances and empirical findings from the CLA.
Therefore, it is based on some argument from the
NDM line of research.
First, empirical studies showed that recognition
mechanisms experts used depend on their position
on the standard competitive pitch (e.g., Kermarrec &
Bossard, 2014). We suggest that the location of the
small-sided game within the standard pitch could
enhance the representativeness of a game. In other
words, sense making in the game and configuration
recognition may depend on the on-field location
within on the standard pitch. Thus position of the
game and positions of the targets must be thought in
accordance with the configuration of play the coach
wants to be trained.
Second, because intuitive decision-making is
based on a spatiotemporal recognition, our results
pointed out that timing is relevant when experts
identified a configuration of a play (id.); SSG could
simulate specific sub-phases of team games such as
preparing the attempt to the goal, defending a zone,
or passing the ball from the defenders to the
forwards. Especially each time a play is ended (e.g.
the ball get out of the playing area), a game’s starter
should throw again the ball in the same area in order
to lead to cumulative experiences.
Third recognition of a configuration in a game
depends on previous experiences and on expertise in
an assigned position on the pitch. Because previous
research on decision-making in team sports
demonstrated that spatiotemporal recognition is
based on the players’ point of view, the players’
positions in the game should be related to their own
position or task in their competitive team (De
keukelaere et al., 2013; Le Menn & Kermarrec,
2015). In SSG each time the game starts again, the
players should go back to their assigned positions in
the game.
All of these points lead us to the idea that SSGs
should be Small-Sided Positioned Games (SSPGs);
SSPG and classical SSG are illustrated in figures 1
and 2.
Enhancing Intuitive and Coordinated Decision-Making in Soccer - From Research to the Field within the 4P Strategy
Figure 1: example of a SSPG aiming at passing the ball
from the defenders to the forwards.
Figure 2: example of a classical SSG presenting the same
structure than previous SSPG.
4.3 Picturing the Expected
Configuration of Play
In order to highlight configuration of play, the coach
can use the “Stop, Watch and Go” pedagogical
artefact in SSPG (e.g. Kermarrec & Bossard, 2015):
he stops the game shortly, orders the players to stay
in place, stresses them to briefly watch their
relations or positions, notes if the configuration is
expected or not, and starts the play again. Because
“picturing the configuration of play” is based on
visual chunks more than on verbalizable
information, this step of the 4P strategy should be
classify more toward the pole of implicit learning
than explicit learning. Of course in the field both
types of learning are present (Raab, 2007).
This step is driven from NDM empirical
findings. Studies based on RPD model highlighted
the role of spatiotemporal configuration recognition
in intuitive decision-making. These configurations
are a blend of distances, visual cues, goals, and
available motoric skills, more than explicit
knowledge. The aim of this pedagogical step is also
to help players, players and coach, to share, and to
reinforce or to throw out the same pictures (Macquet
and Stanton, 2014) when the team failed or succeed.
4.4 Post-analysing the Game
Post-analysing the game is not only a debriefing,
aiming at evaluating and providing explicit
feedbacks. It is also a time for putting pictures into
words, and concepts, debating choices that players
have made, associating configuration of play and
knowledge or tactical principles, and sharing them
between players and coaches. This principle seems
to be consistent with theoretical advances and
empirical findings from the TGFU approach:
language productions, debate ideas about action, and
explicit strategies are supposed to produce an impact
on explicit learning (Grehaigne et al., 2001).
Therefore, this fourth step of our 4P strategy is also
based on some argument from the NDM line of
research. Promoting verbal exchanges between
players should improve their cognitive package for
future decision-making. In work field, debriefing is a
key point for improving individual decision-making
(Klein, 2008) and for team coordination (Salas et al.,
2007). In a sport setting, recent findings suggested
that expert defenders (Kermarrec and Bossard, 2014)
used knowledge to diagnose or simulate the
situation, when the ball is far from them. Post-
analysing the game is a key point for coaches in
order to organize schemata within scripts or global
frames, in order to classify specific configuration of
play into a whole defensive or offensive strategy, in
accordance with a game style or philosophy.
The 4P strategy is based on both theoretical and
empirical insights. A cooperative research program
gathering together professional coaches and
researchers from the Brittany Soccer League in
France have been conducted in order to
systematically assess this pedagogical strategy. It
was expected that the 4P strategy was well suited for
intuitive and coordinated decision-making training.
consist in four steps for a whole strategy and were
supposed to favour recognition and sharing of
configurations of play.
Moreover in the present research, technological
A Smal l -Si ded- Posi t i oned G ame
A cl assical
Smal l- Sided
PerSoccer 2015 - Special Session/Symposium on Performance Analysis in Soccer: How does Technology Challenge Current Practices? -
3rd Edition
artefacts were introduced within the third step.
Picturing consists in stopping the game for a very
short time when a relevant configuration emerges
from the on-going situation. It was hypothesized that
technological device such as video-cued artefacts on
digital tablet could help shared recognition of a
configuration. The video of the game was recorded
through digital camera, and immediately sent to the
tablet thanks to Bluetooth system. Recent study
demonstrated that it could a precious artefact for
sharing process and content sharedness (Kermarrec,
The 4P strategy and video-cued artefacts were
experimented in four soccer schools (U13) from the
Brittany soccer League in France. Forty youth
players (mean +/- SD; age=12,53 +/- 1.62)
participated in this study, divided by 4 groups
depending to their own soccer school. For each
group the objective of training sequence was to be
able to better transport the ball from the defenders to
the attackers. Each group had 10 players who were
divided into two teams of 5 players each by the
coaches. Players and their parents were fully
informed of aims and procedures of the study and
signed a consent form. First, each group played a
classical SSG (see fig. 2) at the beginning of the
usual training session on a 30x50 m pitch with 10
minutes duration (pre-test). Then, the four groups
practiced two periods of 15 minutes (training
conditions), and a recovery period of 5 minutes
between them. Each group had a specific condition.
Three groups practiced a specific SSPG aiming at
enhancing the advance of the ball from the defenders
to the attackers within a team (see fig. 1 and 2). The
area for both SSG was a 50 x 30 meter rectangle
divided into 3 areas. The players are divided into
two teams, which play 5 vs 5. Each team is allowed
to score in any of their 2 goals. In the SSPG, the
players are positioned within the inner zones
depending on their tasks in the team (2 defenders, 2
midfielders, 1 forward). The game starts with the
team positioned in the defense zone, when the starter
passes the ball to one of the defender, whose goal is
to advance the ball in the field and score in one of
the two targets. If the opponents get the ball, they try
to score a goal in any of their 2 goals.
The four training conditions were: C1, practicing
the classical SSG; C2, practicing the SSPG, without
any specific verbal instruction or demonstration; C3,
practicing the SSPG and furnishing pedagogical aids
through the 4P strategy; C4, practicing the SSPG
and furnishing pedagogical aids though the 4P
strategy included video-cued artefacts.
All the games were videotaped from a fixed and
high position. Video-recorded images were
transferred to a digital support for analyses. We
tracked the ball position on the screen and measured
the Ball Advance (i.e., the advance of the ball from
the defenders to the attackers within each team’s
possession of the ball, in meters). Distances’
measure method was inspired by the method using a
single camera and combining manual video tracking
and bi-dimensional reconstruction for sports
performance analysis (Duarte et al., 2010). Virtual
distances data (i.e., pixels) were transformed into
world pitch distances. A calibration was built on the
field's reference marks acting as control points.
Researchers and coaches considered the Ball
Advance as a good indicator for team coordination,
in line with pedagogical content (i.e., being able to
transport the ball from the defenders to the
attackers). It was calculated for each group in the
classical SSG (pre-test) and in each training
condition. Effect sizes (partial eta squared) and
ANOVA with post-hoc test (LSD) were performed
using SSPS.
Table 1: Ball Advance within the field for each possession
of a ball in a team (in meters).
Ball Advance M SD F p
G1 14,8 6,98
0,07 ns 0,04
G2 15,4 6,48
G3 14,5 6,80
G4 15,4 5,35
C1 16,1 6,85
11,6 .00 1,67
C2 12,6 7,85
C3 17,4 5,62
C4 20,8 6,02
Table 1 presents Ball Advance mean (+/- SD) results
per group (pre-test) and per training condition.
During the pre-test, Ball Advance did not present
statistical significant effect, so that the different
groups’ level of coordination could be considered as
equivalent. The Ball Advance indicator revealed a
high effect size value on the training conditions
factor, so that we ran follow-up analyses. The
ANOVA and post-hoc analyses revealed that Ball
Advance in SSPG was longer in C4 than in C3 (p<
.05), than in C2 (p< .01), and than in C1 (p< .01).
Surprisingly, Ball Advance in SSPG without 4P
strategy (C2) was shorter than in C1, in the classical
SSG (p<.05).
The aim of this communication was to present some
advances from NDM for tactical skills training in
Enhancing Intuitive and Coordinated Decision-Making in Soccer - From Research to the Field within the 4P Strategy
team sports. It was expected that the 4P strategy and
included video-cued artefacts could promote an
intuitive and coordinated decision-making by
highlighting configurations of play. First, our results
suggested that coaches should carefully designed
SSG, and ensure their representativeness. Because
some SSPG presented high level of constraints (C2),
youth players performed less than in a usual SSG
(C1), if coaches did not took in account the need for
making sense of the situation. Second, youth
players’ decisions and coordination were favoured in
SSPG when the 4P strategy promoted positioning
and picturing (C3 & C4). Furthermore, the results
highlighted the interest of visual pedagogical aids.
Video-cued artefacts embedded in the coaching
process, seems to be useful for picturing the relevant
configuration of play, and for sharing the same
picture between teammates (C4).
Finally, we emphasized that both of the TGfU
framework and the constraints-led approach should
be complemented by NDM advances on intuitive
and coordinated decision-making; they provide
rationale for the implementation of a 4P strategy,
which needs to be empirically examined in other
various settings.
Future research could also
introduce new video-cued artefacts within the 4P
strategy. At the first step, video from previous
matches, or behavioural data analysis could be used
for goal setting and positioning the training device.
At the fourth step, debriefing could start with video
footages: ideas debate is stimulated when ones can
see his own behaviour or his teammates’
performances, and sharing in promoted thanks to
viewpoint changes (Kermarrec and Bossard, 2014).
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Enhancing Intuitive and Coordinated Decision-Making in Soccer - From Research to the Field within the 4P Strategy