Immersive Previous Experience in VR for Sports Performance
Dan Mikami, Mariko Isogawa, Kosuke Takahashi, Hideaki Takada and Akira Kojima
NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, 1-1 Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Scouting opponent players or teams before games on
the basis of video has become generalized. In re-
cent years, video-based-scouting opportunities have
increased because of the popularization of video shar-
ing services such as YouTube. Watching videos of
opponent players or teams has two main advantages.
One is that it enables the viewer to analyze tenden-
cies the players or teams show in their play. This
information can then be used to help devise strate-
gies to use against the players or teams. The other
is that it can provide pre-experience of a sort. In
many sports, players having unique forms have signif-
icant advantages. In baseball, for example, left-hand
sidearm pitchers are comparatively rare and so batters
are likely to have problems confronting their deliver-
ies. This paper focuses on video-based scouting as a
tool for preparatory training.
In the context of ICT (information and communi-
cation technology), much research has been done on
ways to provide immersive experience (Ochi et al.,
2014). Three ways that have been developed merit
particular attention. The first is the use of three-
dimensional displays (or projectors). The second is a
cave automatic virtual environment, better known by
the acronym CAVE. It provides immersive experience
by projecting videos to walls surrounding a user. The
third is head mounted displays (HMDs). Recent de-
velopments in wide field-of-view HMDs with which
head movements are tracked, such as Oculus, have
made it relatively easy to provide immersive experi-
We believe that this kind of immersive high reality
virtual experience enhances the effect of previous ex-
perience and can help users to significantly improve
their own performance in practice. In this paper, we
mainly focus on motions a player performs in hitting
back an oncoming ball in sports such as baseball, and
volleyball. We believe that these motions are particu-
larly applicable in preparatory training.
In this section we review systems that have been de-
veloped and trials that have been conducted in the area
of providing immersive experience in sports through
the use of virtual reality (VR).
The Nissan PlayStation GT (Gran Turismo)
Academy is a trial program for discovering and devel-
oping professional car racing drivers. It uses immer-
sive VR experience for discovering drivers. Academy
members are selected in a TV game titled “Gran Tur-
ismo”, and so far 16 members have become profes-
sional drivers through their participation in the pro-
gram. However, it is still unknown whether the VR
experience actually enhances performance in actual
Chua et al. (Chua et al., 2003) proposed an im-
mersiveVR system for motor learning. In this system,
a trainee practices tai chi while wearing motion cap-
ture markers and a head mounted display (HMD). The
HMD enables teacher and trainee motions to be ob-
served. Although the system doesn’t aim at providing
realistic previous experience, it provides an opportu-
nity to examine the effects of immersive experience
on motor learning.
To develop an immersive VR system, capturing or
synthesizing omnidirectional videos of players and
displaying them should be considered. This section
shows possible methods of doing this and describes
these advantages and disadvantages.
3.1 Capture Methods
3D Camera: The easiest way to capture a 3D
video is to use a 3D camera, which has two lenses
corresponding to the left and right eyes. Many
commercial, easy-to-use 3D cameras are already
Mikami, D., Isogawa, M., Takahashi, K., Takada, H. and Kojima, A..
Immersive Previous Experience in VR for Sports Performance Enhancement.
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
View direction
View position
Figure 1: View direction and view position change.
Real camera image is
imported for player region
Background and ball are
rendered by CG
Figure 2: Combination of CG and video.
commercially available.
Omnidirectional Camera: Cameras that can capture
omnidirectional views havealso been released and are
commercially available. They enable users to obtain
arbitrary viewing angle directions from the camera’s
view point. The ease with which they capture images
and provide immersive experience due to their wide
field of view is a significant advantage. The advan-
tage of having an omnidirectionalvideo is particularly
relevant in cases where the viewing angle changes
markedly as one hit a ball back, as shown in the vol-
leyball example in Fig. 1.
A number of research groups and companies have
released omnidirectional stereo video synthesis sys-
tems (Zhu, 2001) that use sets of multiple cameras.
There are also systems that use a single 3D camera,
but there is one major difficulty with them: it is very
difficult to change the view position. This is because
these systems capture videos from the point where
the camera is placed.
Combination of 3D Modeling and CG: To support
changes in view positions and angles, one possible so-
lution is using CG (computer graphics) as a basis for
3D modeling of a sports field. Because the shapes and
sizes of sports fields are determined by regulations,
3D modeling them becomes relatively easy. In ad-
dition, recent developments in computer vision tech-
niques have made it possible to ascertain ball trajec-
tories in some sports. For example, the Hawk-Eye
system shows ball trajectories in tennis and the “track
man” system does the same for baseball.
An example for volleyball is shown in Fig. 2.
In this example, to generate receiver’s view, only the
server is rendered by using captured video, and the
rest of the scene, i.e., the background and playing
field, is rendered by using CG.
3.2 Presentation Method
To provide immersive experience, we examine the
following three representation methods, which are
listed in Table 1.
3D Display: In this decade, many 3D movies and
their DVDs have been released. This has made it
possible for people to get 3D display devices without
difficulty. The most popular devices of this sort
are 3D TV sets and 3D projectors. Systems using
these devices are the easiest way for users to enjoy
immersive experience; all that is needed is a pair of
3D glasses.
CAVE: The aforementioned cave automatic virtual
environment (CAVE) is known as a representative
method for providing immersive virtual reality
experience. This environment usually comprises a
small room whose walls are rear-projected screens.
When users go into the CAVE, they feel as if they are
standing on the place created by projected images.
Since the projected images change depending on
the usersf viewpoint, in the common CAVE system
it is necessary to capture users’ view position and
rotation. Thus, CAVE is an extensive and expensive
HMD: Recent years have seen head mounted dis-
plays (HMDs) become increasingly popular. These
displays intuitively control view positions and angles
by tracking head position and rotation. The Oculus
Rift DK2 supports head tracking by means of a sup-
plemental tracking camera that has a tracking range
from 0.4 to 2.5 meters for horizontal angles within 74
degrees and vertical angles within 54 degrees.
A well knowneasier solution is Google cardboard,
which uses a smartphone and a gyrometer to detect
view angles. Although it does not support view posi-
tion changes, it still provides a nice intuitive immer-
sive experience.
We implemented two combinations from among the
potential solutions described above. The first one is
capturing 3D video by using a 3D camera and dis-
playing the video on a 3D display (3D camera + 3D
display). The second one is synthesizing a whole 3D
model of a sports field and showing view dependent
images from the model on a HMD (3D CG + HMD).
Detailed analysis is needed for these combinations,
but in this paper we only describe intuitive findings
Table 1: Possible representation method for immersive experience; (*) when omnidirectional stereo camera is used, binocular
disparity images can be obtained.
View change
Binocular disparity Translation Rotation Correctness
3D camera X × × X
Omnidirectional Camera * × × X
3D Modeling & CG X X X ×
Shown in life-size
Figure 3: 3D camera + 3D display.
we found from implementing them. For implementa-
tion purposes, we used the situation in which a user
hits back a pitched baseball.
4.1 3D Camera + 3D Display
Figure 3 shows an example image of this implemen-
tation. The pitcher, who is displayed life-size on a 3D
screen, pitches the ball to the batter, who is wearing
3D glasses. We believe that having to wear 3D glasses
only should not be unduly annoying to users.
The most important advantage of this setting is
ease of preparation. This is suitable for situations in
which a user doesn’t move much, such as catching a
ball coming toward his face.
However, situations in which the viewing angle
changes significantly when a ball is hit back, such
as in the volleyball example in Fig.1, or when hit-
ting a ball thrown by a pitcher, are difficult to repro-
duce virtually. If the 3D camera focuses on a server
or a pitcher, the video at hand will be difficult to re-
produce. However, if the 3D camera is located so
that it will correctly reproduce the players’ hands, the
appearance of initial motions (service and pitching)
becomes invisible. This setting makes it difficult to
achieve accuracy in the area around the pitcher and
the area near home plate from the batter’s view simul-
4.2 CG Model and HMD
Figure 4 shows an example of practice in a VR envi-
ronment comprising a 3D CG and an Oculus HMD.
The baseball stadium was modeled based on baseball
rules, and the trajectory of the ball was manually ob-
tained. Both were rendered by CG. In addition, the
area around the pitcher was overlaid from video.
Head Mount Display
Tracking camera captures
position & rotation of HMD
Figure 4: User wearing HMD for immersive experience.
Because this setting involves a model of a whole
baseball field, arbitrary view positions and orienta-
tion can be generated. Therefore, the areas around
the pitcher area and home plate from the batter’s view
can be accurately reproduced simultaneously. In the
trials we conducted, the users got a very high sense
of reality that they were standing in the batter’s box,
and many of them actually lurched back from the ball
when they sensed it was heading toward their face.
There are two points we should consider. One is
that the users’ motions are restricted. This is because
the HMD, which is connected to a PC with an HDMI
cable, is relatively large and heavier than 3D glasses.
The other is that the position of the pitcher is re-
stricted. Generally speaking, it is difficult to render a
player, who is a non-rigid object, by CG. Therefore,
we used an actual video to overlay the area around
the pitcher. This is a suitable approach because the
pitcher stands well away from the batter and the dis-
tance between them does not vary.
In our study we focused on providing pre-experience
for enhancing sports performance. This paper re-
viewed potential solutions for capturing, rendering,
and displaying 3D video, from which we imple-
mented two systems. The implementations were quite
limited in scope, but they gave us the strong feeling
that the use of omnidirectional video is an important
means for providing pre-experience. In future work
we will analyze the current implementations and oth-
ers through objective evaluations for perception of 3D
space, and through subjective evaluations for effects
on performance improvement.
Chua, P. T., , Crivella, R., Daly, B., Hu, N., Schaaf, R.,
Ventura, D., Camill, T., Hodgins, J., and Pausch, R.
(2003). Training for physical tasks in virtual environ-
ments: Tai chi. In IEEE VR.
Ochi, D., Kunita, Y., Fujii, K., Kojima, A., Iwaki, S.,
and Hirose, J. (2014). Hmd viewing spherical video
streaming system. In Proc. of ACMMM.
Zhu, Z. (2001). Omnidirectional stereo vision. In Proc. of
the workshop on Omnidirectional Vision.