Enterprise Architecture-Based Service Portfolio Management for
Automated Service Catalog Generation
Clemens Landsberg and Markus Esch
Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE,
Fraunhoferstraße 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany
IT Infrastructure Library, ITIL, Service Portfolio Management, Service Catalog, Enterprise Architecture, EA,
Nato Architecture Framework, NAF.
IT Service Management (ITSM) tackles the problem of the ever rising complexity of IT solutions by defining
small manageable fields of duty with clear responsibilities. The de facto standard in this field is the IT In-
frastructure Library (ITIL). One of ITILs important tools is the Service Portfolio Management (SPM) which
aligns the IT to the business and serves as an interface to the customer. Another means for handling complex
IT systems are Enterprise Architectures (EA). EA are widely used for strategic planning, documentation and
analysis of enterprises in general and IT solutions in particular. This paper proposes an approach that connects
EA and ITSM by utilizing EA for SPM. The approach described in this paper enables automated generation
of user-group-specific Service Catalogs from EA models. By this means the number of information sources
is reduced, which increases the efficiency and reduces the error-proneness of information maintenance. More-
over the reuse of the EA models in the context of SPM is facilitated which aligns both processes and improves
the organizational efficiency. The paper presents a proof of concept implementation using the Nato Architec-
ture Framework (NAF).
The success of an IT service provider is not only
based on the product it sells. One of the most common
causes for an IT service provider to be unprofitable
are wrong decisions in the management. This fail-
ures can manifest in a badly controlled infrastructure
or wrong business strategies. To address this prob-
lem a service strategy is a valuable tool. Forming a
well working service strategy is however a very diffi-
cult task which requires access to vast IT-, economic-
and academic knowledge. The IT Infrastructure Li-
brary (ITIL) condensates this knowledge in a set of
best practices which provide a framework for the
management of IT services. This framework divides
IT Service Management (ITSM) in ve phases: Ser-
vice Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Ser-
vice Operation and Continual Service Improvement
(CSI). For each phase certain processes are defined
that should be implemented by service providers in
order to ensure the reliable delivery of their services.
As the term ’Service’ is highly ambiguous please note
that we use the ITIL v3 definition which is: "A means
of delivering value to customers by facilitating out-
comes customers want to achieve without the owner-
ship of specific costs and risks."(ITIL, 2011b). This
definition includes both Business Services (a service
sold to a customers) and Technical Services (a service
that supports a business service).
One of the central processes of Service Strategy
is the Service Portfolio Management (SPM). The Ser-
vice Portfolio is the collection of all services of an
IT service provider. Each service is described by a
service record covering all relevant information about
the service such as utility, warranty, management, fi-
nances, technology, etc. The Service Portfolio does
not only contain the currently available services but
also retired and planed services. ITIL uses the Ser-
vice Portfolio as a tool for strategic decisions on fu-
ture service development. Each service record needs
to include all information needed for such strategic
decisions as described in section 3.1. The subset of
Landsberg C. and Esch M.
Enterprise Architecture-Based Service Portfolio Management for Automated Service Catalog Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005887502240230
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015), pages 224-230
ISBN: 978-989-758-111-3
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Service Portfolio
IT Services
Service 1
Service Catalog
Customer Group 1
Service n
Service 2
EA Model
NOV-02NOV-02 AuthenticationSer vice-Resp onsibilities
LogicalArchi tectures::Bundeswehr
LogicalArchi tectures::Service Provider
BWIITAcc ount
Service-Bere ichCBS:BWI
(fromLogicalArchitectu res)
(fromLogicalArchitectu res)
UserHelp Desk:BWI
Authentication Service(Br onze):Authentication
Service :AuthenticationS ervice
Auswerteintervall= jährlich
Betriebszeit= Montag-Sonn tag0:00- 24:00
Messintervall= Stündlich
Quantifizierung =95%
Verfügbarkeitdes Dienstes=99, 7%proJahr
Nutzergruppen= AlleFunktionen
DasService LevelBronzebie tetalleLeist u ngen
desAuthenti cationServiceund solltevollkommen
Authentication Service(Go ld):Authentication Service:A uthenticationServ ice
Auswerteintervall= Wöchentlich
Betriebszeit= Montag-Sonn tag0:00- 24:00
Messintervall= Stündlich
Quantifizierung =5%
Verfügbarkeitdes Dienstes=99, 9%proJahr
Nutzergruppen= KräfteimEi nsatz,Führungsunterstützungskommando.. .
DasService LevelGoldbi etethateine erhöhteVerlässlichke it.
EscalationConta ct
EscalationConta ct
IT Architect
Service Portfolio
View n
Service Catalog
Customer Group n
Service Portfolio
View 1
Figure 1: Generating Service Portfolio views and Service Catalogs from EA models.
services which are currently ready for use is the so-
called Service Catalog. According to ITIL this cata-
log is maintained by the Service Catalog Management
process of the Service Design phase.
The Service Catalog is made publicly available to
customers in order to announce the provided services.
ITIL recommends two kinds of customized Service
Catalogs: the Business Service Catalog, focusing on
the utility for the customer and the Technical Service
Catalog, focusing on the technical details of the ser-
vice. Often it is beneficial to distinguish even more
catalogs, each specifically tailored for a certain cus-
tomer group or domain. Such domain specific cata-
logs can focus on the relevant aspects for the given
user by composing the catalog accordingly. Typical
domains/customers that can be distinguished are busi-
ness customers, private individuals, technicians, dif-
ferent departments of a company (finances, HR, etc.)
or management. Even event-specific catalogs to pro-
vide services for some special event are conceivable.
A Mobile Service Provider for example may want to
create a fancy catalog for private customers. For busi-
ness customers a serious design is required and cer-
tain irrelevant rates can be excluded. Technicians on
the other hand need a spec sheet. IT Managers need
to see the performance of the Services and the finance
department is interested in the Service costs. Main-
taining each Catalog separately implies huge efforts
and is error-prone. Our approach solves this problem,
based on a consistent Enterprise Architecture (EA).
ITIL recommends the use of the EA approach as
blueprint for the strategic development of services and
to optimize the IT solutions (ITIL, 2011a). EA is an
approach to create an abstract model of a whole enter-
prise, including the processes, the IT infrastructure,
the relation to costumers and other enterprises etc.
Usually these abstractions are very coarse-grained to
allow high level views. The use of EA provides many
benefits, Jung summarizes (Jung, 2009) them as fol-
lows: "An organization believes that an EA can help
improve the business/IT alignment gap, business and
technology communication, and IT project success
rate and provide the benefits such as cost reduction
& technology standardization, process improvements,
and strategic differentiation".
To handle the complexity of EA and to give
guidelines for the development of such an architec-
ture, several different Enterprise Architecture Frame-
works (EAF) have been developed. For example The
Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) or the
Zachman Framework. Some have been developed for
specific domains such as the Department of Defense
Architecture Framework (DoDAF) or the NATO Ar-
chitecture Framework (NAF). ITIL does not specify
the use of any particular framework but rather focuses
on the integration of the EA approach into ITSM pro-
cesses. For the approach proposed by this paper it
is also not relevant which EAF is used, as long as
the framework supports the concept of services. Our
proof of concept implementation is based on the NAF.
As the name suggests NAF is an EAF used in the
NATO environment. The NAF is divided into sub-
views which describe enterprises in terms of structure,
projects, capabilities, business cases, technology, ser-
vices, and business relationships. While the frame-
work was developed for the defense sector, it may be
used in other domains as well since it does not contain
defense specific model elements.
SPM as well as EA captures information about the
IT services of a service provider. Although both do
not require exactly the same set of information there
is a huge overlap. For this reason joining SPM and
EA is a reasonable approach that bears the potential to
rise efficiency and to reduce inconsistency and error-
proneness by avoiding duplicated information main-
tenance. Another advantage is the automated gener-
ation of customized Service Catalogs as well as Ser-
vice Portfolio excerpts for specific purposes and do-
We propose to capture all relevant information
about an IT service in the architecture. SPM tools
can acquire this data automatically from the EA and
represent it in an appropriate format for SPM. How-
ever the primary data source is the EA. In order to
allow automated retrieval of the information from the
EA strict modeling guidelines are required. Existing
Enterprise Architecture-Based Service Portfolio Management for Automated Service Catalog Generation
IT Architect
NOV-02NOV-02AuthenticationServ ice-Responsibilities
LogicalArchitectures::Service Provider
AuthenticationService(Bron ze):Authentication
Service:AuthenticationSer vice
Betriebszeit=Montag-Sonntag 0:00-24:00
VerfügbarkeitdesDienstes=99,7 %proJahr
DasServiceLevelBronzebietet alleLeistungen
desAuthenticationServiceund solltevollkommen
AuthenticationService(Gold ):AuthenticationService:AuthenticationSe rvice
Betriebszeit=Montag-Sonntag 0:00-24:00
VerfügbarkeitdesDienstes=99,9 %proJahr
Nutzergruppen=KräfteimEinsatz, Führungsunterstützungskommando...
DasServiceLevelGoldbiete thateineerhöhteVerlässlichkeit.
Service TransitionService Strategy Service Design
Service Level
Planning and
Figure 2: Information are added successively to the EA model during different phases of the Service Lifecycle. Changes
applied during Service Operation and CSI are induced through the Change Management of the Service Transition phase.
EAF are not specific enough in this point. Hence an
extension of the EA meta model is required.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: We provide an overview on related work in sec-
tion 2. Afterward the general approach of Enterprise
Architecture-based Service Portfolio Management is
described in section 3. A prototype realization of the
approach is presented in section 4. The paper con-
cludes with a discussion of our main contributions,
open issues and future work in section 5.
The value of EA is undisputed. Ross and Weill ex-
amined these benefits and classify EAs in different
categories (Ross and Weill, 2006). In their opinion
the value is not primarily given by an EA as an usable
product. Instead an enterprise applying EAs improves
by other means as for example the learning effect
yielded by the modeling of the EA. Later research by
Ross and Quaadgras (W.Ross and Quaadgras, 2012)
showed that the benefit generated by the use of EA
is saturated after a certain amount of effort has been
spend for EA. It becomes clear that EA needs to be
integrated deeper in the enterprise to derive additional
value. Our approach tries to create immediate value
by generating a usable product for ITSM.
To produce a usable product becomes even more
important when you consider that between 40%
(Gartner, 2007) and 66% (Roeleven, 2010) of all EA
are predicted to fail and do not deliver any value. Of
course preventing general EA failures cannot be guar-
anteed by our approach. However, the risk of produc-
ing an useless EA can be reduced by delivering added
value for ITSM.
An EA model is mainly a database for enterprise
information. As such it is obvious that a direct value
can be produced by making the data available to the
stakeholders (IT Managers, Technicians, Customers,
etc). This can ether be done by an ad hoc visualization
(Roth et al., 2013a)(Roth et al., 2013b) or by prepar-
ing a polished document as provided by the approach
discussed in this paper.
The Idea to combine EA and SPM is not new.
In (Bonham, 2004) architectures are applied for
Business-IT alignment. Another approach to com-
bine EA and SPM has been proposed in (Sarno and
Herdiyanti, 2010). Sarno and Herdiyanti mapped an
Enterprise Resource Planning portfolio to EA in or-
der to perform business analysis based on this portfo-
lio. Yet the focus of this work is different since it does
not take ITSM and ITIL into account. A more ambi-
tious approach is presented by Lankhorst (Lankhorst
et al., 2011). Lankhorst proposes to support Portfolio
Lifecycle decisions by predicting the costs based on a
suitable EA model and benchmarks data.
SPM is usually done using specialized ITSM soft-
ware that provides a Configuration Management Sys-
tem (CMS) such as HP Service Manager (HP, 2015)
or MSM Integrated ITSM Software (MSM, 2015).
These tools are typically independent from the ser-
vice provider’s EA and hence constitute a secondary
information source. However first approaches for the
integration of EA and CMS are currently developed
for commercial ITSM tools as well. Jensen for exam-
ple describes an approach where Configuration Man-
agement Database (CMDB) items are synchronized
with EA models (Jensen et al., 2009). The approach
discussed in this paper represents a viable addition to
this development and could be integrated into com-
mercial CMS tools.
This section presents the details of our Enterprise
Architecture-based Service Portfolio Management
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
approach. The basic idea is to align SPM and EAs
in a business in order to raise the efficiency. We are
using the EA as exclusive information source to avoid
duplicated data management. For this reason, the ap-
proach is well applicable by enterprises that have es-
tablished both SPM as well as EA. The general idea
is depicted in Figure 1. All services are described by
means of an EA model. The models are aligned by de-
tailed modeling guidelines. These guidelines ensure,
that all relevant information is captured by the service
models and that the information is modeled equally
for all services. All service models are kept in a cen-
tral repository. At any time current Service Catalogs
tailored for specific domains and customer groups can
be created using a document generator. Moreover dif-
ferent views on the entire Service Portfolio can be
generated for different use cases. Please note, that
the remainder of this paper focuses on generating tai-
lored Service Catalogs. However, generating Service
Portfolio views can be done in an equivalent way.
A detailed description of our approach is provided
in the subsequent sections. Subsection 3.1 describes
the service record which is the set of all relevant in-
formation for a service. Afterwards subsection 3.2
presents an service architecture management process
that coordinates the development of the service model
during the realization of the IT service. In order to be
able to model all the required information on a service
the EA meta model needs to be extended as described
in subsection 3.3.
3.1 Service Record
A service record is the set of all relevant information
on a given service. In order to allow informed strate-
gic decisions on the one hand and to give customers
detailed information on the provided services on the
other hand, a service record needs to contain various
information. This includes aspects of finances, user
satisfaction, technology, quality, service levels, ser-
vice dependencies etc. For the purpose of automati-
cally generating a Service Catalog, the minimum set
of information contained in a service record is the in-
formation provided to customers. To explain our ap-
proach we are using an excerpt of this information
displayed in Table 1 throughout this paper.
A name or identifier is needed to refer to the ser-
vice. A service also needs a description. Sometimes
it is advantageous to have more then one description,
one for each Service Portfolio view and Service Cat-
alog. A classification is often used for a better un-
derstanding and to improve searchability. A service
record usually contains various contact information.
This contact information serves as a reference to all
Table 1: An excerpt of the information contained in a typi-
cal service record of a Service Catalog.
Entry Explanation
Name Name / identifier of the service.
Description A description of the service.
Classification A classification of the service.
For example if it is internal or
external facing. Often done by
means of a taxonomy.
Contact Reference to important organiza-
tional units. E.g. Service Owner,
User Help Desk...
Dependencies The composition of the service:
Which services are using the ser-
vice and which services are used.
SLA References to Service Level
Agreement (SLA) or Operational
Level Agreement (OLA). The
SLA is a detailed contract de-
scribing the utility and warranty
of the service.
related ITSM functions. Furthermore a service record
has to refer to the Service Level Agreement (SLA). As
a service can have different variations or different im-
plementations, the SLA specifies the actual service
quality as provided by the enterprise.
3.2 Process Description
In order to implement our approach efficiently it is
crucial to define a process for the management of the
IT service model. This process needs to interweave
the creation of the service model with the processes
of the ITSM. Although ITIL defines the IT architect
as an organizational unit responsible for the design,
creation and maintenance of EA models, it does not
specify how EA models are handled.
The process for the creation of the service model
is depicted in Figure 2. Responsible for the service
model is the IT Architect. The life cycle of a new
service begins with a strategic decision in the Service
Strategy phase. At this point a new, empty service
model will be created. During the Design and Tran-
sition process the service is successively enhanced
by additional information. At the first stage in the
SPM general information about the service such as
name and classification is already available and can
be added to the model. The remaining information
is not yet available and will be added to the model
later on. During the Service Design phase the service
is planed and designed in detail including technologi-
cal specifications and dependencies to other services.
This information is also added to the service model.
Enterprise Architecture-Based Service Portfolio Management for Automated Service Catalog Generation
The Service Level Management is responsible for the
determination of service quality parameters and the
definition of service levels. These quality information
has to be added to the service model as well. Im-
plementation and operation specific information such
as contact information is added to the service model
during the Service Transition phase through the Plan-
ning and Support process. Finally the service model
needs to be update continuously in order to provide
up-to-date information about the service. All service
changes are controlled by the Change Management
process. This process is hence responsible for up-
dating the service models during Service Operation
and Continuous Service Improvement. Since the ser-
vice models are used as primary information source,
continuously updating the service models along with
quality assurance by the IT Architect is crucial for the
success of our approach.
3.3 Meta Model
The basic idea of our approach is to retrieve all re-
quired information for the creation of a Service Cat-
alog from the EA models of the services. This re-
quires coherent modeling of the services. EAFs such
as the NAF were created to provide modeling guide-
lines and to ensure uniform models. However EAFs
are typically not strict enough in order to enforce bi-
unique models. Practical experience shows, that EA
models created by different architects can differ sig-
nificantly although the same EAF is used. Hence ad-
ditional modeling guidelines and conventions are re-
quired for our approach. Since services are logical
constructs that abstract from the internal, technical
structure such strict modeling guidelines can easily be
defined by specifying for each information item ex-
actly how it has to be represented in the model. Addi-
tionally naming conventions help to avoid ambiguous
An EAF is based on a meta model which defines
the rules and guidelines for the creation of EA mod-
els. However EAFs typically do not cover all aspects
of ITSM. Hence a biunique mapping of the informa-
tion required in SPM to elements of the service model
is often not possible. For this reason the meta model
needs to be extended by specific entries required in
the context of SPM. Extensions are basically addi-
tional tagged values and associations between stereo-
typed classes. For our prototype, we extended the
NAF accordingly. Our extensions will be discussed
in section 4.1. Based on the extended meta model we
were able to define strict modeling guidelines on how
to model all the relevant information of a service.
Figure 3: This diagram shows a NOV-6. NAF uses a di-
rected composition relationship with parts to represent de-
pendencies between services. The figure shows on the left
hand side on which services the Authentication Service de-
pends. On the right hand side two services are shown that
require the Authentication Service.
We have realized the approach presented in section 3
prototypically in order to show the approach’s viabil-
ity. For this purpose we have extended the NAF meta
model and modeled an example IT service (see sub-
section 4.1). Additionally a document generator has
been implemented that can be used to automatically
generate a customer facing Service Catalog from this
model (see subsection 4.2). The prototype implemen-
tation as well as the modeling has been done using
the Enterprise Architect of Sparx Systems (SparxSys-
tems, 2014).
4.1 Example Model
Automatically generating a Service Catalog for the
EA model requires that all relevant information is
contained in the model. As described in section 3.3
this requires an extension of the meta model by tagged
values and associations. We have extended the meta
model of the NAF and modeled an Authentication
Service as an example.
The main element for services in NAF is the
stereotype Service. Each service is supposed to be
represented by a class with this stereotype. As shown
in Figure 4 we have extended the Service stereotype
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Figure 4: This diagram shows a NOV-2. This view focus on relationships between logical entities. Note that the ServiceLevel
is not part of a NOV-2 diagram but has been added for illustration reasons.
by additional tagged values. These contain the infor-
mation required for the Service Catalog. For example
the information items Description and Classification
from Table 1 are represented in additional tagged val-
ues. Another classification is done by a class hierar-
chy where each service extents a class from a taxon-
omy. As shown in Figure 4 the Authentication Service
extends the Infrastructure IA Service from the NATO
C3 Classification Taxonomy. The contact information
is represented by a Provides dependency of the NATO
Operational View 2 (NOV-2) as also shown in Figure
4. By this means the service is connected to organiza-
tional resources.
Using a NATO Service Oriented View 6 (NSOV-6),
as shown in Figure 3, dependencies to other services
can be modeled using the composition mechanism.
The Utility and Warranty parameters of a service,
which are a fundamental parts of the SLA, are de-
fined within the ServiceAttribute of the NATO Service
Oriented View 1 (NSOV-1). For illustration reasons
these attributes are depicted in the NOV-2, shown in
Figure 4 as well. The actual service level is expressed
by the ServiceLevel stereotype and is linked to a par-
ticular service provider via tagged value of the «Pro-
vides»Operation dependency, also depicted in Figure
4.2 Document Generator
The purpose of the document generator is to create
a human readable document describing the service.
The document has to contain the important informa-
tion of the service in a mixture of text and tables.
EA tools typically have features for document gen-
eration. They are sufficient for internal use, but reach
there limits when a highly polished customer facing
Service Catalog or a non sequential processing is re-
quired. This requires a sophisticated document gen-
We have implemented an document generator for
the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. As most EA
software this tool provides a build-in scripting run-
time environment. It allows us to use internal mech-
anisms for extracting values from the model, graph
traversal and SQL queries on the underlying database.
The document generator is a script that reads the in-
formation from the EA model and successively cre-
ates the output document. For this purpose it uses an
Component Object Model (COM) API to control an
external word processing tool (MS Office). Whenever
a data item from the model is needed, a subroutine is
called that retrieves the desired information. This in-
formation will then be written in a document via the
COM-API. This process is depicted in Figure 5.
To realize the idea of a customizable Service Cat-
alogs for different domains it was necessary that each
subroutine retrieves one atomic unit of information
and embeds it into the output document. Document
generator scripts for customized Service Catalogs can
now easily be created using these subroutines and ar-
ranging them as desired. While our prototype imple-
mentation still requires writing a document generator
script, the process can easily be facilitated by a wiz-
ard software. Such a software allows selecting and
arranging the information items via a GUI and auto-
matically produces the desired catalog.
The approach presented in this paper combines ITSM
and EA. The aim is to improve the benefit of EA for
an IT service provider. Moreover organizational ef-
ficiency can be improved and error-proneness can be
reduced by maintaining just one primary information
Enterprise Architecture-Based Service Portfolio Management for Automated Service Catalog Generation
Generator Script A
NOV-02NOV-02AuthenticationS ervice-Responsibilities
LogicalArchitectures::Bundeswe hr
LogicalArchitectures::Servic eProvider
AuthenticationService (Bronze):Authentication
Service:Authentication Service
Betriebszeit=Montag-S onntag0:00-24:00
VerfügbarkeitdesDienstes= 99,7%proJahr
DasServiceLevelBronzeb ietetalleLeistungen
desAuthenticationServiceu ndsolltevollkommen
AuthenticationService (Gold):AuthenticationService:Authentic ationService
Betriebszeit=Montag-S onntag0:00-24:00
VerfügbarkeitdesDienstes= 99,9%proJahr
Nutzergruppen=Kräfteim Einsatz,Führungsunterstützungskommando...
DasServiceLevelGold bietethateineerhöhteVerlässlichkeit.
Document A
Find Data
Subroutine E
Generator Script B
Document B
Figure 5: Schematic overview of the document generation.
source. Our approach allows automated generation
of up-to-date Service Catalogs and Service Portfo-
lio views tailored for different customer groups, do-
mains and purposes. Moreover strict modeling guide-
lines for the creation of service models leads to clearly
structured models and improves comparability, repro-
ducibility and quality. Finally this entails a speedup
of the modeling process since architects can stick to
the predefined guidelines.
To show the viability of our approach we pre-
sented a proof of concept implementation based on
the NAF and Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
This implementation covers the entire process chain
from the architecture model through the document
generator to the domain specific Service Catalog.
While we have implemented our approach just for
the automated generation of a Service Catalog, an
adapter that automatically synchronizes the informa-
tion from the EA model with a sophisticated SPM tool
can easily be realized (Hauder et al., 2013). The im-
plementation of such an adapter is part of our future
work in order to show the usability of our approach
for the entire Service Portfolio process. Moreover
an even deeper integration of EA into ITSM is con-
ceivable by automatically generating up-to-date self-
service web pages from the EA model and enabling
customers to order the provided services immediately
via the web interface.
Another aspect for future work is the improvement
of the usability. We are considering a tool that allows
non-architects to enter most of the required informa-
tion about a service in a template or wizard dialog.
This information can then be used to generate a ser-
vice model fragment that constitutes the basis for fur-
ther modeling by an experienced architect.
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Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design