Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research
Zheng-di Gu
and Ying-jun Liu
Finance and Economy, PhD student of Southeast University, Associate Professor of Nanjing Audit University,
No. 77 North Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, China, 210000
Liu Yingjun, Nanjing Audit University Jinshen College, Nanjing city Qixia District Xianlin Avenue, China, 210000
Keywords Environmental Audit, Audit Risk, Solutions.
Abstract With environment problem increasingly prominent, the environmental audit work to control and prevent
environmental pollution, restore and improve the ecological environment has played a more and more
important role. As long as is the audit risk, and environment audit is no exception. This article through to
our country environment audit the analysis of the existing problems and the cause of the problem, give
reasonable Suggestions.
Environment and resources furnish the material
basis and guarantee for the survival and
development of human beings. Human resources
development in the economy, but also causing
pollution and ecological damage to the
environment, to the survival and development of
human beings set a great threat. With the
acceleration of the development of the concept of a
harmonious society, environmental protection and
ecological balance began to recognize attention,
which for the emergence and development of
environmental auditing provide the foundation.
Carrying out environmental audits is one of the
important means to promote environmental
protection and sustainable maturation of them.
However, Environmental Audit is also affected by
various factors and the risk is one of the aspects of
the problem.
Risk Status of Environmental Audit At present, the
theory and practice of audit risk work environment
have just set off, is still in the exploratory stage,
there is a wide gap between the developed countries
and the West. The main performance in the
following areas:
2.1 Lack of Theoretical Guidance
China's environmental protection work is relatively
late start, although recent years, China has
vigorously preached voluntary disclosure of
environmental information of listed companies,
because of people's weak awareness of
environmental protection, and regulating the
relative lack of disclosure of environmental
information, public participation led to efforts will
not be enough. Not only the lack of people's
awareness of environmental protection, there is no
risk of an environmental audit of the importance
and urgency of understanding, and our audit
researchers environmental auditing oversight role
for yet more profound understanding of the
environmental audit risk theory nor be more fully
explore the research system, resulting in our country
there is no specific theoretical framework and
Gu Z. and Liu Y.
Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research.
DOI: 10.5220/0006018900480053
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 48-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
guidelines provide a scientific basis for assessing
the environmental audit risk. This situation restricts
the work environment of audit risk which is
increased to the height of building a harmonious
lodge, and also restricting the deepening of
environmental audit work.
2.2 Performance Evaluation
Mechanism Is Not Perfect
In the absence of profound understanding of the
essence of the context of "building
environment-friendly lodge" concept, some
policymakers feel "develop first, clean up later" or
"just development, not governance" of luck. More
seriously, the risk of these decision-makers
indifferent to face environmental audits, but only
one-sided pursuits of short-term economic benefits,
leading to normal environmental audits. Due to
environmental audit risk and potential complexity
of features, auditors manage hazards generally
focus on there is a pattern of risk, but not
particularly concerned about the potential risks,
which would lead to deviation management will
eventually affect the quality of environmental
auditing. In addition, since under the framework of
the voluntary disclosure of environmental
accounting information, some agencies will be
completely in accordance with their own needs and
habits of different forms of disclosure, resulting in
environmental protection information presented not
only in the face of external users on the
comparability relatively scarce, and in also not very
good on the guarantee usefulness. This phenomenon
leads to a great relationship with the assessment
mechanism leading sector, environmental protection
and environmental audit risk lack of attention in the
work of the existing performance appraisal system,
resulting in the severe environmental situation and
economic sustainable development of
2.3 Inadequate Auditing Methods and
Due to the time of proposing environmental audits
is not long, used in practice more financial audits,
audits necessary knowledge engineering, and
environmental auditing relative lack of expertise
and tools, resulting in some of the distance still to
achieve fully operational environment audit
requirements. China's current environmental audit
work is the main line of special funds for
environmental protection, based on the financial
audit report of the audit, the audit basic ideas and
audit methods used or the auditing. Environmental
benefits combined audit qualitative and quantitative
analysis, problem-oriented analysis, and other
aspects of a variety of methods to track extends not
fully covered, resulting in actual audit cannot
guarantee the quality of the audit report, to eventual
risks. Lack of technical resources and complex
environmental auditing personnel, information
technology and analytical tools needed for the
actual audit work is also lacking, thereby blocking
the normal conduct environmental audits, increasing
the risk of environmental auditing. In addition,
because, after all, is the emerging field of
environmental auditing audit, financial,
environmental, engineering and other related
content is covered, auditing also takes a certain
complexity, which requires professional
competence environmental auditor must have. But
in the current environment and conditions of audit
experience, audit staff to enforce the practice on
accurate judgment and strong analytical skills, there
are still some distances to go.
2.4 Lack of System and Authority
The regime under environmental law due to the
intangible nature of the ecological environment and
non-quantifiable benefits and are not properly
Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research
Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research
implemented and executed in the evaluation system
of green national economic accounting and
environmental laws and regulations are relatively
empty, how uniform standards in practice, scientific
and accurate measurement and a comprehensive
assessment are a relatively difficult problem
Although China has proclaimed use laws,
regulations and environmental standards,
environmental protection, environmental audit
oversight system to furnish a basic reference, it is
not complete nor perfect, there are still some legal
gaps not covered. In the course of our audit, the
current does not have a more standardized audit
approach to the audit staff to allow a relatively
uniform audit trail and evaluation criteria for them
to implement risk-based audit and auditors result in
the specific operation, still feel the pressure of
objective difficulties associated with the
implementation of the actual work, increases the
difficulty of making a reasonable assessment of the
appropriate environmental audit risk, greatly
weakened the effect of the implementation of
environmental auditing risk-based audit.
3.1 Derived from the Audited Program
Compared with traditional audit methods,
environmental auditing has its certain particularity.
Tracking audit or post audit generally utilize the
traditional way, with a focus on post-supervision.
However, environmental audits and other major
construction projects, especially those with
long-term effects characteristic of environmental
projects, environmental impact may take several
years to be revealed, but the original track with the
end of the audit will audit the project ended. Thus,
to make a closer follow-up audit will be difficult to
appraise the real environmental impact of its
follow-up. And more obvious shortcomings of post
audits that for fixed asset investment projects such
as environmental audits, found a problem even in
the post-audits, in many cases the actual work is
very difficult to correct
. Thus environmental
audit using the original audit the way there are some
difficulties, the conclusions are the limitations of
relatively large, the ultimate risk of material
misstatement environmental audit will be improved,
while the environmental audit should be immune
function in environmental protection also difficult
to play.
3.2 Derived from the Audited Entity
Throughout the course of development of
environmental auditing, environmental auditing
overseas is a bottom-up process, originally from
industrial enterprises in the beginning, then
gradually develop into the government agencies.
And audit of our country road, by contrast, is
dominated by the government and promotes, this
will cause the enterprise short-term plans with the
government's long-term plan of contradiction.
Enterprise itself will often take a negative and
passive attitude towards the environmental audit
very conducive to raising the environmental audit
Although China has developed a series of
environmental laws and regulations, many
institutions and public awareness of environmental
protection are still relatively weak, the audited
entity may even deliberately accommodate part of
the audit of audit information or provide false
information in order to achieve corporate profits
maximization purposes. This makes the work more
difficult audit to verify, enhance the environmental
audit risk of material misstatement.
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
3.3 From the Audited Entity
At present, more and more units engaged in audit
work, causing the post. In addition, due to
environmental audit findings take characteristic not
quantifiable characteristics, on this basis, to sustain
the independence of the audit work becomes more
difficult. The key to tighten the audit risk is to
sustain the independence of audit work.
3.4 From External Factors
Environmental audit work is tried the merits of the
non-audit-related matters which are an important
basis for environmental audit basis. However, China
has not yet issued an environmental audit can be
directly based on the specific rules and regulations
set forth. Although environmental auditing "Audit"
laws and regulations "Audit applying ordinances"
have some involved, in reality, due to
environmental information is provided in the
audited entity is insufficient, the legal system of
environmental indicators is still not clearly defined
criteria, etc. The reason, according to the relevant
audit so that audit work is relatively lacking, but
also increased the environmental audit jeopardy of
material misstatement in.
4.1 Better the Audit System and
Related Laws and Regulations
Environmental auditing standards are an important
basis for the work of environmental auditing judge
the merits of the non-audit-related matters,
absorbing a very important position in the
environmental audit work. Through continuous
improvement of environmental auditing standards,
the provisions in dispute and contradictions modify,
integrate, for omissions, weak provisions were
filled, it can effectively tighten the risk of
environmental auditing. To better the auditing
standards specifically in the following ways: First,
to better the environmental audit evaluation
standards. To both micro and macro levels to reach
sustainable economic and social development, we
must construct a complete environmental audit
evaluation standards. This can be from the
cost-efficiency index, internal environment, external
environmental indicators and long-term
environmental indicators, etc. to build
environmental audit evaluation index. The second is
to influence a sound environmental audit
arrangement. In the form of laws and regulations on
environmental accounting system to determine the
status and role in the accounting system on the basis
of the traditional factors of environmental
protection was added, and in the context of
accounting rules relating to environmental
principles redesign the relevant provisions.
Establishment of an independent accounting of
environment-related economic and business
accounting practice, and the contents of the
environment-related agencies as accounting
information that must be disclosed, and the
short-term behavior of enterprises plays an effective
role in prevention. Environmental accounting can
do so according to the law, so practice is
strengthened operability and unity, avoid their own
directions, to tighten risks of material misstatement
environmental audit work. The third is to gradually
improve the system of environmental information
disclosure, development of standards and routines
for environmental information disclosure. And
abiding environmental auditing laws and
regulations including environmental laws and
regulations, financial regulations, accounting
standards, accounting system, auditing standards,
etc, by strengthening the construction of accounting
and auditing rules and regulations, and to develop
Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research
Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research
practical measures for implementation of
environmental audits, in order to ensure
environmental audit quality of work, to achieve
effective control environment audit risk of material
4.2 Enhance Risk Awareness of
Environmental Auditors
Enhance risk awareness of environmental auditors:
To strengthen the risk awareness of environmental
designers, and you can achieve by the following
ways: first, we should strengthen the awareness of
environmental audit risk. Environmental audit risk
environment at each stage of the audit process is all
possible, and throughout the entire environmental
audit, directly affects the effects of the
environmental audit, the audit staff should fully
understand the risks of environmental auditing and
before starting work on strengthening audit to
establish risk awareness
. The second is to
improve the audit module of environmental audit
risk identification and assessment capabilities. Due
to environmental audit risk taking a strong complex,
the ability of auditor’s risks identification and
assessment of the impact to the quality of the audit
work are very direct, very significant. The third is to
improve the prevention of environmental auditing
risk consciousness. Because there is the possibility
of environmental auditing risk auditing Omni
bearing, which no moment test the endurance and
perseverance of audit staff, audit staff improve the
preventive consciousness of environmental audit
risk is particularly important and need to constantly
in the audit process against the occurrence of the
environmental auditing risk. In addition, audit
evidence obtained in the traditional audit approach
is often limited to accounting data, and hear the
characteristics of environmental auditing auditors
must break through the traditional audit approach.
Environmental impact report, pictures feasibility
studies, related contracts, agreements, pollution
index valuing events and the environmental
pollution situation of other non-finance related
accounting information as audit evidence should be
collected to obtain an environmental audit.
4.3 Better the Professional Quality of
Environmental Auditors
During the audit in order to offer environmental
audits in order to check the effectiveness of the
audit system implementation, so that effectively
circumvent the audit risk, the premise is the overall
quality of the audit staff needs to be improved.
Professional and operational characteristics of
environmental audit are the largest, and only
excellent professional quality to protect the
environment for the smooth conduct of audit work,
and tighten audit risk and improve audit quality play
a substantial help. Currently, one of the important
ways to improve the professionalism in our audit
staff is on the auditors of effective follow-up
education. The effect of improving the level of
professional knowledge and the ability of the
business are improved by the training of the
professional knowledge and business ability of the
auditor. In addition, accepts the precondition to
implement regular rotation organization, the audit
staff in different positions in the rich commercial
knowledge, exercises the ability to work,
accumulate work experience can also be to improve
the professional quality of environmental audit
staff. If necessary, you can also invite experts
involved in the project together, after taking on
specific outputs encountered in the project to
discuss the resolution appropriate audit methods to
guarantee the credibility of the audit findings, in
order to reduce the risk of environmental audit
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
4.4 Strengthen Collaboration Auditing
Accounting and Environmental
Auditing, accounting and environmental sector as
actors in environmental management is closely
linked to their duties. At present, China's
environmental audit started late, still in its infancy,
the environmental protection department is
responsible for the development of specific
environmental planning and policy, the latest
information on environmental protection, trends and
trends with the most comprehensive understanding
and grasp. In order to tighten the actual
environmental audit process audit risk, departments
should beef up cooperation. Accounting
departments should actively carry out
environmental accounting knowledge
popularization and organize training, auditing
departments should actively play a good job in the
review and supervision of the environmental
accounting information of the rationality, legality,
comprehensive and authenticity, and urge and
supervise the enterprise green accounting correctly,
the festival about resources, rational development
and protection of the environment to be conscious
of. Strengthen collaboration with the accounting
and auditing department of environmental
protection, both to better accomplish its mandate to
mobilize the enthusiasm, but also in order to
constantly update and improve their capacity and
serve to reduce environmental auditing checks risks.
In short, today's rapid economic development,
environmental audit risk, is a comprehensive
problem. China's current situation is still very grim
environmental audit, and environmental audit work
is to be done.
This research was financially supported by the
Jiangsu Province University Natural Science
Research Projects (number: 14KJD120002); and
"The project blue with the outstanding young and
promising teachers in 2014."
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Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research
Our Country Environment Audit Risk Research